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Structure-switching signaling aptamers are nucleic acids that change shape upon binding to a specific ligand. Previously, we applied a new in vitro selection strategy to isolate structure-switching RNA aptamers responsive to the aminoglycoside antibiotic tobramycin. Here, we report the results of mutational analysis, secondary structure modeling, and ligand-specificity studies that suggest a mechanism for tobramycin-triggered structure switching.  相似文献   

Y Li  C Drone  E Sat    H P Ghosh 《Journal of virology》1993,67(7):4070-4077
The spike glycoprotein G of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) induces membrane fusion at low pH. We used linker insertion mutagenesis to characterize the domain(s) of G glycoprotein involved in low-pH-induced membrane fusion. Two or three amino acids were inserted in frame into various positions in the extracellular domain of G, and 14 mutants were isolated. All of the mutants expressed fully glycosylated proteins in COS cells. However, only seven mutant G glycoproteins were transported to the cell surface. Two of these mutants, D1 and A6, showed wild-type fusogenic properties. The mutant A2 had a temperature-sensitive defect in the transport of the mutant G glycoprotein to the cell surface. The other four mutants, H2, H5, H10, and A4, although present in cell surface, failed to induce cell fusion when cells expressing these mutant glycoproteins were exposed to acidic pH. These four mutant G proteins could form trimers, indicating that the defect in fusion was not due to defective oligomerization. One of these mutations, H2, is within a region of conserved, uncharged amino acids that has been proposed as a possible fusogenic sequence. The mutation in H5 was about 70 amino acids downstream of the mutation in H2, while mutations in H10 and A4 were about 300 amino acids downstream of the mutation in H2. Conserved sequences were also noted in the H10 and A4 segment. The results suggest that in the case of VSV G glycoprotein, the fusogenic activity may involve several spatially separated regions in the extracellular domain of the protein.  相似文献   

The only tyrosine recombinase so far studied in archaea, the SSV1 integrase, harbors several changes in the canonical residues forming the catalytic pocket of this family of recombinases. This raised the possibility of a different mechanism for archaeal tyrosine recombinase. The residues of Int(SSV) tentatively involved in catalysis were modified by site-directed mutagenesis, and the properties of the corresponding mutants were studied. The results show that all of the targeted residues are important for activity, suggesting that the archaeal integrase uses a mechanism similar to that of bacterial or eukaryotic tyrosine recombinases. In addition, we show that Int(SSV) exhibits a type IB topoisomerase activity because it is able to relax both positive and negative supercoils. Interestingly, in vitro complementation experiments between the inactive integrase mutant Y314F and all other inactive mutants restore in all cases enzymatic activity. This suggests that, as for the yeast Flp recombinase, the active site is assembled by the interaction of the tyrosine from one monomer with the other residues from another monomer. The shared active site paradigm of the eukaryotic Flp protein may therefore be extended to the archaeal tyrosine recombinase Int(SSV).  相似文献   

A mammalian phospholipase D (PLD) activity that is stimulated by ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) has been identified in Golgi-enriched membrane fractions. This activity is due to the PLD1 isoform and evidence from several laboratories indicates that PLD1 is important for the polymerization of vesicle coat proteins on membranes. When expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, PLD1 localized to dispersed small vesicles that overlapped with the location of the ERGIC53 protein, a marker for the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi intermediate compartment. Cells having increased PLD1 expression had accelerated anterograde and retrograde transport between the ER and Golgi. Membranes from cells having elevated PLD1 activity bound more COPI, ARF, and ARF-GTPase activating protein. These membranes also produced more COPI vesicles than did membranes from control cells. It is likely that PLD1 participates in both positive and negative feedback regulation of the formation of COPI vesicles and is important for controlling the rate of this process.  相似文献   

真核细胞内膜泡运输的分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
真核细胞内一些蛋白质需靠膜泡进行定向运输,膜泡是在外衣蛋白的作用下形成的,根据外衣蛋白的不同,膜泡分为笼蛋白,COPⅠ和COPⅡ外衣膜泡,这些外衣膜泡分别在细胞内不同供膜(donor membrane)处形成,因为被运输蛋白具有分选信号可与供膜上相应的受体结合,所以能被包裹在特异的膜泡之中,在膜泡形成过程中,外衣蛋白在“芽生”膜泡的细胞质侧组装成笼状外衣,帮助“芽生”膜泡从供膜处脱落,一旦笼状外衣膜泡脱离供膜,笼状外衣蛋白便发生解聚而成为无衣膜泡,无衣膜泡在Rab蛋白的调控下可定向运输蛋白质,而解聚后的外衣蛋白可重新介导新的外衣膜泡形成。  相似文献   

Ypt1p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a ras-related GTP-binding protein that fulfils an essential function in intracellular protein transport between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi complex. Ypt proteins from yeasts and mammals that share an identical sequence in the region analogous to the ras effector domain are functionally interchangeable. We analyzed the function of the putative effector domain of yeast Ypt1p (amino acids 37-45) using site-directed mutagenesis and gene replacement. Four out of six point mutations leading to single amino acid substitutions (Y37F, S39A, T40S and V43E) did not cause any particular phenotype. ypt1(I41M) mutants were inviable whereas ypt1(D44N) mutant cells were temperature sensitive at 37 degrees C and accumulated core-glycosylated invertase at the nonpermissive temperature. This mutant also accumulated ER and small vesicles both at 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C. From porcine liver we identified and partially purified a GTPase-activating protein (yptGAP) that is similarly active with mouse ypt1p/rab1p and yeast Ypt1p but is inactive with H-ras protein as a substrate. Although none of the yeast ypt1 mutant proteins were significantly impaired in their ability to bind GTP, purified ypt1(D44N)p responded only partially and ypt1(I41M)p did not respond at all, to yptGAP. Thus we suggest that analogous to rasGAP/H-ras p21 interaction in mammalian cells, yptGAP is an intracellular target of Ypt1p, interacting with the effector domain and regulating its GTPase activity, and that this interaction is required for the functioning of yeast Ypt1p in intracellular protein transport.  相似文献   

Genetic and biochemical analysis of vesicular traffic in yeast.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Secretory, vacuolar and membrane protein transport in yeast occurs by processes that are highly conserved in eukaryotic cells. Recent years have seen a proliferation of approaches to the study of vesicular traffic, and in certain instances key breakthroughs have been achieved through the application of genetic and biochemical methods that are well suited to yeast as an experimental organism. The availability of the genetic approach has led to molecular insights concerning the mechanisms of vesicle biogenesis, targeting and fusion.  相似文献   

Lipoxygenases (LOXs) are a key part of several signaling pathways that lead to inflammation and cancer. Yet, the mechanisms of substrate binding and allosteric regulation by the various LOX isoforms remain speculative. Here we report the 2.47-Å resolution crystal structure of the arachidonate 11R-LOX from Gersemia fruticosa, which sheds new light on the mechanism of LOX catalysis. Our crystallographic and mutational studies suggest that the aliphatic tail of the fatty acid is bound in a hydrophobic pocket with two potential entrances. We speculate that LOXs share a common T-shaped substrate channel architecture that gives rise to the varying positional specificities. A general allosteric mechanism is proposed for transmitting the activity-inducing effect of calcium binding from the membrane-targeting PLAT (polycystin-1/lipoxygenase/α-toxin) domain to the active site via a conserved π-cation bridge.  相似文献   

The 23.5-kDa Sec4 protein is required for vesicular transport between the Golgi apparatus and the plasma membrane in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In order to analyze its biochemical properties, we have purified the soluble pool of the wild-type protein from an overproducing yeast strain. At 30 degrees C, Sec4p bound [35S] guanosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S) with a rate of 0.18 min-1 in a reaction requiring micromolar concentration of free magnesium ions. The protein had high affinity for guanine nucleotides with Kd values for GTP gamma S and GTP of 3.7 nM and 3.5 nM, respectively, and that for GDP of 77 nM. The dissociation of [3H] GDP from Sec4p occurred with a rate of 0.21 min-1 suggesting that the association of GTP gamma S was the result of exchange for prebound GDP. The release of GTP from Sec4p was slow and correlated with a low inherent GTPase activity of 0.0012 min-1. By analogy with other classes of GTP binding proteins, both the nucleotide exchange and hydrolysis activities of Sec4p may be modulated in vivo to facilitate its role in the regulation of intercompartmental membrane traffic.  相似文献   

We developed a system to study the function of the ectodomain of RPTPalpha, a transmembrane protein-tyrosine phosphatase, by fusing the HA-epitope tagged ectodomain of RPTPalpha to the transmembrane and intracellular domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor, EGFR, a receptor protein-tyrosine kinase that is activated by dimerization. Although the use of chemical crosslinkers shows that preformed HARPTPalpha-EGFR dimers exist, bivalent anti-HA-tag antibody activated HARPTPalpha-EGFR chimeras, suggesting this system may be used to study regulation of dimerization. We used this system to show that newborn calf serum may contain (a) potential ligand(s) for RPTPalpha. Our results suggest that RPTPalpha dimerization and thus activity may be affected by ligand binding.  相似文献   



The yeaZ gene product forms part of the conserved network YjeE/YeaZ/YgjD essential for the survival of many Gram-negative eubacteria. Among other as yet unidentified roles, YeaZ functions as a resuscitation promoting factor required for survival and resuscitation of cells in a viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In order to investigate in detail the structure/function relationship of this family of proteins we have performed X-ray crystallographic studies of Vibrio parahaemolyticus YeaZ. The YeaZ structure showed that it has a classic actin-like nucleotide-binding fold. Comparisons of this crystal structure to that of available homologues from E. coli, T. maritima and S. typhimurium revealed two distinctly different modes of dimer formation. In one form, prevalent in the absence of nucleotide, the putative nucleotide-binding site is incomplete, lacking a binding pocket for a nucleotide base. In the second form, residues from the second subunit complete the nucleotide-binding site. This suggests that the two dimer architectures observed in the crystal structures correspond to a free and a nucleotide-bound form of YeaZ. A multiple sequence alignment of YeaZ proteins from different bacteria allowed us to identify a large conserved hydrophobic patch on the protein surface that becomes exposed upon nucleotide-driven dimer re-arrangement. We hypothesize that the transition between two dimer architectures represents the transition between the ‘on’ and ‘off’ states of YeaZ. The effect of this transition is to alternately expose and bury a docking site for the partner protein YgjD.


This paper provides the first structural insight into the putative mechanism of nucleotide regulation of YeaZ through dimer reorganization. Our analysis suggests that nucleotide binding to YeaZ may act as a regulator or switch that changes YeaZ shape, allowing it to switch partners between YjeE and YgjD.  相似文献   

CTL-mediated selection for loss of expression of Mta by H-2-heterozygous SV40-transformed mouse fibroblasts (line 24SV) produced an unusual phenotypic class of maternally transmitted Ag negative mutants defective in both MHC expression and in anti-viral activity. Severely reduced surface expression of class I MHC Ag from multiple loci of both haplotypes correlated with low levels of MHC H chain and beta 2-microglobulin mRNA. Inasmuch as IFN can up-regulate class I expression and some fibroblasts elaborate autocrine IFN-beta, we examined whether IFN could restore wild-type expression of class I MHC Ag. However, IFN could not restore wild-type expression. Moreover, the fold-increases in class I Ag and mRNA expression were significantly reduced in mutant cells compared to wild-type cells. These results suggested that the mutants might have generalized defects in IFN response. Inasmuch as the induction of an anti-viral state is a hallmark of IFN responses, we exposed cells to IFN-alpha, -beta, or -gamma and challenged with virus. 24SV cells, exposed to any of the three IFNs, were completely protected from destruction by vesicular stomatitis, mengovirus or respiratory syncytial viruses. In contrast, MHC and anti-viral defective mutants could not be protected from virus-induced lysis by any IFN. Somatic cell hybridization analyses indicated that both basal MHC and IFN-inducible phenotypes were recessive to wild-type, and that a trans-acting regulatory factor required for basal MHC expression is defectively expressed in the mutants. Such a factor may integrate the organismal response to virus infection, encompassing both immune and nonimmune anti-viral responses.  相似文献   

Muscle acylphosphatase (AcP) is a small protein that folds very slowly with two-state behavior. The conformational stability and the rates of folding and unfolding have been determined for a number of mutants of AcP in order to characterize the structure of the folding transition state. The results show that the transition state is an expanded version of the native protein, where most of the native interactions are partially established. The transition state of AcP turns out to be remarkably similar in structure to that of the activation domain of procarboxypeptidase A2 (ADA2h), a protein having the same overall topology but sharing only 13% sequence identity with AcP. This suggests that transition states are conserved between proteins with the same native fold. Comparison of the rates of folding of AcP and four other proteins with the same topology, including ADA2h, supports the concept that the average distance in sequence between interacting residues (that is, the contact order) is an important determinant of the rate of protein folding.  相似文献   

The transient receptor potential (TRP) channel superfamily plays a central role in transducing diverse sensory stimuli in eukaryotes. Although dissimilar in sequence and domain organization, all known TRP channels act as polymodal cellular sensors and form tetrameric assemblies similar to those of their distant relatives, the voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels. Here, we investigated the related questions of whether the allosteric mechanism underlying polymodal gating is common to all TRP channels, and how this mechanism differs from that underpinning Kv channel voltage sensitivity. To provide insight into these questions, we performed comparative sequence analysis on large, comprehensive ensembles of TRP and Kv channel sequences, contextualizing the patterns of conservation and correlation observed in the TRP channel sequences in light of the well-studied Kv channels. We report sequence features that are specific to TRP channels and, based on insight from recent TRPV1 structures, we suggest a model of TRP channel gating that differs substantially from the one mediating voltage sensitivity in Kv channels. The common mechanism underlying polymodal gating involves the displacement of a defect in the H-bond network of S6 that changes the orientation of the pore-lining residues at the hydrophobic gate.  相似文献   

The sec/prl gene products catalyze the translocation of precursor proteins from the cytoplasm of Escherichia coli. Recessive, conditionally lethal mutant alleles of these genes (sec mutations) cause a generalized defect in protein secretion; dominant suppressor mutant alleles (prl mutations) restore export of precursor proteins with altered signal sequences. In prl strains, a precursor protein with a defective signal sequence can be selectively targeted to the suppressor gene product. When a precursor LacZ hybrid protein is used, the targeted prl protein is inactivated by the large, toxic hybrid molecule, a result termed suppressor-directed inactivation (SDI). Using SDI, two different secretion-related complexes can be generated: a pretranslocation complex that contains a hybrid protein with an unprocessed signal sequence, and a translocation complex in which the hybrid protein is jammed in transmembrane orientation with the signal sequence cleaved. Additional Sec proteins that are contained within, and thus sequestered by, each of these complexes can be identified when their functional levels are lowered using the conditional lethal sec mutations. Results of this genetic analysis suggest a multistep pathway for protein secretion in which the translocation machinery assembles on demand.  相似文献   

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