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We examined the effects of parental experience and group size on infant care and development. Ten cottontop tamarin families were followed across three consecutive births of offspring to examine differences in survival, quality of care, developmental maturation and physical development for infants in two experimental conditions: (1) in large groups with previous parenting experience and (2) in small groups with little or no parenting experience. Although we found no differences in infant mortality, parents treated infants differently between conditions. However, when we examined the cumulative care provided by parents and sibling helpers together across experimental conditions, there were no differences in the rates of retrieval or rejection of infants. Overall levels of infant transport and food transfers were similar between conditions, with fathers and sibling helpers contributing the bulk of care. Fathers in small groups carried infants and transferred food with infants much more than helpers but, as group size increased, helpers augmented this role. Infant development varied with the experience of the family both between conditions and within a family. The results indicate that infants receive similar levels of care regardless of group size and parenting experience, although the individual contributions of family members change with both factors. Parental experience with previous infants had effects on early infant development, but only for the first sets of infants. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Senescence—the deterioration of survival and reproductive capacity with increasing age—is generally held to be an evolutionary consequence of the declining strength of natural selection with increasing age. The diversity in rates of aging observed in nature suggests that the rate at which age‐specific selection weakens is determined by species‐specific ecological factors. We propose that, in iteroparous species, relationships between parental age, offspring birth order, and environment may affect selection on senescence. Later‐born siblings have, on average, older parents than do first borns. Offspring born to older parents may experience different environments in terms of family support or inherited resources, factors often mediated by competition from siblings. Thus, age‐specific selection on parents may change if the environment produces birth‐order related gradients in reproductive success. We use an age‐and‐stage structured population model to investigate the impact of sibling environmental inequality on the expected evolution of senescence. We show that accelerated senescence evolves when later‐born siblings are likely to experience an environment detrimental to lifetime reproduction. In general, sibling inequality is likely to be of particular importance for the evolution of senescence in species such as humans, where family interactions and resource inheritance have important roles in determining lifetime reproduction.  相似文献   

Marmosets and tamarins are characterized by a reproductive strategy that includes twinning, and a communal rearing system in which infant care is shared among all group members, both breeders and nonbreeding helpers (often older offspring). In order to test some predictions about the extent to which different age-sex classes should invest in infants, contributions to infant carrying and food-sharing by all family members were measured in captive groups of cotton-top tamarins (Saquinus oedipus) ranging in size from 2 to 12 independent individuals. Fourteen litters were observed from birth to 12 weeks. Carrying by mothers decreased steadily over the study period, while carrying by fathers and other offspring increased for 3–5 weeks, then declined. Infants spent more time carried by siblings than by either parent, but parents did more carrying than individual siblings and, also, shared more food with infants. Older siblings contributed more care than younger siblings did. Adult sons carried infants more than adult daughters did, but immature daughters carried more than immature sons did. However, adult daughters actively offered food to infants more than any other class of helper did. These results were interpreted in the light of hypotheses concerning the reproductive and dispersal strategies of callitrichid species.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to find out how genetic and biochemical limitations influence psycho-social performance and to partially test the validity of justification theory. The ability to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine was compared with intellectual and personality characteristics in PKU family members. Each of the tested persons was given an oral dose of phenylalanine, the Shipley-Hartford Intelligence Test, and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). Only those persons with reading ability at the sixth grade level or higher were tested. Eighty-six persons were tested: fifteen PKUs, forty-three siblings, and twenty-eight parents. A comparison was made among parents, PKUs, and the siblings. Siblings with the higher 2/3's of P2/T ratios were contrasted with those with the lowest 1/3 of ratios on measures of intelligence and psychopathology. Statistical analyses of the data reflected a trend in support of the justification theory. PKUs had significantly lower intelligence than their sibs and parents. The PKUs' mean IQ was 95 (homozygotes born of heterozygotes), followed by the upper 2/3's sibling mean IQ of 105 (heterozygotes born of nonheterozygote mothers). The lower 1/3 siblings' mean IQ was 107 (nonheterozygotes born from heterozygote mothers), and finally, the parents' mean IQ was 109 (heterozygotes, among them 50% were born from nonheterozygote mothers). The latter three mean IQs are not significantly different from each other. The personality tests revealed a trend toward more abnormality in PKUs than in their heterozygote siblings. The lowest rate of abnormality occurred in the nonheterozygote sibling group; that rate was significantly lower than in all other groups. The parents had the highest absolute rate of personality abnormality, but statistically so compared to the low-ratio siblings.  相似文献   

A group of juvenile rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) living in a nuclear-family laboratory environment was studied to determine their responses to the births of siblings. The frequencies of interactions with family members (mothers, fathers, and new siblings) and nonfamily (peers, unrelated infants, and unrelated adults) were studied over both the year preceding and the year following sibling birth. The frequencies of specific behaviors in each of those interactions and the frequencies of interactions in each area of the nuclear-family unit (home cage, play area, or other families' cage) were also examined. After new siblings arrived, several measures of interactions with mothers, fathers, and new siblings increased significantly; by contrast interactions with peers decreased substantially over the post-birth year. Although the frequency of interactions in home cages remained stable over the 2-year period, interactions outside of the subjects' home cages decreased significantly after siblings were born. An additional subject group whose mothers became pregnant but failed to deliver viable offspring showed no significant changes in total levels of interactions with peers; they did, however, exhibit increases in some interactions with unrelated infants and adults. Female juveniles interacted with new siblings significantly more often than did males when siblings were less than 6 months old, but as siblings grew older (6–12 months), females' levels of interaction with them fell to a level equal to that of males. In the nuclear-family social structure, the birth of a sibling resulted in an increased emphasis on family interactions at the expense of peer interactions.  相似文献   

Individual variation in infant caretaking behavior is prevalent among marmoset and tamarin monkeys. Although most group members participate in infant care, the timing and amount provided differs greatly. In this study, we quantified general trends in infant carrying behavior by using a longitudinal database that included 11 years of instantaneous scan observations following 80 births of cotton‐top tamarins. Using detailed focal observations on a subset of the same families (10 births) we identified influences that affected expression of infant care at the group and individual levels. Fathers were the primary carriers and paternal carry time gradually decreased with increasing infant age. Paternal carry time also decreased significantly with an increasing number of older sibling helpers. Most fathers began to carry on the first day postpartum. However, we report circumstances in which fathers delayed carrying until almost a month postpartum. Fathers retrieved infants the most, although adult brothers' rates of retrievals peaked and surpassed fathers' rates during week 4 postpartum. Fathers delayed rejection of infants until week 4, whereas mothers rejected infants immediately and throughout the eight weeks. Nonetheless, infants climbed onto their mothers more than onto any other family member. Mothers showed a high initial investment in carrying during the first two weeks, decreasing quickly thereafter. Maternal contributions to infant carrying remained low and relatively consistent regardless of group size. However, mothers dramatically increased their infant carrying behavior in families in which fathers were absent. Older siblings cared for infants more than did younger siblings, and brothers retrieved and carried infants more than did sisters. Individual expression of infant care changed to accommodate infant needs and changed according to varying social dynamics and circumstances across litters. Am. J. Primatol. 72:296–306, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper examines the distribution of low birth weight (2500 g or less) by gestation time, sex, maternal age, parity (birth order), socioeconomic conditions, and season of birth among 5117 single live births born to Bengali mothers at the Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratisthan Hospital in Calcutta, India. Preterm infants have low birth weight significantly more often than their full term counterparts. Female infants have low birth weights significantly more often than male infants. The infants of poor mothers have lower birth weights in higher order births more often than infants of higher orders born to well-off mothers. Teenaged mothers produce low birth weight babies significantly more often than older mothers. Although the relationship is not significant, low birth weight infants occur more often among 1st and late born infants and less often among 2nd born infants. The season of birth is not significantly associated with birth weight. Less than 10% of low birth weight infants are pre-term, while the rest are full term. The great majority of low birth weight infants are small-for-gestational-age; the minority are small due to curtailed gestational age. The proportion of infants weighing less than 2001 g is only 9%; this figure tallies closely with earlier studies of India.  相似文献   

To examine ethnic differences in postneonatal mortality and the incidence of sudden infant death in England and Wales during 1982-5 records were analysed, the mother''s country of birth being used to determine ethnic group. Postneonatal mortality was highest in infants of mothers born in Pakistan (6.4/1000 live births) followed by infants of mothers born in the Caribbean (4.5) and the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland (4.1). Crude rates were lower in infants of mothers born in India (3.9/1000), east and west Africa (3.0), and Bangladesh (2.8) than in infants of mothers born in the United Kingdom despite less favourable birth weights. Mortality ratios standardised separately for maternal age, parity, and social class were significantly higher in infants of mothers born in Pakistan and lower in those of mothers born in Bangladesh. The ratio for infants of Caribbean mothers was significantly higher when adjusted for maternal age. Ratios for infants of Indian and east African mothers did not show significant differences after standardisation. An important finding was a low incidence of sudden infant death in infants of Asian origin. This was paralleled by lower mortality from respiratory causes. During 1975-85 postneonatal mortality in all immigrant groups except Pakistanis fell to a similar or lower rate than that in the United Kingdom group; Pakistanis showed a persistent excess. During 1984-5 several immigrant groups (from the Republic of Ireland, India, west Africa, and the Caribbean) recorded an increase in postneonatal mortality. Surveillance of postneonatal mortality among ethnic communities should be continued, and research is needed to identify the causes underlying the differences.  相似文献   



With improved medical outcome in preterm infants, the psychosocial situation of their families is receiving increasing attention. For parents, the birth of a preterm infant is generally regarded as a stressful experience, and therefore many interventions are based on reducing parental stress. Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether parents of children born preterm experience more stress than parents of term-born children, which would justify these interventions. This meta-analysis provides a comprehensive account of parental stress in parents of preterm infants, from birth of the infant through to their adolescence. Mean levels of stress in specific domains of family functioning were investigated, and stress levels in parents of preterm and term infants, and fathers and mothers of preterm infants, were compared. Furthermore, we investigated moderators of parental stress.

Methods and Findings

A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted including 38 studies describing 3025 parents of preterm (<37 wk) and low birth weight (<2500 g) infants. Parental stress was measured with two parent-reported questionnaires, the Parenting Stress Index and the Parental Stressor Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The results indicate that parents of preterm-born children experience only slightly more stress than parents of term-born children, with small effect sizes. Furthermore, mothers have slightly more stress than fathers, but these effect sizes are also small. Parents report more stress for infants with lower gestational ages and lower birth weights. There is a strong effect for infant birth year, with decreasing parental stress from the 1980s onward, probably due to increased quality of care for preterm infants.


Based on our findings we argue that prematurity can best be regarded as one of the possible complications of birth, and not as a source of stress in itself.  相似文献   

Cooperative care of the young by the father, older siblings, and unrelated group members is observed in a number of species, but inCallithrix jacchus parental care by the father is considered to be part of the reproductive behavior of the species. Nevertheless, the way the presence of potential helpers influences the costs of caring for the parents is not well understood. In this study we describe the suckling phase of youngC. jacchus, in families with and without older siblings, assessing the effect of siblings on the amount of care given by the father and mother. Six family groups were observed: three consisting of the mated pair and two newborn infants, and three with one or two additional sub-adult siblings. Our results suggest that the presence of older siblings as helpers affects the parents' participation in caregiving by altering maternal investment through the control of nursing and by reducing the costs of carrying for the father.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1987,35(1):170-181
In a 3-year study of the moorhen, Gallinula chloropus, some chicks from first broods stayed on their natal territory once they had reached independence, and helped to rear their younger, second brood, siblings. Juvenile dispersal was constrained by habitat saturation, and first brood young were forced to stay on their natal territory. Juveniles that hatched early in the year were forced to stay longer, and helped more than those that hatched late. The total feeding rates to broods with and without juvenile helpers were the same, but parents with helpers reduced their feeding rates relative to parents without helpers. Pairs with helpers (=pairs attempting second broods) reared more chicks per nesting, attempt than pairs rearing chicks at the same time of year without helpers (=pairs attempting first clutch renests). This was true both for all clutches, and for hatched clutches only, even when controlling for parental quality, territory size and scasonal effects.  相似文献   

In a comparative study to examine the effect of social factors on human twinning, data on sociodemographic and other factors were collected from parents of all twins born alive in Denmark in 1984 or 1985 and from a random sample of parents of singleton infants born in the same years. A postal questionnaire was used. The twins were classified as monozygotic (MZ) or dizygotic (DZ) twins by the similarity method. A trend was found in DZ-twinning, with significantly fewer DZ-twins born in the lower social classes, but not in MZ-twinning. All results were controlled for maternal age and parity.  相似文献   

Goeldi's monkey (Callimico goeldii) is closely related to marmosets and tamarins. Like marmosets and tamarins, C. goeldii lives in family groups, and fathers and older offspring (helpers) participate in infant carrying. In contrast to the typical twin births in marmosets and tamarins, C. goeldii has only single offspring, and paternal carrying is delayed. We studied infant carrying following 26 births in eight groups of C. goeldii, testing hypotheses proposed in the literature on infant carrying in marmosets and tamarins. The infant was carried exclusively by the mother for the first 26.3 days after birth. Afterwards other group members participated in infant carrying. Whereas the C. goeldii mother is always the main carrier, the father does not always carry more than helpers. In contrast to other callitrichids, age and sex of sibling helpers was not found to have an effect on the participation in infant carrying. The participation in infant carrying in Callimico indicated intraindividual consistency, i.e., the amount of infant carrying performed by fathers and helpers following one birth correlated significantly with the amount of infant carrying of the same individuals following the next birth. We found a significant negative correlation between parental infant carrying and group size, indicating that helpers really do help, sharing the carrying burden with their parents. This is attributed to a clear trend for a reduction in maternal carrying in the presence of helpers, whereas fathers did not benefit from helpers. We conclude that the infant-carrying pattern in C. goeldii is different from the infant-carrying pattern in marmosets and tamarins. The main differences were that the mother instead of the father is the main carrier, and that there is a clear time delay between infant birth and when the father and helpers participate in infant carrying.  相似文献   

Infant-care behavior patterns of captive cotton-top tamarins were examined to assess factors defining participation by non-reproductive helpers. The time spent carrying infants and characteristics of infant transfers were examined for 47 helpers in a total of 18 groups. We predicted that age, previous experience, and carrying opportunity would all affect participation of non-reproductive helpers. Our results confirm that carrying by non-reproductive helpers was related to age, with older helpers carrying more often. However, this difference declined with increasing infant age, suggesting that body size of the carrier was not the only factor determining participation in carrying. When observations were classified relative to type of interaction with infants, older juveniles were found to both investigate and harass infants more often than subadults or younger juveniles. There was no effect of gender on carrying. The carrying behavior of subadults was not affected by their previous experience; that is, subadults with no previous exposure to infants carried as often as those with previous experience. Inter-individual variation among helpers was high; within 11 twin litters of helpers, one animal usually carried significantly more than the other.  相似文献   

In a captive colony of Brazilian squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) a discrete birth season has been retained for 5 years although its duration increased from 3 months in 1972 to 6 months in 1976. The ages of breeder females in this colony ranged from 3 to 14 years, and within this range reproductive performance was not affected by age, although it was significantly better in feral than in colony-born females. The latter had a lower pregnancy rate and a higher incidence of neonatal and fetal deaths than did the feral monkeys. It is our belief that the reproductive and maternal capabilities of the colony-born females were adversely affected by the practice of removing neonates from their mothers at weaning and raising them with age-mates.  相似文献   

We examined the sex ratios of adults and nestlings in the cooperatively breeding bell miner Manorina melanophrys . Males were over-represented among helpers (mean of 6.8 male helpers per nest compared to 0.3 female helpers). 58% of nestlings sampled were identified as male using a molecular genetic marker. This was a significant departure from parity, yet the magnitude of the bias varied between years. The beneficial and male-biased nature of helping behaviour in this species and the similar size of male and female nestlings suggest the net cost of raising males is lower than the cost of raising females. Consequently, the male-biased sex ratio of nestlings we observed is consistent with the predictions of the repayment hypothesis that females may bias the production of their young towards the more helpful sex. Difficulties of generating quantitative predictions from repayment models that can be tested in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

Familial correlations were studied in a sample of 618 sibships from a western neighborhood of Jerusalem, whose height (H) and weight (W) were measured longitudinally at the same age, from birth to 3 years of age. Covariate adjustments were applied to correct for change in mean of H and W with the sex of child and age of mother and for the effect of origin, education, and socioeconomic status of the mother, parity, and calendar year at birth. The highest sibling correlations were observed at birth or 1 month later (r = 0.45-0.46). Pooled sibling correlations were lower 6 months later (r = 0.33; r = 0.26 for H and W, respectively) and tended to increase again 12-18 months after birth. A clear trend of decline in sib-sib correlation for H and W measured 3 and 12 months after birth with increased spacing between siblings was observed. Our data provide evidence for transient environmental factors as possible sources of the observed temporal variation in sibling correlation for height and weight.  相似文献   

Infant-carrying behavior in four families ofCallithrix jacchus was investigated over a period covering six to eight litters. We evaluated the effect of the total number of helpers and the number of adult helpers on the parents' carrying performance for the total carrying period and for three age stages of the infants. The carrying performance of the parents reached an asymptote beginning with litters 3 to 5. In two groups, the carrying performance of the parents was significantly negatively correlated with group size. However, considerable differences existed within each group and between the groups. The mother was the primary caregiver in the early weeks of the infants' lives. In this phase the helpers' contribution to carrying was less than might be expected. The relief of the parents from infant-carrying was greatest when the infants were 4 to 7 weeks old. Breeding males benefited most and from every helper, while breeding females benefited most from adult helpers, i.e., the carrying performance of the breeding female was considerably reduced until the respective group had grown to 8 to 10 members (infants not included). This group size is considered to be ideal for maximal relief of the parents from infant carrying. An increasing number of adult nonreproductive helpers (>4 or 5) does not induce a further reduction of the parents' carrying performance. Infant-rearing experience of nonreproductive helpers seems to be more important for the parents' and, especially, the breeding female's relief from infant-carrying than the overall number of helpers is. The data also strongly evidence that a group member's participation in infant-carrying is influenced by housing conditions and the demographic history of the group.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine the relation between birth weight and measured intelligence at age 7 years in children within the normal range of birth weight and in siblings.DesignCohort study of siblings of the same sex.Setting12 cities in the United States.Subjects3484 children of 1683 mothers in a birth cohort study during the years 1959 through 1966. The sample was restricted to children born at ⩾37 weeks gestation and with birth weights of 1500-3999 g.ResultsMean IQ increased monotonically with birth weight in both sexes across the range of birth weight in a linear regression analysis of one randomly selected sibling per family (n= 1683) with adjustment for maternal age, race, education, socioeconomic status, and birth order. Within same sex sibling pairs, differences in birth weight were directly associated with differences in IQ in boys (812 pairs, predicted IQ difference per 100 g change in birth weight =0.50, 95% confidence interval 0.28 to 0.71) but not girls (871 pairs, 0.10, −0.09 to 0.30). The effect in boys remained after differences in birth order, maternal smoking, and head circumference were adjusted for and in an analysis restricted to children with birth weight ⩾ 2500 g.ConclusionThe increase in childhood IQ with birth weight continues well into the normal birth weight range. For boys this relation holds within same sex sibships and therefore cannot be explained by confounding from family social environment.

What is already known on this topic

IQ at school age is linked to birth weight among low birthweight babiesSome evidence suggests the association might also apply to children of normal birth weight

What this study adds

IQ at age 7 years is linearly related to birth weight among children of normal birth weightThe relation was not due to confounding by maternal or socioeconomic factorsIQ is also associated with differences in birth weight between boy sibling pairs but not girls  相似文献   

This study further examined the negative association between boys' growth and the presence of sisters within a relatively affluent community in Taipei, Taiwan. Among 596 boys born in 1976-77, differences in height and log-transformed weight were judged using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with measurement age as a covariate, and parental education level (four levels), number of sisters (0, 1, 2 or 3+) and number of brothers (0, 1, 2+) as predictors. The relative importance of birth order and sibling sex was examined among the near majority of boys with one sibling (47%, 278/596). The sibling composition variable was defined using mutually exclusive categories representing individuals with one sibling: either one older or younger brother or sister. All boys contributed information before leaving middle school at a mean age of 14.9 +/- 0.4 years SD. The results were compared with similar analyses of data for 154 of these same boys for whom measurements were available from primary school entry at a mean age of 64 +/- 0.3 years SD onward. Results were also compared with data for a cohort of 153 boys who entered primary school later in 1986. Results confirm that boys from the Da-an area born in the mid-1970s who did not have sisters were significantly taller (2.2-2.5 cm, p < or = 0.008) and heavier (3.0-3.9 kg, p < or = 0.016) than those with one or two sisters. However, the 26 boys with three or more sisters, most of whom were last-born, were somewhat taller than those with one or two sisters. The same curvilinear relationships in height and weight appeared both among boys as they prepared to leave middle school and among the subset also measured just after entering primary school. When numbers of sisters were statistically controlled, the presence of two or more brothers was also significantly negatively associated with mean stature, but not weight, among middle school boys. Analyses among boys with one sibling revealed that birth order was associated with mean stature, but only if the sibling was female; an older sister was associated with a greater deficit in mean stature than a younger sister. Evidence of rising educational expectations, continued declines in family size with fewer gender-related differences in numbers of siblings, and a clear secular increase in body size in this community among children entering primary school from 1982 to 1986 suggest a possible explanatory model.  相似文献   

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