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Shuttle mutagenesis has been adapted to randomly mutate the genome of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gono-coccus; Gc). A size-restricted plasmid library of Gc strain FA1090 was mutated with the mini-transposon mTnEGNS. Randomness was tested by checking for transposon insertion bias between vector and insert DNA, Gc transformation efficiency of individual mutated clones, and representation of unique clones before and after Gc transformation with a mutated pool of DNA. Mutants created by random shuttle mutagenesis were screened, using a colony-based polymerase chain reaction assay, for the ability to undergo pilin antigenic variation. Out of 8064 mutants screened, 22 unique transposon insertion mutants were found to be antigenic variation deficient (Avd). The Avd mutants were separated into five types according to recombination defect-associated phenotypes, including colony growth, natural DNA transformation competence, and repair of DNA damage caused by ultraviolet radiation.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that gonococcal pilin phase and antigenic variation occur by intragenomic pilin gene recombination, the outcome of which resembles that of gene conversion. During such transitions, the expressed complete pilin gene (pilE) acquires a novel sequence corresponding to that of a silent pilin gene (pilS). In the present study, we find that internal deletions of pilE can produce pilus-/pilus+ phase transitions: direct oligonucleotide repeats in the pilin-encoding portion of pilE bracket the deleted segments. A novel, orthodox pilE is formed upon repair of the internal deletions, with pilS sequence probably acting as a template for repair. Such deletion/repair of pilE is suggested as a principal mechanism underlying gonococcal pilus variation.  相似文献   

The obligate human pathogen Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Gc) has co-opted conserved recombination pathways to achieve immune evasion by way of antigenic variation (Av). We show that both the RuvABC and RecG Holliday junction (HJ) processing pathways are required for recombinational repair, each can act during genetic transfer, and both are required for pilin Av. Analysis of double mutants shows that either the RecG or RuvAB HJ processing pathway must be functional for normal growth of Gc when RecA is expressed. HJ processing-deficient survivors of RecA expression are enriched for non-piliated bacteria that carry large deletions of the pilE gene. Mutations that prevent pilin variation such as recO, recQ, and a cis-acting pilE transposon insertion all rescue the RecA-dependent growth inhibition of a HJ processing-deficient strain. These results show that pilin Av produces a recombination intermediate that must be processed by either one of the HJ pathways to retain viability, but requires both HJ processing pathways to yield pilin variants. The need for diversity generation through frequent recombination reactions creates a situation where the HJ processing machinery is essential for growth and presents a possible target for novel antimicrobials against gonorrhoea.  相似文献   

Questions about gonococcal pilus phase- and antigenic variation   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
Pathogenic organisms inhabit one of several defined locations within a host where temperature, pH, and nutrients are relatively constant. While the microorganism must adapt to different environments within the host, the host immune system is the most formidable predator that can limit the growth of a pathogen. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the gonococcus, Gc) is the causative agent of gonorrhoea, and has evolved several systems for varying the antigenicity of different surface antigens, presumably to help evade the effects of the human immune system. The On/Off/On phase variation of surface structure expression also alters the antigenic characteristics of the bacterial cell surface. Antigenic variation of the major subunit of the pilus, pilin, occurs by unidirectional, homologous recombination between a silent locus and the expression locus. The silent loci lie from 1 to 900 kb from the expression locus in the chromosome yet all can donate their sequences to the expression locus. The genetic composition of the pilin loci of two Gc strains has been elucidated, and the types of changes that lead to altered forms of the pilus have been extensively characterized. However, little is known about the precise molecular mechanisms used to allow high-frequency, non-reciprocal, chromosomal recombination between pilin loci or about what regulates the process of maintaining chromosome fidelity.  相似文献   

Molecular basis for trypanosome antigenic variation   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
P Borst  G A Cross 《Cell》1982,29(2):291-303

The pilin antigenic variation (Av) system of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Gc) mediates unidirectional DNA recombination from silent gene copies into the pilin expression locus. A DNA sequencing assay was developed to accurately measure pilin Av in a population of Gc strain FA1090 arising from a defined pilin progenitor under non-selective culture conditions. This assay employs a piliated parental Gc variant with a recA allele whose promoter is replaced by lac-regulatory elements, allowing for controlled induction of pilin Av. From this assay, the frequency of pilin Av was measured as 0.13 recombination events per cell, with a corresponding rate of pilin Av of 4x10(-3) events per cell per generation. Most pilin variants retained the parental piliation phenotype, providing the first comprehensive analysis of piliated variants arising from a piliated progenitor. Sequence analysis of pilin variants revealed that a subset of possible recombination events predominated, which differed between piliated and non-piliated progeny. Pilin Av exhibits the highest reported frequency of any pathogenic gene conversion system and can account for the extensive pilin variation detected during human infection.  相似文献   

The RdgC protein of Neisseria gonorrhoeae is required for efficient pilin antigenic variation, although its precise role has yet to be established. We demonstrate that the nearly identical RdgC from Neisseria meningitidis binds DNA with little specificity for sequence or structure, like the Escherichia coli protein. We also show that neither protein is able to constrain torsional tension in relaxed DNA. These data exclude several possible roles for RdgC in pilin antigenic variation and suggest that RdgC performs a similar function in both E. coli and the Neisseria spp.  相似文献   

Antigenic variation is one of the most effective strategies developed by parasites to escape immune destruction. It requires a large wardrobe of surface coats and mechanisms to exchange one coat for an unrelated one. The molecular principles of antigenic variation are now largely known in the bacterial species Borrelia and Neisseria and in the protozoa of the African trypanosome group and these three examples are discussed here by Piet Borst.  相似文献   

Gene conversion is a convergent strategy for pathogen antigenic variation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent studies on three unrelated vector-borne pathogens, Anaplasma marginale, Borrelia hermsii and Trypanosoma brucei, illustrate the central importance of gene conversion as a mechanism for antigenic variation, which results in subsequent evasion of the immune response and persistence in the reservoir host. The combination of genome sequence data and in vivo studies tracking variant emergence not only provides insight into the genetic mechanisms for variant generation and hierarchy in variant expression but also highlights gaps in our knowledge regarding variant capacity and usage in vivo.  相似文献   

Gene conversion as a mechanism for antigenic variation in trypanosomes   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Expression of the gene coding for the trypanosome AnTat 1.1 surface antigen is linked to the duplicative transposition of a basic copy (BC) of this gene to an expression site. In two trypanosome clones successively derived from AnTat 1.1 (AnTat 1.10 and AnTat 1.1B) we found evidence that gene conversions are involved in the transformation of the AnTat 1.1 transposed element into the two new surface antigen coding sequences. Although the three resultant mRNAs--AnTat 1.1, 1.10, and 1.1B--are different, they still share large homologies. Two of them, AnTat 1.1 and 1.1B, code for surface coats that are indistinguishable by conventional serological techniques, whereas AnTat 1.10 has been found different by the same methods. The three genomic rearrangements involve two of the five members of the AnTat 1.1 gene family. These two members are both located in unstable telomeric regions similar to the expression site, each in a different orientation with respect to the DNA terminus. We have concluded that the duplicative transposition is achieved by a gene conversion that may affect variable lengths of the same silent genes, and that different members of the same surface antigen gene family can contribute to the diversification of the antigen repertoire.  相似文献   

Molecular biology of trypanosome antigenic variation.   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文

It has previously been shown that the frequency of pilin antigenic variation in Neisseria gonorrhoeae (the gonococcus, Gc) is regulated by iron availability. To identify factors involved in pilin variation in an iron-dependent or an iron-independent manner, we conducted a genetic screen of transposon-mutated gonococci using a pilus-dependent colony morphology phenotype to detect antigenic variation deficient mutants. Forty-six total mutants representing insertions in 30 different genes were shown to have reduced colony morphology changes resulting from impaired pilin variation. Five mutants exhibited an iron-dependent decrease in pilin variation, while the remaining 41 displayed an iron-independent decrease in pilin variation. Based on the levels of antigenic variation impairment, we defined the genes as being essential for, important for, or involved in antigenic variation. DNA repair and DNA transformation frequencies of each mutant were measured to determine whether other recombination-based processes were also affected in the mutants. Each mutant was placed into one of six classes based on their pilin variation, DNA repair and DNA transformation phenotypes. Among the many genes identified, recR is shown to be an additional member of the gonococcal RecF-like recombination pathway. In addition, recG and ruvA represent the first evidence that the processing of Holliday junctions is required for pilin antigenic variation. Moreover, two independent insertions in a non-coding region upstream of the pilE gene suggest that cis-acting sequences important for pilin variation are found in that region. Finally, insertions that effect expression of the thrB and thrC genes suggest that molecules in the threonine biosynthetic pathway are important for pilin variation. Many of the other genes identified in this genetic screen do not have an obvious role in pilin variation, DNA repair, or DNA transformation.  相似文献   

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