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The diatom assemblages of the surface sediments have been studied in 53 urban ponds and lakes of St. Petersburg for the first time. In total, 350 species and infraspecific taxa have been registered; the species of Achnanthidium, Cocconeis, Cyclostephanos, Cyclotella, Gomphonema, Lemnicola, Navicula, Nitzschia, and Stephanodiscus genera were the most common. The wide distribution of small centric planktonic taxa, Cyclostephanos dubius, C. invisitatus, Cyclotella pseudostelligera, Stephanodiscus hantzschii, and S. minutulus, is preconditioned by the depletion of dissolved silica, which is a result of the high phosphorus load. The high abundance of macrophytes in the shallowest sites favors the dominance of epiphytic Fragilaria, Staurosira, and Staurosirella taxa. Bottom-living diatoms in the shallow eutrophic and hypereutrophic urban ponds are light-limited; this is a result of either macrophytes or phytoplankton development. Alkaliphilous and alkalibiontic species prevail among the pH-indicative species, while eutraphentic and hypereutraphentic diatoms, as well as those thriving in a wide range of trophic conditions, dominate over other trophic groups. The β- and α-mesosaprobic species are the most common saprobity-indicative taxa.  相似文献   

Epilithic diatoms are frequently recommended for river biomonitoring, while much less emphasis is placed on epiphytic communities. This study considers use of epiphytic and epilithic diatom communities from the Ra?ka River in biomonitoring. A total of 212 diatom taxa were recorded in both communities. Dominant diatoms were Achnanthidium minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki, A. affine (Grunow) Czarnecki, A. subatomus (Hustedt) Lange-Bertalot, Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow, Diatoma vulgaris Bory, Gomphonema tergestinum (Grunow) Fricke, Cocconeis placentula var. lineata (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck, Melosira varians Agardh and Navicula tripunctata (Müller) Bory. Redundancy analysis (RDA) was used to detect the relationships between diatoms, some environmental factors and sampling sites. Diatoms of the epiphytic community showed a clearly grouping in relation to the sampling sites as compared with diatoms of the epilithic community. Species common to both communities showed a similar correlation with some environmental variables (BOD, pH, NH4+, TP, NO3? and conductivity), with three exceptions (Diatoma vulgaris, Cymbella compacta, and Encyonema silesiacum). Pearson’s correlation coefficient showed correlation between selected environmental variables and diatom indices calculated using OMNIDIA 6.2 software (TDI, IPS, CEE, GENRE, TID, SID, SHE and IDSE/5). Diatoms of the epiphytic community are more clearly clustered in relation to the sampling sites as compared with diatoms of the epilithic community. According to our results there is still “place” in biomonitoring for epiphytic community. The present study highlights the necessity of sampling both epiphytic and epilithic communities because substrate specificity could play important role in biomonitoring.  相似文献   

Species composition of planktonic Crustacea in 102 lakes in the West and High Tatra Mountains, studied during the peak of anthropogenic acidification (1978–1996), is presented in this work. Zooplankton of the Tatra lakes have been studied since the middle of the 19th century, which later enabled the recognition of lake acidification and the assessment of its effect on the plankton community of lake ecosystems. In the pre-acidification period, the distribution of zooplankton was determined namely by the lake altitude and orientation (north vs. south) and by the catchment character. Crustacean zooplankton in larger lakes consisted of a limited number of species, with Acanthodiaptomus denticornis and Daphnia longispina dominating lakes in the forest zone, and Arctodiaptomus alpinus, Cyclops abyssorum, Daphnia longispina, Daphnia pulicaria, and Holopedium gibberum dominating lakes in the alpine zone. Ceriodaphnia quadrangula, Daphnia obtusa, Daphnia pulex, and Mixodiaptomus tatricus occurred in lakes with high concentrations of dissolved organic matter and in strongly acidified waters. Anthropogenic acidification has caused drastic changes in both the chemistry and biology of the Tatra lakes. Based on their status during the acidification peak, lakes were divided into three categories: non-acidified (with no change in the species composition of crustacean zooplankton due to the acidification), acidified (planktonic Crustacea disappeared in lakes with meadow-rocky catchments), and strongly acidified lakes where original Crustacea in meadow-rocky catchment lakes disappeared and were replaced by populations of the acid-tolerant littoral species Acanthocyclops vernalis, Chydorus sphaericus, and Eucyclops serrulatus. The acidification-induced processes of oligotrophication and toxicity of aluminium played a key role in the extinction of species. Despite the first signs of biological recovery observed in the early 2000s, acidification remains the most important factor governing the structure of plankton in the Tatra lakes.  相似文献   

Ancient sister lakes are considered to be ancient lakes lying in close geographic proximity, sharing a related origin and significant time of co-existence, usually having hydrological connection as well as a balanced degree of faunal overlap and distinctness. A paradigm for studying sister lake relationships are the ancient lakes Ohrid and Prespa in the Balkans, which are characterized by high degrees of endemicity. Three general patterns of endemic species can be distinguished for these lakes: (1) taxa that are endemic to either lake, with no close relatives in the respective sister lake, (2) closely related but distinct endemic taxa in both lakes (sister species) and (3) shared endemic taxa occurring in both lakes. In the present paper, two endemic freshwater pulmonate gastropod species, Radix relicta (Lake Ohrid) and R. pinteri (Lake Prespa), are used to study the evolution of presumed sister species based on biogeographical and comparative DNA data from world-wide Radix taxa. Phylogenetic, phylogeographical and parametric bootstrap analyses all suggest a sister group relationship of R. relicta and R. pinteri (pattern 2 of endemic diversity). Sister to these two taxa is the widespread R. ampla, which does not occur in the vicinity of lakes Ohrid and Prespa. The southern feeder spring complexes of Lake Ohrid are inhabited by another lineage (Radix sp. 1), which resembles Radix relicta in morphology/anatomy. For Lake Prespa, the widespread R. auricularia was reported in addition to the endemic R. pinteri. Comparative phylogenetic data favour a western Adriatic zoogeographical affinity of lakes Ohrid and Prespa over an Aegean-Anatolian faunal connection. The status of lakes Ohrid and Prespa as sister lakes is evaluated in the light of current knowledge on gastropod speciation and endemism in these hotspots of biodiversity.  相似文献   

The occurrence of preimaginal stages of Diptera (excluding Chironomidae and Simuliidae) in the Tatra Mountain lakes, their inlets and outlets, and the influence of acidification on the presence of these taxa were assessed. At 21 sites, 18 Diptera taxa were recorded in 2000 and 2001. The most frequent were Dicranota sp. (73%), Pedicia (C.)rivosa (50%) and Wiedemannia sp. (14%). Diptera were ordinated by RDA; relationships between taxa and environmental variables were significantly determined by temperature and habitat characteristics (altitude, habitat, alkalinity, Ca2+, pH, temperature, conductivity). The RDA diagram confirmed the existence of four Diptera assemblage groups corresponding with four habitat types. Group 1 — alpine and subalpine oligotrophic lakes at higher altitudes threatened by acidification, with the acid tolerant taxa Tipula rufina, T. alpium, Dicranota sp. and Rhypholophus sp. Group 2 — subalpine oligotrophic lakes not threatened by acidification with the acid sensitive taxa Wiedemannia sp., Hemerodromia sp., Tipula (S.) benesignata, Orimarga sp., Chionea sp., Pedicia (C.) rivosa and Bazarella subneglecta which prefer higher temperature. Group 3 — subalpine oligotrophic lakes, with the acid sensitive species Berdeniella illiesi, which prefers cold water. Group 4 — outlets of submontane oligotrophic lakes with characteristic taxa Tricyphona sp. and Tipula goriziensis. Acidified alpine and subalpine Tatra lakes are situated mostly at higher altitudes (1705–2145 m. a.s.l.) and have specific taxonomic composition.  相似文献   

Ancient lakes have long been recognized as “hot spots of evolution” and “evolutionary theatres” and they have significantly contributed to a better understanding of speciation and radiation processes in space and time. Yet, phylogenetic relationships of many ancient lake taxa, particularly invertebrate groups, are still unresolved. Also, the lack of robust morphological, anatomical, and phylogeographical data has largely prevented a rigorous testing of evolutionary hypotheses. For the freshwater gastropod genus Valvata—a group with a high degree of endemism in several ancient lakes—different evolutionary scenarios are suggested for different ancient lakes. Lake Baikal, for example, is inhabited by several endemic Valvata taxa that presumably do not form a monophyletic group. For such an evolutionary pattern, the term ancient lake species scatter is introduced here. In contrast, for the Balkan Lake Ohrid, workers previously suggested the presence of a monophyletic group of endemic Valvata species, that is, an ancient lake species flock. Sequence data of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I gene (COI) from worldwide taxa, with a strong emphasis on Balkan species, are here used to test whether the putative Ohrid Valvata endemics represent an ancient lake species flock and to study patterns of speciation both on the Ohrid and the Balkan scale. The study reveals three distinct clades of endemic Valvata in Lake Ohrid. Monophyly of these taxa, however, is rejected, and they therefore do not represent an ancient lake species flock, but rather an ancient lake species scatter. Also, in contrast to many other gastropod groups in Lake Ohrid, the valvatids apparently did not radiate. Many Valvata taxa in ancient lakes are characterized by enhanced levels of shell complexity. However, it remains unclear whether these patterns are associated with ancient lake environments per se. It is here suggested that similarities in shell structure between North American and Balkan taxa might simply be due to convergent evolution.  相似文献   

Microscopic crustaceans (cladocerans and copepods) and rotifers are the principal zooplankton components of the pelagic food webs in lakes. They play important ecological roles, functioning as essential links between primary producers and planktivorous fish. Individuals zooplankton are important nodes of matter flow in pelagic ecosystems. The zooplankton community structure can provide useful indicators of top–down processes, such as the magnitude or strength of planktivorous predators and the extent of zooplankton grazing. Here we report the abundance of zooplankton taxa (crustaceans and rotifers) that were recorded monthly, from January 1980 to September 2015, at two stations on Lake Kasumigaura, a shallow eutrophic lake that is the second largest lake in Japan. The data include information on 12 copepod species (taxa), 20 cladoceran species (taxa), 40 rotifer species (taxa), and the opossum shrimp (Neomysis intermedia). In the 1980s, the plankton of the lake were characterized by cyanobacterial blooms and the co-dominance of Bosmina and Diaphanosoma in the summer. In addition, the two cladoceran genera, Daphnia galeata and Chydorus sphaericus were often prominent. The plankton profile changed dramatically in the middle (1997–2004) of the present long-term monitoring period, when cyanobacteria disappeared and diatoms became dominant even in the summer; concurrently, only the Diaphanosoma cladocerans were evident. However, in the past 10 years, cyanobacterial blooms, the co-dominance of Bosmina and Diaphanosoma, and D. galeata have re-emerged. Zooplankton monitoring forms part of the Lake Kasumigaura Long-Term Environmental Monitoring Program, which has been conducted by the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) since 1977. Data on other planktonic components (phytoplankton and the elements of microbial food webs) noted during monitoring and on primary production were published in Takamura and Nakagawa (Ecol Res 27:839 2012a, Ecol Res 27:837 2012b, Ecol Res 31:287 2016). Lake Kasumigaura is a core site of the Japan Long-term Ecological Research Network, a member of the International Long-term Ecological Research Network. Our quantitative dataset spanning several decades is unique in terms of the work on lakes and the plankton therein, and is freely available. The dataset has been used in ecological and environmental programs, as well as in studies on lake management.  相似文献   

The species composition and distribution of testate amoebae in Bau Sen and Bau Trang lakes (Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam) were investigated. Fifty-three species, varieties and forms have been identified from the water column and sediments. Twenty-seven species, varieties and forms from the genera Arcella, Centropyxis, Cyclopyxis, Difflugia and Pyxidicula were found in Vietnam for the first time. The updated list of testate amoebae in Vietnam now includes 286 taxa. The genera Arcella, Centropyxis and Difflugia are characterized by the highest frequency of occurrence. The species diversity of Arcella, Centropyxis, Difflugia was the highest. Centropyxis aculeata, Arcella discoides, Difflugia schurmanni, Netzelia oviformis and Difflugia limnetica were the most common species. Many species have shown restricted distribution, some species have been found only in one lake and not been found in another lake. The number of observed species, varieties, and forms in each lake is 34. The average number of the species per sample on the shores of the lakes subjected to human agricultural activity was significantly higher than in the samples from the shores of the lakes with less anthropogenic disturbance. The curves of “cumulative species number vs. sampling effort” are well fitted by equations S = 7.60 N 0.69 for Bau Sen lake and S = 12.52 N 0.46 for Bau Trang. The curves are unsaturated, which indicates that more intensive investigations of testate amoebae should be expected to reveal more species.  相似文献   

Three lakes were studied in the High Tatra Mountains at altitudes from 2000 to 2157 m a.s.l., which represent three categories of acidity status recognised in the Tatra lakes in the 1980s: non-acidified, acidified, and strongly acidified. Subfossil chironomid remains from dated sediment cores covering ca. throughout 200 years were analysed. The chironomid thanatocoenoses of all cores layers reflected ultra-oligotrophic non-acidified conditions in L’adové pleso. Nevertheless, the finding of the acid-tolerant species Zalutschia tatrica in littoral samples in 1980s indicates that the littoral zone was more influenced by acidification than deeper areas of the lake. Three stages of lake developmental history can be distinguished in the acidified lake Vy?né Wahlenbergovo pleso based on the chironomid subfossil record: the pre-acidification stage before the 1920s, the anthropogenic acidification stage between the 1920–1980s, and the recovery of the lake from the end of the 1980s. The period of acidification was accompanied by a decline in chironomid numbers, while chironomid fauna composition was unchanged during the whole investigated history of the lake. None of the chironomid taxa present prior to the acidification period disappeared during the peak of acidification. The most apparent change in the sediment record taken from the strongly acidified lake Starolesnianske pleso was recognised in the layers corresponding to the period 1960–1980. It is characterised by the disappearance of the dominant acid-sensitive Tanytarsus lugens group and the dominance of acidtolerant Tanytarsus gregarius group. The most recent chironomid assemblage probably benefits from the amount of food resources as a result of increased lake productivity induced by acidification.  相似文献   

The electron microscopy study of algae from Lake Elgygytgyn and the water bodies of its basin has revealed 21 taxa of centric diatoms of specific and intraspecific ranks. Nine new species and varieties have been found, including Aulacoseira distans var. nivaloides, A. distans var. septentrionalis, Discostella guslyakovyi, which are rare for the flora of Russia; an endemic species (?) Pliocaenicus seckinae; and six interesting forms from the genus Aulacoseira identified only to the genus. The list of Centrophyceae of Beringia has been broadened.  相似文献   

A total of ten taxa belonging to the class Ostracoda of the Crustacea (Darwinula stevensoni, Candona neglecta, Cypria ophthalmica, Ilyocypris bradyi, Prionocypris zenkeri, Herpetocypris chevreuxi, Psychrodromus olivaceus, Heterocypris incongruens, Scottia pseudobrowniana, Eucypris sp.) were collected from two rheocrene Darwinula stevensoni springs (Çetin Bey and Çaygökp?nar springs) on 15 separate occasions between November 2002 and November 2004. Almost all of the species identified exhibit cosmopolitan distributions – at least in the Holarctic region. The presence of Scottia pseudobrowniana represents the second recording of this species in the ostracod fauna of Turkey. The dominant taxa in both springs was Cy. ophthalmica, I. bradyi, Pr. zenkeri and Ca. neglecta. Correlation analyses suggested a significant positive relationship in relative abundance between I. bradyi, Pr. zenkeri and Cy. ophthalmica. Species composition differed significantly between the upper and lower study sites for each spring, but differences could not be detected between sites at the same elevation across sites. Environmental tolerance index (ETI) values suggest that species with high optima and tolerance ranges show cosmopolitan characteristics.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic techniques (NGS sequencing and quantitative PCR) were used to determine the composition of the cecal bacterial community of broiler chickens fed with different mixed fodder. The cecal microbiome exhibited taxonomic diversity, with both typical inhabitants of avian intestine belonging to the families Clostridiaceae, Eubacteriaceae, and Lactobacillaceae and to the phylum Bacteroidetes, and new unidentified taxa, as well as bacteria of the families Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae, which were previously considered restricted to the rumen microbiota. Contrary to traditional concepts, enterococci and bifidobacteria were among the minor components of the community, lactate-fermenting species were absent, and typical avian pathogens of the genus Staphylococcus were detected but seldom. Members of the family Suterellaceae and the genus Gallibacterium, which are responsible for avian respiratory infections, were also detected. Significant fluctuations of abundance and composition of microbial groups within the cecal community and of the parameters of broiler productivity were found to occur depending on the feed allowance. Cellulose content in the feed had the most pronounced effect on the composition and structure of bacterial communities. Decreased cellulose content resulted in a decrease of bacterial abundance by an order of magnitude and in increased ratios of members of the phylum Bacteroidetes and the family Clostridiaceae, which possess the enzymes degrading starch polysaccharides. Abundance of the normal inhabitants of avian intestine belonging to the genus Lactobacillus and the order Bacillales decreased, while the share of Escherichia and members of the family Sutterellaceae increased, including some species capable of causing dysbiotic changes in the avian intestine. No significant change in the abundance of cellulolytics of the families Ruminococcaceae, Lachnospiraceae, and Eubacteriaceae was observed.  相似文献   

In our study, we focused on littoral Cladocera living and feeding in shallow shore parts of 46 mountain lakes in the Tatra Mountains (Slovakia and Poland). The studied lakes underwent a major acidification event in the 1980s and are now in the process of recovery. Lakes were divided into three categories based on their sensitivity to acidification: 5 extremely sensitive (ES), 11 acid sensitive (AS), and 30 non-sensitive (NS) lakes. In our study, we included historical data from the literature, and data from sediment core and littoral samples, which together represent the evolution of the littoral communities from a pre-industrial period up to the present. In total, 11 littoral species were found belonging to three cladoceran families. Most of the species were members of the family Chydoridae: Alona affinis, A. quadrangularis, A. rectangula, A. guttata, Acroperus harpae, Alonella excisa, A. nana, Chydorus sphaericus, and Eurycercus lamellatus. One species belonged to each family Daphniidae (Ceriodaphnia quadrangula) and Polyphemidae (Polyphemus pediculus). The most numerous littoral taxa were Alona affinis, Acroperus harpae, and Chydorus sphaericus. All species reacted to decreased pH levels during peak acidification in the 1980s by disappearing from most of the lakes of all categories; the only persisting species was Chydorus sphaericus. Most species returned to the lakes when pH started to increase in the 1990s, although their return was noticeably slower in AS lakes. Alona quadrangularis decreased its distribution range over the studied period; Polyphemus pediculus was mostly detected in the 1910s only. The number of species was highest in all lake categories when dwarf pine was present in the lake catchment. On the whole, the littoral community was richest in NS lakes.  相似文献   

Dated sediment cores from acidified and fishless Lake Gaffeln and Lake Härsvatten, SW Sweden, were analyzed for Daphnia ephippia and Chaoborus mandibles to test whether acidification history and fish extirpations could be reconstructed in a paleo-study using these easily identifiable animal remains. According to monitoring data fish were lost in both lakes from the 1950s to the 1970s. Progressive acidification prior to monitoring was confirmed by a gradual decrease and eventual loss of Daphnia ephippia in both study lakes during the first half of the twentieth century. In Lake Gaffeln mandibles of C. obscuripes appeared immediately after fish loss in 1973, and the regular presence of this species confirmed the succeeding fishless state of this lake. In Lake Härsvatten sediments C. obscuripes appeared only recently, i.e. three decades after fish extirpation, showing that the absence of C. obscuripes mandibles is not a trustworthy indicator of fish presence. Hence, the appearance of C. obscuripes was not temporally related to fish loss but confirmed the present fishless condition. Known historical presence of cyprinid fish in Lake Gaffeln was confirmed by a significantly higher proportion of fragmented mandibles of C. flavicans compared to the historically cyprinid-free Lake Härsvatten. In addition, both lake profiles displayed zero-proportions of fragmented mandibles during fishless periods. We conclude that acidification history and fish extirpations can be inferred by integrated studies on subfossil Daphnia ephippia and Chaoborus mandibles. However, during extreme ultra-oligotrophic conditions in acidified clear-water lakes subfossil Chaoborus mandibles may be too scarce to infer fish absence/presence.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine factors affecting the vertical distribution of Eurytemora lacustris in mesotrophic lakes (Wigry, Hańcza, Szurpi?y; north-eastern Poland) during the summer stagnation. Eurytemora lacustris was found in all of the studied lakes, with the highest abundance (8 ind. L?1) in Lake Wigry. In Lake Szurpi?y, E. lacustris has never been recorded before. The results of this study revealed that E. lacustris was most numerous in thermocline zones, suggesting that this species could temporarily tolerate warmer water and lower oxygen concentrations due to better food resources. During the study, it was found that a large part of the E. lacustris population had epibiont ciliates, in contrast to other species of zooplankton that did not have any epibionts. The improvement in the water quality of many deep lakes could lead to an increase in the abundance of E. lacustris. However, epibiont ciliates may be a threat for this species and may play a substantial role in determining the production, distribution, and community dynamics of E. lacustris.  相似文献   

The effect of altitude and season on abundance and diversity of the culturable heterotrophic bacterial and yeast community was examined at four forest sites in the Italian Alps along an altitude gradient (545–2000 m). Independently of altitude, bacteria isolated at 0 °C (psychrophiles) were less numerous than those recovered at 20 °C. In autumn, psychrophilic bacterial population increased with altitude. The 1194 bacterial strains were primarily affiliated with the classes Alpha-, Beta-, Gammaproteobacteria, Spingobacteriia and Flavobacteriia. Fifty-seven of 112 operational taxonomic units represented potential novel species. Strains isolated at 20 °C had a higher diversity and showed similarities in taxa composition and abundance, regardless of altitude or season, while strains isolated at 0 °C showed differences in community composition at lower and higher altitudes. In contrast to bacteria, yeast diversity was season-dependent: site- and altitude-specific effects on yeast diversity were only detected in spring. Isolation temperature affected the relative proportions of yeast genera. Isolations recovered 719 strains, belonging to the classes Dothideomycetes, Saccharomycetes, Tremellomycetes and Mycrobotryomycetes. The presence of few dominant bacterial OTUs and yeast species indicated a resilient microbial population that is not affected by season or altitude. Soil nutrient contents influenced significantly abundance and diversity of culturable bacteria, but not of culturable yeasts.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) is recognised as an important N source for phytoplankton. However, its relative importance for phytoplankton nutrition and community composition has not been studied comprehensively. This study, conducted in a typical Scottish fjord, representative of near-pristine coastal environments, evaluates the utilisation of DON and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) by different microbial size fractions and the relationship of phytoplankton community composition with DON and other parameters. The study demonstrated that DON was important in supporting phytoplankton throughout the yearly production cycle. The higher-than-expected urea uptake rates and large fraction of the spring bloom production supported by DON suggested that organic N not only contributes to regenerated production and to the nutrition of the small phytoplankton fraction, but can also contribute substantially to new production of the larger phytoplankton in coastal waters. Multivariate statistical techniques revealed two phytoplankton assemblages with peaks in abundance at different times of the year: a spring group dominated by Skeletonema spp., Thalassiosira spp., and Pseudo-nitzschia spp. group delicatissima; and a summer/autumn group dominated by Chaetoceros spp., Scrippsiella spp., and Pseudo-nitzschia spp. group seriata. The multivariate pattern in community composition and abundance of these taxa was significantly correlated with the multivariate pattern of DON, urea, dissolved free amino acids, DIN, temperature, salinity, and daylength, with daylength and urea being particularly important, suggesting both physical and chemical controls on community composition.  相似文献   

Cortinarius is one of the most species-rich genera of mushroom-forming fungi. Based on phylogenetic and morphological evidence, Cortinarius, sect. Riederi, is introduced at sectional level (= subsect. Riederi sensu Brandrud & Melot). The taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology and distribution of not only mainly European but also including some North American taxa of this section are treated, which includes nine species and two varieties. Of these, three taxa are described as new (C. burlinghamiae, C. pallidoriederi and C. argenteolilacinus var. dovrensis). The sect. Riederi species possess morphological features similar to Phlegmacium group(s) and forms a phylogenetically isolated lineage, with no supported affinity to other phlegmacioid groups. Three taxa are known from both Europe and North America, two species are known only from North America and five only from Europe. Altogether, eight of the ten taxa are associated with conifers or northern (boreal-subalpine) deciduous trees (Betula spp.). Only two species occur in more temperate forests (Fagus forests), and no species have so far been found in thermophilous Quercus forests  相似文献   

The seasonal and long-term dynamics of the species composition and abundance of dinoflagellates that live in subtidal sands in Russian waters of the Sea of Japan was studied for the first time. The overall species composition of sand-dwelling dinoflagellates in Peter the Great Bay was represented by 67 taxa that belong to 25 genera. Among them, 17 species were recorded for the first time from the seas of Russia, and 8 species were found from the Pacific coast of Russia for the first time. The greatest number of species belonged to the genera Amphidinium, Amphidiniopsis, and Thecadinium. A list of the species composition, including the distribution of taxa throughout the localities and seasons, is presented. Most species of the microalgae are illustrated by light and scanning electron micrographs. The species richness varied from 18 to 44 during the year. In the winter, at a water temperature less than 0°C, the species richness of sand-dwelling dinoflagellates (24–26 taxa) roughly coincided with that found in summer (20–44 taxa). The average density of dinoflagellates ranged from 16 to 1121 cells/cm3 across localities and throughout the year. During the annual cycle, the highest cell density (595 and 2576 cells/cm3) were recorded in the winter–spring period and a slight increase in abundance was observed in fall. This was due to the high cell densities of the dominant species Amphidiniopsis uroensis Toriumi, Yoshimatsu et Dodge, and Thecadinium kofoidii (E.C. Herdman) Larsen. Sand-dwelling dinoflagellates contributed 58 to 80% to the total annual density of the subtidal microphytobenthos in different localities of Peter the Great Bay.  相似文献   

The study of phytoplankton in lakes, sors, streams, and rivers of the Yarayakha River basin with the help of scanning electron microscopy has made it possible to broaden the taxonomic spectrum of Bacillariophyta; 236 specific and intraspecific taxa from 63 genera are detected. A total of 16 species and varieties that are new for the flora of Russia were documented; 30 forms from 18 genera are identified only to the species. The maximum species diversity is recorded in a stream in the Yarayakha River mouth (82 species) and in the channel of the Khureikhotarka River (105 species). Species such as Cyclotella meneghiniana, Fragilaria exiguiformis, Navicula hanseatica, Neidium bisulcatum, Stauroneis anceps, Thalassiosira inserta, and Tabellaria flocculosa are the most widespread in the waterbodies.  相似文献   

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