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Many genome-scale studies in molecular biology deliver results in the form of a ranked list of gene names, accordingly to some scoring method. There is always the question how many top-ranked genes to consider for further analysis, for example, in order creating a diagnostic or predictive gene signature for a disease. This question is usually approached from a statistical point of view, without considering any biological properties of top-ranked genes or how they are related to each other functionally. Here we suggest a new method for selecting a number of genes in a ranked gene list such that this set forms the Optimally Functionally Enriched Network (OFTEN), formed by known physical interactions between genes or their products. The method allows associating a network with the gene list, providing easier interpretation of the results and classifying the genes or proteins accordingly to their position in the resulting network. We demonstrate the method on four breast cancer datasets and show that 1) the resulting gene signatures are more reproducible from one dataset to another compared to standard statistical procedures and 2) the overlap of these signatures has significant prognostic potential. The method is implemented in BiNoM Cytoscape plugin (http://binom.curie.fr).  相似文献   

Gene expression technology has become a routine application in many laboratories and has provided large amounts of gene expression signatures that have been identified in a variety of cancer types. Interpretation of gene expression signatures would profit from the availability of a procedure capable of assigning differentially regulated genes or entire gene signatures to defined cancer signaling pathways. Here we describe a graph-based approach that identifies cancer signaling pathways from published gene expression signatures. Published gene expression signatures are collected in a database (PubLiME: Published Lists of Microarray Experiments) enabled for cross-platform gene annotation. Significant co-occurrence modules composed of up to 10 genes in different gene expression signatures are identified. Significantly co-occurring genes are linked by an edge in an undirected graph. Edge-betweenness and k-clique clustering combined with graph modularity as a quality measure are used to identify communities in the resulting graph. The identified communities consist of cell cycle, apoptosis, phosphorylation cascade, extra cellular matrix, interferon and immune response regulators as well as communities of unknown function. The genes constituting different communities are characterized by common genomic features and strongly enriched cis-regulatory modules in their upstream regulatory regions that are consistent with pathway assignment of those genes.  相似文献   

Ooi CH  Oh HK  Wang HZ  Tan AL  Wu J  Lee M  Rha SY  Chung HC  Virshup DM  Tan P 《PLoS genetics》2011,7(12):e1002415
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are important components of cellular signaling pathways, acting either as pathway regulators or pathway targets. Currently, only a limited number of miRNAs have been functionally linked to specific signaling pathways. Here, we explored if gene expression signatures could be used to represent miRNA activities and integrated with genomic signatures of oncogenic pathway activity to identify connections between miRNAs and oncogenic pathways on a high-throughput, genome-wide scale. Mapping >300 gene expression signatures to >700 primary tumor profiles, we constructed a genome-wide miRNA-pathway network predicting the associations of 276 human miRNAs to 26 oncogenic pathways. The miRNA-pathway network confirmed a host of previously reported miRNA/pathway associations and uncovered several novel associations that were subsequently experimentally validated. Globally, the miRNA-pathway network demonstrates a small-world, but not scale-free, organization characterized by multiple distinct, tightly knit modules each exhibiting a high density of connections. However, unlike genetic or metabolic networks typified by only a few highly connected nodes ("hubs"), most nodes in the miRNA-pathway network are highly connected. Sequence-based computational analysis confirmed that highly-interconnected miRNAs are likely to be regulated by common pathways to target similar sets of downstream genes, suggesting a pervasive and high level of functional redundancy among coexpressed miRNAs. We conclude that gene expression signatures can be used as surrogates of miRNA activity. Our strategy facilitates the task of discovering novel miRNA-pathway connections, since gene expression data for multiple normal and disease conditions are abundantly available.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The NCBI Conserved Domain Database (CDD) consists of a collection of multiple sequence alignments of protein domains that are at various stages of being manually curated into evolutionary hierarchies based on conserved and divergent sequence and structural features. These domain models are annotated to provide insights into the relationships between sequence, structure and function via web-based BLAST searches. RESULTS: Here we automate the generation of conserved domain (CD) hierarchies using a combination of heuristic and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling procedures and starting from a (typically very large) multiple sequence alignment. This procedure relies on statistical criteria to define each hierarchy based on the conserved and divergent sequence patterns associated with protein functional-specialization. At the same time this facilitates the sequence and structural annotation of residues that are functionally important. These statistical criteria also provide a means to objectively assess the quality of CD hierarchies, a non-trivial task considering that the protein subgroups are often very distantly related--a situation in which standard phylogenetic methods can be unreliable. Our aim here is to automatically generate (typically sub-optimal) hierarchies that, based on statistical criteria and visual comparisons, are comparable to manually curated hierarchies; this serves as the first step toward the ultimate goal of obtaining optimal hierarchical classifications. A plot of runtimes for the most time-intensive (non-parallelizable) part of the algorithm indicates a nearly linear time complexity so that, even for the extremely large Rossmann fold protein class, results are obtained in about a day. CONCLUSIONS: This approach automates the rapid creation of protein domain hierarchies and thus will eliminate one of the most time consuming aspects of conserved domain database curation. At the same time, it also facilitates protein domain annotation by identifying those pattern residues that most distinguish each protein domain subgroup from other related subgroups.  相似文献   



Widespread use of high-throughput techniques such as microarrays to monitor gene expression levels has resulted in an explosive growth of data sets in public domains. Integration and exploration of these complex and heterogeneous data have become a major challenge.  相似文献   

Fu LM  Fu-Liu CS 《FEBS letters》2004,561(1-3):186-190
Differential diagnosis among a group of histologically similar cancers poses a challenging problem in clinical medicine. Constructing a classifier based on gene expression signatures comprising multiple discriminatory molecular markers derived from microarray data analysis is an emerging trend for cancer diagnosis. To identify the best genes for classification using a small number of samples relative to the genome size remains the bottleneck of this approach, despite its promise. We have devised a new method of gene selection with reliability analysis, and demonstrated that this method can identify a more compact set of genes than other methods for constructing a classifier with optimum predictive performance for both small round blue cell tumors and leukemia. High consensus between our result and the results produced by methods based on artificial neural networks and statistical techniques confers additional evidence of the validity of our method. This study suggests a way for implementing a reliable molecular cancer classifier based on gene expression signatures.  相似文献   



Cellular processes and pathways, whose deregulation may contribute to the development of cancers, are often represented as cascades of proteins transmitting a signal from the cell surface to the nucleus. However, recent functional genomic experiments have identified thousands of interactions for the signalling canonical proteins, challenging the traditional view of pathways as independent functional entities. Combining information from pathway databases and interaction networks obtained from functional genomic experiments is therefore a promising strategy to obtain more robust pathway and process representations, facilitating the study of cancer-related pathways.  相似文献   

Numerous methods are available to compare results of multiple microarray studies. One of the simplest but most effective of these procedures is to examine the overlap of resulting gene lists in a Venn diagram. Venn diagrams are graphical ways of representing interactions among sets to display information that can be read easily. Here we propose a simple but effective web application creating Venn diagrams from two or three gene lists. Each gene in the group list has link to the related information in NCBI's Entrez Nucleotide database. AVAILABILITY: GeneVenn is available for free at http://mcbc.usm.edu/genevenn/  相似文献   

Resistance gene-dependent disease resistance to pathogenic microorganisms is mediated by genetically separable regulatory pathways. Using the GeneChip Arabidopsis genome array, we compared the expression profiles of approximately 8,000 Arabidopsis genes following activation of three RPP genes directed against the pathogenic oomycete Peronospora parasitica. Judicious choice of P. parasitica isolates and loss of resistance plant mutants allowed us to compare the responses controlled by three genetically distinct resistance gene-mediated signaling pathways. We found that all three pathways can converge, leading to up-regulation of common sets of target genes. At least two temporal patterns of gene activation are triggered by two of the pathways examined. Many genes defined by their early and transient increases in expression encode proteins that execute defense biochemistry, while genes exhibiting a sustained or delayed expression increase predominantly encode putative signaling proteins. Previously defined and novel sequence motifs were found to be enriched in the promoters of genes coregulated by the local defense-signaling network. These putative promoter elements may operate downstream from signal convergence points.  相似文献   



Gene signatures are important to represent the molecular changes in the disease genomes or the cells in specific conditions, and have been often used to separate samples into different groups for better research or clinical treatment. While many methods and applications have been available in literature, there still lack powerful ones that can take account of the complex data and detect the most informative signatures.


In this article, we present a new framework for identifying gene signatures using Pareto-optimal cluster size identification for RNA-seq data. We first performed pre-filtering steps and normalization, then utilized the empirical Bayes test in Limma package to identify the differentially expressed genes (DEGs). Next, we used a multi-objective optimization technique, “Multi-objective optimization for collecting cluster alternatives” (MOCCA in R package) on these DEGs to find Pareto-optimal cluster size, and then applied k-means clustering to the RNA-seq data based on the optimal cluster size. The best cluster was obtained through computing the average Spearman’s Correlation Score among all the genes in pair-wise manner belonging to the module. The best cluster is treated as the signature for the respective disease or cellular condition.


We applied our framework to a cervical cancer RNA-seq dataset, which included 253 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) samples and 22 adenocarcinoma (ADENO) samples. We identified a total of 582 DEGs by Limma analysis of SCC versus ADENO samples. Among them, 260 are up-regulated genes and 322 are down-regulated genes. Using MOCCA, we obtained seven Pareto-optimal clusters. The best cluster has a total of 35 DEGs consisting of all-upregulated genes. For validation, we ran PAMR (prediction analysis for microarrays) classifier on the selected best cluster, and assessed the classification performance. Our evaluation, measured by sensitivity, specificity, precision, and accuracy, showed high confidence.


Our framework identified a multi-objective based cluster that is treated as a signature that can classify the disease and control group of samples with higher classification performance (accuracy 0.935) for the corresponding disease. Our method is useful to find signature for any RNA-seq or microarray data.

MOTIVATION: The increasing use of DNA microarray-based tumor gene expression profiles for cancer diagnosis requires mathematical methods with high accuracy for solving clustering, feature selection and classification problems of gene expression data. RESULTS: New algorithms are developed for solving clustering, feature selection and classification problems of gene expression data. The clustering algorithm is based on optimization techniques and allows the calculation of clusters step-by-step. This approach allows us to find as many clusters as a data set contains with respect to some tolerance. Feature selection is crucial for a gene expression database. Our feature selection algorithm is based on calculating overlaps of different genes. The database used, contains over 16 000 genes and this number is considerably reduced by feature selection. We propose a classification algorithm where each tissue sample is considered as the center of a cluster which is a ball. The results of numerical experiments confirm that the classification algorithm in combination with the feature selection algorithm perform slightly better than the published results for multi-class classifiers based on support vector machines for this data set. AVAILABILITY: Available on request from the authors.  相似文献   

Fröhlich H 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25364
Diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for cancer based on gene expression profiles are viewed as a major step towards a better personalized medicine. Many studies using various computational approaches have been published in this direction during the last decade. However, when comparing different gene signatures for related clinical questions often only a small overlap is observed. This can have various reasons, such as technical differences of platforms, differences in biological samples or their treatment in lab, or statistical reasons because of the high dimensionality of the data combined with small sample size, leading to unstable selection of genes. In conclusion retrieved gene signatures are often hard to interpret from a biological point of view. We here demonstrate that it is possible to construct a consensus signature from a set of seemingly different gene signatures by mapping them on a protein interaction network. Common upstream proteins of close gene products, which we identified via our developed algorithm, show a very clear and significant functional interpretation in terms of overrepresented KEGG pathways, disease associated genes and known drug targets. Moreover, we show that such a consensus signature can serve as prior knowledge for predictive biomarker discovery in breast cancer. Evaluation on different datasets shows that signatures derived from the consensus signature reveal a much higher stability than signatures learned from all probesets on a microarray, while at the same time being at least as predictive. Furthermore, they are clearly interpretable in terms of enriched pathways, disease associated genes and known drug targets. In summary we thus believe that network based consensus signatures are not only a way to relate seemingly different gene signatures to each other in a functional manner, but also to establish prior knowledge for highly stable and interpretable predictive biomarkers.  相似文献   

Microarray gene expression signatures hold great promise to improve diagnosis and prognosis of disease. However, current documentation standards of such signatures do not allow for an unambiguous application to study-external patients. This hinders independent evaluation, effectively delaying the use of signatures in clinical practice. Data from eight publicly available clinical microarray studies were analyzed and the consistency of study-internal with study-external diagnoses was evaluated. Study-external classifications were based on documented information only. Documenting a signature is conceptually different from reporting a list of genes. We show that even the exact quantitative specification of a classification rule alone does not define a signature unambiguously. We found that discrepancy between study-internal and study-external diagnoses can be as frequent as 30% (worst case) and 18% (median). By using the proposed documentation by value strategy, which documents quantitative preprocessing information, the median discrepancy was reduced to 1%. The process of evaluating microarray gene expression diagnostic signatures and bringing them to clinical practice can be substantially improved and made more reliable by better documentation of the signatures.  相似文献   

Inference of gene pathways using mixture Bayesian networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Inference of gene networks typically relies on measurements across a wide range of conditions or treatments. Although one network structure is predicted, the relationship between genes could vary across conditions. A comprehensive approach to infer general and condition-dependent gene networks was evaluated. This approach integrated Bayesian network and Gaussian mixture models to describe continuous microarray gene expression measurements, and three gene networks were predicted.  相似文献   

Li M  Gu P  Kang J  Wang Y  Wang Q  Qi Q 《Folia microbiologica》2012,57(3):209-214
Multiple gene knockouts play an important role in metabolic engineering. The flanked homology length, homologous to the region adjacent to the target gene, of the knockout fragments has a great effect on the efficiency of multiple gene knockouts, whereas the existing gene knockout methods can only supply a very short homology. This article presents a strategy of easily extending homologous sequence based on the available strain library through one-step PCR amplification (the one-step PCR method). In this approach, the library of single gene mutants was used as the templates for PCR to amplify knockout fragments. Thus, the flanked homology can be extended as long as possible by designing primers upstream and downstream far from the target gene. Based on the one-step PCR method, we studied the effect of the homology length and the number of mutations on the efficiency of multiple gene knockouts. Our results indicated that the one-step PCR method permitted rapid and efficient construction of multiple mutants continuously or simultaneously, and a length of 200–300 bp homologous sequence was equal for multiple gene knockouts.  相似文献   

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