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The septate junctions and gap junctions of Hydra were studied utilizing the extracellular tracers lanthanum hydroxide and ruthenium red. Analysis of the septate junction from four perspectives has shown that each septum consists of a single row of hexagons sharing common sides of 50–60 A. Each hexagon is folded into chair configuration. Two sets of projections emanate from the corners of the hexagons. One set (A projections) attaches the hexagons to the cell membranes at 80–100-A intervals, while the other set (V projections) joins some adjacent septa to each other. The septate junctions generally contain a few large interseptal spaces and a few septa which do not extend the full length of the junction. Basal to the septate junctions the cells in each layer are joined by numerous gap junctions. Gap junctions also join the muscular processes in each layer as well as those which connect the layers across the mesoglea. The gap junctions of Hydra are composed of rounded plaques 0.15–0.5 µ in diameter which contain 85-A hexagonally packed subunits. Each plaque is delimited from the surrounding intercellular space by a single 40-A band. Large numbers of these plaques are tightly packed, often lying about 20 A apart. This en plaque configuration of the gap junctions of Hydra contrasts with their sparser, more widely separated distribution in many vertebrate tissues. These studies conclude that the septate junction may possess some barrier properties and that both junctions are important in intercellular adhesion. On a morphological basis, the gap junction appears to be more suitable for intercellular coupling than the septate junction.  相似文献   

The fine structure and distribution of tight (zonula occludens) and gap junctions in epithelia of the rat pancreas, liver, adrenal cortex, epididymis, and duodenum, and in smooth muscle were examined in paraformaldehyde-glutaraldehyde-fixed, tracer-permeated (K-pyroantimonate and lanthanum), and freeze-fractured tissue preparations. While many pentalaminar and septilaminar foci seen in thin-section and tracer preparations can be recognized as corresponding to well-characterized freeze-fracture images of tight and gap junction membrane modifications, many others cannot be unequivocally categorized—nor can all freeze-etched aggregates of membrane particles. Generally, epithelia of exocrine glands (pancreas and liver) have moderate-sized tight junctions and large gap junctions, with many of their gap junctions basal to the junctional complex. In contrast, the adrenal cortex, a ductless gland, may not have a tight junction but does possess large gap junctions. Mucosal epithelia (epididymis and intestine) have extensive tight junctions, but their gap junctions are not as well developed as those of glandular tissue. Smooth muscle contains numerous small gap junctions The incidence, size, and configuration of the junctions we observed correlate well with the known functions of the junctions and of the tissues where they are found.  相似文献   


Gap junctional communication plays a vital role in embryogenesis, cell differentiation and the co-ordination of tissue responses. Gap junctions are formed by a family of closely-related proteins called connexins which show tissue-specific patterns of expression. The role of gap junctions in the mammary gland remains unclear. The lumena of mammary gland ducts are lined by luminal cells with an outer layer of basal cells. In rodents, the luminal cells express connexin26 only during pregnancy and lactation and the basal cells, in some reports, express connexin43. In the normal human breast the basal cells express connexin43, although human mammary epithelial cellsin vitrohave been reported to express both connexin26 and connexin43. Analysis of connexin expression at the molecular level is now bringing new insights into the structure and function of gap junctions in a range of normal and pathological cell systems.  相似文献   

我国无脊椎动物生态学研究进展概述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
许木启  张知彬 《动物学报》2002,48(5):689-694
本文简要概述了我国近30年来陆生和水生无脊椎动物种群、群落生态学研究进展和成就。按照现代生态学前沿领域研究的发展趋势,结合我国具体的实际情况,就进一步提高我国无椎动物各种类群生态学研究水平,促进无脊椎动物生态学的发展,作者提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

用石蜡切片、超薄切片和冰冻蚀刻技术研究了东方蝾螈胚胎肌细胞发育过程中间隙连接的变化。间隙连接最初出现于原肠后期的体节中胚层细胞中,到原肠末期,体节中胚层细胞间的间隙连接数量骤增,从神经板期到鼻窝出现期,间隙连接数量保持在一个相当高的水平,肌效应期后,其数量明显下降,直到肌细胞发育成熟,神经-肌肉连接充分发育,间隙连接才消失。间隙连接大小的变化与数量的变化表现为平行的现象。此外,细胞融合之前,正是间隙连接的数量和大小达到最高峰的时间。这些结果说明细胞通讯与胚胎肌细胞发育密切相关。对细胞通讯在细胞决定和分化以及细胞融合中的可能作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of phospholipase C from Clostridium welchii on gap junctions in the intact mouse liver and in a junction-rich fraction prepared from mouse liver. Treatment of the isolated junctions results in the disappearance of both the 20 A gap and of the polygonal lattice visible with lanthanum. The junctions are morphologically unaltered, however, when whole livers are perfused with phospholipase via the portal vein. These results suggest that extracellular phospholipase cannot diffuse into the junctional area, but that the enzyme may affect structures within the gap from its cytoplasmic surfaces which become exposed in the isolated preparations. Horseradish peroxidase, which has physical dimensions similar to those of Clostridium phospholipase is also denied access to the 20 A gap in whole liver, while peroxidase reaction product can be seen in the gap in isolated preparations. Beef liver catalase, however, a tracer molecule much larger than peroxidase, cannot penetrate even in isolated fractions. If the cytoplasmic approaches to the gap junction used by peroxidase and phospholipase are available in vivo, and have not been created during the process of mechanical isolation, they may play a role in cell-to-cell passage of molecules larger than ions.  相似文献   

Sequential thin-section, tracer (K-pyroantimonate, lanthanum, ruthenium red, and horseradish peroxidase), and freeze-fracture studies were conducted on embryos and larvae of Rana pipiens to determine the steps involved in gap junction assembly during neurulation. The zonulae occludentes, which join contiguous neuroepithelial cells, fragment into solitary domains as the neural groove deepens. These plaque-like contacts also become permeable to a variety of tracers at this juncture. Where the ridges of these domains intersect, numerous 85-Å participles apparently pile up against tight junctional remnants, creating arrays recognizable as gap junctions. With neural fold closure, the remaining tight junctional elements disappear and are replaced by macular gap junctions. Well below the junctional complex, gap junctions form independent of any visible, preexisting structure. Small, variegated clusters, containing 4–30 particles located in flat, particle-free regions, characterize this area. The number of particles within these arrays increases and they subsequently blend together into a polygonally packed aggregate resembling a gap junction. The assembly process in both apical and basal regions conforms with the concept of translational movement of particles within a fluid plasma membrane.  相似文献   


The fauna of three excavated trenches in the floor of the dry salt-pan in the Brandfort district of the Orange Free State was investigated. Two were found to contain typical saline water invertebrate fauna such as Artemia sp. and the saltwater rotifer Brachionus plicatilis and were without vegetation, while the third supported dense stands of Ruppia maritima, the salt water rotifer Brachionus plicatilis and a variety of freshwater macro-invertebrates. We concluded that certain freshwater macro-invertebrates are able to tolerate saline water, and that this would give them a competitive advantage over stenohaline invertebrates in semi-arid and arid areas where a range of salinities occur within and among the endorheic pans in the region.  相似文献   

Pollinator‐mediated selection has been suggested as a key driver of speciation in plants. We examined the potential role of hawkmoth pollinators in driving allopatric divergence and maintaining sympatric coexistence of morphotypes in the African iris Gladiolus longicollis. Floral tube length in this species varies from 35 mm to 130 mm across its geographic range and reflects the prevailing tongue lengths of local hawkmoth assemblages. The distribution of floral tube lengths is bimodal with two relatively discrete categories—long (about 90 mm) or short (about 50 mm)—that match the bimodal distribution of hawkmoth tongue lengths in eastern South Africa. At a contact site between these two floral morphs, we found few individuals of intermediate length, suggesting limited gene flow between morphs despite their interfertility. A difference in flowering phenology appears to be the main isolating barrier between morphs at this site. Long‐ and short‐tubed morphs differed markedly in the chemical composition of their floral fragrance, a trait that could be used as a cue for morph‐specific foraging by hawkmoths. Positive directional selection on tube length was found to occur in both morphs.  相似文献   

Mouse livers were perfused in situ through the portal vein with the disaccharides sucrose, lactose, maltose, and cellobiose in hypertonic concentrations (0.5 M). This treatment resulted in plasmolysis of the hepatocytes and splitting of the gap junctions and zonulae occludentes. The junctions split symmetrically, leaving a half-junction on each of the two separated cells. The process of junction splitting is followed using the freeze-fracture technique, since the junctional membranes are indistinguishable from the nonjunctional membranes in thin sections once the splitting occurs. The split junctions are also studied using the freeze-etch technique, allowing a view of the gap junction extracellular surface normally sequestered within the 2-nm "gap." The monosaccharides sorbitol and mannitol did not split the junctions during the times studied (2 min), but substitution of the chloride ion with propionate in the perfusion mixture did result in junction splitting. An envelope of morphologically distinct particles surrounding freeze-fractured gap junctions is also described.  相似文献   

1. An electron microscope study at high resolution of the corneal epithelium of the normal mature and immature mouse revealed new information regarding the submicroscopic appearance of these cells. 2. Two thin dense lines separated by a less dense area constituted the structure of the limiting surface membrane of epithelial cells; the thickness of this membrane was about 80 A. 3. Some differences in the appearance of the cytoplasm and mitochondria of cells from the immature mouse cornea and the appearance of the cytoplasm and mitochondria of cells from the adult mouse cornea were observed. 4. The basement membrane appeared as a dense band about 600 A wide separating the basal epithelial cells from the substantia propria. Suggestions of periodicity were seen in some phosphotungstic acid-treated specimens. 5. Round bodies believed to be bacteria were seen on the surface of the outer epithelial cells in the adult mouse cornea but not in the immature, unopened eye.  相似文献   

Changes in the kinetics of the intestinal epithelium were observed in mice maintained on an elemental diet containing hydrolysed protein and medium chain triglycerides. An increase in the length of the villi seen shortly after commencement of the diet was followed by a reduction in the rate of proliferation in the crypt. After 7 days on the diet, an equilibrium state was reached with the cellularity of the villi being 120% that of control while the number of proliferative cells/crypt was reduced by 35%. The proliferative response of the crypt following irradiation occurrred 16 hr later in diet-fed mice than in controls. It was postulated that, because of the increased cellularity of the villus compartment in diet-fed mice, additional time was required to reduce the number of villus cells to a critical level at which a proliferative response is induced in the crypt.  相似文献   

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