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Zusammenfassung Der Einfluß von acht Redoxindicatoren mit abgestuften Normalpotentialen zwischen E 0=-340 mV und E 0=+115 mV ist in einem Flüssigsubstrat auf die Säurebildung von Streptococcus lactis untersucht worden.Durch Farbstoffe mit Normalpotentialen zwischen-122 mV und +115 mV (Nilblau, Methylenblau, Brillantkresylblau, Toluylenblau) konnte die Milchsäurebildung, besonders bei niederen Farbstoffkonzentrationen (4·10-5 und 10-4 m/l), signifikant gefördert werden. Farbstoffe mit Normalpotentialen zwischen-289 mV und-122 mV (Safranin T, Phenosafranin, Janusgrün, Nilblau) hemmten dagegen die Produktion von Milchsäure in allen oder in der Mehrzahl der angewendeten Konzentrationen. Niblau, das am übergang der beiden Potentialbereiche liegt, förderte die Milchsäurebildung sehr stark bei niederen und hemmte ebenso stark bei höheren Konzentrationen.Die Bildung von flüchtigen Säuren wurde durch keinen der Farbstoffe gefördert. Eine Hemmung trat durch Farbstoffe mit Normalpotentialen zwischen-289 mV und +47 mV (Safranin T, Phenosafranin, Janusgrün, Nilblau, Methylenblau, Brillantkresylblau) ein. Janusgrün hemmte die Bildung flüchtiger Säuren in allen untersuchten Konzentrationen zwischen 4·10-5 und 4·10-4 m/l. Je weiter das Normalpotential des hemmenden Farbstoffes von dem Normalpotential des Janusgrüns abwich, desto geringer wurde die Hemmung in der geringsten Konzentrationsstufe von 4·10-5 m/l. Diese Unterbindung der Hemmwirkung wirkte sich in Richtung auf negativere Normalpotentiale mehr aus als in Richtung auf positivere Normalpotentiale.Durch die beiden Farbstoffe mit den extremsten Normalpotentialen (Neutralrot E 0=-340 mV, Toluylenblau E 0=+115 mV) wurde weder die Produktion von Milchsäure noch die von flüchtigen Säuren merklich gehemmt. Eine Förderung der Milchsäurebildung konnte von beiden Farbstoffen nur durch Toluylenblan in der geringsten Konzentration (4×10-5 m/l) erzielt werden.
The influence of redox indicators on the acid formation in Streptococcus lactis
Summary The influence of 8 redox indicators with graded standard redox potentials between E 0=-340 mV and E 0=+115 mV was tested for the acidification by Streptococcus lactis in a liquid medium.By redox indicators with standard redox potentials between-122 mV and +115 mV (Nile blue, methylene blue, brillant cresyl blue, and toluylene blue) the formation of lactic acid could be significantly increased, especially with low dye concentrations (4×10-5 and 10-4 m/l). Dyes with standard redox potentials between-289 mV and-122 mV (safranine T, phenosafranine, Janus green, Nile blue) on the other hand retarded the production of lactic acid by Strept. lactis in all or most of the dye concentrations used. Nile blue-representing the transition point between the two sections of redox indicators-increased the production of lactic acid very much in low concentrations and inhibited it as much in high concentrations.The production of volatile acids was not increased by any dyestuff. It was delayed by dyes with standard redox potentials between-289 mV and +47 mV (safranine T, phenosafranine, Janus green, Nile blue, methylene blue, brillant cresyl blue). Janus green retarded the production of volatile acids in all analysed concentrations between 4×10-5 and 4×10-4 m/l. The greater the difference between the standard redox potential of the inhibiting dye and the standard redox potential of Janus green the smaller was the retarding effect in the lowest degree of concentration of 4×10-5 m/l. This stopping of the retarding effect was more effective towards standard redox potentials more negative then towards more positive ones.The two dyes with the most extreme standard redox potentials (neutral red E 0=-340 mV, toluylene blue E 0=+115 mV) didn't obviously delay any acid formation, neither the production of lactic acid nor that of volatile acids. Of the two dyes only toluylene blue in the lowest concentration used (4×10-5 m/l) caused an increased production of lactic acid.

Zusammenfassung Das Ziel vorliegender Arbeit war, die Wirkung von Tannin auf die Zellwanddehnbarkeit zu untersuchen. Sämtliche Versuche wurden mit 35 mm langen Hypokotylspalthälften 6 Tage alter Sonnenblumenkeimlinge ausgeführt. Die Zellwanddehnbarkeit solcher Spalthälften, die mit Glycerinlösung infiltriert waren, erfolgte mit einer Streckwaage. Nach einer 24stündigen Vorbehandlung in Tanninlösungen (5·10–4 molar) wurde die Dehnbarkeit der Zellwände um 26% erniedrigt. Die tanninbedingte Abnahme der Wanddehnbarkeit war pH-abhängig. Sie war am stärksten bei pH 6 und sank mit zunehmender Säure des Inkubations-mediums. Bei pH 7 war die Dehnbarkeit tanninbehandelter Hypokotyle sogar stärker als die entsprechender Pufferkontrollen. Die Erniedrigung der Zellwanddehnbarkeit durch Tannin lief parallel zu einer Wachstumshemmung. Offensichtlich wirkt der Gerbstoff Tannin nicht direkt auf die Zellwand, da die Dehnbarkeit von Hypokotylgewebe nicht verändert wurde, wenn diese ohne Vorbehandlung mit einer tanninhaltigen Glycerinlösung infiltriert und plasmolysiert wurden. Die Wirkung auf die Zellwand scheint sekundärer Natur zu sein und über den Stoffwechsel abzulaufen. Mögliche Reaktionsmechanismen wurden ausführlich besprochen.
Summary The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of tannin on the extensibility of cell walls. All experiments were done with 35 mm hypocotyl sections of six days old sunflower-seedlings which were split longitudinally into two identical halves. The wall extensibility of those split halves which were plasmolysed by infiltration with glycerin was measured by using a special stretching apparatus. It was found that after a 24 hours preincubation period in tannin solutions (5·10–4 molar) the extensibility of cell walls became reduced by 26 per cent. The rate of the tannin-caused decrease of cell wall extensibility was dependent on the acidity of the incubation fluid. It was highest at pH 6 and sank with increasing acidity of incubation medium. The extensibility of hypocotyls treated with tannin was at pH 7 even higher than that of corresponding buffer controls. The reduction of cell wall extensibility by tannin ran fairly parallel with a growth inhibition. It has been shown that there is obviously no direct action on the cell wall by tannin, since the extensibility of hypocotyl tissue was not affected if it was infiltrated and plasmolysed by a tannin containing glycerin solution without any pretreatment. The effect on the cell wall seems of secondary nature and acts probably via metabolic factors. Possible mechanisms are extensively discussed.

Summary Excised phyllodia of Bryophyllum tubiflorum standing in phosphate buffer to which verapamil is added undergo specific alterations in their gaseous exchange reactions as well as in the amount of malate accumulated in the dark period. Inhibition of accumulation of malate increases with increasing concentrations of verapamil. The effects caused by verapamil are reversible. During the dark period plasmalemma under the chloroplasts detaches itself from the cell wall, forming a vacuole-like space between plasmalemma and cell wall which disappears in the following light period. In the presence of verapamil this formation of a vacuole-like structure does not occur.Verapamil is thought to influence the permeability of plasma membranes, thus decreasing the capacity of the vacuole to accumulate malate in the dark. Our interpretation of the results seems to demonstrate that the occurence of crassulacean acid metabolism is dependent on the integrity of the plasma membranes. Further details are discussed.

Verapamil=-isopropyl--[(N-methyl-N-homoveratryl)--amino-propyl]-3,4-dimethoxyphenlacetonitril=Isoptin®.  相似文献   

Summary The presence of phospholipids reduces the breakdown of amylose catalyzed by -amylase, phosphorylase and -amylase. The activities of the -amylases of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) disminish to less than 10% of the activity in the control without the phospholipids. When the amylose was complexed with phospholipids the activity of the -amylase of Bacillus subtilis was reduced to about 25% of the control value. A similar effect was observed for the amylases of Zea mays leaves. The phosphorylase effected almost no phosphorolysis of the complexed amylose, but starch synthesis from glucose-1-phosphate proceeded at a rate that was about 60% of that with pure amylose. The activity of the synthetase from bundle sheath cells of maize leaves was not influenced much by the presence of phospholipids, whereas the branching enzyme of maize endosperm did not produce any amylopectin from the complexed amylose. —These facts could explain the simultaneous deposition of amylose and amylopectin in the starch granules. Some of the newly formed glucan chains may be protected by formation of a complex with the phospholipids. This protected amylose can not undergo branching or breakdown, but it can be elongated owing to the activity of synthetase or phosphorylase. Amylopectin is formed from the chains that are not complexed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde versucht, zu Untersuchungsergebnissen von Viskositätsmessungen an Agarsolen Parallelen aus dem physiologischen Bereich zu ziehen. Dadurch sollte deutlich gemacht werden, daß Wechselbeziehungen zwischen dem kolloidchemischen Zustand des Plasmas und der Kationenbelegung dieser Plasmakolloide einerseits und der physiologischen Aktivität und dem Erwerb oder Vorhandensein einer Resistenz gegen Austrocknung und Kälte andererseits bestehen.Die dargelegten Untersuchungsbefunde dienen zwar zunächst nur der Erweiterung von Erkenntnissen über die physikalisch-chemischen Grundlagen der Pflanzenphysiologie. Fortschritte auf diesem Gebiet waren jedoch schon oft die Ursache zu neuen Erfolgen auf dem Gebiet des Pflanzenbaues. Die ermittelten Zusammenhänge zwischen der Ionenwirkung und der Viskosität können, auf den Kolloidzustand des Plasmas übertragen, die kausalen Beziehungen zwischen Dürreresistenz und Düngung aufklären helfen. Wenn auch die tatsächlichen Vorgänge im Pflanzenplasma komplizierter und komplexer als die hier dargelegten Befunde sein werden, so bieten diese vielleicht doch Anhaltspunkte zur Erforschung der physiko-chemischen Grundvorgänge an den Zellkolloiden, die sich bei der Einwirkung von Elektrolyten (in Form von Mineraldüngemitteln) an den kolloiden Plasmastrukturen abspielen.Von praktischer Bedeutung könnten die Untersuchungsergebnisse insofern sein, als es gelang, Wege aufzuweisen, wie durch eine geeignete Kombination der antagonistisch sich beeinflussenden Ionen K+ und Ca++ sowie K+ und H+ bzw. OH eine Erhöhung der Viskosität gegenüber den Viskositätswerten nach Zusatz einzelner Salze gleicher Konzentration erreichbar ist. Im Sinne der Pflanzenphysiologie gilt eine Erhöhung der Plasmaviskosität als kolloidchemische Ursache für die Erscheinung der Dürreresistenz, und es dürften aus diesem Grunde die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Untersuchungen als richtungsweisender Beitrag für Düngemaßnahmen mit Kalium und Calcium zu werten sein.Aus einer der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig 1953 vorgelegten Dissertation, die in der DDR nur in wenigen Schreibmaschinen-Exemplaren versandt wurde.  相似文献   

Der Einfluß von Elektrolyten auf Chloroplasten beim Gefrieren und Trocknen   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary The effect of freezing, desiccation and various electrolytes on photophosphorylation, electron transport and some enzyme reactions of isolated spinach chloroplasts has been investigated. Freezing of broken chloroplasts took place at-25°C for 3 hrs; desiccation was performed at +2°C in vacuo over CaCl2 for 3 hrs. The influence of various electrolytes during freezing or drying or during incubation of thylakoids or stroma enzymes for 3 hrs at +2°C in electrolyte solutions was determined. After treatment, the activities of a number of enzymes and enzyme systems were measured under normal conditions, e. g. in the absence of elevated electrolyte levels in a reaction medium which contained only the substrates and cofactors which are necessary for the respective enzyme reactions.Only photophosphorylation and electron transport were affected by freezing, desiccation and high concentrations of electrolytes; various soluble enzymes investigated here were not inactivated under the same conditions. In general, mild dehydration and lower concentrations of electrolytes resulted in an irreversible inactivation of ATP synthesis but did not impair ferricyanide reduction. With increasing dehydration or at higher concentrations of electrolytes the Hill reaction was also inhibited. In a certain range of dehydration and electrolyte concentration uncoupling of photophosphorylation from electron transport took place. Sugar protects the sensitive structures against the deleterious effect of both dehydration and high concentration of electrolytes.Various electrolytes affected thylakoid membranes differently. Inactivation of the membranes increased with increasing ion radius and decreasing hydration envelope of univalent or divalent cations. Divalent cations were more destructive than univalent cations. Anions did not follow these rules. Within a group of similar anions (halides or organic anions) effectivity decreased with increasing hydration envelope. On a molar basis, polyvalent anions were less effective than univalent anions. Inactivation by anions followed Hofmeister's series in seversed order. However, exceptions were observed and it appears that various ions affect the membrane in a specific manner.Inactivation of photophosphorylation and electron transport due to freezing or desiccation is identical to that due to high concentrations of electrolytes. This suggests that during dehydration due to freezing or drying the concentration of electrolytes in the remaining solution is responsible for the inactivation of the sensitive membranes.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungInaugural-Dissertation der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität zu Frankfurt a. M.  相似文献   

Summary On illumination with blue light the O2-uptake of Chlorella pyrenoidosa (211-8b) in which photosynthetic O2-liberation has been suppressed by 10-5M DCMU initially decreases, but in the course of 5–10 min increases over that in preceding darkness (Fig. 1). Whereas an enhancement of O2-uptake is already induced by traces of blue radiation and saturated at about 1.5x10-10einsteins cm-2sec-1, the initial inhibition of O2-uptake can be measured only after application of more than 1.5×10-10einsteins cm-2sec-1 (Fig. 2).The long induction time that passes before a steady enhancement in O2-uptake is reached, the low energy requirement of the enhancement, and its spectral dependence with greatest efficiency of wavelengths around 455 nm and 375 nm and no effect of wavelengths beyond 520 nm (Fig. 3) resemble the corresponding data found earlier for an enhancement of respiration by light in a chlorophyll-free, carotenoidcontaining Chlorella mutant. It is therefore likely that the increased O2-uptake in DCMU-poisoned cells of wild type Chlorella depends on an increase in respiration. The pigment involved is not known, but from the action spectrum it could be a flavin or a cis-carotenoid.In contrast to the increase the initial decrease in O2-uptake does not show up in strong blue light only, but is also present in red light in which it stays constant throughout the period of measurement of 20 min (Fig. 4). Its intensity dependence is similar in blue and in red light; the lower efficiency of blue, which appears in Fig. 5, is at least partially due to the time interval of 5 min chosen for its determination: in these first 5 min after the beginning of blue illumination the slow increase in respiration already begins. The spectral dependence of the decrease in O2-consumption in the red part of the visible spectrum yields greatest activity around 680 nm, a slow drop towards 525 nm and a steep one towards 743 nm (Fig. 6). From that and the absence of any after-effect of red light on the O2-consumption in following darkness (Fig. 8), which might be expected if phytochrome action were involved, we think chlorophyll to be the pigment responsible for light-dependent inhibition of O2-uptake. A mutant of Scenedesmus, Bishop's Nr. 11, which is unable to evolve photosynthetic oxygen, behaves just like DCMU-poisoned Chlorella (Fig. 7). We therefore consider the decreased O2-consumption in the light to result from a partial inhibition of respiration and not from remaining photosynthesis unaffected by 10-5M DCMU. As photosystem I still operates in Bishop's mutant 11 as well as in DCMU-poisoned Chlorella, illumination might lead to an accumulation of ATP by cyclic photophosphorylation and thus to a lowering of the cellular ADP level. This could result in a slowing down of glycolysis and consequently of respiratory O2-uptake.  相似文献   

Udo Kristen 《Planta》1972,106(2):159-167
Summary Cytoplasmic disarrangements in the root hairs of Lepidium sativum caused by the vital stain Na-fluorescein (Uranine) after applications of different duration were analyzed by electron microscopy. After an application time of eight min there appear microbody-like structures and vacuoles in the cytoplasm. After a 16-min application severe disorganizations of membranes are brought about. There are distortions and dissolutions of the internal mitochondrial structures. The long cisternae of the ER are fragmented. Vesicle-like structures with a twofold border appear, which probably arise from Golgi cisternae transformed into rings. Between the cell wall and the plasmalemma, which is masked by a substance of high contrast, vacuole-like structures are formed. As these processes coincide with the extrusion of the dye from the cytoplasm, which may be observed in the light microscope, a connection between the two phenomena is assumed, the possibility of which is discussed under the aspect of decompartimentation.  相似文献   

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