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To determine whether hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) occurs mainly in alveolar or extra-alveolar vessels in ferrets, we used two groups of isolated lungs perfused with autologous blood and a constant left atrial pressure (-5 Torr). In the first group, flow (Q) was held constant at 50, 100, and 150 ml.kg-1 X min-1, and changes in pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) were recorded as alveolar pressure (Palv) was lowered from 25 to 0 Torr during control [inspired partial pressure of O2 (PIO2) = 200 Torr] and hypoxic (PIO2 = 25 Torr) conditions. From these data, pressure-flow relationships were constructed at several levels of Palv. In the control state, lung inflation did not affect the slope of the pressure-flow relationships (delta Ppa/delta Q), but caused the extrapolated pressure-axis intercept (Ppa0), representing the mean backpressure to flow, to increase when Palv was greater than or equal to 5 Torr. Hypoxia increased delta Ppa/delta Q and Ppa0 at all levels of Palv. In contrast to its effects under control condition, lung inflation during hypoxia caused a progressive decrease in delta Ppa/delta Q, and did not alter Ppa0 until Palv was greater than or equal to 10 Torr. In the second group of experiments flow was maintained at 100 ml.kg-1 X min-1, and changes in lung blood volume (LBV) were recorded as Palv was varied between 20 and 0 Torr. In the control state, inflation increased LBV over the entire range of Palv. In the hypoxic state inflation decreased LBV until Palv reached 8 Torr; at Palv 8-20 Torr, inflation increased LBV.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A fast-response O2 analyzer that samples air at low flow rates allows the quasi-instantaneous measurement of O2 concentration change in the airways of isolated blood-perfused rat lungs. This instrument and an oximeter were used to measure the stimulus-response delay time of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction when the lungs were challenged with 10, 5, or 3% O2. The estimate for the shortest delay time between accomplished fall in airway O2 concentration and the onset of hypoxia-induced vasoconstriction was approximately 7 s. We found that the slope of pressure rise, but not the stimulus-response delay time, correlated with the magnitude of hypoxic vasoconstriction. Oscillations in pulmonary arterial pressure were observed when the lungs were challenged with 10% O2 but not when the challenge was 12, 5, or 3%, indicating perhaps that these oscillations were a threshold phenomenon. Established hypoxic vasoconstriction was sensitive to brief changes in airway O2 concentration. Vasodilation occurred when the gas mixture was switched from 3 to 21% O2 for two to five breaths, and vasoconstriction occurred when the gas was changed during a single breath from 5 to 3% O2.  相似文献   

In this study we demonstrate the validity and utility of an isolated lung preparation developed for the study of pulmonary fluid balance. Lungs of 2- to 3-mo-old sheep were perfused in situ with autologous blood treated with indomethacin (20 micrograms/ml). Lung lymph flow (QL), uncontaminated by systemic lymph, was measured from either the efferent duct of the caudomediastinal lymph node or the thoracic duct in the superior mediastinum. Lung weight change (delta W) was measured as the opposite of the change in weight of the extracorporeal blood reservoir. A unique feature of this experimental model is the ability to assess lung fluid balance from simultaneous measurements of delta W and QL. In addition, hemodynamic and blood gas variables can be tightly controlled. Our results show that changes in QL and the lymph-to-plasma oncotic pressure ratio caused by an increase in microvascular pressure were comparable with those seen previously in intact sheep. When microvascular pressure was returned to control levels, QL fell despite a sustained increase in the amount of extravascular lung water, suggesting compartmentalization of the filtrate and/or effects of intravascular volume on lymph-driving pressure or resistance. Lymph flow was directly proportional to respiratory frequency over the range of 0-30 min-1 when the change in frequency was maintained for periods as long as 30 min. This preparation should prove useful in the study of lung fluid balance, particularly when it is desired to use interventions which are precluded or difficult in intact animals.  相似文献   

We used the vascular occlusion technique in pig lungs isolated in situ to describe the effects of hypoxia on the distribution of vascular resistance and to determine whether the resistive elements defined by this technique behaved as ohmic or Starling resistors during changes in flow at constant outflow pressure, changes in outflow pressure at constant flow, and reversal of flow. During normoxia, the largest pressure gradient occurred across the middle compliant region of the vasculature (delta Pm). The major effect of hypoxia was to increase delta Pm and the gradient across the relatively noncompliant arterial region (delta Pa). The gradient across the noncompliant venous region (delta Pv) changed only slightly, if at all. Both delta Pa and delta Pv increased with flow but delta Pm decreased. The pressure at the arterial end of the middle region was independent of flow and, when outflow pressure was increased, did not increase until the outflow pressure of the middle region exceeded 8.9 Torr during normoxia and 18.8 Torr during hypoxia. Backward perfusion increased the total pressure gradient across the lung, mainly because of an increase in delta Pm. These results can be explained by a model in which the arterial and venous regions are represented by ohmic resistors and the middle region is represented by a Starling resistor in series and proximal to an ohmic resistor. In terms of this model, hypoxia exerted its major effects by increasing the critical pressure provided by the Starling resistor of the middle region and the ohmic resistance of the arterial region.  相似文献   

Lymph flow and lung weight in isolated sheep lungs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To study the relationship between lung weight and lymph flow, we used an in situ, isolated sheep lung preparation that allowed these two variables to be measured simultaneously. All lungs were perfused for 4.5 h at a constant rate of 100 ml X min-1 X kg-1. In control lungs, the left atrial pressure (Pla) was kept at atmospheric pressure. In experimental lungs, Pla was kept atmospheric except for a 50-min elevation to 18 mmHg midway through the perfusion. During this period of left atrial hypertension, pulmonary arterial pressure rose from 18 to 31 mmHg, lymph flow rose from 3 to 12 ml/h, and the lymph-to-plasma oncotic pressure ratio (pi L/pi P) fell from 0.7 to 0.48. After left atrial pressure was returned to control, pulmonary arterial pressure, lymph flow, and pi L/pi P all returned to control levels. The rate of weight gain after the return of left atrial pressure to control was also the same as that in the control group. However, during the period of left atrial hypertension 135 ml of fluid were filtered into the lung, and this large increase in lung weight remained after the pressure was lowered. The presence of this substantial excess lung water despite control values for vascular pressures, lymph flow, rate of weight gain, and pi L/pi P suggests that the absolute amount of lung water has little influence on the dynamic aspects of lung fluid balance. These results are consistent with a two-compartment model of the interstitial space, where only one of the compartments is readily drained by the lymphatics.  相似文献   

Pneumonia was induced in rats by instillation of carrageenin (0.5 ml of 0.7% solution) into the trachea. Three or four days after instillation, the lungs were isolated, perfused with blood of healthy rat blood donors, and ventilated with air + 5% CO2 or with various hypoxic gas mixtures. Pulmonary vascular reactivity to acute hypoxic challenges was significantly lower in lungs of rats with pneumonia than in lungs of controls. The relationship between O2 concentration in the inspired gas and Po2 in the blood effluent from the preparation was shifted significantly to lower Po2 in lungs with pneumonia compared to control ones. These changes were not present in rats allowed to recover for 2-3 weeks after carrageenin instillation. We suppose that blunted hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction may contribute to hypoxaemia during acute pulmonary inflammation. Decreased Po2 in the blood effluent from the isolated lungs with pneumonia implies significant increase of oxygen consumption by the cells involved in the inflammatory process.  相似文献   

Differences in regional vascular conductances in isolated dog lungs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The distribution of pulmonary blood flow is influenced by gravity, regional lung expansion, and hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. However, these factors cannot completely explain the three-dimensional distribution of blood flow in the lung. The present study was designed to see whether anatomically related factors could contribute. Regional blood pressure vs. flow curves were determined in 100-230 small parenchymal samples (0.3-0.4 ml) from 12 isolated perfused dog lungs held at constant inflation pressure. In each region four blood flows were measured using radioactively labeled microspheres, and the four corresponding regional perfusion pressures were determined by correcting the measured perfusion pressure for hydrostatic effects. There were considerable differences in the slopes of the pressure vs. flow curves among lung regions. Dorso-caudal regions of the lung had higher vascular conductances than ventrocephalad regions, independent of the vertical orientation of the lung or the inflation volume during injections of microspheres. Thus the distributions of regional vascular conductances were related to the anatomic location and were not related to gravity, nor were they caused by nonuniformities in regional lung expansion or by hypoxic vasoconstriction or edema.  相似文献   

Pentoxifylline (Pent) is a xanthine known to improve erythrocyte deformability and thought to have little effect on smooth muscle tone. In this study I examined the direct effects of Pent on the pulmonary vasculature of isolated lungs and compared them with the effects of aminophylline. The object was to study whether Pent can reverse the hypoxic pressor response (HPR) by its hemorheological property. Changes in pulmonary arterial pressure (Pa) of isolated lungs (pigs and rats) perfused at constant flow rate were monitored to reflect changes in vascular resistance. During normoxia, injection of Pent (5 mg/kg animal weight) in pig lungs depressed the Pa from 12.8 +/- 1.8 to 8.1 +/- 0.8 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133.3 Pa); whereas during hypoxia, Pa was depressed from 34.0 +/- 2.3 to 12.3 +/- 1.4 mmHg. To identify the mechanism of this vasodepressor effect (being either vasodilation or improved erythrocyte deformability), I tested the effect of Pent in lungs perfused with cell-free perfusate. In these plasma-perfused lungs, the vasodepressor effects of Pent were similar to those observed during blood perfusion (slight depression in Pa during normoxia, but large during hypoxia). Similar experiments in blood and plasma perfused pig lungs revealed that aminophylline (5 mg/kg) also produced similar vasodepressor responses. The effects of Pent in rat lungs were comparable; no effect during normoxia, but a depressor effect during hypoxia. Vasoconstriction in pig lungs induced by angiotensin infusion was also abolished by Pent.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Methylene blue potentiates vascular reactivity in isolated rat lungs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A bolus injection of methylene blue (1 mg), a guanylate cyclase inhibitor, or aspirin (3 mg) in the isolated rat lung preparation had little or no effect on resting perfusion pressure under normoxic condition. In contrast, methylene blue markedly potentiated hypoxic vasopressor response (4-fold) when injected before or during the alveolar hypoxic stimulation. Hemoglobin also potentiated the hypoxic pressor response. Similarly, methylene blue or aspirin augmented the pressor responses to angiotensin II (0.1-1 microgram). The increased hypoxic response induced by methylene blue was immediate and sustained. Methylene blue, when added during hypoxia in the presence of aspirin, further augmented the response to hypoxia compared with the enhanced hypoxic response observed with aspirin alone. Our results suggest that, in addition to the role of cyclooxygenase products, the pulmonary vascular bed may be regulated by endothelium-dependent factors that can be antagonized directly or indirectly by methylene blue.  相似文献   

Leukotriene inhibitors preferentially inhibit hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in isolated rat lungs. If lipoxygenase products are involved in the hypoxic pressor response they might be produced during acute alveolar hypoxia and a leukotriene inhibitor should block both the vasoconstriction and leukotriene production that occurs in response to hypoxia. We investigated in isolated blood perfused rat lungs whether leukotriene C4 (LTC4) could be recovered from whole lung lavage fluid during ongoing hypoxic vasoconstriction. Lung lavage from individual rats had slow reacting substance (SRS)-like myotropic activity by guinea pig ileum bioassay. Pooled lavage (10 lungs) as analyzed by reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography had an ultraviolet absorbing component at the retention time for LTC4. At radioimmunoassay, and SRS myotropic activity by bioassay. LTC4 was not found during normoxic ventilation, during normoxic ventilation after a hypoxic pressor response, or during vasoconstriction elicited by KCl. Diethylcarbamazine citrate, a leukotriene synthesis blocker, concomitantly inhibited the hypoxic vasoconstriction and LTC4 production. Thus 5-lipoxygenase products may play a role in the sequence of events leading to hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

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