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Frataxin, a mitochondrial protein that is directly involved in regulating cellular iron homeostasis, has been suggested to serve as an iron chaperone during cellular Fe-S cluster biosynthesis. In humans, decreased amounts or impaired function of frataxin causes the autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder Friedreich's ataxia. Cellular production of Fe-S clusters is accomplished by the Fe cofactor assembly platform enzymes Isu (eukaryotes) and IscU (prokaryotes). In this report, we have characterized the overall stability and iron binding properties of the Drosophila frataxin homologue (Dfh). Dfh is highly folded with secondary structural elements consistent with the structurally characterized frataxin orthologs. While the melting temperature ( T M approximately 59 degrees C) and chemical stability ([urea] 50% approximately 2.4 M) of Drosophila frataxin, measured using circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy, closely match values determined for the human ortholog, pure Dfh is more stable against autodegradation than both the human and yeast proteins. The ferrous iron binding affinity ( K d approximately 6.0 microM) and optimal metal to protein stoichiometry (1:1) for Dfh have been measured using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). Under anaerobic conditions with salt present, holo-Dfh is a stable iron-loaded protein monomer. Frataxin prevents reactive oxygen species-induced oxidative damage to DNA when presented with both Fe(II) and H 2O 2. Ferrous iron bound to Dfh is high-spin and held in a partially symmetric Fe-(O/N) 6 coordination environment, as determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) simulations indicate the average Fe-O/N bond length in Dfh is 2.13 A, consistent with a ligand geometry constructed by water and carboxylate oxygens most likely supplied in part by surface-exposed conserved acidic residues located on helix 1 and strand 1 in the structurally characterized frataxin orthologs. The iron-dependent binding affinity ( K d approximately 0.21 microM) and optimal holo-Dfh to Isu monomer stoichiometry (1:1) have also been determined using ITC. Finally, frataxin mediates the delivery of Fe(II) to Isu, promoting Fe-S cluster assembly in vitro. The Dfh-assisted assembly of Fe-S clusters occurs with an observed kinetic rate constant ( k obs) of 0.096 min (-1).  相似文献   

Friedreich ataxia is caused by decreased levels of frataxin, a mitochondrial acidic protein that is assumed to act as chaperone in the assembly of Fe-S clusters on the scaffold Isu protein. Frataxin has the in vitro capacity to form iron-loaded multimers, which also suggests an iron storage function. It has been reported that alanine substitution of residues in an acidic ridge of yeast frataxin (Yfh1) elicits loss of iron binding in vitro but has no effect on Fe-S cluster synthesis in vivo. Here, we show that a marked change in the electrostatic properties of a specific region of Yfh1 surface - by substituting two or four acidic residues by lysine or alanine, respectively - impairs Fe-S cluster assembly, weakens the interaction between Yfh1 and Isu1, and increases oxidative damage. Therefore, the acidic ridge is essential for the Yfh1 function and is likely to be involved in iron-mediated protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Friedreich ataxia is caused by reduced activity of frataxin, a conserved iron-binding protein of the mitochondrial matrix, thought to supply iron for formation of Fe-S clusters on the scaffold protein Isu. Frataxin binds Isu in an iron-dependent manner in vitro. However, the biological relevance of this interaction and whether in vivo the interaction between frataxin and Isu is mediated by adaptor proteins is a matter of debate. Here, we report that alterations of conserved, surface-exposed residues of yeast frataxin, which have deleterious effects on cell growth, impair Fe-S cluster biogenesis and interaction with Isu while altering neither iron binding nor oligomerization. Our results support the idea that the surface of the beta-sheet, adjacent to the acidic, iron binding ridge, is important for interaction of Yfh1 with the Fe-S cluster scaffold and point to a critical role for frataxin in Fe-S cluster biogenesis.  相似文献   

In Salmonella enterica, the isc operon contains genes necessary for the synthesis of Fe-S clusters and strains lacking this operon have severe defects in a variety of cellular processes. Other cellular loci that impact Fe-S cluster synthesis to a lesser extent have been described. The cyaY locus encodes a frataxin homolog, and it is shown here that lesions in this locus affect Fe-S cluster metabolism. When present in combination with other lesions, mutations in cyaY can result in a strain with more severe defects than those lacking the isc locus.  相似文献   

Frataxin is a conserved mitochondrial protein deficient in patients with Friedreich's ataxia. Frataxin has been implicated in control of iron homoeostasis and Fe-S cluster assembly. In yeast or human mitochondria, frataxin interacts with components of the Fe-S cluster synthesis machinery, including the cysteine desulfurase Nfs1, accessory protein Isd11 and scaffold protein Isu. In the present paper, we report that a single amino acid substitution (methionine to isoleucine) at position 107 in the mature form of Isu1 restored many deficient functions in Δyfh1 or frataxin-depleted yeast cells. Iron homoeostasis was improved such that soluble/usable mitochondrial iron was increased and accumulation of insoluble/non-usable iron within mitochondria was largely prevented. Cytochromes were returned to normal and haem synthesis was restored. In mitochondria carrying the mutant Isu1 and no frataxin, Fe-S cluster enzyme activities were improved. The efficiency of new Fe-S cluster synthesis in isolated mitochondria was markedly increased compared with frataxin-negative cells, although the response to added iron was minimal. The M107I substitution in the highly conserved Isu scaffold protein is typically found in bacterial orthologues, suggesting that a unique feature of the bacterial Fe-S cluster machinery may be involved. The mechanism by which the mutant Isu bypasses the absence of frataxin remains to be determined, but could be related to direct effects on Fe-S cluster assembly and/or indirect effects on mitochondrial iron availability.  相似文献   

Yeast Mrs3p and Mrs4p are evolutionarily conserved mitochondrial carrier proteins that transport iron into mitochondria under some conditions. Yeast frataxin (Yfh1p), the homolog of the human protein implicated in Friedreich ataxia, is involved in iron homeostasis. However, its precise functions are controversial. Anaerobically grown triple mutant cells (Deltamrs3/4/Deltayfh1) displayed a severe growth defect corrected by in vivo iron supplementation. Because anaerobically grown cells do not synthesize heme, and they do not experience oxidative stress, this growth defect was most likely due to Fe-S cluster deficiency. Fe-S cluster formation was assessed in anaerobically grown cells shifted to air for a brief period. In isolated mitochondria, Fe-S clusters were detected on newly imported yeast ferredoxin precursor and on endogenous aconitase by means of [35S]cysteine labeling and native gel separation. New cluster formation was dependent on iron addition to mitochondria, and the iron concentration dependence was shifted dramatically upward in the Deltamrs3/4 mutant, indicating a role of Mrs3/4p in iron transport. The frataxin mutant strain lacked protein import capacity because of low mitochondrial membrane potential, although this was partially restored by growth in the presence of high iron. Under these conditions, a kinetic defect in new Fe-S cluster formation was still noted. Import of frataxin into frataxin-minus isolated mitochondria promptly corrected the Fe-S cluster assembly defect without further iron addition. These findings show that Mrs3/4p transports iron into mitochondria, whereas frataxin makes iron already within mitochondria available for Fe-S cluster synthesis.  相似文献   



Histidine biosynthesis is one of the best characterized anabolic pathways. There is a large body of genetic and biochemical information available, including operon structure, gene expression, and increasingly larger sequence databases. For over forty years this pathway has been the subject of extensive studies, mainly in Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica, in both of which details of histidine biosynthesis appear to be identical. In these two enterobacteria the pathway is unbranched, includes a number of unusual reactions, and consists of nine intermediates; his genes are arranged in a compact operon (hisGDC [NB]HAF [IE]), with three of them (hisNB, hisD and hisIE) coding for bifunctional enzymes. We performed a detailed analysis of his gene fusions in available genomes to understand the role of gene fusions in shaping this pathway.


The analysis of HisA structures revealed that several gene elongation events are at the root of this protein family: internal duplication have been identified by structural superposition of the modules composing the TIM-barrel protein.Several his gene fusions happened in distinct taxonomic lineages; hisNB originated within γ-proteobacteria and after its appearance it was transferred to Campylobacter species (ε-proteobacteria) and to some Bacteria belonging to the CFB group. The transfer involved the entire his operon. The hisIE gene fusion was found in several taxonomic lineages and our results suggest that it probably happened several times in distinct lineages.Gene fusions involving hisIE and hisD genes (HIS4) and hisH and hisF genes (HIS7) took place in the Eukarya domain; the latter has been transferred to some δ-proteobacteria.


Gene duplication is the most widely known mechanism responsible for the origin and evolution of metabolic pathways; however, several other mechanisms might concur in the process of pathway assembly and gene fusion appeared to be one of the most important and common.

The suf and isc operons of Escherichia coli have been implicated in Fe-S cluster assembly. However, it has been unclear why E. coli has two systems for Fe-S cluster biosynthesis. We have examined the regulatory characteristics and mutant phenotypes of both operons to discern if the two operons have redundant functions or if their cellular roles are divergent. Both operons are similarly induced by hydrogen peroxide and the iron chelator 2,2'-dipyridyl, although by different mechanisms. Regulation of the isc operon is mediated by IscR, whereas the suf operon requires OxyR and IHF for the response to oxidative stress and Fur for induction by iron starvation. Simultaneous deletion of iscS and most suf genes is synthetically lethal. However, although the suf and isc operons have overlapping functions, they act as distinct complexes because the SufS desulphurase alone cannot substitute for the IscS enzyme. In addition, suf deletion mutants are more sensitive to iron starvation than isc mutants, and the activity of the Fe-S enzyme gluconate dehydratase is diminished in the suf mutant during iron starvation. These findings are consistent with the model that the isc operon encodes the housekeeping Fe-S cluster assembly system in E. coli, whereas the suf operon is specifically adapted to synthesize Fe-S clusters when iron or sulphur metabolism is disrupted by iron starvation or oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of Fe-S clusters is an essential process [1]. In both Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, insertion of clusters into an apoprotein requires interaction between a scaffold protein on which clusters are assembled and a molecular chaperone system--an unusually specialized mitochondrial Hsp70 (mtHsp70) and its J protein cochaperone [2]. It is generally assumed that mitochondria inherited their Fe-S cluster assembly machinery from prokaryotes via the endosymbiosis of a bacterium that led to formation of mitochondria. Indeed, phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the S. cerevisiae J protein, Jac1, and the scaffold, Isu, are orthologous to their bacterial counterparts [3, 4]. However, our analyses indicate that the specialized mtHsp70, Ssq1, is only present in a subset of fungi; most eukaryotes have a single mtHsp70, Ssc1. We propose that an Hsp70 having a role limited to Fe-S cluster biogenesis arose twice during evolution. In the fungal lineage, the gene encoding multifunctional mtHsp70, Ssc1, was duplicated, giving rise to specialized Ssq1. Therefore, Ssq1 is not orthologous to the specialized Hsp70 from E. coli (HscA), but shares a striking level of convergence at the biochemical level. Thus, in the vast majority of eukaryotes, Jac1 and Isu function with the single, multifunctional mtHsp70 in Fe-S cluster biogenesis.  相似文献   

Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease associated with the loss of function of the protein frataxin (FXN) that results from low FXN levels due to a GAA triplet repeat expansion or, occasionally, from missense mutations in the FXN gene. Here biochemical and structural properties of FXN variants, including three FRDA missense mutations (N146K, Q148R, and R165C) and three related mutants (N146A, Q148G, and Q153A), were determined in an effort to understand the structural basis for the loss of function. In vitro assays revealed that although the three FRDA missense mutations exhibited similar losses of cysteine desulfurase and Fe-S cluster assembly activities, the causes for these activation defects were distinct. The R165C variant exhibited a k(cat)/K(M) higher than that of native FXN but weak binding to the NFS1, ISD11, and ISCU2 (SDU) complex, whereas the Q148R variant exhibited the lowest k(cat)/K(M) of the six tested FXN variants and only a modest binding deficiency. The order of the FXN binding affinities for the SDU Fe-S assembly complex was as follows: FXN > Q148R > N146A > Q148G > N146K > Q153A > R165C. Four different classes of FXN variants were identified on the basis of their biochemical properties. Together, these structure-function studies reveal determinants for the binding and allosteric activation of the Fe-S assembly complex and provide insight into how FRDA missense mutations are functionally compromised.  相似文献   

IscS catalyzes the fragmentation of l-cysteine to l-alanine and sulfane sulfur in the form of a cysteine persulfide in the active site of the enzyme. In Escherichia coli IscS, the active site cysteine Cys(328) resides in a flexible loop that potentially influences both the formation and stability of the cysteine persulfide as well as the specificity of sulfur transfer to protein substrates. Alanine-scanning substitution of this 14 amino acid region surrounding Cys(328) identified additional residues important for IscS function in vivo. Two mutations, S326A and L333A, resulted in strains that were severely impaired in Fe-S cluster synthesis in vivo. The mutant strains were deficient in Fe-S cluster-dependent tRNA thionucleosides (s(2)C and ms(2)i(6)A) yet showed wild type levels of Fe-S-independent thionucleosides (s(4)U and mnm(5)s(2)U) that require persulfide formation and transfer. In vitro, the mutant proteins were similar to wild type in both cysteine desulfurase activity and sulfur transfer to IscU. These results indicate that residues in the active site loop can selectively affect Fe-S cluster biosynthesis in vivo without detectably affecting persulfide delivery and suggest that additional assays may be necessary to fully represent the functions of IscS in Fe-S cluster formation.  相似文献   

The generally accepted role of iron-regulatory protein 1 (IRP1) in orchestrating the fate of iron-regulated mRNAs depends on the interconversion of its cytosolic aconitase and RNA-binding forms through assembly/disassembly of its Fe-S cluster, without altering protein abundance. Here, we show that IRP1 protein abundance can be iron-regulated. Modulation of IRP1 abundance by iron did not require assembly of the Fe-S cluster, since a mutant with all cluster-ligating cysteines mutated to serine underwent iron-induced protein degradation. Phosphorylation of IRP1 at S138 favored the RNA-binding form and promoted iron-dependent degradation. However, phosphorylation at S138 was not required for degradation. Further, degradation of an S138 phosphomimetic mutant was not blocked by mutation of cluster-ligating cysteines. These findings were confirmed in mouse models with genetic defects in cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly/disassembly. IRP1 RNA-binding activity was primarily regulated by IRP1 degradation in these animals. Our results reveal a mechanism for regulating IRP1 action relevant to the control of iron homeostasis during cell proliferation, inflammation, and in response to diseases altering cytosolic Fe-S cluster assembly or disassembly.  相似文献   

Iron-sulfur [Fe-S] clusters are ubiquitous ancient prosthetic groups that are required to sustain fundamental life processes. Formation of intracellular [Fe-S] clusters does not occur spontaneously but requires a complex biosynthetic machinery. Different types of [Fe-S] cluster assembly systems have been discovered. All of them have in common the requirement of a cysteine desulfurase and the participation of [Fe-S] scaffold proteins. The purpose of this review is to discuss various aspects of the molecular mechanisms of [Fe-S] cluster assembly in living organisms: (i) mechanism of sulfur donor enzymes, namely the cysteine desulfurases; (ii) mechanism by which clusters are preassembled on scaffold proteins and (iii) mechanism of [Fe-S] cluster transfer from scaffold to target proteins.  相似文献   

Lateral gene transfer (LGT) is a major force in microbial genome evolution. Here, we present an overview of lateral transfers affecting genes involved in isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) synthesis. Two alternative metabolic pathways can synthesize this universal precursor of isoprenoids, the 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DOXP) pathway and the mevalonate (MVA) pathway. We have surveyed recent genomic data and the biochemical literature to determine the distribution of the genes composing these pathways within the bacterial domain. The scattered distribution observed is incompatible with a simple scheme of vertical transmission. LGT (among and between bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes) more parsimoniously explains many features of this pattern. This alternative scenario is supported by phylogenetic analyses, which unambiguously confirm several cases of lateral transfer. Available biochemical data allow the formulation of hypotheses about selective pressures favouring transfer. The phylogenetic diversity of the organisms involved and the range of possible causes and effects of these transfer events make the IPP biosynthetic pathways an ideal system for studying the evolutionary role of LGT.  相似文献   

Iron is required for the Fe-S cluster assembly which occurs in chloroplasts, mitochondria, and cytosol and here we characterized 44 Fe-S cluster biosynthesis genes and investigated their expression profiles during different peach flowering stages. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis shows that the highest expression of most peach Fe-S cluster biosynthesis genes appeared in the full bloom stage. Also, the highest Fe accumulation occurred in the full bloom stage followed by beginning bloom, petal fall, and bud swell stages. Activities of nitrite reductase (NiR) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) were closely correlated to the flower Fe content, whereas the aconitase (ACO) activity kept steady during the whole flowering process. Moreover, shading treatment significantly reduced Fe accumulation and NiR, SDH, and ACO activities of the full blooming flowers. Seventeen Fe-S cluster biosynthesis genes were down-regulated in response to a shading treatment. In particular, plastid sulfur mobilization genes were sensitive to the shading treatment.  相似文献   

Pyrazofurin, a pyrimidine nucleoside analogue with antineoplastic activity, inhibits cell proliferation and DNA synthesis in cells by inhibiting uridine 5'-phosphate (UMP) synthase. It has been previously shown in concanavalin A (con A)-stimulated guinea pig lymphocytes (23) that pyrazofurin-inhibited DNA synthesis could be selectively reversed by exogenous uridine (Urd). In this report, we have examined possible mechanisms for the Urd reversal with experiments that determine the ability of exogenous Urd to (a) interfere with either the intracellular transport of pyrazofurin, or the conversion of pyrazofurin to its intracellularly active form, pyrazofurin-5'-phosphate; (b) reverse the pyrazofurin block of [14C]orotic acid incorporation into DNA; and (c) alter the pattern of exogenous [3H]Urd incorporation into DNA-thymine (DNA-Thy) and DNA-cytosine (DNA-Cyt) during pyrazofurin inhibition of pyrimidine de novo biosynthesis. The results of these experiments showed that Urd reversal does not occur through altered pyrazofurin transport or intracellular conversion to pyrazofurin-5'-phosphate, nor does it alter the distribution of [3H]Urd in DNA-Thy and DNA-Cyt. Instead, these findings indicate that the primary mechanism for exogenous Urd reversal of pyrazofurin inhibition of DNA synthesis involves the reversal of pyrazofurin inhibition of UMP synthase, thus restoring orotic acid incorporation into lymphocyte DNA through the pyrimidine de novo pathway.  相似文献   

Shokes JE  Duin EC  Bauer C  Jaun B  Hedderich R  Koch J  Scott RA 《FEBS letters》2005,579(7):1741-1744
Heterodisulfide reductase (HDR) catalyzes the formation of coenzyme M (CoM-SH) and coenzyme B (CoB-SH) by the reversible reduction of the heterodisulfide, CoM-S-S-CoB. This reaction recycles the two thiol coenzymes involved in the final step of microbial methanogenesis. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and variable-temperature magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopic experiments on oxidized HDR incubated with CoM-SH revealed a S=1/2 [4Fe-4S]3) cluster, the EPR spectrum of which is broadened in the presence of CoM-33SH [Duin, E.C., Madadi-Kahkesh, S., Hedderich, R., Clay, M.D. and Johnson, M.K. (2002) Heterodisulfide reductase from Methanothermobacter marburgensis contains an active-site [4Fe-4S] cluster that is directly involved in mediating heterodisulfide reduction. FEBS Lett. 512, 263-268; Duin, E.C., Bauer, C., Jaun, B. and Hedderich, R. (2003) Coenzyme M binds to a [4Fe-4S] cluster in the active site of heterodisulfide reductase as deduced from EPR studies with the [33S]coenzyme M-treated enzyme. FEBS Lett. 538, 81-84]. These results provide indirect evidence that the disulfide binds to the iron-sulfur cluster during reduction. We report here direct structural evidence for this interaction from Se X-ray absorption spectroscopic investigation of HDR treated with the selenium analog of coenzyme M (CoM-SeH). Se K edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure confirms a direct interaction of the Se in CoM-SeH-treated HDR with an Fe atom of the Fe-S cluster at an Fe-Se distance of 2.4A.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster-containing proteins relies on assistance of complex machineries. To date three systems, NIF, ISC, and SUF, were reported to allow maturation of Fe-S proteins. Here we report that the csdA-csdE (formally ygdK) genes of Escherichia coli constitute a sulfur-generating system referred to as CSD which also contributes to Fe-S biogenesis in vivo. This conclusion was reached by applying a thorough combination of both in vivo and in vitro strategies and techniques. Yeast two-hybrid analysis allowed us to show that CsdA and CsdE interact. Enzymology analysis showed that CsdA cysteine desulfurase activity is increased 2-fold in the presence of CsdE. Mass spectrometry analysis and site-directed mutagenesis showed that residue Cys-61 from CsdE acted as an acceptor site for sulfur provided by cysteine desulfurase activity of CsdA. Genetic investigations revealed that the csdA-csdE genes could act as multicopy suppressors of iscS mutation. Moreover, both in vitro and in vivo investigations pointed to a specific connection between the CSD system and quinolinate synthetase NadA.  相似文献   

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