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Histone mRNA in eggs and embryos of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Histone messenger RNA is detectable in both the maternal RNA which is stored in the unfertilized sea urchin egg and in the RNA species which are synthesized denovo after fertilization. Hybridization competition experiments show that sequences similar to pulse-labeled 912S RNA from morulae are present in total RNA from unfertilized eggs as well as that from later stages. The proportion of histone mRNA in cellular RNA increases after fertilization, reaching a maximum at the morula stage. Although these messengers are still present in hatched blastulae and gastrulae, they represent a smaller proportion of total RNA compared with earlier stages.  相似文献   

To determine the role of the sea urchin egg plasma membrane in the species-specificity of fertilization, the ability of denuded activated eggs to be heterospecifically refertilized was determined. Our initial studies included evaluating the effectiveness of three commonly used methods of vitelline envelope (VE) removal using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy with antibodies directed against the VE. Unfertilized Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs were extracted with 0.01 M dithiothreitol (DTT) for 3 min or digested with 1.0 mg/ml pronase for 1 hr. Eggs were also fertilized, then diluted into a divalent-free medium to produce thin, elevated envelopes (VE*s) that were mechanically removed by sieving the eggs through nylon mesh. We found that both DTT extraction and pronase digestion were not completely effective in VE removal, and mechanical removal methods gave rise to a mixed population of eggs, those that had their VEs removed and those with a collapsed envelope that was not detectable at the light microscope level. Therefore, a new method of VE removal was developed. Eggs with VE*s were prepared followed by treatment with 0.01 M DTT to solubilize the envelopes. Nearly 100% of the denuded activated eggs incorporated one or more homologous and heterologous sperm, suggesting that the egg plasma membrane does not function in determining the species-specificity of fertilization.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation in eggs of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus was examined by incubation of egg homogenates with γ[32P]ATP. Individual phosphorylated proteins were detected by autoradiography after electrophoresis of the disaggregated proteins on SDS-polyacrylamide slab gels. Nearly all of the radioactivity was labile to treatment with pronase, but not to ribonuclease or hydroxylamine, suggesting it to be in the form of protein phosphoesters. The pH dependence for phosphorylation was broad, with cyclic 3′,5′-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent phosphorylation optimal at pH 7.7. Phosphorylation of several protein species at pH 7.7 was altered in homogenates of fertilized eggs, when compared to that of unfertilized eggs. These relative increase or decreases in intensity detected by autoradiography were not accompanied by corresponding changes in protein staining of the gels, suggesting that the differences were not due to major shifts in overall protein composition. Most of the alterations in phosphorylation were evident in homogenates made within 5 min after fertilization and were stable until the first cell division. The alterations were also found with homogenates of eggs activated with the divalent ionophore A23187, and some, but not all were present following treatment with ammonia, under conditions that induce a partial metabolic activation of eggs. The results suggest that fertilization promotes alterations in the availability of phosphorylation sites in egg homogenates, or changes in the activity of the egg kinases toward specific protein substrates, that may play a role in the activation of egg metabolism.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total RNA obtained from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs and embryos have shown this material to contain a 12S and 9S RNA species, among others. These two species, found during early development of these cells, were not present in late prism or plutei stages. The RNA was extracted by cold phenol deproteinization in the presence of bentonite and precipitated by alcohol. RNAse, obtained from the 140 000 g egg-supernatant was tested against total RNA extracted from unfertilized eggs, blastulae, gastrulae and plutei embryos. The amount of nucleotides liberated was identical in all cases. Egg-RNAse, in the presence of plutei RNA, did not give rise to the 12S and 9S RNA species.  相似文献   

"Spiral asters" composed of swirls of subcortical microtubules were recently described in fertilized eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. In our study, these structures did not occur at culture temperatures below 16 degrees C. When the culture temperature was elevated, however, "spiral asters" routinely appeared during a susceptible period before mitotic prophase when the sperm aster-diaster normally exists. A massive and protracted rotation of the cytoplasm (excluding an immobile cortex and perinuclear region) began within 1 min of exposure to elevated temperature. Fibrils of the "spiral aster" could be seen within this rotating mass even by bright-field microscopy. The identity of microtubules in these structures was confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. A mechanistic association between "spiral aster" formation and cytoplasmic rotation was indicated by the simultaneous inhibitory effects of microtubule and dynein poisons. Inhibitors of microfilaments, however, had no effect. We infer that elevated temperature induces unique changes in the microtubules of the pre-prophase sperm aster-diaster, resulting in cytoplasmic rotation and the spiral configuration of microtubules. Comparative cytological evidence supports the idea that "spiral asters" do not normally occur in fertilized sea urchin eggs. Biogeographic evidence for S. purpuratus indicates that fertilization and development naturally occur below 15 degrees C, hence "spiral asters" in eggs of this species should be regarded as abnormalities induced in the laboratory by unnaturally elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper [Golsteyn & Waisman (1989) Biochem. J. 257, 809-815] an EGTA-stable, Ca2+-binding heterodimer comprised of a 50 kDa protein and actin called '50K-A' was identified in the unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. In the present paper we have documented the binding of 50K-A to DNAase I and the effect of 50K-A on the kinetics of actin polymerization. When 50K-A was added to pyrene-labelled rabbit skeletal-muscle actin and the salt concentration increased, the initial rate of actin polymerization was inhibited by a very low molar ratio of 50K-A to actin. Furthermore, the steady-state level of G-actin was increased in the presence of 50K-A, suggesting that 50K-A caps the preferred end of actin polymer, shifting the steady-state concentration to that of the non-preferred end. Dilution of F-actin to below its critical concentration into 50K-A resulted in a much slower rate of depolymerization, consistent with capping of the preferred end. In contrast with the Ca2+-dependent binding to DNAase, the effect of 50K-A on the kinetics of actin assembly and disassembly was Ca2+-independent. These results suggest that 50K-A is a novel actin-binding protein with some similarities to the severin/fragmin/gelsolin family of F-actin-capping proteins.  相似文献   

The 100,000 g supernatant from the unfertilized egg of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus has been fractionated on DEAE-cellulose and analysed for Ca2+-binding activity by the Chelex-100 competitive Ca2+-binding activity assay. The major peak of Ca2+-binding activity was subjected to further purification and the Ca2+-binding protein responsible for this Ca2+-binding-activity peak has been isolated and characterized. Non-denaturing polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (PAGE) followed by 45Ca2+ autoradiography suggested a molecular mass of 80 kDa for the Ca2+-binding protein. SDS/PAGE revealed that the 80 kDa protein consisted of a 1:1 molar complex of proteins of 50 and 42 kDa. The 42 kDa protein was identified as actin. The complex was not dissociated by extensive dialysis against an EGTA-containing buffer. The EGTA-stable complex was named '50K-A'.  相似文献   

Tubulin was extracted from spindles isolated from embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and purified through cycles of temperature-dependent assembly and disassembly. At 37 degrees C, the majority of the cycle-purified spindle tubulin polymer is insensitive to free Ca++ at concentrations below 0.4 mM, requiring free Ca++ concentrations greater than 1 mM for complete depolymerization. However, free Ca++ at concentrations above 1 microM inhibits initiation of polymer formation without significantly inhibiting the rate of elongation onto existing polymer. At 15 degrees C and 18 degrees C, temperatures that are physiological for S. purpuratus embryos, spindle tubulin polymer is sensitive to free Ca++ at micromolar concentrations such that 3-20 microM free Ca++ causes complete depolymerization. Calmodulin purified from either bovine brain or S. purpuratus eggs does not affect the Ca++ sensitivity of the spindle tubulin at 37 degrees C, although both increase the Ca++ sensitivity of cycle-purified bovine brain tubulin. These results indicate that cycle-purified spindle tubulin and cycle-purified bovine brain tubulin differ significantly in their responses to calmodulin and in their Ca++ sensitivities at their physiological temperatures. They also suggest that, in vivo, spindle tubulin may be regulated by physiological levels of intracellular Ca++ in the absence of Ca++-sensitizing factors.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci in wild-type and inbred Strongylocentrotus purpuratus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, a major research model in developmental molecular biology, has been inbred through six generations of sibling matings. Though viability initially decreased, as described earlier, the inbred line now consists of healthy, fertile animals. These are intended to serve as a genomic resource in which the level of polymorphism is decreased with respect to wild S. purpuratus. To genotype the inbred animals eight simple sequence genomic repeats were isolated, in context, and PCR primers were generated against the flanking single-copy sequences. Distribution and polymorphism of these regions of the genome were studied in the genomes of 27 wild individuals and in a sample of the inbred animals at F2 and F3 generations. All eight regions were polymorphic, though to different extents, and their homozygosity was increased by inbreeding as expected. The eight markers suffice to identify unambiguously the cellular DNA of any wild or F3 S. purpuratus individual.  相似文献   

H W Detrich  L Wilson 《Biochemistry》1983,22(10):2453-2462
Tubulin was purified from unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus by chromatography of an egg supernatant fraction on DEAE-Sephacel or DEAE-cellulose followed by cycles of temperature-dependent microtubule assembly and disassembly in vitro. After two assembly cycles, the microtubule protein consisted of the alpha- and beta-tubulins (greater than 98% of the protein) and trace quantities of seven proteins with molecular weights less than 55 000; no associated proteins with molecular weights greater than tubulin were observed. When analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis on urea-polyacrylamide gradient gels, the alpha- and beta-tubulins did not precisely comigrate with their counterparts from bovine brain. Two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that urchin egg tubulin contained two major alpha-tubulins and a single major beta species. No oligomeric structures were observed in tubulin preparations maintained at 0 degrees C. Purified egg tubulin assembled efficiently into microtubules when warmed to 37 degrees C in a glycerol-free polymerization buffer containing guanosine 5'-triphosphate. The critical concentration for assembly of once- or twice-cycled egg tubulin was 0.12-0.15 mg/mL. Morphologically normal microtubules were observed by electron microscopy, and these microtubules were depolymerized by exposure to low temperature or to podophyllotoxin. Chromatography of a twice-cycled egg tubulin preparation on phosphocellulose did not alter its protein composition and did not affect its subsequent assembly into microtubules. At concentrations above 0.5-0.6 mg/mL, a concentration-dependent "overshoot" in turbidity was observed during the assembly reaction. These results suggest that egg tubulin assembles into microtubules in the absence of the ring-shaped oligomers and microtubule-associated proteins that characterize microtubule protein from vertebrate brain.  相似文献   

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