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The metabolism of the cruciferous phytoalexins brassinin and cyclobrassinin, and the related compounds indole-3-carboxaldehyde, glucobrassicin, and indole-3-acetaldoxime was investigated in various plant tissues of Brassica juncea and B. rapa. Metabolic studies with brassinin showed that stems of B. juncea metabolized radiolabeled brassinin to indole-3-acetic acid, via indole-3-carboxaldehyde, a detoxification pathway similar to that followed by the "blackleg" fungus (Phoma lingam/Leptosphaeria maculans). In addition, it was established that tetradeuterated brassinin was incorporated into the phytoalexin brassilexin in B. juncea and B. rapa. On the other hand, the tetradeuterated indole glucosinolate glucobrassicin was not incorporated into brassinin, although the chemical structures of brassinins and indole glucosinolates suggest an interconnected biogenesis. Importantly, tetradeuterated indole-3-acetaldoxime was an efficient precursor of phytoalexins brassinin, brassilexin, and spirobrassinin. Elicitation experiments in tissues of Brassica juncea and B. rapa showed that indole-3-acetonitrile was an inducible metabolite produced in leaves and stems of B. juncea but not in B. rapa. Indole-3-acetonitrile displayed antifungal activity similar to that of brassilexin, was metabolized by the blackleg fungus at slower rates than brassinin, cyclobrassinin, or brassilexin, and appeared to be involved in defense responses of B. juncea.  相似文献   

Pedras MS  Adio AM 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(4):889-893
Investigation of phytoalexin production using abiotic elicitation showed that the phytoalexin rapalexin A was produced by both Thellungiella halophila and Arabidopsis thaliana, but while A. thaliana produced camalexin, T. halophila produced wasalexins A and B and methoxybrassenin B. Considering that the genome of T. halophila is being sequenced currently and that the wasalexin pathway present in T. halophila is expected to involve a number of genes also present in Brassica species, our discovery should facilitate the isolation of genes involved in biosynthetic pathways of phytoalexins of the most economically important crucifer species.  相似文献   

The metabolites and phytotoxins produced by the phytopathogenic fungus Alternaria brassicicola (Schwein.) Wiltshire, as well as the phytoalexins induced in host plants, were investigated. Brassicicolin A emerged as the most selective phytotoxic metabolite produced in liquid cultures of A. brassicicola and spirobrassinin as the major phytoalexin produced in infected leaves of Brassica juncea (whole plants). In detached infected leaves of B. juncea, the main component was N′-acetyl-3-indolylmethanamine, the product of detoxification of the phytoalexin brassinin by A. brassicicola. In addition, the structure elucidation of three hitherto unknown metabolites having a fusicoccane skeleton was carried out and the antifungal activity of several plant defenses against A. brassicicola was determined.  相似文献   

Phytoalexins are inducible chemical defenses produced by plants in response to diverse forms of stress, including microbial attack. Our search for phytoalexins from cruciferous plants resistant to economically important fungal diseases led us to examine stinkweed or pennycress (Thlaspi arvense), a potential source of disease resistance to blackleg. We have investigated phytoalexin production in leaves of T. arvense under abiotic (copper chloride) and biotic elicitation by Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. et de Not. [asexual stage Phoma lingam (Tode ex Fr.) Desm.], and report here two phytoalexins, wasalexin A and arvelexin (4-methoxyindolyl-3-acetonitrile), their syntheses and antifungal activity against isolates of P. lingam/L. maculans, as well as the isolation of isovitexin, a constitutive glycosyl flavonoid of stinkweed, having antioxidant properties but devoid of antifungal activity.  相似文献   

The isolation and structure determination of phomapyrones D-G, three 2-pyrones and a coumarin, from a group of isolates of the fungal pathogen Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. et de Not., asexual stage Phoma lingam (Tode ex Fr.) Desm, is reported. As well, phomenin B, infectopyrone, and polanrazines B and C were also obtained for the first time from these isolates. In addition, based on results of incorporations of 13C-labeled acetate and malonate, and deuterated methionine, a polyketide pathway is proposed for the biosyntheses of phomapyrones.  相似文献   

Different tomato cultivars (Solanum lycopersicum L.) with differences in tolerance to drought were subjected to moderate water stress to test the effects on flavonoids and caffeoyl derivatives and related enzymes. Our results indicate that water stress resulted in decreased shikimate pathway (DAHP synthase, shikimate dehydrogenase, phenylalanine ammonium lyase, cinnamate 4-hydroxylase, 4-coumarate CoA ligase) and phenolic compounds (caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, quercetin and kaempferol) in the cultivars more sensitive to water stress. However, cv. Zarina is more tolerant, and registered a rise in querc-3-rut-pent, kaempferol-3-api-rut, and kaempferol-3-rut under the treatment of water stress. Moreover, this cultivar show increased activities of flavonoid and phenylpropanoid synthesis and decreased in degradation-related enzymes. These results show that moderate water stress can induce shikimate pathway in tolerant cultivar.  相似文献   

Biochemical biomarkers in common estuarine species, such as the brown shrimp Crangon crangon, have the potential to provide early warning of contaminant exposure from field collected samples and through the development of in situ tests. The biomarkers acetylcholinesterase (AChE), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) have been shown to provide evidence of exposure to contaminants in a number of species and field situations. As they may naturally respond to the marked physicochemical changes found in estuaries (thus confounding contaminant-induced effects), this work aims to determine the effects of salinity, temperature and handling stressors on these biomarkers in C. crangon.AChE recovery in field-collected shrimp transplanted to clean laboratory conditions suggests the presence of inhibiting factors at the sampling site (River Minho estuary). Maintenance time in stock tanks had effects that led to the choice of a minimum 15-day maintenance period of C. crangon in the laboratory before subsequent use of the enzymes as effect criterions in toxicity assays. Field levels of biomarker activity were unaffected following field-laboratory transportation of C. crangon, making this factor unlikely to jeopardize detection of contaminant associated effects. LDH levels were significantly lower under conditions that mimic a diurnal salinity fluctuation, increasing under low salinity conditions; this potentially indicates increased energy costs associated with raised osmoregulatory demands. It is recommended that a lower limit to field exposure of in situ tests should be based on salinity. Higher temperatures led to higher AChE activities and this is in agreement with the existing evidence of increases of endogenous AChE levels as a function of temperature (within a certain range). To avoid misinterpretation of biomarker responses, studies such as this are an important contribution to the establishment of reference activity levels against which biomarker changes can be estimated and are therefore essential preliminary steps in the development of in situ bioassays using biomarkers.  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物堇叶紫金牛对持续干旱的生理响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽控水法,研究了珍稀濒危植物堇叶紫金牛(Ardisia violacea)在持续干旱条件下的生理响应。随着持续干旱时间的延长,堇叶紫金牛应对持续干旱的阶段可分为适应期、轻度干旱期、中度干旱期和重度干旱期。在适应期和轻度干旱期,堇叶紫金牛叶片游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量稳定在一个较低水平,可溶性蛋白质含量先下降后快速上升,细胞膜系统和抗氧化酶系统能主动进行生理调节;中度干旱期,丙二醛(MDA)含量和质膜相对透性迅速升高,细胞膜系统受损加剧,游离脯氨酸、可溶性糖含量均急剧增加,对抵御干旱起到重要的渗透调节作用。在轻度干旱期和中度干旱期,光合色素中叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量显著提高,以抵抗干旱胁迫。重度干旱期,细胞膜系统、抗氧化酶SOD、游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量上升,但MDA略微下降,这时可能达到植物耐受干旱的极限,不再发生膜脂过氧化作用。综上表明,堇叶紫金牛具有较强的耐旱性,RWC为49.94%是细胞膜系统、抗氧化酶系统和渗透调节物质含量变化的拐点,渗透调节和抗氧化酶系统的主动适应是其耐旱的主要机制。  相似文献   

Different classes of topoisomerase (TOP) inhibitors and antitrypanosomatid agents exhibited variable efficacies against Leishmania donovani parasites and human mononuclear cells both at the level of DNA topoisomerase I (TOPI) catalytic activity and in cytotoxicity assays. Bis-benzimidazoles and the diamidine diminazene aceturate exhibited uniformly high efficacies against parasite and host enzymes as well as against parasite and mononuclear cells, but pentamidine showed around 2 orders of magnitude greater specificity for Leishmania TOPI and amastigote cells (P<0.05). The protoberberine coralyne and the flavonoid quercetin were highly potent, but non-selective, inhibitors in vitro, although the latter showed slight selectivity for parasite TOPI. Camptothecin was selective for mononuclear cells at both levels (P<0.05) and sodium stibogluconate was selective only at the enzyme level displaying 30-fold greater potency against parasite TOPI (P<0.05). These data suggest that at least part of pentamidines' leishmanicidal activity may be mediated through TOPI inhibition, and support the feasibility of exploiting differences between Leishmania and human TOPs to develop modified compounds with improved selectivity.  相似文献   

It is well known that ants can use cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) as a specific recognition cue. Most previous studies addressed the perception of CHCs occurring on the cuticle. However, the presence of CHCs in the environment (e.g., on the substrate) and the role of these compounds as a signal cue are less clear.  相似文献   

Recent studies in fruit flies have imposed dietary restriction (DR) by diluting yeast and have reported increased lifespan as the yeast-to-sugar ratio decreased. In this study, the effects of DR on the lifespan of Bactrocera dorsalis were investigated using constant-feeding diets with different yeast:sugar ratios and an intermittent-feeding diet in which flies ate every sixth day. Antioxidant enzyme activities and the malondialdehyde concentration were also measured in virgin females under constant-feeding DR protocols to investigate their relationships with lifespan. The results showed that B. dorsalis lifespan was significantly extended by DR, and carbohydrate-enriched diet may be important for lifespan-extension. Female flies lived significantly longer than males at all dietary levels under both feeding regimes, indicating no interaction between diet and sex in determining lifespan. Antioxidant enzyme activities increased with the amount of yeast increased in the diets (0–4.76%) between starvation and DR treatments, indicating that the antioxidants may have influences in determining lifespan in B. dorsalis under starvation and DR treatments. However, antioxidants cannot keep up with increased oxidative damage induced by the high yeast diet (25%). These results revealed that the extension of lifespan by DR is evolutionarily conserved in B. dorsalis and that yeast:sugar ratios significantly modulate lifespan in this species.  相似文献   

The respiratory responses to increasing temperature and progressive hypoxia were examined relative to temperature acclimation in the nonindigenous, brown mussel, Perna perna (Mytilidae) from the Gulf of Mexico. When oxygen uptake rate (V?O2) was recorded at near full air O2 saturation, rate-temperature curves for Texas specimens of P. perna were sigmoidal, V?O2 generally increasing with increasing temperature but becoming suppressed as temperatures approached 10 and 30 °C, corresponding closely to this species' incipient thermal limits. At each tested temperature, V?O2 did not differ among individuals acclimated to 15, 20, or 25 °C. Lack of thermal acclimation was also reflected in acclimatory Q10 values>1.0 (range=1.34-2.14) recorded across acclimation groups at test temperatures equivalent to acclimation temperature. Low acute respiratory Q10 values in all acclimation groups across 15-20 °C indicated a limited capacity for thermal regulation of V?O2 within this temperature range. The ability of P. perna to regulate O2 uptake with progressive hypoxia was temperature-dependent, increasing from poor O2 regulation at 10 °C to good regulation at 30 °C. The O2 regulatory ability of P. perna and other open-water mytilids in declining O2 concentrations does not greatly differ from that of estuarine heterodont bivalves, suggesting that it is not a major factor preventing open-water species, such as P. perna, from invading estuarine environments. However, P. perna's inability to regulate O2 uptake at temperatures>25 °C combined with its relatively low upper thermal limit of 30 °C will likely prevent it from establishing permanent estuarine populations on Gulf of Mexico shores.  相似文献   

We present a differential equation-based mathematical model of nectar foraging by the honey bee Apis mellifera. The model focuses on two behavioural classes; nectar foragers and nectar receivers. Results generated from the model are used to demonstrate how different classes within a collective can collaborate to combine information and produce finely tuned decisions through simple interactions. In particular we show the importance of the ‘search time’ - the time a returning forager takes to find an available nectar receiver - in restricting the forager population to a level consistent with colony-wide needs.  相似文献   

The tegumental alterations in adult Fasciola hepatica induced by the experimental fasciolide OZ78 were investigated utilizing scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Twelve weeks post-infection with F. hepatica, rats were treated with a single 100mg/kg oral dose of OZ78 and flukes were recovered from the bile ducts after 24-72 h. In vitro F. hepatica were incubated with OZ78 for 48 h at a concentration of 10 microg/ml in the absence or presence of haemin. Twenty-four and 48 h post-treatment of rats disruption of the tegument of F. hepatica as blebbing, swelling and furrowing was evident. The recovery of flukes 72 h post-treatment was low. Flukes examined at this time point showed an increasing severity of tegumental damage as sloughing and absence of spines, in particular in the tail region. SEM analysis of F. hepatica incubated in the presence of OZ78 without haemin showed only minor and localized damage of the tegument. In the presence of haemin extensive tegumental damage, including sloughing or blebbing, in particular in the anterior part, was observed. In conclusion, our experiments confirm the interesting fasciocidal properties of OZ78. The tegument of adult F. hepatica might play a role in the action of this drug.  相似文献   

The humoral and cellular responses to DNA vaccination of BALB/c mice with a novel antigen from the Fasciola hepatica saposin-like protein family (FhSAP-2) have been investigated. Two constructs were produced containing the FhSAP-2 DNA sequence, one intended for extracellular secretion of FhSAP-2 protein, and one expressing FhSAP-2 in the cytoplasm of a transfected cell. The constructs were tested in HEK 293T cells, with the secretory construct producing less detectable FhSAP-2 relative to cytoplasmic construct when observed by fluorescence. The size of expressed protein was confirmed by Western blot of cell lysate, but FhSAP-2 was undetectable in cell supernatants. Both, secretory and cytoplasmic constructs as well as FhSAP-2 recombinant protein were tested in mice. The antibody response elicited in mice vaccinated with the rFhSAP-2 induced high levels of IgG(1), IgG(2), and IgE as well as high levels of IL-10 and IFNgamma indicating a mixed Th1/Th2 response. Vaccination of mice intramuscularly with the cytoplasmic FhSAP-2 construct resulted in a dominant IgG(2a) isotype antibody as well as a dominant IFNgamma cytokine, with significant IgE, IgG(1), and IL-10 responses also present, suggesting a mixed Th1/Th2 profile. Isotype and cytokine profiles elicited by the FhSAP-2 secretory construct were similar to those obtained with the cytoplasmic construct but at levels that were significantly lower. The results demonstrate that FhSAP-2 can be delivered as a DNA vaccine construct and induces a stronger Th1 response than the recombinant protein alone. This could result in an improvement in the immunoprophylactic potential of this candidate vaccine against F. hepatica.  相似文献   

A new computer program, DISCO, running under Windows, has been developed under the project CSA98P22 falling within the Competitive Support Activities initiative launched within the EU 4th Framework Programme. DISCO allows the calculation of the stepwise acid dissociation constants of polyprotic molecules in water and in complex media (i.e., biofluids, etc.) from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data (chemical shifts) by means of two derivative-free methods: Pit-mapping and Simplex. DISCO performances were tested using simulated-unaffected by experimental error-data sets, for systems having up to seven equilibrium constants and experimental NMR data of spermine, 6-monofluorospermine, and 6,6-difluorospermine, dissolved in D(2)O and in physiological solution (D(2)O/NaCl). Results demonstrated that (i) DISCO enables the determination of pK(A) values with high precision even when small-sized raw data sets are employed, when chemical shifts are measured with low precision (the usual condition in biofluids due to the impossibility to obtain narrow line shape), and when the guess solution, necessary as an initial step of the mathematical iterative process, is fixed within a large interval of variation; (ii) DISCO always converges to the root; (iii) DISCO permits the calculation of pK(A) values which lie within the observed pH range, independent of the narrowness of the pH range.  相似文献   

SQ Liu  RL Mayden  JB Zhang  D Yu  QY Tang  X Deng  HZ Liu 《Gene》2012,508(1):60-72
The superfamily Cobitoidea of the order Cypriniformes is a diverse group of fishes, inhabiting freshwater ecosystems across Eurasia and North Africa. The phylogenetic relationships of this well-corroborated natural group and diverse clade are critical to not only informing scientific communities of the phylogeny of the order Cypriniformes, the world's largest freshwater fish order, but are key to every area of comparative biology examining the evolution of traits, functional structures, and breeding behaviors to their biogeographic histories, speciation, anagenetic divergence, and divergence time estimates. In the present study, two mitochondrial gene sequences (COI, ND4+5) and four single-copy nuclear gene segments (RH1, RAG1, EGR2B, IRBP) were used to infer the phylogenetic relationships of the Cobitoidea as reconstructed from maximum likelihood (ML) and partitioned Bayesian Analysis (BA). Analyses of the combined mitochondrial/nuclear gene datasets revealed five strongly supported monophyletic Cobitoidea families and their sister-group relationships: Botiidae+(Vaillantellidae+(Cobitidae+(Nemacheilidae+Balitoridae))). These recovered relationships are in agreement with previous systematic studies on the order Cypriniformes and/or those focusing on the superfamily Cobitoidea. Using these relationships, our analyses revealed pattern lineage- or ecological-group-specific evolution of these genes for the Cobitoidea. These observations and results corroborate the hypothesis that these group-specific-ancestral ecological characters have contributed in the diversification and/or adaptations within these groups. Positive selections were detected in RH1 of nemacheilids and in RAG1 of nemacheilids and genus Vaillantella, which indicated that evolution of RH1 (related to eye's optic sense) and RAG1 (related to immunity) genes appeared to be important for the diversification of these groups. The balitorid lineage (those species inhabiting fast-flowing riverine habitats) had, as compared with other cobitoid lineages, significantly different dN/dS, dN and dS values for ND4 and IRBP genes. These significant differences are usually indicative of weaker selection pressure, and lineage-specific evolution on genes along the balitorid lineage. Furthermore, within Cobitoidea, excluding balitorids, species living in subtropics had significantly higher dN/dS values in RAG1 and IRBP genes than those living in temperate and tropical zones. Among tropical cobitoids, genes COI, ND5, EGR2B, IRBP and RH1, had a significantly higher mean dS value than those species in subtropical and temperate groups. These findings suggest that the evolution of these genes could also be ecological-group-specific and may have played an important role in the adaptive evolution and diversification of these groups. Thus, we hypothesize that the genes included in the present study were actively involved in lineage- and/or ecological-group-specific evolutionary processes of the highly diverse Cobitoidea. These two evolutionary patterns, both subject to further testing, are hypothesized as integral in the diversification with this major clade of the world's most diverse group of freshwater fishes.  相似文献   

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