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Inhibition of oligonucleotide-directed cleavage of pre-mRNA using exogenously added E. coli RNase H has been utilized as a probe for mRNA-protein interaction. We now show that such an RNase H-like activity is present in splicing competent Hela cell nuclear extract. Using this extract and in vitro transcribed beta-globin pre-mRNA, we have demonstrated that synthetic oligonucleotides, complementary to the splice site sequences, direct preferential cleavage of the 5' splice site. Thus, these experiments using complementary oligonucleotide-directed, endogenous RNase H-like cleavage of pre-mRNA, suggest a useful probe for studying the mRNA-protein complex in vitro.  相似文献   

Trans splicing of nematode pre-messenger RNA in vitro   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
G J Hannon  P A Maroney  J A Denker  T W Nilsen 《Cell》1990,61(7):1247-1255
In nematodes, a fraction of mRNAs contains a common 22 nucleotide 5' terminal spliced leader (SL) sequence derived by trans splicing. Here, we show that a cell-free extract prepared from developing embryos of the parasitic nematode Ascaris lumbricoides catalyzes accurate and efficient SL addition to a synthetic pre-mRNA at an authentic trans splice acceptor site. SL addition occurs via a trans splicing reaction that proceeds through Y-branched intermediates. The branchpoint is located at either of two adenosine residues located 18 and 19 nucleotides upstream of the splice acceptor site.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1986,103(6):2103-2112
Temperature-sensitive mutations in the RNA2 through RNA11 genes of yeast prevent the processing of nuclear pre-mRNAs. We have raised antisera that detect the RNA2 and RNA3 proteins in immunoblots of extracts of yeast containing high copy number RNA2 and RNA3 plasmids. Subcellular fractionation of yeast cells that overproduce the RNA2 and RNA3 proteins has revealed that these proteins are enriched in nuclear fractions. Indirect immunofluorescence results have indicated that these proteins are localized in yeast nuclei. These localization results are consistent with the fact that these genes have a role in processing yeast pre-mRNA.  相似文献   

The function of conserved regions of the metazoan U5 snRNA was investigated by reconstituting U5 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) from purified snRNP proteins and HeLa or Xenopus U5 snRNA mutants and testing their ability to restore splicing to U5-depleted nuclear extracts. Substitution of conserved nucleotides comprising internal loop 2 or deletion of internal loop 1 had no significant effect on the ability of reconstituted U5 snRNPs to complement splicing. However, deletion of internal loop 2 abolished U5 activity in splicing and spliceosome formation. Surprisingly, substitution of the invariant loop 1 nucleotides with a GAGA tetraloop had no effect on U5 activity. Furthermore, U5 snRNPs reconstituted from an RNA formed by annealing the 5' and 3' halves of the U5 snRNA, which lacked all loop 1 nucleotides, complemented both steps of splicing. Thus, in contrast to yeast, loop 1 of the human U5 snRNA is dispensable for both steps of splicing in HeLa nuclear extracts. This suggests that its function can be compensated for in vitro by other spliceosomal components: for example, by proteins associated with the U5 snRNP. Consistent with this idea, immunoprecipitation studies indicated that several functionally important U5 proteins associate stably with U5 snRNPs containing a GAGA loop 1 substitution.  相似文献   

Alternative pre-messenger RNA splicing is a major contributor to proteomic diversity in higher eukaryotes and represents a key step in the control of protein function in a large variety of biological systems. As a means of artificially altering splice site choice, we have investigated the impact of positioning proteins in the vicinity of 5' splice sites. We find that a recombinant GST-MS2 protein interferes with 5' splice site use, most efficiently when it binds upstream of that site. To broaden the use of proteins as steric inhibitors of splicing, we have tested the activity of antisense oligonucleotides carrying binding sites for the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1/A2 proteins. In a HeLa cell extract, tailed oligonucleotides complementary to exonic sequences elicit strong shifts in 5' splice site selection. In four different human cell lines, an interfering oligonucleotide carrying A1/A2 binding sites also shifted the alternative splicing of the Bcl-x pre-mRNA more efficiently than oligonucleotides acting through duplex formation only. The use of protein-binding oligonucleotides that interfere with U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein binding therefore represents a novel and powerful approach to control splice site selection in cells.  相似文献   

Incorporation of 32P from gamma-labeled ATP into a number of polypeptides in HeLa whole cell and nuclear extracts was dependent on added double-stranded DNA or poly(dI-dC), but not denatured or supercoiled DNA. DNA-dependent phosphorylation of a high Mr endogenous substrate could be reconstituted from the precipitate formed after incubation of whole cell extracts with DNA. Fractionation of extracts by phosphocellulose or DEAE-Sephacel chromatography yielded preparations that phosphorylated casein as well as endogenous polypeptides in a DNA-dependent manner. These results are consistent with the existence of a novel protein kinase in HeLa cells that is highly dependent upon the presence of double-stranded DNA for efficient phosphorylation of a variety of substrates.  相似文献   

Poly(A)-containing RNA isolated from the components of a HeLa cell mitochondrial lysate which sediment in the polysome region of a sucrose gradient have been analyzed for the presence of discrete species. Eight distinct components have been identified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after formaldehyde treatment. These components, which are highly reproducible in their occurrence and relative amounts under widely varying conditions of isolation, have been characterized as to their sedimentation behavior under denaturing conditions, poly(A) content and homology to separated strands of mitochondrial DNA.One of the discrete components was previously shown to have a sedimentation coefficient of about 7 S in the native state and a molecular weight of about 9.0 × 104, as estimated from its sedimentation rate in formaldehyde. The molecular weights of the other seven components, as derived from sedimentation data, range between 2.6 and 5.3 × 105.The 7 S RNA is complementary to the light mitochondrial DNA strand, while the other seven components are complementary to the heavy strand. Together with the two mitochondrial rRNA species and with mitochondrial 4 S RNA, the eight poly(A)-containing RNA components, if distinct in sequence, would account for about 70% of the single-strand informational content of HeLa mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

N Hernandez  W Keller 《Cell》1983,35(1):89-99

An RNA helicase, isolated from nuclear extracts of HeLa cells, displaced duplex RNA in the presence of any one of the eight common nucleoside triphosphates. The unwinding reaction was supported most efficiently by ATP and GTP and poorly by dCTP and dTTP. The enzyme activity, purified 300-fold, contained two major protein bands of 80 and 55 kDa when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. All fractions that contained RNA helicase activity also possessed single-stranded RNA-dependent nucleoside triphosphatase activity. Purified RNA helicase fractions displaced a hybrid of U4/U6 RNAs with the same efficiency as it displaced other duplex RNA structures. In contrast, the RNA helicase did not displace duplex RNA/DNA and DNA/DNA structures. Evidence is presented that suggests that this RNA helicase can displace duplex RNA by translocating in both the 3' to 5' and the 5' to 3' directions. The properties of the RNA helicase described here differ from the deaminase RNA unwinding activity described in Xenopus oocytes (Bass, B.L., and Weintraub, H. (1987) Cell 48, 607-613) and from the p68 HeLa RNA helicase (Hirling, H., Scheffner, M., Restle, T., and Stahl, H. (1989) Nature 339, 562-564).  相似文献   

Double-stranded regions which comprise about 4% of isolated HeLa cell heterogeneous nuclear RNA have been characterized by RNA fingerprinting and sequencing analysis. The simplicity of the pattern in two-dimensional RNA fingerprints suggests a sequence complexity of about 1000 nucleotides. The nucleotide sequences of six prominent RNase T1-resistant oligonucleotides (ranging in size from 7 to 9 bases) have been determined using isolated double-stranded nuclear RNA labeled in vivo with 32P-labeled inorganic phosphate. We conclude that (here exists a substantial subpopulation of simple, potentially complementary sequences common to much of the heterogeneous nuclear RNA population and interspersed with other kinds of sequences.  相似文献   

Ribonucleoprotein particles containing heterogeneous nuclear RNA (Pederson, 1974) were isolated from HeLa cells and digested with ribonucleases A and T1 at high ionic strength. The nuclease-resistant material, comprising 9.4% of the initial acid-insoluble [3H]adenosine radioactivity, was further fractionated by poly(U)-Sepharose chromatography. The bound fraction eluted from the column with 50% formamide and banded in cesium sulfate gradients (without aldehyde fixation) at a buoyant density characteristic of ribonucleoprotein (1.45 g/cm3). Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of this material revealed two Coomassie blue-stained bands. The major polypeptide had a molecular weight of 74,000 a less prominent band had a molecular weight of 86,000. The RNA components contained 74.4 mol % AMP and 17.7 mol % UMP. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the RNA, labeled with [3H]adenosine, demonstrated the presence of molecules 150 to 200 nucleotides in length (poly(A)), as well as molecules 20 to 30 nucleotides long (oligo(A)). Both poly(A) and oligo(A) sequences have previously been identified in HeLa heterogeneous nuclear RNA. These data demonstrate that both the poly (A) and oligo(A) sequences in HeLa heterogeneous nuclear RNA exist in vivo tightly complexed with specific proteins.  相似文献   

Hybridisation of cDNA probes for abundant and rare polysomal polyadenylated RNAs with polyadenylated and non-polyadenylated nuclear RNA from Friend cells indicated that the abundant polysomal polyadenylated RNA sequences were present at a higher concentration in the nucleus than rare polysomal sequences, but at a reduced range of concentrations. The ratio of the concentrations of abundant and rare sequences was about 3 in non-polyadenylated nuclear RNA, 9 in polyadenylated nuclear RNA and 13 in polysomal polyadenylated RNA. This suggests that polyadenylation may play a role in the quantitative selection of sequences for transport to the cytoplasm. Polyadenylation cannot be the only signal for transport, since a highly complex population of nucleus-confined polyadenylated molecules exists, each of which is present on average at less than one copy per cell.  相似文献   

The requirements for the formation of pseudouridine (psi) in U4 and U6 RNAs, cofactors in the splicing of pre-messenger RNA, were investigated in vitro using HeLa nuclear (NE) and cytoplasmic (S100) extracts. Maximal psi formation for both RNAs was extract order-dependent. Maximal psi formation in U4 RNA required incubation in S100 followed by the addition of NE, paralleling the in vivo maturation pathway of U4 RNA. In contrast, maximal formation of psi in U6 RNA required incubation in NE followed by the addition of S100 extract. Since U6 RNA does not exit the nucleus in vivo the contribution of S100 was investigated. In experiments where the extracts were treated with micrococcal nuclease to digest endogenous snRNAs, the efficient formation of psi in U6 RNA was dependent on the presence of U4 RNA, but not in U5 RNA or tRNA. When mutant U4 RNAs that inhibit or strengthen the interaction between U4 RNA, and U6 RNA were substituted for wild-type U4 RNA, the results confirmed the need for the interaction between these two RNAs for psi formation in U6 RNA. U6 RNA isolated from glycerol gradients after incubation in extracts had four times as much psi when associated with U4 RNA.  相似文献   

Plasmid Blur 8 which contains the 300bp human Alu consensus sequence and plasmid pBR322 were digested with restriction enzymes and the fragments obtained end labelled with 32P-gamma-ATP. The end labelled fragments were incubated with HeLa nuclear extracts and the incubation mixtures passed through a nitrocellulose filter. The 300bp alu consensus sequence was preferentially retained on the filter. The HeLa nuclear extract did not preferentially bind any fragments generated from pBR322 and histones which bind nonspecifically all DNA fragments did not preferentially bind the alu sequence. We conclude that the HeLa nuclear extract contains components which specifically bind the human alu sequence.  相似文献   

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