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The production of alpha-amylase, pullulanase, and alpha-glucosidase and the formation of fermentation products by the newly isolated thermophilic Clostridium sp. strain EM1 were investigated in continuous culture with a defined medium and an incubation temperature of 60 degrees C. Enzyme production and excretion were greatly influenced by the dilution rate and the pH of the medium. The optimal values for the formation of starch-hydrolyzing enzymes were a pH of 5.9 and a dilution rate of 0.075 to 0.10 per h. Increase of the dilution rate from 0.1 to 0.3 per h caused a drastic drop in enzyme production. The ethanol concentration and optical density of the culture, however, remained almost constant. Growth limitation in the chemostat with 1% (wt/vol) starch was found optimal for enzyme production. Under these conditions 2,800 U of pullulanase per liter and 1,450 U of alpha-amylase per liter were produced; the amounts excreted were 70 and 55%, respectively.  相似文献   

A β-amylase-overproducing mutant of Clostridium thermosulfurogenes was grown in continuous culture on soluble starch to produce thermostable β-amylase. Enzyme productivity was reasonably stable over periods of weeks to months. The pH and temperature optima for β-amylase production were pH 6.0 and 60°C, respectively. Enzyme concentration was maximized by increasing biomass concentration by using high substrate concentrations and by maintaining a low growth rate. β-Amylase concentration reached 90 U ml−1 at a dilution rate of 0.07 h−1 in a 3% starch medium. A further increase in enzyme activity levels was limited by acetic acid inhibition of growth and low β-amylase productivity at low growth rates.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermosulfurogenes EM1 formed blebs, i.e., protrusions still in contact with the cytoplasmic membrane, that originated from the cytoplasmic membrane during growth in batch culture and continuous culture. They could be observed squeezed between the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane in cells with seemingly intact wall layers (surface layer and peptidoglycan layer) as well as in cells with wall layers in different states of degradation caused by phosphate limitation or high dilution rates. Blebs were found to turn into membrane vesicles by constriction in cases when the cell wall was heavily degraded. Bleb and vesicle formation was also observed in the absence of substrates that induce α-amylase and pullulanase synthesis. No correlations existed between bleb formation and the presence of active enzyme. Similar blebs could also be observed in a number of other gram-positive bacteria not producing these enzymes, but they were not observed in gram-negative bacteria. For immunoelectron-microscopic localization of α-amylase and pullulanase in C. thermosulfurogenes EM1, two different antisera were applied. One was raised against the enzymes isolated from the culture fluid; the other was produced against a peptide synthesized, as a defined epitope, in analogy to the N-terminal amino acid sequence (21 amino acids) of the native extracellular α-amylase. By using these antisera, α-amylase and pullulanase were localized at the cell periphery in samples taken from continuous culture or batch culture. In samples prepared for electron microscopy by freeze substitution followed by ultrathin sectioning, blebs could be seen, and the immunolabel pinpointing α-amylase enzyme particles was seen not only randomly distributed in the cell periphery, but also lining the surface of the cytoplasmic membrane and the blebs. Cells exhibiting high or virtually no enzyme activity were labeled similarly with both antisera. This finding strongly suggests that α-amylase and pullulanase may occur in both active and inactive forms, depending on growth conditions.  相似文献   

A thermostable amylase, possibly a β-amylase from Thermoactinomyces sp. no. 2 isolated from soil, is reported. The enzyme was purified 36-fold by acetone precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography, and Sephadex G-200 gel filtration, and the molecular weight was estimated at 31,600. The enzyme was characterized by demonstration of optimum activity at 60°C and pH 7 and by retention of 70% activity at 70°C (30 min). It was stimulated by Mn2+ and Fe2+ but strongly inhibited by Hg2+. Maltose was the only detectable product of hydrolysis of starches and was quantitatively highest in plantain starch hydrolysate.  相似文献   

α-Amylase production was examined in the ruminal anaerobic fungus Neocallimastix frontalis. The enzyme was released mainly into the culture fluid and had temperature and pH optima of 55°C and 5.5, respectively, and the apparent Km for starch was 0.8 mg ml−1. The products of α-amylase action were mainly maltotriose, maltotetraose, and longer-chain oligosaccharides. No activity of the enzyme was observed towards these compounds or pullulan, but activity on amylose was similar to starch. Evidence for the endo action of α-amylase was also obtained from experiments which showed that the reduction in iodine-staining capacity and release in reducing power by action on amylose was similar to that for commercial α-amylase. Activities of α-amylase up to 4.4 U ml−1 (1 U represents 1 μmol of glucose equivalents released per min) were obtained for cultures grown on 2.5 mg of starch ml−1 in shaken cultures. No growth occurred in unshaken cultures. With elevated concentrations of starch (>2.5 mg ml−1), α-amylase production declined and glucose accumulated in the cultures. Addition of glucose to cultures grown on low levels of starch, in which little glucose accumulated, suppressed α-amylase production, and in bisubstrate growth studies, active production of the enzyme only occurred during growth on starch after glucose had been preferentially utilized. When cellulose, cellobiose, glucose, xylan, and xylose were tested as growth substrates for the production of α-amylase (initial concentration, 2.5 mg ml−1), they were found to be less effective than starch, but maltose was almost as effective. The fungal α-amylase was found to be stable at 60°C in the presence of low concentrations of starch (≤5%), suggesting that it may be suitable for industrial application.  相似文献   

AmyL, an extracellular α-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis, is resistant to extracellular proteases secreted by Bacillus subtilis during growth. Nevertheless, when AmyL is produced and secreted by B. subtilis, it is subject to considerable cell-associated proteolysis. Cell-wall-bound proteins CWBP52 and CWBP23 are the processed products of the B. subtilis wprA gene. Although no activity has been ascribed to CWBP23, CWBP52 exhibits serine protease activity. Using a strain encoding an inducible wprA gene, we show that a product of wprA, most likely CWBP52, is involved in the posttranslocational stability of AmyL. A construct in which wprA is not expressed exhibits an increased yield of α-amylase. The potential role of wprA in protein secretion is discussed, together with implications for the use of B. subtilis and related bacteria as hosts for the secretion of heterologous proteins.  相似文献   

Sequencing upstream of the Streptococcus mutans gene for a CcpA gene homolog, regM, revealed an open reading frame, named amy, with homology to genes encoding α-amylases. The deduced amino acid sequence showed a strong similarity (60% amino acid identity) to the intracellular α-amylase of Streptococcus bovis and, in common with this enzyme, lacked a signal sequence. Amylase activity was found only in S. mutans cell extracts, with no activity detected in culture supernatants. Inactivation of amy by insertion of an antibiotic resistance marker confirmed that S. mutans has a single α-amylase activity. The amylase activity was induced by maltose but not by starch, and no acid was produced from starch. S. mutans can, however, transport limit dextrins and maltooligosaccharides generated by salivary amylase, but inactivation of amy did not affect growth on these substrates or acid production. The amylase digested the glycogen-like intracellular polysaccharide (IPS) purified from S. mutans, but the amy mutant was able to digest and produce acid from IPS; thus, amylase does not appear to be essential for IPS breakdown. However, when grown on excess maltose, the amy mutant produced nearly threefold the amount of IPS produced by the parent strain. The role of Amy has not been established, but Amy appears to be important in the accumulation of IPS in S. mutans grown on maltose.  相似文献   

A newly isolated bacterium, identified as Bacillus subtilis 65, was found to produce raw-starch-digesting α-amylase. The electrophoretically homogeneous preparation of enzyme (molecular weight, 68,000) digested and solubilized raw corn starch to glucose and maltose with small amounts of maltooligosaccharides ranging from maltotriose to maltoheptaose. This enzyme was different from other amylases and could digest raw potato starch almost as fast as it could corn starch, but it showed no adsorbability onto any kind of raw starch at any pH. The mixed preparation with Endomycopsis glucoamylase synergistically digested raw potato starch to glucose at 30°C. The raw-potato-starch-digesting α-amylase showed strong digestibility to small substrates, which hydrolyzed maltotriose to maltose and glucose, and hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl maltoside to p-nitrophenol and maltose, which is different from the capability of bacterial liquefying α-amylase.  相似文献   

Mutational experiments were carried out to decrease the protease productivity of Aspergillus ficum IFO 4320 by using N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. A protease-negative mutant, M-33, exhibited higher α-amylaseactivity than the parent strain under submerged culture at 30°C for 24 h. About 70% of the total α-amylase activity in the M-33 culture filtrate was adsorbed onto starch granules. The electrophoretically homogeneous preparation of raw-starch-adsorbable α-amylase (molecular weight, 88,000), acid stable at pH 2, showed intensive raw-starch-digesting activity, dissolving corn starch granules completely. The preparation also exhibited a high synergistic effect with glucoamylase I. A mutant, M-72, with higher protease activity produced a raw cornstarch-unadsorbable α-amylase. The purified enzyme (molecular weight, 54,000), acid unstable, showed no digesting activity on raw corn starch and a lower synergistic effect with glucoamylase I in the hydrolysis of raw corn starch. The fungal α-amylase was therefore divided into two types, a novel type of raw-starch-digesting enzyme and a conventional type of raw-starch-nondigesting enzyme.  相似文献   

Zeamatin is a 22-kDa protein isolated from Zea mays that has antifungal activity against human and plant pathogens. Unlike other pathogenesis-related group 5 proteins, zeamatin inhibits insect α-amylase and mammalian trypsin activities. It is of clinical significance that zeamatin did not inhibit human α-amylase activity and inhibited mammalian trypsin activity only at high molar concentrations.  相似文献   

The structural gene for a thermostable α-amylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus was cloned in plasmids pTB90 and pTB53. It was expressed in both B. stearothermophilus and Bacillus subtilis. B. stearothermophilus carrying the recombinant plasmid produced about fivefold more α-amylase (20.9 U/mg of dry cells) than did the wild-type strain of B. stearothermophilus. Some properties of the α-amylases that were purified from the transformants of B. stearothermophilus and B. subtilis were examined. No significant differences were observed among the enzyme properties despite the difference in host cells. It was found that the α-amylase, with a molecular weight of 53,000, retained about 60% of its activity even after treatment at 80°C for 60 min.  相似文献   

Candida wickerhamii NRRL Y-2563 expressed β-glucosidase activity (3 to 8 U/ml) constitutively when grown aerobically in complex medium containing either glycerol, succinate, xylose, galactose, or cellobiose as the carbon source. The addition of a high concentration of glucose (>75 g/liter) repressed β-glucosidase expression (<0.3 U/ml); however, this yeast did produce β-glucosidase when the initial glucose concentration was ≤50 g/liter. When grown aerobically in medium containing glucose plus the above-listed carbon sources, diauxic utilization of the carbon source was observed and the expression of β-glucosidase was glucose repressed. Surprisingly, glucose repression did not occur when the cells were grown anaerobically. When grown anaerobically in medium containing 100 g of glucose per liter, C. wickerhamii produced 6 to 9 U of enzyme per ml and did not demonstrate diauxic utilization of glucose-cellobiose mixtures. To our knowledge, this is the first report of apparent derepression of a glucose-repressed enzyme by anaerobiosis.  相似文献   

The most abundant carbon source transported into legume root nodules is photosynthetically produced sucrose, yet the importance of its metabolism by rhizobia in planta is not yet known. To identify genes involved in sucrose uptake and hydrolysis, we screened a Sinorhizobium meliloti genomic library and discovered a segment of S. meliloti DNA which allows Ralstonia eutropha to grow on the alpha-glucosides sucrose, maltose, and trehalose. Tn5 mutagenesis localized the required genes to a 6.8-kb region containing five open reading frames which were named agl, for alpha-glucoside utilization. Four of these (aglE, aglF, aglG, and aglK) appear to encode a periplasmic-binding-protein-dependent sugar transport system, and one (aglA) appears to encode an alpha-glucosidase with homology to family 13 of glycosyl hydrolases. Cosmid-borne agl genes permit uptake of radiolabeled sucrose into R. eutropha cells. Analysis of the properties of agl mutants suggests that S. meliloti possesses at least one additional alpha-glucosidase as well as a lower-affinity transport system for alpha-glucosides. It is possible that the Fix+ phenotype of agl mutants on alfalfa is due to these additional functions. Loci found by DNA sequencing to be adjacent to aglEFGAK include a probable regulatory gene (aglR), zwf and edd, which encode the first two enzymes of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway, pgl, which shows homology to a gene encoding a putative phosphogluconolactonase, and a novel Rhizobium-specific repeat element.  相似文献   

Fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled beta-glucosidase was used as a simple staining reagent with selected gram-positive and gram-negative organisms. Staining in situ appeared to be dependent on the presence of accessible glycosidic-type linkages in the bacterial cell wall. Extensive wall damage or lysis did not occur when stained cells were suspended in washing and mounting solutions. The apparent specificity of labeled enzyme for wall substance was tested by blocking reactions, staining of isolated cell walls, and failure to stain substances lacking appropriate glycosidic linkages. Severe cell wall lesions were produced after prolonged contact with labeled enzyme, and this phenomenon may also be related to staining specificity. Gram-negative organisms and spores were poorly stained unless protected glycopeptide substrate was previously exposed by treatment of cells with thioglycolic acid or dilute alkaline sodium hypochlorite solution. A potential for staining tissues and cell lines may also exist. Some possible applications of labeled enzymes are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

α-Ionone, α-methylionone, and α-isomethylionone were converted by Aspergillus niger JTS 191. The individual bioconversion products from α-ionone were isolated and identified by spectrometry and organic synthesis. The major products were cis-3-hydroxy-α-ionone, trans-3-hydroxy-α-ionone, and 3-oxo-α-ionone. 2,3-Dehydro-α-ionone, 3,4-dehydro-β-ionone, and 1-(6,6-dimethyl-2-methylene-3-cyclohexenyl)-buten-3-one were also identified. Analogous bioconversion products from α-methylionone and α-isomethylionone were also identified. From results of gas-liquid chromatographic analysis during the fermentation, we propose a metabolic pathway for α-ionones and elucidation of stereochemical features of the bioconversion.  相似文献   

从地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis)中克隆到耐高温α-淀粉酶基因全长, 构建了原核表达载体, 转入大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中, 使用IPTG于28°C诱导6小时后, 通过SDS-PAGE检测到目的蛋白, 分子量约为55 kDa, 并通过酶活力检测实验证明该蛋白具有耐高温α-淀粉酶活性。同时构建了该基因融合GFP的植物表达载体, 通过农杆菌(Agro- bacterium tumefaciens)介导瞬时转化烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)下表皮细胞并在荧光显微镜下观察, 发现在烟草下表皮细胞的细胞质和液泡中均有绿色荧光。使用I2-KI溶液对乙醇脱色后的烟草叶片进行染色, 显色反应表明在烟草中表达的耐高温α-淀粉酶具有酶活性。最后, 采用农杆菌介导的花蕾浸泡法将重组载体转化到拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中, 筛选到稳定遗传的耐高温α-淀粉酶基因的拟南芥纯合子。研究结果为后期开展表达耐高温α-淀粉酶的转基因植物的相关研究奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

A novel liquefying α-amylase (LAMY) was found in cultures of an alkaliphilic Bacillus isolate, KSM-1378. The specific activity of purified LAMY was approximately 5,000 U mg of protein−1, a value two- to fivefold greater between pH 5 and 10 than that of an industrial, thermostable Bacillus licheniformis enzyme. The enzyme had a pH optimum of 8.0 to 8.5 and displayed maximum activity at 55°C. The molecular mass deduced from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was approximately 53 kDa, and the apparent isoelectric point was around pH 9. This enzyme efficiently hydrolyzed various carbohydrates to yield maltotriose, maltopentaose, maltohexaose, and maltose as major end products after completion of the reaction. Maltooligosaccharides in the maltose-to-maltopentaose range were unhydrolyzable by the enzyme. The structural gene for LAMY contained a single open reading frame 1,548 bp in length, corresponding to 516 amino acids that included a signal peptide of 31 amino acids. The calculated molecular mass of the extracellular mature enzyme was 55,391 Da. LAMY exhibited relatively low amino acid identity to other liquefying amylases, such as the enzymes from B. licheniformis (68.9%), Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (66.7%), and Bacillus stearothermophilus (68.6%). The four conserved regions, designated I, II, III, and IV, and the putative catalytic triad were found in the deduced amino acid sequence of LAMY. Essentially, the sequence of LAMY was consistent with the tertiary structures of reported amylolytic enzymes, which are composed of domains A, B, and C and which include the well-known (α/β)8 barrel motif in domain A.  相似文献   

The activity of beta-glucosidase (EC in extracts of Dictyostelium discoideum was investigated. The specific activity increased early in development, declined during pseudoplasmodium formation, and increased again during sorocarp formation. The beta-glucosidase which was present in growing amoebae and during the first stages of multicellular development was electrophoretically distinct from the enzyme which accumulated during the final stages of morphogenesis. Ribonucleic acid synthesis and protein synthesis during development were required for the accumulation of the later isozyme. Analysis of beta-glucosidase activity in a number of morphological mutants suggests that the enzyme which accumulates late in morphogenesis is developmentally controlled.  相似文献   

The capacity of ribosomal modification to improve antibiotic production by Streptomyces spp. has already been demonstrated. Here we show that introduction of mutations that produce streptomycin resistance (str) also enhances α-amylase (and protease) production by a strain of Bacillus subtilis as estimated by measuring the enzyme activity. The str mutations are point mutations within rpsL, the gene encoding the ribosomal protein S12. In vivo as well as in vitro poly(U)-directed cell-free translation systems showed that among the various rpsL mutations K56R (which corresponds to position 42 in E. coli) was particularly effective at enhancing α-amylase production. Cells harboring the K56R mutant ribosome exhibited enhanced translational activity during the stationary phase of cell growth. In addition, the K56R mutant ribosome exhibited increased 70S complex stability in the presence of low Mg2+ concentrations. We therefore conclude that the observed increase in protein synthesis activity by the K56R mutant ribosome reflects increased stability of the 70S complex and is responsible for the increase in α-amylase production seen in the affected strain.  相似文献   

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