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Background information. Osteoclasts are cells specialized for bone resorption and play important roles in bone growth and calcium homoeostasis. Differentiation of osteoclasts involves fusion of bone marrow macrophage mononuclear precursors in response to extracellular signals. A dramatic increase in osteoclast cell volume occurs during osteoclast biogenesis and is believed to be mediated by AQP9 (aquaporin 9), a membrane protein that can rapidly transport water and other small neutral solutes across cell membranes. Results. In the present study we report an increase in expression of AQP9 during differentiation of a mouse macrophage cell line into osteoclasts. Bone marrow macrophages from wild‐type and AQP9‐null mice differentiate into osteoclasts that have similar morphology, contain comparable numbers of nuclei, and digest synthetic bone to the same extent. Bones from wild‐type and AQP9‐null mice contain similar numbers of osteoclasts and have comparable density and structure as measured by X‐ray absorptiometry and microcomputed tomography. Conclusions. Our results confirm that AQP9 expression rises during osteoclast biogenesis, but indicate that AQP9 is not essential for osteoclast function or differentiation under normal physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Background information. A major hallmark of apoptosis is cell shrinkage, termed apoptotic volume decrease, due to the cellular outflow of potassium and chloride ions, followed by osmotically obliged water. In many cells, the ionic pathways triggered during the apoptotic volume decrease may be similar to that observed during a regulatory volume decrease response under hypotonic conditions. However, the pathways involved in water loss during apoptosis have been largely ignored. It was recently reported that in some systems this water movement is mediated via specific water channels (aquaporins). Nevertheless, it is important to identify whether this is a ubiquitous aspect of apoptosis as well as to define the mechanisms involved. The aim of the present work was to investigate the role of aquaporin‐2 during apoptosis in renal‐collecting duct cells. We evaluated the putative relationship between aquaporin‐2 expression and the activation of the ionic pathways involved in the regulatory volume response. Results. Apoptosis was induced by incubating cells with a hypertonic solution or with cycloheximide in two cortical collecting duct cell lines: one not expressing aquaporins and the other stably transfected with aquaporin‐2. Typical features of apoptosis were evaluated with different approaches and the water permeability was measured by fluorescence videomicroscopy. Our results show that the rate of apoptosis is significantly increased in aquaporin‐2 cells and it is linked to the rapid activation of volume‐regulatory potassium and chloride channels. Furthermore, the water permeability of cells expressing aquaporin‐2 was strongly reduced during the apoptotic process and it occurs before DNA degradation. Conclusions. These results let us propose that under apoptotic stimulation aquaporin‐2 would act as a sensor leading to a co‐ordinated activation of specific ionic channels for potassium and chloride efflux, resulting in both more rapid cell shrinkage and more rapid achievement of adequate levels of ions necessary to activate the enzymatic apoptotic cascade.  相似文献   

Recent studies from our laboratory and others have demonstrated the involvement of monocarboxylate transporter (MCT)1 in the luminal uptake of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in the human intestine. Functional studies from our laboratory previously demonstrated kinetically distinct SCFA transporters on the apical and basolateral membranes of human colonocytes. Although apical SCFA uptake is mediated by the MCT1 isoform, the molecular identity of the basolateral membrane SCFA transporter(s) and whether this transporter is encoded by another MCT isoform is not known. The present studies were designed to assess the expression and membrane localization of different MCT isoforms in human small intestine and colon. Immunoblotting was performed with the purified apical and basolateral membranes from human intestinal mucosa obtained from organ donor intestine. Immunohistochemistry studies were done on paraffin-embedded sections of human colonic biopsy samples. Immunoblotting studies detected a protein band of 39 kDa for MCT1, predominantly in the apical membranes. The relative abundance of MCT1 mRNA and protein increased along the length of the human intestine. MCT4 (54 kDa) and MCT5 (54 kDa) isoforms showed basolateral localization and were highly expressed in the distal colon. Immunohistochemical studies confirmed that human MCT1 antibody labeling was confined to the apical membranes, whereas MCT5 antibody staining was restricted to the basolateral membranes of the colonocytes. We speculate that distinct MCT isoforms may be involved in SCFA transport across the apical or basolateral membranes in polarized colonic epithelial cells. monocarboxylate transporter; short-chain fatty acids; absorption; short-chain fatty acid transport; mammalian colon  相似文献   

Expression and localization of members of the aquaporin (AQP) family (AQP1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) in the kidney of the musk shrew (Suncus murinus) was examined by immunohistochemistry. AQP1 was expressed in the proximal tubules and in the thin limb of the loops of Henle. AQP1 was the only water channel expressed in the proximal nephron examined, indicating that AQP1 may be an independent water transporter in the proximal nephron. AQP2 and AQP5 were localized to the apical cytoplasm of the cortical to medullary collecting duct (CD) cells and AQP3 and AQP4 were localized to the basal aspect of the cortical to medullary CD cells. AQP3 expression was weaker in the cortical cells compared with the medullary cells, whereas AQP4 was strongly positive throughout the CD. These indicate that the CD is the main water reabsorption segment of the nephron and is regulated by AQPs. Indeed, apical water transport of CD cells of the musk shrew may be controlled by both AQP2 and AQP5. The characteristic expression pattern of the AQPs in this animal provides a novel animal model for elucidating the regulation of water reabsorption by AQPs in the mammalian kidney.  相似文献   

Background information. AQPs (aquaporins) are water channel proteins that are expressed in almost all living things. In mammalians, 13 members of AQPs (AQP0–12) have been identified so far. AQP5 is known to be expressed mostly in the exocrine cells, including the salivary gland acinar cells. A naturally occurring point mutation (G308A, Gly103 > Asp103) was earlier found in the rat AQP5 gene [Murdiastuti, Purwanti, Karabasil, Li, Yao, Akamatsu, Kanamori and Hosoi (2006) Am. J. Physiol. 291 , G1081–G1088]; in this mutant, the rate of initial saliva secretion under stimulated and unstimulated conditions is less than that for the wt (wild‐type) animals. Results. Here the mutant molecule was characterized in detail. Using the Xenopus oocyte system, we demonstrated the mutant AQP5 to have water permeability almost the same as that of the wt molecule. Mutant and wt AQP5s, tagged with GFP (green fluorescent protein; GFP‐AQP5s) and expressed in polarized MDCK‐II (Madin—Darby canine kidney II) cells, first appeared in the vesicular structure(s) in the cytoplasm, and were translocated to the upper plasma membrane or apical membrane during cultivation, with the mutant GFP‐AQP5 being translocated less efficiently. Thapsigargin and H‐89 both induced translocation in vitro of either molecule, whereas colchicine inhibited this activity; the fraction of cells showing apical localization of mutant GFP‐AQP5 was less than that showing that of the wt molecule under any of the experimental conditions used. In the mutant SMG (submandibular gland) tissue, localization of AQP5 in the apical membrane of acinar cells was extremely reduced. Vesicular structures positive for AQP5 and present in the cytoplasm of the acinar cells were co‐localized with LAMP2 (lysosome‐associated membrane protein 2) or cathepsin D in the mutant gland, whereas such co‐localizations were very rare in the wt gland, suggesting that the mutant molecules largely entered lysosomes for degradation. Conclusion. Replacement of highly conserved hydrophobic Gly103 with strongly hydrophilic Asp103 in rat AQP5, though it did not affect water permeability, may possibly have resulted in less efficient membrane trafficking and increased lysosomal degradation, leading to its lower expression in the apical membrane of the acinar cells in the SMG.  相似文献   

目的:构建小鼠AQP1基因真核表达质粒并观察其在FRT细胞中的表达。方法:采用RT—PCR方法从小鼠肾脏组织的总cDNA中扩增出小鼠的AQP1基因,采用基因重组技术将AQP1的cDNA片段插入真核表达载体pCAGGS,构建小鼠AQP1的真核表达质粒,脂质体转染FRT细胞进行表达。结果:酶切和测序结果证实AQP1真核表达质粒构建成功,经脂质体转染FRT细胞后,免疫荧光检测证明AQPI蛋白在真核细胞中成功表达。结论:成功构建真核表达质粒pCAGGS—AQP1-myc,并在FRT细胞中得以表达。为进一步研究小鼠AQP1过表达时的功能及机制奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Most AQPs (aquaporins) function at the plasma membrane, however AQP6 is exclusively localized to membranes of intracellular vesicles in acid-secreting type-A intercalated cells of renal collecting ducts. The intracellular distribution indicates that AQP6 has a function distinct from trans-epithelial water movement. RESULTS: We show by mutational analyses and immunofluorescence that the N-terminus of AQP6 is a determinant for its intracellular localization. Presence or absence at the plasma membrane of AQP6 constructs was confirmed by electrophysiological methods. Addition of a GFP (green fluorescent protein) or a HA (haemagglutinin) epitope tag (GFP-AQP6 or HA-AQP6) to the N-terminus of AQP6, directed AQP6 to the plasma membranes of transfected Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. In contrast, addition of a GFP tag to the C-terminus (AQP6-GFP) caused the protein to remain intracellular, similar to untagged wild-type AQP6. Replacement of the N-terminus of AQP6 by that of AQP1 also directed AQP6 to the plasma membranes, whereas the N-terminus of AQP6 retained AQP1 in cytosolic sites. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the N-terminus of AQP6 is critical for trafficking of the protein to the intracellular sites. Moreover, our studies provide an approach for future identification of proteins involved in vesicle sorting in the acid-secreting type-A intercalated cells.  相似文献   

To test the involvement of the water channel aquaporin (AQP)-4 in gastric acid physiology, the human gastric cell line (HGT)-1 was stably transfected with rat AQP4. AQP4 was immunolocalized to the basolateral membrane of transfected HGT-1 cells, like in native parietal cells. Expression of AQP4 in transfected cells increased the osmotic water permeability coefficient (Pf) from 2.02 +/- 0.3 x 10-4 to 16.37 +/- 0.5 x 10-4 cm/s at 20 degrees C. Freeze-fracture EM showed distinct orthogonal arrays of particles (OAPs), the morphological signature of AQP4, on the plasma membrane of AQP4-expressing cells. Quantitative morphometry showed that the density of OAPs was 2.5 +/- 0.3% under basal condition and decreased by 50% to 1.2 +/- 0.3% after 20 min of histamine stimulation, mainly due to a significant decrease of the OAPs number. Concomitantly, Pf decreased by approximately 35% in 20-min histamine-stimulated cells. Both Pf and OAPs density were not modified after 10 min of histamine exposure, time at which the maximal hormonal response is observed. Cell surface biotinylation experiments confirmed that AQP4 is internalized after 20 min of histamine exposure, which may account for the downregulation of water transport. This is the first evidence for short term rearrangement of OAPs in an established AQP4-expressing cell line.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: We have previously showed that: (i) cholangiocytes contain AQP1 (aquaporin 1) water channels sequestered in intracellular vesicles; and (ii) upon stimulation with choleretic agonists such as secretin or dibutyryl-cAMP (dbcAMP), the AQP1 vesicles move via microtubules to the apical cholangiocyte membrane to facilitate osmotically driven, passive water movement (i.e. ductal bile secretion). The aim of the present study was to determine which proteins and mechanisms regulate AQP1 trafficking in cholangiocytes. RESULTS: Using polarized cultured NMCs (normal mouse cholangiocytes) or NRCs (normal rat cholangiocytes) and affinity-purified antibodies, we performed immunofluorescent confocal microscopy on fixed cells or immunoblotting on cell lysates for actin, tubulin, kinesin and dynein, proteins known to regulate intracellular vesicle trafficking. By immunostaining, the appropriate orientation of the actin (i.e. sub-apical) and tubulin (i.e. generalized) cytoskeleton was apparent; kinesin and dynein displayed a homogeneous punctate distribution. Immunoblotting showed kinesin and dynein to be present in both cholangiocyte lysates and in isolated AQP1-containing vesicles. We utilized real-time fluorescence confocal microscopy of NMCs transfected with a GFP (green fluorescent protein)-AQP1 fusion construct in the presence and absence of dbcAMP. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide additional insights into the potential molecular mechanisms of ductal bile secretion.  相似文献   

Cardiac hypertrophy is characterized by remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Integrins are cell-surface molecules that link the ECM to the cellular cytoskeleton where they play roles as signaling molecules and transducers of mechanical force. To clarify the possible roles of integrins in cardiac myocyte hypertrophy, we investigated the cellular localization and expression of ECM proteins and integrins in both normal cardiac myocytes and phenylephrine-induced hypertrophic myocytes. Addition of phenylephrine (PE) to cultured neonatal cardiac myocytes induced sarcomeric organization, increase in cell size, and synthesis of the hypertrophic marker, atrial natriuretic factor (ANF). In particular, fibronectin and collagen underwent dramatic localization changes during PE-induced cardiac hypertrophy. Significant changes were noted in the cellular localization of the respective collagen and fibronectin receptors, integrin alpha1 and alpha5, from diffuse to a sarcomeric banding pattern. Expression levels of integrins were also increased during hypertrophy. Treatment with okadaic acid (OA), an inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), resulted in inhibition of hypertrophic response. These results suggest that dephosphorylation of integrin beta1 may be important in the induction of cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

The developmental profile of the concentration of a novel pituitary protein (7B2) was studied immunochemically in the human gastrointestinal tract from 12 weeks of gestation to 4 months after birth and was compared to the distribution in the adult. 7B2-like immunoreactivity (IR-7B2) was detected in all segments studied, but no gross changes were seen through fetal life. At term higher concentrations of IR-7B2 were found in the duodenum and the antrum, which is similar to the distribution of adult man. Gel permeation chromatography revealed that the main peak of 7B2 immunoreactivity in the fetal intestinal extract eluted with a Kav of 0.3. Similar elution profiles were also observed in extracts of human adult intestine.  相似文献   

目的:研究润肠通便合剂对便秘模型小鼠的治疗作用及对结肠黏蛋白(MUC2)、水通道蛋白(AQP3)表达的影响。方法:将小鼠分为空白对照组、模型对照组、阳性对照组及润肠通便合剂高、中、低剂量组(40、20、10 ml/kg)(n=10),通过复方地芬诺酯(30 mg/kg灌胃1次或20 mg/kg灌胃14 d)来复制便秘动物模型,观测润肠通便合剂给药3 d对便秘小鼠排便、小肠推进的影响,给药14 d对便秘小鼠结肠病理学、含水量、结肠灌洗液(CLAF)中Muc2以及结肠AQP3基因表达水平,观测润肠通便合剂给药3 d或14 d对便秘小鼠排便、小肠推进、结肠病理学、含水量、结肠灌洗液(CLAF)中Muc2以及结肠AQP3基因表达水平的影响。结果:与空白对照组比较,模型对照组小鼠给予30 mg/kg复方地芬诺酯1次后,小肠推进长度及推进率显著降低,首便时间延长,6 h排便粒数减少;给予20 mg/kg复方地芬诺酯14 d后,小鼠结肠出现明显病理学变化,CLAF中Muc2的含量降低,近端结肠AQP3的基因表达水平升高,结肠湿干重比值降低(P<0.01)。与模型对照组比较,给予润肠通便合剂能明...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: AQP4 (aquaporin 4) internalization and a concomitant decrease in the osmotic water permeability coefficient (Pf) after histamine exposure has been reported in AQP4-transfected gastric HGT1 cells. RESULTS: In the present study we report that AQP4 internalization is followed by an increase in AQP4 phosphorylation. Histamine treatment for 30 min resulted in an approx. 10-fold increase in AQP4 phosphorylation that was inhibited by 1 microM H89, a specific PKA (protein kinase A) inhibitor, but not by PKC (protein kinase C) and CK2 inhibitors. Moreover, measurement of PKA activity after 30 min of histamine treatment showed that PKA activity was approx. 3-fold higher compared with basal conditions. AQP4 phosphorylation was prevented in cells treated with histamine for 30 min after pre-incubation with PAO (phenylarsine oxide), an inhibitor of protein endocytosis. Using an endo-exocytosis assay we showed that, after histamine washed out, internalized AQP4 recycled back to the cell surface, even in cells in which de novo protein synthesis was inhibited by cycloheximide. CONCLUSIONS: Phosphorylation experiments, combined with immunolocalization studies, indicated that AQP4 phosphorylation is mediated by PKA and occurs subsequently to its internalization in late endosomes. We suggest that phosphorylation might be a mechanism involved in retaining AQP4 in a vesicle-recycling compartment.  相似文献   

测定了大耳猬血清及尿中多种无机离子和尿素氮等指标,并应用免疫组织化学方法观察了AQP1、AQP2在肾脏的表达.大耳猬血清钠、氯含量较高;而尿液中以钾、钠、氯及尿素氮含量较高.尿液中主要离子浓度高于血清,较为浓缩,尿素氮、钾排泄能力较强.AQP1免疫反应阳性表达于近曲小管上皮和髓袢细段,AQP2主要表达于集合管上皮细胞.因此,AQP1、AQP2可能在大耳猬肾脏水重吸收及尿液浓缩过程中具有重要作用.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance-associated protein 3 (MRP3; symbol ABCC3), has been shown to mediate ATP-dependent transport of organic anions including 17beta-glucuronosyl estradiol, glucuronosyl bilirubin, monovalent, and sulfated bile salts. MRP3 mRNA expression was reported in rat intestine suggesting a role of MRP3 in the intestinal transport. We examined the expression and localization of MRP3 in rat small and large intestine by RT-PCR, immunofluorescence, and immunoblot analysis. MRP3 was identified in all intestinal segments by RT-PCR. MRP3 expression was low in duodenum and jejunum but markedly increased in ileum and colon. With the use of a rat MRP3 specific antibody, MRP3 was localized to the basolateral domains of enterocytes. Immunofluorescence analysis and immunoblot analysis confirmed a strong expression of rat MRP3 in ileum and colon. In contrast, MRP2 was predominantly expressed in the proximal segments of rat small intestine. Our findings demonstrate a high expression of rat MRP3 in ileum and colon and provide evidence for an involvement of MRP3 in the ATP-dependent transport of organic anions, including bile salts from the enterocyte into blood.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein (LBP) is an acute-phase protein involved in the host’s response to endotoxin and mainly synthesized and secreted to the blood by the liver. But in addition, LBP is also made by extrahepatic cells, including the enterocyte-like cell line Caco-2. To study in closer detail the synthesis and storage of LBP in the intestinal mucosal epithelium, we performed an immunolocalization of LBP in mouse small intestine. By immunofluorescence microscopy, an antibody recognizing the 58–60 kDa protein of LBP distinctly labeled a small population of cells located deep into the crypts. This cell population was also positive for lysozyme and α-defensin 4, identifying Paneth cells as the main intestinal LBP-producing cells. By immunogold electron microscopy, intense labeling was observed in the secretory granules of these cells. We conclude that Paneth cells express LBP together with other proteins acting in the innate immune response of the gut, such as lysozyme, defensins and intelectin.  相似文献   

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