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A survey was conducted in February 2004 on the outbreak of stem rot and wilt disease of pepper at the Kitabawa/Danzakara and Ajiwa irrigation sites in Katsina State, Nigeria. Laboratory investigations revealed that it was elicited by Phytophthora capsici (Leon). The disease caused severe loss in yield and $1,700.00 to $3,200.00 loss in revenue/ha. The pathogen was probably further aggravated by the presence of Fusarium sp. as well as ecto- and endo-parasitic nematodes. Reasons for the outbreak were elucidated and solutions proffered.  相似文献   


Desired family size and contraceptive behavior of 986 ever‐married women aged 15–54 from Northern Mindanao, the Philippines, are described. Using the Dow and Werner typology of demographic and contraceptive patterns, it was found that a majority of the women were traditional in their demographic attitude and contraceptive behavior. A substantial proportion of the women desired medium to large families. Inconsistency in attitude and behavior was also manifested by women who desired small families but have never used efficient family planning methods. Sociodemographic characteristics of these women are described. A majority of the women who have never used efficient contraception also never practiced family planning. Rhythm was the primary method of birth control among demographic innovators and traditionals who have ever used inefficient methods; the pill was popular among contraceptive innovators and the moderns. A considerable proportion of the demographic innovators and the traditionals were not currently using any family planning method; a lesser proportion of contraceptive innovators and moderns were also not using birth control methods. Relevance of the findings to family planning programs is pointed out. Recommendations are given.  相似文献   

Acanthocephalan ova, indistinguishable from the ovoid eggs of Moniliformis moniliformis, were detected in the stools of a 45-year-old man at the University of Jos Health Clinic, Nigeria. The patient complained of general body weakness, occasional giddiness and intermittent burning sensations around the umbilicus. Successful treatment with niclosamide and the possible source of infection are communicated.  相似文献   

African men play important roles in the decisions about family life, including fertility and family planning. However, fertility and family planning research and programmes have ignored their roles in the past, focusing only on women's behaviours. Since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), interest in men's involvement in reproductive health has increased. Unfortunately, data on their knowledge and use of contraception are generally scanty. This paper examines knowledge and use of contraception among ever-married men in Nigeria. A total of 1451 ever-married men aged 18-55 were interviewed in Imo and Ondo States, Nigeria. The findings reveal that men's level of contraceptive knowledge is high in the study areas. About 90% knew at least one method of family planning. Furthermore, the level of contraceptive use among married men is such that men could participate in family planning activities if there were adequate programmes to involve them. Men in the sample areas were found not only to support their spouses' use of contraceptives, but were actually using condoms to delay or prevent pregnancy. Age, education, place of residence, number of living children and being counselled for family planning were identified as key factors determining contraceptive knowledge and use among married men in the study areas. To ensure increased participation of men in family planning, programmes must be designed to educate them on the need for family size limitation and involve them in service delivery, even if only to their male counterparts.  相似文献   

The A, B, O, D, Du, C, c, E, e, M, N, S, s, Kell and Duffy antigens were determined on 190 blood samples from Hausas in the north of Nigeria. The highest gene frequencies in the rhesus system were cDe (0.648) and cde (0.176). Su gene frequency was 0.270. The great majority of subjects were Kell negative (98.9%) and Duffy negative (98.8%). As the MNSs group determinants are carried by glycophorins, which are also receptor sites for Plasmodium falciparum, and the Duffy antigen marks the receptor for P. vivax, the present study provides data of interest in the epidemiology and genetics of malaria.  相似文献   

Summary The growth profile and hydrocarbonoclastic potential of microorganisms isolated from tarballs harvested from Ibeno beach in the Bight of Bonny were examined to determine their role in the degradation of the aquatic pollutants (tarballs). The results of the analysis revealed that the mean heterotrophic bacterial count ranged from 3 (±0.01) × 103 to 3.18 (±0.2) × 105 c.f.u./g. The mycological count ranged from 1 (±0.3) × 102 to 2 (±0.4) × 104 c.f.u./g while the mean count of biodegraders on tarball mineral salt medium (TMSM) ranged from 1 (±0.3) × 102 to 2 (±0.4) × 104 c.f.u./g. The ability of the microbial isolates to utilize the tarballs as their sole source of carbon and energy was examined and noticed to vary in growth profiles between the isolates. Chromobacterium violaceum, Cladosporium resinae, Bacillus submarinus, Micrococcus varians, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Candida marina and Saccharomyces estuari were the most efficient utilizers and biodegraders while Corynebacterium glutamicum, Nocardia marina, and Cryptococcus albidus exhibited moderate growth in TMSM. Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Escherichia coli were opportunistic inhabitants, as they could neither grow nor degrade the balls in TMSM. The results imply that the efficient biodegraders like Chromobacterium violaceum could extensively degrade the balls with time.  相似文献   

Summary Phosphate residues in the soils of some manurial trials at Samaru, northern Nigeria were assessed as L and E values and by the isotopic-dilution factor. They gave significant correlations with yield and P uptake in a pot experiment. The E values, which were useful only when measured in the presence of carrier phosphate, and the I.D.F. values were both better in assessing the availability of residual phosphates than were L values on similar soils. re]19701124  相似文献   

Plasmodium (Giovannolaia) durae Herman was originally described from Kenya, the type host being the common turkey, Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus. There are no field records of this association outside of Africa, where the parasite, herein reported from another introduced and domesticated bird (the common peafowl, Pavo cristatus Linnaeus), was recently listed from 2 native Phasianidae of the genus Francolinus. The justification for the present identification is submitted against background data concerning malaria parasites from turkeys and other Galliformes in Africa and elsewhere, and restraint is urged in describing yet more "new species" of avian Plasmodium belonging to morphologically close taxa within Novyella and Giovannolaia. A near relative of P. durae, Plasmodium dissanaikei de Jong, is transferred from the former subgenus to the latter one.  相似文献   

The following analysis holds that explanation of the emergence of agricultural wage lbor in northern Nigeria depends on determining the dynamics of what are here called critical historical conjunctures. It examines three such conjunctures, historical moments in which an ecological calamity converges with a crisis in the political economy. It is proposed that identification of such conjunctures expedites the movement of the analyst from the micro to the macro level and between the domains of ecology and political economy. As such, it addresses the methodological issues of boundary definition, scale, and time depth in human ecological study.This paper was presented originally at a seminar at Hunter College, March 13, 1982.  相似文献   

Schistosoma curassoni has been recovered from cattle in northern Nigeria. Rectal scrapings of 90 cows slaughtered at the Kano abattoir, Kano, Nigeria during March and April 1986 revealed a prevalence of 7.8% S. bovis and 2.2% S. curassoni. Further examination of the mesenteric and rectal veins of 502 cows showed that the overall prevalence of schistosomiasis was 31.1%. Local Bulinus globosus were infected successfully in the laboratory with s. bovis miracidia.  相似文献   

Moult strategies in the Common Whitethroat Sylvia c. communis trapped in northern Nigeria in April 1999 are analysed. Differences in the extent of moult between age and sex classes are presented. The secondary moult of adult birds is considered to belong to a new pre-breeding moult or an arrested moult, beginning at the normal starting positions on the wing, and not as a continuation of a suspended post-breeding moult. Eccentric moult of primaries was found in nearly 19% of the yearling birds, a pattern that is unusual for Western Palearctic passerines. Some individuals showed resemblance to the split moult pattern described for the Barred Warbler S. nisoria .  相似文献   

Age at puberty and related phenomena were investigated in White Fulani (Bunaji - WF), Sokoto Gudali (SG) and Friesian X Bunaji (FRXWF) Zebu bulls from 28 weeks to 72 weeks of age. Pubertal traits studied included body weight, heart girth, scrotal circumference and sperm production. Puberty was defined as the age at which an ejaculated semen contained at least 50 x 10(6) spermatozoa with a minimum of 10% motility. Age at puberty was 66.89 +/- 1.0, 73.4 +/- 2.2 and 62.4 +/- 10.7 weeks for WF, SG and FRXWF bulls respectively. The Bunaji bulls were significantly younger than the Sokoto Gudali bulls at production of first motile sperm cell and also at puberty (P<0.01). The SG bulls were significantly heavier (P<0.01) and had larger heart girth (P<0.05) than the FRxWF at production of first motile sperm cells. Body weight and heart girth for all the breeds were not different at puberty (P>0.1). Scrotal circumference of the bulls between the breeds at production of first motile sperm cells and at puberty, did not differ (P 0.>1), despite the variations in age, weight and heart girth at production of first motile sperm cell and at puberty. It is concluded from the data obtained that the indigenous breeds of bulls (Bos indicus ) seem to attain puberty later than exotic breeds (Bos taurus ). The inter-play of genetic, nutritional and environmental factors as a contribution to this delay in attainment of puberty could not be ruled out.  相似文献   

Xanthomonas citri subsp. malvacearum (Xcm) causes severe qualitative and quantitative losses to farmers in cotton-growing areas of the world. Isolates of Xcm were extracted from cotton seeds obtained from five ginneries located in Funtua, Malumfashi, Gusau and Zaria and standardised to 10?5?cfu/ml. One isolate per location was used to inoculate three sets of 10 cotton differential lines known to differentiate races of Xcm through possession of B-genes for resistance to bacterial blight. Each cotton differential line was inoculated with the isolates at the six-leaf stage and SDW was inoculated as control. One hundred and sixty pots used were arranged in completely randomised design on the screen house bench. Four different pathogenic races were identified namely race 1, race 12, race 13 and race 16. This confirms the existence of an evolution of the species across northern Nigeria.  相似文献   

Cultivation of Telfairia occidentalis, an important vegetable grown in central and southern Nigeria, has gradually diffused to northern Nigeria where it has gained an economic importance. Its cultivation is, however, threatened by wilt disease occurring in farmers’ fields. A preliminary survey of farmers’ fields indicated that the disease was severe in fields with high root-knot population compared to the fields with less root-knot. Using Koch's postulate, the wilt causative organism was identified as Fusarium spp. The objective of this study was to determine therole of Meloidogyne incognita and its interaction with Fusarium oxysporum onwilt development in T. occidentalis. Four-week-old seedlings, raised in heat sterilised soil, were inoculated with Fusarium spp. and M. incognita under screenhouse condition. Seedlings were either inoculated with M. incognita and/or F.oxysporum as sole infection and as combined infection in a complex. Combined infection with both pathogens produced wilt symptom on the plant and gave significantly lower vegetative yield (p = 0.05) than sole inoculation with either M.incognita or F. oxysporum, except where the seedlings were mechanically inoculated with F. oxysporum. Results from the screenhouse studies were consistent with the field observations.  相似文献   


Cotton production in Nigeria causes fluctuating socio-economic and biotic factors. Bacterial blight induced by Xanthomonas campestris pv malvacearum causes the greatest yield loss annually. A study was therefore carried out to investigate the resurgence of the disease on 10 different cotton genotypes in Dowaya, Kem and Ngurore which are the major cotton areas of Adamawa state of Nigeria under field conditions. Other objectives were to determine the relationship between the different manifestations of bacterial blight and the yield of seed cotton and to identify resistance in the selected genotypes to the disease manifestations. Results revealed the presence of angular leaf spot, vein and boll rot manifestations of the disease in the study areas. The absence of vein blight symptoms in the Kem location did not result in higher yield because the severity of the leaf spot for this location was relatively higher than for the other two locations. Results also revealed that despite the high severity of angular leaf spot, high boll rot and vein blight incidences observed particularly on SAMCOT-11, SAMCOT-13 and ex-Benin in these locations with a high yield of seed cotton was recorded. The three multi-adversity resistant genotypes (MAR), TX-CDP37HH-1-83, TAMCOT SP-21S and TAMCOT CAMD-E recorded relatively lower severity and incidences in both cases. There was, however, a significantly negative correlation between angular leaf spot severity, boll rot incidence and yield at Kem location, significant negative correlation between angular leaf spot severity, boll rot incidence, vein blight and yield at Dowaya location, as well as significant negative correlation between angular leaf spot severity, vein blight and yield at Ngurore location. The tolerant and high yielding SAMCOT-11, SAMCOT-13 and ex-Benin should through breeding work be improved to be used for production in this area and its surroundings.  相似文献   

Sera from 36 slaughtered camels with proven hydatid disease, from 46 camels found to be free of hydatidosis at post-mortem meat inspection, and from 26 animals with confirmed caprine heartwater, bovine trypanosomiasis and cysticercosis were examined. The indirect haemagglutination was found to be the most sensitive but least specific of the three tests. Ouchterlony's double diffusion (DD) test was specific and fairly sensitive. Although the countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis was as specific as DD, it was the least sensitive of the three serological tests. All three serological tests were always positive in camels with hydatid cyst infection affecting both the liver and the lung. A combination of indirect haemagglutination and Ouchterlony's double diffusion test could be useful for diagnosing hydatidosis in camels and probably other animals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: This study was carried out to investigate the status of brucellosis in cattle under various management systems in Adamawa, Kaduna and Kano states, northern Nigeria. Using multi-stage sampling, serum samples of 4,745 cattle from 271 herds were tested using the Rose-Bengal plate-agglutination test (RBPT) and positives were confirmed using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA). RESULTS: Prevalence estimates were calculated by adjusting for sampling weights and where possible for test sensitivity and specificity. Thirty-seven percent of all animals were RBPT positive, and after confirmation with c-ELISA the overall animal-level prevalence, adjusted for sampling weights, was 26.3% (95% CI, 22.1%-31.0%). Of the herds sampled, 210 (77.5%; 95% CI, 68.6%-84.5%) had at least one animal positive to both tests; this did not differ significantly between states (P = 0.538). Mean within-herd seroprevalence in positive herds was 30.2% (95% CI, 25.3%-35.1%) and ranged from 3.1% to 85.7%. Overall animal-level seroprevalences of 29.2% (95% CI, 22.5%-36.9%) (n = 1827), 23.3% (95% CI, 18.9%-28.3%) (n = 1870) and 26.7% (95% CI, 18.8%-36.7%) (n = 1048) were observed in Adamawa, Kaduna and Kano states, respectively (P = 0.496). A significantly higher seroprevalence was found in males (38.2%; 95% CI, 31.7%-45.2%) than in females (24.7%; 95% CI, 20.4%-29.5%) (P < 0.001) and in non-pregnant females (27.8%; 95% CI, 22.9%-33.5%) than in pregnant females (17.2%; 95% CI, 13.6%-21.5%) (P < 0.001). Seroprevalence increased with increasing age (P < 0.001), from 13.5% (95% CI, 8.9%-19.9%) in cattle <4 years to 35.0% (95% CI, 28.5%-42.3%) in cattle >7 years. Seroprevalence also varied between management systems (P < 0.001): pastoral systems 45.1% (95% CI, 38.6%-51.9%), zero-grazing systems 23.8% (95% CI, 6.8%-59.2%), agro-pastoral systems 22.0% (95% CI, 17.3%-27.8%), and commercial farms 15.9% (95% CI, 9.5%-25.5%). Seroprevalence did not differ significantly between breeds or lactation status. CONCLUSION: This is the first large study to assess the prevalence of bovine brucellosis over a wide geographic area of northern Nigeria, in a variety of management systems and using accurate tests. The seroprevalence of brucellosis was high, and higher than results of previous studies in northern Nigeria. The pastoral management systems of the traditional Fulanis may be encouraging the dissemination of the disease. Public enlightenment of the farmers about the disease, vaccination and appropriate national control measures are recommended.  相似文献   

Daudu CS 《Theriogenology》1984,21(2):317-324
Fifteen Red Sokoto goats (bucks) aged 2 to 2 1 2 years with a mean body weight of 17.80+/-1.24 kg were used for studying daily spermatozea output, testicular and epididymal sperm reserves. Semen ejaculates were obtained from each buck and evaluated daily for six weeks. Semen characteristics were as follows: volume, 0.72+/-0.91ml; colour, milky/creamy; sperm concentration/ml, 0.61+/-0.05 x 10(9); mass motility, 3.80+/-0.33; individual metility, 77.50+/-5.60; and normal sperm morphology, 80.00+/-10.50. Mean scretal circumference was 21.80+/-0.29. Mean testicular and spididymal (capita, corpora and caudas) weights (gm) were 83.74+/-5.33, 7.27+/-0.63, 2.22+/-0.23 and 6.13+/-0.73 respectively. Corresponding sperm reserves were 44.32+/-5.79, 8.82+/-1.95, 4.99+/-0.86 and 45.64+/-7.87 x 10(9). Scrotal circumference was positively correlated to testicular weight (r = 0.86), testicular spermatids (r = 0.77), and caudas spermatozoa (r = 0.83).  相似文献   

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