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The effects of a single or repeated dermal administration of methyl parathion on motor function, learning and memory were investigated in adult female rats and correlated with blood cholinesterase activity. Exposure to a single dose of 50 mg/kg methyl parathion (75% of the dermal LD(50)) resulted in an 88% inhibition of blood cholinesterase activity and was associated with severe acute toxicity. Spontaneous locomotor activity and neuromuscular coordination were also depressed. Rats treated with a lower dose of methyl parathion, i.e. 6.25 or 12.5 mg/kg, displayed minimal signs of acute toxicity. Blood cholinesterase activity and motor function, however, were depressed initially but recovered fully within 1-3 weeks. There were no delayed effects of a single dose of methyl parathion on learning acquisition or memory as assessed by a step-down inhibitory avoidance learning task. Repeated treatment with 1 mg/kg/day methyl parathion resulted in a 50% inhibition of blood cholinesterase activity. A decrease in locomotor activity and impairment of memory were also observed after 28 days of repeated treatment. Thus, a single dermal exposure of rats to doses of methyl parathion which are lower than those that elicit acute toxicity can cause decrements in both cholinesterase activity and motor function which are reversible. In contrast, repeated low-dose dermal treatment results in a sustained inhibition of cholinesterase activity and impairment of both motor function and memory.  相似文献   

Application of HCH (25 mg/kg) on dorsal, ventral and thigh regions of the skin of male rabbits resulted in poisoning and mortality of animals. Morphological changes in skin, liver, kidney, testes and cerebellum together with highly significant alterations in serum and liver enzymatic activity and residue in blood suggested that absorption of HCH and its toxicity could be severe when the pesticide comes in contact with the skin of thigh region of body.  相似文献   

Adult male and female albino rats (R. norvegicus) were administered rodenticide, zinc phosphide ranging from 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25 and 0.125% in the diet containing 10(A), 17(B) and 24%(C) protein. Zinc phosphide induced 100% mortality at 4, 2, 1, 0.5% in diet A; 4 and 2% in diet B; and 4% in diet C. The results reveal influence of dietary protein in modulating the toxicity of zinc phosphide, suggesting that greater caution should be exercised while formulating its baits for effectiveness. The results also suggest that baits having 10% protein are more suitable to carry the rodenticide from view point of acceptability and efficacy towards the target species.  相似文献   

Methyl parathion is a commonly used insecticide in Mexico to eradicate insect pests. We evaluated the effects of this insecticide on rotifer B. angularis using both acute and chronic toxicity tests. Median lethal concentration (LC50) of methyl parathion for B. angularis for a 24-h bioassay in the presence and absence of an algal diet was derived. Elevated LC50 due to the survival of a greater number of test individuals in the presence of food was observed. Regardless of the toxicant concentration, population growth curves of the animals maintained at the low food level (0.75×106 cells ml-1) had a longer lag phase than those at the high food level (1.5×106 cells ml-1). Regardless of food level, an increase in the toxicant concentration in the medium resulted in decreased population growth. The lowest peak population density (50 ind. ml-1) was observed at the highest toxicant concentration and the lower food level. The highest population density (200 ind. ml-1) was observed in the controls at high food level. The rates of population increase per day (r) in the controls were higher (from 0.14 to 0.37 depending on the food level). Irrespective of food level, there was a decrease in the r values with increasing pesticide concentration in the medium. In order to detect the effect of population density on the growth rates in relation to the toxicant stress, we plotted the daily growth rate against initial density for the entire duration of the experiment. We observed the existence of a significantly inverse relation at all treatments except at the low food level and high toxicant concentrations (0.625 and 1.25 mg l-1). We discuss the role of algae in the toxicity of methyl parathion to zooplankton.  相似文献   

K Eriksson  O Halkka  J Lokki  A Saura 《Heredity》1976,37(3):341-349
Polymorphism at 25 loci coding for liver enzymes was studied in two feral, three outbred and three inbred rat strains by starch gel electrophoresis. No variation was found at 14 loci, and a low degree of polymorphism was detected at three. Eight loci were polymorphic in more than one population. The average degree of heterozygosity per locus per individual feral rat was 0-07. The degrees of heterozygosity observed in the outbred and inbred strains were lower, from 0-006 to 0-012. Contrary to expectation, the inbred strains were neither monomorphic nor appreciably less heterozygous than the outbred ones. The heterozygosity of the inbred strains was primarily due to two polymorphic loci, G-3-pdh and alpha-Gpdh. The reason for this polymorphism is probably the superior homeostasis of the heterozygotes.  相似文献   

The processes of synapsis and synaptic adjustment have been detected in some structural and numerical anomalies in two female rat foetuses and in one male rat in the course of a study on X-ray genotoxicity. The synaptic characteristics and adjustment of one pericentric inversion and a deletion have been analysed by electron microscopy in synaptonemal complex spreads from two female foetuses, and the synaptic behaviour of a trisomy has been studied in a testicular biopsy from an adult male. In a large proportion (from 50% to 90%) of the analysed cells, the abnormal meiotic configuration could not be detected either because the anomaly was present in mosaic from trisomy or because synaptic adjustment had already taken place (inversion) or as result of a combination of two of the above (deletion).  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1986,13(3):227-235
Three strains of laboratory rats (Wu:Cpb, CPB-B and WKY/Cpb) differing widely in reproductive success were compared concerning the role played by maternal behavior in the survival probability of pups. Parturition behavior of the dams was selected for study as pups are most dependent on the mother's behavior at, and immediately after birth. Great strain differences in survival rate of life born pups were found. However, differences between strains in parturition behavior were found to be restricted to only one pup oriented behavior and some non social behaviors. Besides no pups died at the day of birth nor did it seem probable that the strain differences we found in parturition behavior can be held responsible for the eventual death of pups during parturition. The suggestion is presented that strain differences in maternal behavior which affect survival chances of pups are to be looked for in the lactation period.  相似文献   

BackgroundAnopheles stephensi was first recorded in the coastal area of Mannar District, Sri Lanka, in December 2016. Since then, this vector has been isolated from other districts in the Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka. Chemical control is the main arm of vector control that can be used to reduce the vector densities within a short period. Thus, the present study aimed at evaluating the efficacy of using selected insecticides for the control of An. stephensi larvae.MethodThe third and fourth instar larval stages of An. stephensi (F2 generation) of field mosquitoes that were caught using cattle baited net trap collections from Columbuthurai, Kurunagar, and Navanthurai areas in Jaffna District, Sri Lanka, were obtained from the laboratory colony established at Jaffna. Batches of 100 larvae were taken for experiments and introduced separately to a concentration series of temephos and novaluron (0.04–400 ppm). A control test was also performed at each setup without introducing insecticides. The mortality rates of An. stephensi larvae exposed to different concentrations of larvicides were recorded at 1, 24 and 48-h intervals. The experiment was replicated five times at individual concentrations for each selected chemical. Data were analyzed using the General Linear Model (GLM) and Probit analysis.ResultsThe highest mortality rate (100%) at a 1-h exposure period was observed from temephos at >100 ppm. The mortality rates varied significantly for different concentrations and larvicides (p < 0.05). At 24-h of the exposure period, the 100% mortality of An. stephensi larvae were observed from both temephos and novaluron even at 0.04 ppm.ConclusionBoth temephos and novaluron reported 100% mortality rates in An. stephensi larvae at 1-h and 24-h exposure periods. Based on the findings, temephos and novaluron can be recommended as effective larvicides for chemical-based control of An. stephensi in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Further, it is recommended to conduct a field-based study, where habitat types and water quality are highly heterogeneous and may affect the residual activity.  相似文献   

The epidermal ridges of the rat (Rattus norvegicus), which are distributed only on the volar pads and digital apices, were studied. Examination of the ridges was difficult on the epidermal surface, as the undulations expressed on the epidermis are weak. Therefore, the dermal surface, prepared by alkaline solution treatment, was inspected by scanning electron microscopy and staining with toluidine blue. The dermis of the pads and digital apices is composed of ridged and rippled areas. The ridged area, where sweat ducts are distributed, is constructed of grooves and ramparts. Frequently, the sweat duct is surrounded by a dermal collar, and the groove is separated by a dermal partition. The grooves and ramparts display dermatoglyphic configurations, such as whorls, loops, cusps, triradii, and some other patterns, which are peculiar to each pad and digital apex and comparable to dermatoglyphic patterns of man and other primates.  相似文献   

Huang QY  Huang HQ 《Proteomics》2011,11(18):3743-3756
Methyl parathion (MP) is a widely used organophosphorus pesticide, which has been related to a broad spectrum of toxic effects on environmental organisms. The present study investigated the changes in the protein profile of enriched membrane fraction from zebrafish (Danio rerio) brain exposed to three concentrations (0.5, 1 and 2 mg/L) of MP. 2-DE revealed that the abundance of 21 protein spots was significantly changed by MP stress. By matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and database search, 16 protein spots were identified as membrane proteins, among which 8 were down-regulated, while 8 were up-regulated. These proteins are mainly involved in oxidative stress response, signal transduction, metabolism, protein synthesis and degradation, neuroplasticity and regeneration as well as synaptic transmission. These results may aid our understanding of the mechanism of MP-induced neurotoxicity and provide the possibility of the establishment of candidate biomarkers of MP.  相似文献   

We have identified and determined the sequence and organization of a new rat satellite DNA in Rattus rattus, the roof rat. This satellite DNA, which we call R. rattus satellite I', consists of tandem arrays of a 185 base pair (bp) repeat unit that we call a'. a' is 86% homologous to a 185 bp portion of the 370 bp repeat unit of the previously described rat satellite [Pech et al. (1979) Nucleic Acids Res. 7, 417-432] present in the common laboratory rat species, R. norvegicus. We can thereby distinguish two 185 bp portions of the satellite I 370 bp repeat unit: "a" (homologous to a') and "b". Satellite I has the structure (a,b)n, and satellite I' has the structure (a')n. Like a, a' is only about 60% homologous to b and fails to hybridize to b. Although R. norvegicus and R. rattus contain about the same total concentration of satellite sequences, R. norvegicus contains essentially only the a,b type (satellite I), whereas R. rattus contains a' type (satellite I') and lesser amounts of the a,b type (satellite I). The a,b type (satellite I) in R. rattus is very similar to that in R. norvegicus as judged both by hybridization and by the presence of all but one of the major restriction enzyme sites that characterize the R. norvegicus satellite I. In R. rattus the a' and a,b repeat units are not detectably present in the same tandem array. All of the sequence differences between a' (R. rattus) and a (R. norvegicus) can be accounted for by simple base substitutions, and the implication of this and other features of rat satellite DNA structure for satellite DNA evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

The animals were injected intraperitoneally with graded doses of methyl parathion at 1.5 to 3 mg/kg body weight for 15 days from the day of estrus. Results indicated that the methyl parathion treatment showed irregular estrous cycles, affect the duration of each estrous cycle, proestrus and diestrus were significantly changed in 2.5 and 3 mg treatment groups. But there was no significant change in the number and duration of each estrous cycle, duration of proestrus and diestrus in 1.5 and 2 mg methyl parathion treatment groups. However, there was a significant decrease in the duration of estrus, while there was no significant change in the duration of metestrus in all methyl parathion treatment rats when compared with those of the corresponding parameters of the control. There was no significant effect on number of live pups on day 1 and 5 except in 3 mg methyl parathion treatment group where it was significantly decreased. There was no significant change in reproductive indices like pregnancy, parturition, live birth and viability in all the methyl parathion treatment rats except the viability index in the highest dose.  相似文献   

Oxygen therapy has been widely used in lung injury (Li), adult respiraotory syndrome (ARDS) and inflammatory lung diseases as well as in mechanical ventilation in intensive care units. Exposure to hyperoxia is known to induct the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by mitochondria. Despite decades of research, the role of hyperoxia training in oxidative stress and ROS formation in the lungs is not known. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of periodic-hyperoxia training on biological antioxidants (BAP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities and free radicals (FR) production. Thirty adult male rats, matched with age and body weigh, were randomly assigned to three groups. The first group served as control (C) and the second (HP) was exposed to hyperoxia for 48. Animals in the third group (HP-T) were trained on hyperoxia for 1.5 h daily for three weeks. Following the exposure period for each group animals were sacrificed and lungs tissues were homogenized for BAP, LDH and FR determinations. LDH activity was determined by Randox protocol (Randox – UK). BAP and FR were determined using dROM method (H&D – Italy). Results showed that mean (±SD) BAP activity increased significantly (p < 0.05) from the baseline control of 7105.88 ± 2021.49 to 8611.20 ± 1245.26 (U/L) after hyperoxia training; then dropped to 6784.00 ± 1879.50 during hyperoxia exposure for 48 h. Whereas mean (±SD) FR production increased significantly (p < 0.05) from the baseline control of 262.50 ± 67.52 to 339.90 ± 64.84 during HP exposure for 48 h, then dropped to 211.13 ± 52.05 (Carr), during HP training. Similarly, LDH activity increased significantly (p < 0.05) from the baseline control of 210.31 ± 70.93 to 339.90 ± 64.84 during HP exposure for 48 h, then dropped to 159.30 ± 20.61(U/L), following HP-periodic training. Furthermore, the correlation (r = 0.67×) of LDH on FR was significant (p < 0.05), implying that reduction in ROS generation induced by HP-periodic training is related to reduced rate of cell apoptosis caused oxidative stress. Based on the results of the present study HP-periodic training is recommended in order to resist oxidative damage in the lungs.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of Leydig cells in a seasonally breeding rodent, Rattus fuscipes, was studied in the breeding and non-breeding season and compared with Leydig cell morphology after suppression of gonadotrophin secretion induced by hypophysectomy or chronic administration of testosterone. Serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) were measured and in-vitro T production by testes was assessed by stimulation with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). In non-breeding wild-trapped rats and rats with experimental suppression of gonadotrophins, the Leydig cells were atrophied and exhibited variable amounts of cytoplasmic lipid and crystalloid inclusions, the latter commonly dominating the cytoplasmic area. Compared with fertile rats, serum LH and hCG-stimulated T production of experimentally regressed rats was significantly reduced, confirming structural features indicative of Leydig cell inactivity. Atrophy of Leydig cell nuclei was accompanied by the formation of unusual intranuclear vesicles sometimes containing small crystalloids. Ultrastructural analysis suggested transfer of the vesicles to the cytoplasm where their unification gave rise to much larger crystalloid bodies. Crystalloids occurred when serum LH was depressed and with either full (T treatment) or arrested spermatogenesis (hypophysectomy) suggesting that their formation is governed by pituitary function and is not dependent upon the degree of spermatogenic activity.  相似文献   

It is well documented that nitric oxide (NO) stimulates LHRH, LH and GH release. Present experiments were carried out to analyse whether the blockade of NO generation can affect body growth and puberty onset in female rats. Prepubertal female rats were treated with L-nitro(w) arginine methyl ester (NAME), a blocker of nitric oxide synthase, from day 25 to first estrous (400 or 800 mg/L in drinking water). We measured body growth, age and body weight at vaginal opening and first estrous, and the ovarian and uteri weights and serum LH and FSH concentrations the day of first estrous. Females treated with NAME showed a normal body growth pattern and a delayed puberty. Serum LH concentrations were increased in groups treated with NAME. This stimulatory effect was also observed in 30 and 90 day-old females decapitated 60 min after NAME administration (40 mg/Kg i.p.). We conclude that blockade of NO generation delays puberty in female rats by mechanism(s) other than its effects on LH release.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin phenotypes A and B were determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of erythrocyte lysates from 29 inbred strains of rats. Fourteen strains have phenotype A and fifteen have phenotype B, which are characterized by five and six hemoglobin bands, respectively. Breeding studies showed that the phenotypes are codominant and that they segregate in a simple Mendelian fashion in the (A×B) F1×A backcross. Sex and hemoglobin phenotype assort independently, and the hemoglobin phenotype is not linked to the major histocompatibility complex (RT1) and to two erythrocyte alloantigenic systems (RT2 and RT3).This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant CA 18659.  相似文献   

Southern blot hybridization of EcoRI digests of DNAs from 13 rat strains using human cardiac actin gene as a probe revealed polymorphisms in actin-related sequences of rats. EcoRI fragments of 11 kb, 7 kb, 6 kb, 5 kb, 4.5 kb and 4 kb detected in several strains were absent in the remaining strains. The presence of these fragments was suggested to be due to presence of extra sequences homologous to the actin genes, such as processed pseudogenes, in the particular strains. The 13 strains were assigned to each of 7 specific patterns of the polymorphic EcoRI fragments. It was concluded that the polymorphisms of actin-related sequences should be useful for genetic monitoring of laboratory rats.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of Malayan rats (Rodentia-Muridae,genus Rattus Fischer)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Yong Hoi Sen 《Chromosoma》1969,27(3):245-267
The karyotypes of 18 species of Malayan rats, genus Rattus Fischer, are reported. Present studies reveal that the karyotype of rats is not species-specific. The variability in diploid number (2n) within the genus Rattus is reaffirmed. A range of 36 to 52 is reported, with 2n=42 having the highest frequency. The affinity of Malayan rats is discussed on the basis of chromosomal evidence.  相似文献   

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