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For identification of genes responsible for varietal differences in flowering time and leaf morphological traits, we constructed a linkage map of Brassica rapa DNA markers including 170 EST-based markers, 12 SSR markers, and 59 BAC sequence-based markers, of which 151 are single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. By BLASTN, 223 markers were shown to have homologous regions in Arabidopsis thaliana, and these homologous loci covered nearly the whole genome of A. thaliana. Synteny analysis between B. rapa and A. thaliana revealed 33 large syntenic regions. Three quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for flowering time were detected. BrFLC1 and BrFLC2 were linked to the QTLs for bolting time, budding time, and flowering time. Three SNPs in the promoter, which may be the cause of low expression of BrFLC2 in the early-flowering parental line, were identified. For leaf lobe depth and leaf hairiness, one major QTL corresponding to a syntenic region containing GIBBERELLIN 20 OXIDASE 3 and one major QTL containing BrGL1, respectively, were detected. Analysis of nucleotide sequences and expression of these genes suggested possible involvement of these genes in leaf morphological traits.  相似文献   

In F2 hybrids between self-sterile plants of the Volkhova cultivar and self-fertile lines with established self-fertility mutations (sf mutations) at the major incompatibility loci S (1R), Z (2R), and T (5R), the effect of sf mutations on the inheritance of secalin-encoding, isozyme, and morphological markers located on the same chromosomes was investigated. Linkage between loci Prx7 and Sand locus Sec3 coding for high-molecular-weight secalins on chromosome 1R was shown for the first time. The frequency of recombination between Prx7andSec3and between S and Sec3was 29.1 ± 4.8% and 30.9 ± 7.0%, respectively. Independent inheritance of locus Z and isozyme markers of chromosome 2R, Est3/5 and -Glu, from locus Sec2 encoding 75-kDa -secalins was shown; in hybrids, the recombination frequency between Est3/5 and locus Z varied from 19.2 ± 8.1 to 50%. Independent inheritance of morphological (Ddw and Hs) and isozyme markers (Est4, Est6/9,and Aco2) of chromosome 5R from locus Tlocated on the same chromosome was demonstrated.  相似文献   

In order to anchor Rosa linkage groups to physical chromosomes, a combination of the Tyramide-FISH technology and the modern molecular marker system based on High Resolution Melting (HRM) is an efficient approach. Although, Tyramide-FISH is a very promising technique for the visualization of short DNA probes, it is very challenging for plant species with small chromosomes such as Rosa. In this study, we successfully applied the Tyramide-FISH technique for Rosa and compared different detection systems. An indirect detection system exploiting biotinylated tyramides was shown to be the most suitable technique for reliable signal detection. Three gene fragments with a size of 1100 pb–1700 bp (Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase, Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Synthase and Orcinol O-Methyl Transferase) have been physically mapped on chromosomes 7, 4 and 1, respectively, of Rosa wichurana. The signal frequency was between 25% and 40%. HRM markers of these 3 gene fragments were used to include the gene fragments on the existing genetic linkage map of Rosa wichurana. As a result, three linkage groups could be anchored to their physical chromosomes. The information was used to check for synteny between the Rosa chromosomes and Fragaria.  相似文献   

The Genomic Quality of Rye B Chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA preparations from rye plants containing 0 and 6B chromosomeswere very similar when assessed by analytical ultraoentrifugation,renaturation kinetics and thermal denaturation. There was asuggestion that B chromosome DNA was slightly richer in sequencesof high cytosine and guanine content than that of the A complement.In situ hybridization showed that the DNA of the rye B chromosomeswas not all highly repetitious. The DNA of these B chromosomesis therefore concluded to be representative of a broad spectrumof DNA similar to the normal genome from which it was presumablyderived.  相似文献   

T. Nagylaki 《Genetics》1990,126(1):261-276
The evolution of the probabilities of genetic identity within and between the loci of a multigene family dispersed among multiple chromosomes is investigated. Unbiased gene conversion, equal crossing over, random genetic drift, and mutation to new alleles are incorporated. Generations are discrete and nonoverlapping; the diploid, monoecious population mates at random. The linkage map is arbitrary, but the same for every chromosome; the dependence of the probabilities of identity on the location on each chromosome is formulated exactly. The greatest of the rates of gene conversion, random drift, and mutation is epsilon much less than 1. Under the assumption of loose linkage (i.e., all the crossover rates greatly exceed epsilon, though they may still be much less than 1/2), explicit approximations are obtained for the equilibrium values of the probabilities of identity and of the linkage of disequilibria. The probabilities of identity are of order one [i.e., O(1)] and do not depend on location; the linkage disequilibria are of O(epsilon) and, within each chromosome, depend on location through the crossover rates. It is demonstrated also that the ultimate rate and pattern of convergence to equilibrium are close to that of a much simpler, location-independent model. If intrachromosomal conversion is absent, the above results hold even without the assumption of loose linkage. In all cases, the relative errors are of O(epsilon). Even if the conversion rate between genes on nonhomologous chromosomes is considerably less than between genes on the same chromosome or homologous chromosomes, the probabilities of identity between the former genes are still almost as high as those between the latter, and the rate of convergence is still not much less than with equal conversion rates. If the crossover rates are much less than 1/2, then most of the linkage disequilibrium is due to intrachromosomal conversion. If linkage is loose, the reduction of the linkage disequilibria to O(epsilon) requires only O(-ln epsilon) generations.  相似文献   

豌豆种质表型性状SSR标记关联分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关联分析是以连锁不平衡原理为基础,鉴定某一群体内表型性状与遗传标记或候选基因间关系的遗传分析方法。本研究利用59个多态性SSR标记,对192份豌豆种质进行全基因组扫描,以分析SSR位点遗传多样性,寻找其连锁不平衡位点;采用TASSEL软件的一般线性模型,利用59个SSR标记对19个形态性状进行关联分析。结果显示SSR位点间有较高的多态性和一定程度的连锁不平衡,共检测出32个SSR标记位点与14个表形性状相关联,一些SSR标记与2个或多个形态性状相关联。  相似文献   

Genetic variability among 26 accessions of Porteresia coarctata, a salt tolerant wild rice, was estimated by morphological, isozyme and RAPD marker analyses, and the data sets compared. Variations in six morphological traits and six isozymes revealed diversity among accessions. A total number of 99 bands were generated by 18 RAPD primers of which 46 were polymorphic. Maximum diversity was observed in accessions collected from Orissa followed by that of Goa, Maharashtra and Pichavaram. Genetic similarities generated using Jaccard’s index was used for comparisons. The diversity estimated by RAPD was higher at intra-site level. The information on the extent of genetic diversity and ecotypic differentiation will guide efficient utilisation of this important wild species.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic architecture of any quantitative trait requires identifying the genes involved in its expression in different environmental conditions. This goal can be achieved by mutagenesis screens in genetically tractable model organisms such as Drosophila melanogaster. Temperature during ontogenesis is an important environmental factor affecting development and phenotypic variation in holometabolous insects. In spite of the importance of phenotypic plasticity and genotype by environment interaction (GEI) for fitness related traits, its genetic basis has remained elusive. In this context, we analyzed five different adult morphological traits (face width, head width, thorax length, wing size and wing shape) in 42 co-isogenic single P-element insertional lines of Drosophila melanogaster raised at 17°C and 25°C. Our analyses showed that all lines differed from the control for at least one trait in males or females at either temperature. However, no line showed those differences for all traits in both sexes and temperatures simultaneously. In this sense, the most pleiotropic candidate genes were CG34460, Lsd-2 and Spn. Our analyses also revealed extensive genetic variation for all the characters mostly indicated by strong GEIs. Further, our results indicate that GEIs were predominantly explained by changes in ranking order in all cases suggesting that a moderate number of genes are involved in the expression of each character at both temperatures. Most lines displayed a plastic response for at least one trait in either sex. In this regard, P-element insertions affecting plasticity of a large number of traits were associated to the candidate genes Btk29A, CG43340, Drak and jim. Further studies will help to elucidate the relevance of these genes on the morphogenesis of different body structures in natural populations of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Genetics - The interaction of 11 genes of flax which control the color of the hypocotyl, flowers and seeds, as well as deformation of petals, was evaluated by genetic analysis....  相似文献   

P. T. McDonald  K. S. Rai 《Genetics》1970,66(3):475-485

A detailed linkage map of lettuce was constructed using 53 genetic markers including 41 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci, five downy mildew resistance genes, four isozyme loci and three morphological markers. The genetic markers were distributed into nine linkage groups and cover 404 cM which may be 25-30% of the lettuce genome. The majority (31 of 34) of the RFLP probes detected single segregating loci, although seven of these may have been homologous to further monomorphic loci. When several loci were detected by a single probe, the loci were generally linked, suggesting tandem duplications. One probe, however, detected loci in three linkage groups suggesting translocations. The five downy mildew resistance genes (Dm1, Dm3, Dm4, Dm5/8 and Dm13), segregating in the Calmar x Kordaat cross, represented each of the four resistance gene linkage groups. Dm5/8 is flanked by two cDNA loci, each located 10 cM away. These flanking markers will be used to study the source of variation in downy mildew genes and are also part our strategy to clone resistance genes.  相似文献   

以杂种近交培育的丹麦资源家系 0~ 5世代中的 174头猪为实验材料 ,以杂交合成的湘黄猪第 9世代的12 9头猪为对照 ,采用PCR RFLP技术 ,检测家猪Atrn基因多态性并分析其对生长和体组成性状的影响。结果表明 :PCR产物经TaqⅠ限制酶消化 ,两猪种均能得到AA、AB、BB 3种基因型 ,基因型频率在猪种间存在极显著差异 (P <0 0 1)。资源家系资料经CRI MAPV2 4软件作连锁分析 ,发现Atrn基因座与 17号染色体SW10 31位点连锁 ,重组率和LOD值分别为 0 2 1和 3 19。应用多变量最小二乘分析模型 ,资源家系的日均屠宰重、背膘厚和湘黄猪的日增重、背膘厚、瘦肉率等性状基因型间均差异显著 (P <0 0 5或P <0 0 1) ,主要为BB基因型个体优于AA和AB基因型个体。由此可见 ,等位基因B对重要经济性状会产生良好效应或选择BB基因型会获得对重要经济性状的良好效应 ,为Atrn基因作为家猪胴体及生长性状候选基因提供了理论依据  相似文献   

A set of 28 fibre flax and linseed cultivars differing in plant morphology and technological parameters were analysed by isozyme markers in five ontogenetic phases. Relatively high isozyme polymorphism was observed using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Altogether 18 isozyme systems produced 145 different bands; 66 of them (45.52 %) have been found to be polymorphic. The highest level of polymorphism was found in acid phosphatase and esterase, polymorphism was detected in aconitase, diaphorase, glutamate dehydrogenase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase as well. The highest number of unique isozymic spectra (cultivar × enzyme × ontogenetic phase) was detected in the phase of shoot with removed cotyledons. Electrophoretic analysis of all polymorphic isozymes enabled to distinguish 20 cultivars (71 %) in the screened cultivar set.  相似文献   

介绍了一种将染色体显微操作和PCR技术结合起来进行基因染色体定位的方法,具有简便易行,特异性和敏感性很高等特点。分析了这种定位方法的技术特点,以及SSCP和DNA序列分析等方法在排除错误结果中的运用。  相似文献   

小麦幼苗磷利用率及相关基因的染色体定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用小麦'中国春-埃及红'代换系对调控不同水分和磷素胁迫处理下磷素利用效率及相关性状进行了染色体定位和遗传分析,为作物磷素高效利用的遗传改良研究奠定基础.结果表明,染色体7A和7D代换系在Hoagland营养液(WP)、10% PEG-6000 Hoagland营养液(-WP)、1/2P Hoagland营养液(W-P) 处理下,可能携带有对磷素利用有促进作用的基因.遗传分析表明,磷素利用率的遗传力、遗传进度、相对遗传进度都较高,说明该性状的变异由遗传作用引起的比重较大,环境因素对它的遗传影响不大,适合在遗传育种中进行早代选择.  相似文献   

水稻同工酶基因多样性及非随机组合现象的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
孙新立  才宏伟 《遗传学报》1996,23(4):276-285
通过对680份栽培稻、88份中国纯合普通野生稻的同工酶基因多样性和非随机组合现象的研究发现:(1)籼稻的多样性大于粳稻,对中国而言,普通野生稻大于籼稻,籼稻大于粳稻。(2)东南亚品种的非随机组合值很低,分化较低。基因多样性(H)、基因型频率(F)很高,是一个多样性中心。(3)南亚品种多样性和东南亚差不多,非随机组合值偏低,分化较差。但Aus稻多样性很小,非随机组合值较高,分化较彻底。(4)除中国云南以外的中国其它品种籼粳分化最彻底,多样性很小。中国云南粳稻多样最小,籼稻多样性近中,非随机组合值和中国的其它品种接近,从同工酶上看,中国云南不像是一个多样性中心。但发现和Est-2座位相关的非随机组合值很低。(5)籼粳交后代材料非随机组合值低,多样性偏高,推测籼粳交在水稻籼粳分化过程中起着很大的作用,有降低分化程度,增加多样性的作用。(6)中国普通野生稻非随机组合值很小,多数座位间不显著。可见,野生稻的分化是很小的。(7)广亲和品种与Est-2相关的非随机组合值很低,全部不显著,但其余的组合都较高。与中国云南品种的非随机组合值结果十分类似。  相似文献   

A set of 148 modern spring barley cultivars was explored for the extent of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between genes governing traits and nearby marker alleles. Associations of agronomically relevant traits (days to heading, plant height), resistance traits (leaf rust, barley yellow dwarf virus (BYD)), and morphological traits (rachilla hair length, lodicule size) with AFLP markers and SSR markers were found. Known major genes and QTLs were confirmed, but also new putative QTLs were found. The LD mapping clearly indicated the common occurrence of Rph3, a gene for hypersensitivity resistance against Puccinia hordei, and also confirmed the QTL Rphq2 for prolonging latency period of P. hordei in seedlings. We also found strong indication for a hitherto not reported gene for resistance or tolerance to BYD on chromosome 2, linked to SSR marker HVM054. Our conclusion is that LD mapping is a valuable additional tool in the search for applicable marker associations with major genes and QTLs. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

RFLPs were detected in the five subunit genes of the human muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) using genomic DNA or cDNA probes from the homologous mouse loci. The RFLPs at the alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-, and epsilon-subunit gene loci were analyzed for genetic linkage in 16 families (n = 188). Significant evidence was obtained for close linkage of the β- and ε-nAChR genes and much greater genetic distance between the α-nAChR gene and the γ/δ-nAChR gene complex. The linkage analysis program CRI-MAP was used to map the positions of the β- and ε-nAChR genes relative to seven markers on chromosome 17. The results indicate the β- and ε-nAChR genes are separated by about 5 cM and located in the region of chromosome 17p occupied by D17S1, D17S31, TP53, and D17S513. The statistical evidence was confirmed by hybridization of the β- and ε-nAChR probes to a panel of human-hamster somatic cell hybrids. The α-, γ-, and δ-nAChR genes were placed on a map of 13 chromosome 2 markers. The linkage analysis placed the nAChR genes at two sites on chromosome 2q about equidistant from the marker CRYGP1, with the α-nAChR gene about 27 cM proximal and the γ/δ-nAChR gene complex about 31 cM distal to CRYGP1.  相似文献   

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