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The purpose of this study was to assess the central nervous system effects of the relaxation response (RR) in novice subjects using a controlled, within-subjects design and topographic EEG mapping as the dependent measure. Twenty subjects listened to a RR and control audiotape presented in a counterbalanced order while EEG was recorded from 14 scalp locations. TheRR condition produced greater (p<.0164) reductions in frontal EEG beta activity relative to the control condition. No significant differences were observed for any other frequency band or scalp region. These findings suggest that elicitation of the RR produces significant reductions in cortical activation in anterior brain regions in novice subjects.  相似文献   

峡视核——研究中枢神经系统发育及细胞凋亡的新模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸟类离中系统的峡视核是近年来研究中枢神经系统发育过程中细胞凋亡的新模型.在其发育过程中,随着核团的形成、折叠及分层,伴有一些与峡视核相关的临时神经通路的形成和消失,与此同时,该核团中神经元有一半以上发生细胞凋亡.研究表明,形成正确的传入和传出联系对神经元的存活十分重要.分子水平上的机制研究揭示,细胞凋亡与一系列神经营养因子及其相应的受体相关.细胞凋亡对中枢神经系统发育过程中正确神经通路的形成有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的:本文对客观记录的脑电图数据进行相关性分析,为正确理解人脑的不同局部以及局部与整体之间的相关性提供基础实验依据和理论根据,为脑电图研究的其它分析做基础分析.方法:分别对10导联电极和21导联电极的两组脑电图数据做互相关和自相关的相关性分析,得出在不同条件、事件下脑的各导联电极的自相关分析结果和左右对称导联电极的互相关分析结果,最后得出相关性值随实验条件和事件的具体变化.数据处理和统计分析采用独立设计的脑电图分析工具箱和相关性分析程序.结果:脑电图数据经过相关性分析后得到的相关图具有和脑电波相似的波形,具有周期性,时间滞后对应的标准化的相关图显示出相关性值的第一个主峰是最大的,主峰频率一般在8到13Hz的脑电波频段内;最后得到的相关性值随事件的变化而改变的结果说明实验事件对相关性的影响.结论:自相关和互相关都是随着时间滞后的增大而逐渐减小;波具有较强的相关性;相关图在从零延迟开始时间滞后所出现的第一个波峰是主峰,反应出相对较强的相关性;从大量数据的分析最后得到的相关性与事件的关系表明相关性是受事件影响的.  相似文献   

The influence of protein deprivation and cystein deficiency on the distribution of methyl mercury between 4 subcellular fractions of liver was studied in 2 rat strains (Wistar, strain R and Sprague-Dawley). Kept on a standard diet, the 2 strains showed a similar distribution pattern, with the highest mercury level found in the cytosol, followed by the mitochondrial, microsomal and nuclei fractions. The protein free diet caused on increase in the total amount of bound mercury in both strains, the greatest increase, being found in livers from strain R rats. The cystein deficient diet, on the other hand, gave rise to diverging results. Whereas the level of mercury bound to the subcellular fractions was increased in livers from strain R rats, it was markedly reduced in livers from Sprague-Dawley rats.  相似文献   

In this study the distribution of estimated broad band spectral power is evaluated. Under weak assumptions it is possible to appropriate this distribution by a χ2-distribution and to construct tolerance intervals with great statistical accuracy. The theoretical results implicate a new methodical basis for statistical comparison of spectral parameters in EEG analysis.  相似文献   

Discrete high-frequency oscillations (HFOs) in the range of 80–500 Hz have previously been recorded from human epileptic brains using intracereberal EEG and seem to be a reliable biomarker of seizure onset zone in patients with intractable epilepsy. Visual marking of HFOs bursts is tedious, highly time-consuming particularly for analyzing long-term multichannel EEG recordings, inevitably subjective and can be error prone. Thus, the development of automatic, fast and robust detectors is necessary and crucial for HFOs investigation and for propelling their eventual clinical applications. This paper presents a proposed algorithm for detection and classification of HFOs, which is a combination of both smoothed Hilbert Huang Transform (HHT) and root mean square (RMS) feature. Performance evaluation in terms of sensitivity and false discovery rate (FDR) were respectively 90.72% and 8.23% related to process validation. Indeed, the proposed method was efficient in terms of high sensitivity in which the majority of HFOs visually identified by experienced reviewers was correctly detected, and had a lower FDR. This would mean that only a low rate of detected events was misclassified as candidate HFOs events. The presented software is extremely fast, suitable and can be considered a valuable clinical tool for HFOs investigation.  相似文献   

The planarian central nervous system (CNS) can be used as a model for studying neural regeneration in higher organisms. Despite its simple structure, recent studies have shown that the planarian CNS can be divided into several molecular and functional domains defined by the expression of different neural genes. Remarkably, a whole animal, including the molecularly complex CNS, can regenerate from a small piece of the planarian body. In this study, a collection of neural markers has been used to characterize at the molecular level how the planarian CNS is rebuilt. Planarian CNS is composed of an anterior brain and a pair of ventral nerve cords that are distinct and overlapping structures in the head region. During regeneration, 12 neural markers have been classified as early, mid-regeneration and late expression genes depending on when they are upregulated in the regenerative blastema. Interestingly, the results from this study show that the comparison of the expression patterns of different neural genes supports the view that at day one of regeneration, the new brain appears within the blastema, whereas the pre-existing ventral nerve cords remain in the old tissues. Three stages in planarian CNS regeneration are suggested.  相似文献   

In the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS), astrocytes are the most abundant and functionally diverse glial cell population. However, the mechanisms underlying their specification and differentiation are still poorly understood. In this study, we have defined spatially and temporally the origin of astrocytes and studied the role of BMPs in astrocyte development in the embryonic chick spinal cord. Using explant cultures, we show that astrocyte precursors started migrating out of the neuroepithelium in the mantle layer from E5, and that the dorsal-most level of the neuroepithelium, from the roof plate to the dl3 level, did not generate GFAP-positive astrocytes. Using a variety of early astrocyte markers together with functional analyses, we show that dorsal-most progenitors displayed a potential for astrocyte production but that dorsally-derived BMP signalling, possibly mediated through BMP receptor 1B, promoted neuronal specification instead. BMP treatment completely prevented astrocyte development from intermediate spinal cord explants at E5, whereas it promoted it at E6. Such an abrupt change in the response of this tissue to BMP signalling could be correlated to the onset of new foci of BMP activity and enhanced expression of BMP receptor 1A, suggesting that BMP signalling could promote astrocyte development in this region.  相似文献   

提出一种新的多通道脑电信号盲分离的方法,将小波变换和独立分量分析(independent component analysis,ICA)相结合,利用小波变换的滤噪作用,将混合在原始脑电的部分高频噪声滤除后,再重构原始脑电作为ICA的输入信号,有效地克服了现有ICA算法不能区分噪声的缺陷。实验结果表明,该方法对多通道脑电的盲分离是很有效的。  相似文献   

It is now a recognized principle that various neuropeptides are neuronally co-localized with biogenic amine or aminoacid neurotransmitters. In the rat CNS it has previously been shown that TRH is co-localized with 5-HT (and also with substance P) in cell bodies of the posterior raphe that project to the spinal cord. Although TRH cell bodies are known to be widely distributed throughout the forebrain there is no other known co-localization with 5-HT. In this study we further specify the anatomical relationship of TRH with 5-HT by use of surgical and neurotoxic lesioning with reference to limbic forebrain regions wherein TRH is greatly increased following seizures. In groups of rats, the fimbria-fornix was lesioned alone, or combined with a lesion of the dorsal perforant path or the ventral perforant path. There was a sham lesioned control group. Additional groups were lesioned with 5, 7 dihydroxytryptamine, 100 g i.v.t., 45 min. after i.p. desipramine, 25 mg/kg. All rats were sacrificed three weeks after lesions. Indoleamines were determined by HPLC in left anterior cortex, left pyriform/olfactory cortex, left dorsal hippocampus and left ventral hippocampus. TRH was determined by specific RIA in the corresponding right brain regions. The modal n was 7 rats. The surgical lesions reduced 5-HT to below the detection limit in dorsal hippocampus in all three groups, and to 31–52% of control in all the ventral hippocampus groups. 5-HIAA was reduced to 19–37% of control in dorsal and to 30–51% of control in ventral hippocampus. TRH was reduced to 44–61% of control in dorsal hippocampus and to 48–53% of control in ventral hippocampus. As was repeatedly observed in our previous reports all TRH levels in ventral hippocampus were higher than in dorsal hippocampus. The 5, 7 dihydroxytryptamine treatment nearly eliminated the indoleamines from all the forebrain regions examined while TRH levels were unchanged. These results can be explained by our previous data showing that immunoreactive TRH is intrinsic and localized to the vicinity of both CA and dentate granule cells of the hippocampus, but about half of hippocampal TRH enters via fibers of the fimbria-fornix. The perforant path appears to contribute no TRH to hippocampus, but, results with the combined lesion groups showed some reduction of 5-HIAA in ventral hippocampus as is expected from the known perforant path contribution of 5-HT. Since the neurotoxic lesion had no effect on TRH, the 5-HT pathway through the fimbria-fornix is probably anatomically separate from a parallel TRH pathway there. This study shows that co-localization of TRH with 5-HT is very unlikely in four specific limbic forebrain regions.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Morris H. Aprison.  相似文献   

Electroencephalogram (EEG) is generally used in brain–computer interface (BCI), including motor imagery, mental task, steady-state evoked potentials (SSEPs) and P300. In order to complement existing motor-based control paradigms, this paper proposed a novel imagery mode: speech imagery. Chinese characters are monosyllabic and one Chinese character can express one meaning. Thus, eight Chinese subjects were required to read two Chinese characters in mind in this experiment. There were different shapes, pronunciations and meanings between two Chinese characters. Feature vectors of EEG signals were extracted by common spatial patterns (CSP), and then these vectors were classified by support vector machine (SVM). The accuracy between two characters was not superior. However, it was still effective to distinguish whether subjects were reading one character in mind, and the accuracies were between 73.65% and 95.76%. The results were better than vowel speech imagery, and they were suitable for asynchronous BCI. BCI systems will be also extended from motor imagery to combine motor imagery and speech imagery in the future.  相似文献   

Aldolase C is selectively expressed in the hippocampus and Purkinje cells in adult mammalian brain. The gene promoter regions governing cell-specific aldolase C expression are obscure. We show that aldolase C messenger expression in the hippocampus is restricted to CA3 neurons. The human distal promoter region (-200/-1200 bp) is essential for beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) expression in CA3 neurons and drives high stripe-like beta-gal expression in Purkinje cells. The 200 bp proximal promoter region is sufficient to drive low brain-specific and stripe-like beta-gal expression in Purkinje cells. Thus, the human aldolase C gene sequences studied drive endogenous-like expression in the brain.  相似文献   

电针对实验性癫痫发作的影响:脑电的功率谱分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何晓平  沈霖霖 《生理学报》1990,42(2):141-148
以电惊厥和青霉素致痫作为实验性癲痫的动物模型。采用脑电的计算机功率谱分析技术,研究了电针作用于发作过程中脑电各频段功率百分比的变化。在安静的大鼠,脑电以δ和θ频段为主,其功率主峰在δ频段。青霉素致痫和电惊厥使δ频段功率百分比下降,α和β频段功率百分比增加,主功率频段右移,总功率亦大大增强。本实验采用的电针对背景脑电活动没有明显影响。而电针加电惊厥或青霉素致痫,δ频段功率百分比复又增加,α和β频段功率百分比则下降,主功率频段又回到δ频段,总功率也显著减少。压缩功率谱阵图直观地显示了这种变化。结果提示,电针可使大鼠脑电出现同步化趋势,可能是加强了脑的抑制过程,从而抑制了癲痫发作的。  相似文献   

目的:探讨干燥综合征累及中枢神经病变的临床表现及诊断、鉴别诊断、治疗。方法:报告中国人民解放军第175医院1例累及中枢神经病变的干燥综合征患者的临床资料并复习相关文献,对其临床表现、诊断、容易混淆的鉴别诊断及治疗进行分析。结果:1例累及中枢神经病变的干燥综合征患者经治疗病情好转出院。结论:累及中枢神经病变的干燥综合征,尤其以中枢神经系统症状为首发表现者,极易误诊为多发性硬化,遇可疑病例应及时完善检查,避免因忽视其它系统症状而导致漏诊和误诊,影响患者的预后。  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to explore parallel changes in EEG spectral frequencies during biofeedback of slow cortical potentials (SCPs) in epilepsy patients. Thirty-four patients with intractable focal epilepsy participated in 35 sessions of SCP self-regulation training. The spectral analysis was carried out for the EEG recorded at the same electrode site (Cz) that was used for SCP feedback. The most prominent effect was the increase in the 2 power (6.0–7.9 Hz) and the relative power decrement in all other frequency bands (particularly 1, 2, and 2) in transfer trials (i.e., where patients controlled their SCPs without continuous feedback) compared with feedback trials. In the second half of the training course (i.e., sessions 21–35) larger power values in the , , and bands were found when patients were required to produce positive versus negative SCP shifts. Both across-subject and across-session (within-subject) correlations between spectral EEG parameters, on the one hand, and SCP data, on the other hand, were low and inconsistent, contrary to high and stable correlations between different spectral variables. This fact, as well as the lack of considerable task-dependent effects during the first part of training, indicates that learned SCP shifts did not directly lead to the specific dynamics of the EEG power spectra. Rather, these dynamics were related to nonspecific changes in patients' brain state.  相似文献   

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