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Is reproduction by adult female insects limited by the finite time available to locate hosts (time limitation) or by the finite supply of eggs (egg limitation)? An influential model predicted that stochasticity in reproductive opportunity favors elevated fecundity, rendering egg limitation sufficiently rare that its importance would be greatly diminished. Here, I use models to explore how stochasticity shapes fecundity, the likelihood of egg limitation, and the ecological importance of egg limitation. The models make three predictions. First, whereas spatially stochastic environments favor increased fecundity, temporally stochastic environments favor increases, decreases, or intermediate maxima in fecundity, depending on egg costs. Second, even when spatially or temporally stochastic environments favor life histories with less‐frequent egg limitation, stochasticity still increases the proportion of all eggs laid in the population that is laid by females destined to become egg limited. This counterintuitive result is explained by noting that stochasticity concentrates reproduction in the hands of a few females that are likely to become egg limited. Third, spatially or temporally stochastic environments amplify the constraints imposed by time and eggs on total reproduction by the population. I conclude that both egg and time constraints are fundamental in shaping insect reproductive behavior and population dynamics in stochastic environments.  相似文献   

Multiple evolutionary variations occur in the cellular and genetic programming of nematode development. Many changes involve alterations of inductive interactions. Surprisingly, inductive processes vary during evolution, irrespective of changes in the final cell lineages and morphological structures. Genetic studies in some nematodes also shed light on the underlying mechanisms of evolutionary change.  相似文献   

The effects of retinoic acid on the development of reproductive organs and egg production in female Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were investigated. Female quail were fed a diet containing retinoic acid at 4 mg/kg (RA) or two diets containing retinyl acetate at 5000 IU/kg (VA1) or 14 000 IU/kg (VA2) after being fed a vitamin A-free diet for 2 wk (experiment 1). The oviduct and ovary grew more rapidly (P < 0.05) in RA-treated quail than in VA-treated quail at 5 wk of age. In addition, the body weight of RA-fed quail was also greater (P: < 0.05) than that of VA-fed quail at 5 wk. The RA-treated quail laid their first eggs approximately 5 days earlier (P < 0.05) than the VA-treated quail. Furthermore, these RA-fed quail laid more eggs (P < 0.05) than those VA-fed quail during the experimental period. To confirm the results of experiment 1, a similar experiment was conducted to record the first egg and total eggs laid by quail fed VA2 or RA (experiment 2). The early onset of oviposition was again observed in the RA-treated group (P < 0.01). These results suggest that retinoic acid has a stimulating effect on the reproductive system of female Japanese quail, as has been previously shown in the reproductive system of male Japanese quail.  相似文献   

Chromatin diminution in Parascaris and Ascaris represents the classical case of a developmentally programmed genome rearrangement. The process is very specific with respect to ontogenetic timing and chromosomal localization, and involves chromosomal breakage, new telomere formation and DNA degradation. Recent evidence from Ascaris lumbricoides var. suum suggests that chromatin diminution might have a function in gene regulation.  相似文献   

Fast economic development accelerates biological invasions in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lin W  Zhou G  Cheng X  Xu R 《PloS one》2007,2(11):e1208
Increasing levels of global trade and intercontinental travel have been cited as the major causes of biological invasion. However, indirect factors such as economic development that affect the intensity of invasion have not been quantitatively explored. Herein, using principal factor analysis, we investigated the relationship between biological invasion and economic development together with climatic information for China from the 1970s to present. We demonstrate that the increase in biological invasion is coincident with the rapid economic development that has occurred in China over the past three decades. The results indicate that the geographic prevalence of invasive species varies substantially on the provincial scale, but can be surprisingly well predicted using the combination of economic development (R(2) = 0.378) and climatic factors (R(2) = 0.347). Economic factors are proven to be at least equal to if not more determinant of the occurrence of invasive species than climatic factors. International travel and trade are shown to have played a less significant role in accounting for the intensity of biological invasion in China. Our results demonstrate that more attention should be paid to economic factors to improve the understanding, prediction and management of biological invasions.  相似文献   

During folliculogenesis, oocytes grow and acquire developmental competence in a mutually dependent relationship with their adjacent somatic cells. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) plays an essential and well-established role in the differentiation of somatic follicular cells, but its function in the development of the oocyte has still not been elucidated. We report here that oocytes of Fshb(-/-) mice, which cannot produce FSH, grow at the same rate and reach the same size as those of wild-type mice. Consistent with this observation, the granulosa cells of Fshb(-/-) mice express the normal quantity of mRNA encoding Kit ligand, which has been implicated in oocyte growth. Oocytes of Fshb(-/-) mice also accumulate normal quantities of cyclin B1 and CDK1 proteins and mitochondrial DNA. Moreover, they acquire the ability to complete meiotic maturation in vitro and undergo transition from non-surrounded nucleolus to surrounded nucleolus. However, these events of late oocyte development are significantly delayed. Following in vitro maturation and fertilization, only a small number of embryos derived from oocytes of Fshb(-/-) mice reach the blastocyst stage. Administration of equine chorionic gonadotropin, which provides FSH activity, 48 h before in vitro maturation increases the number of blastocysts obtained subsequently. These results indicate that FSH is not absolutely required for oocyte development in vivo but that this process occurs more rapidly in its presence. We suggest that FSH may coordinate the development of the germline and somatic compartments of the follicle, ensuring that ovulation releases a developmentally competent egg.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans vulva has served as a paradigm for how conserved developmental pathways, such as EGF-Ras-MAPK, Notch and Wnt signaling, participate in networks driving animal organogenesis. Here, we discuss an emerging direction in the field, which places vulva research in a quantitative and microevolutionary framework. The final vulval cell fate pattern is known to be robust to change, but only recently has the variation of vulval traits been measured under stochastic, environmental or genetic variation. Whereas the resulting cell fate pattern is invariant among rhabditid nematodes, recent studies indicate that the developmental system has accumulated cryptic variation, even among wild C. elegans isolates. Quantitative differences in the signaling network have emerged through experiments and modeling as the driving force behind cryptic variation in Caenorhabditis species. On a wider evolutionary scale, the establishment of new model species has informed about the presence of qualitative variation in vulval signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Pot experiment was conducted in the year 2010 and repeated in 2011 to examine the effects of organic manure (poultry, cow dung and domestic waste) and inorganic manure (NPK 15:15:15) on the yield, soil and root population of Meloidogyne incognita-infected Ethiopian egg plant Solanum aethiopicum in a greenhouse at Kabba college of agriculture, Ahmadu Bello University, Kabba, Nigeria. Each of the organic manure was applied as soil amendment at the rate of 5t/ha and the inorganic fertiliser (NPK) was applied at the rate of 200?kg/ha, while there was an untreated control that acted as standard check. The experimental design was a completely randomised design comprising of five treatments including control and each of the treatments was replicated four times. The result of the experiment showed that all the organic manures considered and NPK fertilisers were effective in suppressing the nematode’s negative effects on the plant, as shown by the improved yield, reduced soil and root population as well as reduced gall index of the organic and inorganic manure-treated plant compared with the control. The mean fruit yield of the manure-treated plant was of the range 18?±?1 fruits and NPK fertiliser had an average of fruit number of 17, while the untreated control recorded an average fruit number of 6.5. The organic and inorganic manure-treated plants recorded bigger fruit size compared with control, and are significantly different from the control. The soil and root population as well as root gall index are reduced in all the manure treatments compared with the control and are significantly different from the control. The result of this experiment confirmed that organic manure can be utilised to manage nematode in soil endemic with root-knot nematode M. incognita.  相似文献   

Growth and development rely on the mitochondrial respiratory chain (MRC) as the major source of ATP. We measured the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number of each of the Caenorhabditis elegans developmental stages. Embryos, L1, L2, and L3 larvae all have approximately 25,000 copies of maternally derived mtDNA. The copy number increases fivefold in L4 larvae and a further sixfold in adult hermaphrodites, but only twofold in adult males. The majority of mtDNA in adult worms is germline associated, and germline-deficient mutants show markedly reduced mtDNA contents. With sperm-deficient or oocyte-deficient mutants, we confirm that mtDNA amplification is primarily associated with oocyte production. When mtDNA replication is inhibited, a quantitative and homogeneous arrest as L3 larvae occurs. Thus, mtDNA amplification is a necessary component of normal development and its regulation may involve an energy-sensing decision or checkpoint that can be invoked when mitochondrial energy generation is impaired.  相似文献   

Theoretical Ecology - There is a long history in ecology of using mathematical models to identify deterministic processes that may lead to dramatic population dynamic patterns like boom-and-bust...  相似文献   

The influence of maternal environment on fetal development is largely unexplored, the available evidence concerns only the deleterious effects elicited by prenatal stress. Here we investigated the influence of prenatal enrichment on the early development of the visual system in the fetus. We studied the anatomical development of the rat retina, by analyzing the migration of neural progenitors and the process of retinal ganglion cell death, which exerts a key role in sculpturing the developing retinal system at perinatal ages. The number of apoptotic cells in the retinal ganglion cell layer was analyzed using two distinct methods: the presence of pyknotic nuclei stained for cresyl violet and the appearance of DNA fragmentation (Tunel method). We report that environmental enrichment of the mother during pregnancy affects the structural maturation of the retina, accelerating the migration of neural progenitors and the dynamics of natural cell death. These effects seem to be under the control of insulin-like growth factor-I: its levels, higher in enriched pregnant rats and in their milk, are increased also in their offspring, its neutralization abolishes the action of maternal enrichment on retinal development and chronic insulin-like growth factor-I injection to standard-reared females mimics the effects of enrichment in the fetuses. Thus, the development of the visual system is sensitive to environmental stimulation during prenatal life. These findings could have a bearing in orienting clinical research in the field of prenatal therapy.  相似文献   

Myosin-binding protein-C (MyBP-C) is a thick filament-associated protein that binds tightly to myosin. Given that cMyBP-C may act to modulate cooperative activation of the thin filament by constraining the availability of myosin cross-bridges for binding to actin, we investigated the role of MyBP-C in the regulation of cardiac muscle contraction. We assessed the Ca(2+) sensitivity of force (pCa(50)) and the activation dependence of the rate of force redevelopment (k(tr)) in skinned myocardium isolated from wild-type (WT) and cMyBP-C null (cMyBP-C(-/-)) mice. Mechanical measurements were performed at 22 degrees C in the absence and presence of a strong-binding, nonforce-generating analog of myosin subfragment-1 (NEM-S1). In the absence of NEM-S1, maximal force and k(tr) and the pCa(50) of isometric force did not differ between WT and cMyBP-C(-/-) myocardium; however, ablation of cMyBP-C-accelerated k(tr) at each submaximal force. Treatment of WT and cMyBP-C(-/-) myocardium with 3 muM NEM-S1 elicited similar increases in pCa(50,) but the effects of NEM-S1 to increase k(tr) at submaximal forces and thereby markedly reduce the activation dependence of k(tr) occurred to a greater degree in cMyBP-C(-/-) myocardium. Together, these results support the idea that cMyBP-C normally acts to constrain the interaction between myosin and actin, which in turn limits steady-state force development and the kinetics of cross-bridge interaction.  相似文献   

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