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Saproxylic organisms are regarded as threatened in many European countries. Nevertheless, there have been some signals indicating a recent increase of saproxylic hoverflies in the Netherlands. This paper examines the change in occurrence of saproxylic hoverflies compared to other ecological groups of the same family. The trend analysis is based on the database of an extensive recording programme carried out in the Netherlands. The results show an increase in occupied grid cells for a majority of saproxylic species in relation to other ecological groups. This positive trend occurs among all five ecological subcategories of saproxylic hoverflies recognized in this paper. It is suggested that this increase could be attributed to the changes in the Dutch forests during the past 50 years. Important aspects of these changes are: the increase in forest area (including an increase in area of forest with large and very large trees), the increase in age of forests and the changes in forest management in favour of a more natural approach towards dead and ill trees. In the discussion the possible influence of climate change and the method of trend calculation are discussed.  相似文献   

辽宁食蚜蝇科昆虫名录(双翅目:食蚜蝇科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高欣  张春田 《四川动物》2006,25(1):114-115,127
本文报道了辽宁省食蚜蝇科昆29属53种的名录和分布。  相似文献   

Saproxylic beetles constitute a significant proportion of boreal forest biodiversity. However, the long history of timber production in Fennoscandia has significantly reduced the availability of dead wood and is considered a threat to the conservation of saproxylic beetle assemblages. Therefore, since the mid‐1990s dead wood retention in harvested stands has formed an integral part of silvicultural practices. However, the contribution of this biodiversity‐orientated management approach to conserving saproxylic beetle assemblages in boreal forest landscapes that include production forestry remains largely untested. We examined differences in resident saproxylic beetle assemblages among stands under different management in a boreal forest landscape in Central Sweden, and in particular stands managed according to new conservation‐orientated practices. We also investigated the relationship between beetle diversity and forest stand characteristics. Bark of coarse woody debris (CWD) was sieved for beetles in old managed stands, unmanaged nature reserves, and set‐aside areas, and clear‐cut stands harvested according to certification guidelines [new forestry (NF) clear‐cuts]. All stand types contributed significantly to the total diversity of beetles found. While stand size, position, and distance to nearest reserve were unimportant, both the quality and the quantity of CWD in stands contributed significantly to explaining beetle abundance and species richness. This extends the previous findings for red‐listed invertebrates, and shows that heterogeneous substrate quality and a range of management practices are necessary to maintain saproxylic beetle diversity in boreal forest landscapes that include production forestry. The unique abiotic conditions in combination with the abundant and varied CWD associated with NF clear‐cuts form an important component of forest stand heterogeneity for saproxylic beetles. It is thus essential that sufficient, diverse, CWD is retained in managed boreal landscapes to ensure the conservation of boreal saproxylic beetle assemblages.  相似文献   

通过对河北省小五台山自然保护区蚜蝇科昆虫的调查,结合整理河北大学博物馆馆藏蚜蝇科昆虫标本,鉴定出小五台山自然保护区蚜蝇科昆虫54种,包括10新种,3中国新记录种,隶属于2亚科、9族、27属。文中给出种类名录及新种、新记录种描述和特征图。新种正模标本保存于河北大学博物馆,副模标本保存于陕西理工学院陕西省资源生物重点实验室。  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Time-budgets are constructed from censuses of hoverflies. Larger species spend less time in flight.
2. Most species are active under similar conditions of light intensity, but a shade-tolerant (Melanostoma scalare Fabr.) and a sun-loving species (Metasyrphus corollae Fabr.) were identified.
3. Large species become active (i.e. move, by flying or feeding) at lower temperatures than small ones, except M.scalare, which is tolerant to cool temperatures. This means that, M.scalare apart, the order of species appearing during the day is size-dependent, largest first.
4. Previous claims about the diel periodicity of syrphids can be reconciled by considering the importance of individual thermal balance.
5. Tolerance to low temperatures in small hoverflies is associated with feeding on anemophilous pollen; this may indicate a proline-fuelled flight.  相似文献   

Ten species of Copestylum (Diptera: Syrphidae) were reared from fruits and flowers in Costa Rica, Ecuador and Trinidad. Seven were new and in this paper, we describe them, their development sites and the third stage larva and/or the puparium of all ten species. One new synonym is proposed, Copestylum pinkusi (Curran) [= Copestylum cinctiventre (Curran)]. Similarities and differences between these new and other Copestylum species, suggest they separate into two groups, referred to as the Vagum and Cinctiventre species groups. Features characterising these groups for both adult and early stages are assessed. Each species was also distinguished using adult and early stage characters. Within the Vagum group, adults were more disparate morphologically than the larval stage; this was reversed in the Cinctiventre group. Adult colour patterns are probably cryptic in function and for disguise. Vagum species have disruptive marks, while the Cinctiventre species have reflective colours. Biologically, the groups are almost distinguished by larval development sites. Vagum species use predominantly fruits and have a larval stage that is relatively generalised in form and habit. Cinctiventre species are confined to developing in flowers and the larva is more specialised. A key to both adult and early stages of all ten species is provided.  相似文献   

A checklist of the Syrphidae (Diptera) recorded from Finland. Three species of Syrphidae, Platycheirus modestus Ide, 1926, Cheilosia barovskii (Stackelberg, 1930) and Mallota tricolor Loew, 1871, are published as new to the Finnish fauna. Platycheirus modestus is also new to the Palaearctic.  相似文献   

Abstract. Larvae of the hoverfiy Episyrphus balteatus (DeGeer) are important predators of aphids in the U.K. A large proportion of the U.K. population migrates south to warmer climes at the end of summer, but a small number are thought to overwinter in the U.K., with the mated female being the overwintering morph. The cold tolerance of adult flies was investigated to assess the overwintering potential of E. balteatus in the U.K. The high supercooling point (SCP) of -8.3 ± 0.7°C, and lethal temperature (LTemp30) of -9.1°C for acclimated females suggest that E. balteatus has limited cold hardiness. This was confirmed by experiments where, despite a strong acclimation response in both males and females, there was no long-term survival at 5, 0 or - 5°C. At 5°C, 90% of females had died after 10 days. The weak cold hardiness of adult E. balteatus was corroborated by field experiments which demonstrated a 100% mortality after 10 weeks' exposure to U.K. winter conditions. The ecological significance of this limited cold hardiness is discussed in relation to the overwintering abilities of E. balteatus in the U.K.  相似文献   

The hover fly fauna of Karaginskii Island, located in the southwestern part of the Bering Sea near Kamchatka Peninsula, was investigated. A total of 39 species belonging to 22 genera were found on the coastal plain covered with the shrub tundra and meadows of various types. Cheilosia with 7 species was the most diverse genus in the fauna. The chorological structure of the fauna has a typical boreal pattern being dominated by widespread species (77% of the fauna), whereas the fraction of arctoboreal species is distinctly smaller (8%). The subspecies Cheilosia illustrata magnifica, one of the dominants in the hover-fly community (9%), was a single subendemic element of the fauna.  相似文献   

The local fauna of Ary-Mas (the Taimyr Biosphere Reserve) was found to comprise 56 species of hoverflies, representing only two subfamilies: Syrphinae (36 species) and Eristalinae (20 species). Analysis of trophic preferences of adult hover-flies showed that Syrphidae visited plants of 17 species from 10 families. The representatives of Syrphidae preferred Tanacetum bipinnatum (18 species), Ranunculus propinquus, and Tripleurospermum hookeri (12 species each). Three species of hoverflies visited the greatest number of plant species: Melangyna arctica (11), Syrphus ribesii (9), and Parasyrphus dryadis (8).  相似文献   

The present study aimed to analyze the dynamics of containers used as breeding sites by Aedes aegypti (L.) in the city of Aracaju, SE, one of the Northeast Brazilian states. A total of three entomological surveys were performed during different precipitation levels. Breeding sites were categorized according to their function into storage, disposable containers, and reusable containers. “Mean number of pupae” and “frequency of each type of breeding site” were the criteria considered to identify key breeding sites. House index and Breteau index were calculated in each survey. A total of 3,647 water reservoirs were found, of which 220 were breeding sites, where 22,880 immature forms were identified. There were no differences in the mean number of larvae of several types of breeding sites and in the number of larvae among surveys. Larval indices showed a reduction in the second visit, but with no effect on adult occurrence when the number of pupae was considered. Key breeding sites resulted from containers used for water storage. The area studied showed conditions favorable to a new epidemic of dengue fever.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Temnostoma vespiforme (L.) in the Holarctic Region is questioned. The North American specimens previously determined as T. vespiforme (L.) are re-examined. Their differences from the European specimens in the body coloration and in the morphology of the male and female genitalia are listed.  相似文献   

A total of 57 species from 32 genera of hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) were found in the agricultural landscapes of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Province. One species, Cheilosia vulpina (Mg.), was recorded in the region for the first time. The largest numbers of species occurred at forest and field edges covered with wild grasses and shrubs, while 21 species of hoverflies were recorded in crops. The species most commonly found in crops were representatives of the genera Melanostoma, Sphaerophoria, and Platycheirus whose larvae feed on aphids.  相似文献   

Immature stages, viz. egg, larva and puparium, of six species of the economically most important syrphid flies, Scaeva latimaculata (Brunetti), Ischiodon scutellaris (Fabricius), Episyrphus altemans (Macquart), Sphaerophoria Indiana Bigot, Metasyrphus confrater (Wiedemann), and M. latilunulatus (Collin), have been studied. These species are voracious feeders on three aphid species, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), which are serious pests of mustard, Brassica campestris L.  相似文献   

Twenty-three species of Copestylum (Diptera, Syrphidae) were reared from Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, and Trinidad from 1998 to 2004. Twenty-two were new species. We describe these new species, their breeding sites, and the third stage larva and/or the puparium of all 23 species. Adults had species-specific head shapes and colour patterns, but similarities between 14 of the species enabled two groups and three subgroups to be recognized. Nonetheless, the high level of morphological disparity suggests independent colonizations of bromeliads. Adult colour patterns appear to be predominantly cryptic in function and based on reflectiveness derived from matt to shiny integumental ground colours, combined with overlying areas of variously coloured hairs, dust, and pruinosity. In addition, disruptive spots, bands, and vittae occur on the face, thoracic pleurites, and second tergite. Larvae were saprophagous in either live or dead bromeliads with no overlap between categories. A major factor explaining variation in larval morphology could be access to food. Larvae in live bromeliads are characterized by varying levels of dorso-ventral flattening, and modifications to the mouthparts and prothorax. These features appear to facilitate feeding in the narrow spaces between overlapping bromeliad leaves. Larvae exploiting dead bromeliads are characterized by varying levels of armature to the thorax, and extensions to the anal segment. Armature either consists of arrangements of sclerotized spicules distributed at various places on the thorax or large hooks on the lateral margins. Armoured thoraces facilitate burrowing through decaying tissue, and extended anal segments may reduce exposure during respiration.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 150 , 267–317.  相似文献   

1. Development in organisms can vary in response to fluctuating environments. In holometabolous insects, variation in adult phenotypic traits is strongly influenced by growth conditions experienced by larvae. The main aim of this study was to assess how much environmental insight can be gained from analysis of the phenotypic changes in an insect's life history parameters in response to realistic food limitations. 2. This investigation was motivated by a need for more information about the developmental requirements of the endangered pine hoverfly Blera fallax (Linnaeus) (Diptera, Syrphidae) in Scotland. Blera fallax depends on a scarce and often ephemeral habitat, rot holes of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris L. stumps. We studied how rearing conditions affected growth in captive larvae, and compared these responses with a wild population. 3. The growth curve observed in the field was similar to that in resource‐limited, lab conditions, suggesting that resources are limiting in nature. The effects of resource availability on development time and body size depended on sex. Adult females were larger but had more variable size at maturity compared with males. In contrast, males typically were not smaller in resource‐limited conditions, but rather continued to develop for another year. Between 2% and 20% of larvae extended development over 2 years regardless of growth conditions, perhaps indicating a semivoltine strategy to circumvent extinction during years with a low breeding success. 4. These results identify life history traits that may be important for other saproxylic Diptera in rot holes, and organisms that experience food restrictions during growth.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of Palaearctic Syrphidae (Diptera): evidence from larval stages   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We estimated the phylogeny of Palaearctic Syrphidae using 187 larval morphological characters obtained from about 65% of the fauna (85 supraspecific taxa represented by 118 species) and based the analysis at the generic, level. The root of the syrphid tree was established from an outgroup consisting of other Aschizan families: the Platypezidae, Phoridae and Pipunculidae, with the tree rooted on the Lonchopteridae. The Syrphidae was the most derived Aschizan family. The Pipunculidae was the sister group to the Syrphidae. Eumerus was basal within Syrphidae. A trend exists towards increasing complexity of integumental folds and grooves across the Aschiza. In movement, the integument collapses along the line of these grooves. Grooves are evidence of muscles forming functional groups. Elaboration of independent groups of muscles appears to underlie much of the evolution of larval form within Aschiza. The basal feeding modes of syrphid larvae are mycophagy and phytophagy. Above these feeding modes, all remaining syiphids fall into one of two lineages comprising entomophages and saprophages, each of which has a single origin within the apparently polyphyletic Volucella. Major morphological innovation is associated with shifts between feeding modes; within feeding modes, change is gradual and tends towards increasing complexity. Change is mostly in structures associated with the mouthparts, thorax, anal segment and locomotory organs. Generic diagnoses with biological and taxonomic notes and a key to genera using larval characters are provided.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Records of parasitism from the field and host choice experiments suggest that most parasitoids of syrphids are monophagous. A few are oligophagous.
2. To elicit egg release, females require a stimulus from the host haemolymph. Differential response to haemolymph cues by females may account for the observed pattern of host relations.
3. Differences in host ranges and timing of female flight periods probably characterize most of the parasitoids studied.
4. In one case of two monophagous parasitoids, Diplazon pectoratorius (Thunberg) and Syrphophilus tricinctorius (Thunberg) attacking the same host Syrphus ribesii (L.) no partitioning was found. Stricinctorius is, however, a superior intrinsic competitor.  相似文献   

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