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An existing HPLC-method for the analysis of stevioside from Stevia rebaudiana plants was adapted to analyse plant cell culture material. A new extraction method with methanol was developed. Exhaustive extraction of many samples (10 with our apparatus) can be done simultaneously. The quality of extraction is better than soxhlet extraction because the cold methanol was used. Samples with low stevioside content can be prepared with minimal loss. Substances which interfere with stevioside in HPLC analysis using UV detection are common in plant cell culture samples and hence need a special technique of elimination. This was accomplished by TLC-purification of the samples.  相似文献   

Cell cultures of Stevia rebaudiana in general do not contain stevioside when grown on their basal nutrient medium. No stable and prolonged stevioside accumulation was achieved by varying the medium components. However, in some cases a transient state was observed where more stevioside was synthesized than catabolized. The dynamic behaviour of product synthesis which led to accumulation of stevioside during only a short period was demonstrated. For accurate determination of very small amounts of stevioside, a combined TLC-HPLC method was used [1].  相似文献   

Plant cell culture provides a viable alternative over whole plant cultivation for the production of secondary metabolites. In order to successfully cultivate the plant cells at large scale, several engineering parameters such as, cell aggregation, mixing, aeration, and shear sensitivity are taken into account for selection of a suitable bioreactor. The media ingredients, their concentrations and the environmental factors are optimized for maximal synthesis of a desired metabolite. Increased productivity in a bioreactor can be achieved by selection of a proper cultivation strategy (batch, fed-batch, two-stageetc.), feeding of metabolic precursors and extraction of intracellular metabolites. Proper understanding and rigorous analysis of these parameters would pave the way towards the successful commercialization of plant cell bioprocesses.  相似文献   

The effect of biotic elicitors (yeast extract, chitosan), signaling molecule (salicylic acid), and polyamines (putrescine and spermidine) was studied with respect to isoflavones accumulation in cell suspension cultures of corylifolia L. Untreated cell suspension (control) accumulated 1.66% dry wt of daidzein and 0.165% dry wt of genistein. In precursor feeding experiment, phenylalanine at 0.5 mM concentration led to 1.3 fold higher production of daidzein (1.99% dry wt) and genistein (0.22% dry wt). In biotic elicitors, yeast extract (100 mg/L) was found to be the most efficient elicitor to induce higher production levels of daidzein (2.21% dry wt) and genistein (0.293% dry wt) in suspension cultures. Salicylic acid (signaling molecule) at 1 mM concentration stimulated the maximum accumulation of daidzein (3.4% dry wt) and genistein (0.41% dry wt) 2 days after elicitation. In case of polyamines, spermidine (100 mM) resulted in highest accumulation of daidzein (3.2% dry wt) and genistein (0.475% dry wt) after 7 days of addition, which was 2.4 fold of that in control. This is the first report on kinetics of isoflavone production in response to elicitation in cell suspension of P. corylifolia.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of precursor amino acids (phenylalanine and cystein), elicitors (salicylic and acetylsalicylic acids, methyl jasmonate, β-aminobutyric acid, yeast extract), PAL-inhibitor (1-amino-2-phenylethylphosphonic acid) applied alone or in combination on glucotropaeolin production and myrosinase activity in hairy root cultures of Tropaeolum majus. Short, 24-h treatment, and subsequent transfer of hairy roots to the fresh medium enabled avoiding detrimental effect of studied stimulators on biomass growth. In control cultures the highest glucotropaeolin content, 58.1 ± 6.7 mg g−1 DW, was detected on the 3rd day after transfer of the roots to the fresh medium but glucotropaeolin yield (mg 100 ml–1 culture volume) had been increasing until the 9th day after transfer as a result of continuous biomass growth. Glucotropaeolin content and yield were 2-fold enhanced after treatment with precursor amino acids or PAL-inhibitor alone, but their combination additively led to 4-fold increase in glucotropaeolin production. Among the studied elicitors acetylsalicylic acid induced the highest, 3-fold increase in glucotropaeolin production, it also enhanced myrosinase activity, but to a smaller extend (by about 50%). Acetylsalicylic acid also potentiated induced by precursors, PAL-inhibitor, methyl jasmonate and yeast extract production of glucotropaeolin. The highest, 4.8-fold increase in glucotropaeolin production was found after combined acetylsalicylic acid and precursors treatment. Additive effect of acetylsalicylic acid-combined treatment on myrosinase activity was not detected. The obtained results indicate that amino acid precursors, phenylalanine and cystein, availability may be a limiting factor in the process of stimulation of glucotropaeolin production in T. majus hairy root cultures.  相似文献   

The effect of biotic elicitors (yeast extract, chitosan), signaling molecule (salicylic acid), and polyamines (putrescine and spermidine) was studied with respect to isoflavones accumulation in hairy root cultures of Psoralea corylifolia L. Untreated hairy roots (control) accumulated 1.55% dry wt of daidzein and 0.19% dry wt of genistein. In precursor feeding experiment, phenylalanine at 2 mM concentration led to 1.3 fold higher production of daidzein (1.91% dry wt) and genistein (0.27% dry wt). In biotic elicitors, chitosan (2 mg/L) was found to be the most efficient elicitor to induce daidzein (2.78% dry wt) and genistein (0.279% dry wt) levels in hairy roots. Salicylic acid at 1 mM concentration stimulated the maximum accumulation of daidzein (2.2% dry wt) and genistein (0.228% dry wt) 2 days after elicitation. In case of polyamines, putrescine (50 mM) resulted in highest accumulation of daidzein (3.01% dry wt) and genistein (0.227% dry wt) after 5 days of addition. Present results indicated the effectiveness of elicitation and precursor feeding on isoflavones accumulation in hairy roots of P. corylifolia. This is the first report of elicitation on isoflavones production by hairy roots of P. corylifolia.  相似文献   

Statistical experimental designs, also known as the “design of experiments” (DoE) approach, are widely used to improve not only technical processes but also to answer questions in the agricultural, medical and social sciences. Although many articles have been published about the application of DoE in these fields, few studies have addressed the use of DoE in the plant sciences, particularly in the context of plant cell suspension cultures (PCSCs). Compounds derived from PCSCs can be developed as pharmaceuticals, chemical feedstocks and cosmetic ingredients, and statistical experimental designs can be used to improve the productivity of the cells and the yield and/or quality of the target compounds in a cost efficient manner. In this article, we summarize recent findings concerning the application of statistical approaches to improve the performance of PCSCs and discuss the potential future applications of this approach.  相似文献   

Stevia rebaudiana (S. rebaudiana) is the most important therapeutic plant species and has been accepted as such worldwide. It has a tendency to accumulate steviol glycosides, which are 300 times sweeter than marketable sugar. Recently, diabetic patients commonly use this plant as a sugar substitute for sweet taste. In the present study, the effects of different spectral lights were investigated on biomass accumulation and production of secondary metabolites in adventitious root cultures of S. rebaudiana. For callus development, leaf explants were excised from seed-derived plantlets and inoculated on a Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing the combination of 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2, 4-D, 2.0 mg/l) and 6-benzyladenine (BA, 2.0 mg/l), while 0.5 mg/l naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) was used for adventitious root culture. Adventitious root cultures were exposed to different spectral lights (blue, green, violet, red and yellow) for a 30-day period. White light was used as control. The growth kinetics was studied for 30 days with 3-day intervals. In this study, the violet light showed the maximum accumulation of fresh biomass (2.495 g/flask) as compared to control (1.63 g/flask), while red light showed growth inhibition (1.025 g/flask) as compared to control. The blue light enhanced the highest accumulation of phenolic content (TPC; 6.56 mg GAE/g DW), total phenolic production (TPP; 101 mg/flask) as compared to control (5.44 mg GAE/g DW; 82.2 mg GAE/g DW), and exhibited a strong correlation with dry biomass. Blue light also improved the accumulation of total flavonoid content (TFC; 4.33 mg RE/g DW) and total flavonoid production (TFP; 65 mg/flask) as compared to control. The violet light showed the highest DPPH inhibition (79.72%), while the lowest antioxidant activity was observed for control roots (73.81%). Hence, we concluded that the application of spectral lights is an auspicious strategy for the enhancement of the required antioxidant secondary metabolites in adventitious root cultures of S. rebaudiana and of other medicinal plants.  相似文献   

Polygonum minus has been reported to contain valuable metabolites and to date, there is no report on using cell culture technique for metabolite production in P. minus. Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) concentrations in the range of 2–6 mg L?1 were used in a matrix of combinations with dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) concentrations in the range of 2–10 mg L?1 as plant growth regulators (PGRs) to induce callus cultures. Media that were supplemented with 2 mg L?1 2,4-D + 4 mg L?1 NAA, 2 mg L?1 2,4-D + 6 mg L?1 NAA and 6 mg L?1 2,4-D + 8 mg L?1 NAA were effective for callus induction (93.3 % of the explants produced callus). To establish cell culture, the best growth was obtained from medium that was supplemented with 1 mg L?1 2,4-D + 2 mg L?1 NAA. From a 1-g inoculum size, the fresh weight increases exponentially after 5–10 days of culture, and a 26.71 g maximum fresh weight was obtained after 25 days of culture. The cell culture medium was then analyzed using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Jasmonic acid (100, 50, 25 and 5 μM), salicylic acid (100, 50, 25 and 5 μM), yeast extract (500, 250 and 100 mg L?1) and glass beads were used in this research as elicitors. The cell cultures were then incubated with the different elicitors for 1, 2, 3 and 4 days. Several compounds with high peak area percentages were detected, including 2-furancarboxaldehyde, 5-hydroxymethyl, furfural, and 2-cyclopenten-1-one, 2-hydroxy. These results show the diversity of metabolites released by P. minus cell into the culture medium under control conditions.  相似文献   

Digitalis purpurea L. (Scrophulariaceae; Foxglove) is a source of cardiotonic glycosides such as digitoxin and digoxin which are commercially applied in the treatment to strengthen cardiac diffusion and to regulate heart rhythm. This investigation deals with in vitro propagation and elicited production of cardiotonic glycosides digitoxin and digoxin in shoot cultures of D. purpurea L. In vitro germinated seedlings were used as a primary source of explants. Multiple shoot formation was achieved for three explant types (nodal, internodal, and leaf) cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with several treatments of cytokinins (6-benzyladenine—BA; kinetin—Kin; and thidiazuron—TDZ) and auxins (indole-3-acetic acid—IAA; α-naphthaleneacetic acid—NAA; and 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid—2,4-D). Maximum multiple shoots (12.7?±?0.6) were produced from nodal explants on MS?+?7.5 μM BA. Shoots were rooted in vitro on MS containing 15 μM IAA. Rooted plantlets were successfully acclimatized. To further maintain the multiple shoot induction, mother tissue was cut into four equal parts and repeatedly sub-cultured on fresh shoot induction liquid medium after each harvest. On adaptation of this strategy, an average of 18 shoots per explant could be produced. This strategy was applied for the production of biomass and glycosides digitoxin and digoxin in shoot cultures on MS medium supplemented with 7.5 μM BA and several treatments with plant growth regulators, incubation period, abiotic (salicylic acid, mannitol, sorbitol, PEG-6000, NaCl, and KCl), biotic (Aspergillus niger, Helminthosporium sp., Alternaria sp., chitin, and yeast extract) elicitors, and precursors (progesterone, cholesterol, and squalene). The treatment of KCl, mycelial mass of Helminthosporium sp., and progesterone were highly effective for the production of cardenolides. In the presence of progesterone (200 to 300 mg/l), digitoxin and digoxin accumulation was enhanced by 9.1- and 11.9-folds respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were carried out with Taxus baccata cell lines showing different paclitaxel-producing capacities (between 1.74 and 19.91 mgl−1) when growing in a selected product-formation medium that specifically stimulated the production of taxane to the detriment of cell growth. Through mixing low-, medial- and high-producing lines, it could be observed that paclitaxel productivity in the resulting mixed lines was clearly higher than the mean productivity of the individual lines before mixing. This suggests that culture components generated by high-producing individual lines within the population might induce paclitaxel production. Although the accumulation of paclitaxel and baccatin III was higher when 100 μM methyl jasmonate was added to the subcultures of the mixed lines, the results indicate that exogenously applied methyl jasmonate was not the first factor to stimulate taxane production. The possible effects of methyl jasmonate elicitation and paclitaxel accumulation on cell viability are also considered.  相似文献   

植物细胞培养技术提高次生代谢物产量的方法(综述)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍植物细胞培养技术提高次生代谢物产量的方法。  相似文献   

In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant - With the emerging rise in the need for drugs extracted from various plant sources, there also arises the need for the optimum production of...  相似文献   

This review addresses methods of obtaining secondary metabolites from plant cell suspension and hairy root cultures and their exudates, particularly the physiological mechanisms of secondary metabolites release and trafficking. The efficiency for product recovery of metabolites can be increased by various methods, based on the principle of continuous product release into the cultivation medium. The most common methods for metabolite recovery are elicitation, influencing membrane permeability, and in situ product removal. The biosynthetic pathways can be influenced by cultivation conditions, transformation, or application of elicitors. The membrane permeability can be altered through the application of chemical or physical treatments. Product removal can be greatly increased through a two-phase system and the introduction of absorbents into the cultivation medium. In this review, we describe some improved approaches that have proven useful in these efforts.  相似文献   

In order to improve the production of the cytotoxic lignan podophyllotoxin, seven precursors from the phenylpropanoid-routing and one related compound were fed to cell suspension cultures derived from the rhizomes of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle. These cell cultures were able to convert only coniferin into podophyllotoxin, maximally a 12.8 fold increase in content was found. Permeabilization using isopropanol, in combination with coniferin as a substrate, did not result in an extra increase in podophyllotoxin accumulation. Concentrations of isopropanol exceeding 0.5% (v/v) were found to be rather toxic for suspension growth cells of P. hexandrum. When coniferin was fed in presence of such isopropanol concentrations, -glucosidase activity was still present, resulting in the formation of the aglucon coniferyl alcohol. In addition, podophyllotoxin was released into the medium under these permeabilization conditions. Entrapment of P. hexandrum cells in calcium-alginate as such or in combination with the feeding of biosynthetic precursors, did not improve the podophyllotoxin production. Cell-free medium from suspension cultures at later growth stages incubated with coniferin, resulted in the synthesis of the lignan pinoresinol.  相似文献   

The effects of terpenoid precursor feeding and elicitation by a biotic elicitor on alkaloid production of Catharanthus roseus suspension cultures were studied. After addition of secologanin, loganin or loganic acid an increase in the accumulation of ajmalicine and strictosidine and a decrease of tryptamine level was observed in non-elicited cells. Elicitation increased tryptamine accumulation in non-fed cells but it did not further increase alkaloid accumulation in precursor-fed cells. A decrease of tryptamine level was also observed, despite the induction of the tryptamine pathway after elicitation. Feeding mevalonic acid did not increase alkaloid accumulation in any studied case.  相似文献   

Azadirachtin is one of the most potent biopesticides so far developed from a plant sources. Influence of different culture media and elicitation on growth and production of azadirachtin by hairy root cultures of Azadirachta indica was studied. Out of the three media tested, namely Ohyama and Nitsch, Gamborg's and Murashige and Skoog's basal media, hairy roots cultured on Ohyama and Nitsch's basal medium produced maximum yield of azadirachtin (0.0166% dry weight, DW). Addition of biotic elicitor enhanced the production of azadirachtin by approximately 5-fold (0.074% DW), while signal compounds such as jasmonic acid and salicylic acid showed a approximately 6 (0.095% DW) and approximately 9-fold (0.14% DW) enhancement, respectively, in the production of azadirachtin as compared to control cultures on Ohyama and Nitsch medium. Extracts from hairy roots were found to be superior to those from the leaves for antifeedant activity against the larvae of Spodoptera litura.  相似文献   

本实验所用的中国红豆杉细胞悬浮培养体系中,云南紫杉烷c(Tc)是主要的次生代谢产物,该化合物有类神经生长因子活性,提高其产量是进一步规模化生产的前提。本研究考察了原位吸附和茉莉酸甲酯(MJA)联合调控提高Tc产量的可能性。在培养的第7天加入浓度为100μmol/L的MJA虽然会使细胞的生物量下降10%~30%,但是单位细胞内Tc含量和Tc产量均有显著提高,分别是对照的3.6和3.3倍。吸附剂XAD-7在不同时间加入对Tc的合成影响显著。在培养的第7天同时加入100μmol/L的MJA和100g/L的XAD-7会使细胞生物量增加,Tc产量显著提高。培养到第21天,Tc产量达477.4mg/L,为对照的6.3倍,为只加MJA的1.9倍,其中94%的Tc被树脂吸附。实验结果表明,在MJA诱导高表达的过程中,吸附剂XAD-7的加入使细胞内代谢产物外泌,浓度降低,减轻产物反馈抑制现象,从而大幅度提高代谢物产量,有较好的生产前景。  相似文献   

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