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The construction and operation of a versatile apparatus forthe measurement of CO2 exchange of detached plant parts is described. CO2 concenteration was measured with an accuracy of about ±3per cent using a commercial infra-red gas analyser; measurementswere made at ambient CO2 levels between 10 and 10,000 p.p.m.(0.001 per cent. and 1.0 per cent. by volume), at leaf temperaturesbetween 5°C. and 40°C. (±0.1°C.) and at lightintensities up to 2,000 foot candles. The measurements were made on either a fixed volume of gas repeatedlypassed over the leaf, or on a stream of gas passing over theleaf once only, or with any desired combination of these two. Rates of gas flow (up to 801./hr.) could be controlled to finelimits independent of changes in flow resistance and measuredwith an accuracy of at least ±1 per cent., if required.  相似文献   

The economy of carbon, nitrogen, water and mineral elementsin fruits of Lupinus albus L. was studied by measuring accumulationof these quantities in the developing fruit and estimating itstranspirational losses and CO2 exchanges. Combining this informationwith data on levels of mineral elements in the xylem sap andphloem sap supplying the fruit, it was possible to test whethertransport based on mass inflow through xylem and phloem wouldaccount for the observed intake of elements. A model of transportbased on water and carbon intake suggested that vascular intakeduring the fruit's life matched the recorded increment for mineralsto within ± 15 per cent for N, Na, Zn, Fe and Cu, andto within ± 23 per cent for P, K and S. However, estimatedvascular intake of Ca, Mg and Mn accounted for less than one–thirdof the recorded intake by the fruit, inadequacy of vascularintake being especially great early in growth. Transport inphloem accounted for more than 80 per cent of the fruit's vascularintake of C, N and S, and 70–80 per cent of its P, K,Mg and Zn. Xylem contributed 68 per cent of the vascular inputof Ca, 59 per cent of the Na, and 34–38 per cent of theFe, Mn and Cu. Enclosure and darkening of fruits reduced levelsof Ca and Fe but increased levels of N, P, K and Zn in fruitdry matter relative to unenclosed, illuminated fruits. Resultswere related to previous observations on fruit functioning. Lupinus albus, legume fruit, mineral supply, phloem, xylem  相似文献   

The concept of thermal time is applied to the prediction ofduration from sowing to maturity of calabrese (Brassica oleraceavar italica cv. Corvet), using a multiple linear regressionmodel. Given daily records of maximum and minimum air temperatureand total solar radiation, maturity could be predicted to within±7 d for nine out of ten crops over the four years considered.Within any one year the precision improved to ±5 d. Calabreseappeared to stop developing at a base temperature of 0 °C.Thermal time accounted for 74·3 per cent of the variationin reciprocal total duration and solar radiation a further 17·7per cent. Model, weather, calabrese, broccoli, thermal time, solar radiation  相似文献   

In two experiments, the functioning and metabolism of nodulesof white clover, following a defoliation which removed abouthalf the shoot tissue, were compared with those of undefoliatedplants. In one experiment, the specific respiration rates of nodulesfrom undefoliated plants varied between 1160 and 1830 µmolCO2 g–1h–1, of which nodule ‘growth and maintenance’accounted for 22 ± 2 per cent, or 27 ± 3.6 percent, according to method of calculation. Defoliation reducedspecific nodule respiration and nodule ‘growth and maintenance’respiration by 60–70 per cent, and rate of N2 fixationby a similar proportion. The original rate of nodule metabolismwas re-established after about 5 d of regrowth; during regrowthnodule respiration was quantitatively related to rate of N2,fixation: 9.1 µmol CO2 µmol–1N2. With the possible exception of nodules examined 24 h after defoliation,the efficiency of energy utilization in nitrogenase functioningin both experiments was the same in defoliated and undefoliatedplants: 2.0±0.1 µmol CO2 µmol–1 C2H4;similarly, there was no change in the efficiency of nitrogenasefunctioning as rate of N2 fixation increased with plant growthfrom 1 to 22 µmol N2 per plant h–1. Exposure of nodulated white clover root systems to a 10 percent acetylene gas mixture resulted in a sharp peak in rateof ethylene production after 1.5–2.5 min; subsequently,rate of ethylene production declined rapidly before stabilisingafter 0.5–1 h at a rate about 50 per cent of that initiallyobserved. Regression of ‘peak’ rate of ethyleneproduction on rate of N2 fixation indicated a value of 2.9 µmolC2H4 µmol–1 N2, for rates of N2 fixation between1 and 22 µmol N2 per plant h–1. The relationshipsbetween nitrogenase respiration, acetylene reduction rates andN2 fixation rates are discussed. Trifolium repens, white clover, defoliation, nodule respiration, N2, fixation, nitrogenase  相似文献   

TOMPSETT  P. B. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(2):229-237
The effect of various gas mixtures on the longevity of hydratedseeds of Araucaria hunsteinii K. Schum. was assessed under controlledconditions. The length of storage life decreased as oxygen concentrationwas reduced from 21 to zero per cent. No effect of carbon dioxideon seed longevity was detected within the range 1–50 percent when combined with 10 or 21 per cent oxygen. Ethylene at0.01 per cent, and sealed foil or polyethylene bag storage reducedthe period of seed germinability compared with that for 21 percent oxygen. Ethanol accumulation took place in stored seedswhen the environmental oxygen concentration was below a thresholdvalue which lay between 1 and 5 per cent. It is proposed that the observed effects of gases on longevityof hydrated seeds may be mediated through an influence on aerobicrespiration rate. Practical implications of the results areconsidered. Araucaria hunsteinii, Klinkii pine, seed longevity, seed storage, gas environments, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethanol accumulation  相似文献   

McLELLAN  A. R. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(6):1225-1232
The mineral, carbohydrate, protein, amino acid, lipid and energycontents of the seven main pollens gathered by honey-bees insouth-east Scotland were determined. Neither dry matter (mean73 per cent) nor ash (mean 3 per cent) were very variable. Thecalcium content of all pollens was relatively similar as werethe magnesium, potassium and sodium contents but manganese whichwas relatively high in ericaceae and phosphorus which was lowin Trifolium were more variable. Acer pollen contained mostprotein and Fagus least, and of the amino acids only serine,cystine and histidine were significantly different in the differentpollens. Over 30 per cent of all pollens was a mixture of fructoseand glucose, ericaceae containing most and Acer least. Hemicellulose(mean 7 per cent) was high in Ranunculus and low in Acer, cruciferaeand Fagus. ‘Cellulose’ (mean 0•5 per cent)was high in cruciferae and low in ericacea. Ether extract (mean5 per cent) was high in cruciferae and Fagus. The mean grossenergy of pollen was 23 kJ g–1. Fresh pollen is comparable with lean meat as a source of energyand protein, and is more like dormant plant seeds than herbagein its water, ash and protein content but stores energy as sugarrather than starch or lipid.  相似文献   

KRAAK  H. L.; VOS  J. 《Annals of botany》1987,59(3):343-349
Seeds of two lettuce cultivars (Lactuca sativa L., cv. Meikoninginand cv. Grand Rapids) were hermetically stored with constantmoisture contents ranging between 3.6 and 17.9 per cent (freshweight basis) at constant temperatures ranging between 5 and75 °C. The decline with time in percentage germination andpercentage normal seedlings was determined for each storagetreatment. The data were fitted to an equation which containsthe constants: K1, the probit of the initial percentage germinationor normal seedlings; KE, a species constant; CW, the constantof a logarithmic moisture term; CH, the constant of a lineartemperature term and CQ, the constant of a quadratic temperatureterm. Regression analysis of data from storage periods up to5.5 years at temperatures of 5–75 °C and seed moisturecontents of 3.6–13.6 per cent yielded the following values:KE= 8.218, CW=4.797±0.163, CH=0.0489±0.0050 andCQ=0.000365±0.000056. Although this equation consistentlyprovided a better fit, simplified equations, assuming eithera log-linear relationship between seed longevity and temperature,or a log-linear relationship between seed longevity and bothmoisture content and temperature, accounted for more than 94per cent of the variation at the restricted temperature rangeof 5–40 °C. Longevity of the same seed lots at sub-zero temperatures (–5,–10 and –20 °C) was studied in separate tests.Freezing damage, resulting in abnormal seedlings in the germinationtest, occurred at –20 °C when the moisture contentof the seeds exceeded 12 per cent. No decline in percentagenormal seedlings was observed after a storage period of 18 monthsor longer at –20 °C, provided the seed moisture contentdid not exceed 9.5 per cent. For seeds stored at –5 and–10 °C with 9.6–12.5 per cent moisture content,the observed rate of decline of percentage normal seedlingswas adequately predicted by the viability equation, using theabove values for the constants. This suggests that for low moisturecontents the viability equation can be applied to estimate longevityat sub-zero temperatures. Lettuce, Lactuca sativa (L.), seed longevity, seed storage, viability constants, storage conditions  相似文献   

Fluctuations in mineral elements id xylem (tracheal) sap, fruitphloem sap, leaflets and dmloping fruits were studied in a fieldpopulation of Lupinus angustifolius L. by three-hourly samplingover a 39 h period. Elements usually reached maximum contentsor concentrations at or near noon, minimum levels during thenight. Amplitudes of diurnal fluctuations in minerals lay withinthe range ±4–33 per cent of the mean content ofleaflets, and ±17–157 per cent of the mean concentrationsin xylem and phloem sap. Most minerals elements fluctuatcd inphase with daily changes in sugar level of phloem sap and drymatter and carbohydrate fluctuations of leaflets, suggestinga coupling of translocation of photosynthate and minerals fromthe leaflets. Rates of import of minerals by shoots wereestimatedfrom shoot transpiration and mineral concentrations in trachealsap. Average day time rates of import of most elements were12–25 times those at night. Translocation of minerals,nitrogen and carbon to fruits also exhibited diurnal periodicity,average rates of import king three to seven times higher inthe day than at night. A model of transport based on the carbonand water economy of the fruit suggested that P, K, Fe, Zn,Mn and Cu were imported predominantly by phloem. Estimates ofvascular import accounted for 87–104 per cent of the fruit'sactual increment of these elements. Na and Ca were gauged tobe imported mainly by xylem, Mg almost equally by xylem andphloem. However, large discrepancies existed for these threeelements between estimated vascular import and actual intakeby the fruit. Lupinus angustifolius L., mineral transport, accumulation, fruits, xylem sap, phloem sap, transpiration  相似文献   

Analysis of the gases contained in the vesicles of Fucus vesiculosusshowed that their oxygen content may be markedly enhanced byphotosynthesis. Under conditions of exposure to the air it was found that theoxygen content rarely fell much below 20 per cent. even afterprolonged periods in the dark. The carbon dioxide content of the vesicular gas varied from0 to 2·5 per cent. and appeared to bear no relationshipto metabolic activity. The results as a whole suggested that vesicle formation maypossibly be conditioned by the intensity of photosynthetic activity.  相似文献   

Using a column chromatographic technique for the estimationand identification of fatty acids, a study has been made offat formation in developing Oil Palm kernels from 10 weeks afterpollination to full maturity (20 weeks), during which time thefat content may increase a hundredfold. Nuts from three differenttrees have been analysed and differences between these in ratesof maturation (as indicated by appearance of the endosperm)can be directly correlated with changes in character of theoil present. Amounts of reducing sugars, sucrose, and starch in the developingendosperm have also been followed, but these carbohydrates arepresent throughout in low concentration, and it is assumed thattranslocation from the rest of the plant to the developing kernelmust account for the major part of storage material. The mature kernel contains in its fat an unusual mixture ofeight different saturated fatty acids. The major such componentis lauric acid (46·1 to 49·5 per cent.) and thereare present two common unsaturated acids, oleic (15·7to 16·5 per cent.) and linoleic acid (0·7 to 3·1per cent.). At the earliest stage examined (10 weeks after pollination)all these acids are.present but in altered proportions, unsaturatedacids forming a larger fraction (36·5 to 81·2per cent., according to the tree investigated), and lauric acid(1·4 to 8·5 per cent.) a smaller. The results suggest that young kernels contain a small quantityof a largely unsaturated ‘protoplasmic’ fat, andthat at a certain stage in development some physiological changein the tissue results in the formation, in large quantities,of a new, highly saturated storage fat. No fatty acid interconversionscould be demonstrated although there is some suggestion thatoleic acid behaves anomalously. There is evidence that free fatty acids are not accumulatedprior to esterification.  相似文献   

FAWUSI  M. O. A. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(5):617-622
Three-month ‘old’ and ‘fresh’ seedsof Talinum triangulare were subjected to various treatmentsto induce early and rapid germination. Scarification and activated carbon were the most effective treatmentsin improving total germination in fresh seeds, while the 3 and5 per cent thiourea treatments were most effective in improvingtotal germination in old seeds. Activated carbon, scarificationand 5 per cent thiourea treatments enhanced early germinationin both old and fresh seeds. Cumulative percentage germinationwas very high in fresh seeds after scarification or after treatmentwith activated carbon and 5 per cent thiourea, and lowest inseeds treated with 3 per cent thiourea and hot water. In oldseeds, highest cumulative percentage germination was obtainedwith 3 and 5 per cent thiourea treatments and scarification.Generally, higher germination was obtained with fresh seedsthan with old seeds. Partial seed-coat removal and treatment with 5 per cent thiouriaresulted in a higher rate of and cumulative percentage germinationcompared with seeds with the coat partially removed but nottreated with thiourea. Constantly high temperature (34 °C) increased both rateand total germination compared with seeds planted at room temperature(20–23 °C). Treatments that did not induce germinationwere 1 per cent thiourea, H2SO4, cold water soaking at roomtemperature, 6 per cent hydrogen peroxide and soil planting.These treatments effected less than 3 per cent germination. Talinum triangulare L, seed scarification, activated charcoal, thiourea, germination  相似文献   

We compared the removal by solution, the represented count-area method and the beating, for the purpose of estimating the number of the Cryptomeria red mite. Among them the solution procedure provided the smallest standard error as per cent of the mean. 0.25 per cent unheated solution of sodium hydroxide is used for the summer generation, and also 0.25 per cent boiling one for the winter eggs. The mean proportion removed±standard error for the summer eggs and the winter eggs were 0.8770±0.0316 and 0.7920±0.0281 respectively, while 0.9894±0.0050 for the mites.  相似文献   

The rapid and uniform establishment of soya bean [Glycine max(L.) Merr.] stands is conducive to higher yields. This studywas undertaken to determine the effects of cultivar, temperature,and seed size on the rate of germination and emergence. No cultivar effect on the germination rate was observed. However,in an emergence study from a sand-soil-peat mixture, cultivardifferences in emergence rates were noted(‘Chippewa 64’> ‘Wayne’ > ‘Amsoy 71’). In anotheremergence study (sand media) the cvs ‘Calland’ and‘Williams’ emerged faster than the cv. 'Wayne or‘Wells’. Time required for 50 per cent germination decreased (18.8–4.0days) as the temperature increased from 10 to 30 °C (5 °Cincrements). Emergence (50 per cent) from a sand-soil-peat mixturewas more rapid (19.8–6.3 days) as the simulated plantingdate (growth chamber set to simulate field temperatures) wasdelayed from 16 April to 15 June with an intermediate date of16 May. In addition, time required for 50 per cent emergence of thecultivars from sand decreased (793–76 h) as the temperaturewas increased from 10 to 30 °C with no decrease from 30to 35 °C. Seed size effects were apparent, with the very small seed germinatingslower than the three larger seed sizes. In the emergence studieswith both the sand and sand-soil-peat mixture there was a generaltrend toward more rapid emergence with the smaller seeds. However,the absolute differences were small. Significant cultivar x temperature interactions were observedfor the germination and emergence rates. In most cases the cultivarsmerged in terms of germination and emergence rates at temperaturesbetween 10 and 20 °C and at the higher temperatures thecultivar rankings were different from those observed at temperaturesbelow the merging point. Glycine max (L.) Merr, soya bean, seed germination, establishment of seedlings  相似文献   

A comparative study was conducted on the development of a remote radiation pathology in rat lungs after single local irradiation with doses of 10, 14.3 and 20 Gy in the air, and 14.3 and 20 Gy in a gas hypoxic mixture containing 10 per cent of oxygen. From the morphological evaluation of the dynamics and the degree of pneumosclerosis manifestations at different times following irradiation the protective effect of gas hypoxic mixture was evident whose value, as estimated by the accretion of the connective tissue in the exposed lung, was a function of radiation dose.  相似文献   

1. Forty-three strains of moulds, selected from ten species,were examined to ascertain their capabilities as producers offat, when grown in four different solutions of nutrient inorganicsalts together with sucrose. The three highest yields of feltwere given by Penicillium javanicum van Beyma, P. Soppi Zaleski,and Aspergillus nidulans Eidam, in that order. The fat contenton felt weight was maximal at 34·8 per cent, with P.Soppi, at 28·4 per cent. with Fusarium lini(1), and at25·8 per cent. with A. nidulans; on sugar utilized itwas maximal at 11·4 per cent. with P. Soppi, at 7·9per cent, with A. nidulans, and at 5·6 per cent. withF. lini(1). 2. Other moulds considered worthy of further trial were P. spinulosum,P. aurantiobrunneum, F. graminearum, A. flavus, F. oxysporum,A. clavatus, and P. oxalicum.  相似文献   

Single plants of white clover, grown in a controlled environmentand dependent for nitrogen on fixation in their root nodules,were defoliated once by removing approximately half their shoottissue. Their regrowth was compared with the growth of comparableundefoliated plants. Two similar experiments were carried out:in the first, plants were defoliated at 2.5 g, and in the secondat 1.2 g total plant d. wt. Defoliation reduced rate of N2 fixation by > 70 per cent,rate of photosynthesis by 83–96 per cent, and rate ofplant respiration by 30–40 per cent. Nodule weights initiallydeclined following defoliation as a result of loss of carbohydratesand other unidentified components. No immediate shedding ofnodules was observed but nodules on the most severely defoliatedplants exhibited accelerated senescence. The original rates of N2 fixation were re-attained after 5–6or 9 d regrowth, with increase in plant size at defoliation.In general, the rate of recovery of N2 fixation was relatedto the re-establishment and increase of the plant's photosyntheticcapacity. Throughout the growth of both defoliated and undefoliatedplants nodule respiration (metabolism) accounted for at least23 ± 2 per cent of gross photosynthesis. The unit ‘cost’of fixing N2 in root nodules, in terms of photosynthate, appearedto be unaffected by defoliation, except perhaps for plants veryrecently defoliated. Similarly, the percentage nitrogen contentsof shoot, root and nodules of defoliated plants became adaptedwithin a few days to those characteristic of undefoliated plants. Trifolium repens, white clover, N2 fixation, defoliation, photosynthesis, respiration  相似文献   

HARVEY  D. M. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(6):673-680
Water requirements in relation to seed production was studiedin near-isogenic lines of leafless (afafstst) and conventional(++++) pea plants (Pisum sativum). The plants were grown toseed maturity in pots in a controlled environment under conditionsof high, medium and low irrigation levels. When each genotypewas irrigated independently and on demand and the soil moisturecontent maintained at 65–80 per cent of full capacitythere was no significant phenotypic difference in water useefficiency (WUE), defined as g d. wt seed per kg H2O utilized.There existed genotypically-controlled upper and lower limitsto yield between which the total dry weight of seed per plantcan be determined by water availability. There was no significantdifferential effect of genotype or of irrigation treatment onthe number of pods, number of seed, unit seed dry weight andbiological yield per plant. There was significant interactionon stem length, and leaf area at specified nodes. When the wateractually required in relation to the water available was takeninto account, the leafless phenotype consistently utilized 33–38per cent less water and produced a correspondingly lower totaldry weight of seed than the conventional counterpart. Independentlyof regime the total dry weight seed per phenotype remained anear constant proportion of the above-ground biomass. Pisum sativum L., garden pea, leafless peas, seed production, water availability  相似文献   

Summary Extraction of a calcareous meadow soil with boiling formic acid containing 10 per cent acetylacetone yielded a fraction of soil organic matter representing about 40 per cent of the total. This fraction contained only 2.2 per cent N. Less than 18 per cent of this was mineralized during incubation for 8 weeks at 28°C. Further extraction of the soil with a formic acid and hydrofluoric acid mixture yielded a second fraction. This represented about 37 per cent of the total organic matter and contained 6.0 per cent N of which up to 41 per cent was mineralized during incubation. Preincubation and leaching had a stabilizing effect on subsequent mineralization of native N of a standard sandy loam soil.  相似文献   

On royal jelly, 1- to 2-day-old honeybee worker larvae have been reared in vitro to adults in a yield of 67±18 per cent. Up to 100 per cent and, on an average, 60 per cent of them were queens and intercaster. The preparation of a basic food from royal jelly by extensive alcohol extraction is described. With this control food, a survival rate of 47±18 per cent was achieved; 15 per cent of the adults were determined, 4·3 per cent of them were queens. Rearing of 1- to 2-day-old worker larvae on a basic food, to which unknown fractions may be added, was used as a biological test for the partial purification of queen bee determinator from royal jelly. By chromatography of the ethanol extract, previously treated with charcoal, on the cation exchanger Dowex 50 WX4 and rechromatography on silica gel, a 105-fold purification of determinator was achieved. Chemical properties of the highly hydrophilic, low molecular active fraction are described.  相似文献   

Sugar beet grown in solution culture, with or without a supplementof 16 millequivalents per litre of sodium, were subjected towater stress with polyethylene glycol solutions of –0.4,–3, and –8 bar osmotic potential. With the –0.4bar solution leaf water potential was between –6 and –8bar and leaf relative water content about 90 per cent. Decreasingthe solution osmotic potential to –8 bar decreased leafwater potential to about –15 bar and relative water contentto 75 per cent; leaves stopped expanding and transpiration andcarbon dioxide uptake were decreased by 80 and 50 per cent respectively.Net assimilation rates were only slightly decreased becauseleaf growth was decreased more than carbon dioxide assimilation.Relative growth rates of the plants were decreased by 8 percent at –3 bar and by 15 per cent at –8 bar. Sodium absorbed by the plant accumulated mainly in the leavesand petioles; it increased the water content of the leaves andstorage root and the plant fresh weight. Sodium decreased theleaf osmotic potential, slightly increased leaf water potential,and significantly increased turgor. It had no effect on carbondioxide uptake, transpiration, net assimilation rate, or relativegrowth rate. Sodium increased the rate at which the leaf areagrew and it is concluded that it did so by altering the leafwater balance.  相似文献   

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