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A genetic map of potato (Solanum tuberosum) was constructed based on 293 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers including 31 EST markers of Arabidopsis. The in silico comparison of all marker sequences with the Arabidopsis genomic sequence resulted in 189 markers that detected in Arabidopsis 787 loci with sequence conservation. Based on conserved linkage between groups of at least three different markers on the genetic map of potato and the physical map of Arabidopsis, 90 putative syntenic blocks were identified covering 41% of the potato genetic map and 50% of the Arabidopsis physical map. The existence and distribution of syntenic blocks suggested a higher degree of structural conservation in some parts of the potato genome when compared to others. Syntenic blocks were redundant: most potato syntenic blocks were related to several Arabidopsis genome segments and vice versa. Some duplicated potato syntenic blocks correlated well with ancient segmental duplications in Arabidopsis. Syntenic relationships between different genomic segments of potato and the same segment of the Arabidopsis genome indicated that potato genome evolution included ancient intra- and interchromosomal duplications. The partial genome coveridge and the redundancy of syntenic blocks limits the use of synteny for functional comparisons between the crop species potato and the model plant Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

About 15% of flowering plant species synthesize fructans. Fructans serve mainly as reserve carbohydrates and are subject to breakdown by plant fructan exohydrolases (FEHs), among which 1-FEHs (inulinases) and 6-FEHs (levanases) can be differentiated. This paper describes the unexpected finding that 6-FEHs also occur in plants that do not synthesize fructans. The purification, characterization, cloning and functional analysis of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) 6-FEH are described. Enzyme activity measurements during sugar beet development suggest a constitutive expression of the gene in sugar beet roots. Classical enzyme purification followed by in-gel trypsin digestion and mass spectrometry (quadruple-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (Q-TOF) MS) led to peptide sequence information used in subsequent RT-PCR based cloning. Levan-type fructans (beta-2,6) are the best substrates for the enzyme, while inulin-type fructans (beta-2,1) and sucrose are poorly or not degraded. Sugar beet 6-FEH is more related to cell wall invertases than to vacuolar invertases and has a low iso-electric point (pI), clearly different from typical high pI cell wall invertases. Poor sequence homology to bacterial or fungal FEHs makes an endophytic origin highly unlikely. The functionality of the 6-FEH cDNA was further demonstrated by heterologous expression in Pichia pastoris. As fructans are absent in sugar beet, the role of 6-FEH in planta is not obvious. Like chitinases and beta-glucanases hydrolysing cell-surface components of fungal plant pathogens, a straightforward working hypothesis for further research might be that plant 6-FEHs participate in hydrolysis (or prevent the formation) of levan-containing slime surrounding endophytic or phytopathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Telomeres are highly conserved structures essential for maintaining the integrity of eukaryotic genomes. In yeast, ciliates and mammals, the G-rich strand of the telomere forms a 3' overhang on the chromosome terminus. Here we investigate the architecture of telomeres in the dicot plants Silene latifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana using the PENT (primer extension/nick translation) assay. We show that both Arabidopsis and Silene telomeres carry G-overhangs longer than 20-30 nucleotides. However, in contrast to yeast and ciliate telomeres, only half of the telomeres in Silene seedlings possess detectable G-overhangs. PENT reactions using a variety of primers and reaction conditions revealed that the remaining fraction of Silene telomeres carries either no overhangs or overhangs less than 12 nucleotides in length. G-overhangs were observed in Silene seeds and leaves, tissues that lack telomerase activity. These findings suggest that incomplete DNA replication of the lagging strand, rather than synthesis by telomerase, is the primary mechanism for G-overhang synthesis in plants. Unexpectedly, we found that the fraction of telomeres with detectable G-overhangs decreased from 50% in seedlings to 35% in leaves. The difference may reflect increased susceptibility of the G-overhangs to nuclease attack in adult leaves, an event that could act as a precursor for the catabolic processes accompanying leaf senescence  相似文献   

In this study a method was designed to assess non‐destructively the type of UV‐screening compounds present in the leaf epidermis. The method is based on the recording and calculation of the ratio of UV‐excitation spectra of chlorophyll fluorescence (FER) from the adaxial and abaxial sides of bifacial leaves, or from older and younger segments of monocotyledonous leaves. The logarithm of this ratio (logFER) matched the absorption spectrum of the UV‐absorbers present in the leaf, as confirmed by its overlap with the absorption spectrum of the methanolic extract of the leaf or of the isolated epidermis. By using the logFER approach, it was possible to demonstrate that the concentration but not the classes of compounds present in the epidermis that are responsible for UV‐screening is affected by the side and the age of the leaves. In contrast, measurements from the leaves of seven dicots and one monocot indicated large difference in the classes of these compounds between species. Finally, it was shown that the logFER in the UV is independent of the emission wavelength, and that the method can be used for quantitative measurements. This method expands to the spectral domain the use of ChlF for the estimation of the leaf epidermal transmittance.  相似文献   

The role of peroxisomes in isoprenoid metabolism, especially in plants, has been questioned in several reports. A recent study of Sapir-Mir et al.1 revealed that the two isoforms of isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) isomerase, catalyzing the isomerisation of IPP to dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP) are found in the peroxisome. In this addendum, we provide additional data describing the peroxisomal localization of 5-phosphomevalonate kinase and mevalonate 5-diphosphate decarboxylase, the last two enzymes of the mevalonic acid pathway leading to IPP.2 This finding was reinforced in our latest report showing that a short isoform of farnesyl diphosphate, using IPP and DMAPP as substrates, is also targeted to the organelle.3 Therefore, the classical sequestration of isoprenoid biosynthesis between plastids and cytosol/ER can be revisited by including the peroxisome as an additional isoprenoid biosynthetic compartment within plant cells.  相似文献   

Using a novel setup, we assessed how fast growth of Nicotiana tabacum seedlings responds to alterations in the light regime and investigated whether starch-free mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana show decreased growth potential at an early developmental stage. Leaf area and relative growth rate were measured based on pictures from a camera automatically placed above an array of 120 seedlings. Detection of total seedling leaf area was performed via global segmentation of colour images for preset thresholds of the parameters hue, saturation and value. Dynamic acclimation of relative growth rate towards altered light conditions occurred within 1 d in N. tabacum exposed to high nutrient availability, but not in plants exposed to low nutrient availability. Increased leaf area was correlated with an increase in shoot fresh and dry weight as well as root growth in N. tabacum. Relative growth rate was shown to be a more appropriate parameter than leaf area for detection of dynamic growth acclimation. Clear differences in leaf growth activity were also observed for A. thaliana. As growth responses are generally most flexible in early developmental stages, the procedure described here is an important step towards standardized protocols for rapid detection of the effects of changes in internal (genetic) and external (environmental) parameters regulating plant growth.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades biologists' fascination with plant-herbivore interactions has generated intensive research into the implications of these interactions for insect diversification. The study of closely related phytophagous insect species or populations from an evolutionary perspective can help illuminate ecological and selective forces that drive these interactions. Here we present such an analysis for aphids in the genus Hyalopterus (Hemiptera: Aphididae), a cosmopolitan group that feeds on plants in the genus Prunus (Rosaceae). Hyalopterus currently contains two recognized species associated with different Prunus species, although the taxonomy and evolutionary history of the group is poorly understood. Using mitochondrial COI sequences, 16S rDNA sequences from the aphid endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola, and nine microsatellite loci we investigated population structure in Hyalopterus from the most commonly used Prunus host species throughout the Mediterranean as well as in California, where the species H. pruni is an invasive pest. We found three deeply divergent lineages structured in large part by specific associations with plum, almond, and peach trees. There was no evidence that geographic or temporal barriers could explain the overall diversity in the genus. Levels of genetic differentiation are consistent with that typically attributed to aphid species and indicate divergence times older than the domestication of Prunus for agriculture. Interestingly, in addition to their typical hosts, aphids from each of the three lineages were frequently found on apricot trees. Apricot also appears to act as a resource mediated hybrid zone for plum and almond associated lineages. Together, results suggest that host plants have played a role in maintaining host-associated differentiation in Hyalopterus for as long as several million years, despite worldwide movement of host plants and the potential for ongoing hybridization.  相似文献   

The detailed analysis of beta-amyloid (Abeta) peptides in human plasma is still hampered by the limited sensitivity of available mass spectrometric methods and the lack of appropiate ELISAs to measure Abeta peptides other than Abeta(1-38), Abeta(1-40), and Abeta(1-42). By combining high-yield Abeta immuno- precipitation (IP), IEF, and urea-based Abeta-SDS-PAGE-immunoblot, at least 30 Abeta-immuno-reactive spots were detected in human plasma samples as small as 1.6 mL. This approach clearly resolved Abeta peptides Abeta(1-40), Abeta(1-42), Abeta(1-37), Abeta(1-38), Abeta(1-39), the N-truncated Abeta(2-40), Abeta(2-42), and, for the first time, also Abeta(1-41). Relative quantification indicated that Abeta(1-40) and Abeta(1-42) accounted for less than 60% of the total amount of Abeta peptides in plasma. All other Abeta peptides appear to be either C-terminally or N-terminally truncated forms or as yet uncharacterized Abeta species which migrated as trains of spots with distinct pIs. The Abeta pattern found in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was substantially less complex. This sensitive method (2-D Abeta-WIB) might help clarifying the origin of distinct Abeta species from different tissues, cell types, or intracellular pools as well as their amyloidogenicity. It might further help identifying plasma Abeta species suitable as biomarkers for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD).  相似文献   

Ovule primordia formation is a complex developmental process with a strong impact on the production of seeds. In Arabidopsis this process is controlled by a gene network, including components of the signalling pathways of auxin, brassinosteroids (BRs) and cytokinins. Recently, we have shown that gibberellins (GAs) also play an important role in ovule primordia initiation, inhibiting ovule formation in both Arabidopsis and tomato. Here we reveal that BRs also participate in the control of ovule initiation in tomato, by promoting an increase on ovule primordia formation. Moreover, molecular and genetic analyses of the co‐regulation by GAs and BRs of the control of ovule initiation indicate that two different mechanisms occur in tomato and Arabidopsis. In tomato, GAs act downstream of BRs. BRs regulate ovule number through the downregulation of GA biosynthesis, which provokes stabilization of DELLA proteins that will finally promote ovule primordia initiation. In contrast, in Arabidopsis both GAs and BRs regulate ovule number independently of the activity levels of the other hormone. Taken together, our data strongly suggest that different molecular mechanisms could operate in different plant species to regulate identical developmental processes even, as for ovule primordia initiation, if the same set of hormones trigger similar responses, adding a new level of complexity.  相似文献   

* Pathogens represent an important threat to plant communities and agriculture, and can shape many aspects of plant evolution. Natural variation in plant disease susceptibility is typically quantitative, yet studies on the molecular basis of disease resistance have focused mainly on qualitative variation. * Here we investigated the genetic architecture of quantitative susceptibility to the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae by performing a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis on the F2 progeny of two natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana under two nutrient treatments. * We found that a single QTL explains most of the variation (77%) in susceptibility between accessions Columbia (Col-0) and San Feliu-2 (Sf-2), and its effect is independent of nutrients. The Sf-2 allele at this QTL is dominant and can reduce the bacterial population size by 31-fold, much like a classical resistance (R) gene. However, minor QTLs, whose effects are altered by nutrient treatment, were also detected. * Surprisingly, we found that none of the QTLs for susceptibility had any effect on fruit production, suggesting that the use of resistance genes for crop improvement and evolutionary analysis of plant-pathogen interactions requires caution.  相似文献   

I-CeuI fragments of four Shigella species were analyzed to investigate their taxonomic distance from Escherichia coli and to collect substantiated evidence of their genetic relatedness because their ribosomal RNA sequences and similarity values of their chromosomal DNA/DNA hybridization had proved their taxonomic identity. I-CeuI digestion of genomic DNAs yielded seven fragments in every species, indicating that all the Shigella species contained seven sets of ribosome RNA operons. To determine the fragment identities, seven genes were selected from each I-CeuI fragment of E. coli strain K-12 and used as hybridization probes. Among the four Shigella species, S. boydii and S. sonnei showed hybridization patterns similar to those observed for E. coli strains; each gene probe hybridized to the I-CeuI fragments with sizes similar to that of the corresponding E. coli fragment. In contrast, S. dysenteriae and S. flexneri showed distinct patterns; rcsF and rbsR genes that located on different I-CeuI fragments in E. coli, fragments D and E, were found to co-locate on a fragment. Further analysis using an additional three genes that located on fragment D in K-12 revealed that some chromosome rearrangements involving the fragments corresponding to fragments D and E of K-12 took place in S. dysenteriae and S. flexneri.  相似文献   

Summary Previous RFLP-analysis of mtDNA isolated from different lines and cultivars of Vicia faba with respect to variability of the coxII gene revealed two types of mitochondrial genome: one with a normal coxII gene and the other with both normal coxII and chimeric coxII-orf192 genes. In this study we analyzed other regions of these two types of mitochondrial genome and found significant differences in the arrangement of regions around the coxII, coxIII, cob, rrn26 and atpA genes. More detailed analysis of the rrn26 and atpA gene regions showed that these genes are associated with recombinationally active repeats. Restriction maps of the rrn26 and atpA gene regions in different recombinative variants are presented.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of the 18S rRNA gene from soybean mitochondria was determined and is presented here in comparison to the 18S rRNA genes from wheat and maize mitochondria. All three genes exhibit remarkable sequence similarity supporting the proposal that there is a slower rate of nucleotide divergence in plant mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as compared to the mtDNA of animals. A lower degree of sequence similarity is observed between the dicotyledenous plant soybean and either wheat (84%) or maize (85%) than between the two monocots (96%). A possible secondary structure for the soybean 18S rRNA is presented that is analogous to the proposed structure for the E. coli 16S rRNA.  相似文献   

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