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Shen Y  Chou CY  Chang GG  Tong L 《Molecular cell》2006,22(6):807-818
Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylases (ACCs) have crucial roles in fatty acid metabolism. The biotin carboxylase (BC) subunit of Escherichia coli ACC is believed to be active only as a dimer, although the crystal structure shows that the active site of each monomer is 25 A from the dimer interface. We report here biochemical, biophysical, and structural characterizations of BC carrying single-site mutations in the dimer interface. Our studies demonstrate that two of the mutants, R19E and E23R, are monomeric in solution but have only a 3-fold loss in catalytic activity. The crystal structures of the E23R and F363A mutants show that they can still form the correct dimer at high concentrations. Our data suggest that dimerization is not an absolute requirement for the catalytic activity of the E. coli BC subunit, and we propose a new model for the molecular mechanism of action for BC in multisubunit and multidomain ACCs.  相似文献   

The supra-molecular assembly of the main respiratory chain enzymatic complexes in the form of "super-complexes" has been proved by structural and functional experimental evidence. This evidence strongly contrasts the previously accepted Random Diffusion Model stating that the complexes are functionally connected by lateral diffusion of small redox molecules (i.e. Coenzyme Q and cytochrome c). This review critically examines the available evidence and provides an analysis of the functional consequences of the intermolecular association of the respiratory complexes pointing out the role of Coenzyme Q and of cytochrome c as channeled or as freely diffusing intermediates in the electron transfer activity of their partner enzymes.  相似文献   

Langer M  Langosch D 《FEBS letters》2011,585(7):1021-1024
It has been suggested that lipids translocate between the outer and inner leaflets of fusing membranes, or flip-flop, to facilitate changes in bilayer leaflet areas at various stages of fusion. Here, we investigated the lipid flip activity of synthetic peptides that mimic SNARE transmembrane domains (TMDs). These peptides indeed induce flip of marker lipids. However, mutations that reduce flip activity do not diminish fusogenicity and cholesterol blocks flip much more efficiently than fusion. Therefore, our data do not support a role for flip in membrane fusion. On the other hand, the ability of SNARE TMDs to catalyze flip is consistent with a role of SNAREs in biogenic lipid flip.  相似文献   

SPT (serine palmitoyltransferase) catalyses the rate-limiting step for the de novo synthesis of sphingolipids. Mammalian SPT is believed to be a heterodimer composed of two subunits, SPTLC1 and SPTLC2. We reported previously the identification of a new third SPT subunit, SPTLC3. In the present study, we have investigated the structure of the SPT complex in more detail. Pull-down assays with antibodies against SPTLC3 concomitantly co-precipitated SPTLC1 and SPTLC2 in human placenta extracts and SPTLC3 overexpressing human embryonic kidney-293 cells. By size exclusion chromatography, we determined the molecular mass of the functional SPT complex to be approx. 480 kDa. By Blue-native-PAGE experiments we demonstrated that all three SPT subunits (SPTLC1-3) are co-localized within a single SPT complex. On the basis of these results we conclude that the functional SPT is not a dimer, but a higher organized complex, composed of three distinct subunits (SPTLC1, SPTLC2 and SPTLC3) with a molecular mass of 480 kDa. The stoichiometry of SPTLC2 and SPTLC3 in this complex seems not to be fixed and is probably changed dynamically in dependence of the tissue specific SPTLC2 and SPTLC3 expression levels. Based on our own and earlier published data we propose a model of an octameric SPT structure. The observed dynamic composition of the SPT complex could provide a cellular mechanism to adjust SPT activity to tissue specific requirements in sphingolipid synthesis.  相似文献   

A group of non-protein amino acids of higher plants, namely l-canavanine, l-canaline, 0-ureido-l-homoserine, and l-canavaninosuccinic acid, have been implicated in mammalian intermediary metabolism. The clinical observations and biochemical basis for this hypothesis as well as conflicting experimental evidence are presented. A possible explanation for the apparent role of these non-protein amino acids in mammalian metabolism is offered.  相似文献   

The continuous generation of new neurons from stem cells in the hippocampal dentate gyrus is considered an important contributor to hippocampal plasticity. A prerequisite for the life-long generation of new dentate granule neurons is the maintenance of the neural stem cell pool. A number of essential molecular regulators and signals for hippocampal neural stem cell maintenance have been identified, but how these pathways interact to prevent precocious differentiation or exhaustion of the stem cell pool is currently unknown. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on the molecular regulation of the hippocampal stem cell pool and discuss the possibility that signal integration through Notch signaling controls stem cell maintenance in the adult hippocampus.  相似文献   

Kim J  Rusch S  Luirink J  Kendall DA 《FEBS letters》2001,505(2):245-248
In Escherichia coli, protein export from the cytoplasm may occur via the signal recognition particle (SRP)-dependent pathway or the Sec-dependent pathway. Membrane proteins utilize the SRP-dependent route, whereas many secretory proteins use the cytoplasmic Sec machinery. To examine the possibility that signal peptide hydrophobicity governs which targeting route is utilized, we used a series of PhoA signal sequence mutants which vary only by incremental hydrophobicity changes. We show that depletion of SRP, but not trigger factor, affects all the mutants examined. These results suggest secretory proteins with a variety of signal sequences, as well as membrane proteins, require SRP for export.  相似文献   

A recent claim that the renal brush border contains a tripeptidyl peptidase [Andersen & McDonald (1987) Am. J. Physiol. 253, F649-F655] was examined. In a fluorescent assay, the hydrolysis of Gly-Pro-Met-2-naphthylamide (-NH-Nap) and Gly-Pro-Leu-NH-Nap by pig kidney microvilli was strongly inhibited by amastatin or di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate (inhibitors of aminopeptidases and dipeptidyl peptidase IV). The products formed were shown to be Gly-Pro and Met-NH-Nap (or Leu-NH-Nap) and free 2-naphthylamine. Specific antibodies to pig and rat aminopeptidase N abolished the apparent tripeptidyl peptidase activity. We conclude that these substrates are hydrolysed by the sequential attack of dipeptidyl peptidase IV and aminopeptidase N and that pig and rat brush borders lack a detectable tripeptidyl peptidase.  相似文献   

It is known, that the multi-subunit complex of photosystem II (PSII) and some of its single proteins exhibit carbonic anhydrase activity. Previously, we have shown that PSII depletion of HCO3?/CO2 as well as the suppression of carbonic anhydrase activity of PSII by a known inhibitor of α?carbonic anhydrases, acetazolamide (AZM), was accompanied by a decrease of electron transport rate on the PSII donor side. It was concluded that carbonic anhydrase activity was required for maximum photosynthetic activity of PSII but it was not excluded that AZM may have two independent mechanisms of action on PSII: specific and nonspecific. To investigate directly the specific influence of carbonic anhydrase inhibition on the photosynthetic activity in PSII we used another known inhibitor of α?carbonic anhydrase, trifluoromethanesulfonamide (TFMSA), which molecular structure and physicochemical properties are quite different from those of AZM. In this work, we show for the first time that TFMSA inhibits PSII carbonic anhydrase activity and decreases rates of both the photo-induced changes of chlorophyll fluorescence yield and the photosynthetic oxygen evolution. The inhibitory effect of TFMSA on PSII photosynthetic activity was revealed only in the medium depleted of HCO3?/CO2. Addition of exogenous HCO3? or PSII electron donors led to disappearance of the TFMSA inhibitory effect on the electron transport in PSII, indicating that TFMSA inhibition site was located on the PSII donor side. These results show the specificity of TFMSA action on carbonic anhydrase and photosynthetic activities of PSII. In this work, we discuss the necessity of carbonic anhydrase activity for the maximum effectiveness of electron transport on the donor side of PSII.  相似文献   

When phagocytic leukocytes interact with soluble or particulate stimuli, the cells increase their production of oxidative metabolites. This increased production can be measured as luminol amplified light emission or chemiluminescence. From the literature it can be concluded that the chemiluminescence reaction is dependent on oxygen radicals produced by the cells and on the enzyme myeloperoxidase. Since the radical producing system and the peroxidase are localized to different subcellular compartments, it is proposed that a lysosomal fusion, bringing the two reactants together into the same subcellular compartment, is a prerequisite for the chemiluminescence reaction.  相似文献   

In none of the 92 published prokaryotic sequences is a translation codon preceeded by UAG as the first "termination codon". In most cases the UAA or UGA is close to the initiation codon and may be part of the ribosome recognition signal.  相似文献   

The process of inferring phylogenetic trees from molecular sequences almost always starts with a multiple alignment of these sequences but can also be based on methods that do not involve multiple sequence alignment. Very little is known about the accuracy with which such alignment-free methods recover the correct phylogeny or about the potential for increasing their accuracy. We conducted a large-scale comparison of ten alignment-free methods, among them one new approach that does not calculate distances and a faster variant of our pattern-based approach; all distance-based alignment-free methods are freely available from http://www.bioinformatics.org.au (as Python package decaf+py). We show that most methods exhibit a higher overall reconstruction accuracy in the presence of high among-site rate variation. Under all conditions that we considered, variants of the pattern-based approach were significantly better than the other alignment-free methods. The new pattern-based variant achieved a speed-up of an order of magnitude in the distance calculation step, accompanied by a small loss of tree reconstruction accuracy. A method of Bayesian inference from k-mers did not improve on classical alignment-free (and distance-based) methods but may still offer other advantages due to its Bayesian nature. We found the optimal word length k of word-based methods to be stable across various data sets, and we provide parameter ranges for two different alphabets. The influence of these alphabets was analyzed to reveal a trade-off in reconstruction accuracy between long and short branches. We have mapped the phylogenetic accuracy for many alignment-free methods, among them several recently introduced ones, and increased our understanding of their behavior in response to biologically important parameters. In all experiments, the pattern-based approach emerged as superior, at the expense of higher resource consumption. Nonetheless, no alignment-free method that we examined recovers the correct phylogeny as accurately as does an approach based on maximum-likelihood distance estimates of multiply aligned sequences.  相似文献   

The dark incubation at room temperature of photosystem II (PS II) membrane fragments in a chloride-free medium at pH 6.3 slowly leads to large chloride-restorable and non-restorable O2 evolution activity losses with time as compared with control samples incubated in the presence of 10 mM NaCl. The chloride requirement in O2 evolution generated under these conditions reveals a complex interplay among various experimental parameters, including the source of the plant material, the times of incubation, the sample concentration, the chloride concentration, as well as those treatments which are believed to specifically displace chloride from PS II such as alkaline pH pretreatment and Na2SO4 addition. The results indicate that secondary, structural changes within the PS II complex are an important factor in determining the influence of chloride on the O2 evolution activity and raise the question whether or not chloride ions actually play a direct cofactor role in the water-oxidizing reactions leading to O2 evolution.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - EPR electron paramagnetic resonance - MES 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - PS II photosystem II  相似文献   

β-Galactosidase is a metal-activated enzyme, which breaks down the glucosidic bond of lactose and produces glucose and galactose. Among several commercial applications, preparation of lactose-free milk has gained special attention. The present objective is to demonstrate the activity kinetics of β-galactosidase purified from a non-pathogenic bacterium Arthrobacter oxydans SB. The enzyme was purified by DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-100 column chromatography. The purity of the protein was checked by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The purified enzyme of molecular weight ~ 95 kDa exhibited specific activity of 137.7 U mg?1 protein with a purification of 11.22-fold and yield 12.42 %. The exact molecular weight (95.7 kDa) of the purified protein was determined by MALDI-TOF. Previously, most of the studies have used Mg+2 as a cofactor of β- galactosidase. In this present investigation, we have checked the kinetic behavior of the purified β-galactosidase in presence of several bivalent metals. Lowest Km with highest substrate (ortho-nitrophenyl-β-galactoside or ONPG) affinity was measured in presence of Ca2+ (42.45 µM ONPG). However, our results demonstrated that Vmax was maximum in presence of Mn+2 (55.98 µM ONP produced mg?1 protein min?1), followed by Fe+2, Zn+2, Mg+2, Cu+2 and Ca+2. A large number of investigations reported Mg+2 as potential co factor for β-galacosidase. However, β-galactosidase obtained from Arthrobacter oxydans SB has better activity in the presence of Mn+2 or Fe2+.  相似文献   

In contrast to a published report [Wali et al. Arch Microbiol 118:49–53 (1978)], an organic acid is not essential for the growth of thermophilic fungi. The thermophilic fungus, Thermomyces lanuginosus, grows satisfactorily in a synthetic medium containing glucose as carbon source if the pH of the medium is controlled. The control of pH is essential for the concentration of carbon dioxide in the growth medium and the activity of anaplerotic enzyme, pyruvate carboxylase.Abbreviations PEP phosphoenolpyruvate - GDP guanosine 5-diphosphate  相似文献   

The first committed step of guanine nucleotide biosynthesis is the oxidation of inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) to xanthosine 5'-monophosphate (XMP) catalyzed by IMP dehydrogenase. The reaction involves the reduction of NAD(+) with the formation of a covalent enzyme intermediate (E-XMP). Hydrolysis of E-XMP requires the enzyme to adopt a closed conformation and is rate-limiting. Thr321, Arg418, and Tyr419 are candidates for the residue that activates water. The substitution of Thr321 has similar, but small, effects on both the hydride transfer and hydrolysis steps. This result suggests that Thr321 influences the reactivity of Cys319, either through a direct interaction or by stabilizing the structure of the active site loop. The hydrolysis of E-XMP is accelerated by the deprotonation of a residue with a pK(a) of approximately 8. A similar deprotonation stabilizes the closed conformation; this residue has a pK(a) of >or=6 in the closed conformation. The substitution of Tyr419 with Phe does not change the pH dependence of either the hydrolysis of E-XMP or the conformational change, which suggests that Tyr419 is not the residue that activates water. In contrast, the conformational change becomes pH-independent when Arg418 is substituted with Gln. Lys can replace the function of Arg418 in the hydrolysis reaction but does not stabilize the closed conformation. The simplest explanation for these observations is that Arg418 serves as the base that activates water in the IMPDH reaction.  相似文献   

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