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A new genus and species of platyrrhine primate, Nuciruptor rubricae, are added to the increasingly diverse primate fauna from the middle Miocene of La Venta, Colombia. This species displays a number of dental and gnathic features indicating that it is related to living and extinct Pitheciinae (extant Callicebus, Pithecia, Chiropotes, Cacajao, and the Colombian middle Miocene Cebupithecia sarmientoi). Nuciruptor is markedly more derived than Callicebus but possesses a less derived mandibular form and incisor-canine complex than extant and extinct pitheciins (Cebupithecia, Pithecia, Chiropotes, and Cacajao), suggesting that it is a primitive member of the tribe Pitheciini within the larger monophyletic Pitheciinae. Nuciruptor has procumbent and moderately elongate lower incisors and low-crowned molars, suggesting that it was a seed predator, as are living pitheciins. Its estimated body size of approximately 2.0 kg places it within the size range of extant pitheciines. The dental and gnathic morphology of Nuciruptor clarifies several aspects of dental character evolution in Pitheciinae and makes it less likely that the enigmatic Mohanamico hershkovitzi (m. Miocene, Colombia) is a pitheciin. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 102:407–427, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Among primates, squirrel monkeys uniquely possess an interorbital fenestra, in which the midline bony orbitosphenoid septum is largely absent and the soft tissues of the orbits are separated only by a thin membrane. Neural development may contribute to the approximation of the orbits to the midline in Saimiri, insofar as other platyrrhines with relatively large brains also have relatively narrow interorbital spaces compared to their near relatives. In Saimiri the narrow spacing of the orbits is further exacerbated by intense predation pressure on infants that may select for precocial neonates. The result is a large-headed neonate that is subject to unusual parturition constraints. These parturition constraints apply to the size and dolichocephalic shape of the squirrel monkey head in general, and to the relatively large eyes and approximated orbits in particular. The unique interorbital condition in Saimiri is an example of the effects of life history on skeletal morphology. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of 82 individuals from five Platyrrhini species (Alouatta caraya, Aotus azarae, Callithrix jacchus, Cebus apella, andSaimiri sciureus) were studied and compared using a G-banding technique. Cytogenetic analysis showed full chromosome or full arm homologies among these geographically neighbouring species. A small number of chromosomal rearrangements (inversions, deletions, and translocations) could be detected among these taxa. These five species are closely related in chromosomal evolution. An interesting correspondance was found betweenCebus apella chromosomes and those of the other four species.Alouatta caraya andCebus apella are the closest species.Callithrix jacchus andAotus azarae would have the most separated karyotypes.  相似文献   

Blood and saliva samples were collected from 84Aotus azarae boliviensis, 31Ateles paniscus chamek, 130Callicebus brunneus, 130Cebus apella, 117Pithecia irrorata irrorata, and 117Saimiri ustus. Saliva samples were investigated for human ABH antigens by the standard hemagglutination inhibition test. Two species,P. irrorata andC. brunneus showed monomorphism, presenting only the A blood group. Among the polymorphic species,A. paniscus andC. apella presented theO (30 and 3) and A (1 and 127) phenotypes, and the B (80) and AB (4) phenotypes were detected inA. azarae. S. ustus was the only species that presented all the four phenotypes. The observed distribution was as expected assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium to be present in those species that could be tested. The ABH substances were titrated and a comparison among species was made. Serum samples were used to detect natural antibodies and the results showed some disagreement between serum and saliva phenotypes.  相似文献   

The combined properties of a given cutaneous system, like other characters classically employed by systematic zoologists, are useful criteria in the assessment of primate taxonomy and phylogeny. From the synthesis of all available data, it is also concluded that (1) the results define a baseline regarding the normal histology and histochemistry of the skin of most genera and many species of New World monkeys; (2) intrageneric and intraspecific subtleties in cutaneous variation exist in primate integument; (3) single and multiple cutaneous traits contribute to the characterization and accurate identification of most levels of taxa within the primate hierarchy; (4) some traits, however, negate recent taxonomic practices, e.g., the familial position of Callimico; (5) basic cutaneous patterns confirm currently accepted concepts of taxonomy and phylogeny; and (6) the various cutaneous signatures of extant platyrrhines record a history of adaptive radiation in isolation, and suggest that the designation of at least two distinct families is warranted.  相似文献   

Primate scapula and ulna fragments of uncertain taxonomic affinity (MACN-SC 101) have been recovered from the Pinturas deposits at Arroyo Feo, Santa Cruz, Argentina in association with Santacrucian (Early Miocene) land mammals. Least-squares regression of body weight on surface area and on height of the glenoid fossa of the scapula indicates an estimated mean weight of 3.6 kg for this individual. On the basis of qualitative and several metric features, the fossil scapula and ulna most closely resemble living platyrrhine monkeys. In estimated body weight and relative height of the coronoid process, the fossil is similar to arboreal quadrupeds, such as Cebus apella and Chiropotes. However, spinoglenoid, axilloglenoid, and axillospinal angles, length of lever arm, and length and breadth of the sigmoid notch imply behavioral similarity with larger species that also use their forelimbs extensively in climbing, such as Alouatta and Lagothrix. MACN-SC 101 may represent the incipient divergence of a generalized platyrrhine arboreal quadruped toward a more suspensory form.  相似文献   

Platyrrhini (New World monkeys, NWm) are a group of primates characterized by behavioral and reproductive traits that are otherwise uncommon among primates, including social monogamy, direct paternal care, and twin births. As a consequence, the study of Platyrrhine primates is an invaluable tool for the discovery of the genetic repertoire underlying these taxon‐specific traits. Recently, high conservation of vasopressin (AVP) sequence, in contrast with high variability of oxytocin (OXT), has been described in NWm. AVP and OXT functions are possible due to interaction with their receptors: AVPR1a, AVPR1b, AVPR2, and OXTR; and the variability in this system is associated with the traits mentioned above. Understanding the variability in the receptors is thus fundamental to understand the function and evolution of the system as a whole. Here we describe the variability of AVPR1b coding region in 20 NWm species, which is well‐known to influence behavioral traits such as aggression, anxiety, and stress control in placental mammals. Our results indicate that 4% of AVPR1b sites may be under positive selection and a significant number of sites under relaxed selective constraint. Considering the known role of AVPR1b, we suggest that some of the changes described here for the Platyrrhini may be a part of the genetic repertoire connected with the complex network of neuroendocrine mechanisms of AVP–OXT system in the modulation of the HPA axis. Thus, these changes may have promoted the emergence of social behaviors such as direct paternal care in socially monogamous species that are also characterized by small body size and twin births.  相似文献   

Locomotor behavior and substrate use of cage-reared golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia), newly released and free-ranging on the grounds of the National Zoological Park, were studied to determine if locomotion changed following exposure to naturalistic conditions. The animals employed a predominantly quadrupedal locomotor profile, incorporating leaping and vertical climbing to a lesser degree. There was no clear evidence of a change in locomotion due to the high degree of variability in these behaviors. The locomotor repertoire of the free-ranging group differed from that of groups occupying unenriched but relatively large conventional enclosures, indicating that whereas locomotion is plastic with respect to environment, substrate characteristics influence locomotor behavior and may promote stereotypical behavior. However, due to anatomical constraints, the locomotor repertoire tended to be less variable than substrate use. Similar behaviors were used in moving through a variety of habitat features in spite of strong associations between specific locomotor styles and substrate classes. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two groups of squirrel monkeys, genus Saimiri, are distinguished by external characters. The first, or Roman type, contains Saimiri boliviensis of upper Amazonia south of the Rio Marañón-Amazonas, with two subspecies of which S. boliviensis peruviensis is described as new. The second group, or Gothic type, contains three species: Saimiri sciureus with four subspecies distributed over much of tropical South America, Saimiri ustus of Brazil between the south bank Amazonian Rios Purús and Xingu, and S. oerstedi isolated on a Pacific coastal area straddling Costa Rica and Panamá. The geographic range of S. sciureus overlaps parts of those of S. ustus and S. boliviensis. Incomplete karyotypic data indicate that the diploid number of chromosomes for the genus is 44. Geographic variation is characterized by reduction from seven to six or five paired acrocentric autosomes through pericentric inversion with reciprocal increase in number of paired submetacentric or subtelocentric autosomes. Geographic distribution, behavior, sexual dimorphism including dichromatism, and hybridization are discussed. Ventral guide hairs for orientation of subprecocial newborn toward the maternal mammae are described. Distinguishing characters of species and subspecies are provided in a key. The taxons are listed with the taxonomy of each discussed, their geographic distribution plotted and mapped.  相似文献   

Two groups of squirrel monkeys, genus Saimiri, are distinguished by external characters. The first, or Roman type, contains Saimiri boliviensis of upper Amazonia south of the Rio Marañón-Amazonas, with two subspecies of which S. boliviensis peruviensis is described as new. The second group, or Gothic type, contains three species: Saimiri sciureus with four subspecies distributed over much of tropical South America, Saimiri ustus of Brazil between the south bank Amazonian Rios Purús and Xingu, and S. oerstedi isolated on a Pacific coastal area straddling Costa Rica and Panamá. The geographic range of S. sciureus overlaps parts of those of S. ustus and S. boliviensis. Incomplete karyotypic data indicate that the diploid number of chromosomes for the genus is 44. Geographic variation is characterized by reduction from seven to six or five paired acrocentric autosomes through pericentric inversion with reciprocal increase in number of paired submetacentric or subtelocentric autosomes. Geographic distribution, behavior, sexual dimorphism including dichromatism, and hybridization are discussed. Ventral guide hairs for orientation of subprecocial newborn toward the maternal mammae are described. Distinguishing characters of species and subspecies are provided in a key. The taxons are listed with the taxonomy of each discussed, their geographic distribution plotted and mapped.  相似文献   

We hybridized whole human chromosome specific probes to metaphases of the black-and-red howler monkey Alouatta belzebul in order to establish chromosomal homology between humans and black-and-red howlers. The results show that the black-and-red howler monkey has a highly rearranged genome and that the human chromosome homologs are often fragmented and translocated. The number of hybridization signals we obtained per haploid set was 40. Nine human chromosome probes gave multiple signals on different howler chromosomes, showing that their synteny is disturbed in A. Belzebul. Fourteen black-and-red howler autosomes were completely hybridized by one human autosomal paint, six had two signals, three had three signals, and one chromosome had four signals. Howler chromosomes with multiple signals have produced 12 chromosomal syntenies or hybridization associations which differ from those found in humans: 1/2, 2/20, 3/21, 4/15, 4/16, 5/7, 5/11, 8/18, 9/12, 10/16, 14/15, and 15/22. The hybridization pattern was then compared with those found in two red howler taxa and other mammals. The comparison shows that even within the genus Alouatta numerous interchromosomal rearrangements differentiate each taxa: A. belzebul has six unique apomorphic associations, A. seniculus sara and A. seniculus arctoidea share seven derived associations, and additionally A. seniculus sara has four apomorphic associations and A. seniculus arctoideaseven apomorphic associations. A. belzebul appears to have a more conserved karyotype than the red howlers. Both red and black-and-red howlers are characterized by Y-autosome translocations; the peculiar chromosomal sex system found in the red howler taxa could be considered a further transformation of the A. belzebul sex system. The finding that apparently morphologically similar or even identical taxa have such extreme genomic differences has important implications for speciation theory and neotropical primate conservation. Am. J. Primatol. 46:119–133, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to study the intra- and interspecific variability of the 14/15 association in Platyrrhini, we analyzed 15 species from 13 genera, including species that had not been described yet. The DNA libraries of human chromosomes 14 and 15 were hybridized to metaphases of Alouatta guariba clamitans, A. caraya, A. sara, Ateles paniscus chamek, Lagothrix lagothricha, Brachyteles arachnoides, Saguinus midas midas, Leontopithecus chrysomelas, Callimico goeldii, Callithrix sp., Cebus apella, Aotus nigriceps, Cacajao melanocephalus,Chiropotes satanas and Callicebus caligatus. The 14/15 hybridization pattern was present in 13 species, but not in Alouatta sara that showed a 14/15/14 pattern and Aotus nigriceps that showed a 15/14/15/14 pattern. In the majority of the species, the HSA 14 homologue retained synteny for the entire chromosome, whereas the HSA 15 homologue displayed fragmented segments. Within primates, the New World monkeys represent the taxon with the highest variability in chromosome number (2n = 16 to 62). The presence of the HSA 14/15 association in all species and subspecies studied herein confirms that this association is the ancestral condition for platyrrhines and that this association has been retained in most platyrrhines, despite the occurrence of extensive inter- and intrachromosomal rearrangements in this infraorder of Primates.  相似文献   

Field observations of two sympatric pitheciine species reveal that the positional repertoire of the white-faced saki, Pithecia pithecia, is dominated by leaping behaviors, whereas the bearded saki, Chiropotes satanas, is predominantly quadrupedal. Examination and comparison of the postcranial skeletal morphologies and limb proportions of these species display numerous features associated with their respective locomotor behaviors. These observations accord with associations found in other primate and mammalian groups and with predictions based on theoretical and experimental biomechanics. Preliminary observations of the skeletal morphology of Cacajao calvus demonstrate a marked similarity to that of Chiropotes. The fossil platyrrhine Cebupithecia sarmientoi displays greater similarity to Pithecia, suggesting that its positional repertoire also included significant leaping and clinging behaviors.  相似文献   

Palmar and plantar dermatoglyphic pattern types, area and total pattern intensities (API and TPI), and pattern intensity (PI) profiles are presented for the South American genus Cacajao of the subfamily Pitheciinae. The data are based on prints from 41 bald-head uacaries (C. calvus), 9 white bald-head uacaries (C. c. calvus), and 15 black-head uacaries (C. melanocephalus). In each extremity, loops of differing orientation were the most frequent pattern type; whorls were dominant at palmar interdigital (I) area 3 in C. calvus and at both I3 and I4 in C. melanocephalus. Open fields characterized the palmar thenar and plantar proximal hypothenar, thenar, calcar, and I3 and I4. There was little evidence of significant sexual dimorphism as assessed from PI values. The genus displayed significant asymmetry at palmar I3 (P?0.001) and plantar distal hypothenar (P?0.004). There were significant group differences between C. calvus and C. c. calvus in the palmar thenar API and plantar TPIs. The combined bald-head sample of C. calvus and C. c. calvus differed from C. melanocephalus in API of palmar I4 and plantar distal thenar, I2, and distal hypothenar (marginally), and in plantar TPIs. In PI profiles, C. melanocephalus departed from the pattern shared by C. calvus and C. c. calvus in both palmar and plantar interdigital areas. As a genus, the uacaries have markedly low plantar TPI values relative to palmar values (palm-sole index > 195). Of eight comparison cebid genera, only Chiropotes, another pitheciine genus, approximated these values.  相似文献   

The nine allopatric species of Aotus recognized represent two natural groups distinguished by karyotype, color, and pelage patterns. Correlated with these group characters are reported differences in serum proteins and degrees of susceptibility or immunity to experimental infection with malarial parasites. The primitive gray-neck species group of Aotus contains A. brumbacki (new species), A. lemurinus (with subspecies lemurinus and griseimembra), A. trivirgatus, and A. vociferans. The derived red-neck group contains A. nancymai (new species), A. miconax. A. infulatus, and A. azarae (with subspecies azarae and boliviensis). Only the two new species are described but a key to the species and subspecies gives the diagnostic characters of each. The gray-neck group occurs almost entirely north of the Amazon, the red-neck group almost entirely south. The distributional exceptions are enclave populations resulting from river bend cutoffs. Formation of an enclave population of A. nancymai is discussed and available information on the biology of this species is reported.  相似文献   

A new genus, Naslavcea, is erected for the Middle Miocene species Spicara fundata Bannikov, 1990 (Centracanthidae) from the Lower Sarmatian of northern Moldova. This genus is characterized by the relatively small number of rays in the dorsal and anal fins. At the same time, Pelates islamdagicus Prokofiev, 2001 from the Lower Miocene of the Apsheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan) is transferred from the family Terapontidae to Centracanthidae and referred to the genus Spicara.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of fossil primate, Kondous laventicus, part of the Miocene La Venta primate fauna of Colombia, South America, is described here for the first time. Screening at a new quarry within the Monkey Unit of the Honda Formation, the Kyoto Site, has revealed dental remains of this new form of a large-sized ceboid. The La Ventan vertebrate fauna is comparable to the Friasian Land Mammal Age, indicating a middle Miocene age. Biostratigraphic studies suggest a 13.6-15.2 Ma for the Friasian faunal zone. Kondous is most closely allied to extant spider monkeys, Ateles, providing the first fossil evidence of their phylogeny. It also implies a nearly three-fold discrepancy between the molecular and paleontological estimates of the age of the Ateles lineage.  相似文献   

Patterns of interspecific differentiation in saki monkey (Pithecia) skulls are quantitatively described. The taxonomic arrangement previously proposed by Hershkovitz ([1987] Am. J. Primatol. 12:387-468) is consistent with quantitative differences in saki morphology. Discriminant analyses on 39 skull traits show that Pithecia species and subspecies are well-differentiated. Morphological distances (D2) among sakis clearly show the morphological unity of the pithecia-chrysocephala (Pithecia) and irrorata-vanzolinii-monacha (Monacha) species groups. The Pithecia species group is distributed north of the Amazon and has a smaller cranium than the Monacha group, distributed south of that river. Despite the size difference, multivariate static allometric patterns among sakis are quite similar. After removing size and allometric changes in shape from the data, species and subspecies are still differentiated, although to a lesser extent. D2 distances obtained from these scale-corrected data are similar in magnitude and pattern to the original D2, but show a closer similarity of P. monacha with the Pithecia group. P. monacha is a scaled-up version of the smaller sakis.  相似文献   



The New World monkey (Platyrrhini) subfamily Pitheciinae is represented by the genera Pithecia, Chiropotes and Cacajao. In this work we studied the karyotypes of Pithecia irrorata (2n = 48) and Cacajao calvus rubicundus (2n = 45 in males and 2n = 46 in females) by G- and C-banding, NOR staining and chromosome painting using human and Saguinus oedipus whole chromosome probes. The karyotypes of both species were compared with each other and with Chiropotes utahicki (2n = 54) from the literature.  相似文献   

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