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不同处理的豚草残留物对小麦的化感作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豚草是一种危害性恶性入侵杂草,对农业生态系统造成了严重危害。本实验主要研究了燃烧及未燃烧的豚草残留物及其水浸提液对小麦的化感作用,探讨了是否可用燃烧的方法来消除或减弱豚草残留物的化感作用。结果表明:豚草的残留物及其水浸提液均对小麦的早期生长有抑制作用,且残留物水浸提液对苗长的影响较残留物大,说明豚草残留物的化感物质可能是一些水溶性的物质,水的浸提使植物体中的一些化感物质得到了较完全的释放;混有豚草残留物的土壤的理化性质也发生变化,且随着土壤中豚草残留物浓度的增加,土壤的pH、电导率、有机碳含量及酚酸含量均有不同程度的升高,这些因素的综合作用抑制了小麦幼苗的生长,其中酚酸是其主要化感组分之一;通过对燃烧和未燃烧的豚草残留物的化感作用比较研究发现,燃烧过的残留物与未燃烧的残留物对苗长均有显著的抑制作用,但二者之间的差异不显著,因此不能用燃烧的方法消除豚草残留物对本地植物的影响。  相似文献   

Alterations of DNA methylation patterns of wheat two varieties--Odessa' albatross and Donetsk 48 have been studied. Seeds were irradiated for 4 months with low dose rate (3 x 10(-7) Gy/s). Six restriction endonucleases were used in the experiments. Primary distinction in DNA methylation patterns of the studied varieties has been demonstrated. The chronic irradiation resulted in the increase of methylation level on the sites of recognition for Glul and Sou3Al and in the decline of this index for the sites of recognition of GlaI and HpaII. The meaningful increase of chromosome aberration levels was demonstrated at the same accumulated dose of chronic irradiation. The role of changes of DNA methylation patterns in development of radiation damage and organism protective reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary To reveal gene-specific genetic transformation in wheat experiments have been performed with two inheritable marker characters, namely, the complementing genes of necrosis, ne 1 and ne 2, and genes of awness. The awned spikes were found after treatment of seeds of awnless wheat with the DNA isolated from both awned wheat and from awnless wheat. The awned plants conserved their changed character in subsequent generations. In the experiments with necrosis genes no single example of interaction of the ne 1 and ne 2 genes was found, although some non specific effects (the decrease in number of germinating plants, the increase in height of plants and the length of spikes, etc) were observed.  相似文献   

N mineralisation and immobilisation were quantified in field conditions in the presence or in the absence of wheat residues. The incubation study was conducted in cylinders placed in microplots (no plants were grown in cylinders), and the rest of each microplot was sowed with the wheat crop (Triticum durum var. Massa). N mineralisation and immobilisation depend on the presence or the absence of wheat residues. In absence of residues, a linear model of regression was developed to follow the clear nitrogen mineralisation at different soil levels. Nitrogen mineralisation (mg kg-1), during the five months of wheat development, showed the following decreasing order: 0-15 cm (132.6) > 15-30 cm (120.6) > 30-45 cm (91.3). The mineralisation rate was 24.1, 22.9 and 18.9 mg kg-1 d-1 for 0-15, 15-30 and 30-45 cm levels, respectively. The supply of wheat residues resulted in a five months N immobilisation process. At level 0-15 cm the immobilisation (mg kg-1) showed the following decreasing order: (61.6) > (46.4) > (30.0) for the supply of wheat residues at seeding time, and 15 and 30 d before seeding respectively. At the other levels, the same decreasing order was recorded. The supply of 8 t ha-1 of wheat residues at seeding time, and 15 or 30 d before seeding, decreased the dry matter yield and N accumulation in wheat crop. In consequence, there was no synchronism between the nitrogen liberated by wheat residues decomposition and the wheat growth.  相似文献   

Liu D  Lian B  Wang B  Jiang G 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28803


Earthworms are an ecosystem''s engineers, contributing to a wide range of nutrient cycling and geochemical processes in the ecosystem. Their activities can increase rates of silicate mineral weathering. Their intestinal microbes usually are thought to be one of the key drivers of mineral degradation mediated by earthworms,but the diversities of the intestinal microorganisms which were relevant with mineral weathering are unclear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this report, we show earthworms'' effect on silicate mineral weathering and the responses of bacterial communities in their gut and surrounding substrates after being fed with potassium-bearing rock powder (PBRP). Determination of water-soluble and HNO3-extractable elements indicated some elements such as Al, Fe and Ca were significantly released from mineral upon the digestion of earthworms. The microbial communities in earthworms'' gut and the surrounding substrates were investigated by amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and the results showed a higher bacterial diversity in the guts of the earthworms fed with PBRP and the PBRP after being fed to earthworms. UPGMA dendrogram with unweighted UniFrac analysis, considering only taxa that are present, revealed that earthworms'' gut and their surrounding substrate shared similar microbiota. UPGMA dendrogram with weighted UniFrac, considering the relative abundance of microbial lineages, showed the two samples from surrounding substrate and the two samples from earthworms'' gut had similarity in microbial community, respectively.


Our results indicated earthworms can accelerate degradation of silicate mineral. Earthworms play an important role in ecosystem processe since they not only have some positive effects on soil structure, but also promote nutrient cycling of ecosystem by enhancing the weathering of minerals.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the effect of exogenous 24-epibrassinolide on its uptake and content of endogenous brassinosteroids in wheat seedlings. 24-Epibrassinolide was applied at two concentrations (0.1 and 2.0 μM) and in three different methods: by soaking seeds, by drenching and by spraying plants. Brassinosteroids were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography combined with electrospray mass spectrometry. Three important brassinosteroids, 24-epibrassinolide, brassinolide and castasterone, were detected in the wheat leaves, but their contents varied with leaf insertion and plant age. Increased 24-epibrassinolide content in the leaf tissue was found when this hormone was applied by soaking or drenching. Additionally the seed treatment influenced brassinosteroid balance in seedlings. The growth response of wheat seedlings treated with 24-epibrassinolide has been also investigated.  相似文献   

The effect of molybdenum on seed dormancy in wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Molybdenum deficiency was induced in wheat growing in sand culture under controlled environmental conditions. Half the plants were treated with foliar applications of molybdenum at the six and flag leaf stages. Molybdenum-treated plants produced seed which was significantly more dormant that that harvested from the molybdenum-deficient plants. Molybdenum treatment also resulted in a higher nitrate and protein content of the seed. These findings, seen in the light of the proven success of molybdenum in preventing pre-harvest sprouting in maize, would seem to indicate that molybdenum has the potential to restrict pre-harvest sprouting losses in wheat growing in soils deficient in molybdenum.  相似文献   

Arabinoxylans that interfere with growth of ice crystals have been purified from rye (Secale cereale L., Rosen) and two varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., Genesee and Hillsdale) seed. The most active polysaccharide from each seed type was homogeneous in the sense that all the molecules were in the same size range, they contained the same sugar residues, and they reacted similarly in chemical characterization experiments. Structural studies showed that the polysaccharides consist of a xylan chain to which are attached side-chains that contain a single, terminal arabinose residue. The polysaccharides differ with respect to the number of arabinose residues. The xylose:arabinose ratios in the most active fractions from rye, Genesee wheat, and Hillsdale wheat are 1.26, 1.54, and 2.08, respectively. Gel-permeation column chromatography showed that the most active polysaccharide from each seed type has a molecular weight greater than 2 x 10(6) and that the rye polysaccharide is slightly larger than the Hillsdale wheat polysaccharide. The rye polysaccharide is a better inhibitor of ice-crystal growth than is the Hillsdale wheat polysaccharide.  相似文献   

The effect of calcium, copper ions and salicylic acid (SA) amendment on the incidence of basal stem rot and activity of secondary metabolites in oil palm seedlings were investigated in glasshouse study. Disease incidence (DI) in positive control (T8) was 75% at nine months after inoculation (9 MAI). However, weekly pre-immunisation with Ca2+?+?Cu2+?+?SA prior to inoculation significantly suppressed DI and delayed disease onset as noted in T7. In the present study, the lowest %DI was observed in T7 (15%) followed by T1, T5, T6, T3, T4 and T2. The Ca2+, Cu2+ and SA amendments were resulted in earlier and higher accumulation of plant secondary metabolites as noted in leaves, stems and root tissues in response to invasion by Ganoderma boninense. High total phenolic content concentration was detected in T7 (leaf: 233.38 ± 0.12 mg/g; stem: 132.78 ± 0.04 mg/g and root: 86.98 ± 0.28 mg/g). Similar trend was obtained in peroxidase activity, total lignin content and hydrogen peroxide scavenging activity. These results suggested that it could be due to the accumulation of phenolics, peroxidase activities, lignin content and hydrogen peroxide scavenging activities in oil palm seedling tissues which might have collectively contributed to induce resistance against G. boninense.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to test the mutagenicity of wheat irradiated with 20 and 200 krad gamma-rays by feeding male and female mice for various periods starting from weaning time. The results obtained from dominant lethal tests, specific locus mutation test, studies on chromosome rearrangements in males and gonadal cell survival studies indicated no positive evidence for genetic and cytogenetic effects.  相似文献   

刘兴坦 《生物技术》2002,12(2):25-26
初步探讨了磺胺对小麦种子萌发与幼苗生长的影响。研究表明,用低浓度(<6.0mg/L)的磺胺溶液浸泡小麦种子,能显著增加幼苗的根重,根长和根冠比,提高根系活力和叶片叶绿素的含量,降低幼苗的苗高,苗重,但对发芽率影响不大。高浓度(>10.0mg/L)和安则强烈抑制小麦幼苗根,芽的生长,并导致幼苗形态的不良变化。  相似文献   

Summary Albumins, globulins, gliadins and glutenins presumably comprising 100 percent of the wheat seed proteins were sequentially extracted and electrophoresed on SDS-polyacrylamide gels. The SDS-electrophoretic patterns within each of the four fractions from T. boeotiaum, T. urartu, T. turgidum, T. timopheevii, T. aestivum, Ae. speltoides and Ae. squawosa were similar. They differed from one species to another only in a few minor components or density of certain components. Similarity in MW's of components, as indicated by the SDS-electrophoretic patterns, suggests that the wheats and Aegilops exhibit no variability for structural genes coding seed proteins. A minimum of 60 to 70 and a maximum of 360 to 420 structural genes with major or minor effects control the total seed protein in T. aestivum. Presumably, only one or the other homoeoallele was expressed in the polyploids. Different components of albumins and globulins presumably had distinct MW's and amino acid composition, while the components of gliadins and glutenins could be classified into a few groups each containing one or more components with the same MW and nearly identical amino acid composition. The genes for components with similar MW's and amino acid composition arose through multiplication of a single original gene and perhaps share the same regulatory mechanism. Seed protein content and quality in wheat might be improved through the incorporation of structural genes, coding for polypeptides with distinct MW's, from distantly related species, rather than by manipulation of the structural genes within the Triticum-Aegilops group. Regulatory mutants similar to opaque-2 of corn could be used to alter the proportion of gliadins in relation to albumins and globulins, to improve amino acid composition of wheat proteins.  相似文献   

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