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报道了国产爵床科Acanthaceae山牵牛属Thunbergia(山牵牛亚科Thunbergioideae)6种、叉柱花属Staurogyne(瘤子草亚科Nelsonioideae)和老鼠簕属Acanthus(老鼠簕亚科Acanthoideae)各1种植物在扫描电镜下的花粉形态。山牵牛属植物的花粉粒为圆球形,均具螺旋状萌发孔,外壁纹饰以光滑或颗粒状为主,偶具棒状突起。具螺旋状萌发孔被认为是该科独特而较原始的花粉特征。叉柱花属的花粉粒为圆球形,具3孔沟,外壁平滑。老鼠簕属的花粉粒为长球形,具3沟,外壁具细网状纹饰或具小穿孔。花粉形态特征支持传统上将上述3属置于3个不同亚科的处理。  相似文献   

Nearly 5.6?kb of noncoding chloroplast DNA sequence was combined with 9.2?kb of previously published sequence in addressing phylogenetic relationships among Callitropsis, Xanthocyparis, and the New World cypresses (Hesperocyparis; Cupressaceae). Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of aligned nucleotide sequence and coded length mutations provide strong support for several relationships. These include a clade in which Xanthocyparis and Callitropsis are successively nested at the base of a monophyletic Hesperocyparis and identification of H. bakeri as sister to the remaining Hesperocyparis. Two principal clades are recovered within Hesperocyparis; (1) the Arizonica group, which contains taxa sometimes recognized as varieties of H. lusitanica, H. guadalupensis, and H. arizonica, and (2) the Macrocarpa group, which contains H. macrocarpa and H. goveniana and its allies. Our results are equivocal with respect to placement of H. macnabiana, a morphologically distinct species resolved as the sister group to either the Macrocarpa or Arizonica group, depending on the data set analyzed. We discover many instances in which taxa recognized as varieties or closely related species are placed in disparate parts of the phylogeny. These include segregates of H. lusitanica, H. guadalupensis, and H. arizonica, all of which are included in clades with other species. Despite analyzing 14,799?bp of aligned sequence and 230 binary characters, we find poor support for several relationships, especially within the Arizonica group. These results suggest recovery of well-supported relationships among the closely related taxa of Hesperocyparis will require additional sources of evidence (e.g., morphological, biochemical characters). Implications for morphological evolution and taxonomic revision are discussed.  相似文献   

A restriction-site analysis of chloroplast DNA from 44 species, representing 19 genera and all six subfamilies of the Crassulaceae was conducted using 12 restriction endonucleases. A total of 969 variable sites was detected, 608 of which were phylogenetically informative and used in parsimony analysis. Estimated values of nucleotide sequence divergence were used to construct a distance tree by the neighbor-joining method. Maximum sequence divergence in the family was ~7%. Different tree inference methods yielded only moderately different topologies. The amount of support for the monophyletic groups obtained in the Wagner parsimony analysis was evaluated by bootstrap and decay analysis. There is very strong support for a basal division of the family, which separates the monophyletic subfamily Crassuloideae from all other taxa. Four of the six traditionally recognized subfamilies are indicated to be polyphyletic. These include the Cotyledonoideae, Sempervivoideae, Sedoideae, and Echeverioideae. The Kalanchoideae and the genera Cotyledon and Adromischus exhibit low levels of cpDNA sequence divergence relative to one another, suggesting a relatively recent radiation. The genera Sedum and Rosularia are indicated to be polyphyletic. Sedum comprises sister taxa of most of the other genera of the family.  相似文献   

 Phylogenetic relationships in Rosaceae were studied using parsimony analysis of nucleotide sequence data from two regions of the chloroplast genome, the matK gene and the trnL-trnF region. As in a previously published phylogeny of Rosaceae based upon rbcL sequences, monophyletic groups were resolved that correspond, with some modifications, to subfamilies Maloideae and Rosoideae, but Spiraeoideae were polyphyletic. Three main lineages appear to have diverged early in the evolution of the family: 1) Rosoideae sensu stricto, including taxa with a base chromosome number of 7 (occasionally 8); 2) actinorhizal Rosaceae, a group of taxa that engage in symbiotic nitrogen fixation; and 3) the rest of the family. The spiraeoid genus Gillenia, not included in the rbcL study, was strongly supported as the sister taxon to Maloideae sensu lato. A New World origin of Maloideae is suggested. The position of the economically important genus Prunus and the status of subfamily Amygdaloideae remain unresolved. Received February 27, 2001 Accepted October 11, 2001  相似文献   

Sequence data from the intron and spacer of the trnL-F chloroplast region elucidate the phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Diseae (Orchidoideae: Orchidaceae). Within Diseae, 41 species of Disa, two of Brownleea, three of Satyrium, and two of Corycium were included, with five species of Habenaria sensu lato (Orchideae) and one epidendroid as outgroups. The sequences revealed substitutions and considerable length variation, due mainly to the presence of repeat motifs. Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony revealed five distinct clades. The branching order of the five weakly supported the paraphyly of Diseae, with the successive divergence of Brownleea, Corycium, Habenaria, Satyrium, and Disa. Within the monophyletic Disa, three main groupings appeared, two strongly supported clades representing sect. Racemosae and sect. Coryphaea and the third grouping containing several clades currently grouped into sections based on morphological phylogenies. Some discrepancies between the molecular phylogeny and the phylogeny based on morphological characters may require reevaluation of some of the morphological characters. The presence of different numbers of repeat motifs, both among different taxa and within taxa, indicates that these characters may be phylogenetically informative at the population level.  相似文献   

The Nymphaeales (water-lilies and relatives) represent one of the earliest branching lineages of angiosperms and comprise about 70 aquatic species. Here, we present a comprehensive study of phylogenetic relationships within the Nymphaeales from a dataset containing 24 representatives of the order, including all currently recognized genera and all subgenera of the genus Nymphaea , plus 5 outgroup taxa. Nine different regions of the chloroplast genome − comprising spacers, group II introns, a group I intron, and a protein coding gene − were analysed. This resulted in a character matrix of 6597 positions and an additional 369 characters obtained from coded length mutations. Maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses of the complete dataset yielded congruent, fully resolved and well-supported trees. Our data confirm the monophyly of the Cabombaceae but do not provide convincing support for the monophyly of Nymphaeaceae with respect to Nuphar . Moreover, the genus Nymphaea is inferred to be paraphyletic with respect to Ondinea , Victoria and Euryale . In fact, the Australian endemic Ondinea forms a highly supported clade with members of the Australian Nymphaea subgenus Anecphya . In addition, Victoria and Euryale are inferred to be closely related to a clade comprising all night-blooming water-lilies ( Nymphaea subgenera Hydrocallis and Lotos ). An experimental approach showed taxon sampling to be of influence on the nodes reconstructed in core Nymphaeaceae. The results underscore that more diverse genera, if not clearly known to be monophyletic, should be represented by all major lineages.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 141–163.  相似文献   

Parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of combinedtrnL (UAA) 5 exon —trnF (GAA) andrps4 exon cpDNA, and 18S nrDNA sequences of 60 arthrodontous moss taxa indicate strong support for the monophyly of a clade containing theSplachnineae, Orthotrichineae, and diplolepideous alternate sub-orders. A clade including theSplachnineae, Meesiaceae andLeptobryum (Bryaceae) is similarly well supported and forms the sister group to a clade comprising theOrthotrichineae and the other diplolepideous alternate mosses. Within this latter clade a number of well supported lineages are identified, but relationships among these remain poorly resolved. These analyses indicate that the Splachnaceous and Orthotrichaceous peristomes have been independently derived from an ancestral perfect bryoid peristome.  相似文献   

The genus Fritillaria embraces up to 165 taxa in the family Liliaceae, most of which are of high medicinal and ornamental value and importance. In this study, 44 specimens of the genus representing 9 species were collected from their natural habitats located in 10 provinces of Iran. Phylogenetic analysis was performed based on DNA sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal cistron and the trnL-trnF regions. The phylogeny was constructed using the neighbor joining inference method. Results indicate that the examined samples were evidently diverged into 2 distinct clades. Members of the subgenera Fritillaria and Rhinopetalum formed one clade while the other clade contained the subgenera Theresia and Petilium. There can be seen a high degree of similarity between the only yellow-colored crown imperial specimen and the red-colored specimens. The endemic species of Fritillaria straussii, Fritillaria zagrica and Fritillaria kotschyana which their status within the subgenera known in the genus Fritillaria has been remained undefined, fell into the subgenus Fritillaria. The clades also had relatively reasonable distribution patterns based on the genetic structure, geographical conditions and climate specifications. This study revealed the feasibility of the ITS and trnL-trnF DNA sequence for phylogeny of the genus Fritillaria. This is the first phylogenetic analysis of Fritillaria spp. in Iran.  相似文献   

Cladistic analyses of chloroplast DNA disagree with current classifications by placingPolemoniaceae near sympetalous families with two staminal whorls, includingFouquieriaceae andDiapensiaceae, rather than near sympetalous families with a single staminal whorl, such asHydrophyllaceae andConvolvulaceae. To explore further the affinities ofPolemoniaceae, we sequenced 18S ribosomal DNA for eight genera ofPolemoniaceae and 31 families representing a broadly definedAsteridae. The distribution of variation in these sequences suggest some sites are hypervariable and multiple hits at these sites have obscured much of the hierarchical structure present in the data. Nevertheless, parsimony, least-squares minimum evolution, and maximum likelihood methods all support a monophyleticPolemoniaceae that is placed nearFouquieriaceae, Diapensiaceae and related ericalean families.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of four intergenic spacer regions of chloroplast DNA, atpB-rbcL, trnS-trnG, rps11-rpl36, and rps3-rpl16, were analyzed in the genus Glycine. Phylogenetic analysis based on the sequence data using Neonotonia wightii as the outgroup generated trees supporting the classification of two subgenera, Soja and Glycine, and three plastome groups in the subgenus Glycine. The results were consistent with the presence of diversified chloroplast genomes within tetraploid plants of G. tabacina and G. tomentella, as well as with a close relationship between G. tomentella and G. dolichocarpa that had been suggested based on morphological analyses. Little sequence variation was found in the subgenus Soja, suggesting that G. soja rapidly expanded its distribution in East Asia. The analysis also showed that the differentiation into three plastome groups in the subgenus Glycine occurred in the early stages of its evolution, after the two subgenera diverged.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast DNA restriction site data for 76 of the 302 genera of Heliantheae sensu lato using 16 restriction endonucleases reveals that subtribe Ecliptinae is polyphyletic and that its genera are distributed in four different lineages. The ecliptinous genera Squamopappus, Podachaenium, Verbesina, and Tetrachyron (of the Neurolaeninae), along with other members of subtribe Neurolaeninae are the basalmost clades of the paleaceous Heliantheae. The mostly temperate species of subtribe Ecliptinae (exemplified by Balsamorhiza, Borrichia, Chrysogonum, Engelmannia, Silphium, Vigethia, and Wyethia) are strongly nested in a clade with the Mesoamerican monotypic genus Rojasianthe as basal. The genera characterized by marcescent ray corollas traditionally classified in subtribe Zinniinae constitute a strongly supported group sister to Acmella, Spilanthes, and Salmea. The largest clade of ecliptinous genera is the most recently derived group within Heliantheae sampled. This large group of mostly Neotropical lowland genera (variously characterized by their winged cypselae, foliaceous phyllaries, and opposite phyllotaxy and exemplified by Perymenium, Wedelia, and Zexmenia) has been and continues to be the most challenging group from a taxonomic standpoint. The study provides new insights as to their relationships that will have a positive impact in future monographic studies of the group. The genera of the Espeletiinae form a monophyletic clade and are sister to members of the Milleriinae and Melampodiinae. This result is consistent with their traditional taxonomic placement with genera such as Smallanthus with which they share a tendency for functionally staminate disc flowers. The phylogenetically enigmatic genus Montanoa is sister to Melampodium. Members of subtribe Galinsoginae are clustered in two main lineages that correspond to the traditional division of the subtribe based on pappus characteristics. There is no support for the monophyly of subtribe Galinsoginae, and the same results indicate some of its genera are paraphyletic.  相似文献   

The African genus LEONARDOXA: (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) comprises two Congolean species and a group of four mostly allopatric subspecies principally located in Cameroon and clustered together in the L. africana complex. LEONARDOXA: provides a good opportunity to investigate the evolutionary history of ant-plant mutualisms, as it exhibits various grades of ant-plant interactions from diffuse to obligate and symbiotic associations. We present in this paper the first molecular phylogenetic study of this genus. We sequenced both the chloroplast DNA trnL intron (677 aligned base pairs [bp]) and trnL-trnF intergene spacer (598 aligned bp). Inferred phylogenetic relationships suggested first that the genus is paraphyletic. The L. africana complex is clearly separated from the two Congolean species, and the integrity of the genus is thus in question. In the L. africana complex, our data showed a lack of congruence between clades suggested by morphological and chloroplast characters. This, and the low level of molecular divergence found between subspecies, suggests gene flow and introgressive events in the L. africana complex.  相似文献   

Leymus Hochst. is a polyploid genus with a diverse array of morphology, cytology, ecology, and distribution in Triticeae. To investigate the phylogenetic relationships and maternal genome donor of polyploid Leymus, the chloroplast trnH-psbA region and mitochondrial coxII intron sequences of 33 Leymus taxa were analyzed with those of 36 diploid perennial species representing 19 basic genomes in Triticeae. The results showed that reticulate evolution occurred in Leymus species, with the cytoplasmic lineage of Leymus contributed by different progenitors. Interspecific relationships of Leymus were also elucidated on the basis of orthologous comparison. Our data suggested that: (i) due to incomplete lineage sorting and/or difference in the pattern of chloroplast and mitochondrial inheritance, the genealogical conflict between the two genealogical patterns suggest the contribution of Psathyrostachys Nevski, Agropyron J. Gaertn, Eremopyrum (Ledeb.) Jaub. & Spach, Pseudoroegneria (Nevski) Á. Löve, Thinopyrum Á. Löve, and Lophopyrum (Host) Á. Löve to the cytoplasmic lineage of Leymus; (ii) there is a close relationship among Leymus species from the same area or neighboring geographic regions; (iii) L. coreanus (Honda) K. B. Jensen & R. R.-C. Wang, L. duthiei (Stapf) Y. H. Zhou & H. Q. Zhang ex C. Yen, J. L. Yang & B. R. Baum, L. duthiei var. longearistatus (Hack.) Y. H. Zhou & H. Q. Zhang ex C. Yen, J. L. Yang & B. R. Baum, and L. komarovii(Roshev.) C. Yen, J. L. Yang & B. R. Baum are closely related to other Leymus species, and it is reasonable to transfer these species from the genus Hystrix Moench to Leymus; (iv) Leymus species from North America are closely related to L. coreanus from the Russian Far East and L. komarovii from northeast China but are evolutionarily distinct from Leymus species from Central Asia and the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. The occurrence of multiple origin and introgression could account for the rich diversity and ecological adaptation of Leymus species.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA sequences were obtained from 331 Asplenium ceterach plants representing 143 populations from throughout the range of the complex in Europe, plus outlying sites in North Africa and the near East. We identified nine distinct haplotypes from a 900 bp fragment of trnL-trnF gene. Tetraploid populations were encountered throughout Europe and further afield, whereas diploid populations were scarcer and predominated in the Pannonian-Balkan region. Hexaploids were encountered only in southern Mediterranean populations. Four haplotypes were found among diploid populations of the Pannonian-Balkans indicating that this region formed a northern Pleistocene refugium. A separate polyploid complex centred on Greece, comprises diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid populations with two endemic haplotypes and suggests long-term persistence of populations in the southern Mediterranean. Three chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) haplotypes were common among tetraploids in Spain and Italy, with diversity reducing northwards suggesting expansion from the south after the Pleistocene. Our cpDNA and ploidy data indicate at least six independent origins of polyploids.  相似文献   

Sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer region 1 and the chloroplast-encoded genes maturase K and ribulose-1,5 biphosphate carboxylase large subunit were obtained from species of Ephedra (Ephedraceae) representing the geographic range and morphological diversity of the genus. Phylogenetic analyses of the DNA data indicate that relationships within the genus are better predicted by geographic region of origin than by ovulate cone characters. The sampled species with dry, winged (versus fleshy) ovulate cone bracts or single-seeded cones do not form monophyletic groups and therefore the previous classification systems of Ephedra based on these aspects of bract morphology appear to be largely unnatural. Three groups were identified among the Old World species studied, one comprising European and Mediterranean species and two including only Asian species. The sequence data suggest a possible early divergence of a New World clade of Ephedra from among the Old World groups. The South American species form a distinct clade apparently related to one of two groups of North American species, which accords with a frequent floristic pattern of close relationships between species groups in western South America and southwestern North America.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic resolution is often low within groups of recently diverged taxa due to a paucity of phylogenetically informative characters. We tested the relative utility of seven noncoding cpDNA regions and a pair of homoeologous nuclear genes for resolving recent divergences, using tetraploid cottons (Gossypium) as a model system. The five tetraploid species of Gossypium are a monophyletic assemblage derived from an allopolyploidization event that probably occurred within the last 0.5-2 million years. Previous analysis of cpDNA restriction site data provided only partial resolution within this clade despite a large number of enzymes employed. We sequenced three cpDNA introns (rpl16, rpoC1, ndhA) and four cpDNA spacers (accD-psaI, trnL-trnF, trnT-trnL, atpB-rbcL) for a total of over 7 kb of sequence per taxon, yet obtained only four informative nucleotide substitutions (0.05%) resulting in incomplete phylogenetic resolution. In addition, we sequenced a 1.65-kb region of a homoeologous pair of nuclear-encoded alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) genes. In contrast with the cpDNA sequence data, the Adh homoeologues yielded 25 informative characters (0.76%) and provided a robust and completely resolved topology that is concordant with previous cladistic and phenetic analyses. The enhanced resolution obtained using the nuclear genes reflects an approximately three- to sixfold increase in nucleotide substitution rate relative to the plastome spacers and introns.  相似文献   

Phylogeographic inference can be a powerful tool in reconstructing species’ evolutionary histories; however, although inferred phylogeographic patterns should depend in part on the underlying types and rates of mutations, the effects of different types of mutations have seldom been quantified. In this study we identified two chloroplast minisatellites in the common reed Phragmites australis, and showed that these are more variable than chloroplast microsatellites. We then recreated parsimony networks of the global phylogeography of P. australis based on data that either included or excluded repetitive sequences (minisatellites and microsatellites), thereby illustrating the influence that these repetitive sequences can have on large‐scale phylogeographic inference. The resulting networks differed in the numbers of mutational steps, degrees of uncertainty, and total numbers of haplotypes. In addition, the suggested ancestor‐descendant relationships among lineages changed substantially depending on whether repetitive sequences were included. We therefore caution against the inclusion of repetitive sequences in large‐scale networks because of their high potential for homoplasy. Nevertheless, we advocate the inclusion of repetitive sequences in other analyses: specifically, we show that the ratio of mutations in repetitive vs. non‐repetitive regions can provide insight into the relative ages of lineages.  相似文献   

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