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  • 1 Butterflies of Battus philenor were tested for their preferences for nectar sugars and amino acids in an outdoor cage experiment.
  • 2 The butterflies clearly preferred both sucrose and fructose over glucose. They also preferred sucrose over fructose.
  • 3 No other preferences were found to be statistically significant, although male butterflies tended to prefer a plain sugar solution over a sugar solution containing a mixture of amino acids: females consumed both of these solutions in almost equal proportions.
  • 4 The results are discussed with respect to nectar composition of butterfly pollinated flowers, flower preferences, physiological and reproductive aspects of butterflies.

A strange Papilio female specimen with a prominent yellow wing band type very much like P. brevicauda (and also seen in P. machaon, and P. zelicaon) was captured in the forested mountains of southwest Vermont, USA. Despite its brevicauda-like appearance, it had mt-DNA of P. polyxenes. In eastern North America the P. brevicauda (Maritime Provinces of Canada) is currently believed to reflect previous (ancient) hybridization between ancestral P. machaon and P. polyxenes. It is uncertain whether the brevicauda-like wing trait features in the odd Vermont female may be a result of some introgression of P. machaon or P. brevicauda with P. polyxenes in eastern North America as seen also in the Ozark Mountains with P. joanae. Nonetheless, the significance of wing trait analyses in relation to hybrid zones with P. polyxenes remains relevant. The segregation of wing color patterns and hostplant use abilities (efficiencies and growth rates) were examined for laboratory hand-paired F-2 hybrids of P. zelicaon ~ Papilio polyxenes relative to the parental species and primary hybrids. The black adult color pattern characterizing P. polyxenes is presumed to be inherited as a simple autosomal dominant. These hybrids were examined to determine: (i) how F-1 primary hybrid offspring perform relative to the parental types in survival, growth rates, and growth efficiencies; and (ii) whether these larval traits and the adult color patterns might be linked with wing morphology in the F-2 hybrids. While the F-1 hybrids grew as well as the P. polyxenes parent (P. zelicaon was significantly less efficient and slower in growth than either of these), we could not convincingly determine whether the growth performances of the F-2 segregants were linked with the parental wing patterns.  相似文献   

Few studies of interspecific mating preferences of naturally hybridizing species have been done in the field. Yet this is the only way potentially critical habitat-specific factors can be included in mating behavior evaluations. We conducted mate selection (male preference) studies using tethered pairs of heterospecific, size-matched virgin yellow females of Papilio glaucus and P. canadensis with free-flying male P. glaucus populations in south-central Florida, and with free-flying male P. canadensis populations in northern Michigan. Florida males clearly preferred the conspecific P. glaucus females of the pairs, as indicated by the touches/attempted matings and by the actual copulations observed. In 1997, 66.7% of the total attempts (n=168) and 94.2% of all copulations (n=69) were with the conspecific. In 1998 the same pattern of conspecific male preference was observed, with 67.3% of the touches/attempts (n=49) and 100% of the copulations (n=30) being with the P. glaucus females. In contrast, the natural populations of P. canadensis males did not show the expected conspecific preference. In fact, with wild P. canadensis males in 1997 a very strong preference was observed for the heterospecific P. glaucus females of the pairs, accounting for 75.8% of all touches/attempted matings (n=483) and 81.7% of all copulations (n=476). The strong asymmetry in interspecific mating preferences among these hybridizing Papilio species may reflect an ancestral trait in P. glaucus females that elicits strong preference in P. canadensis males, due perhaps to previously possessed male sensory bias or "good genes" indicators in the females. However, reinforcement of reproductive isolation in or near the hybrid zone of species overlap (sympatry) cannot be ruled out. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Abstract We examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation in pipevine swallowtail butterflies ( Battus philenor ) from throughout its extant range to provide a historical, phylogeographical context for ecological studies of the disjunct population in California. We evaluate current hypotheses regarding host plant use, behavior, and mimetic relationships of B. philenor populations and generate alternative hypotheses. Compared to populations throughout the rest of the species' range, California populations are ecologically distinct in that they lack mimics, lay significantly larger clutches of eggs, and exclusively use a unique, endemic larval host plant. Analysis of molecular variance, tests of population differentiation, and nested clade analysis of mtDNA variation indicate that, despite low levels of population genetic structure across the species' range, there is evidence of recent range expansion from presumed Pleistocene refuge(s) in southeastern North America. Colonization of California appears to have been a recent event. This phylogeographic investigation also suggests that the evolution of life-history adaptations to a novel larval host has occurred rapidly in California and the lack of mimics in California may be attributable to the recency of colonization.  相似文献   

Zhu LX  Wu XB 《动物学研究》2011,32(3):248-254
绿带翠凤蝶和西番翠凤蝶的分类问题存在一定的争议。应用分子系统学方法对这一问题进行了研究。对6个不同地区的24个绿带翠凤蝶、2个地区的16个西番翠凤蝶个体的COI(579bp)和COII(655bp)基因测序,绿带翠凤蝶与西番翠凤蝶的遗传距离为0至0.6%,共获得了15个单倍型。结果显示这些单倍型不能形成各自独立的单系群,因此认为绿带翠凤蝶和西番翠凤蝶为近期分化的两个种。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus (L.) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), is commonly assumed to have a bivoltine life cycle in central New York State and other parts of the northeastern United States. The seasonal abundance of adults in Tompkins County, New York, shows a bimodal pattern in some years, and a skewed unimodal pattern in others. We studied the incidence of diapause, the potential for successful development of two generations in the field, and the dates of adult emergence from overwintering pupae to determine whether these seasonal patterns are the result of bivoltinism.
2. Insects from Tompkins County, reared as larvae under 16L:8D photoperiod, uniformly enter pupal diapause.
3. Comparison of the heat units required for successful development of two generations with the heat units available in the field during 11 years shows that emergence of non-diapausing individuals would occur too late in the summer to contribute to the second peak of butterfly abundance. Offspring of non-diapausing individuals could only rarely complete development before the end of the growth season.
4. Diapausing offspring of butterflies collected in early June and late July differed sufficiently in dates of emergence to account for the field pattern of seasonal abundance.
5. Electrophoretic studies revealed no evidence of genetic isolation between early and late emerging butterflies.
6. These results suggest that polymodal emergence of diapausing insects can masquerade as a bivoltine life cycle.  相似文献   

杨帅  刘栿  赵雨菲  孙奇  郝祥瑜  袁向群 《昆虫学报》2022,65(9):1196-1203
【目的】动物界存在多种用于对抗捕食者的防御机制。一些鳞翅目昆虫的蛹在受到机械刺激时会发出蠕动的声音。【方法】在扫描电镜下对柑橘凤蝶Papilio xuthus蛹的发声器形态特征进行观察,并使用Audacity软件对捕获的声音进行特征分析。【结果】柑橘凤蝶蛹在腹部第4-5节和第5-6节之间的节间膜上存在发声器,有规律地发出嘶嘶声。发声器由多层甲壳素构成的刮器和板组成,刮器和板上有 50~90个突起。当蛹的腹部被寄生蜂触角刺激30 s以上时,刮器和板会迅速相互摩擦,腹部反复摆动发出声音。蛹发出的声音是由一系列每2 000~3 000 ms发生3次的短脉冲组成的。频带很宽,主要分布在5~20kHz范围内。新鲜蛹和越冬蛹的活性不同,声强也不同。【结论】本研究首先描述了柑橘蝴蝶蛹发声器的结构,结果支持了一些蝴蝶蛹对寄生生物进化出一种特殊的防御机制(声学防御)的假说。此外,通过比较两种生境的柑橘凤蝶蛹的声波特征,我们提出了同一物种在不同地理区域可以产生方言的假说。 关键词:  相似文献   

氯虫苯甲酰胺诱导甜菜夜蛾细胞色素P450基因上调表达   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】明确氯虫苯甲酰胺对甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)细胞色素P450基因的诱导表达作用。【方法】采用O-脱乙基香豆素法研究了低剂量氯虫苯甲酰胺处理对甜菜夜蛾幼虫中肠P450s酶活性的影响,应用Real-time PCR方法测定了其对P450基因(CYP9A9, CYP4G37,CYP4S11和CYP6B)和NADPH细胞色素P450还原酶基因(HQ852049)表达的影响。【结果】氯虫苯甲酰胺对甜菜夜蛾P450酶及相关基因的诱导作用均表现出时间效应和剂量效应,。甜菜夜蛾4龄幼虫取食0.02 mg/kg氯虫苯甲酰胺饲料至5龄, 在蜕皮后6-36 h内, 其P450s酶活性增加为对照组的1.90~2.92倍, 诱导效应高于0.01 mg/kg氯虫苯甲酰胺处理组(其P450s酶活性为对照组的1.11~1.62倍)。同时, 0.02 mg/kg氯虫苯甲酰胺处理组甜菜夜蛾中肠P450基因CYP9A9, CYP4G37和CYP6B mRNA的相对表达量分别上升为对照组的1.97~3.95, 2.46~4.29及1.53~4.48倍, NADPH细胞色素P450还原酶基因 HQ852049 的相对表达量亦增加为对照的1.85~4.08倍。【结论】结果提示,氯虫苯甲酰胺可能通过诱导3种P450基因及细胞色素P450还原酶基因 HQ852049 基因mRNA的上调表达而增强了甜菜夜蛾幼虫中肠P450s酶活性。  相似文献   

四个达摩凤蝶新孵幼虫细胞系的建立及其生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】建立达摩凤蝶 Papilio demoleus Linnaeus新孵幼虫细胞系,并对其生物学特性进行研究。【方法】使用改良配方的Grace培养基并辅以20%胎牛血清,通过原代和传代培养建立达摩凤蝶新孵幼虫细胞系。通过显微观察、细胞活力分析、核型分析和分子鉴定,获得4个新建细胞系的生物学特性数据。使用Bac-To-Bac杆状病毒表达系统构建重组分泌型碱性磷酸酶杆状病毒(AcMNPV-SEAP)。使用有限稀释法测定达摩凤蝶细胞系对AcMNPV-SEAP的半数组织培养感染剂量(TCID50), 比较达摩凤蝶细胞系对AcMNPV-SEAP的敏感性。【结果】建立了4个贴壁生长的达摩凤蝶新孵幼虫细胞系(RIRI-PaDe-1, RIRI-PaDe-2, RIRI-PaDe-3及RIRI-PaDe-4),且均传至60代以上。形态学方面,细胞系RIRI-PaDe-1和RIRI-PaDe-4较为相近,均由圆形、梭形以及多边形细胞组成,细胞系RIRI-PaDe-2主要为圆形细胞,而RIRI-PaDe-3主要为类似表皮细胞和纤维状细胞。细胞增殖动力学方面,4个细胞系的群体倍增时间分别为69.77, 67.42, 81.48及65.43 h。核型分析显示4个细胞系染色体数量均呈正态分布,其中RIRI-PaDe-2, RIRI-PaDe-3以及RIRI-PaDe-4的染色体数目分布区间比较接近,在45~97条之间,RIRI-PaDe-1的染色体条数相比偏少,在36~90条之间。通过比对4个达摩凤蝶细胞系和虫卵的细胞色素c氧化酶亚基I(COI)基因序列,证明4个新建细胞系来源于达摩凤蝶组织。比较4个细胞系对AcMNPV-SEAP敏感性发现RIRI-PaDe-3对此病毒较为敏感,可作为重组杆状病毒表达的宿主。【结论】虽然4个新建达摩凤蝶细胞系的来源相同,具有相同的遗传背景,但其生物学特征仍有明显差异,具有进一步研究的价值。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The larvae of four swallowtail butterfly species, Papilio polyxenes Fabr. in the Papilionini, Parides bunichus (Hübner) and Battus polydamas (L.) in the Troidini, and Eurytides marcellus (Cramer) in the Graphiini, were grown on host leaves to which test compounds had been added.
2. The test chemicals are biosynthetically related. Berberine, a 1-benzyl-tetrahydroisoquinoline-related (1-BTIQ) alkaloid, is found in many rutaceous hosts of the Papilionini; laudanosine, a simpler 1-BTIQ alkaloid, is found in the Papaveraceae, plants on which no papilionids feed; aristolochic acids are found only in the Aristolochiaceae, hosts of the Troidini.
3. Swallowtail larvae can tolerate the compounds characteristic of their host plants, but not chemicals found in the hosts of other papilionid groups. Diets with laudanosine did not affect the test species.
4. Our results support the contention that plant secondary chemicals, such as berberine and aristolochic acids, are important feeding barriers, and are partially responsible for host specificity in swallowtails.  相似文献   

Abstract Oviposition preference and egg deposition site selection by the butterfly, Papilio polytes L. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) on four rutaceous host plants, Citrus aurantofolia (Christm.) Swing., Citrus hystrix DC., Citrus reticulata Blanco, and Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprengel, were assessed in field cages measuring 2 × 2 × 2 m. Simultaneous two-choice and four-choice oviposition tests of whole host plants were conducted. The mean total number of eggs laid per plant on C. reticulata in the two-choice test was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than those on C. aurantifolia, C. hystrix, and M. koenigii. Among the three other host plants, C. aurantifolia was preferred over C. hystrix, and M. koenigii (P < 0.01) and C. hystrix was preferred over M. koenigii (P < 0.01). In the four-choice test, C. reticulata was highly preferred and significantly different from C. hystrix and M. koenigii. However, no oviposition preference was detected with C. aurantifolia. Among the various plant parts in the two- and four-choice tests, eggs on leaves of each plant were the highest, followed by numbers on stems, and negligible numbers on pots. These numbers on leaves of C. reticulata and C. aurantifolia were not significantly different (P > 0.05), but differed significantly (P < 0.01) from those on leaves of C. hystrix and M. koenigii. The quantitative trend of egg-laying on stems was very similar to that observed for the leaves. Papilio polytes showed strong preference to lay eggs on the underside of leaves of all host plants than on the upper side or on the petiole. More eggs were laid on the upper side of each host plant than on its petiole. The four host plants in descending order of preference were C. reticulataC. aurantifolia > C. hystrix > M. koenigii. Although M. koenigii was the least preferred, it has the potential to serve as an alternative host plant for P. polytes which can be manipulated when necessary, to alleviate the infestation of this pest to the citrus industry.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that virgin males of Papilio machaondeliver ejaculates that are twice as big as any ejaculates they transfer at later matings. Here, we investigate the consequences of these two size classes of ejaculates on female reproductive output and demonstrate that females that received one small ejaculate laid as many eggs, fertilized the same proportion of eggs, and lived as long as those that had received one big ejaculate. However, females that received big ejaculates laid heavier eggs, but only between the twelfth and the fifteenth days of egg-laying. We conclude that male-derived nutrients appear to have a limited effect on female reproductive output in P. machaonand that the large size of ejaculates delivered by male butterflies are determined primarily by selection on males to produce longer refractory periods in females.  相似文献   

All larvae in the family Papilionidae possess osmeteria, eversible glands that release defensive chemicals upon disturbance. These chemicals have been shown to be repellent to ants, mantids, and other predaceous arthropods with chewing mouthparts. In this study, we demonstrate that the pentatomid Podisus maculiventris,an important predator of the black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes,is capable of piercing the body wall of the caterpillar and consuming body fluids without eliciting osmeterial eversion. Tenebrio molitorlarvae coated with osmeterial secretions of Papilio polyxeneswere universally rejected by Podisus maculiventris,suggesting that the predator is in fact repelled by the swallowtail defensive chemistry. By circumventing the defensive behavior of the caterpillar, the pentatomid is able to utilize an otherwise chemically unsuitable prey species.  相似文献   

孙娜  丁伟峰  刘志刚  张欣  李娴  冯颖 《昆虫学报》2019,62(3):304-311
【目的】研究柑橘凤蝶Papilio xuthus细胞系RIRI-PX1的单细胞克隆株RIRI-PX1-C24的生物学和重组蛋白表达特性。【方法】用野生型苜蓿银纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(wild-type Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrosis virus, wt-AcMNPV)侵染RIRI-PX1-C24与RIRI-PX1,检测细胞对野生型病毒的敏感性;使用重组绿色荧光蛋白杆状病毒(AcMNPV-GFP)、重组β-半乳糖苷酶杆状病毒(AcMNPV-Gal)以及重组分泌型碱性磷酸酶杆状病毒(AcMNPV-SEAP)分别侵染细胞系RIRI-PX1-C24和RIRI-PX1,在之后的24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144和168 h检测3种重组蛋白的表达量;通过简单重复序列区间(inter simple sequence repeat, ISSR)标记比较RIRI-PX1-C24与RIRI PX1的遗传相似性。【结果】亲本细胞系 RIRI-PX1和克隆株RIRI-PX1-C24均能被wt-AcMNPV侵染,其中RIRI-PX-C24对wt-AcMNPV的敏感性较RIRI-PX1有显著提高。3种重组蛋白均能在2个细胞系中表达,其中重组绿色荧光蛋白在RIRI-PX1-C24中的表达水平远高于在亲本细胞系RIRI-PX1中的表达水平,但重组β-半乳糖苷酶蛋白和重组分泌型碱性磷酸酶蛋白在RIRI-PX1-C24中的表达水平较在RIRI-PX1中的无显著提高。用10条ISSR引物进行的RIRI-PX1-C24和RIRI-PX1 2个细胞系的指纹图谱分析中,4条引物扩增条带在这2个细胞系间存在差异;2个细胞系的遗传相似性范围在0~83.33%之间,说明克隆株及其亲本细胞系在基因型上存在差异。【结论】通过对柑橘凤蝶细胞系RIRI-PX1进行单细胞克隆,确实获得了使重组绿色荧光蛋白表达水平有显著提高的克隆株RIRI-PX1-C24,其利用价值仍需进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Analysis of cytochrome P450 genes in silkworm genome (Bombyx mori)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450) are im-portant metabolic enzymes involved in the metabolism not only of a wide range of endogenous compounds such as fatty acids, steroids, hormones or vitamins, but also of exogenous substrates such as drugs, chemicals including environmental pollutants, such carcinogens as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and pesticides[1]. P450s are found virtually in all aerobic organisms, including organisms as diverse as in insects, plants, mammals, birds and bacter…  相似文献   

Metabolism of therapeutic drugs in the body by the mixed function oxidase system is an important consideration in the analysis of a drug's effectiveness. P450-dependent metabolism within the brain of a neuro-specific drug may affect the drug's course of action. To determine whether cytochrome P450 was expressed in brain, RNA was isolated from the whole brains of rats treated with a variety of known hepatic P450 inducers, including amitriptyline, imipramine, isosafrole, phenobarbital, and -naphthoflavone. The RNA was analyzed for the presence of P450 isozymes by the PCR technique. Differential expression of P450IA1, P450IIB1, P450IIB2, P450IID, and P450IIE1 was detected in the brain samples, depending on the treatment. Cytochrome P450 reductase expression was also detected in the brain samples, giving strong evidence that the brain contains a competent mixed function oxidase system under all conditions studied. (Mol Cell Biochem120: 171–179, 1993)Thesis student of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston  相似文献   

Mutagen formation by the reaction of sodium nitrite with some sorbic acid analogs was investigated by using the microbial mutagenicity tests (rec-assay and Ames test) together with chemical examination using TLC, and it became clear that the conjugated dienoic carbonyl structure is essential for mutagen formation by the reaction with nitrite By a large scale reaction of sodium nitrite with sorbic acid methyl ester, 5-nitro-2,4-hexadienoic acid methyl ester and ethylnitrohc acid were isolated and identified as the mam mutagens The results led to the assumption that a nitro group adjacent to the double bond is an important factor to develop mutagenicity  相似文献   

Fifteen polymorphic dinucleotide and two trinucleotide microsatellite loci were identified in the Anise swallowtail, Papilio zelicaon, from DNA genomic libraries enriched for simple sequence repeats. Allele numbers varied from eight to 29, with an excess of homozygotes observed for nine loci. This homozygosity is a feature of other lepidopteran microsatellites and is probably due to null alleles. Sixteen markers were amplified successfully in other representatives of Papilio with 11 loci retaining polymorphism in at least one species. These results suggest that the microsatellites reported here may be appropriate for measuring population genetic structure in a number of Papilio species.  相似文献   

Plants produce and release large quantities of methanol, especially when attacked by herbivores. It seems that the herbivores may suffer from methanol intoxication. Here we reported the tolerance to and the metabolism of methanol by Ostrinia furnacalis third-instar larvae. When larvae were exposed to dietary methanol, formaldehyde and formic acid for 72 h, the estimated LC50 value was 28, 40 and 29 mg/g diet, respectively. Toxicity of methanol was enhanced by 4-methylpyrazole, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole and piperonyl butoxide, and toxicity of formaldehyde was increased by 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole and piperonyl butoxide. However, triphenyl phosphate had little synergistic effects on both methanol and formaldehyde. These data indicate that alcohol dehydrogenase, and probably catalase and cytochrome P450 monooxygenase oxidize methanol to formaldehyde, catalase and cytochrome P450 monooxygenase catalyze formaldehyde to formic acid, water and carbon dioxide, and carboxylesterase may have a minor effect. Several fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) were identified from extracts of the frass of larvae which had been exposed to a methanol-contained diet, in contrast to those on a methanol-free artificial diet. In vitro tests revealed that a crude enzyme solution from the larvae could synthesize FAMEs from corresponding fatty acids and methanol. In addition, dietary methanol induced higher esterase activities in the first-, second- and third-instar larvae. These findings demonstrate that both oxidative metabolism and non-oxidative metabolism are partially responsible for methanol elimination in O. furnacalis larvae.  相似文献   

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