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Histology of the cloacae of Rhyacotriton olympicus and representative species from the genera Ambystoma and Dicamptodon was examined by light microscopy. Females of Ambystoma possess sperm storage glands, the spermathecae, as well as ventral glands and dorsal glands, both of uncertain function. Females of Ambystoma examined from the subgenus Linguaelapsus differ from those in the subgenus Ambystoma by possessing more extensive ventral gland clusters and a shorter cloacal tube. Females of Dicamptodon possess spermathecae and ventral glands, but differ in cloacal conformation from females of Ambystoma and lack the dorsal glands. Females of R. olympicus possess more extensive epidermal lining in the cloaca than that found in females of Ambystoma and Dicamptodon, and the only glands present are spermathecae, which cluster around a tube in the dorsal roof. Males of Ambystoma, Dicamptodon, and R. olympicus possess five types of cloacal glands (dorsal pelvic glands, lateral pelvic glands, anterior ventral glands, posterior ventral glands, and Kingsbury's glands) that function in spermatophore formation, and vent glands that may produce a courtship pheromone. In Ambystoma and Dicamptodon, vent glands secrete along the medial borders of the cloacal orifice. Males of A. opacum and A. talpoideum differ from males of other species examined from the two genera by possessing more extensive vent glands. Males of R. olympicus possess unique vent glands in which tubules secrete onto the surface of vent lobes lateral to the posterior end of the cloacal orifice, and distal ends of the glands pass anteriorly, superficial to the fascia enclosing the other cloacal glands. The results from analysis of cloacal anatomy support other data indicating that Ambystoma and Dicamptodon are sister groups, and that Rhyacotriton olympicus is not closely related to either of the other two genera and merits placement in a separate family.  相似文献   

To elucidate the effect of natural selection on the evolution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in Asiatic salamanders of the family Hynobiidae, nucleotide sequences of 12 protein-coding genes were analyzed. Using a mixed effects model of evolution, it was found that, in spite of the pronounced effect of negative selection on the mtDNA evolution in Hynobiidae (which is typical for the animals in general), two phylogenetic clusters, the West Asian one, represented by the genera Ranodon and Paradactylodon, and North Eurasian one, represented by the genus Salamandrella, were formed under the influence of episodic positive selection. Analysis of protein sequences encoded by the mitochondrial genome also supported the influence of positive selection on the evolution of Hynobiidae at some stages of their cladogenesis. It is suggested that the signatures of adaptive evolution detected in the mtDNA of Hynobiidae were determined by the complex and long-lasting history of their formation, accompanied by adaptation to the changing environment.  相似文献   

The new nematode species, Falcaustra hanzaki n. sp. and Urodelnema takanoensis n. sp. (Cosmocercoidea: Kathlaniidae), were found from the intestine of giant salamanders in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. The first species is featured by the number and arrangement of caudal papillae (3 pairs of precloacal papillae, 8 pairs of postcloacal papillae and a single ventral precloacal papilla), the presence of a single pseudosucker, spicules equal in size (520–638 μm long), and V-shaped gubernaculum in males; vulva situated about 3/5 of a body in females. The second species is characterized by the number and arrangement of caudal papillae (5 pairs of precloacal papillae, 6 pairs of postcloacal papillae and a single ventral precloacal papilla), spicules equal in size (403–593 μm long), V-shaped gubernaculum in males; vulva situated about 3/5 of a body in females. The molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed using the partial 18S and 28S ribosomal DNA and the internal transcribed spacers 1 region in the nuclear DNA. This phylogenetic study raised a question about the validity of Family Kathlaniidae and related families of Cosmocercoidea.  相似文献   

The 5' region of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) gene cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) is the standard marker for DNA barcoding. However, because COI tends to be highly variable in amphibians, sequencing is often challenging. Consequently, another mtDNA gene, 16S rRNA gene, is often advocated for amphibian barcoding. Herein, we directly compare the usefulness of COI and 16S in discriminating species of hynobiid salamanders using 130 individuals. Species identification and classification of these animals, which are endemic to Asia, are often based on morphology only. Analysis of Kimura 2-parameter genetic distances (K2P) documents the mean intraspecific variation for COI and 16S rRNA genes to be 1.4% and 0.3%, respectively. Whereas COI can always identify species, sometimes 16S cannot. Intra- and interspecific genetic divergences occasionally overlap in both markers, thus reducing the value of a barcoding gap to identify genera. Regardless, COI is the better DNA barcoding marker for hynobiids. In addition to the comparison of two potential markers, high levels of intraspecific divergence in COI (>5%) suggest that both Onychodactylus fischeri and Salamandrella keyserlingii might be composites of cryptic species.  相似文献   

The sirenid salamander Habrosaurus is revised and redescribed based on skull elements and vertebrae from the middle Campanian–middle Palaeocene of the North American Western Interior. Habrosaurus differs from the Cenozoic (Eocene–Recent) sirenids Siren and Pseudobranchus in a suite of cranial and vertebral plesiomorphies, one vertebral character of uncertain polarity and five apomorphies describing the structure of the dentary, atlas and tooth crowns. Two species are identified based on dental characters: the type species H. dilatus (late Maastrichtian–middle Palaeocene) has stout marginal and palatal teeth with bulbous crowns and prominent wear facets, whereas H. prodilatus sp. nov. (middle Campanian) has chisel-like marginal teeth (palatal teeth unknown) with weaker wear facets. Habrosaurus is argued to be the geologically oldest, undoubted sirenid and the sister-taxon of Siren  +  Pseudobranchus . Replacement of marginal teeth with a broad, horny beak in Siren and Pseudobranchus and the broad, bulbous marginal and palatal teeth in H. dilatus are proposed to be convergent strategies for achieving a crushing bite. The chisel-like teeth of H. prodilatus are interpreted as being transitional to the more specialized, crushing dentition of H. dilatus .  相似文献   

Intergenomic interactions that include homoeologous recombinations and intergenomic translocations are commonly observed in plant allopolyploids. Homoeologous recombinations have recently been documented in unisexual salamanders in the genus Ambystoma and revealed exchanged chromosomal segments between A. laterale and A.jeffersonianum genomes in individual unisexuals. We discovered intergenomic translocations in two widespread unisexual triploids A.laterale--2 jeffersonianum (or LJJ) and its tetraploid derivative A.laterale--3 jeffersonianum (or LJJJ) by genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). Two different types of intergenomic translocations were observed in two unisexual populations and one contained novel chromosomes generated by an intergenomic reciprocal translocation. We also observed chromosome deletions in several individuals and these chromosome fragmentations were all derived from the A. jeffersonianum genome. These observed intergenomic reciprocal translocations are believed to be caused by non-homologous pairing during meiosis followed by breakage-rejoining events. Genomes of unisexual Ambystoma undergo complicated structural changes that include various intergenomic exchanges that offer unisexuals genetic and phenotypic complexity to escape their evolutionary demise. Unisexual Ambystoma have persisted as natural nuclear genomic hybrids for about four million years. These unisexuals provide a vertebrate model system to examine the interaction of distinct genomes and to evaluate the corresponding genetic, developmental and evolutionary implications of intergenomic exchanges. Intergenomic translocations and homoeologous recombinations appear to be frequent chromosome reconstruction events among unisexual Ambystoma.  相似文献   

The reproductive system of 319 individuals of the Schrenckii salamander (Salamandrella schrenckii Strauch 1870) (synonym S. tridactyla sensu (Kuz’min et al., 2008) from a Khabarovsk population has been studied before wintering and during the spawning of animals. In the fall, all adult males had enlarged testes filled with bundles of spermatozoa and no spermatozoa in the spermaducts. Females had large pigmented ova in the ovaries and empty expanded oviducts. In the spring, only mature S. schrenckii individuals were found in the water; the entire spectrum of physiological states from the preparation for breeding to its end was noted in them. The preovulatory stage, ovulation, pregnancy, and spawning were registered in females; the predominance of spermatozoa in the testes or in spermaducts, or almost complete absence of them in the reproductive system, and different degrees of hypertrophy of spermaducts were noted in males. These differences are related to the different times of arrival of individuals to the spawning pond. The material analyzed evidences the yearly breeding of S. schrenckii. S. schrenckii differs from S. keyserlingii in the type and duration of the reproductive cycle, sizes and morphology of spermatozoa, and structure and functioning of ovaries (Saveliev et al., 1993; Kuranova and Saveliev, 2006). The majority of the reviewed characteristics of S. schrenckii are similar to those of the allied genus representatives: Hynobius nigrescens and H. retardatus (Hasumi et al., 1990; Iwasawa et al., 1992; Hasumi, 1996a).  相似文献   

The surface morphology of the basilar recess and papilla was examined in 14 species of newts and salamanders selected from the five families of urodeles (Ambystomatidae, Salamandridae, Hynobiidae, Cryptobranchidae, and Amphiumidae) known to have this end-organ. In this sampling, the general organization of basilar structures is essentially similar across species investigated. The recess forms a tubular diverticulum of the proximal part of the lagena. One wall of the recess is associated with a diverticulum of the intracapsular periotic sac, and an adjacent wall is occupied by the basilar papilla. The papilla contained from as few as five hair cells in specimens of Taricha torosa to over 200 hair cells in Cryptobranchus allegheniensis. In most species, the papilla showed a morphological continuum between tall centrally or distally placed ciliary bundles and short ciliary bundles near the papillar margins. In certain species examined, tall bundles had kinocilia with swellings near their tips. Most forms showed a tendency to have groups of ciliary bundles morphologically polarized either toward or away from the saccule. In Cryptobranchus and Dicamptodon, many bundles had a random orientation. The gross and fine structural features of the basilar complex are compared in urodeles and anurans, and "generalized" features for the amphibian basilar complex are suggested. The basilar complex of Cryptobranchus is interpreted as being most generalized, representing a structural form from which most features of the basilar complex in other urodeles and anurans can be derived.  相似文献   

The presence of metallothionein (MT) and the subcellular distribution of copper, zinc and cadmium were investigated in livers of two neotenic salamanders, Proteus anguinus and Necturus maculosus. In P. anguinus, caught in the wild, hepatic MTs were present as a single isoform of (Zn, Cu, Cd)-thioneins, whose molecular weight was estimated to be approximately 12000 by size exclusion chromatography. The percentage of zinc and cadmium was higher in the cytosol and of copper in the pellet. Cytosolic cadmium was almost exclusively associated with MTs (80%), while zinc and copper were also present in the regions of higher-molecular weight proteins. In laboratory bred N. maculosus, MTs were isolated from the liver cytosol and extract of the pellet as (Cu, Zn)- and (Zn, Cu)-thioneins, respectively. According to the low amount of copper extracting from liver pellets of N. maculosus, the presence of water insoluble aggregated forms of Cu-thioneins should be checked in further investigations.  相似文献   

We performed allozyme analysis for three Korean (Hynobius leechii, H. quelpaertensis, and H. yangi) and three Japanese (H. nebulosus, H. tsuensis, and H. dunni) salamanders to clarify their interspecific relationships using H. naevius as an outgroup. The genetic distances (Nei's D) within ingroup species ranged from 0.11 to 0.78 with a mean of 0.33. In the NJ and CONTML trees, monophyly of the ingroup was not supported and Korean H. quelpaertensis and H. leechii diverged first from the remaining species, which together formed a weakly supported clade. Korean H. yangi, long identified as H. leechii, was closer to Japanese H. nebulosus (D=0.108) and H. tsuensis (D=0.138) than to Korean H. leechii (D=0.197) and H. quelpaertensis (D=0.305). Hynobius tsuensis and H. nebulosus were very close (D=0.108) despite their different breeding habits. A geohistorical hypothesis is proposed to explain the divergence of the six species.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of a plethodontid salamander, Karsenia koreana, in Korea challenged our understanding of the biogeographic history of the family Plethodontidae, by far the largest family of salamanders, which otherwise is distributed in the New World with a few European species. Molecular studies suggest that Karsenia forms a clade with Hydromantes (sensu lato), which includes among its species the only other Old World plethodontids. We studied the skull of K. koreana and compared it with that of other plethodontid genera, especially members of the subfamily Plethodontinae, which it resembles most closely in general anatomy. The anatomy of its skull corresponds to the most generalized and apparently ancestral condition for plethodontids. No clearly autapomorphic states were detected, and no synapomorphies can be found that would link it to other genera. The Karsenia skull is cylindrical and well ossified, giving an impression of strength. In contrast, the skull of Hydromantes is highly derived; the skull is flattened and the bones are weakly ossified and articulated. Hydromantes and Karsenia share no unique anatomical features; differences between them are especially evident in the hyobranchial skeleton, which is generalized in Karsenia but highly modified in Hydromantes, which is well known for its highly projectile tongue. Plethodon and Plethodon‐like species, including Karsenia and to a lesser degree Ensatina, represent the more generalized and apparently ancestral plethodontid morphology. Specialized morphologies have evolved along only a few morphological axes within the Plethodontidae, resulting in a pattern of rampant homoplasy. Our analysis of the anatomy of the new Asiatic lineage illuminates some potential mechanisms underlying adaptive morphological evolution within the Plethodontidae. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphology and fine structure of the basilar recess and basilar papilla were investigated in four species of salamanders from the family Ambystomatidae. The otic relationships of the recess and papilla to the proximal part of the lagena and saccule are described, and new terminology is suggested for the periotic relationships of the basilar recess to a diverticulum of an intracapsular periotic sac. The basilar papilla consists of supporting cells united laterally by gap junctions, capped by microvilli uniformly arranged around a short, central cilium, and hair cells that typically show several synapses with a single afferent nerve fiber, each marked by a rounded synaptic body surrounded by vesicles. In contrast to anuran basilar papillae, efferent nerve terminals were observed in synapse with hair cells and, rarely, upon afferent fibers. The distal half of the ambystomatid papilla contained hair cells capped by tall ciliary bundles, with kinocilia that show swellings near their tips with delicate attachments to adjacent tall stereocilia. A tectorial body covers only this region of the papilla. Hair cells with shorter stereocilia, situated in the proximal half and at the papillar margins, are related only to filamentous extensions of the tectorial body. The ambystomatid basilar recess and papilla are compared to auditory end-organs in other vertebrates, and it is suggested that a basic distinction can be made between aural neuroepithelia in amniotes versus that in nonamniotic vertebrate ears.  相似文献   

We conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses to confirm taxonomic relationships and to delimit distributional ranges of Siberian salamanders, Salamandrella keyserlingii and Salamandrella schrenckii, and to elucidate the origin of the isolated population of this species complex on Hokkaido, Japan. Phylogenetic trees constructed by MP, NJ, ML, and Bayesian methods, using complete sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b genes, all indicated monophyly of Salamandrella and of each of the two species. Identical relationships were found on UPGMA, NJ, and CONTML trees derived from electrophoretic analysis of variation in 18 inferred allozyme loci. Populations from Hokkaido and northeastern China proved to be S. keyserlingii, while populations from Khabarovsk and Lazovsky are S. schrenckii. Genetic differentiations of S. keyserlingii within Sakhalin, and between Sakhalin and Hokkaido, are substantial. The Hokkaido population is hypothesized to have been isolated on the island since early Pleistocene, much earlier than isolation of sympatric anuran populations from their Sakhalin relatives. In contrast, the continental populations of S. keyserlingii are only slightly differentiated from some Sakhalin populations, and are thought to have expanded their ranges in the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

PalZ - Remains of a hynobiid salamanderRanodon cf.Sibiriens are reported from the Upper Pliocene (Early Villafranchian, mammal zone MN 16) of the Zaili Alatau Range, southern Kazakhstan. Vertebrae...  相似文献   

A highly repeated satellite DNA (Hy500) located in the centromeric heterochromatin of the European plethodontid salamander Speleomantes (formerly Hydromantes) was studied. The Hy500 family represents about 1% of the Speleomantes supramontis genome and has a major repeating unit of about 500 base pairs, which may have evolved from the progressive amplification of shorter sequences. This centromeric satellite is conserved in all the Speleomantes species, which nevertheless show distinct patterns of chromosomal distribution, which are of relevance as to their phylogenetic relationships.  相似文献   

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