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The self-sterile Senecio jacobaea (Asteraceae) presents its rayed heads in large, compound inflorescences (corymbs). I examined the role of head and corymb size in pollinator attraction, and whether the positive effect of intact rays (if any) depends on the size of the corymb. Using female fertility as a measure of pollination success, I assessed the performance of stems representing four experimentally produced character combinations: (1) few heads without rays, (2) many heads without rays, (3) few heads with rays, and (4) many heads with rays. The proportion of flowers setting fruit was higher for intact stems (treatments 2, 4) than for stems on which the majority of the heads had been removed (treatments 1, 3), suggesting selection for maximum inflorescence production. By contrast, experimental removal of all rays had a relatively weak negative effect on fruit set, with few-headed stems (treatment 1) experiencing a greater reduction than stems with many heads (treatment 2). These results suggest that clusters of heads produce a synergistic effect on pollinator attraction, allowing plants to maintain high visitation rates even if there are drastic reductions in the basic attraction units. Hence, the number of heads and the attractiveness of the individual heads interacted in their effect on pollination success. Fruit set per flower differed greatly between sites and was positively correlated with plant density.  相似文献   

Besides its importance as an ornamental plant, Justicia betonica L. is also used as a medicinal plant for the treatment of several human disorders. However, the population size and abundance of the plant species are very low in Indian states, including West Bengal. The breeding system and pollination ecology of J. betonica are still unclear. Therefore, some reproductive aspects were investigated in order to provide important information for the sustainability of the species. The flowering duration spanned from December to May, with its peak in February–March. Flower opening time was much earlier (5.00–8.00 a.m.) on a hot day (in April–May) than on a cold day (10.00 a.m.–12.00 p.m. in December–January). The time of anther dehiscence coincided with the flower opening time; however, the stigma became receptive later. The plant species is self-compatible but dependent on pollinators for fruit and seed sets. Members of different insect groups like ants, bees, butterflies, flies, moths and wasps visit the flowers. Among them, Allorhynchium metallicum and Halictus acrocephalus are the primary pollinators (based on the “relative pollinator service”). The plant species showed a significant pollination deficit (coefficient of pollination deficit [D] = 0.32) in the open condition. Larvae of the florivorous moth Gatesclarkeana erotias significantly reduced reproductive success by eating their floral parts, ovules and immature seeds. In conclusion, combining the pollination deficit and the feeding activity of phytophagous insects (moth larvae) may reduce the reproductive fitness of J. betonica in the study regions.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Spatial variation in pollinator composition and abundance is a well-recognized phenomenon. However, a weakness of many studies claiming specificity of plant–pollinator interactions is that they are often restricted to a single locality. The aim of the present study was to investigate pollinator effectiveness of the different flower visitors to the terrestrial orchid Eulophia alta at three different localities and to analyse whether differences in pollinator abundance and composition effect this plant''s reproductive success.


Natural pollination was observed in vivo, and manipulative experiments were used to study the pollination biology and breeding system of E. alta at three sites near Manaus, Brazil. To gain a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of pollinator attraction, nectar composition and secretion patterns were also studied, floral scent composition was analysed and a bioassay was conducted.

Key Results

Flower visitors, pollinator composition, pollinia transfer efficiency of particular pollinator species and natural fruit set differed among the investigated populations of E. alta. Flowers were self-compatible, partially autogamous and effectively pollinated by five bee species (four Centris species and Xylocopa muscaria). Visiting insects appeared to imbibe small amounts of hexose-rich nectar. Nectar sugar content was highest on the third day after flower opening. Floral fragrance analyses revealed 42 compounds, of which monoterpenes and benzenoids predominated. A bioassay using floral parts revealed that only floral tissue from the labellum chamber and labellum tip was attractive to flower visitors.


The data suggest that observed differences in reproductive success in the three populations cannot be explained by absolute abundance of pollinators alone. Due to behavioural patterns such as disturbance of effective pollinators on flowers by male Centris varia bees defending territory, pollinia transfer efficiencies of particular pollinator species also vary between study sites and result in differing reproductive success.  相似文献   

The formation and ecological roles of sterile flowers in flowering plants are interesting issues in floral biology and evolution. Here, we investigated the morphological and anatomical characteristics of both fertile and sterile flowers of Viburnum macrocephalum f. keteleeri, a self-incompatible and insect-pollinated shrub, during different developmental stages of flowers. In addition, pollinator visitation rates and fruit set were determined in intact inflorescences and those with sterile flowers removed. The results indicate that sterile and fertile flowers were developmentally similar during early developmental stages, and that development of the flower types diverged about 15 days before flowering. In addition, pollinator visitation rates, number of pollen grains on stigmas and fruit set were significantly higher in inflorescences with sterile flowers than those without sterile flowers. The results suggest that sterile flowers of this species evolved from fertile flowers under long-term selective pressure, and play a crucial role in enhancing reproductive success through effectively attracting pollinators to the plant and thus enhancing fruit set.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy is a dimorphic breeding system in which female individuals coexist with hermaphroditic individuals in the same population. Females only contribute to the next generation via ovules, and many studies have shown that they are usually less attractive than hermaphrodites to pollinators. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how females manage to persist in populations despite these disadvantages. The ‘resource reallocation hypothesis’ (RRH) states that females channel resources not invested in pollen production and floral advertisement towards the production of more and/or larger seeds. We investigated pollination patterns and tested the RRH in a population of Thymus vulgaris. We measured flower display, flower size, nectar production, visitation rates, pollinator constancy and flower lifespan in the two morphs. In addition, we measured experimentally the effects of pollen and resource addition on female reproductive success (fruit set, seed set, seed weight) of the two morphs. Despite lower investment in floral advertisement, female individuals were no less attractive to pollinators than hermaphrodites on a per flower basis. Other measures of pollinator behaviour (number of flowers visited per plant, morph preference and morph constancy) also showed that pollinators did not discriminate against female flowers. In addition, stigma receptivity was longer in female flowers. Accordingly, and contrary to most studies on gynodioecious species, reproductive success of females was not pollen limited. Instead, seed production was pollen limited in hermaphrodites, suggesting low levels of cross‐pollination in hermaphrodites. Seed production was resource limited in hermaphrodites, but not in females, thus providing support for the RRH. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 395–408.  相似文献   

 The terrestrial orchid Epipactis helleborine is a morphologically variable species with a wide distribution in Europe. It is pollinated by social wasps, and most populations show the morphological characteristics of outcrossing species. However, local predominantly selfing subspecies and varieties have been documented from drier habitats. To document geographic variation in floral morphology, ability to produce seeds through autogamy, and reproductive success in E. helleborine, we sampled 13 populations from three geographic regions along a latitudinal gradient of c. 1000 km from northern to southern Sweden. In the southernmost region, populations in dry and mesic habitats were compared. Supplemental hand-pollination was conducted to determine whether among-population variation in fruit set could be explained by differences in the natural level of pollination, and whether any relationship between floral morphology and fruit production could be explained by interactions with pollinators. Bagging experiments showed no evidence of autogamy in any of the study populations. Number of flowers, pollinia removal and fruit set varied significantly among populations but did not differ among regions. Pollinia removal was positively correlated with population size and both pollinia removal and fruit set were lower in dry than in mesic habitats. At the level of the individual plant, the number of pollinia removed increased more rapidly with flower number than did number of fruits produced. The hand-pollination experiment indicated that the positive relationship between number of flowers and fruit production was due to a higher degree of pollen limitation in plants with few flowers than in plants with many flowers. The experiment also showed that variation in the level of pollen limitation could only partly explain variation in fruit set among populations. Received November 6, 2001; accepted April 27, 2002 Published online: December 3, 2002  相似文献   

In the present paper, we have studied the effects of aging onmale reproductive success and song quality in Drosophila montana.We analyzed the reproductive success of wild-caught males attheir normal breeding age during the mating season and aftermaintaining the males in laboratory from 1 to 5 months. In linewith the mutation accumulation theory of aging, none of thefactors affecting the reproductive success of wild-caught malesduring the mating season were related to male longevity. However,mating activity and progeny production of the males decreasedwith male age. Interestingly, there was no significant variationin progeny production between males at their normal breedingage, whereas at older age, the variation between males becomessignificant. The quality of sexually selected song traits deterioratedwith male age in concert with the decrease in male reproductivesuccess. The size of the males did not have an effect on malereproductive success at the normal breeding age, but at olderage, larger males were able to maintain the sexually selectedcarrier frequency of the song at higher level than the smallermales. We conclude that by experimentally extending the reproductiveage of the males beyond that which they normally experiencein nature, it is possible to expose relationships between reproductivesuccess, sexually selected characters, and body size that arenot apparent when analyzed for the males at their normal breedingage.  相似文献   

蒙古沙冬青花序内性分配的变化、传粉者运动与繁殖成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性分配理论主要研究繁殖资源在雌雄功能间的最优分配,从雌雄功能的角度考虑其个体适合度.对花序内不同部位花的雌性与雄性资源分配变化的研究,对于我们理解植物采取哪种繁殖对策保障繁殖成功具有重要意义.本文对生长在中国科学院吐鲁番沙漠植物园内的蒙古沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)连续开花花序内不同部位...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: This study examined the effect of plant traits and environmental factors on pollinator visitation in the winter-flowering Helleborus foetidus (Ranunculaceae) in three distant regions in the Iberian Peninsula. METHODS: Geographical variation in floral visitor assemblage, plant traits and environmental factors were analysed during the flowering season. KEY RESULTS: Differences were found in all plant traits measured (number of open flowers, flower size, number of stamens per flower, and number of nectaries) both within and among regions, and differences among regions in all the environmental factors considered (air temperature, exposure to sunlight, canopy cover, and distance to the nearest neighbour). Differences were also found among regions in the probability that plants would be visited by pollinators. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that, although floral display (i.e. number of open flowers on a plant on a given day) consistently explained among-plant differences in visitation rate in all regions, visitation rate was not significantly affected by any other biological or environmental variable. In Helleborus foetidus, then, 'how' the plant is would seem to be more important than 'where' is it.  相似文献   

  • This study tested the hypothesis that self‐compatibility would be associated with floral traits that facilitate autonomous self‐pollination to ensure reproduction under low pollinator visitation. In a comparison of two pairs of Ipomoea species with contrasting breeding systems, we predicted that self‐compatible (SC) species would have smaller, less variable flowers, reduced herkogamy, lower pollinator visitation and higher reproductive success than their self‐incompatible (SI) congeners.
  • We studied sympatric species pairs, I. hederacea (SC)– I. mitchellae (SI) and I. purpurea (SC)–I. indica (SI), in Mexico, over two years. We quantified variation in floral traits and nectar production, documented pollinator visitation, and determined natural fruit and seed set. Hand‐pollination and bagging experiments were conducted to determine potential for autonomous self‐pollination and apomixis.
  • Self‐compatible Ipomoea species had smaller flowers and lower nectar production than SI species; however, floral variation and integration did not vary according to breeding system. Bees were primary pollinators of all species, but visitation rates were seven times lower in SC than SI species. SC species had a high capacity for autonomous self‐pollination due to reduced herkogamy at the highest anther levels. Self‐compatible species had two to six times higher fruit set than SI species.
  • Results generally support the hypothesis that self‐compatibility and autonomous self‐pollination ensure reproduction under low pollinator visitation. However, high variation in morphological traits of SC Ipomoea species suggests they maintain variation through outcrossing. Furthermore, reduced herkogamy was associated with high potential for autonomous self‐pollination, providing a reproductive advantage that possibly underlies transitions to self‐compatibility in Ipomoea.

Reproductive success (RS) in orchids in general, and in non-rewarding species specifically, is extremely low. RS is pollinator and pollination limited in food deceptive orchids, but this has rarely been studied in sexually deceptive orchid species. Here, we tested the effects of several individual (plant height, inflorescence size, nearest neighbour distance and flower position) and population (patch geometry, population density and size) parameters on RS in three sexually deceptive Ophrys (Orchidaceae) species. Inter-specific differences were observed in RS of flowers situated in the upper versus the lower part of the inflorescence, likely due to species-specific pollinator behaviour. For all three species examined, RS increased with increasing plant height, inflorescence size and nearest neighbour distance. RS generally increased with decreasing population density and increasing patch elongation. Given these results, we postulate that pollinator availability, rather than pollinator learning, is the most limiting factor in successful reproduction for sexually deceptive orchids. Our results also suggest that olfactory 'display' ( i.e. versus optical display), in terms of inflorescence size (and co-varying plant height), plays a key role in individual RS of sexually deceptive orchids. In this regard, several hypotheses are suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张新  安宇梦  史长莉  米兆荣  张婵 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1324-1332
两性花植物花序内不同位置的性分配和繁殖成功一般存在差异,通常认为资源竞争、结构效应和交配环境是形成这种差异的主要原因.为了研究雄性和雌性繁殖资源在花序内不同位置间的最优分配问题,该文以青藏高原高寒草甸典型高山植物毛翠雀花为材料,通过比较花序内不同位置的花部特征和种子性状,对其花序内的性分配模式和雌性繁殖成功进行研究,并...  相似文献   

Although territorial defense is a common form of reproductivecompetition among male vertebrates, the exact reproductiveconsequences of this behavior are often poorly understood.To explore relationships between territoriality and reproductivesuccess in a nongroup-living mammal, we quantified patterns of space use, mating success, and fertilization success formales in a free-living population of arctic ground squirrels(Spermophilus parryii plesius). Because litters of this speciesare sired almost exclusively by a female's first mate, we predictedthat territory ownership would be associated with first accessto estrous females. During the 2-week period when mating occurred,each male in the study population attempted to defend a distinctportion of the habitat, although the success of this defensevaried among individuals. Twenty-six of 28 females monitoredmated with the male on whose territory they resided. However,the majority of females observed throughout estrus (65%; n= 20) also mated with at least one other male, indicating thatterritory ownership was not associated with exclusive accessto females. In contrast, territory ownership was significantly associated with first access to estrous females; 20 (71.4%)of 28 females mated first with the male on whose territorythey resided. In this regard, the behavior of S. parryii plesiusparallels that of socially monogamous birds in which territorialdefense by males functions to deter extrapair copulations byfemales. Although territorial defense represents an important component of male reproductive success in arctic ground squirrels,other aspects of male behavior (e.g., the ability to dominateagonistic interactions on the day of a female's estrus) arealso critical. We suggest that future studies of vertebratemating systems will benefit by viewing such defense as onlyone of multiple axes along which conspecific males compete foraccess to females.  相似文献   

Behavioural observations suggest that orang-utans are semi-solitary animals with females being philopatric and males roaming more widely in search of receptive partners, leading to the prediction that females are more closely related than males at any given site. In contrast, our study presents evidence for male and female philopatry in the orang-utan. We examined patterns of relatedness and parentage in a wild orang-utan population in Borneo using noninvasively collected DNA samples from animals observed to defecate, and microsatellite markers to assess dispersal and mating strategies. Surprisingly, resident females were equally as related to other resident females (mean r(xy) = 0.303) as resident males were to other resident males (mean r(xy) = 0.305). Moreover, resident females were more related to each other and to the resident males than they were to nonresident females, and resident males were more related to each other (and resident females) than they were to nonresident males. We assigned genetic mothers to 12 individuals in the population, while sires could be identified for eight. Both flanged males and unflanged males achieved paternity, similar to findings reported for Sumatran orang-utans.  相似文献   

Social mating system and reproductive success in house wrens   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Current models explaining the establishment and maintenanceof social monogamy and polygyny within avian populations typicallyassume that the reproductive success of polygynous males exceedsthat of monogamous males. This assumption is almost always supportedwhen the number of fledglings or recruits to future breedingpopulations is used to measure adult reproductive success. However,recent studies using DNA markers indicate that simple countsof fledglings or recruits may be a poor estimator of the numberof nestlings sired by the social father. In this paper, we comparethe number of genetic offspring produced by socially monogamousand polygynous house wren (TrogiodyUs atdon) males in nestsat which they were the social father. Polygynous males did,in fact, sire more nestlings in their own nests than did monogamousmales. Moreover, although we have not identified the sires ofextrapair nestlings, we document that even when all extrapairnestlings in this population are hypotheticaOy assigned to monogamousmales, die total reproductive success of polygynous males exceedsthat of monogamous males. These results and those of severalother recent studies are consistent with the assumption thatpolygynous males produce more offspring than monogamous males.  相似文献   

Reproductive strategies, sexual selection, and their relationship with the phenotype of individuals are topics widely studied in animals, but this information is less abundant for plants. Variability in flowering phenology among individuals has direct impact on their fitness, but how reproductive phenology is affected by the size of the individuals needs further study. We quantified the flowering intensity, length, and reproductive synchronization of two sympatric dioecious Wild Nutmeg tree species (Virola, Myristicaceae) in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, and analyzed its relationships with tree size. Two distinct strategies in flowering timing and intensity were found between species (annual versus biennial flowering), and among individuals in the annual flowering species (extended versus peak flowering). Only for the annual flowering species the reproductive output is related to tree size and large trees present proportionally higher flower coverage, and lower synchronization than smaller ones. Flowering is massive and highly synchronized in the biennial species. Sex ratios are not different from 1:1 in the two species, and in the two segregated reproductive subgroups in the biennial flowering species. The biennial flowering at individual level is a novelty among reproductive patterns in plants, separating the population in two reproductive subgroups. A proportional increase in the reproductive output with size exists only for the annual flowering species. A biennial flowering can allow resource storage favouring massive flowering for all the individuals diluting their relationship with size.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The discovery and utilization of small carcasses by burying beetles (Silphidae, Nicrophorus ) was studied by placing dead mice at random points on large grids at two Iocations in Michigan, U.S.A.
2. The majority of mice are found within 24 h by more beetles than ultimately will utilize the carcass. If a carcass is likely to be usurped by a larger species of beetle or by a vertebrate, then intraspecific competition may be postponed until the carcass is concealed and buried.
3. Both males and females practice parental care. Maturing broods are tended by no adults, a single female, a single male, or a male—female pair. No differences in brood success were observed among these categories.
4. The female lays a larger clutch than ultimately will survive. Brood size is regulated after the egg stage, such that offspring number varies, but individual offspring size does not.
5. A large amount of unexplained variation exists in brood size, in both the laboratory and the field. This variation is probably caused by the environment, and not the reproductive physiology of the beetles. Competition with microbes is a likely candidate.
6. Differences exist not only between Nicrophorus species, but also between localities for a single species, suggesting adaptation to local environments.  相似文献   

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