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Summary Use of the generic name Cryptococcus Kützing should be avoided in yeast taxonomy, as it is both a nomen dubium and a nomen confusum. Dubium because it is at the least doubtful that the first Cryptococcus species described by Kützing (Cr. mollis) was a yeast (Kützing himself classified Cryptococcus among the Algae). Confusum because it has appeared from an examination of authentic herbarium material of Cr. mollis, that Kützing dit not deal with one, bur with a mixture of at least five organisms.The generic name Torulopsis Berlese, on the contrary, is a valid name for a group of asporogenous yeasts, since Berlese has purposely included, as appears from the diagnosis given, in his new genus Torulopsis the yeasts at that time brought to the genus Torula sensu Pasteur-Hansen.The objection which at first sight could be raised against the acceptance of the genus Torulopsis, namely that the first species described by Berlese: Torulopsis rosea, belongs to the present genus Rhodotorula Harrison is untenable, since this species certainly was not a yeast with a carotinoid pigment. All evidence available is in favour of the suggestion that Berlese's species was identical with Torulopsis pulcherrima (Lindner) Sacc.Herewith the validity of the generic name Torulopsis for the asporogenous, nonmycelium forming, colourless yeasts may be considered to be proved.A slightly amended diagnosis of the genus Torulopsis Berlese is given.  相似文献   

Summary A mutual antagonism (in vitro) has been shown betweenTrichophyton rubrum andCandida albicans by means of two membered pure cultures and by means of cultures filtrates from each organism grown singly. The growth ofT. rubrum was inhibited by metabolic products ofC. albicans. The pigment ofT. rubrum has been shown to be a pH indicator in vivo. Metabolic products ofT. rubrum completely inhibit the development of mycelia byC. albicans, but have little effect on growth in the yeast phase. Chemical fractionation experiments indicated that there are two diffusible metabolic products ofT. rubrum affecting mycelia development: 1) soluble in water and in acetone, heat stable, and adsorbed by activated charcoal, 2) soluble in water, insoluble in acetone, heat labile, and not adsorbed by activated charcoal. The general phenomenon of yeast to mycelia conversions has been considered in detail. A notation system has been developed in this connection; yeast (Y) to mycelia (M) transformations may be expressed as YM; interconversions of the type exhibited byBlastomyces may be written Y:M. The relationships between these processes and the analogous bacteria (B) to filament (F) conversions, B F, has been pointed out. Evidence that Y..M, YM, and BF may result from the inhibition of a common unit enzymatic mechanism has been presented. Converging evidence from such diverse fields as the physicochemical study of the kinetics of bacterial growth (Hinshelwood), genetics of irradiated bacteria (Witkin; Eisenstark andClark), cytochemical mechanism of penicillin action (Pratt andDufrenoy), and dimorphism of pathogenic fungi (this paper;Nickerson andEdwards) are all interpreted as pointing in this direction.  相似文献   

G. W. Scarth 《Protoplasma》1927,2(1):189-205
Summary Micro-surgery of plant cells shows that the impression of fluidity which one gets from mere microscopic observation is illusory. The cytoplasm in fact is always more or less elastic, even when streaming. Moreover only a portion of its substance moves, so that there is no inherent difficulty in assuming a structural basis of organization.The resting nucleus, also, is not devoid of structure, as is claimed to be the case in animal cells. Sometimes a gelatinous framework is conspicuous, and such a condition grades into cases where there appears to be only a flimsy structure permeating a liquid medium. There thus seems to be no reason, as far as plant cells are concerned, for denying the existence of a persistent framework which might account for the genetic continuity of the chromosomes.In the architectural organization of the cell the most important element, apart from the immobile gelatinous matrix, is the active film- and fibril-forming differentiation whichStrasburger termed the Kinoplasm. Its behaviour and metamorphoses, as observed by the writer, support and amplifyStrasburger's conception and indicate that the analogy it presents with the myelin forms of lecithin may rest on chemical and structural similarity.  相似文献   

Summary In relation to the general equation of the laws ofMendel, given by the author in 1938, as forming the expression ofNewton's binomial, the author analyses the possibilities of application of this equation to the phenomena of sex inheritance and, while usingPascal's transformed arithmetical triangle, comes to the conclusion that the asexual propagation might be taken, from the purely biometrical point of view, as an instance of Zero-power of the crosses, which would mean a complete consolidation or homozygoty of germ material, acquired, it is true, as a secondary achievement from the previous sexual propagation.The latter, again, ought to be considered as an instance ofNewton's binomial of the cross power ofn=1 of a rather irregular, disfigured type of (a + b) (a + a).Then, the author is making an attempt of analysing, from this point of view, a few more complicated cases from this field of inquiry, such as sexual polymorphism (as representing apparently the phenomena of operating of special, additionally introduced genes; though related to the sexual features, too), hermaphroditism (as the spatial coappearance of two diverse, independently determined sexes) and finally the fluctuations in the number proportions of sexes, found in natural populations (which might be probably considered as being due to some constant, besides onesided and so far unexplained, inhibitary processes of elimination).
Zusammenfassung Auf die im Jahre 1938 entwickelte allgemeine Gleichung derMendel Gesetze bezugnehmend, die die Vererbung als Ausdruck desNewtonschen Binoms hält, sucht der Verfasser dieselbe auf die Geschlechtsvererbung anzuwenden, indem er, sich des transformiertenPascal'schen arithmetischen Dreiecks bedienend, zum Schluss kommt, dass die ungeschlechtliche Vermehrung, vom rein biometrischen Standpunkt aus betrachtet, als Beispiel der Zero-Potenz in dem Kreuzungsrange angesehen werden könnte, d.h. eine komplette Konsolidierung und Homozygotie, bei alledem vielleicht sekundär aus der früher durchgemachten geschlechtlichen Vermehrung entstanden, darstellte.Die geschlechtliche Vermehrung müsste sodann etwa für ein Beispiel des Binoms, wenn auch von nicht reiner, aber deformierter oder verkümmerter Form, von einer Kreuzungspotenzn=1 angesehen werden, und zwar vom Typus (a + b) (a + a).Zudem wird ein weiterer Versuch gemacht, von demselben Standpunkt aus, auch einige kompliziertere Geschlechtserscheinungen zu analysieren, wie die des Geschlechtspolymorphismus (als Ausdruck der neuhinzukommenden speziellen Gene, die sich jedoch gleichweise geschlechtsdeterminierend auswirken, gedeutet), des Hermaphroditismus (als eine rein räumliche Vereinigung von zwei verschiedenen Geschlechtsmechanismen), so wie auch die oft in den natürlichen Populationen beobachtbaren Verschiebungen in der üblichen Zahlproportion 1 1 der Geschlechter (die wahrscheinlich auf irgendwelche innere, einseitig eliminative, aber konstant wirkende, wenn auch noch nicht aufgeklärte Einflüsse zurückgeführt werden könnten).

Summary The conception of the world with Greek thinkers generally differs from contemporary thought in the idea of the limitation of the world whose essence manifests itself to speculative thinking. The cosmology which culminates inPlato's Timaios attributes to the whole of being the properties of finiteness, uniqueness, life and perfection.Plato's holism subsumes inanimate and living nature under the idea of cosmic life, the parts of which are constituted by life-phenomena given in experience. His world-conception, constructed from within and intuitively, which ranges phenomena in descending order, is opposed to the atomism ofDemocritos which reduces the higher structures to the one equal material of all things. This opposition manifests itself in all essential points: toDemocritos there are worlds in infinite number, only accumulations of atoms are real, uniqueness and perfection are lacking as well as the idea of Life as a central reality.Modern research foregoes the attempt to determine the whole speculatively, but holistic and atomistic ways of thinking, after having been dogmatically applied by the Greeks, continue to exist as opposed types of mental attitude. Contemporary holism may be empirical and limited in application, but it is directed by the same intuition of life articulating itself organically as wasPlato's. It would be incorrect, however, to characterize holism as synthetical, since all synthetics is based upon analysis. The bounds of synthesis are never fixed ones, nor does it ever determine essence. Holism's way of subsuming single life-phenomena under more comprehensive wholes is an intuitional one, the connections which it creates between phenomena are not external ones, but apprehended intuitively in analogy to inner experience.—In distinction to atomism, which only admits as real atoms and their mutual relations, holism poses groups of unities, classified in grades, the higher of which dominate the lower, without debasing them to elements. As metaphysics is concerned to discover a connection between Nature and human life, it must be highly interested in the empirical demonstration, such as holism offers, of connections of life, surpassing individual being.
Zusammenfassung Die griechische Weltauffassung unterscheidet sich van der modernen durch den Gedanken der Begrenztheit des Weltalls, das sich dem spekulativen Blick seinem Wesen nach erschliesst. Die inPlaton's Timaios gipfelnde Kosmologie bestimmt das Weltall nach den Wesensgesichtspunkten der Endlichkeit, der Einzigkeit, der Lebendigkeit und der Vollkommenheit.Platon's Holismus bezieht die leblose und die lebende Natur unter die Idee des Lebens des Kosmos, dessen Teile die in der Erfahrung gegebenen Lebenserscheinungen sind. Sein von innen her und intuitiv aufgebautes Weltbild, das die Erscheinungen von oben herab hierarchisch ordnet, tritt dem AtomismusDemokrits gegenüber, der in umgekehrtem Verfahren die höheren Strukturen auf den einen Baustoff aller Dinge reduziert. Der Gegensatz zum Holismus offenbart sich in allen Bestimmungen: fürDemokrit sind der Kosmoi unbegrenzt viele, es gibt nur Ansammlungen von Atomen, es fehlen Einzigkeit und Vollkommenheit, sowie ein Begriff des Lebens als des zentralen Geschehens.Die neuzeitliche Forschung verzichtet auf die spekulativen Bestimmungen des Ganzen, aber der bei den Griechen dogmatische Gegensatz holistischer und atomistischer Betrachtungsweise lebt fort als Gegensatz geistiger Einstellung. Der neuzeitliche Holismus ist ein empirischer, beschränkter, aber bei ihm liegt dieselbe Intuition des sich organisch gestaltenden Gesamtlebens zu Grunde wei beiPlaton. Nur wäre es, unrichtig, diesen Holismus als synthetisch zu bezeichnen. Synthetisches Denken erhebt sich immer auf analytischem Boden. Jede Synthese hat eine offene Grenze. Die Art aber, wie der Holismus die vereinzelten Lebenserscheinungen auf umfassendere Ganzheiten bezieht, ist eine intuitive. Das Band der Erscheinungen wird nicht durch äusseres Beziehen gestiftet, sondern geschaut nach Analogie einer inneren Erfahrung.Im Gegensatz zum Atomismus, der als real nur die Atome und deren Verhältnisse gelten lässt, erkennt der Holismus stufenartig aufgebaute Einheitsarten an, in denen die höheren die niedrigeren beherrschen, ohne sie zu Elementen herabzudrücken. Die Metaphysik, auf der Suche nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen dem Menschenleben und der Natur ist an der empirischen Aufweisung das Einzelne übersteigender Lebensverbände wie sie der Holismus zu Tage fordert aufs Höchste interessiert.

Sommario L'Autore passa in rassegna i quattro caso europei, ritenuti autoctoni, di granulematosi coccidioide. Dai due casi napoletani con lesioni broncopolmonari BOERI e JACONO hanno isolate due stipiti chiamati Blastomycoides A. e Blastomycoides B. Lo studio biologico eseguito da JACONO ha dimostrato essere questi stipiti appartenenti alla specie Coccidioides immitis. Dal caso terzo (granuloma dei glutei osservato a Napoli da CASTELLANI e JACONO) È stato isolato un ceppo identificato da CASTELLANI come Glenospora meteuropea e ritenuto identico ad altro ceppo isolato dallo stesso CASTELLANI da un caso di blastomicosi cutanea osservato in un paziente a Londra ma infettatosi nei Balcani (quarto caso).L'Autore studia biologicamente i due ceppi (napoletano e balcanico) della Glenospora meteuropea Castellani e mentre conferma il reperto di CIFERRI e REDAELLI (1934) essere il ceppo napoletano un Coccidioides immitis, dimostra che anche il ceppo balcanico è analogamente uno stipite di questa specie. Esegue poi una comparazione prevalentemente biologica dei due stipiti suddetti con alcuni ceppi americani di Coccidioides immitis; dimostra che non esistono differenze biologiche sulla base dello studio delle attività patogene di fronte a ratti, conigli e cavie. Pertanto 1'Autore non ritiene giustificato il tenere distinti gli stipiti europei di Coccidioides immitis come varietà (Coccidioides immitis var. metaeuropaeus) come avevano fatto CIFERRI e REDAELLI sulla base del solo eriterio geografico.
Summary The four so-called autochtonous european cases of coccidioidal granuloma are reviewed. From two napolitan cases od pneumobronchial diseases Boeri and Jacono isolated two strains of Blastomycoides (A. and B.), laterly demonstrated as Coccidioides immitis (Jacono). From the third napoletan case (granuloma of glutea) Castellani and Jacono isolated Glenospora meteuropea, considered as identic to other strains isolated by Castellani from man at London but infected in the Balkans (forth european case).The napoletan and the balkanic strains, as well as Glenospora meteuropaea were revised by the A. The observations made by Ciferri and Redaelli (1936) on dnapoletan strain were confirmed, this fungus being a Coccidioides immitis; also the balkanic strain is the same species. From the comparison, chiefly a biological one, from the two strains with typical american strain of Coccidioides immitis on mice, guineapig and rabbit, the almost complete identity has been demonstrated.As conclusion, the european strains must be confused amongst the american strains of Coccidioides immitis; and the varietal entity established, on geographical bases, by Ciferri and Redaelli (Coccidioides immitis var. metaeuropaeus) must be nullified.

Zusammenfassung Verf. nimmt in besonderer Betrachtung die vier europäischen, bisher als autochton gehaltenen Fälle, von Granulomatosis coccidioides. Bei zwei neapolitanischen Fällen haben Boeri und Jacono aus den bronchopneumonischen Läsionen, zwei Stämme isoliert: Blastomycoides A. und Blastomycoides B. Nach dem biologischen Studium von Jacono haben sich diese als Stämme von Coccidioides immitis erwiesen. Vom dritten Fall (Glutealgranulom von Castellani und Jacono in Neapel beobachtet), wurde ein Stamm isoliert welcher von Castellani als Glenospora meteuropea identifiziert und gleich dem anderen von Castellani in London bei einem sich in den Balkanen infizierten Patienten isolierten Stamm betrachtet wurde (vierter Fall).Verf. untersucht biologisch diese zwei Stämme (neapolitanischer und balkanischer Stamm) der Glenospora meteuropea Castellani und indem er den Befund von Ciferri und Redaelli (1984) dass der neapolitanische Stamm ein Coccidioides immitis ist, bestätigt, beweist er auch, dass der dbalkanische Stamm dem Coccidioides immitis gehört. Er vergleicht dann beide Stämme von Glenospora mit einigen amerikanischen Stämmen von Coccidioides immitis und beweist auf Grund der Untersuchung der pathogenen Tätigkeit den Ratten, Meerschweinchen und Kaninchen gegenüber, dass keine biologischen Unterschiede bestehen. Darauf hält Verf. als nicht Berechtigt den Unterschied zwischen den europäischen Stämmen von Coccidioides immitis als Varietät (Coccidioides immitis var. metaeuropaeus) wie es Ciferri und Redaelli auf Grund der einzigen geographischen Norm getan hatten.

Summary In Venezuela, as in Colombia, Brazil and Argentine, two trichopathies of the piedra type were found, namely one with black knots, caused by Piedraia Hortai, and another with light-coloured knots, the so-called Colombian piedra. The last named trichopathy is caused by Trichosporium giganteum Behrend, 1890, not causing hair lesions, and by T. humahuaquensis Mazza et Niño, 1932, causing hair lesions; but it is possible that both species are referable to the same taxonomic entity.  相似文献   

Sewall Wright 《Genetica》1935,17(5-6):547-560
Summary New data on the heredity of rosette pattern in guinea pigs and a critical review of the data ofPictet andFerrero support the conclusions reached in 1916 on the genetics of the major variations of this character.The results ofPictet andFerrero fully confirm the existence of the primary pair of alleles R, r and are so treated by them in their more recent papers. There is strong evidence that the rough inhibiting factor M (of wild species ofCavia and of many guinea pigs) was present in their stock, in certain smooths which transmitted roughness (R-MM) and in the types described as lisses à crête and monorosettes (R-Mm) but was not recognized. This gene was clearly much less common than in my stocks.Their stocks on the other hand seem to have exhibited more variability in the high grades of roughness and to have reached somewhat higher grades than I have observed. They attribute these variations to two new pairs of genes G, g and D, d, the former said to distinguish two patterns on the trunk, the latter, grades of roughness of the head. The data as presented, contain contradictions in both cases. Nevertheless they indicate segregation in their stock of a pair of alleles distinguishing the highest grade of fancier's rough (RRmmGG), from ordinary high grades (RRmmgg). The contradictions may perhaps be due to overlap. No judgment of the validity of genes D, d can be reached without presentation of data showing the breeding results for trunk and head rosettes simultaneously.  相似文献   

Felix Roch 《Zoomorphology》1924,2(2-3):350-426
Ohne Zusammenfassung1) VorAllman (3) hat schon 1816Agardh (1) eine mitCordylophora lacustris identischeTubularia cornea angeführt und vor diesem 1771Pallas (55) eine von ihm 1769 im Kaspischen Meere gefundeneTubularia caspia beschrieben. Da nun nachRylov (66) dieseTubularia caspia auch vonOstroumoff, Bjalijnskij-Birulja, Linko undDersjawin als einwandfrei identisch mitCordylophora lacustris angesehen wird und neuerdings auchBroch (13) dieses Tier alsCordylophora lacustris anführt, schlage ich hiermit vor, nach dem Prioritätsgesetz der neuen Nomenklaturregeln den Artnamen lacustris durch caspia zu ersetzen.Cordylophora lacustris Allman wäre demnach fortan als  相似文献   

Conclusions and Summary The authors begin with a historical review of the first genetic investigations concerning familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy in the North of Portugal by C. Andrade. Then they review the studies made by other authors about this curious hereditary disease.A dominant mode of transmission was found in all investigations and the area of Povoa de Varzim could be confirmed as the focus where the mutation took place for the first time. Later on the affection spread throughout the northern part of Portugal before finally migrating also to the American continent.The early inquiries of Andrade in 1951–52 were concerned with a still fairly limited number of cases (74 cases). A systematic genetic and statistical study became, however, necessary for the whole material collected over almost 30 years by C. Andrade et al. The individuals examined now amount to 623, 249 of whom are affected (153 males and 96 females, distributed over 148 sibships).After applying various methods of correction (maximum-likelihood-method and Weinberg's method) and while making a distinction between simple selection (k=0) and complete selection (k=1), the authors come to the following evaluations: for K=0, the average of individuals affected (corrected) per sibship is of 21.26±1.88% (method of maximum likelihood scores); for k=1, this value is of 30.84±2.26%. When considering separately within the sibships the male and female patients, the following figures are obtained: for k=0, respectively 13.06±1.33% for males and 8.20±0,98% for females; for k=1, 18,95±1.68% for males and 11.89±1.29% for females.The percentages obtained with Weinberg's method are more or less the same (21.26±1.75% and 31.39±2.50% for k=0 and k=1, respectively). Since the material was collected during a systematic survey of all families affected, the figures computed for k=1 (complete selection) must be considered correct (30.8% by the maximum-likelihood-method and 31.4% by Weinberg's method).In respect of the sex ratio in the families studied, a predilection for the male sex was revealed when all families with at least one member affected are taken into account. However, when considering the families with at least two members affected, the sex ratio corresponds to 1:1.As to morbidity risk, our values are clearly below those of Becker (1964): whereas the figures found by Becker range between 0.32 and 0.50, ours lie between 0.26 and 0.31. The discrepancy must be attributed to the fact that our material which was numerically more important than Becker's provided for a more equitable evaluation of the sex ratio and excluded the possibility of a sex controlled gene.According to our investigations, there is therefore no difference between the sexes as to the degree of penetrance of the affection. The discordance between the sexes is practically restricted to the age of manifestation of the disease, 33 years on an average for males and 44 years for females. The assumption must consequently be made that this one difference is sufficient to guarantee transmission of amyloidotic polyneuropathy through the generations, in spite of counterselection that operates to the detriment of the responsible gene.This work has been supported by the U.S. Public Health Service (Research Grant A. M. 05728), the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Portuguese Ministry of Health.  相似文献   

Ciferri  R.  Redaelli  P. 《Mycopathologia》1943,4(1):54-59
Riassunto Gli Autori identificano nelMycoderma glatinis-farinulae Desm. uno stipite isolato dai comuni lieviti di panificazione casalinga nelle Marche (Italia). Da qui prendono lospunto per rivedere la questione ancor oggi sospesa e discussa della validità del genereMycoderma. Accettando l'emendamento eheLeberle ha fatto sul primitivo significato dato al genere daPersoon, ed accettando le revisioni recenti (1934) dellaLodder, fissano le caratteristiche del genere e, constatando che il nome diMycoderma deve considerarsi come nomen confusum, propongono per lo stesso genere (inteso nel senso diLeberle) il nomeMycokluyveria. Riportano la sinonimia delle specie accettate ed una chiave analitica delle stesse.
Summary One strain of yeast for domestic bread-making, isolated in Italy, has been tentatively reidentified asMycoderma glutinis-farinulae Desm. The validity and nomenclature of the genusMycoderma is discussed. Accepting this genus on the base ofLeberle modification ofPersoon's signification, also following the studies made byLodder, the generic nameMycoderma is considered as nomen confusum, and the new nameMycokluyveria is proposed. The genus is redescribed, and the few best known species are listed, with sinonyms and analitical key.

Zusammenfassung Die Verf. identifizieren alsMycoderma glutinis-farinulae Desm. ein aus den gewöhnlichen Hefen der Hausbrotbereitung isolierter Stamm bei den Marken (Italien). Hieraus bekommen Verff. einen Stich um die noch heute eingestellte und besprochene Frage der Gültigkeit zu revidieren des GenusMycoderma. Verff. nehmen die von,Leberle vorgeschlagene Abänderung über die primäre Bedeutung an, welchePersoon dem Genus gegeben hat und nehmen auch die neue Revisionen von Frl.Lodder an, indem sie die Kennzeichen des Genus festlegen. Endlich nehmen Verff. wahr, dass der NameMycoderma als ein nomen confusm zu betrachten ist, und schlagen für denselben Genus (in Sinne vonLeberle) den NamenMycokluyveria vor. Sie führen die Synonimie der angenommenen Arte und einen analytischen Schlüssel derselben an.

Sumario Pe una levadura domestica del pan de Italia fué aislada una cepa considerada igual alMycoderma glutinis-farinulae Desm. Con la ocaión se ha estudiado el valor y la nomenclatura del généroMycoderma, concluyendo con su aceptación con el emendamiento deLebeble, en el sentido doLodder; pero el nome generico deMycoderma Pers. siendo considerado como nomen confusum, ha sido rechazado, proponiendo, en su Vez, el deMycokluyveria. Se incuye un elenco de las especies màs conocides, con sus siniomos y una llave analitica.

Summary From a Froschlaich formed in a sugar-factory, the responsible organism was isolated. This organism could be identified with the dextran-forming, heterofermentative, rod-shaped lactic acid bacterium,Betabacterium vermiforme, a bacterium first described byWard as one of the constituents of the ginger-beer plant and recently recognized byMayer (18) as being also one of the components of the tibi-consortium. Thus it has been shown that the formation of the Froschlaich in sugar factories is not always due toLeuconostoc mesenterioides or toBacillus vulgatus, but can also be caused byBetabacterium vermiforme.A hitherto unknown species of the genusStreptobacterium, was found to be an accompanying organism. This rod-shaped, homofermentative, dextran-forming bacterium has been described in detail as the speciesStreptobacterium dextranicum nov. spec.  相似文献   

Summary In a systematic study of about 300 supposedly anascosporogenous yeast cultures it was found that nine strains actually did form ascospores. A further investigation of these strains, together with a comparative study of evidently closely related asporogenous strains, led to the following results. Mycocandida pinoyisimilis (A. Cast.) Red. et Cif. var. Citelliana Red. et Gif. proved to be identical with Saccharomyces fragilis Jörgensen. Monilia pseudotropicalis A. Cast. = Candida pseudotropicalis (A. Cast.) Basgal has to be considered as the imperfect stage of Saccharomyces fragilis Jörgensen. Monilia macedoniensis A. Cast. = Blastodendrion macedoniense (A. Cast.) Lang, et Guerra, as well as the variety macedoniensoides [= Candida macedoniensis (A. Cast.) Berkh. var. macedoniensoides (A. Cast.) Westerdijk], should in future be designated as: Saccharomyces macedoniensis Diddens et Lodder.The yeast incorrectly named by Beijerinck: Saccharomyces fragrans proved to be the imperfect stage of Saccharomyces macedoniensis Diddens et Lodder. Hence the correct designation of the species in question appears to be: Candida macedoniensis (A. Cast.) Berkh. Monilia javanica Went et Prinsen Geerligs proved to be identical with Hansenula anomala (Hansen) Sydow.A Monilia species isolated by Molle from intertrigo blastomicetico proved to be identical with Hansenula javanica (Groenewege) Dekker. Candida pelliculosa Red. is the imperfect stage of the last mentioned species.A strain received from Ota, and labeled: Myceloblastanon gifuense Taniguchi — which, however, did not answer the diagnosis of this species — proved to be identical with Debaryomyces Matruchoti Grigoraki et Péju.  相似文献   

Conclusion and summary From the catheter urine of a patient, the right kidney of whom was removed at an earlier date in connection with a clinically diagnosed tuberculosis, an acid-fast bacillus was isolated.On closer investigation this bacillus appeared to belong to the group of the so-called saprophytic acid-fast bacilli, but its properties are different from all acid-fast bacilli described hitherto (Bergey (2),Dinger (3),Eichbaum (4),Gordon (5),Gordon andHagan (6),Tiedemann (10),Gróh (7),Haag (8) and others).At the suggestion of the director of our Institute, DrW. Aeg. Timmerman, we called the new-found bacillus:Mycobacterium Bekkerrii.Presented at the meeting of the Tuberculose-Studie-Commissie van de Nederlandsche Centrale Vereeniging der Tuberculose in May 1942.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungAuszug aus der Dissertation der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Göttingen: W. K. Fischer (1946): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Biologie von Azotobacter chroococcum Beij. Die austführlichen Zahlenergebnisse sind dort zu finden. Siehe auch Rippel-Baldes und Fischer.  相似文献   

By using d-glucose, d-xylose, d-galactose and d-fructose in the strictly aerobic yeast Rhodotorula glutinis and by comparing the half-saturation constants with inhibition constants the yeast was shown to possess a single common system for d-xylose and d-galactose (K m's and K i's all between 0.5 and 1.1 mM) but another distinct transport system for d-fructose. The transport of d-glucose has a special position in that glucose blocks apparently allotopically all the other systems observed although it uses at least one of them for its own transport. The different character of d-glucose uptake is underlined by its relative independence of pH (its K m is completely pH-insensitive) in contrast with all other sugars. At low concentrations, all sugars show mutual positive cooperativity in uptake, suggesting at least two transport sites plus possibly a modifier site on the carrier.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Anschluß an die Veröffentlichungen vonLakhovsky, Castaldi, Maxia, Mezzadroli u.a. wird die Möglichkeit des Vorhandenseins einer von gewissen Metallen ausgehenden, biologisch wirksamen Strahlung erörtert.Versuche Entwicklung oder Wachstum von Froschlarven durch Fernwirkung von Aluminium, Blei oder Eisen zu beeinflussen, führten unter den gegebenen Versuchsbedingungen zu keinem eindeutig positiven Ergebnis.I. Mitteilung der Untersuchungen über biologisch wirksame Strahlungen von B.Romeis, J.Wimmer und J.Wüst.  相似文献   

C. Kapenga 《Genetica》1943,23(1):537-538
Summary Areport of a successful cross made in 1941 at the Genetical Institute of the State University at Groningen betweenSolanum tuberosum andS. chacoense , using the varieties Roode Star and Epicure as motherplants, analogous to the results published byStelzner (Züchter 15: 33–38) with the varieties Prisca and Schlesien.
Zusammenfassung Ebenso wie Herr Dr.Stelzner (Der Züchter,15: 33–38) im Jahre 1941 die KreuzungSolanum tuberosum xS. chacoense dargestellt hat, indem er die Rassen Prisca und Schlesien als Mutterpflanzen verwendete, so ist im selben Jahre im Genetischen Institut der Reichsuniversität Groningen diese Kreuzung gelungen durch Gebrauch der Rassen Epicure und Roode Star als Fruchtträger.

The present communication deals with the observations made on the morphology, reproduction and cytology ofUlothrix zonata (Weber & Mohr)Kütz. in culture. The alga displays a remarkable phenotypic plasticity in nature as well as in culture. The present study provides additional evidence of karyology in support ofLokhorst andVroman's treatment ofU. zonata which merges a number of earlier described species in it. The cytological details and chromosome number (n = 10) determined for the Indian isolates ofU. zonata agree with those ofSarma for the British material.NBRI Research Publication No. 63 (N.S.)  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nur eine farblose Diatomee wurde gefunden: Nitzschia putrida Benecke. Diese kommt regelmäßig auf Fucus serratus vor, seltener auf anderen Fucus-Arten. Auch von Pelvetia caniculata konnte sie isoliert werden, aber von keinem anderen der untersuchten Tange.In der Ernährung ist N. putrida auf Eiweißabbauprodukte angewiesen. Durch Kohlenhydrate wird sie nicht gefördert. Agar enthält genug Nährstoffe, um eine spärliche Ernährung zu erlauben.Die Länge der Zellen in frisch isolierten Klonen schwankte zwischen 18 und 63 , während sie in alten Kulturen, die oft übergeimpft worden waren, schließlich auf 10–11 hinunter ging.
Summary Only one colourless diatom could be found: Nitzschia putrida Benecke. It occurs regularly on Fucus serratus, more rarely on other species of the genus. It could also be isolated from Pelvetia caniculata, but from none of the other sea-weeds investigated.In its nutrition N. putrida depends on substances formed in the breakdown of proteins. Agar contains nutritive substances sufficient for a moderate multiplication. Carbohydrates do not improve growth.The length of cells from newly isolated clones is between 18 and 63 , whereas after prolonged subculturing it eventually goes down to 10–11 .

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