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Glucosyltransferase-I (GTF-I: 175 kDa) of a cariogenic bacterium, Streptococcus sobrinus 6715, mediates the conversion of water-soluble dextran (alpha-1,6-glucan) into a water-insoluble form by making numerous alpha-1,3-glucan branches along the dextran chains with sucrose as the glucosyl donor. The structures and catalytic properties were compared for two GTF-I fragments, GTF-I' (138 kDa) and GS (110 kDa). Both lack the N-terminal 84 residues of GTF-I. While GTF-I' still contains four of the six C-terminal repeats characteristic of streptococcal glucosyltransferases, GS lacks all of them. Electron microscopy of negatively stained samples indicated a double-domain structure for GTF-I', consisting of a spherical head with a smaller spherical tail, which was occasionally seen as a long extension. GS was seen just as the head portion of GTF-I'. In the absence of dextran, both fragments simply hydrolyzed sucrose with similar K(m) and k(cat) values at low concentrations (<5 mM). At higher sucrose concentrations (>10 mM), however, GTF-I' exhibited glucosyl transfer activity to form insoluble alpha-1, 3-glucans. So did GS, but less efficiently. Dextran increased the rate and efficiency of the glucosyl transfer by GTF-I'. On removal of the C-terminal repeats of GTF-I' by mild trypsin treatment, this dextran-stimulated transfer was completely lost and the dextran-independent transfer became less efficient. These results indicate that the N-terminal two-thirds of the GTF-I sequence are organized as a structurally and functionally independent domain to catalyze not only sucrose hydrolysis but also glucosyl transfer to form alpha-1,3-glucan chains, although not efficiently; the C-terminal repeat increases the efficiency of the intrinsic glucosyl transfer by the N-terminal domain as well as rendering the whole molecule primer-dependent for far more efficient insoluble glucan synthesis.  相似文献   

A sucrose glucosyltransferase GTF-I from cariogenic Streptococcus sobrinus transferred the uniformly 13C-labeled glucosyl residue ([U-(13)C]Glc) from [U-(13)C]sucrose to exogenous dextran T500 at the non-reducing-end, mostly by alpha-(1-->6) linkages and partially by alpha-(1-->3) linkages, as revealed by the 13C-(13)C NMR coupling pattern. With increasing amounts of [U-(13)C]sucrose, transfer of [U-(13)C]Glc to the alpha-(1-->3)-linked chain became predominant without increase in the number of chains. The transfer of [U-(13)C]Glc to an isomaltopentaose acceptor occurred similarly to its transfer to T500. alpha-(1-->3)-branches in the [U-(13)C]dextran, specifically synthesized from [U-(13)C]sucrose by a Streptococcus bovis dextransucrase, were not formed by GTF-I, as judged by the observation that a newly-formed alpha-1,3,6-branched [U-(13)C]Glc was not detected, which could have been formed by transferring the unlabeled Glc from sucrose to the internal alpha-(1-->6)-linked [U-(13)C]Glc at C-3. The 13C-(13)C one-bond coupling constants (1J) were also recorded for the C-1--C-6 bond of the internal alpha-(1-->6)-linked [U-(13)C]Glc and of the non-reducing-end [U-(13)C]Glc.  相似文献   

Using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we directly observed the interaction between dextran and glucosyltransferase I (GTF) of Streptococcus sobrinus. Tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-labeled GTF molecules were individually imaged as they were associating with and then dissociating from the dextran fixed on the glass surface in the evanescent field. Similarly dynamic behavior of TMR-labeled dextran molecules was also observed on the GTF-fixed surface. The duration of the stay on the surface (dwell time) was measured for each of these molecules by counting the number of video frames that had recorded the image. A histogram of dwell time for a population of several hundred molecules indicated that the GTF-dextran interaction obeyed an apparent first-order kinetics. The rate constraints estimated for TMR-labeled GTF at pH 6.8 and 25 degrees C in the absence and presence of sucrose were 9.2 and 13.3 s(-1), respectively, indicating that sucrose accelerated the dissociation of GTF from dextran. However, the accelerated rate was still much lower than the catalytic center activity of GTF (> or = 25 s(-1)) under comparable conditions.  相似文献   

Mutans streptococci are oral bacteria with a key role in the initiation of dental caries, because their glucosyltransferases synthesize polysaccharides from sucrose that allow them to colonize the tooth surface. Among the strategies to prevent dental caries that are being investigated are (1) the inhibition of bacterial growth of mutans streptococci or (2) the inhibition of glucosyltransferases involved in polysaccharide formation. Pure fatty acid esters of sucrose, maltose and maltotriose were synthesized by an enzyme-catalyzed process and tested as inhibitors of two glucosyltransferases of great homology, those from Streptococcus sobrinus and Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B-512F. In spite of having their nonreducing end glucose blocked at 6-OH, they did not inhibit dextran synthesis. However, their effect on the growth of S. sobrinus in the solid and liquid phase was notable. 6-O-Lauroylsucrose, 6'-O-lauroylmaltose and 6"-O-lauroylmaltotriose at 100 microg/mL showed complete inhibition of S. sobrinus in agar plates. Consequently, these nontoxic derivatives are very promising for inclusion in oral-hygiene products aimed at disrupting plaque formation and preventing caries.  相似文献   

The Mr values and isoelectric points of glucosyltransferases synthesizing insoluble glucan (GTF-Is) were determined, and the immunological relationships between them studied. The GTF-I enzymes were from Streptococcus cricetus (mutans group serotype a), Streptococcus sobrinus (mutans group serotypes d and g) and Streptococcus downei (mutans group serotype h). By double immunodiffusion tests, the GTF-I enzymes from the three species possessed a common antigenic determinant; in addition, the GTF-I enzymes of serotypes d, g and h shared a further determinant. The S. sobrinus serotypes d and g GTF-I enzymes were immunologically identical. The GTF-I enzymes of S. sobrinus serotypes d and g, and of S. downei, had an Mr of 161,000 and isoelectric points of 4.8-4.9, while S. cricetus GTF-I had a lower Mr (150,000) and a higher isoelectric point (5.2). This suggests that the S. cricetus GTF-I enzyme may lack a sequence of amino acids which include the determinant shared by S. sobrinus and S. downei GTF-I enzymes. Antibodies specific to the determinant shared by all four serotypes inhibited the homologous and heterologous enzymes by 94-100%.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans (MTCC 497) was grown anaerobically in acidic Brain heart infusion (BHI) medium with 15 % sucrose to produce cell-bound and extracellular water-insoluble polysaccharide mutan. Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) and 13C NMR studies revealed a mixed linkage of α-1−3 and α-1–6 mutan with a production yield of 1.8 g/L. Mutan has a branched structure with a molecular weight (Mw) of 5654 Da. Water-insoluble mutan was carboxymethylated at 0.93 degrees of substitution. FTIR spectra with characteristic peaks at 1603 cm−1 and 1418 cm−1 due to symmetric and asymmetric vibrations of the COO- group confirmed carboxymethylation. Thermal gravimetric analysis showed that native mutan and carboxymethyl mutan exhibited higher thermal stability. Carboxymethylation enhanced solubility and antioxidative radical-scavenging activity. The in-vitro antioxidative radical scavenging analysis revealed 52 % and 47 % inhibition of DPPH and ABTS radicals.  相似文献   

Streptococcus mutans Ingbritt (serotype c) was shown to have a significant amount of cell-associated glucosyltransferase activity which synthesizes water-insoluble glucan from sucrose. The enzyme was extracted from the washed cells with SDS, renatured with Triton X-100, adsorbed to 1,3-alpha-D-glucan gel, and then eluted with SDS. The enzyme preparation was electrophoretically homogeneous, and the specific activity was 7.3 i.u. (mg protein)-1. The enzyme had an Mr of 158,000 as determined by SDS-PAGE, and was a strongly hydrophilic protein, as judged by its amino acid composition. The enzyme gradually aggregated in the absence of SDS. The enzyme had an optimum pH of 6.5 and a Km value of 16.3 mm for sucrose. Activity was stimulated 1.7-fold by dextran T10, but was not stimulated by high concentrations of ammonium sulphate. Below a sodium phosphate buffer concentration of 50 mm, activity was reduced by 75%. This enzyme synthesized an insoluble D-glucan consisting of 76 mol% 1,3-alpha-linked glucose and 24 mol% 1,6-alpha-linked glucose.  相似文献   

Streptococcus sobrinus has four gtf genes, gtfI, gtfS, gtfT, and gtfU, on the chromosome. These genes correspond respectively to the enzymes GTF-I, GTF-S1, GTF-S2, and GTF-S3. An Escherichia coli MD66 clone that contained the S. sobrinus gtfU gene was characterized. Immunological properties showed that the protein produced by the E. coli MD66 clone was similar to S. sobrinus GTF-S1. Biological properties and a linkage analysis of the glucans by 13C NMR spectrometry revealed that the protein produced by the E. coli MD66 clone was GTF-S1.  相似文献   

Two tandemly aligned glucosyltransferase (GTF) genes whose gene products are responsible for water‐soluble glucan synthesis were isolated from Streptococcus dentirousetti NUM1303 and sequenced. One of the GTF genes of S. dentirousetti consisted of a 4110 bp open reading frame (ORF) that encoded for a 1369 amino acid protein and was revealed to be a S. sobrinus gtfS homolog. The percent similarity of amino acid sequences of the GTF‐S from S. dentirousetti compared to those from S. sobrinus was 99%. In addition, a putative gtfT was found in tandem in the downstream region of the S. dentirousetti gtfS. The gtfT of S. dentirousetti consisted of a 4527 bp ORF encoding for 1508 amino acids. The similarity of amino acid sequences of the GTF‐T from S. dentirousetti and S. sobrinus was 94%. Phylogenetic analysis based on amino acid sequences from other related streptococcal GTFs suggested that both GTF‐S and GTF‐T of S. dentirousetti are closely related to S. sobrinus.  相似文献   

A crude glucosyltransferase (GTase) preparation was obtained from the culture supernatant of Streptococcus mutans strain MT703 (serotype e) by 50% ammonium sulphate precipitation. Antiserum specific against the GTase was prepared by immunizing rabbits intramuscularly with the GTase in Freund incomplete adjuvant, followed by GTase without adjuvant intravenously. Gamma globulin fractions of the antiserum and normal serum were partially purified by 1/3 saturated ammonium sulphate precipitation. The antibody strongly inhibited the GTase activity (greater than 90%) of type c, e and f S. mutans, whereas the GTase of type a, d and g was not affected by the antibody. The GTase from type b S. mutans was slightly inhibited. The adherence of viable cells of type c, e, and f S. mutans to a glass surface due to synthesis of glucan by the cell-associated GTase was also significantly inhibited by the antibody to the enzyme. These results suggest that type c, e, and f and types a, d, and g S. mutans can be separated into two major groups in terms of the immunological relationship of GTase.  相似文献   

The binding between tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (E.coli) and the alkylanalogue of the aminoacyladenylate, tyrosinyl-5'-AMP, has been investigated by fluorescence titrations and rapid mixing experiments. Tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase has two equivalent and independent binding sites for tyrosinyl-5'-AMP. The intrinsic binding constant is 4 x 10(7)M-1. The binding sites for tRNATyr and tyrosinyl-5'-AMP are independent of each other, the anticooperative mode of tRNA binding being preserved in the presence of tyrosinyl-5-AMP.  相似文献   

Sugar metabolism by Streptococcus mutans is associated with tooth decay. The most abundant sugars in the human diet are sucrose and maltose, a derivative of starch. Previously, we reported a binding protein-dependent transport system (msm) in S. mutans that transports sucrose and maltose, but its associated enzymes do not metabolize maltose. By searching the S. mutans genomic sequence for a maltose system (mal), we found a gene cluster encoding proteins with homology to those of msm and the Escherichia coli maltose system. Mutants were constructed by deleting msm or mal, or both, and tested for sugar utilization. Deletion of the mal system diminished the ability of S. mutans to ferment maltose, but deletion of only the mal transporter genes or msm showed reduced utilization of chromogenic maltosides. Maltose, sucrose, glucose, fructose, mannose, and N-acetyl glucosamine inhibited utilization of chromogenic maltosides by the wild-type strain and mutants. In conclusion, the two binding protein-dependent systems in S. mutans appear to transport collaboratively their common substrate sugars, notably sucrose and maltose.  相似文献   

Glucosyltransferases (Gtfs) and fructosyltransferase (Ftf), and the exopolysaccharides they produce, facilitate bacterial adherence and biofilm formation, and enhance the virulence of Streptococcus mutans. In this study, we used continuous chemostat cultures and reporter gene fusions to study the expression of ftf and gtfBC in response to carbohydrate availability and pH, and to asses the role of a protein similar to catabolite control protein A (CcpA), RegM, in regulation of these genes. Expression of ftf was efficient at pH 7.0 and 6.0, but was repressed at pH 5.0 under glucose-excess conditions. At pH 7.0, ftf expression was 5-fold lower under glucose-limiting conditions than in cells growing with an excess of glucose. Expression of gtfBC was also sensitive, albeit to a lesser extent, to pH and glucose availability. Inactivation of regM resulted in decreases of as much as 10-fold in both ftf and gtfBC expression, depending on growth conditions. These findings reinforce the importance of pH and carbohydrate availability for expression of two primary virulence attributes of S. mutans and reveal a critical role for RegM in regulation of expression of both gtfBC and ftf.  相似文献   

J W Sun  S Y Wanda  A Camilli    R Curtiss  rd 《Journal of bacteriology》1994,176(23):7213-7222
Some dextranase-deficient (Dex-) mutants of Streptococcus sobrinus UAB66 (serotype g) synthesize a substance which inhibits dextranase activity (S.-Y. Wanda, A. Camilli, H. M. Murchison, and R. Curtiss III, J. Bacteriol. 176:7206-7212, 1994). This substance produced by the Dex- mutant UAB108 was designated dextranase inhibitor (Dei) and identified as a protein. The Dei gene (dei) from UAB108 has been cloned into pACYC184 to yield pYA2651, which was then used to generate several subclones (pYA2653 to pYA2657). The DNA sequence of dei was determined by using Tn5seq1 transposon mutagenesis of pYA2653. The open reading frame of dei is 990 bp long. It encodes a signal peptide of 38 amino acids and a mature Dei protein of 292 amino acids with a molecular weight of 31,372. The deduced amino acid sequence of Dei shows various degrees of similarity with glucosyltransferases and glucan-binding protein and contains A and C repeating units probably involved in glucan binding. Southern hybridization results showed that the dei probe from UAB108 hybridized to the same-size fragment in S. sobrinus (serotype d and g) DNA, to a different-size fragment in S. downei (serotype h) and S. cricetus (serotype a), and not at all to DNAs from other mutans group of streptococci.  相似文献   

An extracellular glucosyltransferase (GT-S) synthesizing water-soluble glucan was purified from the culture supernatant of Streptococcus mutans BHT (serotype b, subsp. rattus) by DEAE-Sepharose chromatography and preparative isoelectric focusing. The Mr of the enzyme was 155,000 and the pI was 4.5. The GT-S had a specific activity of 10.2 i.u. (mg protein)-1, an optimum pH of 6.0 and a Km value of 0.8 mM for sucrose, and was activated twofold by dextran T10. The GT-S was immunologically partially identical with the corresponding enzymes in crude preparations from serotypes c, e and f. The glucan synthesized de novo from sucrose by the GT-S was water-soluble and consisted of 29 mol% of non-reducing terminal, 49 mol% of 1,6-alpha-linked, 11 mol% of 1,3-alpha-linked and 11 mol% of 1,3,6-alpha-branched glucose residues.  相似文献   

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