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江西赣江源自然保护区地处武夷山脉南端.2007年11月和2008年5月,对保护区鱼类资源进行实地调查.调查发现保护区内野生淡水鱼类共计16种,隶属于4目8科15属,以鲤形目鲤科鱼类为主,多为山区溪流小型鱼类.鱼类物种多样性在空间分布上有所不同,低海拔处鱼类种类较高海拔处丰富;其多样性在时间上夏季高于冬季.  相似文献   

黑龙江省兴凯湖地区管壳缝目硅藻初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采自黑龙江省兴凯湖区域的管壳缝目 (Aulonoraphidinales)硅藻 4科 6属 30种 14变种 2变型 ,其中 2种 4变种1变型为中国新记录。初步分析了不同生境下的管壳缝目植物的种类组成。为黑龙江省兴凯湖硅藻资源的调查提供最基本的资料。  相似文献   

周伟  李旭  李凯媛  李明会 《生物多样性》2016,24(10):1146-28
将经典动物区系与区系存在度分析方法相结合, 探讨云南萨尔温江水系的南滚河、南汀河及勐波罗河3条一级支流的鱼类多样性相对于萨尔温江中游水系鱼类的代表性, 比较其鱼类区系存在度差异, 分析区系组成特征及科、属在区系建成中的重要性, 旨在探讨区系存在度指标对鱼类保护区设置的指导作用。结果显示, 萨尔温江中游水系(云南段)共记录土著鱼类74种, 分隶于5目12科45属。3条支流共有土著鱼类53种, 分隶于5目12科38属, 其中南滚河鱼类有9科23属32种, 南汀河有11科33属47种, 勐波罗河有10科26属33种。按种类的绝对数排序, 3条支流均是鲤科、鮡科和条鳅科排前3位。而按区系存在度结果排序, 均是鳗鲡科、鳢科、刺鳅科、合鳃鱼科和鮡科等5个科位列前5位。两种方法排序结果显示, 3条支流表现出完全的一致性。同一属级分类阶元的区系存在度在不同支流间变异较大, 属级和种级分类阶元的地域性分布特点渐趋明显。这3条一级支流鱼类均是以老第三纪原始类群为主体, 南方类群次之, 还有少量青藏高原类群。结合鱼类区系存在度研究结果, 在设置淡水鱼类保护区时, 应考虑在大水系的上中下游分别选择1条或多条一级支流建立保护区; 如果目、科级存在度高的阶元在鱼类保护区规划时涵盖得多, 则保护了较多的高级阶元, 但并非是必须考虑的阶元; 而属级存在度值则是保护区规划时需要特别关注的事项。  相似文献   

吴波  王莹  周波  宋昭彬 《四川动物》2014,(3):460-465
2012年1~12月,对南广河四川段鱼类资源进行了调查,在8个采样点共采集标本333尾,经鉴定为32种,隶属3目7科23属。结合访问调查和相关资料,南广河历史上共有鱼类92种,隶属6目14科63属。南广河鱼类种类较多,以鲤形目和鲇形目鱼类为主,但目前分布的种类已明显减少。  相似文献   

付蔷  周伟  李凤莲  白冰 《四川动物》2008,27(2):167-171
云南省云龙天池自然保护区及其邻近地区共有鱼类26种,分别隶属于4目6科9亚科19属.鱼类区系以鲤形目的种数最多,其次是鲇形目.科级水平上,以鲤科鱼类比例最高,鮡科次之.鱼类区系组成相对简单,以华南区种类最多.本区急流性鱼类多,特有及经济种类丰富.天池保护区及其周边森林和水域环境保护较好,成为当地野生鱼类的"避难所".多种鱼的模式标本产地或副模标本产地散布在云龙县的邻近地区,加强保护区建设,间接地可起到保护临近模式标本产地及其种类的作用.天池保护区及其邻近地区的多种经济鱼类,均是一些优良的种质资源.同时,云龙位于三江并流地区,其中的鱼类种类,尤其是特有种类的分布格局,对研究横断山区鱼类的起源、分化,以及青藏高原的隆升均有极高的科学价值.  相似文献   

本底资源是保护区建设与发展的基础,也是生物多样性深入研究与保护重要的参考资料。湖南小溪国家级自然保护区是我国中南地区具有代表性的原始次生林区,生物资源相对丰富。自2014年以来,对区内的两栖爬行动物资源、多样性及区系进行了较为系统的调查与研究。结果表明:区内现有两栖爬行动物2目16科40属63种,其中两栖动物1目7科15属33种,爬行动物1目9科25属30种;无声囊泛树蛙Polypedates mutus和老山树蛙Rhacophorus laoshan是湖南省两栖动物新记录;核心区的物种多样性指数和均匀度指数均高于缓冲区和实验区;动物区系成分缺乏古北界种类,以东洋界种类为主(48种,占76.2%),广布种有15种(23.8%);平均动物区系相似性比较发现,其与湖南省内其他6个保护区(森林公园)属于周缘关系。鉴于保护区两栖爬行动物资源的丰富性、典型性与代表性,应加强研究和保护。  相似文献   

根据2008年5月至2011年1月对松嫩湖群20个主要渔业湖泊的鱼类资源调查,分析了该湖群鱼类区系特征和群落相似性状况。松嫩湖群的鱼类区系由4目9科34属46种和亚种构成,其中土著鱼类3目8科27属39种和亚种,包括中国特有种3种,中国易危种1种,冷水种5种;由5个区系复合体构成,以东部江河平原区系复合体为主体;鲤形目31种,鲤科26种,分别占优势;鱼类区系具有南北方物种相互渗透、古北界与东洋界交汇过渡的混色类群特征。目前松嫩湖群鱼类群落种类组成的相似度总体较低,群落数量结构的相似度总体较高,鱼类群落相似性面临的主要问题是自然与人为因素导致湖泊生态环境的变化和放养、移殖与过度捕捞导致鱼类资源的减少与小型化,二者的叠加效应使鱼类群落长期处于受损状态,群落结构及其相似性处在动态变化中,群落内种间关系的协调性、种群结构的合理性和群落结构的稳定性均在下降。针对这些情况和群落相似性现状,提出未来松嫩湖群湖泊渔业的发展方向是优化调整群落结构,发展多种群湖泊渔业,合理利用土著鱼类资源。  相似文献   

甘孜州幅员辽阔,地形、气候、植被等自然条件复杂多样,为种类繁多的野生动物提供了适宜的生活环境。据初步调查,共有各类野生动物29目76科244属467种,其中哺乳动物8目21科58属91种;鸟类17目47科168属340种;两栖类2目4科6属11种;爬行动物2目4科12属16种;鱼类9种。属资源动物约200种,它们的种群数量都比较大。珍稀动物有41种,占全国113种的36%,占省内55种的74%。其中14种属我州特产动物。属国家一类保护动物8种:大熊猫、金丝猴、黑金丝猴、牛羚、白唇鹿、野驴、野牦牛、黑颈鹤。属二类保护的23种:小熊猫、雪豹、马麝、林麝、白臀鹿、水鹿、毛…  相似文献   

宁夏六盘山保护区自成立以来,对其两栖爬行动物资源调查的相关报道较少。为掌握两栖爬行动物本底资源现状,评价保护区生物多样性,2011年7月~2013年7月共7次对保护区两栖爬行动物资源进行了实地调查。结合文献记载,保护区两栖爬行动物共14种,隶属于2目7科9属,占宁夏28种两栖爬行动物的50.0%;其中两栖类共5种,隶属于1目3科4属,占宁夏7种两栖动物的71.4%,爬行类共9种,隶属于4科5属,占宁夏21种爬行动物的43.8%。保护区两爬动物以古北界物种和广布种为主,分别为8种和5种,东洋界物种仅1种。在此基础上与其相邻的保护区做了动物区系相似性(AFR)比较,结果显示,随着纬度的增高,各保护区两栖爬行动物存在规律性的替代现象。  相似文献   

河北衡水湖两栖爬行动物的多样性及保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩九皋 《四川动物》2007,26(2):356-357,361
衡水湖保护区有两栖爬行动物22种,其中,两栖动物2目4科4属7种,爬行动物2目5科10属15种。对两栖爬行动物资源的保护进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In this study the length–weight relationships of nine fish species from Xingkai (Khanka) Lake in China belonging to three families and eight genera were analyzed. A total of 273 specimens were used to estimate the relationship parameters. Four of these species (Chanodichthys dabryi, Hemibarbus maculatus, Tachysurus fulvidraco and Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) had no previous estimations and one maximum length is new to science for inclusion in FishBase.  相似文献   

太湖鱼类群落结构及多样性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为了解太湖鱼类群落结构和多样性的分布特征,于2009-2010年利用拖网等网具对该水域的鱼类资源进行了调查.结果表明:本次调查共采获鱼类50种,隶属10目15科40属,其中鲤形目种类最多,占总数的68%;鱼类生态类型以湖泊定居性种类为主,群落优势种为湖鲚(Coilia ectenes taihuensis)、间下鱵(Hyporhamphus intermedius)和陈氏短吻银鱼(Salangichthys jordani)等小型鱼类;与历史资料相比,太湖鱼类的物种数量下降,优势种组成发生较大变化,鱼类群落中体质量<30 g的小型鱼类占绝对优势,渔业资源小型化趋势明显.由于过度捕捞和湖泊环境恶化,鱼类群落生物多样性指数均表现偏低,物种丰富度指数D为1.54,多样性指数H’N、H’w分别为0.21和0.46,均匀度指数J'N、.J'w分别为0.07和0.14;太湖各湖区间鱼类种群和多样性的差别一定程度上反映出鱼类群落结构与湖泊营养盐、透明度等环境特征相适应的特点.  相似文献   

小兴凯湖的水生植被及其生态作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文论述了小兴凯湖水生植物的种类组成、植被类型、生物量及其在湖泊淤积和渔业中的作用。该湖属老年期湖泊,水生维管束植物共有25科56种,优势种为竹叶眼子菜、荇菜、芦、菰等。植被类型可划分为沉水植被、浮叶植被和挺水植被等三个亚型,包括12个主要植物群丛。全湖水生植物总生物量(湿重)为196380吨;以植物现存量计算,草食性鱼类的年生产力应为78.75吨。由于水生植物大量繁殖,为减缓湖泊的垫平作用,可适量放养草食性鱼类,控制住水生植物的过量繁殖;同时引种一些经济水生植物,压住水中杂草的生长。  相似文献   

River regulation can advantage non-native aquatic biota at the expense of native species. Nevertheless, flow regulating structures are sometimes used with the aim of achieving positive environmental outcomes in aquatic ecosystems. In the lower River Murray, Australia, drought-induced water level recession and acid sulfate soil exposure prompted the construction of an earthen levee, isolating a section of river channel (the Goolwa weir pool (GWP)) within which water levels were managed to mitigate a risk of water body acidification. The present study aimed to determine the impact of water level management on the fish community by investigating variation in species abundance and recruitment between sites subject to water level management in the GWP and unmanaged sites in Lake Alexandrina. Prior to levee construction, in August 2009, the abundance of the non-native common carp was similar in the GWP and Lake Alexandrina. Following water level management, in December 2009 and April 2010, the abundance of common carp in the GWP was approximately 1000 and 250 times greater than abundance in Lake Alexandrina, as a result of recruitment of young-of-year fish. No native freshwater species were significantly more abundant in the GWP in August 2009, December 2009 or April 2010. The results of this study suggest that the isolation of a river reach and a managed rise in water level facilitated spawning and recruitment of a non-native fish species. As such, the ecological benefits and risks of restoration and mitigation projects that involve the construction of flow regulating structures and water level management should be carefully considered.  相似文献   

上海大莲湖鱼类群落组成及生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yue F  Luo ZK  Wu D  Pei EL  Wang TH 《动物学研究》2010,31(6):657-662
于2009年4月11—19日、4月27—5月8日和5月20—29日3个时间段对大莲湖的鱼类群落特征及其多样性组成进行了调查,共收集鱼类样本24061尾,隶属11科17属22种。群落优势种为鲫(Carassius auratus),占样本个体总数的76.38%;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′)为1.0027,Simpson优势度指数(λ)为0.5959,Pielous均匀度指数(J′)为0.3244,Margalef种类丰富度指标(D)为2.0816,相对稀有种数(R)为90.91%;鱼类群落可分为3个生态类型:江海洄游性鱼类有3种、河湖洄游性鱼类1种和定居性鱼类18种。鱼类食性可分为5种类型:食鱼性鱼类9种、食无脊椎动物性鱼类2种、杂食性鱼类7种、食浮游生物性鱼类有3种和草食性鱼类1种。研究结果表明:大莲湖鱼类群落的多样性指标处于较低水平,稳定性较低;相对于黄埔江下游地区,大莲湖的食鱼性鱼类比例较高,说明位于黄浦江上游的大莲湖之水质好于下游流域。为保护和持续利用大莲湖鱼类资源,应加强监管和对生态环境的保护。  相似文献   

对采自黑龙江省东南部兴凯湖湿地的100余号硅藻标本进行分类研究,共发现桥弯藻科、异极藻科(硅藻门)中国新记录植物5种2变种,分别为亚粗糙桥弯藻(Cymbella peraspera Krammer)、尖头弯肋藻[Cymbopleura cuspidata (Kützing) Krammer]、不显内丝藻高山变种(Encyonema obscurum var.alpina Krammer)、西里西亚内丝藻翼形变种(Encyonema silesiacum var.lata Krammer)、耳状异极藻(Gomphonema auritum Braun & Kützing)、棍棒异极藻(Gomphonema clava Reichardt)、极细异极藻[Gomphonema exilissimum (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot & Reichardt]。对其分类学特征进行了详细的描述,与同属中相似的种类进行了比较与讨论,为今后该区域的藻类研究提供了基础的资料。  相似文献   

The presence of neutralizing antibodies against viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV-IVb) was investigated in sera of 13 fish species collected from Lake St. Clair, Michigan, USA, a VHSV-endemic water body. We tested 297 sera collected May 2004-June of 2010, using a complement-dependent 50% plaque neutralization test (50% PNT). Neutralizing antibodies were detected in 23% (67/297) of the samples. The highest overall antibody prevalence (85%, 34/40) and mean positive antibody titer (12,113 ± 11,699 SD) were detected in muskellunge (Esox masquinongy). Antibodies were also detected in 50% (15/30) of sampled northern pike (E. lucius), 25% (15/61) of freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens), and 7% (3/41) of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). All sera from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), quillback (Carpiodes cyprinus), rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris), shorthead redhorse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum), silver redhorse (M. anisurum), walleye (Sander vitreus), white perch (Morone americana), and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were negative. Antibodies in one or more fish species were detected in all sampling years (2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2010), whereas in parallel sampling periods, VHS virus was detected only in 2006 and 2009. Our results suggest the continued presence of VHSV-IVb in the Lake St. Clair ecosystem, and underscore the importance of assessing immune responses of fish populations to determine prior virus exposure.  相似文献   

The composition, abundance and trophic structure of the fish community in Lake Patzcuaro is analyzed, using data from eight samples taken from the commercial fishery acquired between August 1990 and April 1991. A total of 65 767 individuals, caught with gillnets selective to all fish and size, were analyzed. Eleven species (8 native and 3 exotic) were recorded during the study. Zooplanktivorous were the most representative species, amounting to 91% of the total number. Also, they were the most characteristic species (36.4%) when feeding habits were considered, followed by carnivore and omnivore (27.3% each), and herbivore (9.1%). Three species groups and three time-associated groups were detected by means of classification methods. Lake Patzcuaro's ichthyofauna is to be considered as a transitional community that has not reached equilibrium, particularly after the introduction of exotic species and local extinction of native species. However, Lake Patzcuaro has the greatest fishery production of all tropical lakes in the Central Plain of Mexico and it is mainly sustained by native species. The differential use of feeding resources by the fish species and the diversity in their habits must be taken into account to design strategies to maintain the fish structure (avoiding new introduction of exotic species) and the fish production in Lake Patzcuaro.  相似文献   

黑龙江兴凯湖沼泽地苔藓植物群落初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年夏在黑龙江兴凯湖沼泽地中随机选取47个1m×1m样方,进行苔藓植物及相应维管植物群落调查,并测量记录环境因子,以分析苔藓植物多样性,探讨影响苔藓植物生长与分布的主要环境因子。结果表明:所调查的沼泽地中共有苔藓植物5科、6属、7种,其中粗叶泥碳藓(Sphagnumsquarrosum)和中位泥碳藓(S.magellanicum)为优势种。CCA分析结果显示,粗叶泥炭藓和中位泥炭藓多分布于水位埋深大的生境中,且前者常出现于以细叶苔草(Carexrigescens)为主的群落中,而后者则主要出现于以芦苇(Phragmitesaustralis)-小叶章(Deyeuxiaangustifolia)为主的群落中;中位泥炭藓能生长于沼泽地pH4·4~6·5的所有生境中,粗叶泥碳藓则局限生长于pH5·3左右的生境中,而大湿原藓(Calliergonellacuspidata)、万年藓(Climaciumdendroides)、地钱(Marchantiapolymorpha)和镰刀藓(Drepanocladusaduncus)等4种苔藓植物生长于水体pH值为6·3左右的生境中。研究认为,沼泽地的水位埋深、水pH值和维管植物群落特征是影响这7种苔藓植物生长和分布的主要因子。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted for the presence of cyanobacteria toxins in Lake Kotokel due to a few cases of Haff disease registered in 2008–2009 caused by consumption of fish from Lake Kotokel, and wildlife mortality including large fish kill. The aims of this study were to determine what cyanotoxins (if any) were present in the lake, to describe phytoplankton composition including morphology, density, and species diversity of cyanobacteria, as well as to evaluate the trophic state of the lake. Samples were collected from both nearshore and central sites in August of 2009. Aphanocapsa holsatica dominated the phytoplankton. The presence of toxigenic genotypes of Microcystis spp. and Anabaena lemmermannii was detected by sequencing of PCR-amplified aminotransferase domain of microcystin synthetase gene. LR, RR, and YR microcystin (MC) variants were detected with liquid chromatography-UV mass spectrometry. The data do not shed light on the etiology of Haff disease in Lake Kotokel region, nevertheless taking into account the recreational importance of the lake and its direct connection to Lake Baikal, a necessity to monitor cyanobacteria in these water bodies is evident. This is the first report on simultaneous detection of MC-producing genotypes and MCs in the Lake Baikal region.  相似文献   

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