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Murine T cell clones that proliferated specifically in response to the protein antigen apo cytochrome c were derived and maintained in continuous culture. Two distinct clonotypes were observed with respect to the proliferative responses observed when a variety of peptides prepared from several species of cytochrome c were tested. These 2 clonotypes appeared to recognize 2 different regions in the cytochrome c molecule. Only 1 of the 2 clonotypes tested demonstrated helper cell activity for antibody formation in vitro.  相似文献   

The activation of proliferative T lymphocytes normally involves the simultaneous recognition of a particular foreign antigen and a particular Ia molecule on the surface of antigen-presenting cells, the phenomenon of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restriction. An analysis of T cell clones specific for pigeon cytochrome c, from B10.A and B10.S(9R) strains of mice, revealed the unusual finding that several of the clones could respond to antigen in association with Ia molecules from either strain. Using these cross-reactive clones, we performed experiments which demonstrated that both the Ia molecule and the T cell receptor contribute to the specificity of antigen recognition; however, MHC-linked low responsiveness to tuna cytochrome c (an immune response gene defect) could not be attributed solely to the efficacy with which the Ia molecules associated with the antigen. These results imply that antigen and Ia molecules are not recognized independently, but must interact at least during the process of T cell activation.  相似文献   

T cells from an insulin-treated diabetic (ML, HLA DR1, w6) were stimulated in vitro with insulin, cloned at limiting dilution, and examined for their fine specificity and genetic restriction. T cell lines (TCL) derived from beef insulin stimulation were highly specific for epitopes on beef insulin, whereas pork insulin stimulation generated T cells that recognized determinants shared with beef insulin. Included among TCL reactive with pork insulin is one line (P2/9) that is autoreactive with human insulin. Antigen-presenting cells of known HLA type and monoclonal antibodies directed at class II major histocompatibility complex antigens were used to confirm the role of HLA-DR in restricting the response of insulin immune T cells. No preference or determinant selection within the donor's haplotypes was identified because either DR1 or DRw6 antigen-presenting cells could present the A loop of beef insulin. A TCL that recognized the A loop of beef insulin in association with DR1 was also alloreactive to HLA DR3, or a molecule closely linked to it, in the absence of insulin. A second T cell clone with insulin specificity and alloreactivity was also derived by allo stimulation of the donor's cells with DR3+ cells. When tested with a series of DR3+ stimulator cells, the alloreactivity was directed at diabetes-associated haplotypes. These data show that the T cell repertoire for insulin of a single diabetic donor encompasses that of multiple inbred animal strains and includes fine specificity for one to two amino acids, recognition of autologous insulin, and cross-reactivity with an allogeneic major histocompatibility complex antigen.  相似文献   

Modification of the primary anchor positions of antigenic peptides to improve binding to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins is a commonly used strategy for engineering peptide-based vaccine candidates. However, such peptide modifications do not always improve antigenicity, complicating efforts to design effective vaccines for cancer and infectious disease. Here we investigated the MART-1(27-35) tumor antigen, for which anchor modification (replacement of the position two alanine with leucine) dramatically reduces or ablates antigenicity with a wide range of T cell clones despite significantly improving peptide binding to MHC. We found that anchor modification in the MART-1(27-35) antigen enhances the flexibility of both the peptide and the HLA-A*0201 molecule. Although the resulting entropic effects contribute to the improved binding of the peptide to MHC, they also negatively impact T cell receptor binding to the peptide·MHC complex. These results help explain how the "anchor-fixing" strategy fails to improve antigenicity in this case, and more generally, may be relevant for understanding the high specificity characteristic of the T cell repertoire. In addition to impacting vaccine design, modulation of peptide and MHC flexibility through changes to antigenic peptides may present an evolutionary strategy for the escape of pathogens from immune destruction.  相似文献   

CD8(+) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) can recognize and kill target cells expressing only a few cognate major histocompatibility complex (MHC) I-peptide complexes. This high sensitivity requires efficient scanning of a vast number of highly diverse MHC I-peptide complexes by the T cell receptor in the contact site of transient conjugates formed mainly by nonspecific interactions of ICAM-1 and LFA-1. Tracking of single H-2K(d) molecules loaded with fluorescent peptides on target cells and nascent conjugates with CTL showed dynamic transitions between states of free diffusion and immobility. The immobilizations were explained by association of MHC I-peptide complexes with ICAM-1 and strongly increased their local concentration in cell adhesion sites and hence their scanning by T cell receptor. In nascent immunological synapses cognate complexes became immobile, whereas noncognate ones diffused out again. Interfering with this mobility modulation-based concentration and sorting of MHC I-peptide complexes strongly impaired the sensitivity of antigen recognition by CTL, demonstrating that it constitutes a new basic aspect of antigen presentation by MHC I molecules.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that activated murine T lymphocytes express intracellular vesicles containing the class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen H-2K. Evidence has also been provided that such vesicles may be part of a cellular pathway of spontaneous H-2K antigen internalization and recycling, which is specific to T-lymphoid cells. Dual fluorescence flow cytometry has now been used to establish that H-2K antigen is acidified upon internalization in concanavalin A-stimulated but not lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine splenocytes, thus providing further support that in T lymphoblasts this class I MHC antigen may travel intracellular routes similar to those reported for other cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

In this paper we have examined the phenomenon of hapten-specific tolerance in the cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL), using the trinitrophenyl (TNP) and azobenzenearsonate haptens. We found that the H-2 K and H-2 D-end restricted CTL in H-2a mice are differentiable in the ease with which they are tolerized to the TNP hapten. With TNP modified syngeneic spleen cells (TNP-SC), or low amounts of trinitrobenzylsulfonic acid as tolerogen, preferential hyporesponsiveness of D-end restricted CTL can be observed. Larger doses of hapten, e.g. a higher amount of trinitrobenzylsulfonic acid, will tolerize both K- and D-end restricted TNP-specific CTL in H-2a mice. The phenomenon of preferential D-end restricted CTL hyporesponsiveness is not observed in H-2d, H-2k, or H-2b mice, nor is it observed in H-2a mice with respect to the azobenzenearsonate hapten. We have also shown that the clones of CTL responsible for lysis of TNP-modified allogeneic targets (cross-reactive lysis) in H-2a mice probably overlap with the D-end restricted TNP-specific CTL since D-end restricted hyporesponsiveness induced by intravenous injection of TNP spleen cells also results in the elimination of cross-reactive lysis of TNP-modified allogeneic targets. The possible mechanisms of preferential D-end hyporesponsiveness to the TNP hapten in the H-2a mice as well as its significance and relationship to previous work in this area are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

In the companion paper it was demonstrated that the T cell proliferative response to HBsAg was controlled by I region genes as was previously shown for in vivo anti-HBs production. In this paper, the structural requirements for T cell recognition of HBsAg were compared with B cell (antibody) recognition of HBsAg. Secondly, we attempted to map determinants on HBsAg required for activation of HBsAg-primed T cells, and we examined the influence of I region genotype on the observed T cell antigenic fine specificity. The results of these studies indicate clear differences between T cell and B cell recognition of HBsAg. T cell activation required significantly less native structure as compared with antibody binding to HBsAg. Reduced and alkylated HBsAg, the subunit polypeptide P25, tryptic fragments of P25, and synthetic peptide analogues of HBsAg were all capable of eliciting a T cell proliferative response, whereas these "denatured" forms of the antigen bind anti-HBs marginally or not at all. Furthermore, the results suggest that T cell recognition sites on HBsAg do not necessarily overlap with B cell recognition sites. Examination of T cell fine specificity in a series of H-2 congenic strains, with the use of HBsAg, P25, tryptic fragments of P25, and synthetic peptides, revealed multiple T cell recognition sites on HBsAg, and the particular site(s) recognized is dependent on the H-2 genotype of the responding strain. Finally, preliminary results indicate that the specificity of human, HBsAg-primed T cells appear to be variable among individuals.  相似文献   

Retrovirus infection of murine fibroblasts was found to alter the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens. Fibroblasts infected with Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) exhibited up to a 10-fold increase in cell surface expression of all three class I MHC antigens. Increases in MHC expression resulted in the increased susceptibility of M-MuLV-infected cells to lysis by allospecific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). M-MuLV appears to exert its effect at the genomic level, because mRNA specific for class I antigens, as well as beta 2-microglobulin, show a fourfold increase. Fibroblasts infected with the Moloney sarcoma virus (MSV):M-MuLV complex show no increase in MHC antigen expression or class I mRNA synthesis, suggesting that co-infection with MSV inhibits M-MuLV enhancement of MHC gene expression. Quantitative differences in class I antigen expression on virus-infected cells were also found to influence the susceptibility of infected cells to lysis by H-2-restricted, virus-specific CTL. Differential lysis of infected cells expressing varied levels of class I antigens by M-MuLV-specific bulk CTL populations and CTL clones suggests that individual clones may have different quantitative requirements for class I antigen expression. The MSV inhibition of MHC expression could be reversed by interferon-gamma. Treatment of MSV:M-MuLV-infected fibroblasts with interferon-gamma increased their susceptibility to lysis by both allogeneic and syngeneic CTL. The data suggest that interferon-gamma may function in the host's immune response to viral infections by enhancing MHC antigen expression, thereby increasing the susceptibility of virus-infected cells to lysis by H-2-restricted, virus-specific CTL.  相似文献   

Rabies virus-specific T cell clones isolated from a human vaccine recipient were studied for their fine specificity and genetic restriction using synthetic peptides of the viral Ag and mouse fibroblasts transfected with human MHC genes. Two clones were found to react with an epitope present in the rabies glycoprotein, which was presented by the HLA-DR7 molecule. Other T cell clones recognized synthetic epitopes corresponding to the rabies nucleoprotein in association with the HLA-DR7 or HLA-DQw3 molecule, and one clone responded to the viral nucleocapsid Ag in the presence of HLA-DPw4. T cell clones that exhibited different cross-reactivity patterns among several virus strains were found to recognize closely situated epitopes (within 15 amino acid residues), which were presented in the context of the same MHC molecule. The lack of recognition of a particular virus strain by a T cell clone was attributable in some cases to amino acid variations of the Ag that appear to affect the T cell's receptor for Ag specificity and not the ability of that epitope to associate with the corresponding MHC molecule. Comparisons of the T cell cross-reactivity patterns with various rabies and rabies-related viruses, the fine antigenic specificity, and MHC restriction may aid in understanding the role of individual amino acid variations among virus strains in the induction of cross-protective immunity.  相似文献   

CD8 T lymphocytes (CTL) responsive to immunodominant minor histocompatibility (minor H) Ags are thought to play a disproportionate role in allograft rejection in MHC-identical solid and bone marrow transplant settings. Although many studies have addressed the mechanisms underlying immunodominance in models of infectious diseases, cancer immunotherapy, and allograft immunity, key issues regarding the molecular basis of immunodominance remain poorly understood. In this study, we exploit the minor H Ag system to understand the relationship of the various biochemical parameters of Ag presentation and recognition to immunodominance. We show that the duration of individual minor H Ag presentation and the avidity of T cell Ag recognition influence the magnitude and, hence, the immunodominance of the CTL response to minor H Ags. These properties of CTL Ag presentation and recognition that contribute to immunodominance have implications not only for tissue transplantation, but also for autoimmunity and tumor vaccine design.  相似文献   

An automatic protein design procedure was used to compute amino acid sequences of peptides likely to bind the HLA-A2 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I allele. The only information used by the procedure are a structural template, a rotamer library, and a well established classical empirical force field. The calculations are performed on six different templates from x-ray structures of HLA-A0201-peptide complexes. Each template consists of the bound peptide backbone and the full atomic coordinates of the MHC protein. Sequences within 2 kcal/mol of the minimum energy sequence are computed for each template, and the sequences from all the templates are combined and ranked by their energies. The five lowest energy peptide sequences and five other low energy sequences re-ranked on the basis of their similarity to peptides known to bind the same MHC allele are chemically synthesized and tested for their ability to bind and form stable complexes with the HLA-A2 molecule. The most efficient binders are also tested for inhibition of the T cell receptor recognition of two known CD8(+) T effectors. Results show that all 10 peptides bind the expected MHC protein. The six strongest binders also form stable HLA-A2-peptide complexes, albeit to varying degrees, and three peptides display significant inhibition of CD8(+) T cell recognition. These results are rationalized in light of our knowledge of the three-dimensional structures of the HLA-A2-peptide and HLA-A2-peptide-T cell receptor complexes.  相似文献   

Mutational studies of T cell receptor (TCR) contact residues on the surface of the human class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule HLA-A2 have identified a "functional hot spot" that comprises Arg(65) and Lys(66) and is involved in recognition by most peptide-specific HLA-A2-restricted TCRs. Although there is a significant amount of functional data on the effects of mutations at these positions, there is comparatively little biochemical information that could illuminate their mode of action. Here, we have used a combination of fluorescence anisotropy, functional assays, and Biacore binding experiments to examine the effects of mutations at these positions on the peptide-MHC interaction and TCR recognition. The results indicate that mutations at both position 65 and position 66 influence peptide binding by HLA-A2 to various extents. In particular, mutations at position 66 result in significantly increased peptide dissociation rates. However, these effects are independent of their effects on TCR recognition, and the Arg(65)-Lys(66) region thus represents a true "hot spot" for TCR recognition. We also made the observation that in vitro T cell reactivity does not scale with the half-life of the peptide-MHC complex, as is often assumed. Finally, position 66 is implicated in the "dual recognition" of both peptide and TCR, emphasizing the multiple roles of the class I MHC peptide-binding domain.  相似文献   

S K Lawrance  C L Smith 《Genomics》1990,8(2):394-399
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of human peripheral blood lymphocyte DNA was used to ascertain the extent of megabase restriction fragment length variation in the HLA region of human chromosome 6 and to determine whether previously reported diversity was due to experimental variation or DNA polymorphism. Polymorphism was found to predominate in the vicinity of the class II DR, class III complement, and the class I A genes and to be limited or absent near the class II DP genes, the TNF genes, and the class I B and C genes. Thus, the MHC region is characterized by both fine and large-scale structural diversity.  相似文献   

We have prepared a [32p]-labeled oligonucleotide probe carrying a ureido (-NH-CO-NH2) function at its 3-terminus. This labeled oligomer was used to study polycondensations of urea and formaldehyde and of various phenols and formaldehyde in aqueous solution. The formation of formaldehyde copolymers attached to the amido-function of the probe was monitored by gel electrophoresis. Our results are generally in agreement with those obtained using conventional techniques. Our method is suitable for monitoring potentially prebiotic polycondensation reactions involving formaldehyde.Abbreviations HBA 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, Na+ salt - HBzOH 2-hydroxybenzyl alcohol - HBSA 4-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid, Na+ salt Correspondence to: L.E. Orgel  相似文献   

We have in this work mapped epitopes and HLA molecules used in human T cell recognition of the Mycobacterium leprae LSR protein antigen. HLA typed healthy subjects immunized with heat killed M. leprae were used as donors to establish antigen reactive CD4+ T cell lines which were screened for proliferative responses against overlapping synthetic peptides covering the C-terminal part of the antigen sequence. By using this approach we were able to identify two epitope regions represented by peptide 2 (aa 29-40) and peptide 6 (aa 49-60), of which the former was mapped in detail by defining the N- and C-terminal amino acid positions necessary for T cell recognition of the core epitope. MHC restriction analysis showed that peptide 2 was presented to T cells by allogeneic cells coexpressing HLA-DR4 and DRw53 or DR7 and DRw53. In contrast, peptide 6 was presented to T cells only in the context of HLA-DR5 molecules. In conclusion, the M. leprae LSR protein antigen can be recognized by human T cells in the context of multiple HLA-DR molecules, of which none are reported to be associated with the susceptibility to develop leprosy. The results obtained are in support of using the LSR antigen in subunit vaccine design.  相似文献   

Cosmid genomic DNA clones have been used as hybridization probes in genomic Southern blot analysis to define restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). Using 14 different enzymes and three overlapping cosmid clones we have detected six RFLPs in a 100 kilobase (kb) segment of DNA in the class III region extending centromeric of theTNFA gene towardHLA-DR. Four of the five RFLPs, defined using the enzymesTaqI,Rsa I,Hinc II, andHind III, and detected by the cosmid clone cosM7B, map to a 29 kb segment of DNA that includes all of the recently described G2 (BAT2) gene and a large portion of the 3 end of the G3 (BAT3) gene. The different RFLP variants were established by analyzing the DNA from three informative families and a panel of 51HLA-homozygous typing cell lines. CosM7B detectsTaq I variants of 4.3 kb, and 2.9 kb or 2.8 kb, Rsa I variants of 2.9 kb or 2.4 kb,Hinc II variants of 5.8 kb or 3.8 kb and 1.4 kb, and aHind III variant of 4.8 kb, while cosOT2 detects Taq I variants of 4.5 kb or 4 kb. The distribution of theRsa 1, Hinc II and Taq I RFLPs detected by cosM7B, and theTaq I RFLP detected with cosOT2, within the panel of cell line DNAs was assessed by Southern blotting. The 4.3 kbTaq I variant was observed in only one cell line with the extended haplotypeHLA-A29, C-, B44, SC30, DR4. The other RFLPs, however, occurred much more frequently. The 2.8 kb Taq I variant was observed in 20 % of haplotypes, the 2.9 kbRsa I variant was observed in 42% of haplotypes, and the 5.8 kbHinc I variant was observed in 12 % of haplotypes analyzed. The 4.5 kbTaq I variant detected by the overlapping cosmid cosOT2 was present in 21 % of haplotypes. Analysis of the RFLP variants with each other revealed seven different haplotypic combinations. Three of the haplotypic combinations were each subdivided into two subsets on the basis of the Nco I RFLP variant they carried at theTNF-B locus. These haplotypic combinations potentially allow differentiation among different extended haplotypes such asHLA-B8, SC01, DR3, HLA-B18, F1 C30, DR3, andHLA-B44, FC31, DR7. The RFLPs detected by the cosmid clones thus provide new tools which will be useful in the further genetic analysis of the MHC class III region.  相似文献   

Immunization with myelin basic protein (BP) causes experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) in certain strains of mice. SJL/J (H-2s) is the prototype sensitive strain. Although BALB/c (H-2d) is resistant to EAE through use of an identical immunization protocol, (BALB/c x SJL/J)F1 hybrid mice develop EAE after immunization with BP. T cell clones specific for BP have been isolated from a highly encephalitogenic line of (BALB/c x SJL/J)F1 hybrid T cells raised against bovine BP. The clones were examined for their H-2 restriction and specificity for heterologous forms of BP (mouse, rat, and bovine BP). The results revealed the clones cross-reacting with mouse (self) BP were almost always restricted to F1 hybrid class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) elements. In contrast, mouse cross-reactive clones derived from a nonencephalitogenic (BALB/c x SJL/J) T cell line raised against rat BP were largely restricted to H-2d elements. These clones did not cross-react with bovine BP. Four additional lines were generated by carrying the original rat and bovine F1 T cell lines on parental antigen-presenting cells thus generating lines biased toward homozygous (SJL/J, H-2s, or BALB/c, H-2d) restriction elements. These "parentally restricted" T cell lines did not induce EAE when injected in vivo. These results suggest that in this F1 strain sensitivity to T cell-induced EAE is associated with epitopes on murine BP that associate with F1 class II MHC restricting elements. In contrast, nonencephalitogenic T cell lines contain a high proportion of murine cross-reactive clones restricted to H-2d, the haplotype of the classically resistant BALB/c mouse. This work illustrates the use of T cell lines and clones in a model system to further analyze the role of MHC restriction elements in autoimmune disease occurring in heterozygous individuals.  相似文献   

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