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Summary Purified tumour cells and normal mucosa cells from fresh human colorectal cancer resection specimens, and T-cell-enriched autologous peripheral blood lymphocytes, were mixed in short-term (6 day) mixed lymphocytetumour cell (MLTC) microcultures. Lymphocyte stimulation was measured by 3H-thymidine uptake, and a stimulation index (SI=[lymphocytes vs tumour cells (cpm)–tumour cells (cpm)]/[lymphocytes (cpm)])>3 was regarded as significant. Significant lymphocyte reactivity was found in 10/15 patients with colon carcinoma. However, 1 patient with autologous tumour reactivity, also showed significant stimulation against autologous normal mucosa cells, suggesting tumour-associated reactivity. Maximum stimulation occurred most frequently at a lymphocyte:tumour cell ratio of 2:1 and with nylon wool-passaged lymphocytes.Project was supported by a grant from the Cancer Research CampaignSupported by New South Wales Cancer Council Fellowship  相似文献   

Summary A two-component tissue architecture assay system has been devised that tests the ability of human colon carcinoma cells to conform to the specific three-dimensional cell-cell and cell-substratum interactions characteristic of normal colonic tissues. Dissociated fetal rat colonic cells (FRCC) were allowed to reaggregate in suspension with or without the addition of different proportions (0.1%, 1%, and 10% of the total cells) of the human colon carcinoma cell lines, SW-1222 and LS-174T. Cellular aggregates obtained after 36 hours’ incubation exhibited cell sorting by the formation of recognizable epithelial colonic crypt-like structures with glandular lumens in a mesenchyme-like background. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-positive SW-1222 cells in 10% mixed aggregates were organized into numerous well-formed glandular structures with a polarized apical distribution of CEA. LS-174T cells, on the other hand, were self-sorted but structurally disorganized with a continuous cell surface CEA distribution. Pure FRCC and mixed aggregates were implanted under the kidney capsules of Swiss nu/nu (nude) or CD-1 nu/nu mice and allowed to grow for a period of 7–10 days. Whereas the normal FRCC readily formed colonic tissue, the SW-1222 cells exhibited a capacity for differentiation into colonic crypts which became progressively less normal and more tumor-like as the proportion of carcinoma cells in the aggregates was increased. The LS-174T cells demonstrated poor differentiation at all concentrations. Cell surface levels of CEA and the CEA family member nonspecific crossreacting antigen (NCA), both overexpressed in colon cancer, were higher in LS-174T than in SW-1222 cells, whereas family member biliary glycoprotein (BGP), downregulated in colon carcinoma was higher in the SW-1222 cells. These results thus support the suggestion that deregulated expression of CEA family members can be involved in the ability of colonocytes to differentiate and conform to normal tissue architecture as assessed by the assay. The assay is therefore amenable to genetic analysis of normal and perturbed architectural phenotypes. This work was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute of Canada and the Medical Research Council of Canada. C. I. is a recipient of a studentship from “le Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l’Aide à la Recherche.”  相似文献   

Isolation and in vitro expansion of human colonic stem cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Here we describe the isolation of stem cells of the human colonic epithelium. Differential cell surface abundance of ephrin type-B receptor 2 (EPHB2) allows the purification of different cell types from human colon mucosa biopsies. The highest EPHB2 surface levels correspond to epithelial colonic cells with the longest telomeres and elevated expression of intestinal stem cell (ISC) marker genes. Moreover, using culturing conditions that recreate the ISC niche, a substantial proportion of EPHB2-high cells can be expanded in vitro as an undifferentiated and multipotent population.  相似文献   

Long-term culture of normal human colonic epithelial cells in vitro.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Studies of normal cellular function as well as the understanding of cellular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and other diseases of the large intestine have been limited, particularly due to the lack of long-term culture of normal human large intestinal epithelial cells (NHLIEC). Using the epithelia from surgically resected human colon, we have dissociated a sufficient number of viable NHLIEC and maintained them in in vitro culture for up to 5 months. Normal-appearing human large intestinal mucosal fragments (1 mm2) were treated with 0.01 mg/ml trypsin, 0.2 mg/ml collagenase + 0.1 mM EGTA or 0.1 mg/ml trypsin + 0.1 mM EGTA in a Stomacher laboratory blender to isolate the cells. Compared with other methods, the use of the Stomacher blender combined with low concentrations of proteolytic enzymes yielded greater numbers of cells per gram of tissue, with up to 84% viable cells. Primary and serially passaged NHLIEC were cultured in CMRL-1066, MEM with 5% serum, and serum-free KGM. These media were all supplemented with insulin, hydrocortisone, epithelial growth factor, and bovine pituitary extract. CMRL-1066 was found to be the best medium for NHLIEC. Contaminating fibroblasts were selectively removed by briefly allowing the cells to adhere to the culture vessel and adding 25 U/ml collagenase to the culture media at the first subculture treatment. The epithelial nature and secretory function of the established cells were confirmed by morphological criteria (light microscopy, phase contrast microscopy and electron microscopy), immunoreactivity to cytokeratin, and positive mucin cytochemistry. We propose that using this methodology for the culture and maintenance of NHLIEC for an extended period of time would serve as a valuable model for a variety of investigations.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (mAb) to P-glycoprotein (Pgp), UIC2, is used as a targeting moiety for N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide (HPMA) copolymer/drug [(meso chlorin e(6) mono(N-2-aminoethylamide) (Mce(6)) or doxorubicin (DOX)] conjugates to investigate their cytotoxicity towards the Pgp-expressing human ovarian carcinoma cell line A2780/AD. The binding, internalization, and subcellular trafficking of a fluorescein labeled UIC2 targeted HPMA copolymer are studied and show localization to the plasma membrane with limited internalization. The specificity of the UIC2-targeted HPMA copolymer/drug conjugates are confirmed using the sensitive cell line A2780 that does not express Pgp.  相似文献   

Specific targeting of ovarian carcinoma cells using pegylated polyethylenimine (PEG-PEI) conjugated to the antigen binding fragment (Fab') of the OV-TL16 antibody, which is directed to the OA3 surface antigen, was the objective of this study. OA3 is expressed by a majority of human ovarian carcinoma cell lines. To demonstrate the ability of the PEG-PEI-Fab' to efficiently complex DNA, an ethidium bromide exclusion assay was performed. Comparison with PEG-PEI or PEI 25 kDa showed only minor differences in the ability to condense DNA. Since conjugation of Fab' to PEG-PEI might influence complex stability, this issue was addressed by incubating the complexes with increasing amounts of heparin. This assay revealed stability similar to that of unmodified PEG-PEI/DNA or PEI 25 kDa/DNA complexes. Complexes displayed a size of approximately 150 nm with a zeta potential close to neutral. The latter property is of particular interest for potential in vivo use, since a neutral surface charge reduces nonspecific interactions. Binding studies using flow cytometry and fluorescently labeled DNA revealed a more than 6-fold higher degree of binding of PEG-PEI-Fab'/DNA complexes to epitope-expressing cell lines compared to unmodified PEG-PEI/DNA complexes. In OA3-expressing OVCAR-3 cells, luciferase reporter gene expression was elevated up to 80-fold compared to PEG-PEI and was even higher than that of PEI 25 kDa. The advantage of this system is its specificity, which was demonstrated by competition experiments with free Fab' in the cell culture media during transfection experiments and by using OA3-negative cells. In the latter case, only a low level of reporter gene expression could be achieved with PEG-PEI-Fab'.  相似文献   

Tumors are heterogeneous in terms of morphology and susceptibility to drugs or radiation. Among primary and metastatic cells of a human renal carcinoma, a population (type II) of larger cells with prominent nucleoli, eosinophilic globules of intermediate filaments in paranuclear bundles, margination of subcellular organelles and peripheral pools of glycogen was evident. Paranuclear structures were recognized by monoclonal antibodies specific for cytokeratin 8, 18 and 19, but not by vimentin specific antibodies. We propagated a cell line in vitro (referred to as BKR cells), and observed culture in vitro, the almost complete disappearance of the type II cells. Pharmacological agents that influence cell differentiation, such as retinoic acid, rescued the expression of type II cells in vitro. Long-term treatments with insulin or alpha-interferon, but not with the epithelial growth factor (EGF), similarly differentiated BKR cells and abated their susceptibility to spontaneous and actinomycin-D induced apoptosis. These data support the contention that differentiation of tumor cells is actively maintained in vivo and further strengthen the caveat on tumor lines stabilized in vitro, that poorly represent the morphologic and antigenic heterogeneity of neoplasms in vivo.  相似文献   

The proto-oncogene c-MET encodes the tyrosine kinase receptor for hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), a pleiotropic cytokine controlling growth, survival, motility, invasive migration, and differentiation of epithelial cells. Like several other epithelial neoplasms, thyroid carcinomas have been found to overexpress c-MET at both the mRNA and protein level. The biological relevance of Met overexpression to thyroid carcinoma natural history, however, remains to be elucidated. Therefore, we analyzed Met expression and response to HGF in two cell lines established from human thyroid carcinomas. In both lines we observed that the overexpressed and constitutively tyrosine phosphorylated HGF receptor maintained biochemical responsiveness to the ligand. Both cell lines were also found to respond to HGF by consistently increasing their motility and invading in vitro reconstituted basal membranes. Conversely, no effect of HGF could be observed in proliferation and survival assays. These data show that overexpression of Met specifically confers to transformed thyroid cells a motile-invasive phenotype that is dependent on exogenous HGF stimulation. J. Cell. Physiol. 180:365–371, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The fate of 3H-labeled str-r fus-s DNA from Streptococcus pneumoniae, bound after a 1-min uptake to 14C-labeled str-s fus-r S. sanguis recipients, was followed by techniques previously developed for analyzing the fate of homospecific DNA. Heterospecific S. pneumoniae DNA was bound and formed complexes with recipient protein in a manner similar to that of homospecific DNA but transformed relatively poorly. The rate at which complexed heterospecific DNA becomes physically associated with recipient DNA, and at which donor markers are integrated into the chromosome, was slower than in the case of homospecific DNA. In addition, about half of the heterospecific donor counts initially bound in trichloracetic acid-insoluble form were gradually solubilized and released from the cell. The association of heterospecific DNA with the recipient chromosome was more unstable than that involving homospecific DNA, since only associations of the former type were largely dissociated by isolation and resedimentation. The donor DNA-containing material so dissociated had the same sedimentation properties as complexed heterospecific DNA before association, indicating that the complex of single-stranded donor DNA and recipient protein formed on uptake moves as a whole from its site of formation to synapse with the chromosome.  相似文献   

Fate of homospecific transforming DNA bound to Streptococcus sanguis.   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The fate of [3H]DNA from Streptococcus sanguis str-r43 fus-s donors in [14C]S. sanguis str-s fus-r1 recipients was studied by examining the lysates prepared from such recipients at various times after 1 min of exposure to DNA. The lysates were analyzed in CsCl and 10 to 30% sucrose gradients; fractions from the gradients were tested for biological activity and sensitivity to nucleases, subjected to various treatments and retested for nuclease sensitivity, and run on 5 to 20% neutral and alkaline sucrose gradients. The results demonstrate that donor DNA bound to S. sanguis cells in a form resistant to exogenous deoxyribonuclease is initially single stranded and complexed to recipient material. Donor DNA can be removed from the complex upon treatment of the complex with Pronase, phenol, or isoamyl alcohol-chloroform. Within the complex, donor DNA is relatively insensitive to S1 endonuclease but can regain its sensitivity by treatment with phenol. With time the complex moves as a whole to associate physically with the recipient chromosome. After a noncovalent stage of synapsis, donor material is covalently bonded to and acquires the nuclease sensitivity of recipient DNA, while donor markers regain transforming activity and become linked to resident markers.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that macromolecules can be nondestructively delivered into cultured cells via folate receptor-mediated endocytosis if the macromolecules are conjugated to folic acid prior to addition to receptor-bearing cells (Leamon, C.P., and Low, P. S. (1991) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 88, 5572-5576). Although an intracellular destination of the folate-linked proteins could be easily documented, the spatial resolution of the earlier data was insufficient to evaluate whether any endocytosed material was delivered into the cytosol. To resolve this issue, a folate-toxin conjugate was constructed using the impermeable ribosome-inactivating protein, momordin. Diminution of [3H]leucine incorporation into newly synthesized protein was then employed as a quantitative measure of the entry of the toxin into the cytosol. In studies with both HeLa and KB cells, cellular protein synthesis was found to be inhibited in a time- and concentration-dependent manner by the momordin-folate conjugate, but not by the underivatized toxin. IC50 values centered around 10(-9) M for the folate-linked samples. These observations provide direct evidence that folate conjugates not only reach the cytosol, but do so in a functionally active form.  相似文献   

The human gastrointestinal tract hosts a complex community of microorganisms that grow as biofilms on the intestinal mucosa. These bacterial communities are not well characterized, although they are known to play an important role in human health. This study aimed to develop a model for culturing biofilms (surface-adherent communities) of intestinal microbiota. The model utilizes adherent mucosal bacteria recovered from colonic biopsies to create multi-species biofilms. Culture on selective media and confocal microscopy indicated the biofilms were composed of a diverse community of bacteria. Molecular analyses confirmed that several phyla were represented in the model, and demonstrated stability of the community over 96 h when cultured in the device. This model is novel in its use of a multi-species community of mucosal bacteria grown in a biofilm mode of growth.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Polycation (PC, polyplex), cationic lipid (CL, lipoplex), and a combination of PC/CL (lipopolyplex) formulations were investigated for gene transfer to slow-proliferating human colon carcinoma cell lines (COGA). METHODS: The luciferase reporter gene was complexed with either PC, CL, or PC/CL. PCs included linear (PEI22lin, 22 kDa) and branched polyethylenimine (PEI2k, 2 kDa; PEI25br, 25 kDa) and poly-L-lysine (PLL18 with 18 lysine monomers). CLs included DOCSPER, DOSPER and DOTAP. Lipopolyplexes were formed by either sequentially first mixing DNA with PC or CL, followed by addition of CL or PC, respectively, or simultaneously with both PC and CL. Particle size and zeta-potential were determined and gene transfer and cytotoxicity were quantified on COGA-3, -5, -12, HeLa and Sw480 cells. RESULTS: The highest gene transfer was achieved when DNA was first complexed with PC followed by CL. At low ionic strength, particles were small (50-130 nm) with a zeta-potential of +20-40 mV. At physiological ionic strength, only lipoplexes of DOCSPER or DOSPER and their respective lipopolyplexes with PEI25br were stable to aggregation (140-220 nm). Lipopolyplexes of PEI25br were between 5- to 400-fold more efficient compared to the corresponding lipoplexes or polyplexes in all cases. Chloroquine did not significantly affect lipopolyplex-mediated gene transfer. CONCLUSIONS: Lipopolyplex formulations of PEI25br in combination with multivalent CLs (DOCSPER, DOSPER) are promising tools for in vitro and potentially also in vivo gene transfer to colorectal cancer cells.  相似文献   

Summary Monoclonal antibodies (IgG1) against high molecular weight antigen A-1-43 on human melanoma cell line A-375 were successfully linked to the anti-tumour protein neocarzinostatin (NCS) using the heterobifunctional reagent N-succinimidyl 3-(2-pyridyldithio)-propionate (SPDP). The conjugate retained both the reactivity of the antibody and the toxicity of the drug. The antigen-bearing cell line A-375, antigen-lacking cell line MeWo and normal skin fibroblasts were exposed to NCS-monoclonal antibody conjugates. As negative control, cells were also treated with free NCS and NCS coupled to normal mouse IgG1 antibodies. Inhibition of 3H-thymidine uptake after treatment was used to measure the biological activity of the cytotoxic drug complex or substance, respectively.Comparing the inhibition dose for 50% uptake (ID50) it was found that the monoclonal antibody-drug complex is about 100 times more toxic for the antigen-bearing cell line than free NCS or normal mouse IgG1-NCS. This high toxicity is due to a local increase of drug concentration on these cells. With the two cell lines lacking the appropriate antigen no significant differences in the ID50 values were observed. A selectivity factor of 40–50 was obtained by comparing the cytotoxic effect of the monoclonal antibody-NCS conjugate upon the antigen-bearing as opposed to the antigen-lacking cell type. These data demonstrate, that the toxicity of NCS can be directed by monoclonal antibodies to human tumour cells carrying the corresponding surface antigen.  相似文献   

To improve tumor-to-tissue ratios of anticancer agents in radioimmunotherapy, a three-step targeting approach was used to deliver biotinylated liposomes to human ovarian cancer cells (NIH:OVCAR-3, SK-OV-3) in vitro. Targeting was based upon the use of two antibodies specific for the CA-125 antigen that is highly expressed on NIH:OVCAR-3 cells but not expressed on SK-OV-3 cells. Briefly, the approach consists of prelabeling target cells with biotinylated anti-CA-125 antibody and FITC-labeled streptavidin (SAv) prior to administration of biotinylated liposomes containing a marker dye for visualization by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). In addition, the two anti-CA-125 antibodies (B27.1 and B43.13) were labeled with FITC and incubated with ovarian cancer cells at 37 degrees C from 30 min to 24 h to study binding and uptake kinetics. Shedding kinetics of bound antibody from tumor cells was performed using radiolabeled B27.1. Results demonstrated that both B27.1 and B43.13 specifically bound to the cell surface of OVCAR-3 cells but not to SK-OV-3 cells. Biotinylation, FITC-labeling and radiolabeling of the antibodies did not compromise immunoreactivity. Less than 6% of the bound B27.1 was shed from tumor cells by 4 h following incubation, and the antibody-antigen complex resided predominantly on the cell surface by 4 h at 37 degrees C with slow internalization by 12-24 h. Biotinylated, conventional liposomes were specifically and effectively delivered to OVCAR-3 cells prelabeled with biotinylated B27.1 and SAv. The slow internalization and shedding properties of these antibodies are useful for multistep pretargeting methods. Thus, a modified targeting strategy, utilizing a bispecific antibody and liposomes, may be feasible for radioimmunoliposomal therapy of ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

Summary To study invasion of lung cancer in vitro a novel three-dimensional coculture assay consisting of living human tissues has been developed. Multicellular spheroids initiated from a new large-cell lung carcinoma cell line (GaL23), found to be invasive in immunodeficient mice, were confronted with precultured bronchial fragments derived from mucosal biopsies obtained during routine fiberoptic bronchoscopy. The bronchial fragments consist of a stromal core with scattered fibroblasts covered by a continuous surface epithelium resting on a basal lamina. During the first 2 wk of confrontation, a gradual retraction of the bronchial epithelium with subsequent adhesion of the tumor cells to the underlying basal lamina occurred. The following week, a limited invasion of tumor cells into the bronchial stroma was seen. To facilitate the entrance of tumor cells through the mucosal surface, the surface epithelium was removed prior to coculture by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) buffer treatment. Upon confrontation, GaL23 cells then rapidly attached to and migrated on the exposed basal lamina and an increasing number of tumor cells was seen in the stroma during the first week of culture. This model offers opportunities for studying mechanisms of lung cancer adhesion, migration, and invasion using human bronchial mucosa as the natural target tissue.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the importance of cAMP and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAMPdPK) in the regulation of chloride efflux via the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channel, Caco-2, human colonic carcinoma cells were transfected with an expression vector encoding a mutant form of regulator subunit of cAMPdPK under control of the mouse metallothionein 1 promoter. Four stable transformants were isolated that expressed the mutant subunit in a Zn2+-inducible manner and exhibited Zn2+-inducible inhibition of cAMPdPK activity. The parental and transformed Caco-2 cells were examined for their abilities to regulate chloride efflux in response to various secretagogues using a radioactive iodide-efflux assay. In the transformants, induction of the protein kinase mutation with ZnSo4 markedly decreased chloride efflux in response to forskolin, the 8-(4-chlorophenylthio) analog of cAMP, vasoactive intestial polypeptide, prostaglandin E2 and isoproterenol, whereas Zn2+-treated parental cells remained responsive to these secretagogues. Treatment with carbachol, calcium ionophores or phorbol ester did not acutely affect chloride efflux. Together, these studies indicate that cAMP and cAMPdPK are essential components of secretagogue-regulated chloride channel activity in the Caco-2 cell line. In whole cell patch clamp recordings, induction of the cAMPdPK mutation inhibited anionic conductances indicative of the CFTR chloride channel, whereas purified catalytic subunit of cAMPdPK, added intracellularly, reversed the inhibition. These latter results demonstrate that the CFTR chloride channels in the protein kinase-defective transformants are normal and that the protein kinase mutation specifically affects their regulation, presumably by direct phosphorylation. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, stem cells of teratocarcinoma, represent an excellent model to study the developmental mechanisms that, inappropriately reactivated, can drive tumorigenesis. EC cells are very aggressive, and grow rapidly when injected into adult syngeneic mice. However, when injected into blastocysts, they revert to normality, giving rise to chimeric animals. In order to study the ability of postimplantation embryonic environment to "normalize" tumorigenic cells, and to study their homing, we transplanted F9, Nulli-SCC1, and P19 EC cells into 8 to 15-day allogenic CD1 mouse embryos, into allogenic CD1 newborns, and into syngeneic adult mice, and evaluated tumor formation, spreading, and homing. We found that, although at all embryonic stages successful transplantation occurred, the chances of developing tumors after birth increased with the time of injection of EC cells into the embryo. In addition, using enhanced green fluorescent protein-expressing F9 cells, we demonstrated that the cells not giving rise to tumors remained latent and could be tracked down in tissues during adulthood. Our data indicate that the embryonic environment retains a certain ability to "normalize" tumor cells also during post-implantation development. This could occur through yet unknown epigenetic signals triggering EC cells' differentiation.  相似文献   

Migration and maturation of human colonic dendritic cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Dendritic cells (DC) in the colon may regulate intestinal immunity but remain poorly characterized. In this study a CD11c(+)HLA-DR(+)lin(-) (CD3(-)CD14(-)CD16(-)CD19(-)CD34(-)) population has been identified by flow cytometry in cells obtained by rapid collagenase digestion of human colonic and rectal biopsies. These day 0 (d0) CD11c(+)HLA-DR(+)lin(-) cells comprised approximately 0.6% of the mononuclear cells obtained from the lamina propria, were endocytically active, and had the phenotype of immature DC; they were CD40(+) and expressed low levels of CD83 and CD86, but little or no CD80 or CD25. Similar d0 DC populations were isolated from the colonic mucosa of healthy controls and from both inflamed and noninflamed tissue from patients with Crohn's disease. The lamina propria also contained a population of cells capable of migrating out of biopsies during an overnight culture and differentiating into mature DC with lower levels of endocytic activity and high cell surface expression of CD40, CD80, CD86, CD83, and CD25. This mature DC population was a potent stimulator of an allogeneic mixed leukocyte (MLR). Overnight culture of cells isolated by enzymatic digestion on d0 yielded DC with a phenotype intermediate between that of the d0 cells and that of the cells migrating out overnight. Overnight culture of colonic cells in which DC and HLA-DR(+)lin(+) cells were differentially labeled with FITC-dextran suggested that some of the maturing DC might differentiate from HLA-DR(+)lin(+) progenitors. This study presents the first analysis of the phenotype, maturational status, and migratory activity of human gut DC.  相似文献   

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