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Daily torpor can provide significant energy and water savings in bats during cold ambient temperatures and food scarcity. However, it may reduce rates of foetal and juvenile development. Therefore, reproductive females should optimize development by minimizing times in torpor. To test this hypothesis, the use of torpor by female and male free-ranging Daubenton’s bats (Myotis daubentonii) during reproduction (gestation, lactation, and post-lactation period) was investigated in 1998 and 1999. Temperature-sensitive radio transmitters were attached to the bats to measure skin temperature. Simultaneously, ambient temperature was recorded. While both sexes became torpid during daytime, male bats used daily torpor (>6°C below individual active temperature) significantly more often during reproductive period (mean: 78.4 % of day time in May and 43 % in June) than females. Female bats went into daily torpor, particularly in late summer when juveniles were weaned (mean: 66.6 % of daytime). Lowest skin temperatures occurred in a female bat with 21.0°C during post-lactation. Skin temperatures of male bats fluctuated from 16.8°C in torpor to 37.2°C during times of activity. There was a significant effect of reproductive period on skin temperature in females whereas mean ambient temperature had no significant effect. However, mean ambient temperature affected mean skin temperatures in males. Our findings indicate that female Daubenton’s bats adopt their thermoregulatory behaviour in particular to optimize the juvenile development.  相似文献   

Roost microclimate plays an important role in the survival, growth and reproduction in microbats. Entering torpor is one of the main energy saving mechanisms commonly used by microbats. The use of torpor is affected by roost microclimate and seasonally differs between the two sexes in relation to their reproductive condition. Consequently, thermal properties of male and female roosts should differ. To test this hypothesis, we compared temperature parameters of two anthropogenic day roosts of Daubenton’s bats with a different structure of the population inhabiting them. In accordance with our predictions, the roost occupied by a male-dominated colony was colder and more fluctuant than the maternity roost with a female-dominated population. However, using of the two roosts changed during the season in response to changing energetic demands of the two sexes. While males were almost absent in the warmer maternity roost during pregnancy and lactation, they appeared in this roost during the post-lactation when mating starts. In contrast, females did not use the colder (male) roost until the time of weaning of juveniles, i.e., the time when their thermoregulatory needs change and they may benefit from using colder roost. Our study provides the evidence that the same roost may be used by individuals of different sex and reproductive state in different periods of the year. Generalizations about roost selection without knowledge of temporal variation in roost use and microclimatic conditions should be taken with caution. Anthropogenic roosts may be advantageous to Daubenton’s bats as these can provide a variety of suitable microclimates and/or more space for roosting than tree cavities.  相似文献   

The frequency and function of arousals during hibernation in free-living mammals are little known. We used temperature-sensitive radio transmitters to measure patterns of torpor, arousal and activity in wild Natterer’s bats Myotis nattereri during hibernation. Duration of torpor bouts ranged from 0.06 to 20.4 days with individual means ranging from 0.9 to 8.9 days. Arousals from torpor occurred most commonly coincident with the time (relative to sunset) typical for bats emerging from summer roosts to forage. Bats with lower body condition indices had a shorter average duration of their torpor bouts. We found a non-linear relationship between duration of torpor bout and ambient temperature: the longest average torpor bouts were at temperatures between 2 and 4°C with shorter bouts at lower and higher ambient temperatures. One individual was radio-tracked for ten nights, remained active for an average of 297 min each night and was active for longer on warmer nights. Our results suggest that vespertilionid bats use relatively short torpor bouts during hibernation in a location with a maritime climate. We hypothesise that Natterer’s bats time arousals to maximise opportunities for potential foraging during winter although winter feeding is not the sole determinant of arousal as bats still arouse at times when foraging is unlikely.  相似文献   

Being highly polymorphic, microsatellites are widely used genetic markers. They are abundant throughout the nuclear genomes of eukaryotes but rare in the mitochondrial genomes (mtDNA) of animals. We describe a short but highly polymorphic AT microsatellite in the mtDNA control region of Bechstein’s bat and discuss the role of mutation, genetic drift, and selection in maintaining its variability. As heteroplasmy and hence mutation rate were positively correlated with repeat number, a simple mutation model cannot explain the observed frequency distribution of AT copy numbers. Because of the unimodal distribution of repeat numbers found in heteroplasmic individuals, single step mutations are likely to be the predominant mechanism of copy number alternations. Above a certain copy number (seven repeats), deletions of single dinucleotide repeats seem to be more common than additions, which results in a decrease in frequency of long alleles. Heteroplasmy was inherited from mothers to their offspring and no evidence of paternal inheritance of mitochondria was found. Genetic differences accumulated with more distant ancestry, which suggests that microsatellites can be useful genetic markers in population genetics.[Reviewing Editor: Dr. Rafael Zardoya]  相似文献   

We radio-tracked fifteen reproductive females (5 pregnant, 5 lactating, 5 in post-lactation) of the Daubenton’s bat in summer 2005 in order to reveal the effect of reproductive state on their foraging and roosting activity. Spatial activity of females decreased from pregnancy to lactation and increased again in the post-lactation period. Overall time spent foraging did not differ among the three study periods. However, while pregnant and lactating females spent similar proportion of the night length foraging, females in the post-lactation period were foraging for shorter part of night. The frequency of nightly visits to roosts was highest during lactation but there was a trend towards shortening of particular visits during that period. All but one roost were in tree hollows excavated by woodpeckers in spatially restricted area of ca 0.7 km2. Tree cavities used during pregnancy were located higher on a tree trunk and had larger entrance area than the cavities used in the two later periods. Bats switched roosts every 2–3 days (range 1–8) and moved to a new roost up to 800 m apart. Pregnant females tended to switch roosts more frequently than females in the two later periods. We did not observe a significant effect of minimum nightly temperature on the activity of radio-tracked Daubenton’s bats. Therefore, we suggest that observed seasonal changes in the pattern of behaviour of Daubenton’s bat females were driven by their changing energetic demands rather than by some extrinsic factors (e.g. weather conditions).  相似文献   

Dietary restriction increases life span and protects distinct organisms against a series of diseases, among which, those related to oxidative stress, like neurodegenerative diseases. Interferences in the maternal environment are known to reprogram the offspring metabolism response, impacting in the risk of chronic diseases development in adulthood. We aimed to assess the effects of 40% food restriction on reactive species levels, enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant defenses, and oxidative damage parameters in the cerebellum and total cerebral cortex of pregnant rats and their offspring. Dams and pups showed oxidative modulation caused by food restriction in both structures. Dichlorofluorescein oxidation, reflecting reactive species levels, was reduced in the cerebellum of dams and offspring, while the cerebral cortex was not affected. Decreased mitochondrial superoxide levels were found in the cerebellum and cerebral cortex of pups, while nitric oxide was increased in the cortex. We also measured the activities of important antioxidant enzymes responsible by reactive oxygen species elimination. Superoxide dismutase activity was increased in the cerebellum of dams and in both structures of pups, while it was decreased in dams’ cerebral cortex. Both brain structures were affected concerning to catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutaredoxin activities, which were reduced in pups and dams. Non-enzymatic defenses were decreased in pups, while dams showed an adaptive pattern in the cerebellum and no alteration in the cerebral cortex. Even though the results suggest increased oxidative status, lipids and proteins were not oxidatively affected. Our data suggest that intrauterine food restriction may disrupt oxidative status, impairing the antioxidant network.  相似文献   

Small mammals inhabiting temperate and arctic regions exhibit annual adaptive adjustments in physiology, anatomy, and behavior. No data on the physiology of Maximowicz’s voles (Microtus maximowiczii) are available at present. Here we examined the seasonal changes in body mass, food intake, thermogenic capacity, serum leptin and thyroid hormone levels in wild-captured individuals from Inner Mongolian grassland, China. We further examined the effects of photoperiod on these parameters. Energy intake, resting metabolic rate, nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), and serum tri-iodothyronine (T3) levels increased while serum leptin and body mass decreased in the cold seasons. Serum T3 levels were positively correlated with NST and uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) contents in brown adipose tissue, and leptin levels were negatively correlated with energy intake and resting metabolic rate. Furthermore, laboratory data showed these changes could be induced by short photoperiod alone. Taken together, our results indicate that Maximowicz’s voles can increase thermogenic capacity and energy intake to cope with cold stress. Serum leptin seems to be involved in the regulation of energy intake and changes in T3 level may be important for the variations in NST and/or UCP1. Short photoperiod can serve as a seasonal cue for the winter acclimatization of energy balance in free-living Maximowicz’s voles.  相似文献   

The Daubenton’s bat is widespread and common in the UK and countries bordering the English Channel and North Sea. European bat lyssavirus 2 (EBLV-2), a rabies virus, has been detected in Daubenton’s bats in the UK and continental Europe. Investigating the relatedness of colonies and gene flow between these regions would allow regional estimates of the movement of Daubenton’s bats and thus the potential for disease transmission. The genetic structure of the Daubenton’s bat in western Europe was investigated by analysing variability at eight microsatellite loci. Genetic diversity was found to be high at all sites (H E = 0.73–0.84), with little differentiation between bats sampled in the UK and continental Europe. Mantel tests indicated a significant correlation between geographic distance and pair-wise F ST (P = 0.000), between colonies sampled in Scotland and northern England. However, this was not continuous throughout the sampled range, with evidence of panmixia within the area sampled in continental Europe. Assignment tests show no evidence that the (potential) EBLV-2 sero-positive and virus positive bats were more likely to have originated from the continental rather than UK populations. There is no sufficient significant genetic differentiation amongst most UK and continental colonies to conclude that EBLV-2 is maintained in the UK by immigration. Results show that it is likely to be maintained at a low endemic level within the UK. The relative genetic uniformity of UK and continental populations implies that there is no migration barrier to EBLV-2, between these regions.  相似文献   

Greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) and Geoffroy’s bats (Myotis emarginatus) are two sympatric species that have undergone a serious population decline in Central Europe. In both species, population decline is likely to have been caused by habitat deterioration and habitat loss resulting in a decrease of carrying capacity. We examined the spatial ecology, habitat use and key landscape features in vital populations in R. ferrumequinum and M. emarginatus in the northern part of their current European distribution in Luxembourg. In total, 3,559 fixes from 26 radiotracked individuals were calculated. The tracked individuals of both species showed commuting flights along hedgerows, streams and small-forested patches. Maximum flight distances, home range sizes and habitat diversity did not differ between species, but R. ferrumequinum had significantly larger foraging ranges than adult M. emarginatus. Contrary to other studies, both bat species preferred semi-open, but richly structured traditional farmland habitats such as orchards, pastures and parkland habitats instead of available large broad-leaved deciduous forests. M. emarginatus frequently preyed on abundant arthropod resources in cowsheds, sometimes even exclusively throughout the night. The landscape configuration around the buffered radio fixes of adult R. ferrumequinum and M. emarginatus differed significantly from that around analysed random buffers. Radio fixes were concentrated in a landscape characterised by higher habitat diversity than in the surrounding region. Our results support the concept of a ‘biocultural link’ between traditional land use and biodiversity, and we therefore strongly recommend the conservation of extensive traditional land use practices, which will help to preserve both endangered bat species along with the local biodiversity.  相似文献   

We investigated the population genetics of seven maternity roosts of Bechstein’s bats widely distributed across the south of England. Across all of the populations sampled, two mitochondrial DNA microsatellite loci were fixed for single haplotypes. Genetic diversity across eight nuclear microsatellite loci was similar in all seven populations, with a mean He of 0.727. However, six of the populations showed substantial homozygote excess, with F IS estimates greater than zero, indicative of recent inbreeding. Bottleneck tests also implied that six of the populations have experienced recent declines. Genetic differentiation among the populations was low, with a mean intersite F ST estimate of 0.041. There was no significant isolation by distance using allele frequency-based criteria (F ST and genetic distances), however, a weak correlation was found using the allele size-based R ST criterion. Assignment tests were unable to distinguish the seven sampling sites as distinct clusters. Mean intra-roost relatedness (r) was 0.079, indicative of recent inbreeding relative to German populations. All but one of the bats had one or more half or full siblings in its maternity roost. In addition, family relationships of individuals within a colony were significantly commoner than family relationships among four proximal roosts <8 km apart. The results are discussed in the context of conservation requirements for this rare British bat.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of light respectively illumination cycles on the activity rhythm of the insectivorous bat Myotis myotis (M.m.). A new electronic registration system devised for this purpose can be applied almost universally in recording the activity of terrestrial animals.

M.m. is a strictly dark‐active species with a bimodal activity pattern of bigeminus character. Under constant conditions, M.m. reveals a free running circadian activity rhythm. Its period length varies between 22.6 and 27.8 h and is positively correlated with the intensity of illumination. The range of entrainment of the circadian activity rhythm of M.m. is unusually wide. Accordingly, M.m. resynchronizes very quickly after phase shifts of the Zeitgeber LD. Activity maxima in the range of 10‐4 lx occur in LD 12:12 with constant illumination in L and varied illumination in D as well as in LL with varying intensity.

It is to be discussed whether the wide variability of different parameters in the circadian system of M.m. compared with those of other Chiroptera can be interpreted as an adaptation to ecological factors.  相似文献   

This study aimed to discuss the energy budget of Elliot’s pheasant Syrmaticus ellioti in different seasons, with life and health, good growth and normal digestion of Elliot’s pheasant as the tested objects, The energy budget of Elliot’s pheasant was measured by daily collection of the trial pheasants’ excrement in the biological garden of Guangxi Normal University from March 2011 to February 2012. The results showed that the gross energy consumption, metabolic energy and excrement energy varied by season, increasing as temperature decreased. There was significant difference in gross energy consumption, metabolic energy, excrement energy between adults and nonages. There was also a trend that food digestibility of pheasants increases as temperature increases. In the same season, the food digestibility of adults was better than that of nonages. Throughout spring, summer, autumn and winter, the metabolic energy of 4-year adults were 305.77±13.40 kJ/d, 263.67±11.89 kJ/d, 357.23±25.49 kJ/d and 403.12±24.91 kJ/d, respectively, and the nonages were 284.86±17.22 kJ/d, 284. 66±15.16 kJ/d, 402. 26±31.46 kJ/d and 420. 30±31.98 kJ/d, respectively. The minimum metabolic energies were 247.65±21.81 g, 265.86±26.53 g, respectively for each group, detected between 4-year adults and 1-year nonages. Further study is needed to determine whether 29.6 C is the optimal temperature for the Elliot’s pheasant.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 is a serine/threonine kinase expressed in organisms from yeast to human and is composed of a catalytic subunit (α or α’) and a regulatory subunit (β) forming a holoenzyme with the possible subunit combinations α2β2, α’2β2, or αα’β2. This kinase has been shown to be involved in embryonic development and gametogenesis. We have studied the expression of the CK2α’ and CK2β subunits during the first wave of spermatogenesis and in adult testis in the rat. Western blot analyses have demonstrated that both CK2α’ and CK2β are expressed in testes from birth to adulthood. A more detailed study of the protein localization of CK2α’ and CK2β by immunohistochemistry suggests that CK2α’ and CK2β are localized in the nuclei of Sertoli cells in 5-day-old rats, whereas they appear to have a cytoplasmic localization in older animals. In adult testes, CK2α’ and CK2β subunits are present in spermatocytes. Both subunits exhibit a similar expression pattern with the highest level in spermatocytes at stages VIII-XIV. Interestingly, CK2β is highly expressed in spermatogonia, whereas CK2α’ is barely detectable. Mature epididymal spermatozoa express CK2α’ in the acrosome and CK2β in the flagellum. This new evidence therefore indicates that protein kinase CK2 has a possible role at various stages during mammalian spermatogenesis, a process that involves proliferation, meiosis, apoptosis, and differentiation. CK2 might thus emerge as a new pivotal control enzyme at various levels in mammalian spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Reckardt K  Kerth G 《Oecologia》2007,154(3):581-588
Ectoparasites of vertebrates often spend part of their life cycle in their hosts’ home. Consequently, hosts should take into account the parasite infestation of a site when selecting where to live. In a field study, we investigated whether colonial female Bechstein’s bats (Myotis bechsteinii) adapt their roosting behaviour to the life cycle of the bat fly Basilia nana in order to decrease their contact with infective stages of this parasite. B. nana imagoes live permanently on the bat’s body but deposit puparia in the bat’s roosts. The flies metamorphose independently in the roosts, but after metamorphosis emerge only in the presence of a potential host. In a field experiment, the bats preferred non-contagious to contagious day-roosts and hence were able to detect either the parasite load of roosts or some correlate with infestation, such as bat droppings. In addition, 9 years of observational data on the natural roosting behaviour of female Bechstein’s bats indicate that the bats largely avoid re-occupying roosts when highly contagious puparia are likely to be present as a result of previous occupations of the roosts by the bat colony. Our results indicate that the females adapted their roosting behaviour to the age-dependent contagiousness (emergence probability) of the puparia. However, some infested roosts were re-occupied, which we assume was because these roosts provided advantages to the bats (e.g. a beneficial microclimate) that outweighed the negative effects associated with bat fly infestation. We suggest that roost selection in Bechstein’s bats is the outcome of a trade-off between the costs of parasite infestation and beneficial roost qualities.  相似文献   

Many small mammals are heterothermic endotherms capable of maintaining an elevated core body temperature or reducing their thermoregulatory set point to enter a state of torpor. Torpor can confer substantial energy savings, but also incurs ecological costs, such as hindering allocation of energy towards reproduction. We placed temperature-sensitive radio transmitters on 44 adult Rafinesque’s big-eared bats (Corynorhinus rafinesquii) and deployed microclimate dataloggers inside 34 day roosts to compare the use of torpor by different sex and reproductive classes of bats during the summer. We collected 324 bat-days of skin-temperature data from 36 females and 4 males. Reproductive females employed fewer torpor bouts per day than non-reproductive females and males (P < 0.0001), and pregnant and lactating females had higher average (P < 0.0001) and minimum (P < 0.0001) skin temperatures than non-reproductive females. Pregnant females spent less time torpid (P < 0.0001) than non-reproductive females, but lactating females used relatively deep, long torpor bouts. Microclimates varied inside tree species with different configurations of entrances to the roost cavity (P < 0.0001). Bats spent more time torpid when roosting in water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) trees possessing only a basal entrance to the cavity (P = 0.001). Of the tree species used as roosts, water tupelo cavities exhibited the least variable daytime and nighttime temperatures. These data demonstrate that use of summer torpor is not uniform among sex and reproductive classes in Rafinesque’s big-eared bat, and variation in microclimate among tree roosts due to species and structural characteristics facilitates the use of different thermoregulatory strategies in these bats.  相似文献   

Variable Charge X/Y (VCX/Y) is a human testis-specific gene family that localized on X and Y chromo-somes. In this study, VCY protein was expressed in E. coli in the form of glutathione-S-transferase (GST)fusion protein. With the purified fusion protein as antigen, the anti-GST-VCY antibody was generated andthe localization of VCY protein in human testis was determined by immunohistochemistry. In the testisseminiferous epithelium, VCY proteins were highly expressed in nuclei of germ cells. Using propidium io-dide staining and green fluorescent protein (GFP) tag technologies, VCY and VCX-8r proteins were mainlylocalized in the nucleoli of COS7 cells. In addition, the colocalization for VCY and VCX-8r in COS7 cellswas also observed. With VCY cDNA as bait, a cDNA fragment of acidic ribosomal protein PO was obtainedusing yeast two-hybrid system. All the information above indicates that VCX/Y protein family might beinvolved in the regulation of ribosome assembly during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Wielkopolska (western Poland) is a region, with good reason, called the main food base of Poland. All indices of agricultural production have always been there (since 19th century) much higher than elsewhere in the country (Ratajczak 1977/1978, Buszko 1984, Gorzelak 1989, Czyzewski et al. 1992; table 1). Such a situation had a beneficial effect on the amount of the income generated by a family of Wielkopolska and, thus, decided on its better financial status. Additionally, rural inhabitants of this region have always been characterised by a more advantageous educational structure in comparison with people of other Polish villages. Generally, it is easy to detect the relationship between the life standard, the level of education and family planning. The aim of this paper is to assess fertility of women from villages of Wielkopolska in the period of transformation of the political and economic system in Poland.  相似文献   

The enzyme 20α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (20α-HSD) catalyzes the conversion of progesterone to its inactive form, 20α-hydroxyprogesterone. This enzyme has been shown to play a critical role in the regulation of luteal function in experimental animals. In this study, we cloned and expressed the gene encoding elk deer 20α-HSD from reproductive placental and ovarian tissues. PCR, 3'- and 5'-RACE, and northern blot analysis were performed for the cloning and characterization of deer 20α-HSD gene. We expressed recombinant deer 20α-HSD protein and used western blot analysis to determine protein expression levels in the placenta and ovary during pregnancy. The full cDNA sequence of 20α-HSD was used to clone an open reading frame encoding 323 amino acids and consisting of 1142 bp. The nucleotide sequence of deer 20α-HSD showed high homology with the sequences of the bovine (96%), goat (96%), and human (83%) 20α-HSD genes. 20α-HSD mRNA was strongly expressed in the placenta on days 30, 60, and 70 of pregnancy. A high level of the protein was also detected in the placenta but not in fetal skin tissue. The recombinant 20α-HSD protein produced in mammalian cells and bacterial systems had a molecular weight of approximately 37-kDa. The deer 20α-HSD protein signal was specifically localized in the basal part of the primary chorionic villi and chorionic stem villus of the placenta during early pregnancy. The 20α-HSD protein was also intensively localized in the larger luteal cells of the corpus luteum during pregnancy.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of offspring food demand on parental regulation of food provisioning and body condition in a small long-lived seabird, Leachs storm-petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa). In one experimental group, food demand of chicks on their parents was increased by removing one parent (single), and in another group these food demands were decreased by supplementary feeding of chicks (supplement). A further unmanipulated group provided a control. Feeding frequencies by one parent were higher in the single but lower in the supplement than in the control group, in accordance with the food demand of chicks. The size of meals appeared to be not different among the experimental groups. However, as single parents did not compensate perfectly for the increase of chick food demand by food provisioning, single chicks grew at slower rates and fledged at smaller masses than control chicks. Supplement chicks grew at similar rates and fledged at similar masses as control chicks, because parents decreased food provisioning and food processing capacity of the chicks might be limited. The body condition of parents, which was determined by body mass loss and feather regrowth rate, did not differ among the groups. These results indicate that feeding frequency was regulated by parental decision in this storm-petrel species. Parents may adjust their food provisioning to match the food demand of chicks but within a certain range so as not to deteriorate their own body condition.  相似文献   

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