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In the present study, structural aspects of the two soluble transducers, HtrX and HtrXI, from the archaeon H. salinarum have been examined using UV circular dichroism and steady-state fluorescence spectroscopies. Circular dichroism (CD) data indicate that both HtrX and HtrXI exhibit salt-dependent protein folding. Under low-ionic-strength conditions (0.2 M NaCl or KCl) the CD spectra of HtrXI is similar to that of the Gdn-HCl- or urea-denatured forms and is indicative of random coil structure. In contrast, the CD spectrum of HtrX under low-ionic-strength conditions contains roughly 85% α-helical character, indicating a significant degree of folding. Addition of NaCl or KCl to solutions of HtrX or HtrXI results in CD features consistent with predominately α-helical character (>95%) for both proteins. In addition, the transition points (i.e., ionic strengths at which the protein converts from random coil to α-helical character) are quite distinct and dependent upon the type of salt present (i.e., either NaCl or KCl). Accessibility of tryptophan residues to the solvent was also examined for both HtrX and HtrXI in both folded and unfolded states using Kl quenching. The Stern–Volmer constants obtained suggest that the tryptophans (Trp35 in HtrX and both Trp47 and Trp74 in HtrXI) are partially exposed to the solvent, indicating that they are located near the surface of the protein in all three cases. Furthermore, fluorescence quenching with the single Trp mutants Trp74AIa and Trp47AIa of HtrXI indicates different environments for these two residues.  相似文献   

An iron-rich protein, DpsA(Hsal), was isolated from the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum sharing a sequence identity of 35% with the starvation-induced DNA-binding protein, DpsA, of Synechecoccus sp. PCC7942. It consists of 20-kDa subunits forming a dodecameric structure. The protein exhibits a ferric iron loading of up to 100 Fe ions per mole of holoprotein. CD spectra and secondary structure calculations are consistent with an alpha-helical contribution of 60%. The UV/VIS spectrum provides no evidence for the presence of heme groups. This protein exhibits features of a non-heme type bacterial ferritin (Ftn) although it shares only little sequence homology with Ftn. Molecular modelling disclosed a high structural similarity to E. coli Dps.  相似文献   

Halophilic archaea, such as eubacteria, use methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) to sense their environment. We show here that BasT is a halobacterial transducer protein (Htp) responsible for chemotaxis towards five attractant amino acids. The C-terminus of the protein exhibits the highly conserved regions that are diagnostic for MCPs: the signalling domain for communication with the histidine kinase and the methylation sites that interact with the methylation/demethylation enzymes for adaptation. Hydropathy analysis predicts an enterobacterial-type transducer protein topology for BasT, with an extracellular putative ligand-binding domain flanked by two transmembrane helices and a cytoplasmic domain. BasT-inactivated mutant cells are missing a membrane protein radiolabelled with L-[methyl-3H]-methionine in wild-type cells, confirming that BasT is methylatable and membrane bound. Behavioural analysis of the basT mutant cells by capillary and chemical-in-plug assays demonstrates complete loss of chemotactic responses towards five (leucine, isoleucine, valine, methionine and cysteine) of the six attractant amino acids for Halobacterium salinarum, whereas they still respond to arginine. The volatile methyl group production assays also corroborate these findings and confirm that BasT signalling induces methyl group turnover. Our data identify BasT as the chemotaxis transducer protein for the branched chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine as well as for methionine and cysteine. Thus, BasT and the arginine sensor Car cover the entire spectrum of chemotactic responses towards attractant amino acids in H. salinarum.  相似文献   



The genome of the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 encodes for homologs of MutS and MutL, which are key proteins of a DNA mismatch repair pathway conserved in Bacteria and Eukarya. Mismatch repair is essential for retaining the fidelity of genetic information and defects in this pathway result in the deleterious accumulation of mutations and in hereditary diseases in humans.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We calculated the spontaneous genomic mutation rate of H. salinarum NRC-1 using fluctuation tests targeting genes of the uracil monophosphate biosynthesis pathway. We found that H. salinarum NRC-1 has a low incidence of mutation suggesting the presence of active mechanisms to control spontaneous mutations during replication. The spectrum of mutational changes found in H. salinarum NRC-1, and in other archaea, appears to be unique to this domain of life and might be a consequence of their adaption to extreme environmental conditions. In-frame targeted gene deletions of H. salinarum NRC-1 mismatch repair genes and phenotypic characterization of the mutants demonstrated that the mutS and mutL genes are not required for maintenance of the observed mutation rate.


We established that H. salinarum NRC-1 mutS and mutL genes are redundant to an alternative system that limits spontaneous mutation in this organism. This finding leads to the puzzling question of what mechanism is responsible for maintenance of the low genomic mutation rates observed in the Archaea, which for the most part do not have MutS and MutL homologs.  相似文献   

A novel, 68 amino acid long flavoprotein called dodecin has been discovered in the proteome of Halobacterium salinarum by inverse structural genomics. The 1.7 A crystal structure of this protein shows a dodecameric, hollow sphere-like arrangement of the protein subunits. Unlike other known flavoproteins, which bind only monomeric flavin cofactors, the structure of the dodecin oligomer comprises six riboflavin dimers. The dimerization of these riboflavins along the re-faces is mediated by aromatic, antiparallel pi staggering of their isoalloxazine moieties. A unique aromatic tetrade is formed by further sandwiching of the riboflavin dimers between the indole groups of two symmetry-related Trp36s. So far, the dodecins represent the smallest known flavoproteins. Based on the structure and the wide spread occurrences in pathogenic and soil eubacteria, a function in flavin storage or protection against radical or oxygenic stress is suggested for the dodecins.  相似文献   

The photovoltage generation by halorhodopsin from Halobacterium salinarum (shR) was examined by adsorbing shR-containing membranes onto a thin polymer film. The photovoltage consisted of two major components: one with a sub-millisecond range time constant and the other with a millisecond range time constant with different amplitudes, as previously reported. These components exhibited different Cl(-) concentration dependencies (0.1-9 M). We found that the time constant for the fast component was relatively independent of the Cl(-) concentration, whereas the time constant for the slow component increased sigmoidally at higher Cl(-) concentrations. The fast and the slow processes were attributed to charge (Cl(-)) movements within the protein and related to Cl(-) ejection, respectively. The laser photolysis studies of shR-membrane suspensions revealed that they corresponded to the formation and the decay of the N intermediate. The photovoltage amplitude of the slow component exhibited a distorted bell-shaped Cl(-) concentration dependence, and the Cl(-) concentration dependence of its time constant suggested a weak and highly cooperative Cl(-)-binding site(s) on the cytoplasmic side (apparent K(D) of approximately 5 M and Hill coefficient > or =5). The Cl(-) concentration dependence of the photovoltage amplitude and the time constant for the slow process suggested a competition between spontaneous relaxation and ion translocation. The time constant for the relaxation was estimated to be >100 ms.  相似文献   

Dps, found in many eubacterial and archaebacterial species, appears to protect cells from oxidative stress and/or nutrient-limited environment. Dps has been shown to accumulate during the stationary phase, to bind to DNA non-specifically, and to form a crystalline structure that compacts and protects the chromosome. Our previous results have indicated that Dps is glycosylated at least for a certain period of the bacterial cell physiology and this glycosylation is thought to be orchestrated by some factors not yet understood, explaining our difficulties in standardizing the Dps purification process. In the present work, the open reading frame of the dps gene, together with all the upstream regulatory elements, were cloned into a PCR cloning vector. As a result, the expression of dps was also controlled by the plasmid system introduced in the bacterial cell. The gene was then over-expressed regardless of the growth phase of the culture and a glycosylated fraction was purified to homogeneity by lectin-immobilized chromatography assay. Unlike the high level expression of Dps in Salmonella cells, less than 1% of the recombinant protein was purified by affinity chromatography using jacalin column. Sequencing and mass spectrometry data confirmed the identity of the dps gene and the protein, respectively. In spite of the low level of purification of the jacalin-binding Dps, this work shall aid further investigations into the mechanism of Dps glycosylation.  相似文献   

An organized structure, the fibrocrystalline body (FB), has been isolated from the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. The structure is also present in, and can be isolated from, other extreme halophilic archaea. FB is present in the cytoplasm during the exponential growth and early stationary phases. This structure is affected by vincristine, an antitumoral drug, which targets tubulin. The drug causes fragmentation of the FB, changes in the cell shape, and growth inhibition. Taken together, these results point toward an important role in the life of the cell for this highly organized structure.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species can damage most cellular components, but DNA appears to be the most sensitive target of these agents. Here we present the first evidence of DNA protection against the toxic and mutagenic effects of oxidative damage in metabolically active cells: direct protection of DNA by Dps, an inducible nonspecific DNA-binding protein from Escherichia coli. We demonstrate that in a recA-deficient strain, expression of Dps from an inducible promoter prior to hydrogen peroxide challenge increases survival and reduces the number of chromosomal single-strand breaks. dps mutants exhibit increased levels of the G x C-->T x A mutations characteristic of oxidative damage after treatment with hydrogen peroxide. In addition, expression of Dps from the inducible plasmid reduces the frequency of spontaneous G x C-->T x A and A x T-->T x A mutations and can partially suppress the mutator phenotype of mutM (fpg) and mutY alleles. In a purified in vitro system, Dps reduces the number of DNA single-strand breaks and Fpg-sensitive sites introduced by hydrogen peroxide treatment, indicating that the protection observed in vivo is a direct effect of DNA binding by Dps. The widespread conservation of Dps homologs among prokaryotes suggests that this may be a general strategy for coping with oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Two chromosomal high mobility group (HMG) proteins from larvae of Chironomus thummi (Diptera) and from an epithelial cell line of Chironomus tentans were purified to homogeneity and chemically characterized. cDNA clones encoding these proteins were isolated from an expression library using an immunoscreening approach and were sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences revealed their homology to HMG protein 1 of vertebrates. These insect proteins have therefore been designated cHMG1a and cHMG1b. They have a molecular mass of 12,915 and 12,019 kDa, respectively, and preferentially bind to AT-rich DNA. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with a polyclonal antibody showed the presence of cHMG1a and cHMG1b in condensed chromomeres but not in puffs, nucleoli, and cytoplasm. The cHMG1a and cHMG1b genes were both localized to a single band in region 14 of chromosome 1 of C. tentans and appear to be single copy genes. An immunologically related protein was purified from Drosophila melanogaster Kc cells. Its size and amino acid composition indicate that it is an HMG1 of D. melanogaster. On the other hand, our antibody did not recognize calf HMG1. The identification and characterization of HMG1 proteins in insects with polytene chromosomes opens new possibilities for studying function(s) of this group of chromosomal proteins.  相似文献   

Listeria innocua Dps (DNA binding protein from starved cells) affords protection to DNA against oxidative damage and can accumulate about 500 iron atoms within its central cavity through a process facilitated by a ferroxidase center. The chemistry of iron binding and oxidation in Listeria Dps (LiDps, formerly described as a ferritin) using H(2)O(2) as oxidant was studied to further define the mechanism of iron deposition inside the protein and the role of LiDps in protecting DNA from oxidative damage. The relatively strong binding of 12 Fe(2+) to the apoprotein (K(D) approximately 0.023 microM) was demonstrated by isothermal titration calorimetry, fluorescence quenching, and pH stat experiments. Hydrogen peroxide was found to be a more efficient oxidant for the protein-bound Fe(2+) than O(2). Iron(II) oxidation by H(2)O(2) occurs with a stoichiometry of 2 Fe(2+)/H(2)O(2) in both the protein-based ferroxidation and subsequent mineralization reactions, indicating complete reduction of H(2)O(2) to H(2)O. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-trapping experiments demonstrated that LiDps attenuates the production of hydroxyl radical by Fenton chemistry. DNA cleavage assays showed that the protein, while not binding to DNA itself, protects it against the deleterious combination of Fe(2+) and H(2)O(2). The overall process of iron deposition and detoxification by LiDps is described by the following equations. For ferroxidation, Fe(2+) + Dps(Z)--> [(Fe(2+))-Dps](Z+1) + H(+) (Fe(2+) binding) and [(Fe(2+))-Dps](Z+1) + Fe(2+) + H(2)O(2) --> [(Fe(3+))(2)(O)(2)-Dps](Z+1) + 2H(+) (Fe(2+) oxidation/hydrolysis). For mineralization, 2Fe(2+) + H(2)O(2) + 2H(2)O --> 2Fe(O)OH((core)) + 4H(+) (Fe(2+) oxidation/hydrolysis). These reactions occur in place of undesirable odd-electron redox processes that produce hydroxyl radical.  相似文献   

Smirnov  A. V.  Suzina  N. E.  Kulakovskaya  T. V.  Kulaev  I. S. 《Microbiology》2002,71(6):677-683
The accumulation and utilization of reserve phosphate in the extremely halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarium were studied. The growth of H. salinarium was found to depend on the initial concentration of inorganic phosphate (Pi) in the culture medium and its content in the inoculum. Growing cells consumed 85–95% of Pi from the medium. Unlike the reserve phosphates of many other microorganisms, which are mainly polyphosphates, the reserve phosphates of H. salinarium cells contain no more than 15% polyphosphates, the rest being magnesium orthophosphate. The excessive consumption of Pi from the medium led to a change in cell morphology and caused the death of part of the cell population. The cells that remained viable could grow in a Pi-deficient medium, utilizing about 70% of the reserve magnesium phosphate as the phosphorus source.  相似文献   

The transport of D-leucine was compared with that of L-leucine in Halobacterium salinarum. When a high-outside/low-inside Na+ gradient was imposed, D-leucine as well as L-leucine accumulated in envelope vesicles, supporting the hypothesis that D-leucine is transported via a symport system along with Na+. Kinetic analyses, including inhibition experiments, indicated that both enantiomers are transported via a common carrier. However, a Hill plot indicated a single binding site for Na+ during L-leucine transport, but dual binding sites for Na+ during D-leucine transport. Furthermore, D-leucine transport was dependent on electrical membrane potential, suggesting that a transporter bound with D-leucine is positively charged. L-leucine transport was slightly, if at all, dependent on membrane potential, suggesting that a transporter bound with L-leucine is electrically neutral. These results indicate that the leucine carrier in Halobacterium salinarum translocates two moles of Na+ per mole of D-leucine, and one mole of Na+ per mole of L-leucine.  相似文献   

Methylated DNA-binding protein (MDBP), a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein, was found to recognize more than 30 sites within an allele of the human apolipoprotein(a) gene. High plasma levels of apolipoprotein(a), a risk factor for atherosclerosis, have been correlated with genetically inherited lower-molecular-mass isoforms of this protein. MDBP might help down modulate the expression of the apolipoprotein(a) gene in a manner dependent on the length of a given allele of the gene and the number of MDBP sites in it.  相似文献   

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