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The molecular structure of 2alpha-hydroxyneoanisatin, a positional isomer of the potent neurotoxin anisatin, was determined by X-ray crystallographic analysis. This compound and four further seco-prezizaane type sesquiterpene lactones previously isolated from Illicium floridanum, which represent different structural types with respect to the mode of cyclisation, did not induce anisatin/picrotoxinin-like convulsions in mice. Based on these results and literature data for other seco-prezizaanes, structural requirements for convulsant activity are discussed. Comparison of the three dimensional molecular shape and electrostatic properties of active and inactive seco-prezizaane type lactones with compounds of the picrotoxane type resulted in the identification of a common pharmacophore structure for these different skeletal classes of convulsant natural products.  相似文献   

We present a fully automatic structural classification of supersecondary structure units, consisting of two hydrogen-bonded β strands, preceded or followed by an α helix. The classification is performed on the spatial arrangement of the secondary structure elements, irrespective of the length and conformation of the intervening loops. The similarity of the arrangements is estimated by a structure alignment procedure that uses as similarity measure the root mean square deviation of superimposed backbone atoms. Applied to a set of 141 well-resolved nonhomologous protein structures, the classification yields 11 families of recurrent arrangements. In addition, fragments that are structurally intermediate between the families are found; they reveal the continuity of the classification. The analysis of the families shows that the α helix and β hairpin axes can adopt virtually all relative orientations, with, however, some preferable orientations; moreover, according to the orientation, preferences in the left/right handedness of the α–β connection are observed. These preferences can be explained by favorable side by side packing of the α helix and the β hairpin, local interactions in the region of the α–β connection or stabilizing environments in the parent protein. Furthermore, fold recognition procedures and structure prediction algorithms coupled to database-derived potentials suggest that the preferable nature of these arrangements does not imply their intrinsic stability. They usually accommodate a large number of sequences, of which only a subset is predicted to stabilize the motif. The motifs predicted as stable could correspond to nuclei formed at the very beginning of the folding process. Proteins 30:193–212, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An Nα-protected model pentapeptide containing two consecutive ΔPhe residues, Boc-Leu-ΔPhe-ΔPhe-Ala-Phe-NHMe, has been synthesized by solution methods and fully characterized. 1H-nmr studies provided evidence for the occurrence of a significant population of a conformer having three consecutive, intramolecularly H-bonded β-bends in solution. The solid state structure has been determined by x-ray diffraction methods. The crystals grown from aqueous methanol are orthorhombic, space group P212121, a = 11.503(2), b = 16.554(2), c = 22.107(3) Å, V = 4209(1) Å,3 and Z = 4. The x-ray data were collected on a CAD4 diffractometer using CuKa radiation (λ = 1.5418 Å). The structure was determined using direct methods and refined by full-matrix least-squares procedure. The R factor is 5.3%. The molecule is characterized by a right handed 310-helical conformation (〈ϕ〉 = −68.2°, 〈ψ〉 = −26.3°), which is made up of two consecutive type III β-bends and one type I β-bend. In the solid state the helical molecules are aligned head-to-tail, thus forming long rod like structures. A comparison with other peptide structures containing consecutive ΔPhe residues is also provided. The present study confirms that the -ΔPhe-ΔPhe-sequence can be accommodated in helical structures. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 42: 373–382, 1997  相似文献   

Phosphoinositides are a class of phospholipids generated by the action of phosphoinositide kinases with key regulatory functions in eukaryotic cells. Here, we present the atomic structure of phosphatidylinositol 4‐kinase type IIα (PI4K IIα), in complex with ATP solved by X‐ray crystallography at 2.8 Å resolution. The structure revealed a non‐typical kinase fold that could be divided into N‐ and C‐lobes with the ATP binding groove located in between. Surprisingly, a second ATP was found in a lateral hydrophobic pocket of the C‐lobe. Molecular simulations and mutagenesis analysis revealed the membrane binding mode and the putative function of the hydrophobic pocket. Taken together, our results suggest a mechanism of PI4K IIα recruitment, regulation, and function at the membrane.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of n-dodecylphosphorylcholine (n-C12PC)–bovine pancreas phospholipase A2 (PLA2) complex provided the following structural.characteristics: (1) the dodecyl chain of n-C12PC was located at the PLA2 N -terminal helical region by hydrophobic interactions, which corresponds to the binding pocket of 2-acyl fatty acid chain (β-chain) of the substrate phospholipid, (2) the region from Lys-53 to Lys-56 creates a cholinereceiving pocket of n-C12PC and (3) the N-termillal group of Ala-1 shifts significantly toward the Tyr-52 OH group by the binding of the n-C12PC inhibitor. Since the accuracy of the X-ray analysis (R = 0.275 at 2.3 Å resolution) was insufficient to establish these important X-ray insights, the complex structure was further investigated through the molecular dynamics (M D) simulation, assuming a system in aqueous solution at 310K. The M D simulation covering 176 ps showed that the structural characteristics observed by X-ray analysis are intrinsic and also stable in the dynamic state. Furthermore, the M D simulation made clear that the PLA2 binding pocket is large enough to permit the conformational fluctuation of the n-C12PC hydrocarbon chain. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

EstU1 is a unique family VIII carboxylesterase that displays hydrolytic activity toward the amide bond of clinically used β‐lactam antibiotics as well as the ester bond of p‐nitrophenyl esters. EstU1 assumes a β‐lactamase‐like modular architecture and contains the residues Ser100, Lys103, and Tyr218, which correspond to the three catalytic residues (Ser64, Lys67, and Tyr150, respectively) of class C β‐lactamases. The structure of the EstU1/cephalothin complex demonstrates that the active site of EstU1 is not ideally tailored to perform an efficient deacylation reaction during the hydrolysis of β‐lactam antibiotics. This result explains the weak β‐lactamase activity of EstU1 compared with class C β‐lactamases. Finally, structural and sequential comparison of EstU1 with other family VIII carboxylesterases elucidates an operative molecular strategy used by family VIII carboxylesterases to extend their substrate spectrum. Proteins 2013; 81:2045–2051. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Heparin/heparan sulfate interact with growth factors, chemokines, extracellular proteins, and receptors. Integrins are αβ heterodimers that serve as receptors for extracellular proteins, regulate cell behavior, and participate in extracellular matrix assembly. Heparin binds to RGD‐dependent integrins (αIIbβ3, α5β1, αvβ3, and αvβ5) and to RGD‐independent integrins (α4β1, αXβ2, and αMβ2), but their binding sites have not been located on integrins. We report the mapping of heparin binding sites on the ectodomain of αvβ3 integrin by molecular modeling. The surface of the ectodomain was scanned with small rigid probes mimicking the sulfated domains of heparan sulfate. Docking results were clustered into binding spots. The best results were selected for further docking simulations with heparin hexasaccharide. Six potential binding spots containing lysine and/or arginine residues were identified on the ectodomain of αvβ3 integrin. Heparin would mostly bind to the top of the genu domain, the Calf‐I domain of the α subunit, and the top of the β subunit of RGD‐dependent integrins. Three spots were close enough from each other on the integrin surface to form an extended binding site that could interact with heparin/heparan sulfate chains. Because heparin does not bind to the same integrin site as protein ligands, no steric hindrance prevents the formation of ternary complexes comprising the integrin, its protein ligand, and heparin/heparan sulfate. The basic amino acid residues predicted to interact with heparin are conserved in the sequences of RGD‐dependent but not of RGD‐independent integrins suggesting that heparin/heparan sulfate could bind to different sites on these two integrin subfamilies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In protein structures, the fold is described according to the spatial arrangement of secondary structure elements (SSEs: α‐helices and β‐strands) and their connectivity. The connectivity or the pattern of links among SSEs is one of the most important factors for understanding the variety of protein folds. In this study, we introduced the connectivity strings that encode the connectivities by using the types, positions, and connections of SSEs, and computationally enumerated all the connectivities of two‐layer αβ sandwiches. The calculated connectivities were compared with those in natural proteins determined using MICAN, a nonsequential structure comparison method. For 2α‐4β, among 23,000 of all connectivities, only 48 were free from irregular connectivities such as loop crossing. Of these, only 20 were found in natural proteins and the superfamilies were biased toward certain types of connectivities. A similar disproportional distribution was confirmed for most of other spatial arrangements of SSEs in the two‐layer αβ sandwiches. We found two connectivity rules that explain the bias well: the abundances of interlayer connecting loops that bridge SSEs in the distinct layers; and nonlocal β‐strand pairs, two spatially adjacent β‐strands located at discontinuous positions in the amino acid sequence. A two‐dimensional plot of these two properties indicated that the two connectivity rules are not independent, which may be interpreted as a rule for the cooperativity of proteins.  相似文献   

A new class of divalent thrombin inhibitors is described that contains an α-keto-amide transition-state mimetic linking an active site binding group and a group that binds to the fibrinogen-binding exosite. The X-ray crystallographic structure of the most potent member of this new class, CVS995, shows many features in common with other divalent thrombin inhibitors and clearly defines the transition-state-like binding of the α-keto-amide group. The structure of the active site part of the inhibitor shows a network of water molecules connecting both the side-chain and backbone atoms of thrombin and the inhibitor. Direct peptide analogues of the new transition-state-containing divalent thrombin inhibitors were compared using in vitro assays of thrombin inhibition. There was no direct correlation between the binding constants of the peptides and their α-keto-amide counterparts. The most potent cv-keto-amide inhibitor, CVS995, with a Ki = 1 pM, did not correspond to the most potent divalent peptide and contained a single amino acid deletion in the exosite binding region with respect to the equivalent region of the natural thrombin inhibitor hirudin. The interaction energies of the active site, transition state, and exosite binding regions of these new divalent thrombin inhibitors are not additive.  相似文献   

Protein kinase, casein kinase II (CK2), is ubiquitously expressed and highly conserved protein kinase that shows constitutive activity. It phosphorylates a diverse set of proteins and plays crucial role in several cellular processes. The catalytic subunit of this enzyme (CK2α) shows remarkable flexibility as evidenced in numerous crystal structures determined till now. Here, using analysis of multiple crystal structures and long timescale molecular dynamics simulations, we explore the conformational flexibility of CK2α. The enzyme shows considerably higher flexibility in the solution as compared to that observed in crystal structure ensemble. Multiple conformations of hinge region, located near the active site, were observed during the dynamics. We further observed that among these multiple conformations, the most populated conformational state was inadequately represented in the crystal structure ensemble. The catalytic spine, was found to be less dismantled in this state as compared to the “open” hinge/αD state crystal structures. The comparison of dynamics in unbound (Apo) state and inhibitor (CX4945) bound state exhibits inhibitor induced suppression in the overall dynamics of the enzyme. This is especially true for functionally important glycine‐rich loop above the active site. Together, this work gives novel insights into the dynamics of CK2α in solution and relates it to the function. This work also explains the effect of inhibitor on the dynamics of CK2α and paves way for development of better inhibitors.  相似文献   

OXA‐51 is a class D β‐lactamase that is thought to be the native carbapenemase of Acinetobacter baumannii. Many variants of OXA‐51 containing active site substitutions have been identified from A. baumannii isolates, and some of these substitutions increase hydrolytic activity toward carbapenem antibiotics. We have determined the high‐resolution structures of apo OXA‐51 and OXA‐51 with one such substitution (I129L) with the carbapenem doripenem trapped in the active site as an acyl‐intermediate. The structure shows that acyl‐doripenem adopts an orientation very similar to carbapenem ligands observed in the active site of OXA‐24/40 (doripenem) and OXA‐23 (meropenem). In the OXA‐51 variant/doripenem complex, the indole ring of W222 is oriented away from the doripenem binding site, thereby eliminating a clash that is predicted to occur in wildtype OXA‐51. Similarly, in the OXA‐51 variant complex, L129 adopts a different rotamer compared to I129 in wildtype OXA‐51. This alternative position moves its side chain away from the hydroxyethyl moiety of doripenem and relieves another potential clash between the enzyme and carbapenem substrates. Molecular dynamics simulations of OXA‐51 and OXA‐51 I129L demonstrate that compared to isoleucine, a leucine at this position greatly favors a rotamer that accommodates the ligand. These results provide a molecular justification for how this substitution generates enhanced binding affinity for carbapenems, and therefore helps explain the prevalence of this substitution in clinical OXA‐51 variants.  相似文献   

A GH1 β‐glucosidase from the fungus Hamamotoa singularis (HsBglA) has high transgalactosylation activity and efficiently converts lactose to galactooligosaccharides. Consequently, HsBglA is among the most widely used enzymes for industrial galactooligosaccharide production. Here, we present the first crystal structures of HsBglA with and without 4′‐galactosyllactose, a tri‐galactooligosaccharide, at 3.0 and 2.1 Å resolutions, respectively. These structures reveal details of the structural elements that define the catalytic activity and substrate binding of HsBglA, and provide a possible interpretation for its high catalytic potency for transgalactosylation reaction.  相似文献   

The bacterial adhesin FimH consists of an allosterically regulated mannose‐binding lectin domain and a covalently linked inhibitory pilin domain. Under normal conditions, the two domains are bound to each other, and FimH interacts weakly with mannose. However, under tensile force, the domains separate and the lectin domain undergoes conformational changes that strengthen its bond with mannose. Comparison of the crystallographic structures of the low and the high affinity state of the lectin domain reveals conformational changes mainly in the regulatory inter‐domain region, the mannose binding site and a large β sheet that connects the two distally located regions. Here, molecular dynamics simulations investigated how conformational changes are propagated within and between different regions of the lectin domain. It was found that the inter‐domain region moves towards the high affinity conformation as it becomes more compact and buries exposed hydrophobic surface after separation of the pilin domain. The mannose binding site was more rigid in the high affinity state, which prevented water penetration into the pocket. The large central β sheet demonstrated a soft spring‐like twisting. Its twisting motion was moderately correlated to fluctuations in both the regulatory and the binding region, whereas a weak correlation was seen in a direct comparison of these two distal sites. The results suggest a so called “population shift” model whereby binding of the lectin domain to either the pilin domain or mannose locks the β sheet in a rather twisted or flat conformation, stabilizing the low or the high affinity state, respectively. Proteins 2016; 84:990–1008. © 2016 The Authors. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two γ-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor chimeras were designed in order to elucidate the structural requirements for GABAA receptor desensitization and assembly. The (α1/γ2) and (γ2/α1) chimeric subunits representing the extracellular N-terminal domain of α1 or γ2 and the remainder of the γ2 or α1 subunits, respectively, were expressed with β2 and β2γ2 in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf-9) cells using the baculovirus expression system. The (α1/γ2)β2 and (α1/γ2)β2γ2 but not the (γ2/α1)β2 and (γ2/α1)β2γ2 subunit combinations formed functional receptor complexes as shown by whole-cell patch–clamp recordings and [3H]muscimol and [3H]flunitrazepam binding. Moreover, the surface immunofluorescence staining of Sf-9 cells expressing the (α1/γ2)-containing receptors was pronounced, as opposed to the staining of the (γ2/α1)-containing receptors, which was only slightly higher than background. To explain this, the (α1/γ2) and (γ2/α1) chimeras may act like α1 and γ2 subunits, respectively, indicating that the extracellular N-terminal segment is important for assembly. However, the (α1/γ2) chimeric subunit had characteristics different from the α1 subunit, since the (α1/γ2) chimera gave rise to no desensitization after GABA stimulation in whole-cell patch–clamp recordings, which was independent of whether the chimera was expressed in combination with β2 or β2γ2. Surprisingly, the (α1/γ2)(γ2/α1)β2 subunit combination did desensitize, indicating that the C-terminal segment of the α1 subunit may be important for desensitization. Moreover, desensitization was observed for the (α1/γ2)β2γ2 receptor with respect to the direct activation by pentobarbital. This suggests differences in the mechanism of channel activation for pentobarbital and GABA.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of methyl-α-maltotrioside tetrahydrate C16H34O16, 4H2O), has been established by direct methods from 2269 independent reflections and refined to a final R value of 0.054. The crystal belongs to the orthorhombic system, space group P212121 and has a unit cell of dimensions: a = 1.037 (1), b = 2.439 (1) and c = 1.065 (1) nm. The three glucose residues have the 4C1 pyranose conformation and are α-(1–4)-linked. The conformation of the glycosidic linkage is characterized by torsion angles (φ, ψ) which take the values (82.2, −148.9) between the non-reducing and the middle residue and (82.8, −151.8) between the middle residue and the reducing one. The primary hydroxyl groups exist in a gauche-gauche conformation. This structure is also characterized by the lack of intramolecular hydrogen bonding between secondary hydroxyl groups belonging to contiguous residues. The molecules are held together by a complicated network of hydrogen bonds involving all the hydroxylic groups and the water molecules. the three dimensional arrangement corresponds to a regular alternation of antiparallel bilayers strongly linked by water molecules. A survey of the distribution of the glycosidic torsion angles in all known linear α-(1–4)-linked d-glucose residues, discloses the existence of three stable conformers. This crystal structure provides the first experimental evidence of a regular left-handed fragment of the amylosic chain in a highly hydrated neighbourhood. Furthermore, the helical conformation adopted by the trisaccharide gives rise to helical parameters which are close to those found experimentally for native A and B amyloses. The relevance of the present results to the rationalization of the polymorphic transformation of amylose, along with its crystallization habits is also discussed.  相似文献   

A direct comparison of experimentally determined protein structures and their corresponding protein coding mRNA sequences has been performed. We examine whether real world data support the hypothesis that clusters of rare codons correlate with the location of structural units in the resulting protein. The degeneracy of the genetic code allows for a biased selection of codons which may control the translational rate of the ribosome, and may thus in vivo have a catalyzing effect on the folding of the polypeptide chain. A complete search for GenBank nucleotide sequences coding for structural entries in the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank produced 719 protein chains with matching mRNA sequence, amino acid sequence, and secondary structure assignment. By neural network analysis, we found strong signals in mRNA sequence regions surrounding helices and sheets. These signals do not originate from the clustering of rare codons, but from the similarity of codons coding for very abundant amino acid residues at the N- and C-termini of helices and sheets. No correlation between the positioning of rare codons and the location of structural units was found. The mRNA signals were also compared with conserved nucleotide features of 16S-like ribosomal RNA sequences and related to mechanisms for maintaining the correct reading frame by the ribosome. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of TGF-β2 has been refined using data collected with synchrotron radiation (CHESS) to 1.8 Å resolution with a residual R (= ∑ | |Fo| ? |Fc| | /∑ |Fo|) factor of 17.3%. The model consists of 890 protein atoms from all 112 residues and 59 water molecules. The monomer of TGF-β2 assumes a rather extended conformation and lacks a well-defined hydrophobic core. Surface accessibility calculations show only 44% of the nonpolar surface is buried in the monomer. In contrast, 55.8% of the nonpolar surface area is buried when the two monomers from a dimer, a typical value for globular proteins. This includes a 1300 Å2 buried interface area that is largely hydrophobic. Sequence comparisons using a profile derived from the refined TGF-β2 structure suggest that the cluster of four disulfides (three intramonomeric disulfide bonds 15–78, 44–109, 48–111 forming a disulfide knot, and one intermonomeric disulfide 77–77) together with the extended β strand region constitutes the conserved structural motif for the TGF-β superfamily. This structural motif, without the 77–77 disulfide bond, defines also the common fold for a general family of growth factors, including the nerve growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor families. The fold is conserved only at the monomer level, while the active forms are dimers, suggesting that dimerization plays an important role in regulating the binding of these cytokines to their receptors and in modulating the biological responses. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
  • 1 This article is a US Government work and, as such, is in the public domain in the United States of America.
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