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The whitebacked planthopper (WBPH), Sogatella furcifera Horvath, is one of the most destructive pests in rice (Oryza sativa L.) production. Host-plant resistance has been considered as an efficient and eco-friendly strategy to reduce yield losses caused by WBPH. In this study, we found that an indica rice cultivar IR54751-2-44-15-24-2 (IR54751) displayed high resistance to WBPH at both seedling and tillering stages. The resistance of IR54751 was mainly contributed by antixenosis and tolerance rather than antibiosis. An F2 population derived from a cross between IR54751 and a susceptible japonica cultivar 02428 was constructed to detect the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring the resistance to WBPH. In total, four QTLs including qWBPH3.1, qWBPH3.2, qWBPH11, and qWBPH12 were identified and distributed on three different chromosomes. The four QTLs had LOD scores of 3.8, 8.2, 5.8, and 3.9, accounting for 8.2, 21.5, 13.9, and 10.4% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. Except for qWBPH3.1, the resistance alleles of the other three QTLs were all from IR54751. Further, a secondary population harboring only single qWBPH11 locus was developed from the F2 population by marker-assisted selection. Finally, qWBPH11 was delimited in a 450-kb region between markers DJ53973 and SNP56. The identification of WBPH resistance QTLs and the fine mapping of qWBPH11 will be helpful for cloning resistance genes and breeding resistant rice cultivars.  相似文献   

Plant height is one of the most important agronomic traits of plant architecture, and also affects grain yield in rice. In this study, we obtained a novel dwarf rice mutant of japonica variety Shennong9816, designated Shennong9816d. Compared with wild-type, the Shennong9816d plant height was significantly reduced, and the tiller number significantly increased. Additionally, the mutant yield component, and the number of large and small vascular bundles were significantly decreased compared with wild-type. Genetic analysis indicated that the Shennong9816d dwarf phenotype was controlled by a recessive nuclear gene, while the plant was shown to be sensitive to gibberellic acid. Using a large F2 population derived from a cross between Shennong9816d and the indica rice variety Habataki, the osh15(t) gene was fine mapped between RM20891 and RM20898, within a physical distance of 73.78 kb. Sequencing analysis showed that Shennong9816d carries a 1 bp mutation and a 30 bp insertion in the OSH15 region. These results suggest that osh15(t) is a novel allelic mutant originally derived from japonica variety Shennong9816, which may be useful for introducing the semi-dwarf phenotype to improve plant architecture in rice breeding practice.  相似文献   

Li G  Hu W  Qin R  Jin H  Tan G  Zhu L  He G 《Genetica》2008,134(2):169-180
Wild rice is a valuable resource for the genetic improvement of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L., AA genome). Molecular markers are important tools for monitoring gene introgression from wild rice into cultivated rice. In this study, Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to analyze interspecific hybrids of O. sativa-O. officinalis (CC genome), the backcrossing progenies and the parent plants. Results showed that most of the SSR primers (335 out of 396, 84.6%) developed in cultivated rice successfully amplified products from DNA samples of wild rice O. officinalis. The polymorphism ratio of SSR bands between O. sativa and O. officinalis was as high as 93.9%, indicating differences between the two species with respect to SSRs. When the SSR markers were applied in the interspecific hybrids, only a portion of SSR primers amplified O. officinalis-specific bands in the F(1) hybrid (52.5%), BC(1) (52.5%), and MAALs (37.0%); a number of the bands disappeared. Of the 124 SSR loci that detected officinalis-specific bands in MAAL plants, 96 (77.4%) showed synteny between the A and C-genomes, and 20 (16.1%) showed duplication in the C-genome. Sequencing analysis revealed that indels, substitution and duplication contribute to the diversity of SSR loci between the genomes of O. sativa and O. officinalis.  相似文献   

Resistance to the brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens Stål, a devastating sucking insect pest of rice, is an important breeding objective in rice improvement programs. Bph15, one of the 17 major BPH resistance genes so far identified in both cultivated and wild rice, has been identified in an introgression line, B5, and mapped on chromosome 4 flanked by restriction fragment length polymorphism markers C820 and S11182. In order to pave the way for positional cloning of this gene, we have developed a high-resolution genetic map of Bph15 by positioning 21 DNA markers in the target chromosomal region. Mapping was based on a PCR-based screening of 9,472 F2 individuals derived from a cross between RI93, a selected recombinant inbred line of B5 bearing the resistance gene Bph15, and a susceptible variety, Taichung Native 1, in order to identify recombinant plants within the Bph15 region. Recombinant F2 individuals with the Bph15 genotype were determined by phenotype evaluation. Analysis of recombination events in the Bph15 region delimited the gene locus to an interval between markers RG1 and RG2 that co-segregated with the M1 marker. A genomic library of B5 was screened using these markers, and bacterial artificial chromosome clones spanning the Bph15 chromosome region were obtained. An assay of the recombinants using the sub-clones of these clones in combination with sequence analysis delimited the Bph15 gene to a genomic segment of approximately 47 kb. This result should serve as the basis for eventual isolation of the Bph15 resistance gene.  相似文献   

Rice seedlings are sensitive to low temperatures (≤15°C) and under prolonged or repeated exposure, yellowing and stunting are commonly observed. Damage to seedlings results in poor stand establishment and delayed maturation, which can cause significant reductions in yield. In general, japonica rice varieties exhibit more cold tolerance than indica varieties. Earlier genetic analysis of the California rice variety M202 revealed several quantitative trait loci (QTL) that contribute to its tolerance to low temperatures in comparison to the indica rice variety IR50. Among these QTL, qCTS4 is associated with tolerance to yellowing and stunting of rice seedlings and accounts for 40% of the phenotypic variation. Here we report on the fine mapping of qCTS4 to a 128 kb region of chromosome 4, which is highly suppressed for recombination in our mapping populations. Our results provide the necessary foundation for identifying the gene(s) underlying qCTS4 and the markers developed here may be used to introgress this region into indica varieties to improve seedling tolerance to low temperatures. The mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Zhao ZG  Jiang L  Zhang WW  Yu CY  Zhu SS  Xie K  Tian H  Liu LL  Ikehashi H  Wan JM 《Planta》2007,226(5):1087-1096
Partial abortion of female gametes and the resulting semi-sterility of indica × japonica inter-subspecific rice hybrids have been ascribed to an allelic interaction, which can be avoided by the use of wide compatibility varieties. To further understand the genetic mechanism of hybrid sterility, we have constructed two sets of hybrids, using as male parent either the typical japonica variety Asominori, or the wide compatibility variety 02428; and as female, a set of 66 chromosome segment substitution lines in which various chromosomal segments from the indica variety IR24 have been introduced into a common genetic background of Asominori. Spikelet semi-sterility was observed in hybrid between CSSL34 and Asominori, which is known to carry the sterility gene S31 (Zhao et al. in Euphytica 151:331–337, 2006). Cytological analysis revealed that the semi-sterility of the CSSL34 × Asominori hybrid was caused primarily by partial abortion of the embryo sac at the stage of the mitosis of the functional megaspore. A population of 1,630 progeny of the three-way cross (CSSL34 × 02428) × Asominori was developed to map S31. Based on the physical location of linked molecular markers, S31 was thereby delimited to a 54-kb region on rice chromsome 5. This fragment contains eight predicted open reading frames, four of which encode known proteins and four putative proteins. These results are relevant to the map-based cloning of S31, and the development of marker-assisted transfer of non-sterility allele inducing alleles to breeding germplasm, to allow for a more efficient exploitation of heterosis in hybrid rice.  相似文献   


Key message

A novel QTL for grain number, GN4-1, was identified and fine-mapped to an ~ 190-kb region on the long arm of rice chromosome 4.


Rice grain yield is primarily determined by three components: number of panicles per plant, grain number per panicle and grain weight. Among these traits, grain number per panicle is the major contributor to grain yield formation and is a crucial trait for yield improvement. In this study, we identified a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) responsible for rice grain number on chromosome 4, designated GN4-1 (a QTL for Grain Number on chromosome 4), using advanced segregating populations derived from the crosses between an elite indica cultivar ‘Zhonghui 8006’ (ZH8006) and a japonica rice ‘Wuyunjing 8’ (WYJ8). GN4-1 was delimited to an ~ 190-kb region on chromosome 4. The genetic effect of GN4-1 was estimated using a pair of near-isogenic lines. The GN4-1 gene from WYJ8 promoted accumulation of cytokinins in the inflorescence and increased grain number per panicle by ~ 17%. More importantly, introduction of the WYJ8 GN4-1 gene into ZH8006 increased grain yield by ~ 14.3 and ~ 11.5% in the experimental plots in 2014 and 2015, respectively. In addition, GN4-1 promoted thickening of the culm and may enhance resistance to lodging. These results demonstrate that GN4-1 is a potentially valuable gene for improvement of yield and lodging resistance in rice breeding.

We developed an efficient gene transfer method mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens for introgression of new rice for Africa (NERICA) cultivars, which are derivatives of interspecific hybrids between Oryza glaberrima Steud. and O. sativa L. Freshly isolated immature embryos were inoculated with A. tumefaciens LBA4404 that harbored binary vector pBIG-ubi::GUS or pIG121Hm, which each carried a hygromycin-resistance gene and a GUS gene. Growth medium supplemented with 500 mg/l cefotaxime and 20 mg/l hygromycin was suitable for elimination of bacteria and selection of transformed cells. Shoots regenerated from the selected cells on MS medium containing 20 g/l sucrose, 30 g/l sorbitol, 2 g/l casamino acids, 0.25 mg/l naphthaleneacetic acid, 2.5 mg/l kinetin, 250 mg/l cefotaxime, and 20 mg/l hygromycin. The shoots developed roots on hormone-free MS medium containing 30 mg/l hygromycin. Integration and expression of the transgenes were confirmed by PCR, Southern blot analysis, and histochemical GUS assay. Stable integration, expression, inheritance, and segregation of the transgenes were demonstrated by molecular and genetic analyses in the T0 and T1 generations. Most plants were normal in morphology and fertile. The transformation protocol produced stable transformants from 16 NERICA cultivars. We also obtained transformed plants by inoculation of calluses derived from mature seeds, but the frequency of transformation was lower and sterility was more frequent.  相似文献   

Loss of function of duplicated genes plays an important role in the evolution of postzygotic reproductive isolation. The widespread occurrence of gene duplication followed by rapid loss of function of some of the duplicate gene copies suggests the independent evolution of loss-of-function alleles of duplicate genes in divergent lineages of speciation. Here, we found a novel loss-of-function allele of S27 in the Asian annual wild species Oryza nivara, designated S27-niv s , that leads to F1 pollen sterility in a cross between O. sativa and O. nivara. Genetic linkage analysis and complementation analysis demonstrated that S27-niv s lies at the same locus as the previously identified S27 locus and S27-niv s is a loss-of-function allele of S27. S27-niv s is composed of two tandem mitochondrial ribosomal protein L27 genes (mtRPL27a and mtRPL27b), both of which are inactive. The coding and promoter regions of S27-niv s showed a number of nucleotide differences from the functional S27-T65 + allele. The structure of S27-niv s is different from that of a previously identified null S27 allele, S27-glum s , in the South American wild rice species O. glumaepatula, in which mtRPL27a and mtRPL27b are absent. These results show that the mechanisms for loss-of-function of S27-niv s and S27-glum s are different. Our results provide experimental evidence that different types of loss-of-function alleles are distributed in geographically and phylogenetically isolated species and represent a potential mechanism for postzygotic isolation in divergent species.  相似文献   

Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) is a rapid and cost-effective genome-wide genotyping technique applicable whether a reference genome is available or not. Due to the cost-coverage trade-off, however, GBS typically produces large amounts of missing marker genotypes, whose imputation becomes therefore both challenging and critical for later analyses. In this work, the performance of four general imputation methods (K-nearest neighbors, Random Forest, singular value decomposition, and mean value) and two genotype-specific methods (“Beagle” and FILLIN) was measured on GBS data from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L., autotetraploid, heterozygous, without reference genome) and rice (Oryza sativa L., diploid, 100 % homozygous, with reference genome). Alfalfa SNP were aligned on the genome of the closely related species Medicago truncatula L.. Benchmarks consisted in progressive data filtering for marker call rate (up to 70 %) and increasing proportions (up to 20 %) of known genotypes masked for imputation. The relative performance was measured as the total proportion of correctly imputed genotypes, globally and within each genotype class (two homozygotes in rice, two homozygotes and one heterozygote in alfalfa). We found that imputation accuracy was robust to increasing missing rates, and consistently higher in rice than in alfalfa. Accuracy was as high as 90–100 % for the major (most frequent) homozygous genotype, but dropped to 80–90 % (rice) and below 30 % (alfalfa) in the minor homozygous genotype. Beagle was the best performing method, both accuracy- and time-wise, in rice. In alfalfa, KNNI and RFI gave the highest accuracies, but KNNI was much faster.  相似文献   

Many farmer-popular indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars are recalcitrant to Agrobacterium-mediated transformation through tissue culture and regeneration. In planta transformation using Agrobacterium could therefore be a useful alternative for indica rice. A simple and reproducible in planta protocol with higher transformation efficiencies than earlier reports was established for a recalcitrant indica rice genotype. Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing the salt tolerance-enhancing Pea DNA Helicase45 (PDH45) gene, with the reporter and selectable marker genes, gus-INT (β-glucuronidase with intron) and hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt), respectively, were used. Overnight-soaked mature embryos were infected and allowed to germinate, flower, and set T1 seeds. T0 plants were considered positive for the transgene if the spikelets of one or more of their panicles were positive for gus. Thereafter, selection at T1 was done by germination in hygromycin and transgenic status re-confirmation by subjecting plantlet DNA/RNA to gene-specific PCR, Southern and semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Additionally, physiological screening under saline stress was done at the T2 generation. Transformation efficiency was found to be 30–32% at the T0 generation. Two lines of the in planta transformed seedlings of the recalcitrant rice genotype were shown to be saline tolerant having lower electrolyte leakage, lower Na+/K+, minimal leaf damage, and higher chlorophyll content under stress, compared to the WT at the T2 generation.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to create and evaluate models for predicting high levels of daily pollen concentration of Corylus, Alnus, and Betula using a spatiotemporal correlation of pollen count. For each taxon, a high pollen count level was established according to the first allergy symptoms during exposure. The dataset was divided into a training set and a test set, using a stratified random split. For each taxon and city, the model was built using a random forest method. Corylus models performed poorly. However, the study revealed the possibility of predicting with substantial accuracy the occurrence of days with high pollen concentrations of Alnus and Betula using past pollen count data from monitoring sites. These results can be used for building (1) simpler models, which require data only from aerobiological monitoring sites, and (2) combined meteorological and aerobiological models for predicting high levels of pollen concentration.  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) have a significant impact on the evolution of gene function and genome structures. An endogenous nonautonomous transposable element nDart was discovered in an albino mutant that had an insertion in the Mg-protoporphyrin IX methyltransferase gene in rice. In this study, we elucidated the transposition behavior of nDart, the frequency of nDart transposition and characterized the footprint of nDart. Novel independent nDart insertions in backcrossed progenies were detected by DNA blotting analysis. In addition, germinal excision of nDart occurred at very low frequency compared with that of somatic excision, 0–13.3%, in the nDart1-4(3-2) and nDart1-A loci by a locus-specific PCR strategy. A total of 253 clones from somatic excision at five nDart loci in 10 varieties were determined. nDart rarely caused deletions beyond target site duplication (TSD). The footprint of nDart contained few transversions of nucleotides flanking to both sides of the TSD. The predominant footprint of nDart was an 8-bp addition. Precise excision of nDart was detected at a rate of only 2.2%, which occurred at two loci among the five loci examined. Furthermore, the results in this study revealed that a highly conserved mechanism of transposition is involved between maize Ac/Ds and rice Dart/nDart, which are two-component transposon systems of the hAT superfamily transposons in plant species.  相似文献   

Oryza rufipogon Griff. is the ancestor of Asian cultivated rice (O. sativa L.) and possesses valuable genes for rice breeding. Pollen abortion is one of the major causes of indicajaponica hybrid sterility in rice and it happens due to allelic interaction at the pollen sterility gene loci. A total of six loci (Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd, Se, and Sf) have been found to be associated with F1 pollen sterility between indica and japonica rice, and five of them (all except Sf) have been mapped. Neutral alleles (S n ) at each locus have the potential to overcome the pollen sterility associated with the respective locus. Therefore, exploitation and utilization of neutral alleles have significant importance in overcoming indicajaponica hybrid sterility. In this study, an accession (IRW28) of O. rufipogon, native to China, was selected as paternal to cross with typical japonica (Taichung 65) and indica (Guanglu’ai 4) tester lines, and two F2 populations were developed. The simple sequence repeat markers tightly linked to five pollen sterility loci were applied for genotyping the F2 populations. Chi-squared tests were applied to examine the normal segregation/distortion at each locus. The expected and observed pollen sterility for each locus were estimated. As a result, the genotypes at five pollen sterility gene loci for IRW28 were identified as: Sa i−1/Sa i−1, Sb n /Sb n , Sc i−2/Sc i−2, Sd n /Sd n and Se n /Se n . Our results suggest that IRW28 (O. rufipogon) has the neutral alleles for pollen fertility at the Sb, Sd and Se loci, and these alleles have a good affinity with indica and japonica rice. These neutral alleles provide valuable gene resources to overcome the inter-subspecific hybrid pollen sterility in rice.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight of rice, caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) (Ishyama) Dye, is one of the serious diseases prevalent throughout Asia. In a previous study, a resistance (R) locus was transferred from the tetraploid wild rice Oryza minuta to the cultivated rice species, Oryza sativa L. Here, we report the fine genetic mapping of the R locus, tentatively designated as Xa27(t). We performed disease evaluation with an Xa27(t) near-isogenic line, IRBB27, testing 35 Xoo strains collected from 11 countries. The Xa27(t) locus conferred a high level of resistance to 27 strains and moderate resistance to three strains. Resistance of the Xa27(t) gene was developmentally regulated in IRBB27 and showed semi-dominant or a dosage effect in the cv. CO39 genetic background. As a prelude to cloning Xa27(t), a molecular mapping strategy was employed with a large mapping population consisting of 3,875 gametes. Three molecular markers, M336, M1081, and M1059, closely linked to Xa27(t), were identified to facilitate the mapping of Xa27(t) to the long arm of chromosome 6. The Xa27(t) locus was confirmed by chromosome landing of M1081 and M1095 markers on the rice genome. Markers derived from the genomic sequence of O. sativa cv. Nipponbare were used to further saturate the Xa27(t) genomic region. Xa27(t) was finally located within a genetic interval of 0.052 cM, flanked by markers M964 and M1197, and co-segregated with markers M631, M1230, and M449.Communicated by D.J. Mackill  相似文献   

Brachypodium, a wild temperate grass with a small genome, was recently proposed as a new model organism for the large-genome grasses. In this study, we evaluated gene content and microcolinearity between diploid wheat (Triticum monococcum), Brachypodium sylvaticum, and rice at a local genomic region harboring the major wheat domestication gene Q. Gene density was much lower in T. monococcum (one per 41 kb) because of gene duplication and an abundance of transposable elements within intergenic regions as compared to B. sylvaticum (one per 14 kb) and rice (one per 10 kb). For the Q gene region, microcolinearity was more conserved between wheat and rice than between wheat and Brachypodium because B. sylvaticum contained two genes apparently not present within the orthologous regions of T. monococcum and rice. However, phylogenetic analysis of Q and leukotriene A-4 hydrolase-like gene orthologs, which were colinear among the three species, showed that Brachypodium is more closely related to wheat than rice, which agrees with previous studies. We conclude that Brachypodium will be a useful tool for gene discovery, comparative genomics, and the study of evolutionary relationships among the grasses but will not preclude the need to conduct large-scale genomics experiments in the Triticeae.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight, caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), is a serious disease in rice production worldwide. To understand the genetic diversity of bacterial blight resistance a population consisting of 175 indica accessions from nine countries was collected and detected their association between SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers and resistance to six bacterial races. The resistance phenotypes of various rice accessions were evaluated through artificial inoculation under controlled conditions in 2013 and 2014. Association analysis showed that 17 SSR markers were significantly associated with resistance to four bacterial races and the phenotypic variations explained (PVE) ranged from 7.43 to 15.05%. Among the 17 associated SSR markers, two SSR markers located in previously reported genes regions, and 15 SSR markers were newly identified in this study. These results validated a new approach to map resistance genes of rice to bacterial blight. These markers could be used for marker-assisted selection (MAS) in rice bacterial blight resistance breeding programs.  相似文献   

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