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广州市花地湾市场宠物两栖动物调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对广州市花地湾花鸟鱼虫市场两栖类宠物贸易进行为期3年27次调查,共记录贸易两栖类类44种,隶属2目16科35属。有尾目(Caudata)2科7属8种,钝口螈科(Ambystomatidae)1属2种,蝾螈科(Salamandridae)6属6种;无尾目(Anura)14科28属36种,铃蟾科(Bombinatoridae)1属1种,蟾蜍科(Bufonidae)3属3种,角花蟾科(Ceratophryidae)2属5种,其中1种为杂交种,丛蛙科(Dendrobatidae)2属4种,雨蛙科(Hylidae)3属5种,非洲树蛙科(Hyperoliidae)1属1种,角蟾科(Megophryidae)2属2种,姬蛙科(Microhylidae)5属6种,澳雨蛙科(Pelodryadidae)1属1种,叶泡蛙科(Phyllomedusidae)1属1种,负子蟾科(Pipidae)1属1种,箱头蛙科(Pyxicephalidae)1属1种,蛙科(Ranidae)2属2种,树蛙科(Rhacophoridae)3属3种。分布于国内的两栖类16种,外来物种共28种。受保护种类26种,所占比例达59.09%。讨论了两栖类宠物贸易对国内外珍稀濒危种类保护的压力、对生态系统的压力和对两爬类研究的影响。  相似文献   

在甘肃中南部设置12个样区,对该地区原尾虫的物种多样性进行了研究。发现原尾虫11种,隶属于2目6科7属。其中包括1个甘肃新记录属、4个甘肃新记录种和1个未定名种。古蚖科Eosentomidae、檗蚖科Berberentulidae为优势类群。华山蚖Huashanentulus huashanensis为广布种;檗蚖科Berberentulidae有2属3种;古蚖科Eosentomidae有3属7种,占甘肃原尾虫总数的44%;始蚖科Protentomidae有1属1种;夕蚖科Hesperentomidae有1属2种;日本蚖科Nipponentomidae有1种,中华雅娃蚖Yavanna sinensis是甘肃的新记录种;蚖科Hesperentomidae有1属2种,包括1个华山蚖属未定名种Huashanentulus sp.,只分布在临夏太子山自然保护区。对甘肃原尾虫区系进行了分析,结果显示:古北界种类占总数的20%,东洋界物种占53.3%,广布种类占总数的26.7%。  相似文献   

为了系统了解我国宠物市场外来物种的贸易状况,防范外来物种造成生态灾害,制定更加有效的外来物种管理政策,在相关部门的支持下,我们采用重点调查法和实地踏查法,对北京、上海、南京、广州、哈尔滨等5个城市的20个宠物市场的外来野生动物进行了实地调查。结果表明:(1)在5个城市中,共发现野生外来贸易物种96种,其中受威胁物种(包括极危、濒危和易危三类)29种,占记录外来贸易物种总数的30%;列入濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)附录的物种35种,占记录外来贸易物种总数的36%。(2)北京外来物种数和列入IUCN红色名录的物种数最多;广州市仅在本地区调查中发现的物种数和列入CITES附录I/II的物种数最多。(3)41%的物种、61%的CITES附录物种贸易规模小于10只。(4)45%的物种贸易价格在100–1,000元/只。我国宠物市场外来野生动物贸易应当强化对外来物种贸易全过程监管、打击非法贸易、规范放生行为和强化公众教育。  相似文献   

为探究六盘山国家级自然保护区大型真菌物种多样性与区系组成成分,采用样线法和随机踏查法对保护区内不同海拔和植被类型下的大型真菌进行调查,结合形态学和分子生物学的方法对采集到的标本进行鉴定,分析其物种组成和地理区系特征。本研究共采集大型真菌标本679份,经鉴定隶属于2门11纲16目40科83属230种,其中子囊菌门4纲6目8科10属21种,担子菌门7纲10目32科73属209种。优势科有口蘑科Tricholomataceae、球盖菇科Strophariaceae、小脆柄菇科Psathyrellaceae、伞菌科Agaricaceae、小菇科Mycenaceae、红菇科Russulaceae、丝盖伞科Inocybaceae和多孔菌科Polyporaceae,占物种总数的55.65%;优势属有18属,分别为小菇属Mycena、丝盖伞属Inocybe、马鞍菌属Helvella、乳菇属Lactarius、香蘑属Lepista和小脆柄菇属Psathyrella等,占物种总数的51.30%。对该地区大型真菌资源利用价值进行评估,保护区内共有食用菌42种、药用菌4种、食药兼用菌11种、毒菌17种,其中部...  相似文献   

中山市淡水浮游动物区系调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2005年6~7月和12月对中山市主要淡水水体的浮游动物区系进行了调查。结果表明,中山市主要淡水水体浮游动物由38目92科129属317种组成。区系特点以原生动物最丰富,有30目82科102属263种,占浮游动物物种总数的83%;其次为轮虫,有4目4科19属37种组成,占12%;枝角类和桡足类物种数最少。各样点浮游动物种类在11~168种之间,种类最少的出现在洪奇沥,最多的出现在逍遥谷。研究结果表明,中山市淡水浮游动物资源比较丰富。各区系浮游动物的分布与水体的营养状态密切相关,污染严重的水体,种类数较少,清洁水体,种类数较多。  相似文献   

植被类型对盐沼湿地空气生境节肢动物功能群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童春富 《生态学报》2012,32(3):786-795
2007年4-11月,在长江口崇明东滩盐沼湿地的芦苇带、海三棱藨草带和互花米草带设置固定样地,每月小潮期对空气生境的节肢动物进行了扫网取样调查。在此基础上,分析研究了盐沼湿地空气生境节肢动物功能群特征以及植被类型的影响,特别是对互花米草的生态效应进行了进一步讨论。调查期间共获得节肢动物标本3778头,分属2纲11目37科49种。根据不同种类的营养特征将其划分为植食性、捕食寄生性和腐食性三大功能群。其中,植食性功能群的种类、数量最为丰富,涉及1纲6目19科25种,物种数占总数的51.0%,个体数占总数的86.2%;捕食寄生性功能群次之,涉及2纲7目15科21种,物种数占总数的42.9%,个体数占总数的7.8%;腐食性功能群种类、数量最少,涉及1纲1目3科3种,物种数占总数的6.1%,个体数占总数的6.0%。不同植被带捕食寄生性功能群与植食性功能群均具有一定的"天敌跟随"特征,但主要表现在物种数上,而在个体数上的对应关系并不明显。不同植被带功能群的组成、多样性及月际变化特征存在一定差异,但是植被类型对功能群的影响并不显著。与已有研究结果不同,研究中外来种互花米草对空气生境的节肢动物并未表现出显著的负面影响,相应节肢动物功能群的物种数、个体数、多样性、月际变化等特征与其他植被带并没有显著差异。就植食性功能群而言,尽管互花米草带植食性功能群的个体数明显低于其它植被带,但是物种数并没有减少,相应的作用机理还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

昆明市宠物市场爬行动物贸易调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
凌晨 《蛇志》2014,(1):22-24,27
目的了解昆明市宠物市场上销售爬行动物的种类、数量、来源、价格及市场管理情况,为爬行类资源的保护和管理提供基础资料。方法采用观察和访谈相结合方式进行调查。结果昆明市6个宠物市场爬行动物类共有35种,其中蛇类14种,隶属3科12属;蜥蜴类6种,隶属4科5属;龟类15种,隶属6科12属。国外物种15种,占市场种类的42.9%;国内物种20种,占57.1%。依据《中国物种红色名录》(2004),1种为极危,4种为濒危,2种为易危;属于CITES(2013)附录Ⅱ有5种,附录Ⅲ有3种;属于国家重点保护的有2种。结论昆明市宠物市场爬行动物贸易缺乏相应的法制法规进行监督管理,应尽早制定规章制度加强对市场的管理,使市场更加规范有序。  相似文献   

河北沧州地区两栖爬行动物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年5月~2007年10月对沧州地区的两栖爬行动物进行了调查,共记录两栖爬行动物21种,分隶于3目10科14属.其中两栖纲1目3科3属6种;爬行纲2目7科11属15种,其中外来种3种,本地种2目5科8属12种.区系成分以广布种和古北种为主.  相似文献   

福建桐山溪鱼类资源调查初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2011年对福建东北部入海河流桐山溪中的鱼类资源进行了调查.结果表明,桐山溪有淡水及河口鱼类47种,隶属10目16科39属.鱼类组成以鲤形目为主,有3科25属27种,占总种数的57.4%;鲈形目有5科7属7种,占总种数的14.9%;鲀形目有1科1属3种,占总种数的6.4%;鳗鲡目、鲇形目和鲽形目各有1科1属2种,分别占总种数的4.3%;合鳃目、鲑形目、脂鲤目和雀鳝目各有1科1属1种,分别占总种数的2.1%.47种鱼类中,25种为常见种,占总种数的53.2%;花鳗鲡Anguilla marmorata和条纹小鲃Puntius semifasciolatus为稀有种,占总数的4.3%;短盖巨脂鲤Colossoma brachypomus和眼斑雀鳝Lepisosteus oculatus为外来种,占总数的4.3%;其余18种为偶见种,占总数的38.2%.花鳗鲡是国家二级重点保护野生动物,台湾名古屋吻鰕虎鱼Rhinogobius nagoyae formosanus为中国大陆的新纪录种.  相似文献   

湖北星斗山国家级自然保护区两栖爬行动物资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年6~9月对湖北星斗山国家级自然保护区的两栖、爬行动物资源进行了调查,结合文献资料,该保护区现已知有两栖、爬行动物80种,其中两栖动物38种,隶属2目9科22属;爬行动物42种,隶属2目11科31属.国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物大鲵Andrias davidianus、虎纹蛙Hoplobatrachus rugulosus 2种;湖北省重点保护动物35种,占湖北省重点保护两栖爬行动物的75%.被列入<中国濒危动物红皮书>的两栖、爬行动物有21种(极危物种1种,濒危物种6种,易危物种11种,依赖保护物种1种,需予关注物种2种).对两栖爬行动物的种类组成和区系进行了分析,并提出了保护措施.  相似文献   

Regardless of many legal restrictions, the keeping of and trade in reptiles as pets has been increasing in Brazil over the last few years. We present an analysis of the trade and use of reptiles as pets in Brazil and discuss the implications. Data were obtained through semi-structured questionnaires given to 719 owners, who were contacted through reptile-owner groups on the social network Facebook. A total of 69 reptile species were reported as pets in Brazil, of which there were 39 snakes, 17 lizards, 12 chelonians and 1 species of crocodilian. Of the reported species, 46 are native to Brazil and 23 are exotic, including threatened species. Owners were distributed in at least 24 states, with a higher concentration in Southeast Brazil and the Federal District. Owners usually acquire animals through purchase, although prices vary and are high for some species, making reptile ownership more common among high-income individuals. Prices were affected by factors such as beauty, colour pattern, size, sex and even rarity. The keeping of reptiles as pets raises conservation concerns, as the practice directly impacts exploited populations and is a potential introduction pathway for invasive species, including exotic species that have already been recorded in natural habitats in Brazil. A thorough discussion, encompassing various stakeholders — namely, owners, traders and environmental authorities — is much needed, to address management strategies, and propose feasible solutions. Conservation and animal welfare NGOs should also be involved in this process.  相似文献   

宠物是多种人兽共患病病原的宿主和传播媒介,由于传统宠物、另类宠物和进口宠物的增多,宠物来源的感染性疾病有了高发的趋势。本文总结了狗、猫、啮齿类、鸟类、鱼和爬行类宠物可能带有的人兽共患病病原,引发的疾病和传播途径。并概括了防控宠物源性感染性疾病的防控措施。  相似文献   

Over-exploitation of wildlife is a significant threat to global biodiversity, but addressing the sustainability of harvests can be difficult when trade is conducted illegally. The wildlife trade is driven chiefly by consumer demand, largely in developed nations (but increasingly in Asia), and more species are traded to meet international demand for pets than for any other purpose. We surveyed traders of amphibians and reptiles in the Indonesian provinces of Maluku, West Papua and Papua between September 2010 and April 2011. We recorded 5,370 individuals representing 52 species collected solely for the pet trade. At least 44?% were either fully protected or had not been allocated a harvest quota, making their harvest and trade illegal. Approximately half were listed within the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Trade operates via a complex chain, with hunters receiving little income compared to middlemen and exporters. Examination of Indonesian harvest quotas for amphibians and reptiles suggests limited knowledge of species distributions, with quotas often set for species in provinces where they do not occur. Illegal trade is due, partly, to an inadequate understanding of the species being traded and is facilitated by poor monitoring and enforcement at key trade hubs. As a first step to combatting illegal trade, and to better understand the effects of harvest on wild populations, we recommend the need for increased monitoring and enforcement, improving the knowledge base of species traded and educating consumers about the effects their demand for pets has on these species.  相似文献   


The present study explored sex-specific differences in the Big Five factors of personality between different pet ownership groups, in order to understand individual differences in the choice of companion animals. A total of 250 pet owners completed a German version of the NEO-Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). For the first analysis, participants were divided into four broad groups: those owning traditional pets (e.g., cats, dogs), those owning cold-blooded exotic pets, those owning warm-blooded exotic pets, and those not owning animals. For the second analysis, participants were subdivided into nine groups, based on species of animal owned: cats, dogs, birds, fish, reptiles, spider/insect, small mammals, owners of many different animals, and non-owners. In both analyses, separate analyses of variance were applied to the scores of the NEO-FFI scales. Interaction effects between sex and several ownership groups on the traits Openness to Experience and Agreeableness were found in both analyses. Female owners of traditional pets scored, for example, significantly lower on openness to experience than female owners of cold-blooded exotic pets as well as male owners of traditional pets. Furthermore, female owners of cold-blooded exotic pets scored significantly higher on openness to experience than their male counterparts. Regarding agreeableness, male owners of cold-blooded exotic pets scored significantly lower than their female counterparts as well as male owners of traditional pets. These and other results indicate that personality may affect choice of pets—but in different directions for the two sexes.  相似文献   

1IntroductionWildlifetradeisamain~mpetustoutilizewildlife.Thechangeinspeciesandvolumein-volvedinthewildlifetrademayreflectconservationstatus,dynamicsandexploitedlevelofwildliferesources.Thestudyonwildlifetradeisthetheoriticalbasisonwhichproposalsastolimittradeonrareorendangeredspeciescanbemade,andwithwhichfuturemonitoringofthetradecanbecompared.Theresultalsocanbeusedtoevaluateconservationeffectsofprotectionmeasuresandlawsforbiodiversityconservation.Itisofgreatsignificanceinguid-ingsustainable…  相似文献   

A growing number of studies have assessed the personality of pet owners. However, although there is a large number of people who own exotic pets, their personalities have seldom been examined. Furthermore, studies of personality of pet owners have focused almost exclusively on typical personality traits, ignoring associations with “dark” traits. Here, we assessed both traditional and some dark personality features in association with pet ownership and attachment in 325 pet owners via an online survey. We predicted that individuals scoring higher on narcissism and borderline personality features would be a) more likely to own exotic pets, and b) less attached to their pets compared with people scoring lower on narcissism and traditional pet owners. Additionally, we theorized that neurotic pet owners would be more attached to their pets compared with less neurotic pet owners. We did not find an association between personality and exotic pet ownership but we found that those high in grandiose narcissism were actually more attached to their traditional pets. Those high in vulnerable narcissism were more attached only if their pets were exotic. Those high in borderline features were less attached to both kinds of pets. Personality assessments including “dark” features of personality may therefore be useful in predicting attachment to pets during the matching process of potential adopters to pets.  相似文献   

The number of exotic ant species being dispersed to new regions by human transportation and the trade pathways responsible for this are poorly understood. In this study, the taxonomic diversity, trade pathways, and origin of exotic ants intercepted at the New Zealand border were examined for the period 1955–2005. Overall, there were a total 4355 interception records, with 115 species from 52 genera. The 10 most frequently intercepted genera, and the 20 most frequently intercepted species contributed > 90% of all records. Many of the species frequently intercepted are regarded as invasive species, and several are established in New Zealand. The most intercepted species was Pheidole megacephala . Despite a relatively low trade relationship, a high proportion (> 64%) of the exotic ants which were intercepted originated from the Pacific region. However, the majority of species intercepted from the Pacific was exotic to the region (71%), or to a lesser extent, wide-ranging Pacific native species. No endemic species from the Pacific were intercepted. The effectiveness of detecting exotic ant species at the New Zealand border ranged from 48–78% for different trade pathways, indicating a number of species remain undetected. Trade routes associated with specific geographical regions represent a major filter for the arrival of exotic ant species. Despite the importance of the Pacific as a frequent pathway, we suggest that the future establishment of exotic ant species in New Zealand is likely to be mitigated by a renewed focus on trade routes with cool temperate regions, particularly Australia.  相似文献   

International trade and travel are devastating native flora and fauna in many countries through the intentional and/or unintentional introduction of exotic organisms. Pathway control appears to be particularly effective for microscopic organisms such as mites, nematodes, and fungi that are difficult to see with the naked eye. However, taxonomic and ecological information on such organisms is scarce, sometimes causing time lags or failure in eradication programs. Several groups of mites, nematodes, and fungi commonly share a habitat with insects or use them as dispersal agents (phoresy). Some exotic mites and nematodes are introduced simultaneously with exotic insects, sometimes in wood materials. In Japan, mites, nematodes, and fungi have been collected from lucanid beetles introduced as pets from Southeast Asia. While no lethal nematode species have been collected from lucanid beetles, one hemolymph-sucking mite species, inhabiting the sub-elytral space of its native host, is able to easily switch to the Japanese beetle, Dorcus rectus, killing the insect. Yeasts have also been reported on exotic beetles and laboulbeniomycetes have been found on mites associated with the beetles, although their interactions are unknown. Despite the lack of information available about other mites, nematodes, and fungi associated with intentionally and unintentionally introduced forest insects, our analysis of insect species listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature suggests that unintentional introductions of the microscopic organisms are quite common as a consequence of the existence of symbiotic relationships such as phoresy and parasitism.  相似文献   

The trade in wildlife and keeping of exotic pets is subject to varying levels of national and international regulation and is a topic often attracting controversy. Reptiles are popular exotic pets and comprise a substantial component of the live animal trade. High mortality of traded animals raises welfare concerns, and also has implications for conservation if collection from the wild is required to meet demand. Mortality of reptiles can occur at any stage of the trade chain from collector to consumer. However, there is limited information on mortality rates of reptiles across trade chains, particularly amongst final consumers in the home. We investigated mortality rates of reptiles amongst consumers using a specialised technique for asking sensitive questions, additive Randomised Response Technique (aRRT), as well as direct questioning (DQ). Overall, 3.6% of snakes, chelonians and lizards died within one year of acquisition. Boas and pythons had the lowest reported mortality rates of 1.9% and chameleons had the highest at 28.2%. More than 97% of snakes, 87% of lizards and 69% of chelonians acquired by respondents over five years were reported to be captive bred and results suggest that mortality rates may be lowest for captive bred individuals. Estimates of mortality from aRRT and DQ did not differ significantly which is in line with our findings that respondents did not find questions about reptile mortality to be sensitive. This research suggests that captive reptile mortality in the home is rather low, and identifies those taxa where further effort could be made to reduce mortality rates.  相似文献   

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