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As a promising concept for regeneration medicine, endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) therapy represents a novel strategy for a variety of diseases. Increasing evidence suggests that the spleen, a traditionally dispensable organ, acts as a major reservoir during EPC trafficking and plays an important role regarding the modulation of circulating EPC kinetics. Moreover, infusion of splenic EPC can restore endothelial function and promote neovascularization, indicating an available resource for EPC transplantation. Thus a discussion of the role of the spleen with respect to EPC may provide novel information for management of EPC therapy.  相似文献   

《Cell research》2006,16(6):529-529
Adult stem/progenitor cells play important roles in tissue homeostasis and have important implications for regenerative medicine. It was once thought that formation of new blood vessels in adult only occurs through angiogenesis, a process whereby new vessels are formed from existing mature endothelial cells; while vasculogenesis, where new vessels are derived from differentiation of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), was thought to occur exclusively in embryos. The discovery of adult EPCs a few years ago has changed this old paradigm; and subsequent studies showed that EPCs may be a promising tool for the treatment of vascular disorders. However, there have been conflicting reports on subtypes, surface markers, and functions of EPCs; and thus the exact origin and identity of EPCs remain to be defined. A common approach to obtain EPCs is to isolate and culture mononuclear cells from peripheral blood and to select adherent cells for further analyses. In the June issue of Cell Research, Zhang et al. attempted to isolate putative "EPCs" using this approach,  相似文献   

The parenchymal liver cell is a unique fully functional metabolic unit that can be used for liver regenerative medicine to restore function of the diseased organ; the aim of the procedure is to prevent progression of end-stage disease. The alternative, orthotopic liver transplantation, is highly intrusive, irreversible and limited by general organ shortage. Mature liver cell - hepatocyte - transplantation has been shown to have short- to medium-term efficacy for correction of miscellaneous inborn errors of metabolism. However, although proof of concept has been established, the procedure has not yet achieved full success, due to limited durability of functional benefit. Hepatocyte procurement is also restricted by organ shortage, and their storage is difficult due to poor tolerance of cryopreservation. Alternative cell sources are therefore needed for development and wider accessibility of cell-based liver regenerative medicine. Besides safety, the main challenge for these alternative cells is to acquire similar levels of functionality once implanted into the target organ. In this respect, liver derived progenitor cells may have some advantages over stem cells derived from other tissues.  相似文献   

血管再生中的内皮祖细胞   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Xu QB 《生理学报》2005,57(1):1-6
循环血液里存在一种被称为内皮祖细胞(endothelial progenitor cells,EPCs)的祖细胞亚群,具有在体内外分化为成熟内皮细胞的能力。根据内皮祖细胞与其他血液细胞的粘附能力的差异和内皮祖细胞的抗原特异性,内皮祖细胞可通过贴壁培养和免疫磁珠筛选而分离获得。内皮祖细胞可特异性表达三种祖细胞分子标志:CD133、CD34和血管内皮生长因子受体-2。当内皮祖细胞分化为成熟内皮细胞后,血小板内皮细胞粘附分子-1(CD31)、血管内皮粘附素(VE-cadherin,又称CD144)和Ⅷ因子(vWF)表达将上调。越来越多的证据显示,内皮祖细胞有利于体内内皮损伤后修复和血管再生。我们的研究发现,内皮祖细胞可修复apoE-缺陷小鼠血管移植物中的损伤内皮并且在动脉血管外膜中存在大量的血管祖细胞。然而,在机体的血管再生和动脉硬化的形成进程中,这些内皮祖细胞的作用和机制还不太明确。另外,有关机体内相应心血管疾病危险因素是如何影响内皮祖细胞功能的机制也不清楚。因此,对内皮祖细胞的归巢、释放和粘附机制的进一步深入研究将有助于人们探索内皮祖细胞的基础理论和临床应用价值。  相似文献   

The cancer relapse and mortality rate suggest that current therapies do not eradicate all malignant cells. Currently, it is accepted that tumorigenesis and organogenesis are similar in many respects, as for example, homeostasis is governed by a distinct sub-population of stem cells in both situations. There is increasing evidence that many types of cancer contain their own stem cells: cancer stem cells (CSC), which are characterized by their self-renewing capacity and differentiation ability. The investigation of solid tumour stem cells has gained momentum particularly in the area of brain tumours. Gliomas are the most common type of primary brain tumours. Nearly two-thirds of gliomas are highly malignant lesions with fast progression and unfortunate prognosis. Despite recent advances, two-year survival for glioblastoma (GBM) with optimal therapy is less than 30%. Even among patients with low-grade gliomas that confer a relatively good prognosis, treatment is almost never curative. Recent studies have demonstrated the existence of a small fraction of glioma cells endowed with features of primitive neural progenitor cells and a tumour-initiating function. In general, this fraction is characterized for forming neurospheres, being endowed with drug resistance properties and often, we can isolate some of them using sorting methods with specific antibodies. The molecular characterization of these stem populations will be critical to developing an effective therapy for these tumours with very dismal prognosis. To achieve this aim, the development of a mouse model which recapitulates the nature of these tumours is essential. This review will focus on glioma stem cell knowledge and discuss future implications in brain cancer therapy and regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells: a promising candidate in regenerative medicine   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Mesenchymal stem cells were initially characterized as plastic adherent, fibroblastoid cells. In recent years, there has been an increasing focus on mesenchymal stem cells since they have great plasticity and are potential for therapeutic applications. Mesenchymal stem cells or mesenchymal stem cell-like cells have been shown to reside within the connective tissues of most organs. These cells can differentiate into osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic lineages under appropriate conditions. A number of reports have also indicated that these cells possess the capacity to trans-differentiate into epithelial cells and lineages derived from the neuro-ectoderm, and in addition, mesenchymal stem cells can migrate to the sites of injury, inflammation, and to tumors. These properties of mesenchymal stem cells make them promising candidates for use in regenerative medicine and may also serve as efficient delivery vehicles in site-specific therapy.  相似文献   

Hirai H 《Human cell》2002,15(4):190-198
Stem cells have been defined as clonogenic cells that undergo both self-renewal and differentiation to more committed progenitors and functionally specialized mature cells. Of late years, stem cells have been identified in a variety of tissues of an adult body. Depending on the source, they have the potential to form one or more, or even all cell types of an organism. Stem cell research provided some outstanding contributions to our understanding of developmental biology and offered much hope for cell replacement therapies overcoming a variety of diseases. The establishment of human ES cell lines enabled us to generate all tissues we comprise. Recently, excitement has been evoked by the controversial evidence that adult stem cells have a much higher degree of developmental plasticity than previously imagined. More recently, the existence of multipotent somatic stem cells in bone marrow has been reported. Combined with these discoveries and achievements as well as the developing technologies, scientists are now trying to bring stem cell therapies to the clinic.  相似文献   

Endothelial progenitor cells: diagnostic and therapeutic considerations   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) may be defined as adherent cells derived from peripheral blood- or bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells demonstrating acLDL uptake and isolectin-binding capacity. The number of circulating EPCs inversely correlates with the number of cardiovascular risk factors and is reduced in cardiovascular disease. This measurement may therefore serves as a surrogate marker for cardiovascular disease risk. EPC numbers can be modified by various means. However, the effectiveness of risk-factor modification on EPC number and function is currently unknown. Furthermore, EPCs may be used as a potential therapy for a variety of vascular disease states including ischaemia, restenosis and pulmonary hypertension. This review provides an update on multiple factors that affect EPC number as well as highlighting the potential use of EPCs as a novel marker of vascular dysfunction. Furthermore, potential gene- and/or EPC-based approaches to a number of vascular disease states are explored.  相似文献   

There is currently great excitement and expectation in the stem cell community following the discovery that multipotent stem cells can be cultured from human fetal tissue and retain their ability to give rise to a variety of differentiated cell types found in all three embryonic germ layers. Although the earliest sites of hematopoietic cell and endothelial cell differentiation in the yolk sac blood islands were identified about 100 years ago, cells with hemangioblast properties have not yet been identified in vivo. Endothelial cells differentiate from angioblasts in the embryo and from endothelial progenitor cells, mesoangioblasts and multipotent adult progenitor cells in the adult bone marrow. Circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) have been detected in the circulation after vascular injury and during tumor growth. The molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying EPC recruitment and differentiation are not yet understood, and remain as one of the central issues in stem cell biology. For many years, the prevailing dogma stated that the vessels in the embryo develop from endothelial progenitors, whereas sprouting of vessels in the adult results only from division of differentiated endothelial cells. Recent evidence, however, indicates that EPC contribute to vessel growth in the embryo and in ischemic, malignant or inflammed tissues in the adult, and can even be therapeutically used to stimulate vessel growth in ischemic tissues.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease due to its negative impact on the vascular endothelium. The damaged endothelium is repaired by resident cells also through the contribution of a population of circulating cells derived from bone marrow. These cells, termed endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are involved in maintaining endothelial homeostasis and contributes to the formation of new blood vessels with a process called postnatal vasculogenesis. The mechanisms whereby these cells allow for protection of the cardiovascular system are still unclear; nevertheless, consistent evidences have shown that impairment and reduction of EPCs are hallmark features of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Therefore, EPC alterations might have a pathogenic role in diabetic complications, thus becoming a potential therapeutic target. In this review, EPC alterations will be examined in the context of macrovascular and microvascular complications of diabetes, highlighting their roles and functions in the progression of the disease.  相似文献   

Endothelial dysfunction has been associated with the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Adult endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs) are derived from hematopoietic stem cells and are capable of forming new blood vessels through a process of vas-culogenesis. There are studies which report correlations between circulating EPCs and cardiovascular risk fac-tors. There are also studies on how pharmacotherapies may influence levels of circulating EPCs. In this review, we discuss the potential role of endothelial progenitor cells as both diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. In addition, we look at the interaction between cardio-vascular pharmacotherapies and endothelial progenitor cells. We also discuss how EPCs can be used directly and indirectly as a therapeutic agent. Finally, we evalu-ate the challenges facing EPC research and how these may be overcome.  相似文献   

Endothelial progenitor cells for regeneration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Masuda H  Kalka C  Asahara T 《Human cell》2000,13(4):153-160
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) have been recently isolated from peripheral blood and bone marrow (BM), and shown to be incorporated into sites of physiological and pathological neovascularization in vivo. In contrast to differentiated endothelial cells (ECs), transplantation of EPCs successfully enhanced vascular development by in situ differentiation and proliferation within ischemic organs. Based on such a novel concept of closed up function on EPCs in postnatal neovascularization, the beneficial property of EPC is attractive for cell therapy as well as cell-mediated gene therapy applications targeting regeneration of ischemic tissue.  相似文献   

干细胞具有分化成为体内所有类型细胞的能力,因此,其在再生医学治疗、体外疾病模拟、药物筛选等方面具有广阔的应用前景。干细胞技术在近些年取得了突飞猛进的发展,特别是诱导多能性干细胞的出现使干细胞领域经历了一场巨大的变革。我国干细胞研究在这场干细胞技术变革中取得了多项重大成果,逐渐成为了世界干细胞研究领域中的重要力量。本综述着重介绍近几年来,主要是诱导多能性干细胞技术出现之后,我国在干细胞和再生医学领域取得的重要进展,主要涵盖诱导多能性干细胞、转分化、单倍体干细胞以及基因修饰动物模型和基因治疗等方面。  相似文献   

First described in 2004, endometrial stem cells (EnSCs) are adult stem cells isolated from the endometrial tissue. EnSCs comprise of a population of epithelial stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and side population stem cells. When secreted in the menstrual blood, they are termed menstrual stem cells or endometrial regenerative cells. Mounting evidence suggests that EnSCs can be utilized in regenerative medicine. EnSCs can be used as immuno-modulatory agents to attenuate inflammation, are implicated in angiogenesis and vascularization during tissue regeneration, and can also be reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells. Furthermore, EnSCs can be used in tissue engineering applications and there are several clinical trials currently in place to ascertain the therapeutic potential of EnSCs. This review highlights the progress made in EnSC research, describing their mesodermal, ectodermal, and endodermal potentials both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) are currently the best candidate therapeutic cells for regenerative medicine related to osteoarticular, muscular, vascular and inflammatory diseases, although these cells remain heterogeneous and necessitate a better biological characterization. We and others recently described that MSC originate from two types of perivascular cells, namely pericytes and adventitial cells and contain the in situ counterpart of MSC in developing and adult human organs, which can be prospectively purified using well defined cell surface markers. Pericytes encircle endothelial cells of capillaries and microvessels and express the adhesion molecule CD146 and the PDGFRβ, but lack endothelial and haematopoietic markers such as CD34, CD31, vWF (von Willebrand factor), the ligand for Ulex europaeus 1 (UEA1) and CD45 respectively. The proteoglycan NG2 is a pericyte marker exclusively associated with the arterial system. Besides its expression in smooth muscle cells, smooth muscle actin (αSMA) is also detected in subsets of pericytes. Adventitial cells surround the largest vessels and, opposite to pericytes, are not closely associated to endothelial cells. Adventitial cells express CD34 and lack αSMA and all endothelial and haematopoietic cell markers, as for pericytes. Altogether, pericytes and adventitial perivascular cells express in situ and in culture markers of MSC and display capacities to differentiate towards osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic cell lineages. Importantly, adventitial cells can differentiate into pericyte‐like cells under inductive conditions in vitro. Altogether, using purified perivascular cells instead of MSC may bring higher benefits to regenerative medicine, including the possibility, for the first time, to use these cells uncultured.  相似文献   

Endothelial progenitor cells for postnatal vasculogenesis   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
In the past decade, researchers have defined committed stem or progenitor cells from various tissues, including bone marrow, peripheral blood, brain, liver, and reproductive organs, in both adult animals and humans. Whereas most cells in adult organs are composed of differentiated cells, which express a variety of specific phenotypic genes adapted to each organ's environment, quiescent stem or progenitor cells are maintained locally or in the systemic circulation and are activated by environmental stimuli for physiological and pathological tissue regeneration. Recently, endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) were isolated from peripheral blood CD34, Flk-1, or AC133 antigen-positive cells, which are considered to include a hematopoietic stem cell population, and were shown to be incorporated into foci of neovascularization. This finding, that circulating EPCs may home to sites of neovascularization and differentiate into endothelial cells in situ, is consistent with "vasculogenesis," a critical paradigm for embryonic neovascularization, and suggests that vasculogenesis and angiogenesis may constitute complementary mechanisms for postnatal neovascularization. Previous reports demonstrating therapeutic potential of EPC transplantation in animal models of hindlimb and myocardial ischemia opened the way to the clinical application of cell therapy: the replacement of diseased or degenerating cell populations, tissues, and organs. In this review, we summarize biological features of EPCs and speculate on the utility of EPCs for vascular and general medicine. cell transplantation; ischemia; neovascularization; stem cell  相似文献   

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