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Shrinkage of dog red blood cells (RBC) activates a Na transport pathway that is Cl dependent, amiloride sensitive, and capable of conducting Na- proton counterflow. It is possible to establish transmembrane gradients for either Na or protons and to demonstrate that each cation species can drive reciprocal movements of the other. The nature of the coupling between Na and proton movements was investigated using the fluorescent probe diS-C3(5) and also by an indirect method in which K movements through valinomycin channels were used to draw inferences about the membrane potential. No evidence was found to suggest that the Na-proton pathway activated by shrinkage of dog RBC is a conductive one. By exclusion, it is presumed that the coupling between the counterflow of Na and protons is electroneutral. The volume-activated Na-proton fluxes in dog RBC have certain properties that distinguish them from similar transport pathways in other cell types.  相似文献   

Sodium movements in the human red blood cell   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10  
Measurements were made of the sodium outflux rate constant, o k Na, and sodium influx rate constant, i k Na, at varying concentrations of extracellular (Nao) and intracellular (Nac) sodium. o k Na increases with increasing [Nao] in the presence of extracellular potassium (Ko) and in solutions containing ouabain. In K-free solutions which do not contain ouabain, o k Na falls as [Nao] rises from 0 to 6 mM; above 6 mM, o k Na increases with increasing [Nao]. Part of the Na outflux which occurs in solutions free of Na and K disappears when the cells are starved or when the measurements are made in solutions containing ouabain. As [Nao] increases from 0 to 6 mM, i k Na decreases, suggesting that sites involved in the sodium influx are becoming saturated. As [Nac] increases, o k Na at first increases and then decreases; this relation between o k Na and [Nac] is found when the measurements are made in high Na, high K solutions; high Na, K-free solutions; and in (Na + K)-free solutions. The relation may be the consequence of the requirement that more than one Na ion must react with the transport mechanism at the inner surface of the membrane before transport occurs. Further evidence has been obtained that the ouabain-inhibited Na outflux and Na influx in K-free solutions represent an exchange of Nac for Nao via the Na-K pump mechanism.  相似文献   

Role of calcium in volume regulation by dog red blood cells   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Dog red blood cells (RBC) are shown to regulate their volume in anisosmotic media. Extrusion of water from osmotically swollen cells requires external calcium and is associated with net outward sodium movement. Accumulation of water by osmotically shrunken cells is not calcium dependent and is associated with net sodium uptake. Net movements of calcium are influenced by several variables including cell volume, pH, medium sodium concentration, and cellular sodium concentration. Osmotic swelling of cells increases calcium permeability, and this effect is diminished at acid pH. Net calcium flux in either direction between cells and medium is facilitated when the sodium concentrations is low in the compartment from which calcium moves and/or high in the compartment to which calcium moves. The hypothesis is advanced that energy for active sodium extrusion in dog RBC comes from passive, inward flow of calcium through a countertransport mechanism.  相似文献   

Using 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (DIDS) and tributyltin the sodium transport pathway activated by shrinkage in dog red blood cells is shown to behave as expected for an electroneutral Na+/H+ exchanger. When the driving forces for sodium and protons are equal, flow through the pathway stops. Amiloride inhibits the shrinkage-induced Na+/H+ exchange.  相似文献   

The transport of radioactive sodium and calcium in high sodium low potassium cat red blood cells has been studied under various experimental conditions. In these cells, calcium uptake was found to increase by 25-fold when cell volume was decreased from 1.0 normal to 0.55. Increasing cell volume from 1.0 to 1.1 normal was found to decrease calcium-uptake by 30%. N-ethylmaleimide, NEM, phloretin, colchicine, and vinblastine were found to inhibit Na-uptake by these cells. Among these four agents, phloretin was the most potent inhibitor of Na-influx. It appears that phloretin produces its effect through its interaction with the cell membrane and not with cell interior.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity among dog red blood cells   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A phthalate density-separation technique has been used to study the heterogeneity of dog red blood cells that becomes manifest when they are suspended in KCl media. It is demonstrated that the proportions of cells that separate into light and dense fractions can be varied by altering the tonicity of the KCl medium. This results from the fact that the Na and K permeabilities of each cell are continuous functions of cell volume. It was found that quinidine inhibits selectively the volume dependence of Na permeability. In the presence of this drug, the heterogeneity demonstrated by KCl incubation disappears. The notion that dog red blood cells are heterogeneous in their permeabilities to Na and K is thus upheld, but the heterogeneity is not an abruptly discontinuous one, as has been claimed. A sample of dog blood does not contain two discrete populations of red cells.  相似文献   

1. When dog red blood cells are shrunken or swollen, transport pathways are activated that do not function discernibly when the cell is at normal volume. Swelling the cells turns on two pathways, a Ca-Na exchanger and a Cl-dependent K pathway. 2. Shrinking the cells activates a Na-H antiporter. 3. The passive net flow of ions through these transporters is in such a direction as to correct the perturbation of cell volume: when the cell water content has returned to normal, the transporters turn off. 4. Recently we have investigated agents that can lock or fix the volume-responsive transporters in the activated state. Na-H exchange, for example, can be fixed in the on position with either glutaraldehyde or N-phenylmaleimide. 5. Ca-Na exchange can be locked on by the sulfhydryl-oxidizing agent, diamide. We have used these effects to investigate the relationships between cell volume and the transport mechanisms. 6. It is possible, for instance, to distinguish whether certain inhibitors act on the transporters per se or on the apparatus that perceives cell volume and communicates with the transporters. 7. Furthermore, in the case of the Ca-Na exchanger some indication of the membrane polypeptides involved in volume regulation has been possible, using radioactive compounds that bind covalently to sulfhydryl groups.  相似文献   

After incubation in isotonic KCl, dog red blood cells can be separated by centrifugation into subgroups which assume different cell volumes and possess different transport characteristics. Those red cells which swell in isotonic KCl exhibit a higher permeability to K and possess a greater volume dependence for transport of K than those red cells which shrink. A high Na permeability characterizes cells which shrink in isotonic KCl and these cells exhibit a larger volume-dependent Na flux than those red cells which swell. These two subgroups of red cells do not seem to represent two cell populations of different age. The results indicate that the population of normal cells is evidently heterogeneous in that the volume-dependent changes in Na and K permeability are distributed between differnt cell types rather than representing a single cell type which reciprocally changes its selectivity to Na and K.  相似文献   

Summary Self-exchange of chloride and sulfate in dog and cat red cells has been measured under equilibrium conditions. The rates of efflux for these anions are approximately twofold higher in dog compared to cat red blood cells. Although the rates differ, the anion exchange systems of these two red cell types exhibit many common properties. The dependence of35SO4 efflux on the intracellular SO4 concentration, the pH dependence and the inhibition of35SO4 efflux by Cl and SITS are almost identical in dog and cat red cells. Nystatin treatment was used to study the dependence of36Cl efflux on internal Cl. Chloride efflux exhibits saturation in both cell types with dog red cells possessing a higherV max andK 1/2 than cat red cells. The number of anion transport sites was estimated by extrapolation to the number of molecules of dihydro DIDS (H2DIDS, where DIDS is 4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2 stilbene-disulfonic acid) which were bound at 100% inhibition of transport. The results indicate that either the turnover numbers for anion transport differ in dog, cat, and human red cells or that there is heterogeneity in the function of the membrane components which bind H2DIDS.  相似文献   

Glutaraldehyde fixation of sodium transport in dog red blood cells   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The large increase in passive Na flux that occurs when dog red blood cells are caused to shrink is amiloride sensitive and inhibited when Cl is replaced by nitrate or thiocyanate. Activation and deactivation of this transport pathway by manipulation of cell volume is reversible. Brief treatment of the cells with 0.01-0.03% glutaraldehyde can cause the shrinkage-activated transporter to become irreversibly activated or inactivated, depending on the volume of the cells at the time of glutaraldehyde exposure. Thus, if glutaraldehyde is applied when the cells are shrunken, the amiloride-sensitive Na transporter is activated and remains so regardless of subsequent alterations in cell volume. If the fixative is applied to swollen cells, no amount of subsequent shrinkage will turn on the Na pathway. In its fixed state, the activated transporter is fully amiloride sensitive, but it is no longer inhibited when Cl is replaced by thiocyanate. The action of glutaraldehyde thus allows one to dissect the response to cell shrinkage into two phases. Activation of the pathway is affected by anions and is not prevented by amiloride. Once activated and fixed, the anion requirement disappears. Amiloride inhibits movement of Na through the activated transporter. These experiments demonstrate how a chemical cross-linking agent may be used to study the functional properties of a regulable transport pathway.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Unidirectional Na+ influx in lamprey red blood cells was determined using 22Na as a tracer.
  • 2.2. Total Na+ uptake and amiloride-inhibitable Na+ influx increased in a saturable fashion as a function of external Na+ concentration (Nae).
  • 3.3. At 141 mM Nae, the average value of net Na+ influx was 13 ± 1.1 and the amiloride-sensitive Na+ influx was 5.3±1.1 mmol/l cells per hr (±SE).
  • 4.4. The amiloride-sensitive component of Na+ influx was significantly activated by 10−5 M isoproterenol, by 2 × 10−5 M DNP, and by cell shrinkage.
  • 5.5. Furosemide (1 mM) had no effect on the Na+ transport in red cells.
  • 6.6. The residual amiloride-insensitive component of Na+ transport was a linear function of Nae in the range of 5–141 mM. This transport seems to be accounted for by simple diffusion.

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