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Cerulean warblers (Dendroica cerulea) have experienced significant declines across their breeding range and presently exist in disjunct populations, largely because of extensive loss and fragmentation of their breeding and wintering habitat. Despite this overall decline, a recent north-eastern expansion of the breeding range has been proposed, and some researchers have suggested that the eastern Ontario population may be acting as a source population maintaining sink populations elsewhere. However, little is known about either the geographic distribution of genetic variation or dispersal in these birds. We assayed variation in five microsatellite loci and a 366 base-pair fragment of the mitochondrial control region among 154 cerulean warblers from five populations throughout the breeding range. No evidence of population genetic structure was found. Assignment tests suggested that six individuals were either inter-population migrants or descendants of recent migrants. The lack of population genetic structure is probably due to a combination of historical association and contemporary dispersal. Population decline does not appear to have reduced genetic variation yet. Overall results suggest that cerulean warblers from Ontario, Illinois, Arkansas and Tennessee should be considered a single genetic management unit for conservation.  相似文献   

食果动物与依赖其传播种子的植物间在进化过程中形成互惠关系,生境破碎化往往干扰种子传播过程,继而破坏这种关系.生境破碎化通常降低食果动物的多样性,但亦有相反的情况出现.食果动物对生境破碎化的适应能力不同,泛性森林动物和广食性动物具有较强的适应性.生境破碎化对依赖动物传播的植物影响有差异,多数植物受到负面影响,但也有一些植物不受影响,甚至受益.动物在破碎生境中对种子传播的有效性是种子搬运量、传播距离、种子萌发及种群建立等环节的综合效果.破碎化生境中种子的搬运量与动物的觅食行为和食物选择有关;种子传播距离受食物资源可获得性的改变和生境斑块异质性的影响;种子萌发和更新种群建立成功与否决定于是否存在有效的种子传播者.生境破碎化如何影响种子传播以及动植物相互关系,尤其是异质斑块的空间分布如何影响食果动物的传播有效性、破碎化生境下动植物互惠共生关系如何建立,生境破碎化导致的植物入侵对本地植物种子传播的影响是未来需要深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

景观遗传学原理及其在生境片断化遗传效应研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈泽昊  吉成均 《生态学报》2010,30(18):5066-5076
景观遗传学是近年来在景观生态学和种群遗传学之间形成的一个交叉领域,强调景观的组成、空间构型和环境梯度对基因流、种群遗传空间结构和局域种群适应的影响。景观遗传学尚未成为一门独立的学科,其理论基础主要来自分子遗传学、种群生物学和景观生态学。现代分子遗传标记技术、遥感和GIS支持下的景观分析和空间统计方法的综合运用是景观遗传学主要研究途径。系统介绍了景观遗传学的基础概念,关键科学问题,基本理论框架,及其与相邻研究领域的关系,综述了景观遗传学最为关注的现实课题——景观碎裂化的种群遗传效应的研究进展,主要涉及生境片断化的遗传效应、不同属性的物种响应、以及生境片断化过程的选择作用等方面。通过采取一种跨尺度的视角,景观遗传学研究显著深化了关于景观碎裂化对生物多样性影响的理解。  相似文献   

Movement of individuals promotes colonization of new areas, gene flow among local populations, and has implications for the spread of infectious agents and the control of pest species. Wild Norway rats ( Rattus norvegicus ) are common in highly urbanized areas but surprisingly little is known of their population structure. We sampled individuals from 11 locations within Baltimore, Maryland, to characterize the genetic structure and extent of gene flow between areas within the city. Clustering methods and a neighbour-joining tree based on pairwise genetic distances supported an east–west division in the inner city, and a third cluster comprised of historically more recent sites. Most individuals (~95%) were assigned to their area of capture, indicating strong site fidelity. Moreover, the axial dispersal distance of rats (62 m) fell within typical alley length. Several rats were assigned to areas 2–11.5 km away, indicating some, albeit infrequent, long-distance movement within the city. Although individual movement appears to be limited (30–150 m), locations up to 1.7 km are comprised of relatives. Moderate F ST, differentiation between identified clusters, and high allelic diversity indicate that regular gene flow, either via recruitment or migration, has prevented isolation. Therefore, ecology of commensal rodents in urban areas and life-history characteristics of Norway rats likely counteract many expected effects of isolation or founder events. An understanding of levels of connectivity of rat populations inhabiting urban areas provides information about the spatial scale at which populations of rats may spread disease, invade new areas, or be eradicated from an existing area without reinvasion.  相似文献   

Environmental change has a wide range of ecological consequences, including species extinction and range expansion. Many studies have shown that insect species respond rapidly to climatic change. A mountain pine beetle epidemic of record size in North America has led to unprecedented mortality of lodgepole pine, and a significant range expansion to the northeast of its historic range. Our goal was to determine the spatial genetic variation found among outbreak population from which genetic structure, and dispersal patterns may be inferred. Beetles from 49 sampling locations throughout the outbreak area in western Canada were analysed at 13 microsatellite loci. We found significant north-south population structure as evidenced by: (i) Bayesian-based analyses, (ii) north-south genetic relationships and diversity gradients; and (iii) a lack of isolation-by-distance in the northernmost cluster. The north-south structure is proposed to have arisen from the processes of postglacial colonization as well as recent climate-driven changes in population dynamics. Our data support the hypothesis of multiple sources of origin for the outbreak and point to the need for population specific information to improve our understanding and management of outbreaks. The recent range expansion across the Rocky Mountains into the jack/lodgepole hybrid and pure jack pine zones of northern Alberta is consistent with a northern British Columbia origin. We detected no loss of genetic variability in these populations, indicating that the evolutionary potential of mountain pine beetle to adapt has not been reduced by founder events. This study illustrates a rapid range-wide response to the removal of climatic constraints, and the potential for range expansion of a regional population.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat fragmentation — ubiquitous in modern ecosystems — has strong impacts on gene flow and genetic population structure. Reptiles may be particularly susceptible to the effects of fragmentation because of their extreme sensitivity to environmental conditions and limited dispersal. We investigate fine-scale spatial genetic structure, individual relatedness, and sex-biased dispersal in a large population of a long-lived reptile (tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus) on a recently fragmented island. We genotyped individuals from remnant forest, regenerating forest, and grassland pasture sites at seven microsatellite loci and found significant genetic structuring (RST = 0.012) across small distances (< 500 m). Isolation by distance was not evident, but rather, genetic distance was weakly correlated with habitat similarity. Only individuals in forest fragments were correctly assignable to their site of origin, and individual pairwise relatedness in one fragment was significantly higher than expected. We did not detect sex-biased dispersal, but natural dispersal patterns may be confounded by fragmentation. Assignment tests showed that reforestation appears to have provided refuges for tuatara from disturbed areas. Our results suggest that fine-scale genetic structuring is driven by recent habitat modification and compounded by the sedentary lifestyle of these long-lived reptiles. Extreme longevity, large population size, simple social structure and random dispersal are not strong enough to counteract the genetic structure caused by a sedentary lifestyle. We suspect that fine-scale spatial genetic structuring could occur in any sedentary species with limited dispersal, making them more susceptible to the effects of fragmentation.  相似文献   

Species habitat preferences can be obscured when individuals have been recorded in non‐core habitats because of dispersal, spillover effects or spatial errors in observation locations. Disentangling the direct effects of the habitats species are observed in from the effects of proximity to other nearby habitats is especially challenging in fragmented landscapes, as many fragmentation metrics are correlated and it is difficult to prove independent effects. In this paper we addressed this issue by comparing a number of models based on predefined ecological theories. We compared models based on quantity of core habitat surrounding observations, proximity to core habitat, or a combination of the two to explain the observed distribution of the saltmarsh inhabiting white‐fronted chat (Epthianura albifrons) in coastal New South Wales, Australia. Proximity to core habitat was considered as either Euclidean distance or cost distance, and models were assessed using Akaike's information criterion and the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve on 10 random subsets of the data. We found that all models performed similarly, with the combination of cost distance and the quantity of saltmarsh performing better, but not significantly so. We compared the advantages and disadvantages of different models and also present a model averaged result. Our models suggested that the majority of saltmarshes in New South Wales were too small to have a large effect on probability of occurrence. As climate change is expected to further reduce the amount of available saltmarsh through continued mangrove incursion, coastal populations of the white‐fronted chat are expected to come under increasing threat. The conversion of grasslands to urban areas may also increase the effective distance between different populations of the species and reduce gene flow and rescue effects.  相似文献   

Dramatic local population decline brought about by anthropogenic-driven change is an increasingly common threat to biodiversity. Seabird life history traits make them particularly vulnerable to such change; therefore, understanding population connectivity and dispersal dynamics is vital for successful management. Our study used a 357-base pair mitochondrial control region locus sequenced for 103 individuals and 18 nuclear microsatellite loci genotyped for 245 individuals to investigate population structure in the Atlantic and Pacific populations of the pelagic seabird, Leach's storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa leucorhoa. This species is under intense predation pressure at one regionally important colony on St Kilda, Scotland, where a disparity between population decline and predation rates hints at immigration from other large colonies. AMOVA, F(ST), Φ(ST) and Bayesian cluster analyses revealed no genetic structure among Atlantic colonies (Global Φ(ST) = -0.02 P > 0.05, Global F(ST) = 0.003, P > 0.05, STRUCTURE K = 1), consistent with either contemporary gene flow or strong historical association within the ocean basin. The Pacific and Atlantic populations are genetically distinct (Global Φ(ST) = 0.32 P < 0.0001, Global F(ST) = 0.04, P < 0.0001, STRUCTURE K = 2), but evidence for interocean exchange was found with individual exclusion/assignment and population coalescent analyses. These findings highlight the importance of conserving multiple colonies at a number of different sites and suggest that management of this seabird may be best viewed at an oceanic scale. Moreover, our study provides an illustration of how long-distance movement may ameliorate the potentially deleterious impacts of localized environmental change, although direct measures of dispersal are still required to better understand this process.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a fundamental attribute of species in nature and shapes population dynamics, evolutionary trajectories and genetic variation across spatial and temporal scales. It is increasingly clear that landscape features have large impacts on dispersal patterns. Thus, understanding how individuals and species move through landscapes is essential for predicting impacts of landscape alterations. Information on dispersal patterns, however, is lacking for many taxa, particularly reptiles. Eastern foxsnakes (Mintoinus gloydi) are marsh and prairie specialists that avoid agricultural fields, but they have persisted across a fragmented region in southwestern Ontario and northern Ohio. Here, we combined habitat suitability modelling with population genetic analyses to infer how foxsnakes disperse through a habitat mosaic of natural and altered landscape features. Boundary regions between the eight genetic clusters, identified through assignment tests, were comprised of low suitability habitat (e.g. agricultural fields). Island populations were grouped into a single genetic cluster, and comparatively low F(ST) values between island and mainland populations suggest open water presents less of a barrier than nonsuitable terrestrial habitat. Isolation by resistance and least-cost path analysis produced similar results with matrices of pairwise individual genetic distance significantly more correlated to matrices of resistance values derived from habitat suitability than models with an undifferentiated landscape. Spatial autocorrelation results matched better with assignment results when incorporating resistance values rather than straight-line distances. All analyses used in our study produced similar results suggesting that habitat degradation limits dispersal for foxsnakes, which has had a strong effect on the genetic population structure across this region.  相似文献   

Dispersal is an important influence on species' distributions, patch colonization and population persistence in fragmented habitat. We studied the impacts of habitat fragmentation resulting from establishment of an exotic pine plantation on dispersal of the marsupial carnivore, Antechinus agilis. We applied spatial analyses of individual multilocus microsatellite genotypes and mitochondrial haplotypes to study patterns of gene flow in fragmented habitat and natural habitat 'control' areas, and how this is affected by the spatial dispersion of habitat patches, the presence of corridors and a 'mainland' source of migrants. Spatial analysis of molecular variance and partial Mantel tests confirmed the absence of cryptic barriers to gene flow in continuous habitat, which if present would confound the comparison of genetic structures in fragmented vs. unfragmented habitats. Spatial genotypic structure suggested that although dispersal was male-biased in both habitat types, fragmentation restricted dispersal of males more than that of females and the degree of restriction of male dispersal was dependent on the geographical isolation of the patch. The scale of positive genotypic structure in fragmented habitat was restricted to the two closest patches for females and the three closest patches for males. Our results provide evidence for significantly increased gene flow through habitat corridors relative to that across the matrix and for significantly lower gene flow between 'mainland' unfragmented habitat and habitat patches relative to that within either habitat type, suggesting a behavioural barrier to crossing habitat interfaces.  相似文献   

Many plant species have pollination and seed dispersal systems and evolutionary histories that have produced strong genetic structuring. These genetic patterns may be consistent with expectations following recent anthropogenic fragmentation, making it difficult to detect fragmentation effects if no prefragmentation genetic data are available. We used microsatellite markers to investigate whether severe habitat fragmentation may have affected the structure and diversity of populations of the endangered Australian bird‐pollinated shrub Grevillea caleyi R.Br., by comparing current patterns of genetic structure and diversity with those of the closely related G. longifolia R.Br. that has a similar life history but has not experienced anthropogenic fragmentation. Grevillea caleyi and G. longifolia showed similar and substantial population subdivision at all spatial levels (global F′ST = 0.615 and 0.454; Sp = 0.039 and 0.066), marked isolation by distance and large heterozygous deficiencies. These characteristics suggest long‐term effects of inbreeding in self‐compatible species that have poor seed dispersal, limited connectivity via pollen flow and undergo population bottlenecks because of periodic fires. Highly structured allele size distributions, most notably in G. caleyi, imply historical processes of drift and mutation were important in isolated subpopulations. Genetic diversity did not vary with population size but was lower in more isolated populations for both species. Through this comparison, we reject the hypothesis that anthropogenic fragmentation has impacted substantially on the genetic composition or structure of G. caleyi populations. Our results suggest that highly self‐compatible species with limited dispersal may be relatively resilient to the genetic changes predicted to follow habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Orantes LC  Zhang W  Mian MA  Michel AP 《Heredity》2012,109(2):127-134
Heteroecious holocyclic aphids exhibit both sexual and asexual reproduction and alternate among primary and secondary hosts. Most of these aphids can feed on several related hosts, and invasions to new habitats may limit the number of suitable hosts. For example, the aphid specialist Aphis glycines survives only on the primary host buckthorn (Rhamnus spp.) and the secondary host soybean (Glycine max) in North America where it is invasive. Owing to this specialization and sparse primary host distribution, host colonization events could be localized and involve founder effects, impacting genetic diversity, population structure and adaptation. We characterized changes in the genetic diversity and structure across time among A. glycines populations. Populations were sampled from secondary hosts twice in the same geographical location: once after secondary colonization (early season), and again immediately before primary host colonization (late season). We tested for evidence of founder effects and genetic isolation in early season populations, and whether or not late-season dispersal restored genetic diversity and reduced fragmentation. A total of 24 single-nucleotide polymorphisms and 6 microsatellites were used for population genetic statistics. We found significantly lower levels of genotypic diversity and more genetic isolation among early season collections, indicating secondary host colonization occurred locally and involved founder effects. Pairwise F(ST) decreased from 0.046 to 0.017 in early and late collections, respectively, and while genetic relatedness significantly decreased with geographical distance in early season collections, no spatial structure was observed in late-season collections. Thus, late-season dispersal counteracts the secondary host colonization through homogenization and increases genetic diversity before primary host colonization.  相似文献   

苏敏 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3265-3269
景观破碎化和扩散是空间种群模型的重要因素,对生物入侵存在着深远的影响。本章将基于偶对近似模型,探讨由局部和全局宿主-寄生相互作用共同决定的扩散模式对破坏性景观上疾病入侵与传播的影响。其中,生境破坏由生境丧失量与生境破碎化程度来描述。模拟结果显示,宿主和病毒的全局扩散对疾病的入侵与种群密度产生不对称效应:病毒的全局扩散对系统产生的影响较宿主的全局扩散更为显著。不同扩散模式下,生境丧失越高或破碎化程度越低,均将越有害于寄生病毒的入侵;同时,生境的破坏程度也显著地影响了入侵阈值对扩散模式的响应机制。本文研究结果暗示,景观破碎化的空间分布格局以及病毒扩散的限制均可作为物种保护与管理中有效的疾病控制策略。该研究结果在一定意义上丰富和发展了寄生感染理论,为物种保护提供了生态学理论依据。  相似文献   

The development of spatial genetic structure (SGS) in seed plants has been linked to several biological attributes of species, such as breeding system and life form. However, little is known about SGS in ferns, which together with lycopods are unique among land plants in having two free‐living life stages. We combined spatial aggregation statistics and spatial genetic autocorrelation analyses using five plastid microsatellites and one nuclear gene to investigate SGS in two populations of the outcrossing tree fern Alsophila firma (Cyatheaceae). We assessed how the observed patterns compare with those estimated for other ferns and seed plants. Populations of A. firma exhibited strong SGS, spatial clustering of individuals, substantial clonal diversity and no inbreeding. SGS in ferns appears to be higher than in most seed plants analysed to date. Contrary to our expectations, an outcrossing breeding system, wind dispersal and an arborescent life form did not translate into weak or no SGS. In ferns, SGS is probably being affected by the life cycle with two free‐living life stages. The reproductive biology of ferns appears to be more complex than previously thought. This implies that SGS in ferns is affected by some factors that cannot be inferred from the study of flowering plants. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 439–449.  相似文献   

Demographic and genetic replenishment of populations through the exchange of individuals is essential for their persistence. Habitat loss and fragmentation can reduce the permeability of landscapes, hinder dispersal and compromise the genetic integrity of populations over time. We examined ecological connectivity in an arboreal marsupial, the common ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus peregrinus) in fragmented forests of southeastern Australia. This species is potentially robust to fragmentation based on its presence in degraded landscapes and known use of plantations for foraging and nesting. Using 312 individuals screened at 15 microsatellites, we measured dispersal and gene flow across seven native Eucalyptus forest remnants surrounded by exotic Pinus radiata plantations and three sites within a large continuous forest. The permeability of the pine matrix to dispersing possums was significantly lower than that of the native forest. Small, isolated patches exhibited signatures of genetic drift, having lower heterozygosity and allelic richness than possums in large patches. Most (87%) possums were born in their sampled patch or dispersed only short distances into neighbouring remnants. The continuous forest was identified as an important source of immigrants only for proximate patches (within 2.5 km), thus emphasizing for the common ringtail possum and more specialized arboreal mammals the need to conserve large, proximate forest remnants. Our findings highlight the importance of using genetic tools to understand the long-term biological consequences of fragmentation for effective management.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation can significantly affect mating and pollen dispersal patterns in plant populations, although the differential effects of the various aspects of fragmentation are poorly understood. In this study, we used eight microsatellite loci to investigate the effect of fragmentation on the mating system and pollen dispersal within one large and eight small population remnants of Banksia sphaerocarpa var. caesia, a bird-pollinated shrub in the southern agricultural region of Western Australia. The large population had a much larger neighbourhood size and lower selfing rate, maternal pollen pool differentiation and within-plot mean pollen dispersal distance than the small populations. Outcrossing was consistently high and ranged from 85.7% ± 2.6 to 98.5% ± 0.9, and mating patterns suggested nearest-neighbour pollination. Pollen immigration into small populations ranged from 2.8% ± 1.8 to 16.5% ± 3.2. Using the small populations, we tested for correlations between various fragmentation variables and mating system and pollen dispersal parameters. We found significant negative linear relationships between population isolation and outcrossing rate; population shape and neighbourhood size; and conspecific density and mean pollen dispersal distance. There were significant positive linear relationships between population shape and pollen pool differentiation and between population size and number of different fathers per seed crop. Our results suggest that birds may use a series of fragmented populations as a vegetation corridor while foraging across the landscape and that population connectivity is a critical determinant of pollinator visitation. Our results also suggest that the effect of a linear population shape on the mating system and pollen dispersal is routinely underestimated.  相似文献   

Species often occur in subdivided populations as a consequence of spatial heterogeneity of the habitat. To describe the spatial organization of subpopulations, existing theory proposes three main population models: patchy population, metapopulation and isolated populations. These models differ in their predicted levels of connectivity among subpopulations, and in the risk that a subpopulation will go extinct. However, spatially discrete subpopulations are commonly considered to be organized as metapopulations, even though explicit tests of metapopulation assumptions are rare. Here, we test predictions of the three models on the basis of demographic and genetic data, a combined approach so far surprisingly little used in mobile organisms. From 2002 to 2005, we studied nine subpopulations of the wetland-restricted reed bunting ( Emberiza schoeniclus ) in the southeastern part of the Canton Zurich (Switzerland), from which local declines of this species have been reported. Here, wetlands are as small as 2.7 ha and separated through intensively used agricultural landscapes. Demographic data consisted of dispersal of colour-banded individuals among subpopulations, immigration rates and extinction-/recolonization dynamics. Genetic data were based on the distribution of genetic variability and gene flow among subpopulations derived from the analysis of nine microsatellite loci. Both demographic and genetic data revealed that the patchy population model best described the spatial organization of reed bunting subpopulations. High levels of dispersal among subpopulations, high immigration into the patchy population, and genetic admixture suggested little risk of extinction of both subpopulations and the entire patchy population. This study exemplifies the idea that spatially discrete subpopulations may be organized in ways other than a metapopulation, and hence has implications for the conservation of subpopulations and species.  相似文献   

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