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The flagellin receptor of Arabidopsis thaliana, At-FLAGELLIN SENSING2 (FLS2), has become a model for mechanistic and functional studies on plant immune receptors. Here, we started out with a comparison of At-FLS2 and the orthologous tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) receptor Sl-FLS2. Both receptors specifically responded to picomolar concentrations of the genuine flg22 ligand but proved insensitive to >10(6)-fold higher concentrations of CLV3 peptides that have recently been reported as a second type of ligand for At-FLS2. At-FLS2 and Sl-FLS2 exhibit species-specific differences in the recognition of shortened or sequence-modified flg22 ligands. To map the sites responsible for these species-specific traits on the FLS2 receptors, we performed domain swaps, substituting subsets of the 28 leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) in At-FLS2 with the corresponding LRRs from Sl-FLS2. We found that the LRRs 7 to 10 of Sl-FLS2 determine the high affinity of Sl-FLS2 for the core part RINSAKDD of flg22. In addition, we discovered importance of the LRRs 19 to 24 for the responsiveness to C-terminally modified flagellin peptides. These results indicate that ligand perception in FLS2 is a complex molecular process that involves LRRs from both the outermost and innermost LRRs of the FLS2 ectodomain.  相似文献   

Flagellin, the main building block of the bacterial flagellum, acts as a pathogen-associated molecular pattern triggering the innate immune response in animals and plants. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the Leu-rich repeat transmembrane receptor kinase FLAGELLIN SENSITIVE2 (FLS2) is essential for flagellin perception. Here, we demonstrate the specific interaction of the elicitor-active epitope flg22 with the FLS2 protein by chemical cross-linking and immunoprecipitation. The functionality of this receptor was further tested by heterologous expression of the Arabidopsis FLS2 gene in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cells. The perception of flg22 in tomato differs characteristically from that in Arabidopsis. Expression of Arabidopsis FLS2 conferred an additional flg22-perception system on the cells of tomato, which showed all of the properties characteristic of the perception of this elicitor in Arabidopsis. In summary, these results show that FLS2 constitutes the pattern-recognition receptor that determines the specificity of flagellin perception.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, activation of defense responses by flagellin is triggered by the specific recognition of the most conserved domain of flagellin, represented by the peptide flg22, in a process involving the FLS2 gene, which encodes a leucine-rich repeat serine/threonine protein kinase. We show here that the two fls2 mutant alleles, fls2-24 and fls2-17, which were shown previously to confer insensitivity to flg22, also cause impaired flagellin binding. These features are rescued when a functional FLS2 gene is expressed as a transgene in each of the fls2 mutant plants, indicating that FLS2 is necessary for flagellin binding. The point mutation of the fls2-17 allele lies in the kinase domain. A kinase carrying this missense mutation lacked autophosphorylation activity when expressed in Escherichia coli. This indicates that kinase activity is required for binding and probably affects the stability of the flagellin receptor complex. We further show that overexpression of the kinase-associated protein phosphatase (KAPP) in Arabidopsis results in plants that are insensitive to flagellin treatment, and we show reduced flg22 binding in these plants. Furthermore, using the yeast two-hybrid system, we show physical interaction of KAPP with the kinase domain of FLS2. These results suggest that KAPP functions as a negative regulator of the FLS2 signal transduction pathway and that the phosphorylation of FLS2 is necessary for proper binding and signaling of the flagellin receptor complex.  相似文献   

Flagellin, the main protein of the bacterial flagella, elicits defence responses and alters growth in Arabidopsis seedlings. Previously, we identified the FLS1 locus, which confers flagellin insensitivity in Ws-0. To identify additional components involved in flagellin perception, we screened for flagellin insensitivity mutants in the flagellin-sensitive accession La-er. Here, we describe the identification of a new locus, FLS2, by a map-based strategy. The FLS2 gene is ubiquitously expressed and encodes a putative receptor kinase. FLS2 shares structural and functional homologies with known plant resistance genes and with components involved in the innate immune system of mammals and insects.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin 40 (CyP40) is a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing immunophilin and a modulator of steroid receptor function through its binding to heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90). Critical to this binding are the carboxyl-terminal MEEVD motif of Hsp90 and the TPR domain of CyP40. Two different models of the CyP40-MEEVD peptide interaction were used as the basis for a comprehensive mutational analysis of the Hsp90-interacting domain of CyP40. Using a carboxyl-terminal CyP40 construct as template, 24 amino acids from the TPR and flanking acidic and basic domains were individually mutated by site-directed mutagenesis, and the mutants were coexpressed in yeast with a carboxyl-terminal Hsp90beta construct and qualitatively assessed for binding using a beta-galactosidase filter assay. For quantitative assessment, mutants were expressed as glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins and assayed for binding to carboxyl-terminal Hsp90beta using conventional pulldown and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay microtiter plate assays. Collectively, the models predict that the following TPR residues help define a binding groove for the MEEVD peptide: Lys-227, Asn-231, Phe-234, Ser-274, Asn-278, Lys-308, and Arg-312. Mutational analysis identified five of these residues (Lys-227, Asn-231, Asn-278, Lys-308, and Arg-312) as essential for Hsp90 binding. The other two residues (Phe-234 and Ser-274) and another three TPR domain residues not definitively associated with the binding groove (Leu-284, Lys-285, and Asp-329) are required for efficient Hsp90 binding. These data confirm the critical importance of the MEEVD binding groove in CyP40 for Hsp90 recognition and reveal that additional charged and hydrophobic residues within the CyP40 TPR domain are required for Hsp90 binding.  相似文献   

Mutations in leucine-repeat rich kinase 2 (LRRK2) are the most common known cause of late-onset Parkinson’s disease. In this study, a novel system to purify active recombinant LRRK2 expressed in mammalian cells was generated. This recombinant enzyme was used to characterize the specificity of LRRK2 and identify small compounds that can inhibit the kinase activity. Recombinant LRRK2 was shown to autophosphorylate and phosphorylate MBP and a peptide (LRRKtide) corresponding to the T688 site in moesin. A series of well-characterized kinase peptide substrates was not modified by LRRK2 demonstrating remarkable specificity. G2019S, the most common disease-causing mutation in LRRK2, increased kinase activity more dramatically than previously appreciated (∼10-fold). Several small molecules sharing a basic indolocarbazole structure (Gö6976, K-252a, and staurosporine) where identified as potent inhibitors of LRRK2 kinase activity. These findings provide important insights and tools to study the mechanisms of LRRK2 pathobiology, and could lead to therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Flagellin sensing2 (FLS2) is a transmembrane receptor kinase that activates antimicrobial defense responses upon binding of bacterial flagellin or the flagellin-derived peptide flg22. We find that some Arabidopsis thaliana FLS2 is present in FLS2-FLS2 complexes before and after plant exposure to flg22. flg22 binding capability is not required for FLS2-FLS2 association. Cys pairs flank the extracellular leucine rich repeat (LRR) domain in FLS2 and many other LRR receptors, and we find that the Cys pair N-terminal to the FLS2 LRR is required for normal processing, stability, and function, possibly due to undescribed endoplasmic reticulum quality control mechanisms. By contrast, disruption of the membrane-proximal Cys pair does not block FLS2 function, instead increasing responsiveness to flg22, as indicated by a stronger oxidative burst. There was no evidence for intermolecular FLS2-FLS2 disulfide bridges. Truncated FLS2 containing only the intracellular domain associates with full-length FLS2 and exerts a dominant-negative effect on wild-type FLS2 function that is dependent on expression level but independent of the protein kinase capacity of the truncated protein. FLS2 is insensitive to disruption of multiple N-glycosylation sites, in contrast with the related receptor EF-Tu receptor that can be rendered nonfunctional by disruption of single glycosylation sites. These and additional findings more precisely define the molecular mechanisms of FLS2 receptor function.  相似文献   

Wang X  Kemp RG 《Biochemistry》1999,38(14):4313-4318
The apparent affinity of phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK) of Escherichia coli for ATP is at least 10 times higher than for other nucleotides. Mutagenesis was directed toward five residues that may interact with ATP: Y41, F76, R77, R82, and R111. Alanine at position 41 or 76 increased the apparent Km by 49- and 62-fold, respectively. Position 41 requires the presence of a large hydrophobic residue and is not restricted to aromatic rings. Tryptophan and, to a lesser extent, phenylalanine could substitute at position 76. None of the mutants at 41 or 76 showed a change in the preference for alternative purines, although F76W used CTP 3 times better than the wild type enzyme. Mutations of R77 suggested that the interaction was hydrophobic with no influence on nucleotide preference. Mutation of R82 to alanine or glutamic acid increased the apparent Km for ATP by more than 20-fold and lowered the kcat/Km with ATP more than 30-fold. However, these mutants had a higher kcat/Km than wild type for both GTP and CTP, reflecting a loss of substrate preference. A loss in preference is seen as well with R111A where the kcat/Km for ATP decreases by only 68%, but the kcat/Km with GTP increases more than 10-fold. Activities with ITP, CTP, and UTP are also higher than with the wild type enzyme. Arginine residues at positions 82 and 111 are important dictators of nucleoside triphosphate preference.  相似文献   

The protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms are maintained in an inactive and closed conformation by intramolecular interactions. Upon activation these are disrupted by activators, binding proteins and cellular membrane. We have seen that autophosphorylation of two sites in the C-terminal V5 domain is crucial to keep PKC alpha insensitive to the activator diacylglycerol, which presumably is caused by a masking of the diacylglycerol-binding C1a domain. Here we demonstrate that the diacylglycerol sensitivity of the PKC beta isoforms also is suppressed by autophosphorylation of the V5 sites. To analyze conformational differences, a fusion protein ECFP-PKC alpha-EYFP was expressed in cells and the FRET signal was analyzed. The analogous mutant with autophosphorylation sites exchanged for alanine gave rise to a substantially lower FRET signal than wild-type PKC alpha indicating a conformational difference elicited by the mutations. Expression of the isolated PKC alpha V5 domain led to increased diacylglycerol sensitivity of PKC alpha. We identified acidic residues in the V5 domain that, when mutated to alanines or lysines, rendered PKC alpha sensitive to diacylglycerol. Furthermore, mutation to glutamate of four lysines in a lysine-rich cluster in the C2 domain gave a similar effect. Simultaneous reversal of the charges of the acidic residues in the V5 and the lysines in the C2 domain gave rise to a PKC alpha that was insensitive to diacylglycerol. We propose that these structures participate in an intramolecular interaction that maintains PKC alpha in a closed conformation. The disruption of this interaction leads to an unmasking of the C1a domain and thereby increased diacylglycerol sensitivity of PKC alpha.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the nitrate reductase (NR) molybdenum cofactor (MoCo) domain was determined in four Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mutants affected in the NR apoenzyme gene. In each case, missense mutations were found in the MoCo domain which affected amino acids that were conserved not only among eukaryotic NRs but also in animal sulfite oxidase sequences. Moreover an abnormal NR molecular mass was observed in three mutants, suggesting that the integrity of the MoCo domain is essential for a proper assembly of holo-NR. These data allowed to pinpoint critical residues in the NR MoCo domain necessary for the enzyme activity but also important for its quaternary structure.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis COP1 is a photomorphogenesis repressor capable of directly interacting with the photomorphogenesis-promoting factor HY5. This interaction between HY5 and COP1 results in targeted deg radation of HY5 by the 26S proteasome. Here we characterized the WD40 repeat domain-mediated interactions of COP1 with HY5 and two new proteins. Mutational analysis of those interactive partners revealed a conserved motif responsible for the interaction with the WD40 domain. This novel motif, with the core sequence V-P-E/D-φ-G (φ = hydrophobic residue) in conjunction with an upstream stretch of 4-5 negatively charged residues, interacts with a defined surface area of the ss-propeller assembly of the COP1 WD40 repeat domain through both hydrophobic and ionic interactions. Several residues in the COP1 WD40 domain that are critical for the interaction with this motif have been revealed. The fact that point mutations either in the COP1 WD40 domain or in the HY5 motif that abolish the interaction between COP1 and HY5 in yeast result in a dramatic reduction of HY5 degradation in transgenic plants validates the biological significance of this defined interaction.  相似文献   

Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 gene is a key factor for Parkinson's disease and encodes for a large protein kinase LRRK2 (280 kDa) with multiple domains, including the different repeat sequences at the N-terminus such as ankyrin domain. Here, we successfully expressed and purified two kinds of LRRK2's N-terminal fragments N1 (aa12–320) and N2 (aa12–860). The purified N2 protein was identified by mass spectrometry and N1's molecular weight was determined to be 33.23 kDa. Gel filtration revealed that N1 exhibits as monomer, dimer and tetramer and N2 as oligomer in solution. N1's multiple oligomeric states were further proved by native-page and cross-linking gel experiments. Circular dichroism spectrum indicated that N1 and N2 contain both α helixes and β sheets. The polymerization character of LRRK2 N-terminal region would be speculated to relate with its biological function.  相似文献   

Mutations in LRRK2 (leucine-rich repeat kinase 2) have been identified as major genetic determinants of Parkinson's disease (PD). The most prevalent mutation, G2019S, increases LRRK2's kinase activity, therefore understanding the sites and substrates that LRRK2 phosphorylates is critical to understanding its role in disease aetiology. Since the physiological substrates of this kinase are unknown, we set out to reveal potential targets of LRRK2 G2019S by identifying its favored phosphorylation motif. A non-biased screen of an oriented peptide library elucidated F/Y-x-T-x-R/K as the core dependent substrate sequence. Bioinformatic analysis of the consensus phosphorylation motif identified several novel candidate substrates that potentially function in neuronal pathophysiology. Peptides corresponding to the most PD relevant proteins were efficiently phosphorylated by LRRK2 in vitro. Interestingly, the phosphomotif was also identified within LRRK2 itself. Autophosphorylation was detected by mass spectrometry and biochemical means at the only F-x-T-x-R site (Thr 1410) within LRRK2. The relevance of this site was assessed by measuring effects of mutations on autophosphorylation, kinase activity, GTP binding, GTP hydrolysis, and LRRK2 multimerization. These studies indicate that modification of Thr1410 subtly regulates GTP hydrolysis by LRRK2, but with minimal effects on other parameters measured. Together the identification of LRRK2's phosphorylation consensus motif, and the functional consequences of its phosphorylation, provide insights into downstream LRRK2-signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Lin JC  Duell K  Saracino M  Konopka JB 《Biochemistry》2005,44(4):1278-1287
The alpha-factor receptor (Ste2p) stimulates mating of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ste2p belongs to the large family of G protein-coupled receptors that are characterized by seven transmembrane alpha-helices. Receptor activation is thought to involve changes in the packing of the transmembrane helix bundle. To identify residues that contribute to Ste2p activation, second-site suppressor mutations were isolated that restored function to defective receptors carrying either an F204S or Y266C substitution which affect residues at the extracellular ends of transmembrane domains 5 and 6, respectively. Thirty-five different suppressor mutations were identified. On their own, these mutations caused a range of phenotypes, including hypersensitivity, constitutive activity, altered ligand binding, and loss of function. The majority of the mutations affected residues in the transmembrane segments that are predicted to face the helix bundle. Many of the suppressor mutations caused constitutive receptor activity, suggesting they improved receptor function by partially restoring the balance between the active and inactive states. Analysis of mutations in transmembrane domain 7 implicated residues Ala281 and Thr282 in receptor activation. The A281T and T282A mutants were supersensitive to S. cerevisiae alpha-factor, but were defective in responding to a variant of alpha-factor produced by another species, Saccharomyces kluyveri. The A281T mutant also displayed 8.7-fold enhanced basal signaling. Interestingly, Ala281 and Thr282 are situated in approximately the same position as Lys296 in rhodopsin, which is covalently linked to retinal. These results suggest that transmembrane domain 7 plays a role in receptor activation in a wide range of G protein-coupled receptors from yeast to humans.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana contains a family of nine genes known as plant intracellular Ras-group related leucine-rich repeat (LRR) proteins (PIRLs). These are structurally similar to animals and fungal LRR proteins and play important roles in developmental pathways. However, to date, no detailed tissue-specific expression analysis of these PIRLs has been performed. Therefore, in this study, we generated promoter:GUS transgenic plants for the nine A. thaliana PIRL genes and identified their expression patterns in seedlings and floral organs at different developmental stages. Most PIRL members showed expression in the root apical region and in the vascular tissue of primary and lateral roots. Shoot apex-specific expression was recorded for PIRL1 and PIRL8. Furthermore, PIRL1, PIRL3, PIRL5, PIRL6, and PIRL7 showed distinct expression patterns in flowers, especially in pollen and anthers. In addition, co-expression network analysis identified cases where PIRLs were co-expressed with other genes known to have specific functions related to growth and development. Taken together, the tissue-specific expression patterns of PIRL genes improve our understanding of the functions of this gene family in plant growth and development.  相似文献   

The leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) protein has both guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) and kinase activities, and mutation in either enzymatic domain can cause late-onset Parkinson disease. Nucleotide binding in the GTPase domain may be required for kinase activity, and residues in the GTPase domain are potential sites for autophosphorylation, suggesting a complex mechanism of intrinsic regulation. To further define the effects of LRRK2 autophosphorylation, we applied a technique optimal for detection of protein phosphorylation, electron transfer dissociation, and identified autophosphorylation events exclusively nearby the nucleotide binding pocket in the GTPase domain. Parkinson-disease-linked mutations alter kinase activity but did not alter autophosphorylation site specificity or sites of phosphorylation in a robust in vitro substrate myelin basic protein. Amino acid substitutions in the GTPase domain have large effects on kinase activity, as insertion of the GTPase-associated R1441C pathogenic mutation together with the G2019S kinase domain mutation resulted in a multiplicative increase (∼ 7-fold) in activity. Removal of a conserved autophosphorylation site (T1503) by mutation to an alanine residue resulted in greatly decreased GTP-binding and kinase activities. While autophosphorylation likely serves to potentiate kinase activity, we find that oligomerization and loss of the active dimer species occur in an ATP- and autophosphorylation-independent manner. LRRK2 autophosphorylation sites are overall robustly protected from dephosphorylation in vitro, suggesting tight control over activity in vivo. We developed highly specific antibodies targeting pT1503 but failed to detect endogenous autophosphorylation in protein derived from transgenic mice and cell lines. LRRK2 activity in vivo is unlikely to be constitutive but rather refined to specific responses.  相似文献   

The high number of duplicated genes in plant genomes provides a potential template for gene conversion and unequal crossing-over. Within a gene family these two processes can render all members homogeneous or generate diversity by reassorting variants among paralogs. The latter is especially feasible in families where gene diversity confers a selective advantage and thus conversion events are likely to be retained. Consequently, the most complete record of gene conversion is expected to be most evident in gene families commonly subjected to positive selection. Here, we describe the extent and characteristics of gene conversion and unequal crossing-over in the coding and noncoding regions of nucleotide-binding site leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR), receptor-like kinases (RLK), and receptor-like proteins (RLP) in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Members of these three gene families are associated with disease resistance and their pathogen-recognition domain is a documented target of positive selection. Our bioinformatic approach to study the major family features that may influence gene conversion revealed that in these families there is a significant association between the occurrence of gene conversion and high levels of sequence similarity, close physical clustering, gene orientation, and recombination rate. We discuss these results in the context of the overlap between gene conversion and positive selection during the evolutionary expansion of the NBS-LRR, RLK, and RLP gene families.  相似文献   

The adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2) uses heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) as its primary cellular receptor. In order to identify amino acids within the capsid of AAV2 that contribute to HSPG association, we used biochemical information about heparin and heparin sulfate, AAV serotype protein sequence alignments, and data from previous capsid studies to select residues for mutagenesis. Charged-to-alanine substitution mutagenesis was performed on individual residues and combinations of basic residues for the production and purification of recombinant viruses that contained a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene cassette. Intact capsids were assayed for their ability to bind to heparin-agarose in vitro, and virions that packaged DNA were assayed for their ability to transduce normally permissive cell lines. We found that mutation of arginine residues at position 585 or 588 eliminated binding to heparin-agarose. Mutation of residues R484, R487, and K532 showed partial binding to heparin-agarose. We observed a general correlation between heparin-agarose binding and infectivity as measured by GFP transduction; however, a subset of mutants that partially bound heparin-agarose (R484A and K532A) were completely noninfectious, suggesting that they had additional blocks to infectivity that were unrelated to heparin binding. Conservative mutation of positions R585 and R588 to lysine slightly reduced heparin-agarose binding and had comparable effects on infectivity. Substitution of AAV2 residues 585 through 590 into a location predicted to be structurally equivalent in AAV5 generated a hybrid virus that bound to heparin-agarose efficiently and was able to package DNA but was noninfectious. Taken together, our results suggest that residues R585 and R588 are primarily responsible for heparin sulfate binding and that mutation of these residues has little effect on other aspects of the viral life cycle. Interactive computer graphics examination of the AAV2 VP3 atomic coordinates revealed that residues which contribute to heparin binding formed a cluster of five basic amino acids that presented toward the icosahedral threefold axis from the surrounding spike protrusion. Three other kinds of mutants were identified. Mutants R459A, H509A, and H526A/K527A bound heparin at levels comparable to that of wild-type virus but were defective for transduction. Another mutant, H358A, was defective for capsid assembly. Finally, an R459A mutant produced significantly lower levels of full capsids, suggesting a packaging defect.  相似文献   

Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) is a multi-domain enzyme displaying activities of GTP hydrolase and protein threonine/serine kinase in separate domains. Mutations in both catalytic domains have been linked to the onset of Parkinson’s disease, which triggered high interest in this enzyme as a potential target for drug development, particularly focusing on inhibition of the kinase activity. However, available activity assays are discontinuous, involving either radioactivity detection or coupling with antibodies. Here we describe a continuous and direct assay for LRRK2 kinase activity, combining a reported peptide sequence optimized for LRRK2 binding and an established strategy for fluorescence emission on magnesium ion chelation by phosphorylated peptides carrying an artificial amino acid. The assay was employed to evaluate apparent steady-state parameters for the wild type and two mutant forms of LRRK2 associated with Parkinson’s disease as well as to probe the effects of GTP, GDP, and autophosphorylation on the kinase activity of the enzyme. Staurosporine was evaluated as an inhibitor of the wild-type enzyme. It is expected that this assay will aid in mechanistic investigations of LRRK2.  相似文献   

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