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2,106 girls and 2,169 boys from 7 to 17 were investigated in 2002-2004 in three urban settlements of the Saratov region (Povolzhje area): the town of Khvalynsk, population 15,000, with a low level of industrialization; the city of Balakovo, population 220,000, highly industrialized and with a nuclear power station; and the city of Saratov, population around 1,000,000 a regional capital, and also highly industrialized. The whole area, particularly the location of Khvalynsk, is also characterized by iodine deficiency (iodine concentration is 0.78 mkg/kg v. normal values of 5-7 mkg/kg).The program included about 30 anthropometric measurements, evaluation of developmental stages of secondary sexual characteristics, and information on menarcheal age by the status quo method. Information on parental occupation and education, as well as number of children per family was collected by questionnaire. For the analysis all the data were standardized, and further comparisons were made irrespective of age groups. The significance of differences was assessed by one-way ANOVA. For height, weight and chest circumference there are significant differences among the three populations (p < 0.001), with Khvalynsk children being the smallest in body height and weight. However, in chest circumference they are close to or even bigger (girls) than Balakovo children. The children from Khvalynsk are characterized by the lowest values for subcutaneous fat layer, both on the trunk and extremities. For the age of menarche, Khvalynsk girls have the highest values: 13 years 5 months (13.42). In Balakovo and Saratov, the corresponding figures are identical: 13 years 2 months (13.17). Secular changes in Khvalynsk and Saratov children are discussed as compared to the literature.  相似文献   

Microgravity in space flight--situation of a maximum deficit of supporting loading on the skeleton and good model for finding-out of osteopenia and osteoporosis development laws, which are wide-spreading now and are "civilization diseases". Most typical for bones in conditions of a microgravitation by changes are: a decrease of intensity growth and osteoplastic processes, osteopenia and osteoporosis, decreasing of a mechanical strength and the risk of breaches arising (Oganov V.S., Schneider V. (1996)). Cytological mechanisms of gravity-dependent reactions in a bone tissue remain in many respects not-clear. By the purpose of our work was the analysis of some ultrastructural changes in bone tissue cells of the monkeys (Macaca mulatta), staying during two weeks onboard the biosatellite BION -11.  相似文献   

New data on the species composition and comparative analysis of gamasid mites occurring on small mammals in the semi-desert territories of Saratov Trans-Volga region are reported. In all, 18 species of gamasid mites (9 genera, 5 families) were found, including 9 species which had not been previously recorded in the region: Hypoaspis (Stratiolaelaps) miles Berlese, 1882, H. (Geolaelaps) heselhausi Oudemans, 1912, H. (G.) lubrica Oudemans et Voigts, 1904, Laelaps multispinosus Banks, 1909, L. jettmari Vitzthum, 1930, Cyrtolaelaps mucronatus G. et. R. Canestrini, 1881, Haemogamasus citelli Bregetova et Nelzina, 1952, Hirstionyssus eusoricis Bregetova, 1956, and Hi. ellobii Bregetova, 1956; 5 of these species are new to Saratov Province.  相似文献   

Dietary iodine requirements are increased in pregnancy due to increased thyroid hormone production, increased renal iodine losses, and fetal iodine requirements. Adverse effects of iodine deficiency in pregnancy include maternal and fetal goiter, cretinism, intellectual impairments, neonatal hypothyroidism, and increased pregnancy loss and infant. Dietary iodine requirements remain increased in lactation due to the concentration of iodine in breast milk. Iodine deficiency remains a significant global public health problem. Excess iodine ingestion in pregnancy, while a relatively uncommon problem, may also have adverse fetal effects. However, the safe upper limit for chronic iodine ingestion in pregnancy and lactation is not currently well defined.  相似文献   

The content of total iodine, its hormonal and nonhormonal fractions as well the level of protein-bound iodine in blood and basic tissue targets in representatives of 4 classes of animals: Esox lucius L., Rana esculenta, Streptopelia decaocto Priv., Lepus europaeus Pall. inhabiting the mountain regions with iodine deficiency in environment and in the lowlands of Transcarpathia with higher iodine provision have been investigated. A considerable decrease of general and hormone iodine level in the animal tissues of the mountain area accompanied by the suppression of the thyroid function has been stated. The utilization of thyroid hormones under the iodine deficiency condition is increased in the majority of cases and the level of protein-bound iodine is lowered that testifies to the transition of animal organism in the iodine-deficient areas to the lower level of thyroid homeostasis.  相似文献   

Thyroid ultrastructure changes were studied during the course of a low iodine diet in rats. At day 20, follicles were normal, but a number of them contained cells of higher density and with greatly elongated microvilli. Endoplasmic reticulum cisternae were frequently dilated. From day 20 until day 80, the most characteristic changes in the thyroid cells were the progressive accumulation of subapical peroxidase-positive exocytotic vesicles. After 80 days of the low iodine treatment, Golgi apparatuses were very active. Cell division could be observed. At this stage, exocytotic vesicles were generally very abundant. These data suggest that the remarkable accumulation of subapical exocytotic vesicles between day 20 and day 120 might represent an adaptation to the moderate and gradual increase in TSH stimulation that occurs in the conditions of low iodine diet.  相似文献   

At the time after the Second World War, endemic goiter was present in most parts of Croatia with a prevalence of more than 50% and presence of cretinism. In the village of Rude near Zagreb, goiter was detected in 85% of school children with 2.3% of cretins in the village population. In 1953 the first regulation on obligatory salt iodination, requiring 10 mg of potassium iodide (KI) per kg of salt was established in former Yugoslavia. A three-fold reduction of goiter prevalence, together with disappearance of cretinism was recorded ten years later In 1992, the National Committee for Eradication of Goiter was founded. The survey performed during 1991-1993 exhibited prevalence of goiter among school children between 8% and 35% and urinary iodine excretion under 10 microg/dL in most of the children from continental parts of the country. The new obligatory regulation, requiring 25 mg of KI/kg of salt, was proposed by the National Comittee and finally established in 1996. In 2002 thyroid volumes and medians of urinary iodine excretion were normal according to the ICCIDD criteria. Overall median of urinary iodine excretion for schoolchildren in Croatia was 14 ug/dL. Croatia crossed a path from severe iodine deficiency detected in the 1950's to the period of mild to moderate iodine deficiency during the 1990's, and finally, nowadays, iodine sufficiency has been achieved.  相似文献   

The hibernation of the Eversman hamster is proven for the first time. The body temperature measured with a thermoaccumulator implanted into the abdominal cavity dropped down to +5°C several times during the winter. This species differs from other hibernating mammals in the peculiarities of its seasonal fluctuation of steroid hormones (cortisol, progesterone, estradiol, and testosterone) and in the absence of fat deposits before hibernation.  相似文献   

Features of physical development and constitution, functional parameters of the cardiorespiratory system (PWC170 and maximal oxygen consumption), and sympathetic and parasympathetic influences on the regulation of blood circulation were studied in 12–16-year-old children of newcomers under conditions of adaptation to the Tyumen North. The percentage of adolescents with an excessive or a deficient body weight, growth lag, and delayed puberty was increased. The girls had a decreased efficiency. Age- and sex-related differences of the morphological and physiological parameters of subjects under study were found.  相似文献   

Goitrogenesis induced in mice by iodine deficiency took place in two distinct phases. The first phase lasted four weeks and was characterized histologically by the classic signs of hyperplasia: colloid resorption, increase in the height of the epithelium and enlargment of the capillaries. After the fourth week, the morphological changes in the thyroid were different in males and females. In the male, pluristratified follicles, secondary follicular cavities and papillary projections were observed. In the female, most of the follicles retained their hyperplastic appearance, while papillary projections were observed in very few follicles.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus-dominated vaginal microbiotas are associated with reproductive health and STI resistance in women, whereas altered microbiotas are associated with bacterial vaginosis (BV), STI risk and poor reproductive outcomes. Putative vaginal taxa have been observed in male first-catch urine, urethral swab and coronal sulcus (CS) specimens but the significance of these observations is unclear. We used 16 S rRNA sequencing to characterize the microbiota of the CS and urine collected from 18 adolescent men over three consecutive months. CS microbiotas of most participants were more stable than their urine microbiotas and the composition of CS microbiotas were strongly influenced by circumcision. BV-associated taxa, including Atopobium, Megasphaera, Mobiluncus, Prevotella and Gemella, were detected in CS specimens from sexually experienced and inexperienced participants. In contrast, urine primarily contained taxa that were not abundant in CS specimens. Lactobacilllus and Streptococcus were major urine taxa but their abundance was inversely correlated. In contrast, Sneathia, Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma were only found in urine from sexually active participants. Thus, the CS and urine support stable and distinct bacterial communities. Finally, our results suggest that the penis and the urethra can be colonized by a variety of BV-associated taxa and that some of these colonizations result from partnered sexual activity.  相似文献   

Data available in literature on immunomorphological aspects of the immunological memory formation are summarized. Features of B memory cells and mechanisms of their activation are analyzed. Relations between antigen localization in the lymphoid follicles, the formation of virgin centres there and induction of B memory cells and organs of the immune system in the immunological memory are discussed.  相似文献   

Program of investigations of effects of radiation and iodine prophylaxis undertaken after Czarnobyl accident in Kraków region had to be modified due to goiter endemy in this region. These modifications included: 1) Division of the region into 3 areas (voivodship Nowy Sacz, urban voivodship Kraków and area of Kielce and Swietokrzyskie mountains). 2) Study on iodine uptake in food and urinary secretion. 3) Examination of iodine level in drinking water, add an attempt of calculation of radiation dose absorbed by thyroid. Characterization of selected areas, principles of selection of study groups are presented as well as organizational details and methods of data collection.  相似文献   

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