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An attempt is made to integrate the knowledge on the role of hormones and guanyl nucleotides in regulating adenylate cyclase into a single molecular model. It is suggested that the hormone catalyzes the activation of the enzyme adenylate cyclase by facilitating the conversion of the enzyme from its inactive state to its active form. The hormone is also responsible for the termination of the signal namely the deactivation of the enzyme by inducing the hydrolysis of GTP at its regulatory site. The relative rates of these two processes determine the steady state concentration of the active form of the enzyme. The model also explains the difference in behaviour between GTP and its non-hydrolyzable analogs GppNHp and GTPγS.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of intact NG108-15 cells with pertussis toxin suppresses opioid inhibition of cyclic AMP accumulation mediated by the inhibitory guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein, Ni, which apparently also mediates the inhibitory nucleotide effects on opioid against binding. The toxin treatment had no effect on opioid agonist binding measured in NG108-15 cell membranes without sodium present. However, the toxin potentiated the inhibitory effect of sodium on agonist binding, leading to an agonist-specific reduction of opioid receptor affinity in the presence of sodium in the binding reaction. The potency of the stable GTP analog, GTP gamma S, to reduce agonist binding in the presence of sodium was little changed in membranes prepared from pertussis toxin-treated cells compared to control membranes, whereas the potency of the stable GDP analog, GDP beta S, was magnified. The data indicate that ADP-ribosylation of Ni by pertussis toxin potentiates sodium regulation of opioid agonist binding and that the communication between Ni and opioid receptors is not lost by the covalent modification of Ni.  相似文献   

Homologous and heterologous complexes between catalytic and GTP-binding components can be isolated by means of immobilized succinyldeacetylforskolin (forskolin-Sepharose). A heterologous complex is formed by reconstitution of forskolin-Sepharose bound catalytic function from rabbit myocardial membranes with the homogenous [3H]methyl-GTP-binding protein from duck erythrocyte membranes. Analysis of the reconstituted complex by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis reveals that only the Mr 42 000 component of the GTP-binding protein's Mr 42 000/Mr 35 000 heterodimer contributes to the formation of active adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

The inhibition of rat liver adenylate cyclase (ATP pyrophosphate-lyase (cyclizing), EC by Pb2+ could be separated into an irreversible and a reversible component.Evidence was obtained that both types of inhibition were due to free Pb2+, rather than Pb/ATP, and that Pb2+ did not act via the site wherein Mg2+ and Mn2+ activate the cyclase.Guanine nucleotides strongly counteracted the reversible inhibition of cyclase by Pb2+, providing onother example of guanine nucleotide effects on adenylate cyclase function.It is suggested that the Pb2+-inhibited cyclase may be of value in the study of guanine nucleotide-cyclase interactions.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase was measured in skeletal muscle plasma membranes incubated with subtilisin. Under specific conditions the protease preferentially inactivated flouride and guanylnucleotide sensitivity. Following protease treatment, membranes were solubilized with Lubrol 12A9 and subjected to ion-exchange chromatography. Adenylate cyclase was eluted with 200 mM NaCl; the enzyme recovered was completely unresponsive to either NaF or guanylyl imidodiphosphate. Responsiveness to the two ligands was restored by adding a heart fraction in which basal activity had been destroyed by heating at 40°C or by adding a soluble skeletal muscle fraction in which basal activity had been largely destroyed by N-ethylmaleimide. The solubilized subtilisin-treated skeletal muscle preparation may serve as a source of catalytic activity for the study and purification of regulatory factors for adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Animals with tumors were obtained from Dr. ZAJDELA and belong to sublines (XVIInc/Z/E) in which some individuals (TT) developed after 15 months thyroid tumors weighing between 150 and 1200 mg. Hyperplasia affects thyrocytes which do not present a follicular structure. The purpose of our work was to assay the action of various effectors on the adenylate and guanylate cyclase system in vitro. The following results have been obtained: the cyclic-AMP content of tumor tissue is not raised either by TSH or PGE2. Nevertheless, TSH enhances the phosphatidylinositol phosphate turnover (phospholipid effect) as in normal tissue. This latter observation points at the existence of functional TSH receptors in tumor cells. The study of adenylate cyclase activity of the tumor homogenate shows the presence of this enzyme and its responsiveness to NaF and GppNHp. Unexpectedly, the cyclase is also sensitive to the stimulation by TSH.A tentative interpretation of these facts is that no component of the cyclase is missing, but that they are physically separated. The homogeneization allows the various components to interact productively.A parallel study was devoted to cyclic-GMP. Carbamylcholine fails to increase the cyclic-GMP content of the tumor tissue, whereas it has the described phospholipid effect on phosphatidylinositol. Nevertheless, there is no deficiency in the guanylate cyclase activity, since nitroprusside enhances strongly the cyclic-GMP content of the tumor.To conclude, the murine thyroid tumor presents a genetic alteration that results in the uncoupling of effector binding and catalytic stimulation of adenylate and guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

By SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, mitochondrial proteins having covalently-bound flavin were analyzed. Mitochondria were prepared from the liver of rat injected with radioactive riboflavin. Radioactivity was found to be associated with four protein components. Their subunit molecular weights were 91,000, 72,000, 60,000 and 44,000. The first two components exhibited yellowish fluorescence on a gel under ultraviolet illumination. The component of the highest molecular weight seems to be a new protein containing covalently-bound flavin.  相似文献   

Effects of guanine nucleotides on the adenylate cyclase activity of thyroid plasma membranes were investigated by monitoring metabolism of the radiolabeled nucleotides by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). When ATP was used as substrate with a nucleotide-regeneratign system, TSH stimulated the adenylate cyclase activity in the absence of exogenous guanine nucleotide. Addition of GTP and GDP equally enhanced the TSH stimulation. Effects of GTP and GDP were indistinguishable in regard to their inhibitory effects on NaF-stimulated activities. The results from TLC suggested that GDP could be converted to GTP by a nucleotide-regenerating system. Even in the absence of nucleotide-regenerating system, addition of GDP to the adenylate cyclase assay mixture int he parallel decrease in ATP levels and formation of GTP indicating that thyroid plasma membrane preparatiosn possessed a transphosphorylating activity. When an ATP analog, App[NH]p, was used as substrate without a nucleotide-regenerating system, no conversion of GDP to GTP was observed. Under such conditions, TSH did not stimulate the adenylate cyclase activity unless exogenous GTP or Gpp[NH]p was added. GDP no longer supported TSH stimulation and caused a slight decrease in the activity. GDP was less inhibitory than Gpp(NH)p to the NaF-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. These results suggest: (1) TSH stimulation of thyroid adenylate cyclase is absolutely dependent on the regulatory nucleotides. (2) In contrst to GTP, GDP cannot support the coupling of the receptor-TSH complex to the catalytic componenet of adenylate cyclase. (3) The nucleotide regulatory site is more inhibitory to the stimulation of the enzyme by NaF when occupied by Gpp[NH]p than GDP.  相似文献   

The liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, has a very active adenylate cyclase which can be stimulated by NaF or by serotonin and guanine nucleotides. Micromolar amounts of AlCl3 augment the activation by F-. In contrast, when the enzyme is activated with serotonin and guanine nucleotides, AlCl3 inhibits the activation. Aluminum also inhibits the activation by forskolin. Gallium mimics the effects of aluminum.  相似文献   

Forskolin (40 μM) stimulated adenylate cyclase activities of bovine thyroid plasma membranes without pthe addition of guanine nucleotides. GDP had little effect on the forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity while Gpp[NH]p (0.1–1.0 μM) decreased it. In the presence of TSH (10 mU/0.11), Gpp[NH]p no longer caused inhibition. Forskolin did not affect phosphodiesterase activities of thyroid homogenates. Forskolin (10 μM) rapidly increased cAMP levels in bovine thyroid slices both in the absence and presence of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. The effect of TSH (50 mU/ml) on cAMP levels was additive or greater than additive to that of forskolin. An initial 2-h incubation of slices with forskolin did not decrease their subsequent cAMP responses to either forskolin and/or TSH while similar treatment of slices with TSH induced desensitization of the cAMP response to TSH, but not to forskolin. Forskolin (10 μM) as well as TSH (50 mU/ml) activated cAMP-dependent protein kinase of slices in the absence of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Although forskolin activated the adenylate cyclase cAMP system, it did not stimulate iodide organification or glucose oxidation, effects which have been attributed to cAMP. In fact, forskolin inhibited these parameters and 32P incorporation into phospholipids as well as their stimulation by TSH. These results indicate that an increase in cAMP levels and cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity in thyroid slices may not necessarily reproduce the effects of TSH on the thyroid.  相似文献   

Adenosine 5'-O(3-thiotriphosphate) in the control of phosphorylase activity   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Rabbit muscle phosphorylase b (EC is converted to a thio-analog of phosphorylase a by phosphorylase kinase, Mg2+ and adenosine 5′-O(3-thiotriphosphate)(ATPγS). Conversion proceeds at one-fifth the rate obtained with ATP though the extent of reaction and final level of activation of the enzyme are the same. However, the thiophosphorylase a produced is resistant to phosphorylase phosphatase and, therefore, behaves as a competitive inhibitor with a KI of 3 μM, similar to the KM obtained with normal phosphorylase a. ATPγS can also be utilized by protein kinase in the activation of phosphorylase kinase at a rate similar to that obtained with ATP. It is hydrolyzed at 5 to 10 times the normal rate by the sarcoplasmic reticulum ATPase. When added to a muscle glycogen-particulate complex in the presence of Ca2+ and Mg2+, ATPγS triggers an activation of phosphorylase with simultaneous inhibition of phosphorylase phosphatase as previously observed with ATP.  相似文献   

The possible roles of adenosine and the GTP analogue Gpp(NH)p in regulating mouse sperm adenylate cyclase activity were investigated during incubation in vitro under conditions in which after 30 min the spermatozoa are essentially uncapacitated and poorly fertile, whereas after 120 min they are capacitated and highly fertile. Adenylate cyclase activity, assayed in the presence of 1 mM ATP and 2 mM Mn2+, was determined by monitoring cAMP production. When adenosine deaminase (1 U/ml) was included in the assay to deplete endogenous adenosine, enzyme activity was decreased in the 30-min suspensions but increased in the 120-min samples (P < 0.02). This suggests that endogenous adenosine has a stimulatory effect on adenylate cyclase in uncapacitated spermatozoa but is inhibitory in capacitated cells. Since the expression of adenosine effects at low nucleoside concentrations usually requires guanine nucleotides, the effect of adding adenosine in the presence of 5 x 10–5 M Gpp(NH)p was examined. While either endogenous adenosine or adenosine deaminase may have masked low concentration (10?9?10?7 M) effects of exogenous adenosine, a marked inhibition (P < 0.001) of adenylate cyclase activity in both uncapacitated and capacitated suspensions was observed with higher concentrations (>10?5 M) of adenosine. Similar inhibition was also observed in the absence of Gpp(NH)p, suggesting the presence of an inhibitory P site on the enzyme. In further experiments, the effects of Gpp(NH)p in the presence and absence of adenosine deaminase were examined. Activity in 30-min suspensions was stimulated by the guanine nucleotide and in the presence of adenosine deaminase this stimulation was marked, reversing the inhibition seen with adenosine deaminase alone. In capacitated suspensions the opposite profile was observed, with Gpp(NH)p plus adenosine deaminase being inhibitory; again, this was a reversal of the effects obtained in the presence of adenosine deaminase alone, which had stimulated enzyme activity. These results suggest the existence of a stimulatory adenosine receptor site (Ra) on mouse sperm adenylate cyclase that is expressed in uncapacitated spermatozoa and an inhibitory receptor site (Ri) that is expressed in capacitated cells, with guanine nucleotides modifying the final response to adenosine. It is concluded that adenosine and guanine nucleotides may regulate mouse sperm adenylate cyclase activity during capacitation.  相似文献   

The macromolecular components of dopamine-sensitive adenylate cyclase are soluble in solutions of the nonionic detergents Brij 56 or digitonin, however response of the adenylate cyclase to dopamine is lost. Removal of the nonionic detergent by replacement with cholate and phospholipid, followed by removal of the cholate, restored the dopamine sensitivity of adenylate cyclase. By this method, the functional complex was reassembled from two separate solutions of components, one deficient in adenylate cyclase activity, and the other unresponsive to dopamine.  相似文献   

A competitive antagonist of thyrotropin: asialo-choriogonadotropin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A terminal patient with adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) was given 10 mg by mouth of [3,3,5,5,-2H4]hexacosanoic acid (26:0) daily for 100 days until autopsy. Cholesterol esters were isolated from mildly involved white matter and severely degenerated white matter of autopsied brain, then methanolyzed. Gas chromatograph-mass spectroscopic analysis of the fatty acid methyl esters indicated that the deuterated fatty acid was incorporated into the cholesterol esters of these tissues. The proportion of the labeled 26:0 to nonlabeled 26:0 was highest in the area of mild involvement. This demonstrates that at least some of the abnormal very long chain fatty acids which accumulate in brains of ALD patients are of dietary origin and suggests that nutritional therapy of the disease may be feasible.  相似文献   

Luminal brush border and contraluminal basal-lateral segments of the plasma membrane from the same kidney cortex were prepared. The brush border membrane preparation was enriched in trehalase and γ-glutamyltranspeptidase, whereas the basal-lateral membrane preparation was enriched in (Na+ + K+)-ATPase. However, the specific activity of (Na+ + K+)-ATPase in brush border membranes also increased relative to that in the crude plasma membrane fraction, suggesting that (Na+ + K+)-ATPase may be an intrinsic constituent of the renal brush border membrane in addition to being prevalent in the basal-lateral membrane. Adenylate cyclase had the same distribution pattern as (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, i.e. higher specific activity in basal-lateral membranes and present in brush border membranes. Adenylate cyclase in both membrane preparations was stimulated by parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, epinephrine, prostaglandins and 5′-guanylylimidodiphosphate. When the agonists were used in combination enhancements were additive. In contrast to the distribution of adenylate cyclase, guanylate cyclase was found in the cytosol and in basal-lateral membranes with a maximal specific activity (NaN3 plus Triton X-100) 10-fold that in brush border membranes. ATP enhanced guanylate cyclase activity only in basal-lateral membranes. It is proposed that guanylate cyclase, in addition to (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, be used as an enzyme “marker” for the renal basal-lateral membrane.  相似文献   

The stimulatory and inhibitory effects of adenosien of the adenylate cyclases of human and pig platelets were studied. Stimulation occurred at lower concentrations than did inhibition, and stimulatory effect was prevented by methylxanthines. Stimulation by adenosine was immediate in onset and was reversible, under conditions when cyclic AMP formation was linear with respect to time and protein concentration.The stimulatory and inhibitory effects could be distinguished further by the use of various analogues of adenosine and could be prevented by adenosine deaminase. The data suggest that both stimulation and inhibition were due to adenosine itself and not one of its degradation products and that in the platelet preparation, neither formation nor degradation of adenosine during the adenylate cyclase incubation appreciably influenced measured activity.Stimulation by adenosine was additive with the effects of GMP-P(NH)P, and α- or β-adrenergic stimulation, but was abolished by prostaglandin E1 or by NaF. Prostaglandin E1 and NaF increased the sensitivity of adenylate cyclase to inhibition by adenosine. The data suggests that guanly-5′-yl(β-γ imino)diphosphate and/or adrenergic stimulation and adenosine exert their effects on adenylate cyclase by distinct mechanisms, but that prostaglandin E1 or F? and adenosine increase enzyme activity by mechanisms which may involve common intermediates in the coupling to adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

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