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cDNA cloning and expression of a potato (Solanum tuberosum) invertase   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A cDNA clone encoding an invertase isoenzyme has been isolated from a potato leaf cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence shows significant similarities to previously characterised invertases. The highest degree of overall similarity, including the signal peptide sequence, is to carrot cell wall invertase, suggesting that the potato gene encodes an apoplastic enzyme. Expression of the gene, as determined by RT-PCR, is detected in stem and leaf tissue, and at lower levels in tuber, but is absent from roots.  相似文献   

We report the cloning of a cDNA and two corresponding -globin genes of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) as well as two genes for -globins. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the cDNA shows that the predicted -globin peptide comprises 148 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 16,127 Da and an overall amino acid similarity of 40–50% to higher vertebrates and 60–90% to fish sequences. The study of the genomic organization of - and -globin genes shows that, as is the case in Xenopus, the salmon genes are adjacent. Two sets of linked - and -globin genes were isolated and restriction-enzyme polymorphisms indicate that they belong to two distinct loci, possibly as a result of the salmon tetraploidy. In each locus the - and -globin genes are oriented 3 to 3 relative to each other with the RNA coding sequences located on opposite DNA strands. This is the first evidence for this type of arrangement found for globin genes. Moreover, while the linkage found in salmon and Xenopus supports the hypothesis of an initial tandem duplication of a globin ancestor gene, our results raise the question of the actual original orientation of the duplicated genes. Correspondence to: F. Gannon  相似文献   

Two transgenic lines of mice were produced which contained the S Antilles- and 2-hemoglobin genes trandemly coupled to the micro locus control region (LCR). The LCRS Antilles2-hemoglobin transgenic mice expressed high levels of 2-hemoglobin while S Antilles-hemoglobin expression was virtually undetectable. Abundant 2-hemoglobin protein was observed in the blood of transgenic mice, while S Antilles-hemoglobin chains could not be detected. Transgenic red blood cells had substantially decreased sensitivity to osmotic lysis. Attempts to produce homozygotes containing the transgene were unsuccessful. The phenotype of these mice closely resembles that of -thalassemic mice. The LCRS Antilles2 transgenic mice demonstrate that if the LCR is coupled to the S Antilles- and 2-hemoglobin genes in tandem, only the distal 2-hemoglobin gene is selected for expression to significant levels in adult mice. These results support a reciprocally competitive model for LCR-hemoglobin developmental switching.  相似文献   

The desymmetrisation of endo-norborn-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic anhydride by proline esters has been used to prepare conformationally constrained pseudo-peptides with two peptide chains parallel to one another. A Curtius rearrangement on the desymmetrisation adduct produced the corresponding isocyanate which was used to prepare both a peptide incorporating an endo-2-amino-3-carboxy-norborn-5-ene unit, and a pseudo-peptide with two peptide chains parallel to one another but offset by the presence of a urea unit. The conformational analysis of the resulting peptides was carried out, and the norbornene unit was found to induce the formation of -turns and parallel -sheets.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of clavulanic acid and related clavam metabolites is only now being elucidated. Understanding of this pathway has resulted from a combination of both biochemical studies of purified biosynthetic enzymes, and molecular genetic studies of the genes encoding these enzymes. Clavulanic acid biosynthesis has been most thoroughly investigated in Streptomyces clavuligerus where the biosynthetic gene cluster resides immediately adjacent to the cluster of cephamycin biosynthetic genes. A minimum of eight structural genes have been implicated in clavulanic acid biosynthesis, although more are probably involved. While details of the early and late steps of the pathway remain unclear, synthesis proceeds from arginine and pyruvate, as the most likely primary metabolic precursors, through the monocyclic -lactam intermediate, proclavaminic acid, to the bicyclic intermediate, clavaminic acid, which is a branch point leading either to clavulanic acid or the other clavams. Conversion of clavaminic acid to clavulanic acid requires side chain modfication as well as inversion of ring stereochemistry. This stereochemical change occurs coincident with acquisition of the -lactamase inhibitory activity which gives clavulanic acid its therapeutic and commercial importance. In contrast, the other clavam metabolites all arise from clavaminic acid with retention of configuration and lack -lactamase inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Incubation of -lactoglobulin with immobilized trypsin at 5–10°C results in a time-dependent release of several fragments of the core domain in yields approaching 15%. Digests were fractionated by ion-exchange chromatography with a Mono Q HR5/5 column and analyzed after disulfide reduction by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate. Three fragments with approximate molecular weights of 13.8, 9.6, and 6.7 kD were identified. The fraction from ion-exchange chromatography yielding the 6.7 kD fraction after disulfide reduction was further characterized because it was most homogeneous and gave the highest yield. The C-terminal cleavage site of the 6.7 kD core fragment appeared to be Lys100 or Lys101 as determined by C-terminal amino acid analysis. The exact masses, after reduction with dithiothreitol, are 6195 and 6926 as determined by laser desorption mass spectrometry, corresponding to residues 48–101 and 41–100. Prior to reduction, -lactoglobulin C-terminal residues 149–162 are connected to these core domain fragments as shown by C-terminal analysis and mass spectrometry. Structural studies indicate that these 7.9 and 8.6 kD core domain fragments released by immobilized trypsin retain much of their native structure. CD spectra indicate the presence of antiparallel -sheet structure similar to the native protein but the -helix is lost. Spectra in the aromatic region indicate the existence of tertiary structure. Moreover, structural transitions in urea are completely reversible as measured by CD spectra, although the extrapolated G D H20 and the urea concentration at the transition midpoint are lower than for the native protein. The core domain fragments also display apH-dependent binding to immobilizedtrans-retinal as does intact protein. A single endotherm is obtained for both core domain fragments and native protein upon differential scanning calorimetry, but again, the domain is less stable as indicated by a transition peak maxima of 56.9°C as compared with 81.1°C for native protein.Abbreviations used: CD, circular dichroism; CPG, controlled pore glass; DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; DTT, dithiothreitol; FPLC, fast flow liquid chromatography; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; PITC, phenylisothiocyanate; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; TEA, triethylamine; UV, ultraviolet.  相似文献   

Our recent data implicated small molecular weight G-proteins (e.g., H-Ras) in interleukin 1beta (IL 1beta)-induced metabolic dysfunction and apoptotic demise of the islet beta cell (Tannous et al., Biochem Pharmacol 2001; 62:1459-1468, Kowluru and Morgan, Biochem Pharmacol, 2002; 63:1027-1035, Chen et al. Biochem Pharmacol, 2003; 66:1681-1694). Recently, we have shown that mastoparan, a tetradecapeptide from wasp venom, has been shown to directly activate islet endogenous G-proteins and regulate islet function (Amin et al., Endocrinology 2003; 144: 4508-4518). Herein, we investigated potential contributory roles, if any, of mastoparan (Mas)-sensitive G-proteins in IL-induced nitric oxide (NO) release from insulin-secreting HIT-T15 cells. While, ineffective by itself, Mas significantly potentiated IL-induced NO release from HIT-T15 cells. Interestingly, Mas-17, an inactive analog of Mas, also potentiated IL-induced NO release, suggesting that the potentiating effect of Mas may not involve activation of specific G-proteins. Such potentiating effects on IL-induced NO release were also demonstrable in the presence of another polycationic compound, melittin. Together, these findings suggest that Mas-induced potentiation of IL-induced NO release may in part be due to its amphiphilic and polycationic nature. These data also warrant caution in the use of Mas to study its regulation of cellular function without the use of an appropriate negative control, such as Mas-17.  相似文献   

The effect of intraperitoneal administration of tocopherol (100 mg/kg wt/24 h) on ascorbate (0.4 mM) induced lipid peroxidation of mitochondria and microsomes isolated from rat liver and testis was studied. Special attention was paid to the changes produced on the highly polyunsaturated fatty acids C20:4 n6 and C22:6 n3 in liver and C20:4 n6 and C22:5 n6 in testis. The lipid peroxidation of liver mitochondria or microsomes produced a significant decrease of C20:4 n6 and C22:6 n3 in the control group, whereas changes in the fatty acid composition of the tocopherol treated group were not observed. The light emission was significantly higher in the control than in the tocopherol treated group. The lipid peroxidation of testis microsomes isolated from the tocopherol group produced a significant decrease of C20:4 n6 , C22:5 n6 and C22:6 n3, these changes were not observed in testis mitochondria. The light emission of both groups was similar. The treatment with tocopherol at the dose and times indicated showed a protector effect on the polyunsaturated fatty acids of liver mitochondria, microsomes and testis mitochondria, whereas those fatty acids situated in testis microsomes were not protected during non enzymatic ascorbateFe2+ lipid peroxidation. The protector effect observed by tocopherol treatment in the fatty acid composition of rat testis mitochondria but not in microsomes could be explained if we consider that the sum of C20:4 n6 + C22:5 n6 in testis microsomes is 2-fold than that present in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the regulation of spatial and temporal expression of the homeotic gene Antennapedia (Antp) in Drosophila melanogaster, we have constructed fusion genes which contain Antp sequences linked to the reporter gene lac Z of Escherichia coli. In one case of P-element transformation, a fusion gene construct integrated into the endogenous Antp gene close to one of the two promoters (P1). The spatial expression from the reporter gene in this transformant line, as analysed by the detection of -galactosidase activity, was found to exactly mimic the normal expression from the P1 promoter of the Antp gene. We have used this unique transformant as a tool for studying the expression of the P1 promoter in embryonic, larval and adult development. Parallel lines transformed with the same fusion gene construct did not confer a correct P1 pattern of expression. The position in the genome was, therefore, crucial for the expression pattern of the reporter gene. Experiments aiming at the detection of autoregulatory control of Antp gene expression were designed. The results did not, however, support models of positive or negative autoregulation of P1 expression by Amp protein.  相似文献   

The white rot basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium metabolized 4-ethoxy-3-methoxyphenyl-glycerol--guaiacyl ether (V) in low nitrogen, stationary cultures under which conditions the ligninolytic enzyme system is expressed. 4-Ethoxy-3-methoxyphenylglycerol XIII, guaicol and 4-ethoxy-3-methoxybenzyl alcohol (II) were isolated as metabolic products. Exogenously added XIII was rapidly converted to 4-ethoxy-3-methoxybenzyl alcohol indicating that it is an intermediate in the metabolism of V. P. chrysosporium also metabolized 1-(4-ethoxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-3-hydroxypropane VI. The degradation pathway for this dimer also included initial -ether cleavage and -hydroxylation of the diol product 1-(4-ethoxy-3-methoxyphenyl) 2,3 dihydroxypropane (XI) to yield the triol XIII which was cleaved at the , bond to yield 4-ethoxy-3-methoxybenzyl alcohol. Finally P. chrysosporium also cleaved the dimer 1-(4-ethoxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)-1-hydroxypropane (VIII) at the -ether linkage yielding 1-(4-ethoxy-3-methoxyphenyl) 1,2 dihydroxypropane (IX) which was subsequently cleaved at the , bond to yield II. All of the results indicate that oxidative -ether cleavage is an important initial reaction in the metabolism of -aryl ether lignin substructure dimeric compounds. Metabolities were identified after comparison with chemically synthesized standards by gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.Abbreviations GLC Gas liquid chromatography - TMSi trimethylsilyl - TLC thin layer chromatography  相似文献   

We have developed a method for fast and efficient isolation of enzyme genes from filamentous fungi by combining the ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to express heterologous genes with the utilisation of sensitive and reliable enzyme assays. A cDNA library from the fungus Humicola insolens was constructed in a S. cerevisiae/Escherichia coli shuttle vector in E. coli. Sub-pools of the library were subsequently screened for enzyme activity in S. cerevisiae. More than 130 clones were identified as positive in either an endo--glucanase or an endo-xylanase assay. Based on a partial characterization of the DNA sequence of the individual clones, they could be grouped into five distinct types of endo--glucanases and three types of endo-xylanases. A representative cDNA from each type was sub-cloned in an Aspergillus vector and expressed in A. oryzae. The new cloning method may be an important alternative to traditional cloning methods based on amino acid sequence information.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the bglA gene region encoding a -glucosidase of Thermotoga maritima strain MSB8 was determined. The bglA gene has the potential to code for a polypeptide of 446 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 51545 Da. The T, maritima -glucosidase (BglA) was overexpressed in E. coli at a level comprising approximately 15–20% of soluble cellular protein. Based on its amino acid sequence, as deduced from the nucleotide sequence of the gene, BglA can be classified as a broad-specificity -glucosidase and as a member of the -glucosidase family BGA, in agreement with the results of enzymatic characterization of the recombinant protein. Comparative sequence analysis revealed distant amino acid sequence similarities between BGA family -glucosidases, a -xylosidase, -1,4-glycanases of the enzyme family F (mostly xylanases), and other families of -1,4-glycosyl hydrolases. This result indicates that BGA -glucosidases may comprise one enzyme family within a large enzyme order of retaining -glycosyl hydrolases, and that the members of these enzyme groups may be inter-related at the level of active site architecture and perhaps even on the level of overall three-dimensional fold.  相似文献   

-N-Acetyl-d-hexosaminidase from Aspergillus oryzae catalysed the stereo- and regiospecific formation of the 6-O-benzylated disaccharide derivatives GalNAc1-3(6- OBn)Gal-SEt and GlcNAc1-3(6-OBn)Gal-SEt, which were obtained in transglycosylation reactions employing ethyl 6- O-benzyl-1-thio--d-galactopyranoside as acceptor. Preparative amounts of the chitobiose derivative GlcNAc1- 3GlcNAc-OPhNO2-p was prepared as well. - N-Acetyl-d-hexosaminidase from bovine testes catalysed the specific synthesis of GlcNAc1-3(6-OBn)GlcNH2-SEt and GalNAc1-3(6-OBn)GlcNH2-SEt, employing ethyl 2-amino-6-O-benzyl-2-deoxy-1-thio--d-glucopyranoside as acceptor. -d-Glucuronidase from E. coli was found to catalyse the formation of GlcA1-3(6-OBn)GlcNH2- SEt employing the same acceptor.  相似文献   

2-(4-Methoxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexyl--d-glucopyra nosides (1b and 2b) and 2-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexyl--d-galactopy ranosides (1c and 2c), models for glycosidic juvenogens, were synthesized using either D-glucose or D-galactose [in their natural form (3 and 5) or activated form (4 and 6)], and the respective racemic cis or trans isomers of 2-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexanol (1a and 2a) by either enzymic reverse hydrolysis or transglycosylation under both standard heating and microwave irradiation. Commercially available almond -glucosidase (EC or -galactosidase (EC from Escherichia coli were employed using different acetonitrile/water mixtures [9/1 (v/v) for the reverse hydrolysis, and 4/1 (v/v) for the transglycosylation].  相似文献   

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