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Surfaces of higher eukaryotes are normally covered with microorganisms but are usually not infected by them. Innate immunity and the expression of gene-encoded antimicrobial peptides play important roles in the first line of defence in higher animals. The immune response in Drosophila promotes systemic expression of antimicrobial peptides in response to microbial infection. We now demonstrate that the epidermal cells underlying the cuticle of larvae respond to infected wounds by local expression of the genes for the antimicrobial peptide cecropin A. Thus, the Drosophila epidermis plays an active role in the innate defence against microorganisms. The immune deficiency (imd) gene was found to be a crucial component of the signal-induced epidermal expression in both embryos and larvae. In contrast, melanization, which is part of the wound healing process, is not dependent on the imd gene, indicating that the signalling pathways promoting melanization and antimicrobial peptide gene expression can be uncoupled.  相似文献   

The templates of innate immunity have ancient origins. Thus, such model animals as the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, can be used to identify gene products that also play a key role in the innate immunity in mammals. We have used oligonucleotide microarrays to identify genes that are responsive to gram-negative bacteria in Drosophila macrophage-like S2 cells. In total, 53 genes were induced by greater than threefold in response to Escherichia coli. The induction of all these genes was peptidoglycan recognition protein LC (PGRP-LC) dependent. Twenty-two genes including 10 of the most strongly induced genes are also known to be up-regulated by septic injury in vivo. Importantly, we identified 31 genes that are not known to respond to bacterial challenge. We carried out targeted dsRNA treatments to assess the functional importance of these gene products for microbial recognition, phagocytosis and antimicrobial peptide release in Drosophila S2 cells in vitro. RNAi targeting three of these genes, CG7097, CG15678 and beta-Tubulin 60D, caused altered antimicrobial peptide release in vitro. Our results indicate that the JNK pathway is essential for normal antimicrobial peptide release in Drosophila in vitro.  相似文献   

The Toll family of transmembrane proteins participates in signaling infection during the innate immune response. We analyzed the nine Drosophila Toll proteins and found that wild-type Toll-9 behaves similar to gain-of-function Toll-1. Toll-9 activates strongly the expression of drosomycin, and utilizes similar signaling components to Toll-1 in activating the antifungal gene. The predicted protein sequence of Toll-9 contains a tyrosine residue in place of a conserved cysteine, and this residue switch is critical for the high activity of Toll-9. The Toll-9 gene is expressed in adult and larval stages prior to microbial challenge, and the expression correlates with the high constitutive level of drosomycin mRNA in the animals. The results suggest that Toll-9 is a constitutively active protein, and implies its novel function in protecting the host by maintaining a substantial level of antimicrobial gene products to ward off the continuous challenge of microorganisms.  相似文献   

A Graham  N Papalopulu  R Krumlauf 《Cell》1989,57(3):367-378
In situ hybridization analysis of mouse embryos shows the seven members of the Hox-2 complex to be differentially expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system and in mesodermal derivatives (somites and lung). Beginning at the 5' end of the cluster, each successive gene displays a more anterior boundary of expression in the central nervous system. A gene's position in the Hox-2 cluster therefore reflects its relative domain of expression along the anteroposterior axis of the embryo, a feature observed with Drosophila homeotic genes. Sequence comparisons of the Hox-2 cluster with other mouse and Drosophila homeobox genes have defined subgroups of related genes; in the mouse there are four clusters related by duplication and divergence. Alignment shows a clear relationship among genes in the mouse and Drosophila complexes, based on relative position, sequence identity, and domains of expression along the rostral-caudal axis. Our results argue that these complexes arose from a common ancestor, present before the divergence of lineages that gave rise to arthropods and vertebrates.  相似文献   

Y Hiromi  H Okamoto  W J Gehring  Y Hotta 《Cell》1986,44(2):293-301
Two Drosophila mutants KM75 and HH5, which are mutated in the act88F actin gene specific for the indirect flight muscles (IFM), synthesize heat shock proteins (hsps) constitutively in a tissue-specific manner. We have introduced cloned mutant act88F genes into a strain containing the wild-type act88F allele by P-element-mediated transformation. Flies transformed with a 4.05 kb KM75 act88F gene fragment encoding the p42 actin variant express both p42 and hsps specifically in the IFM. Using normal/mutant chimeric genes, the mutation sites of KM75 and HH5 were mapped within the sequence encoding the last 72 amino acids of actin. An in vitro mutated gene encoding a protein that lacks the 72 carboxy-terminal amino acids also induces constitutive hsp synthesis.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which the region-specific expression patterns of clustered genes evolve are poorly understood. The epididymis is an ideal organ to examine this, as it is a highly segmented tissue that differs significantly in structure between closely related species. Here we examined this issue through analysis of the rapidly evolving X-linked reproductive homeobox (Rhox) gene cluster, the largest known homeobox gene cluster in metazoans. In the mouse, we found that most Rhox genes are expressed primarily in the caput region of the epididymis, a site where sperm mature and begin acquiring forward motility. This region-specific expression pattern depends, in part, on the founding member of the Rhox cluster--Rhox5--as targeted mutation of Rhox5 greatly diminishes the expression of several other family members in the caput region. In the rat, Rhox5 expression switches from the caput to the site of sperm storage: the cauda. All Rhox genes under the control of Rhox5 in the mouse epididymis display a concomitant change in their regional expression in the rat epididymis. Our results lead us to propose that widespread changes in the region-specific expression pattern of genes over evolutionary time can be the result of alterations of one or only a few master regulatory genes.  相似文献   

The bantam gene regulates Drosophila growth   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Hipfner DR  Weigmann K  Cohen SM 《Genetics》2002,161(4):1527-1537
We report here the consequences of mutations of a novel locus, named bantam, whose product is involved in the regulation of growth in Drosophila. bantam mutant animals are smaller than wild type, due to a reduction in cell number but not cell size, and do not have significant disruptions in patterning. Conversely, overexpression of the bantam product using the EP element EP(3)3622 causes overgrowth of wing and eye tissue. Overexpression in clones of cells results in an increased rate of cell proliferation and a matched increase in cellular growth rate, such that the resulting tissue is composed of more cells of a size comparable to wild type. These effects are strikingly similar to those associated with alterations in the activity of the cyclinD-cdk4 complex. However, epistasis and genetic interaction analyses indicate that bantam and cyclinD-cdk4 operate independently. Thus, the bantam locus represents a novel regulator of tissue growth.  相似文献   

The Iroquois complex (Iro-C) genes are expressed in the dorsal compartment of the Drosophila eye/antenna imaginal disc. Previous work has shown that the Iro-C homeoproteins are essential for establishing a dorsoventral pattern organizing center necessary for eye development. Here we show that, in addition, the Iro-C products are required for the specification of dorsal head structures. In mosaic animals, the removal of the Iro-C transforms the dorsal head capsule into ventral structures, namely, ptilinum, prefrons and suborbital bristles. Moreover, the Iro-C(-) cells can give rise to an ectopic antenna and maxillary palpus, the main derivatives of the antenna part of the imaginal disc. These transformations are cell-autonomous, which indicates that the descendants of a dorsal Iro-C(-) cell can give rise to essentially all the ventral derivatives of the eye/antenna disc. These results support a role of the Iro-C as a dorsal selector in the eye and head capsule. Moreover, they reinforce the idea that developmental cues inherited from the distinct embryonic segments from which the eye/antenna disc originates play a minimal role in the patterning of this disc.  相似文献   

The sequence of a cDNA from the giant gene of Drosophila shows that its product has a basic domain followed by a leucine zipper motif. Both features contain characteristic conserved elements of the b-ZIP family of DNA-binding proteins. Expression of the gene in bacteria or by in vitro translation yields a protein that migrates considerably faster than the protein extracted from Drosophila embryos. Treatment with phosphatase shows that this difference is due to multiple phosphorylation of the giant protein in the embryo. Ectopic expression of the protein in precellular blastoderm embryos produces abnormal phenotypes with a pattern of segment loss closely resembling that of Krüppel mutant embryos. Immunological staining shows that giant, ectopically expressed from the hsp70 promoter, represses the expression of both the Krüppel and knirps segmentation gap genes. The analysis of the interactions between Krüppel, knirps and giant reveals a network of negative regulation. We show that the apparent positive regulation of knirps by Krüppel is in fact mediated by a negative effect of Krüppel on giant and a negative effect of giant on knirps. giant protein made in bacteria or in embryos binds in vitro to the Krüppel regulatory elements CD1 and CD2 and recognizes a sequence resembling the binding sites of other b-ZIP proteins.  相似文献   

Labed SA  Omi S  Gut M  Ewbank JJ  Pujol N 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33887
Hosts have developed diverse mechanisms to counter the pathogens they face in their natural environment. Throughout the plant and animal kingdoms, the up-regulation of antimicrobial peptides is a common response to infection. In C. elegans, infection with the natural pathogen Drechmeria coniospora leads to rapid induction of antimicrobial peptide gene expression in the epidermis. Through a large genetic screen we have isolated many new mutants that are incapable of upregulating the antimicrobial peptide nlp-29 in response to infection (i.e. with a Nipi or ‘no induction of peptide after infection’ phenotype). More than half of the newly isolated Nipi mutants do not correspond to genes previously associated with the regulation of antimicrobial peptides. One of these, nipi-4, encodes a member of a nematode-specific kinase family. NIPI-4 is predicted to be catalytically inactive, thus to be a pseudokinase. It acts in the epidermis downstream of the PKC∂ TPA-1, as a positive regulator of nlp antimicrobial peptide gene expression after infection. It also controls the constitutive expression of antimicrobial peptide genes of the cnc family that are targets of TGFß regulation. Our results open the way for a more detailed understanding of how host defense pathways can be molded by environmental pathogens.  相似文献   

Although genes involved in common developmental programs are usually scattered throughout the metazoan genome, there are some important examples of functionally interconnected regulatory genes that display close physical linkage. In particular the homeotic genes, which determine the identities of body parts, are clustered in the Hox complexes and clustering is thought to be crucial for the proper execution of their developmental programs. Here we describe the organization and functional properties of a more recently identified cluster of six homeobox genes at 93DE on the third chromosome of Drosophila. These genes, which include tinman, bagpipe, ladybird early, ladybird late, C15, and slouch, all participate in mesodermal patterning and differentiation programs and show multiple regulatory interactions among each other. We propose that their clustering, through unknown mechanisms, is functionally significant and discuss the similarities and differences between the 93DE homeobox gene cluster and the Hox complexes.  相似文献   

果蝇作为一种模式昆虫,为研究昆虫和人类的先天免疫发挥了重要作用。目前对果蝇体内免疫诱导产生的抗微生物肽多基因家族在分子进化、抗菌功能的分子特征和免疫诱导表达的信号传递机制等方面的研究进展,进一步加深了人们对昆虫乃至其他动物和人类先天免疫模式的认识,为研究其他昆虫特别是作为主要农林害虫的鳞翅目昆虫的先天免疫机制发挥了重要作用。本文集中对黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster抗微生物肽及其免疫模式的研究结果和最新进展进行了介绍,其中包括作者近几年的研究结果。  相似文献   

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