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Su T  Xu J  Li Y  Lei L  Zhao L  Yang H  Feng J  Liu G  Ren D 《The Plant cell》2011,23(1):364-380
Camalexin, a major phytoalexin in Arabidopsis thaliana, consists of an indole ring and a thiazole ring. The indole ring is produced from Trp, which is converted to indole-3-acetonitrile (IAN) by CYP79B2/CYP79B3 and CYP71A13. Conversion of Cys(IAN) to dihydrocamalexic acid and subsequently to camalexin is catalyzed by CYP71B15. Recent studies proposed that Cys derivative, not Cys itself, is the precursor of the thiazole ring that conjugates with IAN. The nature of the Cys derivative and how it conjugates to IAN and subsequently forms Cys(IAN) remain obscure. We found that protein accumulation of multiple glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), elevation of GST activity, and consumption of glutathione (GSH) coincided with camalexin production. GSTF6 overexpression increased and GSTF6-knockout reduced camalexin production. Arabidopsis GSTF6 expressed in yeast cells catalyzed GSH(IAN) formation. GSH(IAN), (IAN)CysGly, and γGluCys(IAN) were determined to be intermediates within the camalexin biosynthetic pathway. Inhibitor treatments and mutant analyses revealed the involvement of γ-glutamyl transpeptidases (GGTs) and phytochelatin synthase (PCS) in the catabolism of GSH(IAN). The expression of GSTF6, GGT1, GGT2, and PCS1 was coordinately upregulated during camalexin biosynthesis. These results suggest that GSH is the Cys derivative used during camalexin biosynthesis, that the conjugation of GSH with IAN is catalyzed by GSTF6, and that GGTs and PCS are involved in camalexin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

ROS perception in Arabidopsis thaliana: the ozone-induced calcium response   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ozone is responsible for more crop losses than any other air pollutant. The changes in gene expression, which occur in plants in response to ozone, have been well characterized, yet little is known about how ozone is perceived or the signal transduction steps that follow. The earliest characterized response to ozone is an elevation in cytosolic-free calcium, which takes place within seconds of exposure. In this study, the calcium response to ozone was investigated in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings using a variety of fumigation protocols. Ozone elicited distinct calcium responses in the aerial tissue and roots of seedlings. The calcium response in the cotyledons and leaves was biphasic and sensitive to the rate at which the ozone concentration increased. The response in the root was monophasic and insensitive to the rate of increase in ozone concentration. Experiments utilizing inhibitors of antioxidant metabolism demonstrated that the magnitude of the first peak in calcium in the aerial tissues was dependent upon the redox status of the plant. Seedlings were shown to be able to distinguish between ozone and hydrogen peroxide, producing a calcium signal in response to one of these reactive oxygen species (ROS) when they had become refractory to the other. Pre-treatment with ozone altered the calcium response to hydrogen peroxide and vice versa, indicating that the calcium response to a given ROS may reflect the stress history of the plant. These data suggest ROS signalling is more sophisticated than previously realized and raise questions over current models of ozone perception.  相似文献   

Camalexin is a phytoalexin of Arabidopsis thaliana and an important component of inducible defenses. Accurate quantification of low concentrations suffers from interference by structurally related metabolites. A. thaliana plants were induced with silver nitrate and camalexin was extracted using methanol and identified and quantified by (i) TLC as a blue fluorescent band, (ii) microtiter plate-based fluorescence spectroscopy, (iii) GC on a midpolar column coupled to flame ionization detection, (iv) C18 HPLC coupled to a photodiode detector, and (v) UPLC coupled to a mass spectrometer detector. Standard curves over the range of 0.1–15 μg ml−1 gave R2 values from 0.996 to 0.999. The different methods were compared and evaluated for their ability to detect and quantify increasing concentrations (<0.4–8 μg g−1 FW) of camalexin. Each of the techniques presented advantages and disadvantages with regard to accuracy, precision, interference, analytical sensitivity, and limits of detection. TLC is a good qualitative technique for the identification of camalexin and fluorescence spectroscopy is subject to quenching when performed on crude extracts. Comparable results were obtained with GC–FID, HPLC–PDA, and UPLC–MS, with UPLC–MS having the added advantage of short analysis times and detection based on accurate mass.  相似文献   

The principal phytoalexin that accumulates in Arabidopsis thaliana after infection by fungi or bacteria is 3-thiazol-2'-yl-indole (camalexin). Detached noninoculated leaves of Arabidopsis and leaves inoculated with the fungus Cochliobolus carbonum were fed [35S]cysteine (Cys) and [35S]methionine. Inoculated leaves incorporated more than a 200-fold greater amount of radioactivity from [35S]Cys into camalexin, as compared with noninoculated leaves. The amount of radioactivity from [35S]Cys that was incorporated into camalexin from inoculated Arabidopsis leaves was 10-fold greater than the amount of radioactivity that was incorporated into camalexin from [35S]methionine. Additional labeling experiments were performed to determine whether other atoms of Cys are incorporated into camalexin. [14C]Cys and [35S]Cys were incorporated into camalexin with approximately the same efficiency. Cys labeled either with deuterium (D3-Cys[2,3,3]) or 13C and 15N ([U-13C,15N]Cys) was also fed to inoculated leaves of Arabidopsis; camalexin was analyzed by mass spectroscopic analysis. The average ratio of molecular ion intensities of 203/200 for [U-13C,15N]Cys-labeled camalexin was 4.22, as compared with 0.607 for the average 203/200 ratio for unlabeled camalexin. The mass fragment-ion intensity ratios of 60/58 (thiazole ring ion fragment) and 143/142 were also higher for [U-13C,15N]Cys-labeled camalexin, as compared with unlabeled camalexin. The 59/58 and 201/200 ratios were higher for D3-Cys-labeled camalexin as compared with unlabeled camalexin. These data are consistent with the predicted formation of the thiazole ring of camalexin from Cys.  相似文献   

Plants exposed to stress pass the memory of exposure to stress to the progeny. Previously, we showed that the phenomenon of transgenerational memory of stress is of epigenetic nature and depends on the function of Dicer-like (DCL) 2 and DCL3 proteins. Here, we discuss a possible role of DNA methylation and function of small RNAs in establishing and maintaining transgenerational responses to stress. Our new data report that memory of stress is passed to the progeny predominantly through the female rather than male gamete. Possible evolutionary advantages of this mechanism are also discussed.Key words: transgenerational response to stress, Arabidopsis thaliana, maternal inheritance, methylation changes, homologous recombination frequency, genome instability, adaptive response, dcl2, dcl3Plants are sedentary organisms and thus can not respond to rapidly changing growth conditions by escaping to new environments as animals usually do. Moreover, since seed dispersal is rather limited in the vast majority of plants, the progeny is very likely to grow under the same environmental growth conditions as its parents did. The memory of pre-existing growth conditions can be advantageous for plant survival. The environmental experience of parents can be recorded in the form of induced epigenetic modifications that occur in somatic cell lineages. The very late, almost at the end of plant development, separation of germline cells from somatic tissues enables incorporation of acquired epigenetic changes in the gametes. Indeed, previous reports suggested that the progeny of exposed plants might have an advantage while growing in the same environment as its parents.13 Despite a growing number of experimental evidences that support the existence of the phenomenon of memory of stress, the data on adaptive changes in the progeny of stressed plants are scarce.Parental exposure to stress may not only lead to adaptive effects in progeny but also introduce a certain degree of changes in genome stability.49 Our early report showed that the progeny of tobacco plants infected with tobacco mosaic virus had an increased meiotic recombination frequency.8 A more recent report demonstrated that these progeny plants had a higher frequency of rearrangements at the loci carrying the homology to N-gene-like R-gene loci, allowing speculations about a possible role of these rearrangements in pathogen resistance evolution.9 Similarly, a study of Molinier et al. (2006) showed that the progeny of plants exposed to UVC or flagellin had an increased frequency of somatic homologous recombination events (HRF).4 The authors demonstrated that an increase in HRF triggered by a single exposure to UVC was maintained for five consecutive generations in the absence of stress. In contrast, our most recent reports demonstrated that maintaining an increase in HRF caused by ancestral exposure to heat, cold, flood, UVC or salt required exposure to stress in subsequent generations: if F1 plants were propagated for one more generation without stress, the effect diminished and HRF returned back to the level observed in the progeny of untreated plants.6,7 This scenario seems to be more probable from an evolutionary point of view. Within a given environmental niche, plants establish certain genetic and epigenetic traits needed to cope with the expected growth conditions. Drastic environmental changes or new unusual stresses may trigger a cascade of gene expression changes in attempt to survive and adapt to new conditions. Some of these potentially advantageous changes are most probably recorded in the form of DNA methylation and chromatin modifications and are passed to progeny as memory of stress exposure.It can be further hypothesized that if these new environmental conditions are no longer present during the lifespan of future generations, the newly established methylation patterns and chromatin organization will return to the original epigenetic landscape that was the most adequate fit for this environmental niche. If the same new stresses occur in consecutive generations, the newly established epigenetic changes will be maintained and possibly stabilized after many generations of exposure.  相似文献   

Plants must constantly adjust their growth and defense responses to deal with the wide variety of stresses they encounter in their environment. Among phytohormones, brassinosteroids (BRs) are an important group of plant steroid hormones involved in numerous aspects of the plant lifecycle including growth, development and responses to various stresses including insect attacks. Here, we show that BRs regulate glucosinolate (GS) biosynthesis and function in insect herbivory. Preference tests and larval feeding experiments using the generalist herbivore, diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), revealed that the larvae prefer to feed on Arabidopsis thaliana brassinosteroid insensitive 1 (bri1‐5) plants over wild‐type Ws‐2 or BRI1‐Flag (bri1‐5 background) transgenic plants, which results in an increase in larval weight. Analysis of GS contents showed that 3‐(methylsulfinyl) propyl GS (C3) levels were higher in bri1‐5 than in Ws2 and BRI1‐Flag transgenic plants, whereas sinigrin (2‐propenylglucosinolate), glucoerucin (4‐methylthiobutylglucosinolate) and glucobrassicin (indol‐3‐ylmethylglucosinolate) levels were lower in this mutant. We investigated the effect of brassinolide (BL) on GS biosynthesis in Arabidopsis and radish (Raphanus sativus L.) by monitoring the expression levels of GS biosynthetic genes, including MAM1, MAM3, BCAT4 and AOP2, which increased in a BL‐dependent manner. These results suggest that BRs regulate GS profiles in higher plants, which function in defense responses against insects.  相似文献   

Bacterial endotoxins or lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are unique glycolipids present in the outer cell membrane of all gram-negative bacteria. It is now generally recognized that LPS is of primary importance in initiating the pathophysiological changes that often accompany gram-negative bacillary infections in humans including hypotensive shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and metabolic abnormalities. Although the biochemical mechanisms of these changes are not well understood, increasing emphasis has been placed on defining the biochemical response of the macrophage (M phi) to LPS. In this paper we describe two M phi-derived factors induced by LPS that may be important in the expression of endotoxic activity in the host. These are a procoagulant activity, which is present on the cell membrane of LPS-treated rabbit liver M phi and acts by directly activating coagulation factor X, and a factor released into the supernatant by LPS-treated peritoneal exudate M phi, which suppresses steroidogenesis in explanted adrenocortical cells. The potential role of the M phi in regulating the binding of LPS to high-density lipoproteins through the induction of acute phase proteins is also considered.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana is known to produce the phytoalexin camalexin in response to abiotic and biotic stress. Here we studied the mechanisms of tolerance to camalexin in the fungus Botrytis cinerea , a necrotrophic pathogen of A. thaliana . Exposure of B. cinerea to camalexin induces expression of BcatrB , an ABC transporter that functions in the efflux of fungitoxic compounds. B. cinerea inoculated on wild-type A. thaliana plants yields smaller lesions than on camalexin-deficient A. thaliana mutants. A B. cinerea strain lacking functional BcatrB is more sensitive to camalexin in vitro and less virulent on wild-type plants, but is still fully virulent on camalexin-deficient mutants. Pre-treatment of A. thaliana with UV-C leads to increased camalexin accumulation and substantial resistance to B. cinerea. UV-C-induced resistance was not seen in the camalexin-deficient mutants cyp79B2/B3 , cyp71A13 , pad3 or pad2 , and was strongly reduced in ups1 . Here we demonstrate that an ABC transporter is a virulence factor that increases tolerance of the pathogen towards a phytoalexin, and the complete restoration of virulence on host plants lacking this phytoalexin.  相似文献   

We report the characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant, ups1, isolated on the basis of reduced expression of phosphoribosylanthranilate transferase, a tryptophan biosynthetic enzyme. ups1 also exhibits defects in a wide range of defence responses. After infection with Pseudomonas syringae or Botrytis cinerea, the expression of genes regulated by both the salicylic acid and jasmonic acid/ethylene pathways is reduced in ups1 compared with wild type. Camalexin accumulation in ups1 is greatly reduced after infection with these two pathogens, as well as after amino acid starvation or oxidative stress. Reactive oxygen species (ROS)-mediated gene expression is also compromised in ups1 indicating that this mutant is defective in signalling pathways activated in response to both biotic and abiotic stress. The fact that all three major defence signalling pathways are disrupted in ups1, together with the oxidative stress phenotype, leads us to suggest that UPS1 is involved in ROS signal transduction.  相似文献   

Genetic architecture of a selection response in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping has become an established and effective method for studying the genetic architecture of complex traits. In this report, we use a QTL mapping approach in combination with data from a large selection experiment in Arabidopsis thaliana to explore a response to selection of experimental populations with differentiated genetic backgrounds. Experimental populations with genetic backgrounds derived from ecotypes Landsberg and Niederzenz were exposed to multiple generations of fertility and viability selection. This selection resulted in phenotypic shifts in a number of life-history and fitness-related characters including early development time, flowering time, dry biomass, longevity, and fruit production. Quantitative trait loci were mapped for these traits and their positions were compared to previously characterized allele frequency changes in the experimental populations (Ungerer et al. 2003). Quantitative trait locus positions largely colocalized with genomic regions under strong and consistent selection in populations with differentiated genetic backgrounds, suggesting that alleles for these traits were selected similarly in differentiated genetic backgrounds. However, one QTL region exhibited a more variable response; being positively selected on one genetic background but apparently neutral in another. This study demonstrates how QTL mapping approaches can be combined with map-based population genetic data to study how selection acts on standing genetic variation in populations.  相似文献   

In plants, the lysine biosynthetic pathway is an attractive target for both the development of herbicides and increasing the nutritional value of crops given that lysine is a limiting amino acid in cereals. Dihydrodipicolinate synthase (DHDPS) and dihydrodipicolinate reductase (DHDPR) catalyse the first two committed steps of lysine biosynthesis. Here, we carry out for the first time a comprehensive characterisation of the structure and activity of both DHDPS and DHDPR from Arabidopsis thaliana. The A. thaliana DHDPS enzyme (At-DHDPS2) has similar activity to the bacterial form of the enzyme, but is more strongly allosterically inhibited by (S)-lysine. Structural studies of At-DHDPS2 show (S)-lysine bound at a cleft between two monomers, highlighting the allosteric site; however, unlike previous studies, binding is not accompanied by conformational changes, suggesting that binding may cause changes in protein dynamics rather than large conformation changes. DHDPR from A. thaliana (At-DHDPR2) has similar specificity for both NADH and NADPH during catalysis, and has tighter binding of substrate than has previously been reported. While all known bacterial DHDPR enzymes have a tetrameric structure, analytical ultracentrifugation, and scattering data unequivocally show that At-DHDPR2 exists as a dimer in solution. The exact arrangement of the dimeric protein is as yet unknown, but ab initio modelling of x-ray scattering data is consistent with an elongated structure in solution, which does not correspond to any of the possible dimeric pairings observed in the X-ray crystal structure of DHDPR from other organisms. This increased knowledge of the structure and function of plant lysine biosynthetic enzymes will aid future work aimed at improving primary production.  相似文献   

Flavonoid diversity and biosynthesis in seed of Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Functional characterization of genes involved in the flavonoid metabolism and its regulation requires in-depth analysis of flavonoid structure and composition of seed from the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, we report an analysis of the diverse and specific flavonoids that accumulate during seed development and maturation in wild types and mutants. Wild type seed contained more than 26 different flavonoids belonging to flavonols (mono and diglycosylated quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin derivatives) and flavan-3-ols (epicatechin monomers and soluble procyanidin polymers with degrees of polymerization up to 9). Most of them are described for the first time in Arabidopsis. Interestingly, a novel group of four biflavonols that are dimers of quercetin-rhamnoside was also detected. Quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside (the major flavonoid), biflavonols, epicatechin and procyanidins accumulated in the seed coat in contrast to diglycosylated flavonols that were essentially observed in the embryo. Epicatechin, procyanidins and an additional quercetin-rhamnoside-hexoside derivative were synthesized in large quantities during seed development, whereas quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside displayed two peaks of accumulation. Finally, 11 mutants affected in known structural or regulatory functions of the pathway and their three corresponding wild types were also studied. Flavonoid profiles of the mutants were consistent with previous predictions based on genetic and molecular data. In addition, they also revealed the presence of new products in seed and underlined the plasticity of this metabolic pathway in the mutants.  相似文献   

Accumulation of proline has been observed in a large number of plant species in response to drought and salt stresses, suggesting a key role of this amino acid in plant stress adaptation. Upstream components of the proline biosynthesis signal transduction pathways are still poorly defined. We provide experimental evidence that phospholipase D (PLD) is involved in the regulation of proline metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. The application of primary butyl alcohols, which divert part of PLD-derived phosphatidic acid by transphosphatidylation, stimulated proline biosynthesis even without hyperosmotic constraints. Moreover, application of primary butyl alcohols enhanced the proline responsiveness of seedlings to mild hyperosmotic stress. These data indicate that some PLDs are negative regulators of proline biosynthesis and that plants present a higher proline responsiveness to hyperosmotic stress when this regulator is abolished. We clearly demonstrate that PLD signaling for proline biosynthesis is similar to RD29A gene expression and different from the abscisic acid-dependent RAB18 gene expression. Our data reveal that PLDs play positive and negative roles in hyperosmotic stress signal transduction in plants, contributing to a precise regulation of ion homeostasis and plant salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Peptides corresponding to the most conserved domain of eubacterial flagellin act as potent elicitors in cells of different plant species. In intact Arabidposis thaliana seedlings these peptides (flg22 and flg15) caused callose deposition, induction of genes coding for pathogenesis-related proteins and a strong inhibition of growth. Half-maximal growth inhibition occurred at peptide concentrations of approximately 100 nM. In contrast, peptides representing the corresponding flagellin domains of the plant-associated bacteria A. tumefaciens and R. meliloti were inactive even at concentrations of 10 microM. With the exception of Ws-0, all ecotypes of A. thaliana tested were sensitive to flg22. Crosses of Ws-0 with the sensitive ecotypes Col-0 and La-er, respectively, resulted in sensitive F1 seedlings. In the F2 generation of both crosses, sensitivity segregated as a single trait with markers of chromosome 5 and a ratio of 3:1. Dominance of the locus sensing flagellin, termed FLS-1, suggests that it encodes an element which is important for the perception of the flagellin signal.  相似文献   

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