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Current views on quantal release of neurotransmitters hold that after the vesicle migrates towards release sites (active zones), multiple protein interactions mediate the docking of the vesicle to the presynaptic membrane and the formation of a multimolecular protein complex (the 'fusion machine') which ultimately makes the vesicle competent to release a quantum in response to the action potential. Classical biophysical studies of quantal release have modelled the process by a binomial system where n vesicles (sites) competent for exocytosis release a quantum, with probability p, in response to the action potential. This is likely to be an oversimplified model. Furthermore, statistical and kinetic studies have given results which are difficult to reconcile within this framework. Here, data are presented and discussed which suggest a revision of the biophysical model. Transient silencing of release is shown to occur following the pulse of synchronous transmitter release, which is evoked by the presynaptic action potential. This points to a schema where the vesicle fusion complex assembly is a reversible, stochastic process. Asynchronous exocytosis may occur at several intermediate stages in the process, along paths which may be differentially regulated by divalent cations or other factors. The fusion complex becomes competent for synchronous release (armed vesicles) only at appropriately organized sites. The action potential then triggers (deterministically rather than stochastically) the synchronous discharge of all armed vesicles. The existence of a specific conformation for the fusion complex to be competent for synchronous evoked fusion reconciles statistical and kinetic results during repetitive stimulation and helps explain the specific effects of toxins and genetic manipulation on the synchronization of release in response to an action potential.  相似文献   

The mean miniature endplate potentials (m.e.p.p.) frequency has been examined at the neuromuscular junctions of the rat diaphragm, at 20 degrees and 37 degrees C, when all or part of the NaCl of the Krebs solution was replaced by LiCl. A high level of substitution (100% and 75%) causes initially an increase in m.e.p.p. frequency. This initial process can be fitted by an exponential function of time with a time constant which decreases with Li+ concentration and temperature. After reaching a maximum, m.e.p.p. frequency returns to a lower steady level which is higher than the one observed before the substitution and rises when either Li+-concentration or temperature are increased. At 37 degrees C, when the substitution of Li for Na+ is lower than 50%, m.e.p.p. frequency progressively rises towards a steady value which can be maintained for a long period. At 37 degrees C, a significant rise in m.e.p.p. frequency can be observed even after the replacement of 10% NaCl by LiCl. In the presence of prostigmine, m.e.p.p. disappear from the rat neuromuscular junction treated by Li, following an exponential decrease in frequency. These results are discussed in terms of presynaptic site of action of Li+. It is proposed that choline re-uptake by the presynaptic terminals could be sufficient to maintain a flow of acetylcholine release even after a complete substitution of LiCl for NaCl.  相似文献   

施玉梁  徐幼芬 《生理学报》1991,43(3):286-290
By means of the intracellular recording technique, the effect of aureofuscin (20 micrograms/ml, oversaturation solution) on the ACh release from motor nerve terminals and on muscle cell membrane potential were investigated in phrenic nerve diaphragm preparations of the mice. The results showed that (a) aureofuscin reduced the resting membrane potential of the muscle cell slightly; (b) the frequency of miniature end-plate potentials and the mean quantal content of end-plate potentials increased at first and then recovered approximately to the control level; (c) the depolarization produced by aureofuscin in the muscle cell membrane was reversible and the aureofuscin-invoked facilitation in miniature end-plate potential discharges was Ca(2+)-dependent; and (d) aureofuscin did not block neuromuscular transmission.  相似文献   

Presynaptic and postsynaptic potentials were examined by intracellular recording at a crayfish neuromuscular junction. During normal synaptic transmission, the action potentials were recorded in the terminal region of the excitatory axon and postsynaptic responses were obtained in the muscle fibers. We found that it was possible to modify the synaptic transmission by applying depolarizing or hyperpolarizing currents through the presynaptic intracellular electrode. Typically, a 7-15 mV depolarization lasting longer than 50 msec leads to a large (500%) enhancement of transmitter release, even though the preterminal action potential is reduced in amplitude. Hyperpolarization increases the amplitude of the action potential, but slightly reduces the transmitter release. These results are different from those reported for other neuromuscular synapses and the squid giant synapse, but are similar in many respects to the results reported for several invertebrate central synapses. We conclude, first, that different synapses may have markedly different responses to conditioning by membrane polarization and, secondly, that maintained low-level depolarization may induce a potentiated state in the nerve terminal, perhaps brought about by slow entry of calcium.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, as in most other higher organisms, a circadian clock controls the rhythmic distribution of rest/sleep and locomotor activity. Here we report that the morphology of Drosophila flight neuromuscular terminals changes between day and night, with a rhythm in synaptic bouton size that continues in constant darkness, but is abolished during aging. Furthermore, arrhythmic mutations in the clock genes timeless and period also disrupt this circadian rhythm. Finally, these clock mutants also have an opposing effect on the nonrhythmic phenotype of neuronal branching, with tim mutants showing a dramatic hyperbranching morphology and per mutants having fewer branches than wild-type flies. These unexpected results reveal further circadian as well as nonclock related pleiotropic effects for these classic behavioral mutants.  相似文献   

Summary Motor nerve terminals on white and intermediate muscle fibers of the Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa, L.) contain translucent synpatic vesicles and about 1–2% dense-core vesicles. Terminals on red muscle fibers contain up to 40% dense-core vesicles with diameter 800–1100 Å. Examinations for formaldehyde-induced fluorescence indicate yellow fluorescence (5-HT ?) apparently corresponding with terminal axons on red muscle fibers in craniovelar muscles. Possibly red muscle fibers of Myxine receive monoaminergic innervation.The author is indebted to Dr. Finn Walvig, Biological station, University of Oslo, Drøbak, for supply of hagfishes.  相似文献   

In our research on mouse diaphragm muscles the dynamic of neurotransmitter secretion and synaptic vesicles recycling (exo-endocytosis cycle) at the long-term rhythmic stimulation (20Hz) are explored using an intracellular microelectrode registration and a fluorescent microscopy. It have been shown, thate change of end plant potentials (EPP) amplitude at the rhythmic training occurs in three phases: initial transient decrease, long amplitude stabilization (1-2 min)--the plateau and secondary slow decrease. After 3 minute stimulations the EPP amplitude recovery observed during several seconds. Loading the synaptic vesicle by fluorescent endocytic dye FM 1-43 had shown that the rhythmic stimulation results to gradual (during 5-6 mines) fluorescence decrease in NT, indicating the synaptic vesicle exocytosis. The quantum analysis of the electrophysiological data and their comparison to the fluorescent researches date has allowed to assume, that mouse motor nerve terminals are characterized by high rate of endocytosis and fast synaptic vesicle reuse (average recycling time about 50 sec) that can provide effective maintenance of synaptic transmission at long high-frequency activity. Sizes of ready releasable and recycling synaptic vesicle pools are quantitatively determined. It is assumed, that vesicle recycling occurs on a short fast way to inclusion in recycling pool. So, in the stimulation protocol that were used the synaptic vesicles from reserve pool remain unused. Thus in our conditions recycling pool vesicles cycle repeatedly without reserve pool release.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, we have found that some of the motor terminals in wandering third-instar larvae are sexually differentiated. In three out of the four body-wall muscle fibers that we examined, we found female terminals that produced a larger synaptic response than their male counterparts. The single motor terminal that innervates muscle fiber 5 produces an EPSP that is 69% larger in females than in males. This is due to greater release of transmitter from female than male synaptic terminals because the amplitude of spontaneous miniature EPSPs was similar in male and female muscle fibers. This sexual difference exists throughout the third-instar: it is seen in both early (foraging) and late (wandering) third-instar larvae. The sexual differentiation appears to be neuron specific and not muscle specific because the same axon produces Is terminals on muscle fibers 2 and 4, and both terminals produce larger EPSCs in females than males. Whereas, the Ib terminals innervating muscle fibers 2 and 4 are not sexually differentiated. The differences in transmitter release are not due to differences in the size of the motor terminals. For the terminal on muscle fiber 5 and the Is terminal on muscle fiber 4, there were no differences in terminal length, the number of branches, or the number of synaptic boutons in males compared to females. These sexual differences in neuromuscular synaptic physiology may be related to male-female differences in locomotion.  相似文献   

The physiology and morphology of identified crayfish motor terminals were compared at different seasons. We examined initial excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) amplitudes, synaptic fatigue, and the frequency of synaptic varicosities along the motor terminals of an identified phasic motoneuron in animals collected over a period of 5 years. The physiology and morphology of identified crayfish motor terminals are different for animals collected in summer and winter. In winter animals, phasic axon motor terminals in the claw closer muscle produce large EPSPs initially, but show dramatic synaptic fatigue during repetitive stimulation. In summer animals, these terminals produce smaller initial EPSPs, but are more fatigue resistant. Due to their greater fatigue resistance, synaptic terminals have a greater over-all capacity for transmitter release in summer animals than do those of winter animals. Morphologically, terminals in summer animals have more synaptic varicosities, this result supports earlier studies that have shown that fatigue-resistant motor terminals have more synaptic varicosities. Experiments in which the electrical activity of the motoneuron was experimentally altered suggest that these differences in motor terminals may be due to seasonal differences in activity.  相似文献   

The antagonism between botulinum toxin and calcium in motor nerve terminals   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The effects of tetraethylammonium and manganese, which modify calcium entry into motor nerve terminals, have been studied during advanced stages of botulinum paralysis. Evidence has been obtained that the voltage-activated calcium current in the nerve endings is not significantly reduced by botulinum toxin. The depression of transmitter release that the toxin produces must arise at a later stage, at an intracellular site of the release mechanism.  相似文献   

The release of transmitter occurs in discrete quantal units, such that the number released (m) is equal to the number available (n) times the average probability of release (p). Although a common method of estimating these parameters is to use simple binomial statistics, results may be biased if there is spatial or temporal variation in n and p (vars p, vart n, vart p). The problem arises in the simultaneous analysis of five variables, which is impractical due to the complexity and margin of error involved. The proposed solution is to eliminate two variables (vart n, vart p) by assuming stationarity and to obtain the required information from the first three moments of m. The resulting quadratic equation gives two solutions, p1 and p2. Computer simulation of quantal output as a function of vars p indicates that p1 is the better estimator of p when vars p is small, but that p2 is better when vars p is large. This changeover or "inflection" occurs at points which correspond to the maximum vars p obtainable by unimodal distributions of p (larger vars p being obtained by bimodal distributions). Comparison of the simulated histogram of m with those predicted by p1 and p2 shows that p1 provides the better fit, whether vars p is large or small. This discrepancy indicates that histogram analysis is unable to distinguish the appropriate estimate. The major limitations in the procedure can be met by assuming (1) stationarity (which can be attained and tested experimentally), and (2) normal distribution of p (since vars p is then less than "inflection" point, p1 will always be the correct estimate). The overall findings demonstrate that vars p and unbiased estimates of n and p may be calculated, provided reasonable assumptions are made. This in turn should allow the continued use of quantal parameters for describing transmitter release.  相似文献   

At 20 (0)C, both quantal and non-quantal spontaneous acetylcholine release (expressed as miniature endplate potential frequency [f-MEPPs] and the H-effect, respectively) increased during the first 30 min of hypoxia in solution with normal extracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](o) = 2.0 mM). The hypoxia-induced tenfold increase of the f-MEPPs was virtually absent in low calcium solution([Ca(2+)](o) = 0.4 mM) whereas there was still a significant increment of non-quantal release. This indicates that each of these two processes of acetylcholine release is influenced by mechanisms with different oxygen sensitivity. The rise of f-MEPPs during the onset of hypoxia apparently requires Ca(2+) entry into the nerve terminal, whereas the non-quantal release can be increased by another factors such as a lower level of ATP.  相似文献   

Miniature and stimulus evoked electroplaque potentials (mEpPs and EpPs) were recorded in Torpedo electrocytes intracellularly and extracellularly. The quantal release parameters of EpPs and the time course of quantal EpCs were estimated in normal and low Ca2+-high Mg2+ solutions. Amplitude-frequency distribution of mEpPs showed Gaussian or uneven character with an average mean value of 0.3 +/- 0.08 mV (S.D.). The mean coefficient of variation of mEpPs was 26.8 +/- 7.2% (n = 6). Tetrodotoxin reversibly blocked the stimulus evoked EpP but hardly influenced the amplitude-frequency histogram of spontaneous EpPs in 10(-8)-10(-6) M concentration. The quantum content of stimulus evoked EpPs varied between 100-400 in normal solution which decreased in low Ca2+-high Mg2+ solution and the quantal release conformed to binomial statistics and allowed determination of the parameters p and n. Frequency of the spontaneous discharges varied highly from electrocyte to electrocyte but an analysis of the time intervals showed randomness for the events. The decay phase of quantal current composed of non-exponential and exponential sections which was characteristic with 0.75 +/- 0.16 msec (mean, S.D., at 20 degrees C) time constant of exponential decay. Although, two types of mEpCs could be differentiated having significantly slower and faster time courses. Neostigmine prolonged the time constant of decay of mEpCs in dose-dependent manner with a factor of 2 in 10(-6) M and of 4 in 10(-5) M concentrations (at about 20 degrees C).  相似文献   

Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) has been used to stain motor nerve terminals and unmyelinated axons in vertebrate skeletal muscle, but undesirable background connective tissue coloration resulted. This procedure was improved by separation of the tetrazolium salt's binding from its subsequent reduction. By uncoupling the binding and reduction steps it was possible (1) to improve nerve terminal staining by using tetranitroblue tetrazolium (TNBT), (2) to counterstain and postfix in osmium tetroxide and (3) to enhance the overall tissue preservation. The separate binding and reduction procedure is compatible with postsynaptic acetylcholinesterase staining. Experimentally manipulated and diseased preparations can be successfully stained, and the requirements for optimal staining in each case are described.  相似文献   

Using electrophysiology and fluorescence microscopy with dye FM 1-43, a comparative study of peculiarities of neurotransmitter secretion, synaptic vesicle exo-endocytosis and recycling has been carried out in nerve terminals (NT) of the skin-sternal muscle of the frog Rana ridibunda and of the white mouse diaphragm muscle during a long-term high-frequency stimulation (20 imp/s). The obtained data have allowed identifying three synaptic vesicle pools and two recycling ways in the motor NT. In the frog NT, the long-term high-frequency stimulation induced consecutive expenditure of the pool ready to release, the mobilizational, and reserve vesicle pools. The exocytosis rate exceeded markedly the endocytosis rate; the slow synaptic vesicle recycling with replenishment of the reserve pool was predominant. In the mouse NT, only the vesicles of the ready to release and the mobilizational pools, which are replenished predominantly by fast recycling, were exocytosed. The exo- and endocytosis occurred practically in parallel, while vesicles of the reserve pool did not participate in the neurotransmitter secretion. It is suggested that evolution of the motor NT from the poikilothermal to homoiothermal animals went by the way of a decrease of the vesicle pool size, the more economic expenditure and the more effective reuse of synaptic vesicles owing to the high rates of endocytosis and recycling. These peculiarities can provide in NT of homoiothermal animals a long maintenance of neurotransmitter secretion at the steady and sufficiently high level to preserve reliability of synaptic transmission in the process of the high-frequency activity.  相似文献   

The properties of synaptic transmission were first elucidated at the neuromuscular junction. More recent work has examined transmission at synapses within the brain. Here we review the remarkable progress in understanding the biophysical and molecular basis of the sequential steps in this process. These steps include the elevation of Ca2+ in microdomains of the presynaptic terminal, the diffusion of transmitter through the fusion pore into the synaptic cleft and the activation of postsynaptic receptors. The results give insight into the factors that control the precision of quantal transmission and provide a framework for understanding synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the type I motor terminals innervating the larval ventral longitudinal muscle fibers 6 and 7 have been the most popular preparation for combining synaptic studies with genetics. We have further characterized the normal morphological and physiological properties of these motor terminals and the influence of muscle size on terminal morphology. Using dye-injection and physiological techniques, we show that the two axons supplying these terminals have different innervation patterns: axon 1 innervates only muscle fibers 6 and 7, whereas axon 2 innervates all of the ventral longitudinal muscle fibers. This difference in innervation pattern allows the two axons to be reliably identified. The terminals formed by axons 1 and 2 on muscle fibers 6 and 7 have the same number of branches; however, axon 2 terminals are approximately 30% longer than axon 1 terminals, resulting in a corresponding greater number of boutons for axon 2. The axon 1 boutons are approximately 30% wider than the axon 2 boutons. The excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) produced by axon 1 is generally smaller than that produced by axon 2, although the size distributions show considerable overlap. Consistent with vertebrate studies, there is a correlation between muscle fiber size and terminal size. For a single axon, terminal area and length, the number of terminal branches, and the number of boutons are all correlated with muscle fiber size, but bouton size is not. During prolonged repetitive stimulation, axon 2 motor terminals show synaptic depression, whereas axon 1 EPSPs facilitate. The response to repetitive stimulation appears to be similar at all motor terminals of an axon.  相似文献   

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